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Laboratory Experiments: Questions and Answers

Experiment-01: Common Base Circuit Study

1. What is a common base configuration?
Answer: A transistor configuration where the base is the common terminal be-
tween the input (emitter-base) and output (collector-base).

2. What is the input terminal in a common base circuit?

Answer: Emitter.

3. What is the output terminal in a common base circuit?

Answer: Collector.

4. What is the main characteristic of a common base circuit?

Answer: It provides low input impedance and high voltage gain.

5. What is the typical use of a common base configuration?

Answer: High-frequency applications.

6. What is the relationship between VEB and IE ?

Answer: Exponential, due to the PN junction behavior.

7. Why is the base considered ”common”?

Answer: It is connected to both the input and output sides of the circuit.

8. What does the input characteristic graph represent?

Answer: The relationship between emitter current (IE ) and emitter-base voltage
(VEB ).

9. What is VCB ?
Answer: Collector-to-base voltage.

10. Why is the collector current IC relatively constant in the active region?
Answer: Because the transistor is in active mode and the collector current depends
mainly on IE .

11. What is the primary application of the common base circuit?

Answer: Amplification of high-frequency signals.

12. What happens if VCB is too low?

Answer: The transistor enters saturation, and the output voltage drops.

13. What is the input impedance of a common base circuit?

Answer: Low, typically in the range of a few ohms.

14. How does the common base circuit differ from the common emitter cir-
Answer: In the common base, the base is shared, whereas in the common emitter,
the emitter is shared.

15. What is the output characteristic graph of a common base circuit?

Answer: A plot of IC vs. VCB for different IE values.

16. What is the active region of a common base transistor?

Answer: When VCB > 0 and the collector current is nearly constant.

17. What type of gain is highest in the common base circuit?

Answer: Voltage gain.

18. Why is the input impedance low in a common base circuit?

Answer: Because the emitter-base junction is forward biased.

19. What is the formula for the collector current IC in terms of emitter
current IE ?
Answer: IC = βIE , where β is the current gain.

20. What happens to IE if VEB increases?

Answer: IE increases exponentially.

Experiment-02: JFET as a Constant Current Source

1. What is a JFET?
Answer: A Junction Field Effect Transistor, a voltage-controlled current device.

2. What happens in the saturation region of a JFET?

Answer: The drain current becomes constant and independent of VDS .

3. What controls the current in a JFET?

Answer: The gate-source voltage VGS .

4. What is pinch-off voltage?

Answer: The minimum VDS at which the JFET enters the saturation region.

5. What is the input terminal of a JFET?

Answer: Gate.

6. What is the output terminal of a JFET?

Answer: Drain.

7. What is the control terminal of a JFET?

Answer: Gate.

8. How does ID behave in the linear region?

Answer: It increases linearly with VDS .

9. What is the role of RS in a JFET circuit?

Answer: It stabilizes the operating point.

10. What happens to ID if VGS becomes more negative?
Answer: ID decreases.

11. What does the term ”constant current source” mean?

Answer: A circuit that provides a constant current irrespective of the load or
supply variations.

12. Why is a JFET suitable for constant current applications?

Answer: Its saturation region ensures a stable drain current.

13. What is IDSS ?

Answer: Maximum drain current when VGS = 0.

14. What type of impedance does a JFET have at the gate?

Answer: High impedance.

15. What happens if VGS is positive?

Answer: It is not recommended as it may damage the JFET.

16. What is the relationship between VGS and ID ?

Answer: ID decreases quadratically with increasing negative VGS .

17. What are the regions of operation for a JFET?

Answer: Ohmic region, saturation region, and cutoff region.

18. Why does ID stabilize in the saturation region?

Answer: The JFET channel narrows, limiting current flow.

19. What happens to ID if VDS increases beyond pinch-off ?

Answer: It remains constant.

20. What is the gate leakage current in a JFET?

Answer: A very small reverse current, typically in the nanoamp range.

Experiment-03: SCR Operation and Holding Current Measure-

1. What is an SCR?
Answer: A Silicon Controlled Rectifier, a type of thyristor used for switching and
power control.

2. What is the holding current of an SCR?

Answer: The minimum current required to keep the SCR in the ON state.

3. What happens if the anode current drops below the holding current?
Answer: The SCR turns off.

4. What is the latching current of an SCR?

Answer: The minimum anode current required to latch the SCR in the ON state
after a gate pulse is applied.

5. In which region does the SCR operate when it is turned ON?

Answer: Forward conduction region.

6. What is the purpose of the gate terminal in an SCR?
Answer: To trigger the SCR into conduction.

7. What is the difference between latching current and holding current?

Answer: Latching current is higher and required initially to turn the SCR ON,
while holding current is lower and required to keep it ON.

8. What is the OFF state of an SCR called?

Answer: Forward blocking region.

9. What is the typical application of an SCR?

Answer: Power control, rectifiers, and motor speed control.

10. How can the SCR be turned off in an AC circuit?

Answer: By reducing the anode current to zero during the AC cycle.

11. What is the role of a rheostat in this experiment?

Answer: To vary the load current for measuring the holding current.

