Mesmerist 1-6-23 (40594786)
Mesmerist 1-6-23 (40594786)
Mesmerist 1-6-23 (40594786)
The golden coin drops: its fall is arrested at the last moment by M ESMERS
a silver chain. There it dangles, swaying and turning slowly as if These entities, whatever they may be, seem to
blown by a distant breeze. "Watch," the smooth voice whispers, exist on a different level of reality than our own.
and the woman can’t help but obey. Her blue eyes fix on it, then Separated from us by a thin film, their ciphered
follow as the coin begins to swing. Her companion smiles with words imply there might be more like them,
ruby lips but that all fades into the background for the armored teeming millions—most without the strength to
Paladin, her gleaming armor reflecting the firelight. "Warm, isn’t pierce that veil. But these few have: these
it?" the smooth voice whispers. She has to say it again before powerful few. Perhaps that barrier will hold a
the words register, and the blonde-haired knight nods. A hand little longer. Perhaps you wouldn’t mind if it
reaches falteringly up to her iron chest plate, though her eyes broke. Perhaps to them we seem like potential
don’t—can’t—leave the coin: fumbling fingers unfasten a buckle, allies; perhaps to them we seem like microbes
then two. "It is getting hot," she murmurs. "I should take off my under a glass.
armor..." Whatever they are, they promise power... and to
some, that is enough.
grains of sand on all the world’s H YPNOTISM
beaches—so some astrologers claim. When most think of magic, they might imagine a
Should it come as any surprise that a few bursting ball of flame, a hail of ice, a torrent of
of those strange, twinkling, heavenly bodies stare lightning—but there are many kinds of mysticism.
back at us as we peer at them? Some content themselves with visual spectacle;
Now and then, creatures (if so they can be others relish in leaving hardly a footprint behind.
called) of the stars reach out to those who catch There are magics far more subtle and far more
their attention. Shapeless and formless at least in effective than the brutish spells most bandy
the ways we understand, they make themselves about. Sometimes you don’t need a sledge-
felt with light brushings of the mind and questing hammer: sometimes you just need a scalpel.
tendrils. Some hapless fools are driven to Sometimes, you just need a single word.
madness. But for those willing to accept these Hypnotism is the most subtle, most insidious of
strange outsiders, the possibilities are endless. arts: where mind compulsions so often produce
Mesmers are what these star-beings are named, evidence, the best Mesmerists often leave their
and their practitioners are Mesmerists. What a targets either clueless about their own actions... or
Mesmer wants from its followers is a closely-kept deeply convinced they acted of their own volition.
secret, but the power gained from such a patron
is obvious and compelling. Mesmerists learn to
reach out in the same way as their patrons, C REATING A
touching and caressing the minds of others.
Particularly skilled Warlocks might even learn to
influence others to follow their every whim... and As you build a Mesmerist, think about the
learn to love doing it. following questions:
• What is your favorite trigger word or phrase?
Magic compels you, driving and directing your actions.
The path to mastery is long indeed... but the While Hypnotized, you obey your Hypnotist. As a Bonus
travel is a pleasure. Mesmerists layer spells upon Action, your Hypnotist may give you a command no longer
their targets like successive blankets, lulling their than a few sentences. On your turn, you must carry out your
targets to sleep. And oh, the things they whisper Hypnotist’s command to the best of your ability. Only one
command may be active at a time.
in their ears...
If no command has been given, you’ve finished your
most recent command, or portions of your turn remain
Mesmer Patron Features after attempting to carry out the command, you may act
Level Feature Summary however you wish.
1 Hypnotic Hypnotize Charmed creatures. Some kinds of Hypnotic Trances alter this default
Charm behavior.
6 Hypnagogic Hypnotized creatures Advantaged. Each time you complete a command or take damage, you
Demand (1) may make a Wisdom save at the DC of the Hypnosis effect.
