Tentacle Speaker - 3-6-23 (40594786)

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She intones the words among the flickering, guttering red A K NIFE THAT T EARS
candles. Arcane phrases linger in the air like ghosts: one by Tentacle Speakers imbue their power into a ritual
one they’re gathered until they represent a pull too insidious to knife: a dagger, an athame, a simple jacknife,
ignore, a beckoning too enticing to deny. From the book she or something similar. As they bring their might
kneels before come questing tendrils: thick, bulbous, vaguely and their magic to bear, they can pull it through
pink. When they find the soft flesh of her thighs they glide thin air to produce a rent in the veils between the
further, feeling their surroundings—and their summoner—like planes. This peek like a tear in the fabric of reality
a curious hand. The summoner is lifted into the air, dozens of affords a brief glimpse into something strange and
tentacles coiling about every last part of her, never satisfied. otherworldy: the vision that might be seen differs
She leans her head back in a soft sigh, and the smile on her from Speaker to Speaker, from place to place. That
face is as much pleasure as it is fierce exultation. glimpse is quickly replaced by squirming tentacles
that push out as far as they can reach, searching

from holes between the planes. What
strange creatures reach out to experience P OWER AND
our world? From whence do they come,
and why do they find us so endlessly fascinating? U NDERSTANDING
Whatever the reason, these creatures—if A Tentacle Speaker begins their ascent to power
creatures they can be called—bring powerful siphoning what they can from the world on the
abilities to bear in their eager rush to push other side. At first, they are mere insects in the
through to our side. Most consider these grasping "eyes" of their unwitting patrons... but as they
reaches a dangerous threat... but not all. grow in strength they come to be recognized by the
Close to the tears in the world, raw power flows thing they serve. Tentacles that flail wildly begin to
through. The creatures on the other side promise move with the Speaker’s guidance, and eventually
by their presence strength and magics that would synchronize to move as one. Through the holes
otherwise be impossible to acquire. For some, this comes power as well... allowing the Speaker to
is an undeniable draw despite the potential cast strange magics. But the most obvious result
dangers. For some, this is a gateway to great is the dusting of magic that hardens and makes
power. the Speaker resilient: they have to be, or the pull
from the other side would yank them in.
These people who willingly widen the holes C REATING A T ENTACLE
between the planes seem to be able to speak to
the creatures on the other side. The beasts they
make way for are far more than mere tendrils, but As you build a Tentacle Speaker, think about the
the name sticks: Tentacle Speakers are so often following questions:
accompanied by the waving tentacles of the thing • What was your first introduction to the worlds

they beckon over. Foes often underestimate the beyond this one?
Speaker themselves... to their own detriment. Few • Where and how did you open your first tear in

understand the Speakers, and fewer trust the the veil?

power they harness. • What powers do you seek from the other side?

• Do you respect the thing you summon? Do you

Rolling for Seduction fear it? Do you cherish it?

This content has been developed with the intent of being You might be a hermit seeking this power, or you
available for any and every adult game table, but its full might hide your doings from society’s eyes.
erotic potential can be unlocked by combining it with the You might carefully close the holes you widen, or
core rulebook Rolling for Seduction, available from
DrivethruRPG and Gumroad. Some terms have been
you might leave them yawning, potential windows
colored pink: these terms have special rules and lurid for anyone to reach through.
descriptions you can find in the core rulebook! You might harness this strange power and guide
If you like this content on its own, consider picking up it carefully... or you might be only too happy to let
Rolling for Seduction to see its full potential... and bring the other side run rampant.
some eroticism to your game table!

