Free 6 Weeks Speed Agility

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6 Weeks
Speed and Agility
I enjoy giving back and sharing not just the exercises and the coaching cues included here but I know the template may also be useful. The tabs are
labeled Linear, Lateral and Xover (Crossover). I have 2 of each direction. I recommend running them at least 3 weeks in a row, which is why I said
it's 6 weeks total. You can absolutley tweak and make it fit your space and needs but the resisted athleticism you will see stays constant. That is
something I believe can be beneficial long term ESPECIALLY in the high school setting. Each day also has a medball section. Medballs are a huge
part of any program I write. They give the athelte the ability to be explosive and move faster than other power exercises in the weightroom. A power
exercise to me is one with all acceleration and no deceleration. The top 3rd of a squat contains deceleration. We can see this bc the bar stops, one
way to eliminate or reduce the deceleration is to jump. That's what we are doing with Medballs except they are lighter, moving faster, and it allows
use to work different planes of motion. So not a replacement, but a compliment to power exercises in the weight room.

For resisted athleticism, including resisted march, bound, sprint, lateral push to base, resisted
crossover etc.. The recoil 360 is what I use. I do not get paid, or get any kick back just simply
sharing what I use and prefer. They are $60 and I put the link to the right if you're interested in
buying. If you have a team you work with of 60, you would only need 30. Half can work, but the
other half has to hold the bungee.

Lastly, if anyone is in need of team or individual programming my contact info is on the right. I
have many group programming options online as well as customized training options. The QR code
on the right will take you to an intake questionairre which allows me to guide you to the best
option for you.
Linear Acceleration
Week 1-3 Day 3 Session Focus: Linear Acceleration
Exercise Reps
Coaching Notes Suggested Layout
Body Squat 10 Feet shoulder width apart keep feet flat chest tall. Arms out for strugglers
Reverse Lunge with reach 5 each Reach up tall push hips forward, most of the weight stays on front foot

Dynamic Quad Stretch 5 each Grab ankle not foot and hold is a couple seconds, don't rush
Inch Worms 5 yards out Keep legs straight, walk hands out, do a push up and raise hips up as you inch
Warm Up
Tier 1

Knee Hug to Inverted Hamstring 5 yards back Hold the knee hug and establish balance, same with inverted hamstring
Linear March 10 yards out and 10 yards back Agressive arms, punch divots into the ground
Linear Skip 10 yard out and 10 yards back Be reactive and elastic off the ground. Tall Posture
Skip for Height 15 yards out and 15 yards back Get up higher each skip, use aggressive arms. FLOAT
10 Minutes Base Pogos 3 sets of 5 seconds Each set faster than the last
Athletes are standing tall on their toes arms extended overhead. Give them a go call and
they are to snap the arms down and drop into an athletic landing postion. Good opportunity
Drops: Tall to Base 2 Sets of 5 Reps to teach the athletes what a good landing looks like. For them it's good practice. They
want to land in the middle of thier feet with arms snapping down AND back with a tall chest.
Cues: land in the mid foot, chest tall, I should be able to see your logo, arms back LOADED
Start feet flat arms extended overhead. Give them a load call, athletes are to load the arms
Plyometrics and drop hips ready to jump. After a short pause give them a go call and they are to jump
Tier 2

NCM Hurdle Jumps 3 Sets of 5 Jumps UP high as they can, then land in athletic position. Reset and repeat. Aggressive arms are
attributed to 18% of jump height, cue aggressive arms. Try to hit top of head on the clouds.
Snap down into that loaded positon they worked on with the drops on the landing
Start feet flat arms extended overhead. Give them a load call, athletes are to load the arms
and drop hips ready to jump. After a short pause give them a go call and they are to jump
NCM Broad Jumps 2 Sets of 3 Reps OUT far as they can, then land in athletic position. Reset and repeat. Easy to make this a

10 Minutes contest, whoever gets the furthest in 3 reps wins. If they don't stick landing they have to
go back to starting line

