III. Learning Activities: Materials: Chart, Flashcard, Projector

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Republic of the Philippines

Region I
SCHOOL ID: 101915

Date: October 15, 2018


S.Y. 2018-2019

I. Objectives: At the end of 50-minute period students will be able to:

1. Make a stand.
2. Reason out their stand.
3. Give respect to other’s opinion.

II. Subject Matter:

Making a Stand
References: Joy in Learning English pp.176-177
Materials: chart,flashcard, projector
Value Integration: Giving respect to the opinion of others
III. Learning Activities
A. Setting the Stage
Take a stand game.
Stand up if you are agree with the statement and sit down if you are disagree .

– Tattoos are wrong for a young like me

- I know how to handle life
– I know what true love is
- I am lucky to be a Filipino
– Graduation from High School should be followed immediately by College
– Everyone should experience to read good book, watch movie, and used Facebook anytime
– Everyone should be more environmentally conscious
– Not everyone has the right to go to school to learn
– All children should not play outdoors.
– Everyone should love and be loved.
– Competition increases performance level of children.

B. Explaining the student what to do

After students have taken their stand, emphasize that in this matter there are no right or wrong positions, since everyone is
entitled to stand in their own opinion...
C.  Modeling for students

Then play the role of interviewer and ask individuals from different groups to stand in this statement. “ A beautiful
house and ugly car or an ugly house and beautiful car? Teacher will give her stand first.

D. Guided Practice:

WOULD YOU RATHER game. (Teacher will prepare two corner side of the classroom for the game)Leader
or one member of the group go to one side of the room to take a stand for their beliefs and make a short
reason why the choose it.

 Would you rather be rich and ugly, or poor and good looking?
 Would you rather be stranded on an island alone or with someone you hate?
 Would you rather be the most popular or the smartest person you know?
 Would you rather be the sand castle or the wave?
 Would you rather eat a bar of soap or drink a bottle of dishwashing liquid?
 Would you rather give bad advice or take bad advice?
 Would you rather eat a stick of butter or a gallon of ice cream?
 Would you rather eat a stick of margarine or five tablespoons of hot pepper sauce?
 Would you rather eat poison ivy or a handful of bumblebees?
 Would you rather end hunger or hatred?
 Would you rather find true love or 10 million dollars?

E. Independent Practice
Read some controversial issues flash on the projector.
Take a short Brainstorming by the group and make a stand on how you feel about the topic. Designated areas where
assigned for the group to stand:
 Stand in front of the classroom -strongly agree,
 Back of the classroom – strongly disagree
 Right part of the classroom- somewhat agree
 Left part of the classroom-no opinion

1. Is cloning or copying good or bad

2. Should death penalty be stopped
3. Should cell phones be allowed in schools
4. Are prisons the only way to eliminate crime?
5. Can curfews help keep teenagers out of trouble?
6. Is it justified not to allow a single male to adopt a child?
7. Is global warming real? and Global warming, fact or fiction?
8. Gay marriages and lesbian marriages; is a crime against nature?

E. Closure Assessment:
What have you learned for today? How to make a stand?
 To make a stand is to determined effort to defend something or to stop something from happening. The
key is to completely believing in the topic yourself. Because if you don't believe in what you're telling or
writing, how can you convince the listener or someone else?
IV. Evaluation:
Make a stand based on the topic sentence below, “The School Uniform Question”.
Write it on your notebook and read it with confidence to the class.
School uniforms should be required in public schools for three reasons.

Topic Sentence – Body 1 .First, wearing school uniforms would help make students ’lives
Topic Sentence – Body 2. Second, school uniforms influence students to act responsibly
in groups and as individuals.
Topic Sentence – Body 3. Finally, students feel equal when they are all wearing the
same school uniform

V. Assignment:
Make a stand on the issue of eradicating drug addiction in our country.

Prepared by:
Teacher III

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