Conditioning Week 2
Conditioning Week 2
Conditioning Week 2
Do the suggested Suggested Warm Suggested Warm Suggested Warm Suggested Warm Suggested Warm
warm up at least if Up Up Up Up Up
not more
Station 1 Front/Back Jump Surrenders - each Tricep Dips 180 degree jump Unilateral Abducter
Squats leg leading, toes squats Glute Bridges
forward, hold form,
use weights if you
Station 2 Plank Jacks Split Jump Lunge Burpees Side Lunge to Back Plank ups
(Plyometric Split Lunge - do your
Squat in reps with one leg
plyometrics then do the other -
workout handbook) use weights if you
- alternate lunges can
but jump for height
from one lunge to
the next - make
sure to use your
arms as you would
in an approach - if
this is easy use
weights but watch
a video first for
Station 3 Skater Strides Plank Shoulder Bilateral Press Wall Sit with Calf Bicep Curl to
Touches Raise Overhead Press
Station 4 Split Squats (Not Squats - Use Squat to overhead Sumo Squats - use Romanian Dead Lift
the same as split weights if you can press weight if you can - each leg
squat jumps) - Use
weights if you can
Station 5 Reverse Lunges - Plank Ups - start in Renegade Row Front/Back Jump Lunge Jumps
each leg, slow for fore arm plank and Squats
for and recovery move to high plank
then back to
forearm. Lead with
one arm for your
reps then lead with
other arm ( 5
putting left arm
down and up first,
5 putting right arm
down and up first)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Station 6 Russian Twists - Froggers Russian Twists Tuck Jumps Wood Chops -
twist both ways for need to do both
1 rep - use weights sides
if you can
Station 7 Burpees - Make Mountain Climbers Crab Walks Mountain Climbers Burpees
sure you are
keeping form and
exploding for height
when you jump - if
you are a blocker
you need to be
doing jumping just
like you would
block pressing your
arms out over the
net, this is muscle