FNCP Final
FNCP Final
FNCP Final
Family Inability to After 1 week of Advantages of using pills Health After 1 week of
size provide a nursing Teaching nursing
home a. Convenient and
beyond intervention, the intervention the
environment easy to use.
what household will b. Reversible, rapid household
which is
family conducive to learn the return to fertility. Home Visit already know
resources health benefits of family c. Does not interfere the benefits of
can maintenance planning with sexual family
adequatel and personal intercourse. plannning
y provide development Disadvantages of using
due to lack of pills
space to 1. Advantage
construct s of taking a. Offers no protection
facilities pills against sexually
2. Disadvanta transmitted
ges of diseases.
using pills
3. Advantage
s of using Advantages of using male
male condom
4. Disadvanta a. Safe and has no
ges of hormonal effects.
using male
Disadvantages of using
male condom
a. May cause allergies.
b. Interferes in sexual