To make a Tentacle Speaker quickly:
Ability score priorities: Wisdom, then Con–
Spells known Spell slots
stitution, then Strength or Dexterity...
Backgrounds: Sailor, Outlander, Criminal Level Spell Slot
Level Cantrips Spells slots level
1st 1 1 1st 1 1st
C LASS F EATURES 2nd 1 1 2nd 2 1st
3rd 1 2 3rd 2 2nd
The Tentacle Speaker 4th 1 2 4th 2 2nd
Level Proficiency Features 5th 1 3 5th 2 3rd
1st +2 Spellcasting, Conjure Tentacle 6th 1 3 6th 2 3rd
2nd +2 Reactive Thrashing 7th 2 4 7th 2 4th
3rd +2 Monstrous Reach 8th 2 4 8th 2 4th
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 9th 2 5 9th 2 5th
5th +3 Grasping Tendrils 10th 2 5 10th 2 5th
6th +3 Reach ability 11th 2 6 11th 3 5th
7th +3 Additional tentacles (2) 12th 2 6 12th 3 5th
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 13th 2 7 13th 3 5th
9th +4 Crushing Grasp 14th 3 7 14th 3 5th
10th +4 Lengthened Reach (10ft.) 15th 3 8 15th 3 5th
11th +4 Reach ability 16th 3 8 16th 3 5th
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 17th 3 9 17th 4 5th
13th +5 Additional tentacles (3) 18th 3 9 18th 4 5th
14th +5 Stifling Hold 19th 3 10 19th 4 5th
15th +5 Synchronized Strike 20th 3 10 20th 4 5th
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 Reach ability O THERWORLDLY M AGICS
18th +6 Lengthened Reach (15ft.)
The tendrils you beckon bring with them their
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 Additional tentacles (4) own kind of magic: strange, curious, but
undeniably powerful. The arcane energies that
seep in through the holes you widen leave their
H IT P OINTS traces on you, allowing you to channel a few
Hit Dice: 1d10 per Tentacle Speaker level undeniably powerful spells.
You cast and learn spells from the Warlock spell
Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons S PELL S LOTS
Tools: None The above table shows how many spell slots you
Saving Throws: Constitution, Wisdom have to cast your spells of 1st through 5th level.
Skills: Choose two from Athletics, History, Nature, All your spell slots are the same level. To cast
Perception, Religion, and Survival. All Tentacle one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the
Speakers are proficient in Domination.* spell’s level or higher. You regain all expended
*at family-friendly tables, replace with Intimidation. spell slots when you finish a short or long rest.
You start with the following equipment, in addition
to the equipment granted by your background: Wisdom is your spellcasting ability.
• a greatclub or any martial melee weapon

• a sling or any simple weapon

• an explorer’s pack
You can use your ritual knife as a spellcasting
• a Ritual Knife (a dagger)
focus for your spells.


You carry a ritualistic weapon inscribed with runes When you gain a Tentacle Speaker level, if that
and latent magic that you use to part the veil level affords you additional known spells, choose
between worlds. When you take a Long Rest you a spell of a level you can cast: you add that spell
may weave enchantments on a dagger in your to your list of spells known. Additionally, you can
possession, allowing you to use it as a channel for replace one spell you know with a new spell of a
your magic. level you can cast.

S UMMON T ENTACLE attempts to Grapple the creature at DC equal to 10
+ your Proficiency bonus + your Wisdom bonus.
Starting at level 1, you gain the ability to call forth
the grasping arms of strange, otherworldly beings. A tentacle actively Grappling a creature does not
As an Action you may choose an empty space make Slam attacks. A tentacle can be commanded
within 30 feet: in that square a reaching tendril to release its prey: if it does so, it can’t also be
bursts from the ground. The Summoned Tentacle commanded to make a Slam attack.
has AC equal to 10 + your Wisdom bonus and HP You can command a tentacle to Grapple a
equal to twice your Tentacle Speaker level. The creature without making a Slam attack first.
tentacle shrivels and dies if reduced to 0 HP or if
you move further than 60 feet from it.
Command Tentacles Medium limb
You can give simple commands to your Summoned Tentacles. Armor Class 10 + summoner’s WIS
As a Bonus Action, you may command each tentacle you
Hit Points Double their summoner’s level
have summoned to make a Slam attack against a creature
of your choosing within their reach. Speed 0 ft.

Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: the summoner’s Proficiency Bonus +