10 Disarming Eldritch Blast primes for Charming. On a success, you are no longer Hypnotized or Charmed by
Blast the effect. If other creatures are acting to break you out of
14 Subconscious Implant a trigger phrase. your hypnotism, you make this save at Advantage.
18 Hypnagogic Grant Advantage twice per turn.
Demand (2)
When you reach 6th level, your instructions
become driving forces your target’s body seeks to
M ESMERIZING F OCUS obey. When a creature under your Hypnosis rolls
As a Mesmerist you carry a unique Arcane Focus: a check or save as part of attempting to complete
a relaxing, calming object that helps your targets your command, they roll at Advantage.
enter a trance state. This is the magical implement This effect can only occur once per turn. At 18th
you channel spells through, imbued with special level, this limit raises to twice per turn.
power by your patron. Choose from one of the
following foci, or select your own: D ISARMING B LAST
Sample arcane foci Beginning at 10th level, your magics set your
d8 Focus d8 Focus enemies off guard and render them vulnerable to
1 Gold pocket watch 5 Teacup + spoon more insidious spells. Creatures damaged by your
2 Crystal on a chain 6 Small brass bell Eldritch Blast make rolls to resist becoming
3 Silver locket 7 Finger cymbals Charmed or Hypnotized at Disadvantage.
4 Candle 8 Metronome This effect lasts until the end of the combat.
We know precious little about the entities that
come calling from the stars. All we can say for
certain is that they possess desires, or at least
They are an insistent voice, bored of people restraining
amusements—and they bring powers strong
themselves. Why not just act? A follower of Ubha is compelled
enough to influence the minds of mortals.
to surface those desires from the depths of the heart.
Mesmers are first known by subtle whispers
In dreams, Ubha appears as a disembodied woman’s face,
one could almost pass off as internal dialogue; for
plump-lipped and eyes covered by hair of squirming black
many, they are only ever a brief sequence of
tentacles. Those tentacles reach; those lips open: the tongue
intrusive thoughts at times disconcerting, but
behind it delightfully tastes.
ultimately forgotten. Those who indulge these
thoughts, on the other hand, find the voice
becomes louder... and more insistent. When the Requests
Mesmer comes to them in a dream, it’s time for a Ubha’s mental suggestions entail discovering and
final choice: either way, the potential Warlock’s invoking one’s closest-held secrets, delighting in
life will never be the same. bypassing the deadlock of hesitation or
Followers of a Mesmer find they are often uncertainty. They reward their Warlock for
tasked with odd, inquisitive and even nonsensical leading others to expose their deepest desires.
requests. Completing these intrusive suggestions
pleases their patron, and sometimes results in Sample Requests
small rewards such as an extra spell slot for a d6 Hypnotize someone into...
day, or directions to a lost trinket. 1 ...confessing their untold love
2 ...indulging a sexual vice
3 ...lashing out at an enemy
A RQAS "Are-kus" 4
...stealing an object they covet
...revealing the limits of their self-confidence
6 ...engaging in a dangerous tryst
They are a quiet whisper, the kind that wonders, "how would
people react if I wore my clothes backwards?" There are V EHMAT "Veh-mah"
unwritten, unspoken rules the world lives by, and these are
fascinations. Where could one push? Where could one prod? A NEVER; NEVER; NEVER—NOW.
follower of Arqas is endlessly teased by curiosity about what They are the intrusive impulse to see things burn, to see how
reaction going against the grain could result in. a sand castle crumbles. A follower of Vehmat loves to see the
In dreams, Arqas is a single, enormous hand of varying skin principled betray those principles—whether they know it or not.
tone. At times, eyes grow on its fingertips; at times, it cautiously In dreams, Vehmat is an endless world of ticking clocks,
explores its Warlock’s body. seemingly quicker by the minute, a deafening metronome.
They appear as an identical copy of the dreamer’s vision of the
person they wish they could become—and the clone whispers
Requests sweet entreaties.
