Computer Network

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: 370 BSC 2303

No. of Printed Pages : 05
Following Paper IDand Roll No. to be filled in your Answer Book.
PAPER ID:29923 No.Roll

B.Sc. (Honours) Examination 2022-23

(Odd Semester)

Time: Three Hours) [Maximum Marks : 60

Note :- Attempt all questions.


1. Attempt all parts of the following: 8x1=8

(a) Differentiate between LAN and WAN in
Computer network.
(b) What do you mean by MAC addressincomputer

(c) Difference between analog and digital signal.

(d) What doyou mean by ARP and RARP?
(e) Define TCP and UDP in computer network.
IP T.0.
BSC 2303 2

() Write the name of layer-2 (data link layer)

devices with example.

(g) Difference betwèen half duplex and full duplex

transmission mode.
(h) List the advantages and disadvantages of

: 2x6=12
2. Attempt any two parts of the following
(a) What are the switching techniques in
network? Explain the:

(i) Packet switching techniques

(ii) Circuit switching techniques
model and
(b) Explain in details both OSIreference
TCP/IP model anddifference between them with
suitable diagram.
(c) What are the functions of network layer and
protocols? Explain about:
(i) Internet Control Message Protocol ([CMP)
(ii) Internet Group Management ProtocOl
3 BSC 2303
(d) Write a short notes on any two with suitable
(i) SMTP
(ii) HTTP
(iii) TELNET

Note :- Attempt all questions. Attempt any two parts
from each question. 5x8=40

3. (a) Difference between multiplexer and

demultiplexer with suitable diagram and
(b) Explain in details about network topology and
types of topology in computer network with
suitable example.
(c) Explain and difference between serial
transmission and parallel transmission in
computer work with suitable arguments.
4. (a) Write in details about data link layer functions
and protocols and explain to error-detection and
error-correction techniques during data

/P TO.
BSC2303 4

(b Write a short notes on any of the two

(i) Stop and waitARO

(ii) Go-back-n-ARQ
(ii) Point to point protocol
(c) What is a 'modem'? Write the functions and
difference between dial-up modem and Digital
Subscriber Line (DSL) modem.

5. (a) Write ashort notes on any ofthetwo:

(i) Shortest path routing algorithm
(ii) Distance-Vector Routing (DVR)

(iii) Ethernet LANS

(b) Explain and difference between any one part

(i) Hubs and Repeaters


(ii) Bridges and Switches


(iii) Routers and Gateways

5 BSC 2303

(c) What do you mean by IP address and class of

address in computer network? Explain with
suitable example of all classes of IP address.

6. (a) Explain in details about transport layer

functions and protocols with suitable example
and diagram.
(b) Write in details about three-way
with suitablearguments and diagrams.
of the following:
(c) Write a notes on any two
(i) Www

(ii) POP
(iii) FTP


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