Tentacles can be dealt damage in the same their WIS to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d8) + summoner’s
manner creatures can. When a Summoned WIS bludgeoning damage.
Tentacle reaches 0 HP, it severs and shrivels on Grasp (level 5). Successful Slam attacks also Grapple at DC 10 +
the ground. At level 1 you can only have one summoner Proficiency Bonus + summoner WIS.
Summoned Tentacle at one time: this restriction Crush (level 9). If Grappling a creature at the beginning of the
increases to 2 at level 7, 3 at level 13, and 4 at summoner’s turn, deal 4 (1d8) + summoner’s WIS damage to that
level 20. creature.
When you summon a tentacle that would Unseeing Ally. Summoned Tentacles act when commanded by
exceed the limit of how many you can have active, their summoner. They can be commanded to make a Slam attack,
a tentacle of your choice retreats beneath the to Grapple a target (at 5th level), or to release a creature they’re
ground. Repeat this process until you have no Grappling.
more than the maximum number of tentacles. A Summoned Tentacle not given a command or unable to carry
out a command does not act.
Upon reaching level 2, some of your sight dimly C RUSHING G RASP
filters through to the beast on the other side. You
may expend your Reaction to target an enemy: By the time you reach level 9, the strength of
until the beginning of your next turn, your your ally’s grip is overwhelming. A Summoned
Summoned Tentacles may make up to one Slam Tentacle that begins its turn actively Grappling
attack each against that creature if the enemy a creature deals damage equal to 1d8 plus your
moves out of their threatened range or otherwise Wisdom modifier as it constricts and crushes its
would provoke an Opportunity Attack from them. prey.
This does not allow Summoned Tentacles to
make Slam attacks if they would not ordinarily be L ENGTHENED R EACH
able to.
The questing tentacles reach further, more bravely.
M ONSTROUS R EACH Their insinuating tips stretch further. When you
reach level 10 your Summoned Tentacles gain an
What strange creature—or concept—emerges
extra five feet to their reach. They can now make
through the holes you widen? At level 3 you
Slam attacks against creatures 10 feet away or
choose your Reach, the source of the tentacles
you summon. Your Reach grants you subsequent
At level 18, their reach increases by another 5
abilities at levels 3, 6, 11, and 17.
feet to a total of 15.
When you reach level 5, you refine your control
over the tentacles you summon. No more mindless By the time you reach level 14, these otherworldly
thrashing: the beasts beyond can be told to keep tendrils have learned how best to hold onto their
hold of what they find. When a tentacle makes slippery prey. While a creature is grappled by a
a successful Slam attack against a creature that Summoned Tentacle, they have Disadvantage on
is not already being Grappled, the tentacle also their attacks.

S YNCHRONIZED S TRIKE Reach of the Deep Features
After reaching level 15, the gap shrinks between Level Feature Tentacles...
3rd Rogue Wave ...knock enemies Prone.
your mind and the mind of your unknowable ally.
6th Murky Depths ...produce ink.
When you move, they move. When you make an 11th Undertow ...Grapple more effectively.
Attack against a creature, any Summoned 17th Rip Tide ...grab and pull.
Tentacles that can reach that creature
immediately make a Slam attack against that
creature as a Free Action. B ONUS A BILITIES
This does not allow Summoned Tentacles to use
When you choose this Reach at level 3, you gain
a Slam attack if they would not otherwise be able
the ability to breathe underwater. Additionally,
you gain a 30ft swimming speed.


There are indescribable things waiting on the other Also at level 3, the heavy weight of your tentacles
side, eager to reach through to our world. When batters enemies to their knees. When an upright
you choose a Monstrous Reach, the shape and the creature is dealt damage by a Summoned
nature of the beings you call to begins to solidify: Tentacle’s Slam attack, they must make a
the pinkish tendrils you summon take a more Strength save at DC equal to 10 + your Wisdom
definite shape, and the personality—and powers— modifier. If they fail, they are knocked Prone.
of the being or force makes itself known.
Five Monstrous Reaches are reproduced here: M URKY D EPTHS
the first three are appropriate for all-ages tables
By the time you reach level 6, you can bring a
while the last two are intended for adult roleplay.
touch of the lightless ocean depths to the surface.
Monstrous Reaches When you summon a tentacle, it expels a cloud of
black ink vapor. Until the beginning of your next
Reach Tentacles Strengths
turn, a 5 foot radius cloud of magical darkness
Reach of the Deep Octopus Better grappling and
tentacle attacks emits from the newly Summoned Tentacle. You
Reach of the Jungle Vines Defense and area and your allies can see through this darkness, but
control your enemies can’t. At the beginning of your next
Reach of the Mes– Eyeball stalks Hypnotism and mind turn, the cloud dissipates.
meric control When the range of your Summoned Tentacles’
Phalluses Evoke pleasure and Slam attacks increases, so does the radius of this
Reach of the Flesh Arousal cloud: 10ft at level 10, and 15ft at level 18.
Pseudopods Engulf and cause
Reach of the Ooze Armor damage U NDER TOW
When you reach level 11, the insidious pull of
your tentacles has ensured your foes will never
break free. While an enemy is Grappled by a
Summoned Tentacle, they roll Athletics and
Acrobatics checks at Disadvantage to resist or
escape Grapple checks.

R EACH OF THE D EEP The force of the waves grinds even stone to sand,
In the lightless reaches of the crushing depths... and two rubbery arms are much better at rending
something stirs. Down here monsters can grow so their prey than just one. At level 17, your
large they dwarf three-mast ships, so large they tentacles are able to collaborate against the same
can crush an island in their grip. Your foes should prey: when two tentacles would Grapple the same
consider themselves lucky not all of the beasts can enemy, they play a horrible game of tug-of-war.
make it to this side. Summoned Tentacles’ Slam attacks initiate
Grapple attempts against creatures who are
Tentacle Appearance already Grappled: if their Grapple is successful,
The tentacles of the deep are similar to a cephalopod’s arms, instead of Grappling the target, the tentacle deals
thick and rubbery with slimy suckers. They smell like sea salt Slam damage again.
and are colored a deep dark purple or blue.

