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Elizabeth Tallent

CREDO Deaf and Hard of Hearing Teacher

Bloomfield Hills High School

Educating young people is a passion and a calling. It is important to get excited when
students connect to ideas and to enjoy making lessons that inspire them to learn. Be a seeker of
knowledge and take risks with innovative and interesting ways to convey information and encourage
learning. Show genuine interest in knowing the thoughts and aspirations of your students and fellow
colleauges. If you are a person with compassion for others, who enjoys learning new things, then you
will do well taking over this position.
Teaching and learning is a collaborative process. It is important to develop relationships with
students, parents, and fellow teachers. Building trusting relationships are imperative to the success of
working with students. When people know they can trust you to follow through with a solid teaching
plan, they are confident that you are doing the best for your students. Then you can work together to
make sure their needs are addressed and their futures are secure.
Parents are your greatest allies. Gaining the trust of parents is crucial to the education process.
I believe that parents want what is best for their children and I make it a point to ensure them that their
concerns and desires are my concerns and desires. If a parent emails, email him or her back the same
day with the information, or where they can find the answer. Make sure you are accessible and reliable.
It is these relationships that afford you the respect and support you need to manage your students’
educations. It shows parents you are deeply passionate and that you share their journey to make the
best of their children’s education.
Students must feel overall safe at school, but even more specifically in the classroom. Not only
physically safe, but also emotionally safe, so be fair minded and consistent in discipline. This will allow
students to feel comfortable expressing their thoughts. I establish simple rules and expectations in my
classroom and apply them with consistency. Students want to feel that the teacher is fair and in control.
Finally, it is important to share yourself personally with your students. I write with my students
every day and will share my thoughts, as I ask them to share their thinking. Building a relationship with
the class makes them feel at ease and confident. I also will admit my mistakes, do not be afraid of being
vulnerable and then you can work together to find ways to remedy the error. I stress that we do not
always know things, but we can find out, and this encourages students to seek out answers. Lastly, have
fun, have a laugh, relax, and enjoy the journey.

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