The ball is at the chest elbows under the ball. Feet shoulder width apart they are to
load into a powerful lauching position and pause a good 2 seconds. Then explode up
NCM Squat to Throw 2 sets of 3 reps
and throwing the ball as high as they can. Working on using leg drive to tranfser that
Med Balls energy up through the ball. The ball should go straigh up and land at their feet
Tier 3

Open Space and Wall for Perpendicular Medball Throw

Throw is from the shoulder, toss is from hip FYI. For now make sure they are
pausing on the load. Relate this to hitting, they need to improve ability to create
NCM Perpendicular Medball Throw 2 sets of 5 reps each side
force starting from the ground. Need to see the shift down into the back leg,
10 Minutes coil upper body. After a pause EXPLODE. Intent must be high

Resisted Acceleration- Bands or Straps

The strap or bungee keeps the athlete at 45 degree angle to work. You're
Resisted Linear March 2x for 10 Yards looking for big arm action and knees up high while punching divots into the
ground. The march is a steady frequency, not fast.

Start with a 5 yard march then start the bound at 5 yards through 20 yards. The
bound is a slow but high output frequency. Arm action will drive leg action, you
Resisted Linear Bound 2x for 15 Yards
need big aggressive arms, speed is behind you, drive the elbows behind. Like
you're trying to get a watch off your wrist.
Tier 4

Difference here is the frequency, this is full speed still using big aggressive
Resisted 10 yard Sprint 2x for 10 Yards
arms with a fast cadence.

Linear Change of Direction

Inisde arm on the cone to start and to finish. This forces the athlete to decel
Accel Deccel Cone Drill 2-3 sets each side
into the outside leg.

Linear Agility
15 Yard Sprint from 2pt Stance 1 Set This is always fun and competitive. Partner up, one teammate is 3-4 yards ahead of
15 Yard Sprint from 1/2 Kneeling Position 2 Sets- 1 each side the other in each position. The partner behind will chase and try to tag them on thier
first movement. If there's time let each athlete have a turn on offense for each
15 Minutes 15 Yard Sprint from Prone Position
15 Yard Sprint from Supine Position
1 Set
1 Set position. If time is short just 1 position per player is fine
Lateral Speed and Agility
Week 1-3 Day 3 Session Focus: Lateral Movement
Exercise Reps
Coaching Notes Suggested Layout
Lateral Squat 10 Feet start wide with toes forward. Keep both feet "glued" to the ground
Cradle 5 each Grab the ankle and the knee pull up and hold 2 seconds each rep

Dynamic Worlds Greatest Stretch 5 each Forward lunge with rotation. Video attached is a good demo
Toe Touches 5 each Lightly touch the heel in front, weight stays on back foot, touch toe
Warm Up
Tier 1

Lateral March 10 yards out and 10 yards back Emphasis is on pushing off the back leg. Maintain knee height, don't reach
Lateral Skip 10 yards out and 10 yards back Emphasize driving off the back side to cover distance
Lateral Shuffle w Arm Swing 15 yard out and 15 yards back Straight forward here
Carioca 15 yards out and 15 yards back Work on separating upper body and lower body with arm action
10 Minutes Lateral 2 Inch Run 2 yards out 2 yards back, 2 sets Each set faster than the last
Athletes are standing tall on their toes arms extended overhead. Give them a go call and
they are to snap the arms down and drop into an athletic landing postion. Good opportunity
Drops: Tall to Single Leg 2 Sets of 3 Reps each side to teach the athletes what a good landing looks like. For them it's good practice. They
want to land in the middle of thier feet with arms snapping down AND back with a tall chest.
Cues: land in the mid foot, chest tall, I should be able to see your logo, arms back LOADED
Start with the back side foot on the ground and front side off the ground. The front foot
Plyometrics should hover the shadow, don't lift it up high, pretend that foot is on an invisible tennis ball.
Tier 2

NCM Medial Hurdle Hops 3 Sets of 3 Hops each side Have them load down and hold for a second. Use the arms just like a jump and land on the
same foot as the video shows. Reset and repeat, be sure to flip sides on the second set of 3

In a baseball stance load down, pause and then explode out in a rotational manner. The
athlete should stick the landing in an athletic base. Walk back to the line and repeat, try to
NCM Rotational Jumps 2 Sets of 3 Reps each side cover more ground each jump. Really use the arms to create more power. You do not need
10 Minutes hurdles for these just space and a line to start on.