Arqas’ mental suggestions often involve putting
people in situations they’re unused to, stretching Requests
the credulity of average people. They reward their Vehmat’s chaotic insistences cause others to break
Warlock for sudden, spur-of-the-moment promises, betray vows, and act wholly against
hypnotisms that produce interesting reactions or character. They reward their Warlock for creating
hilarity. a cheater from a married man, a sinner from a
saint... or saint from a sinner.
Sample Requests Sample Requests
d6 Hypnotize someone into... d6 Hypnotize someone into...
1 ...believing they’re clothed when nude 1 ...cheating on a relationship
2 ...believing they’re royalty 2 ...betraying a vow
3 ...mistaking an animal for a person 3 ...disgracing themselves
4 ...thinking they can fly 4 ...acquiring a new vice
5 ...assuming everyone they meet finds them attractive 5 ...beginning a destructive sexual pursuit
6 ...confessing enduring love for people they’ve never met 6 ...allying with their enemies
Ensorcellment comes in many flavors. Magic can 3rd-level Enchantment
make a creature stand tall, or it can lay them low; Casting Time: 1 Action
it can be explosive... or it can be subtle. Hypnosis Range: 30 feet
is subtlety itself, the kind of magic that falls over Components: V, M (a small, golden bell)
the mind like a fresh coat of snow. Hypnosis Duration: 1 hour
comes in many forms, but it has a singular goal:
to command another creature to follow your will. You imbue a common word or phrase with magic,
Under some types of hypnosis, your target might evoking an immediate—and powerful—reaction in
even believe it’s what they want, in their heart of the mind of a target when the phrase is heard.
hearts. Choose a creature within 30 feet: they must make
They might even be right. a Wisdom save or become attuned to a word or
phrase of your choosing.
Hypnotic Spells A-Z Describe a simple action such as "strip off your
clothes," "moan," or "strike the person nearest
Level Name Summary
you." While attuned to the word or phrase you’ve
0 Automatic Arousal Situation triggers Arousal.
3 Autonomic Trigger Phrase causes a reaction.
chosen, when your target hears the word or phrase
2 Conditioned Pleasure Following orders is pleasurable.
they perform the action as a Reaction.
0 Hypnotic Sigil A written sigil hypnotizes. If this action causes the target to damage a
0 Illogic Improved deception. creature, they may make a Wisdom save at your
1 Illusive Transposition Illusively swap two creatures. Spell Save DC. If successful, the spell ends.
1 Imagined Target misidentifies object. A creature Hypnotized by this spell enters a
Transmutation Conditioned trance.
5 Mass Delusion Implant a false memory in many.
3 Numbing Charm Hypnotism pauses sensation. C ONDITIONED P LEASURE
5 Orgasmic Trigger Orgasms re-hypnotize.
4 Sealing Charm Memories are retained from 2nd-level Enchantment
previous charms. Casting Time: 1 Action
4 Sensitive Charm Hypnotism increases sensation.
Range: 30 feet
1 Substitute Lover Appear as a creature’s lover.
3 Universal Lover Appear as all creatures’ lovers.
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 hour
You subtly tug at the nerves hooked to the most
sensitive pieces of your target’s anatomy, tying
Note to the GM them to the satisfaction of a job well done. Choose
None of the following spells are restricted by class in order a creature you can see within 30 feet: they must
to make them available to the widest audience possible. You
may wish to enforce class restrictions at your own table; if make a Wisdom save or become Charmed. While
so, consider each of these spells to be present in at least the Charmed, when the target completes a command
Warlock spell list. or order they are given, they are Stimulated.
