Compilation of Platings in Microbiology

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d. Sporothrix
8. Bacterial cause of mycetoma
1. Most common Sporotrichosis a. Nocardia
a. Cutaneous b. Actinomadura
b. Pulmonary c. Streptomyces
c. Disseminated d. AOTA
d. Lymphocutaneous
9. Flower vase like phialides is exhibited by
2. Sclerotic bodies are: a. Cladosporium
a. Endospores within spherules b. Fonseca
b. Conidia inside macrophages c. Phialophora
c. Muriform cells inside giant cells d. Sporothrix
d. Spores inside mononuclear cells
10. A 50 yo tourist punctured his right foot while
3. Most common type of dematiaceous fungi: participating in a local virtual reality TV
a. F. predrosoi show while running thru an exotic jungle
b. C. carionii terrain. After a month, the foot had gradually
c. P. verrucosa become markedly swollen with ulcerating
d. F. compacta and fungating lesions with drainage of hard
and soft granules. Most likely impression?
4. Branching chains of conidia with a. Sporotrichosis
acropetalous budding is a description for b. Maduromycosis
a. C. carionii c. Lobomycosis
b. Exiphiala spp. d. Chromblastomycosis
c. P. verrucosa

5. Which of the ff exhibits cleisthothecia pattern 1. A 46 yo male balikbayan from Arizona,USA

of sporulation? sought consult because of fever and cough of
a. Phialophora 3 weeks duration. This is accompanied by
b. Cladosporium chills and night sweats. On PE, a 3cm mass
c. Fonseca wall noted on the L chest wall and several
d. Mycetoma non-tender lymph nodes were palpated on the
axilla. Chest xray revealed cavitations on the
6. Tissue phase of chromomycosis apices of both lungs. Tubercullin test is
a. Rosette pattern negative. Histopath of the mass showed
b. Club shaped conidiophore spherules filled with endospores. What is the
c. Sclerotic bodies most likely dx?
d. Spherules a. Blastomyces
b. Histoplasmosis
7. Large sporangia with spherules is associated c. Paracoccidiodomycosis
with d. Coccidiodomycosis
a. Loboa
b. Rhinosporidium 2. Which of the ff is true regarding H.
c. Phialophora capsulatum?


a. Involvement of the respiratory 8. Most virulent of all fungal pathogens with
system is more common for H. highest endemicity in San Joaquin Valley in
capsulatum var duboisii California
b. Budding yeast with broad-based bid a. C. immitis
is diagnostic of the infection b. H. capsulatum
c. Associated with starlings and guano c. B. dermatitidis
bats d. P. brasiliensis
d. Acquired thru inhalation of
chlamydiaspores 9. The presence of single broad based buds of
KOH mount is a feature of
3. Which of the ff is correct regaring P. a. Blastomyces
marneffei? b. Penicillium
a. Only exists as a yeast c. Paracoccidiodes
b. Involves mononuclear phagocytic d. Histoplasma
c. Produce a lavender colored 10. Drug of choice for treatment of disseminated
mycelium Histoplasmosis
d. Dissemination is uncommon a. Amphotericin B
b. Itraconazole
4. Multiple budding yeast cell is characteristic c. Fluconazole
of which of the ff fungi d. A and C
a. C. immitis
b. H. capsulatum var duboisii OPPORTUNISTIC MYCOSES
c. P. brasiliensis
d. B. dermatitidis 1. A 70 yo male with leukemia underwent bone
marrow transplantation and now receiving
5. Involvement of the reticuloendothelial high dose of Cyclosporine A and Prednisone.
system is more common with After one week, suddenly became febrile and
a. H. capsulatum var capsulati with productive cough. KOH preparation of
b. H. capsulatum var duboisii sputum revealed dichotomous branching
c. P. marneffei septate hyphae. What is the etiologic agent?
d. B. dermatidis a. Aspergilus sp.
b. Candida sp.
6. Appearance of spherules with ensopores in c. Rhizopus sp.
tissues is a significatnt morphologic finding d. Mucor sp.
noted in
a. Histoplasma capsulatum 2. Which of the ff is an important virulence
b. Coccidiodes immitis factor of C. neoformans?
c. Penicillium marneffei a. Capsule
d. Blastomyces dermatitidis b. Pili
c. Hyphae
7. Excreta of bats can be source of infection of d. Glycoprotein spikes
this mycotic infection
a. Histoplasmosis 3. Each of the ff statements concerning C.
b. Paracoccidiodomycosis albicans is correct except
c. Coccidiodomycosis a. C. albicans is a budding yeast that
d. South American Blastomycosis forms pseudohyphae when it
invades tissue