Very simple, drop the hips with the ball in the middle to back of the stance and use
the legs and hips to generate force up to toss the ball as high as possible. The ball
Vertical Medball Granny Toss 2 sets of 3 reps
should land at the feet. Make adjustments if the ball is going forward or backward.
Med Balls Compete by last ball to hit the ground wins, due to that ball going the highest
Tier 3

Parallel has the athletes facing the wall in a powerful stance as they rotate to one Open Space and Wall for Perpendicular Medball Throw
side and toss the ball hard as they can into the wall. Toss means underhand. The ball
NCM Parallel Medball Toss 2 sets of 5 reps each side is put into their hip pocket and working on using the legs and hips to generate power.
10 Minutes Load down and finish UP tall fully extended in the hips. You may even finish up on the
toes which is good
Resisted Acceleration- Bands or Straps
These are important reps. Great for developing sport specific lateral
Lateral Push to Base Singles 2x for 10 Yards movement, hip strength and enhance athletes agility and change of direction.
These reps are one at a time until they cover 10 yards

Same thing here but 2 in a row. Trust me their hips will be burning! Focus
needs to be on the technique, covering distance pushing off the back side. No
Lateral Push to Base Doubles 2x for 15 Yards
shuffle. If athletes are struggling, it helps to have the front foot off the ground
Lateral just hovering. This will allow them to figure out how to push off the back side
Same thing here progressing to continuous reps. REALLY burning here. Key is to
Movement maintain form, do not go so fast you abandon the technique of pushing off the back
Tier 4

Lateral Push to Base Continuous 2x for 15 Yards side. Have them slow down if they lose that push off the back. Create divots in the
Drills ground with the back foot. Note the arm action in the video or have them put hands
on hips
Linear Change of Direction
You can have guys chase each other once they reach first cone next guy can go.
Box Drill 2-3 sets each side
I would try to set up 1 box per 4-6 athletes

Linear Agility
Each round about 2 minutes. Use shirts or bands sticking out of the shorts. Shirst
tucked in. You don't need 2 "flags" one is fine. When an athlete loses his flag he's
Flag Attack 3 Rounds
OUT. The space should be big enough for the team. Last man standing wins, see if
15 Minutes someone can win best of 3. Two boxes are likely best for big group. 20x20
Crossover Speed and Agility
Week 1-3 Day 3
Session Focus: Crossover
Coaching Notes Suggested Layout
Rotational Squat 10 Start in base, lift knee up and rotate out into a squat
Cradle to Lateral Lunge 5 each Grab the ankle and the knee pull up and right into a lateral lunge

Dynamic Knee Hug to Inverted Hamstring 5 each Knee hug right into an airplane
Inch Worms in Place x5 Feet stay in place, legs straight and have the arms do all the work
Warm Up
Tier 1

Crossover March 10 yards out and 10 yards back Emphasis is on pushing off the back leg as it rotates through
Crossover Skip 10 yards out and 10 yards back Emphasize driving off the back side to cover distance
Snapioca 15 yard out and 15 yards back This is a carioca with a higher knee emphaising rotation
Crossover Run 10 yards out and 10 yards back Keep the eyes and body facing the same direction
10 Minutes Base Rotations 2 sets of 5 seconds Each set faster than the last
Athletes are standing tall on their toes arms extended overhead. Give them a go call and
they are to snap the arms down and drop into an athletic landing postion. Good opportunity
Drops: Tall to Single Leg 2 Sets of 3 Reps each side to teach the athletes what a good landing looks like. For them it's good practice. They
want to land in the middle of thier feet with arms snapping down AND back with a tall chest.
Cues: land in the mid foot, chest tall, I should be able to see your logo, arms back LOADED

Plyometrics Each player just needs their own cone or spot on a line. On the first couple reps be sure to
Tier 2

NCM Rotational Bound 3 Sets of 3 Bounds each side prioritize the landing and after some practice start having the athletes see how much
ground they can cover. Landing should be in the mid foot.

