Field Study 2 Episode 4 - Jean Clarisse Umali

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(Matching Problematic Learning Situation with Probable Action)





What five problems have you identified from the words that you have encircled?
Make a statement. Write in the space below.

The problems I identified are:

1. New Normal
The pupils' studies made a major change that had an impact on students’
2. Comprehension
Low comprehension means didn’t understand what they read.
3. Behavior
Different behavior can affect the flow of the discussion.
4. Reading Difficulty
Many students are struggle with reading.
5. Focus
Students are getting bored easily so they don’t pay attention in the class.


A. Conduct tutorial lesson.

B. Show video lessons to help enhance comprehension.
C. Make a learning task to develop comprehension.

Suppose you chose the letter A. Conduct a Tutorial. So you have identified the SOLUTION
that matches the PROBLEM which is Difficulty in Comprehension.

The Problem is: The Action is:

Difficulty in Conduct a Tutorial

Comprehension of

Can you also choose letter B. Show video lesson as a SOLUTION for the same Problem?

Explain: Yes, show video lesson will help the students to enhance their reading
comprehension. Through videos with students will catch their attentions and know the
things they need to do when it comes in reading because it uses appropriate images
and accurate sounds how to read the words and understand it.

The Problem is: The Action is:

Difficulty in Comprehension Showavideo

Difficulty in Conduct Tutoriallesson
of Reading
Comprehension of
What about letter C as a SOLUTION to the same PROBLEM? Why?

 Yes, making learning tasks to improve comprehension is important too. through

different tasks, students will challenge their understanding in reading and to
improve it.

The Problem is: The Action is:

Difficulty in Comprehension Making learning tasks to

of Reading improve comprehension


What have you noticed of the problems identified above? Can there be more
than one solution to the problem? Explain.

 There are many solutions to that problem. Nowadays, students are good in using
computers, including laptops, smartphones, and other devices. There are
numerous tools available to assist pupils in enhancing their reading
comprehension. Some apps contain electronic dictionaries that will improve their
reading comprehension while others are entertaining logic puzzles.


Let us try to look into the following scenarios in the daily life of teacher. This scenario might
also be similar to the class you have observed and noticed.

Scenario A: Miss Fely is grade four teacher in a typical elementary school. She has forty
learners I her class. One half of them cannot classify animals into vertebrates and
invertebrates. She has been repeating the same science lesson for two weeks, yet no
progress was observed. This situation has been bothering Miss Fely.

 Can you identify, Miss Fely’s problem?

 Miss Fely’s problem is the difficulty of some students classify animals into
vertebrates and invertebrates.
 Can you find a solution to solve her problem?
 Yes.
 Give your two suggestions
a. Show video lesson and presentation.
b. Give a learning task and activities that they can easily classify animals like
matching type.
 What solution can solve Miss Fely’s problem?
 I think the best and effective way Miss Fely should do is show video presentation
since grade 4 pupils pay attention when it comes in entertainment.
 Miss Fely should find great videos about vertebrates and invertebrates. The visuals
used in the video should be suitable to their ages and interests, therefore, students
will pay attention to the lesson because it uses audio-visual materials.

Are they matched with the problem?

 Since Miss Fely’s problem is students’ difficulty of classify animals into vertebrates
and invertebrates. I think the solution that I propose is match with the problem
because it will use different way of teaching where the audio-visual materials are
present. It will be very helpful since the Grade 4 pupils preferred watching videos
to their smart phones, television and in YouTube. Through this solution I propose
they will focus and understand well the classifying of animals into vertebrates and

Scenario B: Sir Ryan teaches in a disadvantaged urban community. Most of his learners
come from families that are disrupted, either with single parent or with their guardians
who stand only as parents. They are deprived of the necessary food, clothing and shelter.

 Can you identify the most probable teaching-learning problem/s in the class of
Sir Ryan?
a. In my opinion, the issue here, most of his learners come from families that
are disrupted. I think Sir Ryan’s students are lack of parental supports morally
and financially.
b. Also, the other issue here is deprived of necessary food, clothing and
 Can you propose a solution to solve one of the problems that you have
 There are many solutions to solve even one of the problems that I have
identified. Sir Ryan can approach his students, motivate them and give
words of wisdom or a quotes that will inspire them and change for the
better. Sir Ryan can approach parents and talk to them through simple
conference or meeting and tackled the major problem that he noticed
most of his students. If a family enjoys good company at home, it will benefit
their child's academic performance.


After reading the two scenarios given above, how would identifying problematic
situations and finding solutions to these problems help you to become a better teacher?

 As a future teacher, I believe that being conscious on your surroundings or

environment is important, therefore, you can observe and identify critic
problems in the class. Finding a solution is like answering question
accurately. So as a teacher, think over a solution that will benefit your
students and help to be a better one.

Using any one example of problems in this activity, answer the AR prompts that follow:


What problematic situation prevails in the classroom?

 The problematic situation prevails in the classroom is the relationship,

connectivity, home, social status and active participation and paying of
attention, and lack of comprehension. I noticed most of students in Grade
2 are difficulty of reading.


What changes do you want to achieve?

 I want the pupils to feel a connection to their teacher. Because the teacher
is the second parent, I hope they learn to be genuine and develop a close
bond with them so that when a problem arises, the teacher can more easily
provide a solution. I want to tell pupils that don’t be shy asking help to the
teachers, they are go to the school to learn and not to impress. I will
encourage them to participate to activities that will develop their reading


What strategies will you use to improve the situation?

 First, I will observe students who have difficulties in reading. Next, I will go to
have an interview or short conversation with students that I seems have
difficulty in studying especially in reading. After that, I will test them reading
a printout short story and ask some questions. Then, I will let listen and show
to them how the story read accurately through the audio-visual materials.
Finally, I will test them again to read the printout story and answer the
questions after.


What would be the title of your Action Research should you conduct the study?

“The Effectiveness of Audio-Visual Material in Reading Comprehension of Grade 2


Add: Solution/ actions

 I will propose it the principal of the school and do all my plans.

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