Ask Experts: Winding Thermal Protection
Ask Experts: Winding Thermal Protection
Ask Experts: Winding Thermal Protection
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Winding Thermistors
< continued from page one Sentry ® protects against the most 2. Therma-Sentry® assembly - typi-
common causes of motor failure cally for NEMA frames 400 and smaller,
have a tamper-proof pre-set switch including: high or low supply voltage, or FLA under 240 amps, mounted on the
point, with a reset only after the motor unbalanced line voltage, single phase motor in a special partitioned conduit
cools down. Due to their small size and conditions, abnormally high ambient box with the main motor leads in the
heat sink construction, they have fast temperatures, blocked ventilation, second partition.
response times. In mush-wound starting overload and running over- When specifying Therma-Sentry® at
motors, non-rotor limited designs, loads. time of order entry, the mounting loca-
thermistors can provide locked rotor The system consists of three PTC tion of the controller must be specified.
protection. Also, since the controller thermistors embedded in the motor Options are: Motor mounted or sepa-
trips at a high resistance value, resist- winding end turns, one per phase, with rately mounted (customer control
ance variations due to long lead runs the leads connected to a solid state panel). The most common specification
can be tolerated. This feature allows electronic controller. The solid state is motor mounted, separately excited
for one controller to be used for sever- controller can be supplied permanently (MMSE).
al temperature sensing locations. potted in the main or accessory outlet VOLT SOURCE: U.S. Motors only pro-
box, or as a separate module for vides separately excited control mod-
Selection mounting in a control panel. ules. The control module must be sepa-
Except for Therma-Sentry®, the cus- Note: The Therma-Sentry® controller rately excited by either a 115, 230, 460,
tomer must advise the exact type of uses output triacs, which are specifi- or 575 volt source, or 380 volt/ 50
thermistor required so it will match the cally designed to operate directly in hertz. If not specified, 115v will be sup-
controller. All orders that do not speci- series with mainline contactors. If a plied. The control module must be excit-
fy the exact type of thermistor small interpose relay must be used, ed before the motor can be started.
required will be delayed. Unless speci- the sealed VA rating of the interposing Excitation voltage must be sine wave.
fied otherwise on the face of the order, relay must be greater than 10VA.
three thermistors will be supplied. Difficulties may be encountered when Winding Thermocouples
interfacing with solid state motor con- A thermocouple is a pair of dissimilar
Types of Thermistors trol equipment (VFD’s, Soft Start, metal conductors so joined at one point
1. Power Control Corporation (PCC) etc.). Use with solid state starting that an electromotive force (EMF) is
8000 series are usually installed in the equipment may also result in false developed by the thermoelectric effects.
'common lead circuit' configuration. tripping. Any given set of thermocouple wires
They cannot be installed in series as The leads from the three thermistors have a known "EMF vs. Temperature"
false tripping will occur. PCC makes are connected internally in the ‘com- characteristic.
numerous controllers for customers to mon lead circuit’ configuration. Thermocouples can only generate a
select from The Therma-Sentry® system will only low-voltage, low-power signal, that is in
2. Texas Instruments (TI) 4BA series provide locked rotor protection for cer- the milli-volt range. Therefore the cus-
thermistors are usually wired in series. tain motors. In form-wound motors, tomer must supply the electronic control
Up to three thermistors may be the winding insulation is so heavy the equipment to translate the thermocou-
installed in series without false trip- temperature gradient across the insu- ple voltage signal into a temperature
ping the controller. The U.S. Motors lation to the thermistor is too great to reading, or to operate the control’s
procedure is to bring out all six leads give the rapid response required to alarm or shutdown devices.
and make the series connection in the prevent rotor failure. Also, for mush There are many types of thermocou-
outlet box. The standard TI controller wound motors, only motors with a ples. The U.S. Motors’ standard types
is a model 50AA control module. winding safe stall time less than the are copper-constantan, chromel-con-
3. Siemens Q63100-P, PTC thermis- rotor safe stall time will have locked stantan and iron-constantan.
tors must be wired in series. Up to six rotor and starting overload protection. The standard installation procedure is
Siemens thermistors may be wired in to install the thermocouples in the slot
series without false tripping the con- Selection portion of the winding. If required by the
troller. U.S. Motors standard procedure The Therma-Sentry® controller has customer, they can also be installed in
is to install three thermistors in series one normally closed (N.C.) contact with end turns of the winding. The standard
and bring all six leads out, making the a three amp control circuit rating. Thus quantity of thermocouples is six,
series connection in the outlet box. For the Therma-Sentry® system is gener- installed two per phase.
Canadian orders, the three thermistors ally used in applications where the
are wired in series internally in the motor is shut down when excessive Selection
motor, and two leads are brought out. temperatures occur. On customer The customer’s choice of monitoring
We ask that this configuration be spec- orders, unless the customer order equipment dictates the type of thermo-
ified when ordering. The Siemens specifically requires thermistors rated couples to be installed in the motor, so
standard controller is a model 3UN for alarm temperatures, thermistors for orders need to specify the exact type of
tripping unit control module. The con- shut-down temperatures are supplied. thermocouples required. Monitoring
trol module has one normally open and The Therma-Sentry ® controller is equipment is not supplied by U.S.
one normally closed contact. supplied in one of two styles: Motors.
For more information about winding
Therma-Sentry® 1. Therma-Sentry® service module - temperature protection, contact Ben
Therma-Sentry® is a thermal protec- typically for NEMA frames 440 and Biondi, Product Service Engineer with
tion system that is activated by exces- TITAN frames 449 and larger and for US Motors, at 314-553-3875 or
sive winding temperature. Therma- remote mounting in customer panel.