There’s something alive in the deep reaches of the
woods: this is where the primal origins of the world M ESMERIC
still linger, shrouded in shade-dappled pools. Strange, otherworldly tendrils catch the eye and
keep it. Their alluring sway is nearly impossible
Tentacle Appearance to look away from.
The tentacles of the jungle are thick vines coiled tightly in
bunches. Green or olive-brown, these tentacles are tough Tentacle Appearance
and fibrous. The tentacles of the Mesmeric are purplish and thick: each
is topped with a large yellow eye. Triangular flaps like petals
open wide to reveal its stare.
Reach of the Jungle Features
Level Feature Tentacles...
3rd Woven Vines ...are damage Resistant.
6th Overhanging Shade ...are three-quarters cover.
Reach of the Flesh Features
11th Shield of the Jungle ...block damage. Level Feature Tentacles...
17th Warding Thicket ...attack interlopers. 3rd Mesmerizing Sway ...Mesmerize enemies.
6th Sweet Surrender ...Grapple the Mesmerized.
11th Pleasant Dream ...Charm the Mesmerized.
B ONUS P ROFICIENCY 17th Insinuated Demand ...Command the Mesmerized.
When you choose this Reach at level 3, you gain
Proficiency with Heavy armors. B ONUS A BILITIES
W OVEN V INES When you choose this Reach at level 3, your
tentacles gain vision to 60 feet and Darkvision to
Also at level 3, the winding vines of your tentacles 30 feet. You can target creatures seen by your
render them thick and strong. Your Summoned tentacles with spells that require you to see your
Tentacles gain Resistance to Bludgeoning, target.
Slashing and Piercing damage. In addition, your tentacles gain Blindsight with
a range equal to their reach.
When you reach level 6, you find safety behind M ESMERIZING S WAY
the walls of your tentacles. When you or your Also at level 3, these tendrils undulate in a subtle
allies would be granted cover by your Summoned pattern that draws the eye and blanks the mind.
Tentacles, count that cover as three-quarters When a Summoned Tentacle would make a Slam
cover. Attack, you may instead have it attempt to
Mesmerize its target at your Spell Save DC.
The will of the jungle reaches out to intercede on Mesmerized
your behalf. At level 11, when an attack would You attempt to transfix a creature’s mind. They must roll
deal you damage and you’re within the reach of a Wisdom save; if they fail, they become Mesmerized. A
one or more of your Summoned Tentacles, you Mesmerized creature can’t willingly move to or through a
square where they can’t see the creature who mesmerized
may use your Reaction to have one or more of
them. They make attacks at Disadvantage.
them intercede to take the damage instead. You A creature may repeat their Wisdom save at the end of
decide how the damage is distributed among the their turns. If they end their turn unable to see the creature
tentacles. If a tentacle would take damage equal who mesmerized them, this condition ends.
to or exceeding its HP, it is destroyed and you
must distribute any remaining damage among If successful, the tentacle begins to sway
other blocking tentacles. Any damage remaining hypnotically. If the tentacle falls to 0 HP or takes
after you distribute among your tentacles is dealt an action, its target is no longer Mesmerized.
to you.
WARDING T HICKET When you reach level 6, the soporific effect of your
By the time you reach level 17, your tentacles have tentacles’ motions strip their targets’ defenses. A
become as impenetrable as the deepest jungle. The creature Mesmerized by one of your tentacles rolls
first time on their turn an enemy enters the range Athletics and Acrobatics checks to resist or escape
of one of your Summoned Tentacles’ Slam attacks, from Grapples at Disadvantage.
they provoke an Attack of Opportunity from that In addition, while Grappled, creatures save to
tentacle. resist or break being Mesmerized at Disadvantage.

A feeling of sublime happiness spreads within There are beasts whose penetrating curiosity and
creatures as they match your tentacles’ gaze. At amorous intentions provide a pleasurable
level 11, when a creature becomes Mesmerized by experience for enemy and ally alike...
a tentacle, they also become Charmed by you.
Losing the Mesmerized condition doesn’t remove Tentacle Appearance
the Charmed condition. The tentacles of the flesh are pink, topped by a glans-like
head that’s shiny, slick, and darker in color. They throb to an
I NSINUATED D EMAND alien heartbeat and radiate warmth from their rubbery skin.
By the time you reach level 17, the mind-altering
stare your tentacles offer slips sibilant whisper Reach of the Flesh Features
into the mind. As a Bonus Action, you may target Level Feature Tentacles...
one creature Mesmerized by your tentacles and 3rd Exploratory Curiosity ...Stimulate on attacks.
give them a one-word command, as the Command 6th Enticing Grasp ...Entice when Grappling.
spell. They automatically fail the save to resist 11th Stifling Thrusts ...disrupt Concentration.
Command. If the command: 17th Orgone Attraction ...summoned by orgasms.
• Instructs them to harm themselves, it has no