Simple with the hurdles have the athletes load with one foot on the ground and the over off
the ground but hovering their shadow. On the go call atheltes use their arms to swing UP
NCM Linear Hurdle Hops 2 Sets of 3 Reps each side and get off the ground high as they can and land on the same foot. Landing is a major point
10 Minutes of emphasis

This is for distance, preferrably with a partner to compete on distance. You can
Tall Kneeling Medball Chest Pass 2 sets of 3 reps also use a wall whatever the space you have allows. Get the hips involved and
Med Balls be aggressive
Tier 3

Athletes in a baseball stance with a shoulder facing the wall. Load back and holding Open Space and Wall for Perpendicular Medball Throw
the ball underhanded, really TOSS the ball with the hips. The arms get involved after
Perpendicular Medball Toss 2 sets of 5 reps each side the hips. Athletes need to generate power from the ground and transfer it up through
10 Minutes the ball. Loading down and back, finishing tall and forward. One rep at a time for
max effort each rep
Resisted Acceleration- Bands or Straps
You are simply working on buidling the crossover. This drill allows them to practice the
first step. The crossover is a heavy push off the front side. Notice the load in the video to
Banded Crossover to Base Singles 2x for 10 Yards the front side, big push and extension while that back knee come up and across ready to
punch the ground. The next drill will let them practice the 2nd step. The key here is
rotation and separation of lower body from upper body
This drill will allow the back side to really push the ground and cover more
distance. After the first step that back side should become the primary focus
Banded Crossover Continuous 3x for 5 Yards out and Back
driving the knee up and over to push the ground. Try to leave a divot in the
Lateral ground each step

Tier 4

Straight forward here, eyes and chest stay oriented in the same direction, as if
Banded Crossover Run 2x for 15 Yards
Drills they are tracking a fly ball and running while they watch the ball

Linear Change of Direction

5 cones are needed per 5 athletes. Setting up multiple W's will allow more guys
W Cone Drill with Crossover Sprint 2-3 sets
to go at once. You can even turn this into a race

Linear Agility
Each player needs a partner. The course should be 10 yards long so they have room
3 Rounds each player on to work. A cone on either side is all you need. 10 seconds each round, one player is
Mirror Drill
Offense 10 seconds each round on "offense" and they simply try to lose the player on defense. They can turn and
15 Minutes run, shuffle anything long as they are on the 10 yard course.
Linear Acceleration
Week 4-6 Day 1 Session Focus: Linear Acceleration
Exercise Reps
Coaching Notes Suggested Layout
Body Squat 10 Feet shoulder width apart keep feet flat chest tall. Arms out for strugglers
Reverse Lunge with reach 5 each Reach up tall push hips forward, most of the weight stays on front foot

Dynamic Quad Stretch 5 each Grab ankle not foot and hold is a couple seconds, don't rush
Inch Worms 5 yards out Keep legs straight, walk hands out, do a push up and raise hips up as you inch
Warm Up
Tier 1

Knee Hug to Inverted Hamstring 5 yards back Hold the knee hug and establish balance, same with inverted hamstring
Linear March 10 yards out and 10 yards back Agressive arms, punch divots into the ground
Linear Skip 10 yard out and 10 yards back Be reactive and elastic off the ground. Tall Posture
Skip for Height 15 yards out and 15 yards back Get up higher each skip, use aggressive arms. FLOAT
10 Minutes Base Pogos 3 sets of 5 seconds Each set faster than the last
Athletes are standing tall on their toes arms extended overhead. Give them a go call and
they are to snap the arms down and drop into an athletic landing postion. Good opportunity
Drops: Tall to Base 2 Sets of 5 Reps to teach the athletes what a good landing looks like. For them it's good practice. They
want to land in the middle of thier feet with arms snapping down AND back with a tall chest.
Cues: land in the mid foot, chest tall, I should be able to see your logo, arms back LOADED
Start feet flat arms extended overhead. There is NO load call anymore. One GO call. In one
Plyometrics motion the athletes aggressively throw their arms down and jump up as high as they can
Tier 2