12. How is the SCR connected in the circuit for holding current measure-
Answer: In series with a load and a variable resistor.

13. What happens if no gate current is applied to the SCR?

Answer: The SCR remains in the OFF state.

14. What type of device is an SCR?

Answer: A unidirectional semiconductor device.

15. What are the advantages of using an SCR?

Answer: High efficiency, fast switching, and ability to handle high power.

16. How is the SCR turned ON manually in this experiment?

Answer: By momentarily applying a gate current.

17. What are the key parameters of an SCR?

Answer: Latching current, holding current, and gate trigger current.

18. What is the role of a DC power supply in this experiment?

Answer: To provide the required voltage to operate the SCR.

19. What is a load resistor in the circuit used for?

Answer: To ensure proper current flow through the SCR during operation.

20. What happens to the SCR in reverse bias?

Answer: It remains in the OFF state.

Experiment-04: SCR AC Power Control

1. What is AC power control using an SCR?
Answer: Adjusting the power delivered to a load by varying the firing angle of the

2. What is the firing angle (α)?
Answer: The delay angle at which the SCR is triggered in an AC cycle.

3. How is the firing angle controlled in an SCR?

Answer: By using a phase control circuit.

4. What happens to the output power as the firing angle increases?

Answer: The output power decreases.

5. What is the conduction angle (θ) in an SCR?

Answer: The duration of the AC cycle during which the SCR conducts.

6. What is the relationship between α and θ?

Answer: θ = 180◦ − α.

7. What is the purpose of the trigger circuit?

Answer: To provide a gate signal to the SCR at the desired firing angle.

8. What type of load is typically used in SCR AC power control?

Answer: Resistive or inductive loads.

9. What happens to the AC waveform when the SCR is triggered late in

the cycle?
Answer: A portion of the waveform is cut off, reducing the RMS voltage.

10. How is the SCR turned OFF in an AC circuit?

Answer: Automatically when the AC voltage crosses zero.

11. What is the advantage of using SCR for AC power control?

Answer: Efficient control of power without significant energy loss.

12. What waveform is observed across the load with the SCR in operation?
Answer: A phase-controlled AC waveform.

13. What is the effect of increasing the load resistance on the circuit opera-
Answer: The RMS current decreases.

14. What is the role of the gate resistor in the circuit?

Answer: To limit the gate current to a safe value.

15. What happens if the firing angle is zero?

Answer: The SCR conducts for the full cycle, delivering maximum power.

16. What is phase control in the context of SCR?

Answer: The method of controlling the output power by adjusting the firing angle.

17. What is the role of a capacitor in the trigger circuit?

Answer: To create a phase shift for precise control of the gate signal.

18. How is the load voltage related to the firing angle?

Answer: Load voltage decreases as the firing angle increases.

19. What is the importance of observing waveforms during the experiment?
Answer: To verify the firing angle and conduction period.

20. What is a common application of SCR AC power control?

Answer: Dimmer switches, motor speed controllers, and heating elements.

Experiment-05: Light Dimming Control Using DIAC and TRIAC

1. What is the role of the DIAC in the light dimmer circuit?
Answer: To trigger the TRIAC by ensuring a consistent and sharp triggering

2. What is a TRIAC?
Answer: A bidirectional thyristor used for AC power control.

3. What type of load is used in a light dimmer circuit?

Answer: An incandescent lamp or resistive load.

4. How does the brightness of the lamp change with the firing angle?
Answer: Brightness decreases as the firing angle increases.

5. How is the firing angle adjusted in this circuit?

Answer: By changing the resistance of the potentiometer in the RC network.

6. What does RC network stand for?

Answer: Resistor-Capacitor network.

7. What happens to the waveform across the lamp when the firing angle is
Answer: A larger portion of the waveform is cut off.

8. Why is a DIAC preferred for triggering the TRIAC?

Answer: It provides symmetrical and consistent gate pulses.

9. What is the primary purpose of this circuit?

Answer: To control the brightness of a light.

10. How does the TRIAC turn OFF in an AC circuit?

Answer: It turns OFF when the current falls below the holding current at the
zero-crossing point.

11. What is the maximum firing angle for the TRIAC?

Answer: 180◦ .

12. What happens if the potentiometer resistance is decreased?

Answer: The firing angle decreases, increasing lamp brightness.

13. What is the advantage of using a TRIAC over an SCR?

Answer: The TRIAC can control power in both directions of the AC cycle.

14. What waveform is observed across the DIAC?

Answer: Pulses corresponding to the firing of the TRIAC.

15. What is the holding current of a TRIAC?
Answer: The minimum current required to keep the TRIAC conducting.

16. Why is phase control used in this circuit?

Answer: To vary the power delivered to the load.

17. What is the relationship between the firing angle and power dissipation?
Answer: Power dissipation decreases as the firing angle increases.

18. What safety precautions should be taken in this experiment?

Answer: Ensure proper insulation and avoid touching live components.

19. What is the typical application of DIAC and TRIAC circuits?

Answer: Light dimming, motor speed control, and temperature regulation.

20. How does the TRIAC behave in the negative half-cycle of AC?
Answer: It conducts when triggered, similar to the positive half-cycle.

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