• Instructs them to harm a creature they consider
When you choose this Reach at level 3, you gain
an ally, their Mesmerized condition ends after
Proficiency with Skimpy armors.
the command is completed.
If the creature ends their Mesmerized condition, E XPLORATORY C URIOSITY
the effect of Command ends.
Also at level 3, these questing tendrils push into
their targets. When a Summoned Tentacle would
use a Slam attack, you may instead have it
Stimulate the target using your highest Sexual
Skill. If the Slam attack would have attempted to
initiate a Grapple, it still does.
When your tentacles would deal Crush damage,
you may have them instead Stimulate their prey.
Your tentacles roll to Stimulate at Advantage
against Grappled creatures.

When you reach level 6, the roving grip of your
tentacles arouses those it holds. When a creature
begins their turn Grappled by a Summoned
Tentacle, they are Enticed at your Spell Save DC.

It’s difficult to focus past the insinuations of these
tendrils. At level 11, while a creature is being
Grappled by a Summoned Tentacle, they must
pass a Concentration save at your Spell Save DC
when they attempt to cast a spell. If unsuccessful,
the spell has no effect. In addition, they roll to
maintain Concentration at Disadvantage.

By the time you reach level 17, the beast from the
other world is only too eager to burst through
when it senses pleasure. When a creature
orgasms, you may use your Reaction to summon
a tentacle in an empty square adjacent to them.
A hapless mage falls into a pit of tentacles, by @mothaccino You may immediately command that tentacle to
make one Slam attack against the creature.

One can only imagine what the home of these By the time you reach level 17, the gelatinous
creatures must be like—what world creates center of your tentacles slowly reconstitutes. At
transparent, acidic, amorphous feelers? These the beginning of your turn, all Summoned
tentacles can’t speak, but if they could, they Tentacles regain HP equal to your Wisdom bonus.
might well describe their hunger. The regrowth traps foreign objects. When an
enemy makes a successful melee attack against a
Summoned Tentacle, they must make a Strength
Tentacle Appearance
save at DC equal to 10 + your Proficiency Bonus
This Reach’s tentacles are gelatinous, mostly-transparent
pseudopods with a light color: vague green, blue, or gray. + your Wisdom bonus. If they fail, they lose their
Their touch provides a tingling, slightly prickling sensation. weapon. They can retrieve it from that tentacle by
With enough pressure, fingers push through their surface. taking an Action and making an Athletics check
against the same DC. If the tentacle is reduced
to 0 HP, the weapon falls to the floor and can be
Reach of the Ooze Features retrieved normally.
Level Feature Tentacles...
3rd Acidic Internals ...damage armor.
Hungry Intrusions
Engulfing Strike
...Stimulate the nude.
...swallow their targets. T RAPS AND H AZARDS
17th Viscous Mass ...heal, snatch weapons. Due to the nature of a Tentacle Speaker’s Reach,
holes must be opened between the worlds. These
holes usually close themselves... but not always.
B ONUS P ROFICIENCY Magical disturbances, environmental distortions,
When you choose this Reach at level 3, you gain or even conflicting spells can leave windows wide
Proficiency with Skimpy armors. for tentacles to thrust themselves through—bad
luck for hapless adventurers.
Also at level 3, the gelatinous flesh of these D RAGGING D EPTHS
tentacles erode the armor and clothing of those
they touch. When a Summoned Tentacle deals Somewhere in the silty depths, something large stirs. Thick
damage to a creature with a Slam attack, it also tentacles thrash outwards, scattering sand and dirtying the
deals them 1d4 Armor Damage, reducing their AC water until it’s opaque and murky. The tentacles reach...
by that number. A creature reduced to 10 AC in looking for something to grab onto.
this manner is rendered nude.
This chest-deep, brackish water hides several
H UNGRY I NTRUSIONS thick tentacles that might belong to some kind of
When you reach level 6, the questing tendrils of gigantic octopus. They lash out against anyone
your Reach slip inside unclothed creatures to foolish or unlucky enough to wander near, and
seek out sustenance. When a Summoned attempt to yank them into the depths.
Tentacle would deal Armor Damage to a naked
creature, they instead Stimulate them. Trigger
• A creature who walks within 15 feet of the trap
E NGULFING S TRIKE triggers it.
The beast from the other side’s hunger knows no Effect
bounds. At level 11, when a Summoned Tentacle • A creature who triggers the trap or begins their
makes a successful Grapple attempt on a
turn within 15 feet of the trap must make a
creature, that creature is engulfed by the tentacle.
DC 14 Dexterity or Strength save or become
The creature is pulled into the tentacle’s square
without provoking Attacks of Opportunity. • A creature who becomes Grappled by the
While inside the tentacle, attacks made against
tentacles is pulled into the water. The tentacles
the target are made at Disadvantage. They can
constrict, hastening asphyxiation: when a
breathe without issue. At the beginning of each
creature begins their turn underwater, they
turn a creature is inside a tentacle, they take 2d4
gain one point of Exhaustion.
Armor Damage.
Allies can be engulfed in this way to offer them Countermeasures
protection. Their speed is not reduced to 0 and the • Players notice the tentacles with a DC 16
Grapple ends if they leave the tentacle’s square. Perception check.