CM Hurdle Jumps 3 Sets of 5 Jumps and land in athletic position. Reset tall and repeat. Aggressive arms are attributed to 18%
of jump height, cue aggressive arms. Try to hit top of head on the clouds. Important to be
one motion fast down and fast up.
Start feet flat arms extended overhead. Same here there is no load call, have them start tall
hands extended over head. Give them one GO call and they should aggressively throw their
CM Broad Jumps 2 Sets of 3 Reps arms down and jump out as far as they can, then land in athletic position. Reset and repeat.

10 Minutes Easy to make this a contest, whoever gets the furthest in 3 reps wins. If they don't stick
landing they have to go back to starting line
The ball is at the chest elbows under the ball. Feet shoulder width apart with the ball at the
chest. In ONE motion they should aggressively dip down and jump up throwing the ball as
CM Squat Throw 2 sets of 3 reps far overhead as they can. Working on using leg drive to tranfser that energy up through the

Med Balls ball. The ball should go straigh up and land at their feet. Start the group on a go call, the
ball that hits the ground last went the highest, make it a game
Tier 3

Throw is from the shoulder, toss is from hip FYI. No more load, start in a hitting Open Space and Wall for Perpendicular Medball Throw
stance and in one motion they should load down and back and THROW hard as they
CM Perpendicular Medball Throw 2 sets of 5 reps each side can. Relate this to hitting, they need to improve ability to create force starting from
10 Minutes the ground. Need to see the shift down into the back leg, coil upper body. No pausing
on the load anymore just have them EXPLODE. Intent must be high
Resisted Acceleration- Bands or Straps
The strap or bungee keeps the athlete at 45 degree angle to work. You're
Resisted Linear March 2x for 10 Yards looking for big arm action and knees up high while punching divots into the
ground. The march is a steady frequency, not fast.

Start with a 5 yard march then start the bound at 5 yards through 20 yards. The
bound is a slow but high output frequency. Arm action will drive leg action, you
Resisted Linear Bound 2x for 15 Yards
need big aggressive arms, speed is behind you, drive the elbows behind. Like
you're trying to get a watch off your wrist.
Linear Start them bounding for 10 yards, once they hit the 10 yard line they should
Tier 4

transfer automatically to a sprint. The difference in bounds and sprints are the
10 yard Bound to 10 yard Sprint 2x for 10 Yards each
frequency. Bounds are slower frequency working on ground for production,
then the sprint is ground force but as fast as they can.

Linear Change of Direction

Choose any shape you want, be creative but the course should be 10 yards. You can
Curve Linear Sprint 2-3 use different shapes if you have groups. Start them with a go call, then they either
stop on the 10 yard line OR yell STOP early for them to stop. Keep them on their toes

Linear Agility
These must be high quality reps. Run 2 at a time and have 2 coaches timing. If you're able
start recording their sprint times as accurately as you can. Do 3-5 reps depending on the
Timed 20 Yard Sprints 3-5 Sets time you have and also depending on how the guys are perfroming. If they are looking tired
15 Minutes after 3 reps then stop. High quality is the focus, try to give them all the rest they need to
perform 100% effort.
Lateral Speed and Agility
Week 4-6 Day 2 Session Focus: Lateral Movement
Exercise Reps
Coaching Notes Suggested Layout
Lateral Squat 10 Feet start wide with toes forward. Keep both feet "glued" to the ground
Cradle 5 each Grab the ankle and the knee pull up and hold 2 seconds each rep

Dynamic Worlds Greatest Stretch 5 each Forward lunge with rotation. Video attached is a good demo
Toe Touches 5 each Lightly touch the heel in front, weight stays on back foot, touch toe
Warm Up
Tier 1