Cantrip Enchantment 5th-level Enchantment
Casting Time: 1 Action Casting Time: 1 Action, Ritual
Range: Self Range: 90 feet
Components: S Components: V, S
Duration: 1 hour Duration: 24 hours
You gesture powerfully, pulling a cloak of magic You weave powerful, invisible threads that stretch
about yourself that averts prying eyes and the logic out to tangle within the minds of those around you.
of their owners. Choose an action or behavior, like All creatures within 90 feet must make a Wisdom
"picking people’s pockets" or "being in the woman’s save: you implant a memory in the minds of those
bathhouse." For the duration of the spell, you who fail the save. The memory can be shocking
make Deception checks at Advantage to reassure or strange; those affected believe it occurred no
others you should be doing this action. matter how unlikely or impossible it seems. The
memory could be simple, like "you agreed to give
I LLUSIVE T RANSPOSITION me money," or complex, like "a dragon landed here
1st-level Illusion and proclaimed me the rightful lord of this realm."
A creature affected by this spell may repeat
Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
their Wisdom save if an event occurs that directly
Range: 30 feet
contradicts the events of the memory. This save is
Components: V, S, M (A small mirror compact)
made at Disadvantage if another creature affected
Duration: 1 round
by the same spell is within 15 feet. The spell ends
You warp the air, crafting an illusion that swaps if the save is successful, if the duration ends, or
your place with another’s. Choose a creature you at a Remove Curse spell or similar effect. Once
can see within 30 feet. When an enemy would the spell ends, the target can only remember the
attack, cast a spell, or attempt to harm you, they implanted memory as a cloudy, uncertain event.
must make a Wisdom save. If they fail, they If cast as a Ritual, this spell’s duration increases
instead choose to direct their action at the target to 1 year.
of this spell. Once this spell has redirected one
action, or after a round has passed, the spell
When cast at a higher level, for every level above
1st, the duration increases by one round and the
number of actions it can redirect increases by one. N UMBING C HARM
3rd-level Enchantment
Casting Time: 1 Action
1st-level Illusion Range: 30 feet
Casting Time: 1 Action Components: V, M (a small, golden bell)
Range: 15 feet Duration: 1 hour
Components: V, S You attempt to charm a creature within range,
Duration: 24 hours limiting the flow of sensation from their body to
Choose a creature within range: you transform their mind. The target must make a Wisdom save
the image of an object in the target’s mind, or become Charmed; they make this save at
altering it indelibly. The target creature makes a Advantage if you or your allies are fighting them.
Wisdom save. If they fail, choose an object (e.g., If you or your allies damage the target, the spell
an heirloom pocketwatch) or a type of object (e.g., ends.
hands). When the target sees the object or an While Charmed, the creature makes
object matching its description, they instead Constitution saves at Advantage. When the
perceive another object of your choosing. You Charm ends all sensation floods back in a rush: if
decide what object they see when you initially the target was made to save to resist orgasm
cast the spell. The object you substitute must be while Charmed, increase their current orgasm DC
of relatively equal size and shape to the one it by an additional 1d4 for each time they were
replaces. made to save while Charmed. Then the target
If the object behaves, provides sensation or is must save to resist orgasm.
interacted with in a manner inexplicable by the A creature affected by this spell remembers you
illusory substitute, the creature may make a Charmed it.
Wisdom save against your Spell Save DC. If A creature Hypnotized by this spell enters a
successful, the spell ends early. Blank trance.
5th-level Enchantment 1st-level Illusion
Casting Time: 1 Action Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 30 feet Range: Self
Components: V, S Components: S, M (a heart-shaped locket)
Duration: 1 day Duration: 24 hours
You whisper a word that sends a thrill through You wrap threads of magic about yourself,
your target, building a burgeoning heat in their weaving the appearance most pleasing to another.
loins. Choose a creature within 30 feet who can When you cast this spell, choose a creature you
hear you: they must make a Wisdom save or are acquainted with: when that target sees you,
become Charmed. If they become Hypnotized by they believe you are the individual they are most
this effect, the creature re-enters hypnosis enamored of. If they don’t have a creature they
whenever they orgasm. are most enamored of, you appear in a manner
This effect lasts for one day. If the target sexually and aesthetically pleasing to them.
orgasms before the spell’s duration ends, the When interacting with the chosen individual
duration resets. while this spell is active, you make all
Charisma-based and Sexual Skill Checks at
Advantage. This illusion can be pierced by a
Perception check equal to or higher than your
4th-level Enchantment
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, M (a 10GP crystal bell)
Duration: 1 hour
You attempt to charm a creature within range,
inflaming the pathways from their nerves to their
brain. The target must make a Wisdom save or
become Charmed; they make this save at
Advantage if you or your allies are fighting them.