• The tentacles can’t reach out of the water. If the
players can traverse over, they’re safe. S OFÍA D EEPCALLER
• A player can break free of the tentacles on their Medium female Human, chaotic evil
turn with a DC 14 Athletics or Acrobatics check. Tentacle Speaker 8 (Reach of the Deep)
• There are three tentacles that can Grapple one
Armor Class 16 (Half Plate)
person each. They have AC 16 and 50 HP each:
Hit Points 102 (7d12 + 57)
when their HP is reduced to 0 they relinquish Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft.
their hold and retreat into the sand.
T OUCHY F EELERS 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 20 (+5) 9 (–1) 15 (+2) 11 (+0)

Saving Throws Con +8, Wis +5

Waggling, waving pink tendrils cast about for something to
Proficiency Bonus +3
touch—something to caress: each as long as a man is tall,
Skills Athletics +5, Domination +3, Perception +5
each almost as thick as a wrist. Glistening with some kind of
fluid, they wait eagerly for something—or someone—to fall
into their clutches. Description
Sofía is a fiery pirate captain with a lust for plunder and blood.
Appearance. Scavenged armor is fastened haphazardly on
Long ago in the base of this fifteen-foot pit, a
Sofía’s hulking frame. It hardly seems like she needs it: her
Tentacle Speaker must have opened a window to
tanned skin is thick, bulging with muscle, and scarred. Loose
a collection of amorous tentacles. The window breeches flap against her legs. She wears a cocky grin and an
never closed: the tentacles yet wriggle in a bed of eyepatch, and several of her golden teeth glint in the sun.
eager slickness. Someone built a platform to Shaggy red hair, forever salt-tangled, bunches around her head.
traverse the pit... but the platform is rusting and Personality. Sofía is a loud, boisterous woman who treats her
sure to give way. pirate crew kindly but the rest of the world cruelly. She’s well
known for sailing to the ends of the earth to avenge a perceived
Trigger slight, and likes to make examples of enemies when she catches
• A creature who walks across the top of this 15ft. them.
by 15ft. pit causes the cover to crumble. They
must make a DC 16 Dexterity save or fall in.
Sofía is a potential enemy on the high seas... or a friend in the
Effect tavern.
• A creature who falls into the pit is immediately Black Flag. Sofía patrols the coasts with an eye for treasure. If she
Grappled by the tentacles. finds a ship that looks like easy prey, she’ll leap on the opportunity.
• A creature who begins their turn inside the pit Tavern Trawler. When Sofía is in port, she paints the town red.
must make a DC 16 Strength or Dexterity save She’s known to buy a whole tavern for a night—and might not
or become Grappled. take kindly to interlopers who ignore the "closed" sign.
• A creature who begins their turn Grappled by Dragged to the Depths. Sofía’s Reach of the Deep pulls down,
the tentacles is Enticed at DC 16 and Stimulated down, down... when a creature starts their turn grappled in the
at +6 Sensuality. water by one of her Summoned Tentacles, they are pulled down
Countermeasures 15 feet.
• Players notice the pit with a DC 18 Perception Pleasures
check. Sofía is a demanding, often violent lover. Her passions leave beds
• Players can leap across the pit with an Athletics broken and hips bruised.
or Acrobatics check of 16 or higher.
Seduction - DC 12 (DC 18). It’s easy to service Sofía, but hard to
• Players can strike at the tentacles to free get her to reciprocate: an amorous lover will have to roll at least
themselves or their friends: the tentacles have an 18 in order to pique her interest. A player who’s made her
AC 14. Dealing 20 damage to the tentacles orgasm rolls at Advantage to Seduce her.
causes them to lose their grip on one creature. Preferences. Sofía only likes Submissive approaches. She prefers
to be on top, and enjoys the Amazon position. She often makes
S AMPLE S PEAKERS a show of her power by having a subordinate give her oral while
she relaxes or entertains visitors. She only cares about her own
Tentacle Speakers tend to keep to themselves... pleasure and her own orgasm, and doesn’t stop until she’s
but where they go, they invariably leave evidence satisfied. Partners with low stamina should beware lest they face
of their presence. A player might seek one of these punishment for tapping out early.
individuals out to beg power from their Reach, to Kinks. Sofía enjoys exhibitionism, reverse cowgirl, receiving oral,
learn advanced techniques... or they might find and submissive partners. She doesn’t like giving without receiving
themselves facing off against one of them in a pleasure, 69ing, or slow lovemaking.
battle to the death.