Lateral March 10 yards out and 10 yards back Emphasis is on pushing off the back leg. Maintain knee height, don't reach
Lateral Skip 10 yards out and 10 yards back Emphasize driving off the back side to cover distance
Lateral Shuffle w Arm Swing 15 yard out and 15 yards back Straight forward here
Carioca 15 yards out and 15 yards back Work on separating upper body and lower body with arm action
10 Minutes Lateral 2 Inch Run 2 yards out 2 yards back, 2 sets Each set faster than the last
Athletes are standing tall on their toes arms extended overhead. Give them a go call and
they are to snap the arms down and drop into an athletic landing postion. Good opportunity
Drops: Tall to Single Leg 2 Sets of 3 Reps each side to teach the athletes what a good landing looks like. For them it's good practice. They
want to land in the middle of thier feet with arms snapping down AND back with a tall chest.
Cues: land in the mid foot, chest tall, I should be able to see your logo, arms back LOADED

Plyometrics Bounding at a 45 degree angle. Each landing should include an extra hop and then into the
Tier 2

45 Degree Bounding with Bounce 3 Sets of 15 yards next bound. Video shows the drill well, athletes should work on covering more ground on
the bounds and being reactive off the ground with the hops

Be sure to get full extension on the legs each bound. Stick each landing for a second but
90 Degree Continuous Rotational Bound 2 Sets of 5 Reps each side continue to work to do 5 reps on each side. Notice the arm action on the video. Very

10 Minutes important to land in the mid foot to control the landings.

This is the same as a vertical granny toss exepct we are starting on an elevated box.
Depth drop right into the vertical toss. Very important to be aggressive off the
Depth Drop to Vertical Granny Toss 2 sets of 3 reps ground. If you can use benches or boxes anything that's about 12-14 inches high will
Med Balls work. If you can't make the box work, add a jump on flat ground and when you land
Tier 3

from the jump then throw the ball up over head.

We worked on the load with the previous phase purposely pasuing in the loaded Open Space and Wall for Perpendicular Medball Throw
position. Now we are simply putting it together in one motion. Dip down and coil and
CM Parallel Medball Hip Toss 2 sets of 5 reps each side explosively toss the ball as hard as you can from the hip. Pretend like your are trying
10 Minutes to spread a handful of rocks as far as you can. Should finish TALL and extended. One
side at a time do not alternate.
Resisted Acceleration- Bands or Straps
These are important reps. Great for developing sport specific lateral
Lateral Push to Base Singles 2x for 10 Yards movement, hip strength and enhance athletes agility and change of direction.
These reps are one at a time until they cover 10 yards

Same thing here but 2 in a row. Trust me their hips will be burning! Focus
needs to be on the technique, covering distance pushing off the back side. No
Lateral Push to Base Doubles 2x for 15 Yards
shuffle. If athletes are struggling, it helps to have the front foot off the ground
Lateral just hovering. This will allow them to figure out how to push off the back side
Same thing here progressing to continuous reps. REALLY burning here. Key is to
Movement maintain form, do not go so fast you abandon the technique of pushing off the back
Tier 4

Lateral Push to Base Continuous 2x for 15 Yards side. Have them slow down if they lose that push off the back. Create divots in the
Drills ground with the back foot. Note the arm action in the video or have them put hands
on hips
Lateral Change of Direction
Number the cones, have multiple guys go at the same time. A coach simply will start calling out
2-3 sets lasting 15 seconds numbers and athletes are to shuffle as fast as they can to the correct cone. Try to say the next
Lateral Reactive Cone Drill number just as they are reaching the correct cone to keep them moving. You can also start slow
and work to faster
Lateral Agility
Each round is 10 seconds. Have the guys partner up, one guy is on offense, the other
3 Rounds 10 seconds of work defense. The offensive player tries to lose the defensive player. They have to use lateral
Mirror Drill Lateral Shuffle Only
each round movement only, they cannot turn and run. To spice it up have the offensive player put a
15 Minutes flag on each side of waist band and the defensive player can try to grab them
Crossover Speed and Agility
Week 4-6 Day 3
Session Focus: Crossover
Coaching Notes Suggested Layout
Rotational Squat 10 Start in base, lift knee up and rotate out into a squat
Cradle to Lateral Lunge 5 each Grab the ankle and the knee pull up and right into a lateral lunge