b. C. albicans causes oral thrush d. Cryptococcus sp.
c. C. albicans is transmitted primarily
by respiratory aerosol 9. All statements are true of Candida sp. except
d. Impaired cell mediated immunity is a. Most common invasive fungal
an important predisposing factor to infection
disease b. Classifies as dimorphic fungi
4. Fungal infection caused by a fungus that c. Strict aerobe that favors moist
produces broad non-spetate hyphae and surfaces for growth
commonly invades the blood vessels of d. Thin walled chlamydospore is
diabetic patients is diagnostic
a. Aspergillosis e. ALL
b. Zygomycoses
c. Cryptococcosis 10. Most common cause of fungal meningitis
d. Candidiasis a. C. neoformans
b. A, flavus
c. C. albicans
d. Zygomycoces spp.
5. A 42 yo male with AIDS presents at the clinic
d/t progressively increasing dyspnea over the
past 3 weeks. He complains of dry, painful
cough, fatigue, and low grade fever. Chest
xray shpws bilateral symmetrical interstitial
and alveolar infiltratres. What is the possible
etiologic agen? 1. Which of the following describes the naked
a. H. capsulatum viruses?
b. P. jiroveci a. Environmentally labile
c. Aspergillus spp. b. Cannot survive in the GI tract
d. C. albicans c. Virion is identical to nucleocapsid
d. Modifies cell membrane during
6. Aflatoxin present in cereals and grains replication
causing hepatotoxicity is commonly
associated with 2. Which of the ff virus pairings is composed of
a. A. fumigatus a DNA virus that replicates in the cytoplasm
b. A. flavus and an RNA virus with a nuclear replicative
c. A. niger phase?
d. A. terreus a. Poxvirus and orthomyxoviruses
b. Herpesviruses and paramyxoviruses
7. Uncontrolled DM is a predisposing factor c. Adenoviruses and reoviruses
associated with d. Papilloma viruses and flaviviruses
a. Penicilliosis
b. Aspergillosis 3. These viral proteins may have
c. Pneumocytosis hemagglutinatin or neuraminidase activity
d. Zygomycosis and may promote cell membrane fusion
a. Membrane protein
8. Ribbon like, thick walled non-sepatate b. Matrix protein
hyphae is feature of c. Capsomeres
a. Aspergillus sp. d. Glycoprotein
b. Mucor sp.
c. Pneumocystis jirovecii


4. Linear, single stranded DNA is the genetic 10. This virus belongs to the family Parvoviridae
material of that requires the help of another virus to
a. Calciviruses complete its replication
b. Flaviviruses a. Adenovirus
c. Papillomaviruses b. Adeno-associated virus
d. Parvoviruses c. Picornaviruses
d. Herpes virus


5. This virus composed of nucleic acid and
proteins but cannot replicate without a helper
1. A 2 yo boy who did not receive any
immunization developed measles infection.
a. Retrovirus
The virus is enveloped and has a genome that
b. Deltavirus
is of negative polarity. Which among the ff is
c. Hepadnavirus
correct regarding the replication cycle of the
d. Reovirus
a. It needs to carry its own RNA
6. Virus with a double stranded DNA
polymerase since it replicates in the
a. Polyomavirus
cytoplasm of the host cell
b. Reovirus
b. The virus may have entered the host
c. Calicivirus
cell through clathrin-mediated
d. Coronavirus
c. The early phase of replication of the
7. Which of the ff is a defective virus?
virus leads to synthesis of capsid
a. Hepadnavirus
d. New viral progenies are released
b. Adenovirus
from the infected cell through lysis
c. Picornavirus
of infected cells
d. Coronavirus
2. In the above case, which enzyme will be
8. These structures project on the surfave of
utilized by the virus in order to undergo
enveloped viruses and used for attachment to
mRNA synthesis?
host cell receptors
a. DNA-dependent RNA polymerase
a. Peplomers
b. DNA-dependent DNA polymerase
b. Tegument
c. RNA-dependent RNA polymerase
c. Capsid
d. RNA-dependent DNA polymerase
d. Capsomeres
3. Which of the following viruses creates a
9. The best way to describe a viroid is
DNA intermediary molecule from the
a. A molecule of circular RNA without
information in their RNA genome?
a protein coat or envelope
a. (+) sense ssRNA viruses with RNA-
b. It is an intact infectious
dependent DNA polymerase
proteinaceous material capable of
b. (-) sense ssRNA viruses
c. (+) ssRNA viruses
c. It is comprised of lipid membrane
d. dsDNA viruses
and nucleic acid
d. It is made up of both nucleic acid