Medium NB Elf, chaotic good Medium male Tiefling, chaotic neutral
Tentacle Speaker 4 (Reach of the Jungle) Tentacle Speaker 6 (Reach of the Flesh)

Armor Class 18 (Breastplate, shield) Armor Class 15 (leather Codpiece)

Hit Points 47 (3d12 + 28) Hit Points 68 (5d12 + 36)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.

9 (–1) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 11 (+0) 9 (–1) 11 (+0) 18 (+4) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 14 (+2)

Saving Throws Con +6, Wis +4 Saving Throws Con +7, Wis +5
Proficiency Bonus +2 Proficiency Bonus +3
Skills Acrobatics +4, Domination +2, Perception +4 Skills Acrobatics +3, Domination +5, Deception +5

Description Description
Denueval is a staunch forest protector. Vicarious is a fun-loving mischief maker.
Appearance. Bark and silvery metal both adorn Denueval’s Appearance. Vicarious’ cherry-red skin seems to shine in the
slender but wiry body. The shape of their face and the care sunlight: perhaps that’s why he shows it off so much. He swaggers
their ankle-length golden hair has been treated with give the into battle with a codpiece and a few straps of leather—and, of
impression of nobility, even frailty, but that misapprehension is course, the broad width of his nearly-hairless chest. He keeps his
put to rest by the hard set of their jaw and their steely gaze. dark hair just long enough to droop over his glowing yellow eyes,
Denueval has a mission—and it is of utmost importance. and that forked tail of his swishes teasingly when he thinks he’s
Personality. Denueval is calm, cordial, and quiet. It’s rare to hear being particularly clever.
more than two words out of the Elf’s lips when only one will do, Personality. Vicarious calls himself a "trickster." This isn’t
and rarer to see those lips crack a smile. It seems that expression inaccurate, but his pranks do sometimes go a little
is reserved for other protectors of the forest’s deepest glades. overboard—and when they do, he’s quick to say "I had the best
intentions!" He keeps a teasing glimmer in his eye, and he tends
Utility to make jokes at the least appropriate times.
Denueval is a barrier before the deep reaches of the jungle.
Forest Protector. Denueval refuses entry to all but woodland Utility
animals. If a player tries to pass by, they’ll find themselves Vicarious likes to play sexual pranks on the unaware. This could
brought up short. include the players, or people they want to protect.
Hesitant Guide. A DC 16 Persuasion or Deception check Mandatory Relaxation. Vicarious spots people he thinks need to
convinces Denueval that the party is merely lost and needs "chill out" and lays traps for them. Two alleyways ahead, pink
direction through the forest. Denueval will provide this guidance, tentacles squirm with excitement, waiting to grab hold of their
taking them through the woods as far as a day’s travel from unaware target. If he has his way, the tentacles will too—and his
Denueval’s glade. During the travel the party is not attacked by target will receive some much-needed R&R.
animals or monsters.
Lurking in Wait. Vicarious’ tentacles can be noticed with a DC 16
Reaching Boughs. Denueval begins with three Summoned Perception check. If a creature passes by them without noticing,
Tentacles active. Their tentacles can reach up to 60 feet into they must make a DC 16 Dexterity save or become Grappled.
the air but otherwise have normal horizontal reach.
Spa Experience. A creature who spends a Short Rest being tended
Pleasures to by Vicarious’ tentacles replenishes their resource as if they had
spent a Long Rest.
Denueval is a protector bearing a heavy burden. The tension
could be soothed. Pleasures
Seduction - DC 18. Denueval considers pleasure an unearned
Vicarious likes watching more than he likes participating.
gift. An amorous player will have to convince the protector their
burden is eased. A player who in some way helps create lasting Seduction - DC 10 (DC 16). Vicarious would love to engage in a
protection for Denueval’s glade rolls to Seduce them at little mutual masturbation. Actual sex will require a DC 16
Advantage. Seduction check. A player willing to involve the tentacles in their
partnering with Vicarious rolls at Advantage.
Preferences. Denueval is stiff and unused to receiving pleasure.
Though they’ll probably like anything a player does with them, the Preferences. Vicarious loves to watch. When a creature is
very first step is learning to relax. Someone massaging Denueval pleasured by his tentacles, Vicarious becomes Aroused.
can make a DC 16 Athletics or Sleight of Hand check to make them Kinks. Vicarious likes masturbation, mutual touching, voyeurism,
Aroused. and multiple orgasms.
Kinks. Denueval isn’t aware of most of their own kinks, but will
find that slow and sensual lovemaking, words of affirmation, and
foreplay are their favorites. They’ll respond best to Dominant


