9. What is VCB ?
Answer: Collector-to-base voltage.
10. Why is the collector current IC relatively constant in the active region?
Answer: Because the transistor is in active mode and the collector current depends
mainly on IE .
14. How does the common base circuit differ from the common emitter cir-
Answer: In the common base, the base is shared, whereas in the common emitter,
the emitter is shared.
19. What is the formula for the collector current IC in terms of emitter
current IE ?
Answer: IC = βIE , where β is the current gain.
10. What happens to ID if VGS becomes more negative?
Answer: ID decreases.
3. What happens if the anode current drops below the holding current?
Answer: The SCR turns off.
6. What is the purpose of the gate terminal in an SCR?
Answer: To trigger the SCR into conduction.
12. How is the SCR connected in the circuit for holding current measure-
Answer: In series with a load and a variable resistor.
2. What is the firing angle (α)?
Answer: The delay angle at which the SCR is triggered in an AC cycle.
12. What waveform is observed across the load with the SCR in operation?
Answer: A phase-controlled AC waveform.
13. What is the effect of increasing the load resistance on the circuit opera-
Answer: The RMS current decreases.
19. What is the importance of observing waveforms during the experiment?
Answer: To verify the firing angle and conduction period.
2. What is a TRIAC?
Answer: A bidirectional thyristor used for AC power control.
4. How does the brightness of the lamp change with the firing angle?
Answer: Brightness decreases as the firing angle increases.
7. What happens to the waveform across the lamp when the firing angle is
Answer: A larger portion of the waveform is cut off.
15. What is the holding current of a TRIAC?
Answer: The minimum current required to keep the TRIAC conducting.
17. What is the relationship between the firing angle and power dissipation?
Answer: Power dissipation decreases as the firing angle increases.
20. How does the TRIAC behave in the negative half-cycle of AC?
Answer: It conducts when triggered, similar to the positive half-cycle.