Dynamic Knee Hug to Inverted Hamstring 5 each Knee hug right into an airplane
Inch Worms in Place x5 Feet stay in place, legs straight and have the arms do all the work
Warm Up
Tier 1

Crossover March 10 yards out and 10 yards back Emphasis is on pushing off the back leg as it rotates through
Crossover Skip 10 yards out and 10 yards back Emphasize driving off the back side to cover distance
Snapioca 15 yard out and 15 yards back This is a carioca with a higher knee emphaising rotation
Crossover Run 10 yards out and 10 yards back Keep the eyes and body facing the same direction
10 Minutes Base Rotations 2 sets of 5 seconds Each set faster than the last
Athletes are standing tall on their toes arms extended overhead. Give them a go call and
they are to snap the arms down and drop into an athletic landing postion. Good opportunity
Drops: Tall to Single Leg 2 Sets of 3 Reps each side to teach the athletes what a good landing looks like. For them it's good practice. They
want to land in the middle of thier feet with arms snapping down AND back with a tall chest.
Cues: land in the mid foot, chest tall, I should be able to see your logo, arms back LOADED

Plyometrics Just have the guys line up on one long line, one agrressive motion load down and
aggressively use the arms to rotate and jump out as far as they can. Important to land in an
Tier 2

Rotational Broad Jump 3 Sets of 3 from each side

athletic position. Stick the landing then walk back and repeat. 3 on each side for 6 jumps

Eliminating the load and just being aggressive in one motion as the video shows. Important
to stick the landing each hop. Hop as high as you can. After you complete 3 reps, switch
CM Linear Hurdle Hop 2 Sets of 3 Reps each side legs and complete the other leg. I prefer the 6 hurdle set up as shown to speed up the
10 Minutes number of people that can go at one time.

Just as the video shows, the athletes need to be aggressive and try to put a hole
Rotational Medball Slam 2 sets of 5 reps each side in the floor. Depending on what medball you use, be careful the ball does not
Med Balls come up and hit them in the face
Tier 3

Open Space and Wall for Perpendicular Medball Throw

This is a great opportunity for the athletes to feel the use of the legs to create
Figure 8 Rotational Medball Throw 2 sets of 5 reps each side
power. Be as aggressive as you can on these
10 Minutes
Resisted Acceleration- Bands or Straps
You are simply working on buidling the crossover. This drill allows them to practice the
first step. The crossover is a heavy push off the front side. Notice the load in the video to
Banded Crossover to Base Singles 2x for 10 Yards the front side, big push and extension while that back knee come up and across ready to
punch the ground. The next drill will let them practice the 2nd step. The key here is
rotation and separation of lower body from upper body
This drill will allow the back side to really push the ground and cover more
distance. After the first step that back side should become the primary focus
Banded Crossover Continuous 3x for 5 Yards out and Back
driving the knee up and over to push the ground. Try to leave a divot in the
Lateral ground each step

Tier 4

Straight forward here, eyes and chest stay oriented in the same direction, as if
Banded Crossover Run 2x for 15 Yards
Drills they are tracking a fly ball and running while they watch the ball

Linear Change of Direction

This is a 15 yard course as shown ------>> The video shows how to run, 5 yard fly in the
5-0-5 Agility Drill Timed 2 attempts on each foot clock starts. Athletes need to touch the line with the right foot (no hands) and turn and run
back through the start line. 2 Attempts on each leg. Record the reps if you can.

Linear Agility
Video goes through the drill. Feel free to do 2 reps of shuffle and 2 of crossover. The
Modified Box Drill 1 Shuffle and 1 Crossover main thing is these need to be high quality reps. Feel free to break it up, allow rest
15 Minutes etc so these are done with high effort

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