Not everyone who discovers a beast from beyond If after this effect the creature is Aroused, they
seeks to summon their tentacles in the same gain temporary HP equal to your Proficiency bonus.
way—or for the same purpose. Some Thrall– This temporary HP lasts for an hour and does not
masters understand these entities can offer new, stack. If they are Desperate, double the temporary
esoteric methods of extending their control. HP they gain from this ability.
Instead of summoning large thrashing tendrils, If the wearer orgasms as a result of this
Tentacle Tamers weave a living harness of blind Stimulation, they are not Stunned; instead, until
feelers that adapt to and enhance the abilities of the beginning of their next turn, they can only
the Thrall who wears it. take Actions and their movement speed falls to 0
Some Tentacle Tamers even give into feet.
temptation and wear these harnesses themselves.
Those that do find it empowers them in ways they D EMANDING W RITHING
never thought possible - though they walk a fine When you reach level 6, the insistent wriggling of
line between being the master and becoming the your harness proves impossible to ignore. When a
thrall. creature is Stimulated while wearing your Living
Harness, if it’s awake and they roll to resist orgasm
External material within 10 of their DC but don’t fail, they become
This material is intended for the Rolling for Seduction class Desperate.
The Thrallmaster, available on DrivethruRPG.
Your tentacles remember their goal even if their
wearer doesn’t. A creature wearing your Living
L IVING H ARNESS Harness rolls at Advantage to act non-sexually
When you choose this Mastery at level 3, you while Desperate.
learn to create a small, mobile tear between
worlds from which eager tendrils emerge. Your H YSTERIC D EFENSE
Thrall’s Tether is a tentacle tendril instead of a The touch of pleasure sends the tentacles into an
chain or rope, which emerges from a void in your excited frenzy. By the time you reach level 11,
palm. The restraint on your Thrall it attaches to your Living Harness reacts to the desperation of
is in fact a living set of tentacles cleverly hidden its wearer. While a Desperate creature wears your
as apparel. You can command the harness to awakened harness, creatures they end their turn
come alive, transforming it into a protective shell next to are also Stimulated using your highest
that enhances your Thrall. Sexual Skill.
In addition, the tentacles defend their wearer,
Wake the Harness granting them Resistance to Bludgeoning, Slash–
As a Bonus Action you can command the harness to wake: ing and Piercing damage while they are Desperate.
it bursts forth with a protective shell of wriggling tentacles.
While transformed in this way, its wearer adds your Charisma A SSIMILATION
bonus to their AC if they are not wearing armor. As a Bonus
Action you may return the harness to its slumber. After reaching level 17, the lines have begun to
During a Long Rest, you may designate a body shape and blur between your harness and its wearer. While
set of sexual appendages as if by the Reshape spell. When wearing your awakened Living Harness, a creature
you wake your harness, you may have the tentacles alter
does not gain levels of Exhaustion from orgasming.
the shape of its wearer’s body to match this body shape and
set of appendages. When it returns to slumber, their body Your Living Harness is invigorated by its
returns to normal. wearer’s pleasure, and it loves to give back. When
a creature wearing your harness orgasms, it heals
Some Thrallmasters choose to wear their harness them for an amount of HP equal to twice your
themselves. While doing so, they do not count Thrallmaster level.
against the number of Thralls they may lead.

Also at level 3, the harness’s tentacles evoke Patron submission
thrilling pleasure as it stirs. When a creature This content was created from inspiration and input given
begins their turn in your Living Harness while it’s by the wonderful Patron DepEnc! If you’d like to contribute
your own ideas and your own content, or see your own name
awake, they are Stimulated at your highest here, consider joining the Patreon!
Sexual Skill. They are considered nude for the
purpose of this check.

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