If you or your allies damage the target, the spell
While Charmed, the creature makes
Constitution saves at Disadvantage.
A creature affected by this spell remembers you
Charmed it.
H ALLMARKS The huge Goliath, big as an oak tree, snarled at the guards as
they trembled at the gates. Compared to him, the small Halfling
When you roll Perception to inspect a Hypnotized
creature, if your check meets or exceeds the Spell woman was hardly noticeable... but when she spoke a soft word
Save DC of the creature’s Hypnotist, you become to him, his demeanor changed entirely. From angry to calm,
aware the creature is Hypnotized via one or more from threatening to mild... the look of unrelenting adoration he
visual or audible tells. fixed the woman with made the reason clear.
She seemed at first some kind of golem or automaton: it was The Cleric lifted the flagon to his lips. The younger monk
only in the slow rise and fall of her heavy chest that any kind grabbed his arm and stared in disbelief: "Brother Matthew!
of life at all could be detected. Even as the midday sun traced Your vows!" But instead of appearing surprised or even
across her cheek, she merely stood: it was only when the embarrassed, the Cleric stared in fury at the young monk, and
commanding speech of her Hypnotist could be heard that she jerked his arm free. "To even insinuate," he barked, "that I
jerekd to life. might imbibe the devil’s drink..." He might have said more, but
in direct opposition to his words, he lifted that flagon...
The queen stood regally, regarding the newcomer to her court
The Elf looked at her Hypnotist like they were crazy. "Give with an imperious air. All at once she slumped, staring straight
you this?" she asked incredulously, holding up the brilliant, gold- ahead. At the newcomer’s gentle request, she removed the tiara
filigreed sword handed down to her through the ages. She looked from her head, and relinquished it without a word... yet as her
on in horror as the hand that held it raised it up and held it hands retreated, her face took on the same look of sneering
forward—offering the artifact willingly. And though she clutched distaste it had worn before. That expression became surprise
and pulled with her other hand and all her might, it would not and horror when she saw her own crown atop the head of her
budge. visitor.
Medium Yuan-Ti, neutral evil Level 10 Warlock (Mesmerist)
T HADDEUS E VENSTAR 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 18 (+4)
Medium Half-Elf, neutral good Level 8 Warlock (Mesmerist)
Saving Throws Wis +4, Cha +7
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Skills Domination +7, Deception +7, Insight +4, Persuasion +7
10 (+0) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 18 (+4)
Medium Tiefling, chaotic neutral
Level 6 Warlock (Mesmerist)
10 (+0) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 9 (–1) 12 (+1) 19 (+4)
Hypnotism fundamentally interferes with the free
will of a creature, demanding they act in a manner
Saving Throws Wis +4, Cha +7 you outline. When this causes a creature to act
Skills Arcana +5, Insight +4, Persuasion +7, Sensuality +7 against their self-interest or against their desires,
this creates an issue of consent.
Some consent can be safely ignored if a
creature is sufficiently "evil," or if they have no
Alsevir is a happy-go-lucky traveler who makes waves wherever
will of their own: we seldom concern ourselves
they go.
with the morality of subverting the desires of a
Appearance. Alsevir cuts a strange figure, primarily because of vicious murderer or a zombie. But what if we’re
the actor’s mask that covers their face—half smiling, half
thinking of a friendly blacksmith? Or a love
frowning. Purple-skinned arms and neck reveal their Tiefling
interest, or a player? And what about when
ancestry as surely as the two slim, curving horns protruding
from their forehead. The rest of their outfit is as strange as the eroticism enters the ring?
