Philosophy Faith Profession

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Philosophy, Faith, and Profession

I believe I have the passion needed to be a quality teacher. All my life I have

been driven by my strong belief that every child should have access to a high-quality

education. Education changes lives. No child should be denied the life-changing

experience of a great education. I love working with children because they're so full of

love, innocence, and potential. It is amazing to see what they can do when given the

right tools and support, and I'm hoping to bring that same sense of wonder and

excitement into my classroom. For me, education has always been my dream job, my

passion. By pursuing my degree, I have learned how to share my love for education

with children, how to communicate with them effectively and efficiently, and what to

expect when starting my professional career. As an educator it is important to focus on

the child’s strength and adapt their environment to their needs and likes. Teachers need

to build positive relationships with children because they need to feel safe and cared for.

Early childhood educators do a great job of providing a positive environment and

helping children build positive relationships with each other. They also make sure to

provide positive relationships with all children by engaging with them, asking open-

ended questions, fulfilling their needs and likes, and putting their wellbeing first and

foremost. Educators need to promote an environment that is responsive, inclusive, and

diverse, embracing differences and welcoming them with open arms. A fundamental

belief in the ability of all students to learn. Educators must have high expectations for

every student, accompanied by a set of positive attitudes about them. We need to

remember to develop a student-centered mindset, it’s about the kids not us, making
sure to pay close attention to individual students’ progress and adjust our approaches

throughout the year. How we teach is as important as what we teach focusing on

helping students develop their academic, social, and emotional skills in a learning

environment that is developmentally responsive to their strengths and needs. When

caring for anybody it is important to meet their needs to benefit the interactions.

Communication is an important part of the education process, communication between

teacher and student, communication between teacher and parent, communication

between teacher and co-workers. “When educators communicate effectively, it improves

students’ understanding and active engagement with academic concepts, assignments,

and assessments. Schools must prioritize and enhance communication channels and

strategies to empower students academically, emotionally, and socially. Furthermore,

strong communication fosters parent involvement, establishing a collaborative

partnership between home and school. Well-informed parents can support academic

success, building trust, respect, and shared responsibility.” (School Success)

My favorite bible verse is 1 Corinthians 13:13, " And now these three remain:

faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." To me, this verse means that the

three virtues, faith, hope, and love all work together as a team. But as with any team

you need a captain, a coach, a leader that makes the team stronger. In this case, it is

love. Love is what makes faith so strong. Love is what gives us hope. "Paul's bottom

line in this chapter is that, of course, faith and hope are far more important than spiritual

gifts and love is greater even than faith and hope. Spiritual gifts are essential for the

church to grow, but the Corinthians had put too much emphasis on them as evidence of

personal glory or achievement. The gifts must be applied with love, or they become
meaningless or even destructive." ( When it comes to teaching, I do not

think you can truly be a great teacher if you do not have these three gifts, faith, hope,

and love. And I do not mean you need to be spiritual to have these gifts. You need to

have faith in yourself, the system, and your students. You need to have hope in the

future. And most importantly you need to have love. Love for yourself, your job, your

community, your students. I know when I feel loved I feel happier, safer, and more

energized. I want to share my love with others. I think the same thing happens when we

show love to our students. They feel safe happy, and more energetic. They want to be

there with you, to learn and grow. They start to have faith in themselves and hope for

their futures. Early childhood educators get to watch these children grow and help them

realize their potential along the way. It is my goal, my hope, that each and every student

that I encounter will feel my love for them. That they will know that they matter to me

and to the world.


Got Questions Ministries. (n.d.). 1 Corinthians 13:13.

The importance of communication in schools: School Success. School Success Makers.

(2023, June 30).


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