4. In order for a virus to replicate c. Poxvirus
a. The capsid must enter the host d. ALL
b. The host cell must be undergoing
c. The genome must be released in the DIAGNOSIS, EFFECTS OF VIRUS TO
cytoplasm HOST CELL
d. The host cell must lack a cell
membrane 1. A 25 yo sex worker presents to the local
clinic with a localized vesicular eruption on
5. Which among the ff steps is pH-independent? the shaft of his penis. A scraping of the base
a. Ligand-mediated fusion of one of the vesicles is (+) for Tzanck cells.
b. Receptor-mediated endocytosis The causative agent described evades the
c. Uncoating host defenses by which of the ff mechanisms?
d. A and B a. Produces homologues of
immunosuppressive cytokine
6. Mode of entry for both enveloped and naked b. Neutralizes IFN-y by acting as a
viruses soluble IFN receptor
a. Receptor mediated endocytosis c. Produces multiple antigenic types
b. Viral ligand mediated fusion (multiple serotypes)
c. Direct viral penetration d. Binds to or alter localization of
d. Budding MHC class I proteins

7. Which of the ff is a double stranded RNA 2. A policeman accidentally sticks his finger
viruses with a drug addict’s syringe needle. He is
a. Picornavirus concerned that he may be infected with HIV.
b. Flavivirus Samples are taken from the policeman a
c. Retrovirus month later for analysis. What assays would
d. Reovirus be appropriate to confirm whether the man is
infected with the virus?
8. Able to utilize host cell DNA dependent a. RT-PCR
RNA polymerase b. ELISA
a. DNA virus c. Direct Immunofluorecence
b. (-) strand RNA d. Southern blot technique
c. poxvirus
d. dsRNA 3. Which one of the ff is a fundamental principle
of viral disease?
9. Herpesvirus is released from which part of a. Disease produced bears no
the host cell relationship with its morphology
a. Plasma membrane b. A particular disease syndrome has a
b. Nuclear membrane single viral cause
c. Endoplasmic reticulum c. One virus type induces a single
d. Inclusion bodies disease syndrome
d. All viruses produce clinical disease
10. Requires virion associated RNA polymerase
for replication
a. (+) strand RNA virus
b. DNA virus


4. Vesicles ff the course of cranial nerves are c. Observaing the presence of CPE
clinical manifestation of which of the ff viral d. By means of light microscopy
a. Herpes zoster 10. During the initial viral infection the infected
b. German measles cell produces host coded antiviral protein that
c. Chicken pox prevents viral CHON synthesis which is
d. Herpes simplex a. IgM
5. This virus causes cessation of host protein b. IgG
synthesis by inhibiting translation of 5’- c. Interferon
capped mRNA d. TNF
a. Varicella zoster
b. Rotavirus
c. Herpes virus
d. Poliovirus

6. Multinucleated cell formed by fusion of

unicellular cells is characteristic of which
a. Cytomegalovirus
b. Flavivirus
c. Rotavirus
d. Togavirus

7. One of these tests is considered an indirect

diagnostic technique in detecting presence of
viral infection
a. Antigen detection
b. Antibodies
c. Electron microscopy
d. Viral genome detection

8. Which of these features allows for stealth or

latency as seen in the likes of herpes viruses
and varicella
a. Blockage of IFN an inflammatory
b. Degradation of MHC class I
c. Activation of IFN-induced signal
d. Activation of the complement

9. The most sensitive method and the gold

standard of detecting infection by CMV in
the newborn is through
a. Culture and isolation of the virus
b. Identification of characteristic
multinucleated giant cells


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