mask: discordant colors and patterns on robes and leather Hypnotism and control can touch on
armor give a strange, cartoon-like picture. uncomfortable issues for some people. When you
Personality. Alsevir is rarely without a hum or a laugh. They seem involve this module in your game, you should ask
perpetually entranced by the life they lead, and well they should the following: are all parties at the table
be: whenever things get boring, it’s off to the next place and the comfortable engaging with this material? If the
next group of people. Alsevir seems radically honest and open: answer isn’t an emphatic "yes," then you might
they don’t mind answering just about any question posed to them. have to reserve this content for other tables.
Similarly, when Alsevir wants something, there’s no hesitation— When you do use this material, you should know
they go out and get it if the thing can be got. to what extent your fellow players are comfortable
with the hypnosis affecting NPCs: can you compel
Utility them to do things they’d never otherwise? Can
Alsevir is as likely to be a help as a thorn in one’s side. you compel them to hurt themselves or others?
Agent of chaos. Alsevir is entertained—and vocationally Can you compel sexual commands? Ask your
motivated—to push people to do the things they desire but fellow players these questions and respect their
refuse to indulge. An avid follower of Ubha, this purple-skinned answers.
Tiefling delights in subtly Hypnotizing people to follow their most
When a player is targeted, you should in
inward desires... unconcerned about the potentially negative
addition follow this rule: obtain player consent.
effects. Alsevir draws unaccompanied people aside long enough to
try to Hypnotize them at a DC 13. If successful, Alsevir instructs Hypnosis might compel a player character to drop
them to chase their deepest, most hesitant desire. a weapon in a fight, which the character might
not consent to—but if the player themselves
Pleasures agrees to it, that’s fine. Before a creature
Alsevir is flighty and excitable, easy to tempt and easy to please. Hypnotizes a player character, the GM should
However, their passion is directed towards those they consider ascertain what the player is comfortable with.
free of inhibition.
Seduction - DC 18. Alsevir is a tough nut to crack. They choose
their own encounters... though an exception is made for
creatures they’ve successfully hypnotized. A creature who has
been Hypnotized by Alsevir and carried out their secret desire, rolls
to Seduce Alsevir at Advantage.
Preferences. Alsevir likes novel, even daring sexual experiences.
In particular they are ecstatic to participate or assist in the desires
of the creatures they hypnotize. No kink is too strange or too
involved to indulge. They are a very giving lover.
Kinks. Alsevir enjoys exhibitionism, voyeurism, and wish
fulfillment. They are least interested in submissive partners.
Everything you’ve read so far has been developed This content is unofficial, fan-created and bears
with the intent of suiting fun, consensual and no official connection to Wizards of the Coast or
erotic roleplay at an interested table. It’s not their intellectual properties. Everything included
perfectly polished; it’s not necessarily balanced in within this supplement, except where otherwise
all situations; it’s most certainly not specified, is Open Game Content as defined by the
officially-approved. Nonetheless, it’s my hope Open Gaming License. As Open Game Content,
you’ll enjoy playing with it! If you do, or if you this content may only be used under and in terms
don’t, I welcome your feedback, your of the OGL license.
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includes classes, archetypes, stats, items and
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date, and the copyright holder’s name to the
COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game
Content you Distribute.
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any
Product Identity, including as an indication as to
compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another,
independent Agreement with the owner of each element
of that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate
compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or
Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work
containing Open Game Content except as expressly
licensed in another, independent Agreement with the
owner of such Trademark or Registered Trademark.
The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content
does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that
Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity
used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title
and interest in and to that Product Identity.
8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content
You must clearly indicate which portions of the work
that you are distributing are Open Game Content.
9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated
Agents may publish updated versions of this License.
You may use any authorized version of this License to
copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content
originally distributed under any version of this License.
10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of
this License with every copy of the Open Game Content
You Distribute.