TaskBench Partner Brochure May June 2020 (RB Comments)

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TaskBench Partner Brochure guideGuide

About this guide

1. This document is meant forIt speaks to potential partners of TaskBench. It is not meant for end

2. This document It is expected to have lot of overlapping information from the website.

3. Will have toIt covers exhaustively on the positioning of TaskBench, USP and battle cards against
leading other products in similar space.

“It is easy to develop a complex system, but complex to develop an easy


TaskBench philosophy

What is TaskBench?

1. TaskBench is an operations management tool that is positioned in between

an email and workflow software.

2. Difference between operations and project management:

In aOperations at any organization involve company we exchanging e
hundreds of emails, texts, voice conversations daily. Are they part of a
project? Not necessarily. PWe ask people to may work on a proposal, raise
a purchase order, or make a payment that is not a project or part of a
project management. . We ask people to raise a purchase order, make a
payment etc. None of them need to be part of a project. TaskBench
addresses this area of internal tasks and workflow processes. We call it
unstructured work.
Unstructured because these assignments operations have no preset
business rules (you can send an email to anyone in the
companyorganization), no service level agreement is required, we have no
notification idea if the person has assigned the work to someone else, you
have no reporting orand dashboards available. Last but probably the
mUnlike project management, there is ost important in the long run is lack
of metrics with which . You cannot measures are unknowne; hence you
cannot improvement is difficult if ever possiblet. This is One one of the
aspects of black data that we will address later in the document.

3. TaskBench is building a capability to give you single interface to do all

work in your organization through a single interface. It is in now way
complete as it is exhaustive work, but you can see it when you are trying
to fill a form or do an inspection. You do not leave your main screen to fill
forms or do inspections. You can currently use TaskBench to project
implementation as well.

We will be building other business applications like billing, stores etc

which will enable functionality to be available from the main screen. And
provide integration to other applications that gives you access to those
functionalities from the TaskBench’ s main screen.

4. TaskBench provides you DIY capabilities to configure business functions

with zero code.
What is TaskBench trying to address for?

For everyoneIndividual Users


Large Organizations

TaskBench differentiations (tThe key part)

We would like to describe the difference between TaskBench and vs. cother
competitors ng software in time phased manner.

“In the moment” – Immediate Phase:

1. Other competing products are designed either for project management like
(i.e., BaseCamp, Monday, etc.) or for team collaboration like (i.e., Slack, K2,
etc.). TaskBench is designed for operations management that includes
operations, project execution, communication and collaboration.
Operations being the major differentiator.

2. TaskBench has enhanced features set compared to its competitors. Even if

on the first glance the features may sound and seem similar to ones of the
competitorsame, a on looking closecloser look ly you get to seeshows
howthe enhanced are the features of the softwareTaskBench.

3. TaskBench is much easier for adoption. While adoption is not necessarily a

problem with our competing products as the user team size is usually small,
TaskBench by default will get larger adoption across the organization. We
have made the interface look remarkably familiar and intuitive to use.
Business users will find it easy to use and learn.

Market space:
 Crowded with established players with similar feature set.
 No one addressing the space TaskBench is trying to cater.
 Competitors do not have feet on the ground, except for Microsoft, but
not focus area.
 With product demo, TaskBench benefits can be clearly demonstrated.

Intermediate phasePhase:

Governance: TaskBench provides necessary governance features that is

required for governance. For example, you cannot delete an event, but you
can reverse it. You cannot remove a document that was previously uploaded,
and a decision was probably taken based on the contents of the same
Audit logs are permanently maintained of all activities in the software.
Controls: TaskBench provides you simple to configure but yet exhaustive
permission and control options that gives granular control options. This is
unique in TaskBench compared to applications playing in this space. Similar
controls options may be available in advanced workflow systems.
Templates: TaskBench has a strong engine that allows template engine, that
lets you setting templates for regular tasks; . Yyou can set a template with
custom fields, checklists, forms, estimated completion dates and much more.
Instead of creating a task from ground-up, the user can select a template that
is set for specific task type and process. This brings uniformity of action
throughout the organization, (this is again the positioning of TaskBench,
between email and workflow).
Dashboards: TaskBench gives enterprise class dashboards with data filtering
options. Get real time information from any perspective, per employee, per
task type, per completion date, etc.

Market space:
 Clear differentiation with competitors. Information can be deleted from
most applications that we have benchmarked againsexist in the markett.
 Almost no players outside the “in-the moment” space.

Long termTerm:
This is the real juicy part of partnering with TaskBench. This is a blue ocean
space with no real competitionors; TaskBench allows .processing “Black Data”
Here we use the term about a term which majority of “IT processionals” are
not even aware of. Black Data.
Gartner defines dark data as “as the information assets organizations collect,
process and store during regular business activities, but generally fail to use
for other purposes”
And IDC defines as “potential goldmine of information, delivers value-driving
insights, a hyper-personalized experience along with economic values”
TaskBench gives you metrics to see trends in your any organization’s business
that is not available covered so far with by any other the tools in the market.
TaskBench adequately And addresses level of the dark Dark data Data as seen
described in the picture chart above.
Market space:
 No known player in the market that is addresses ing elements of dark
Dark data Data in unstructured work.
 No known player in the market that is givinggives metrics of
unstructured work.

TaskBench application areas

1. Lead Management
TaskBench can be used to manage sales process in your any organization.
From capturing leads to assigning to relevant personnel and monitor, till the
closure of the lead.
Get insight into theyour sales process, bottlenecks and measure productivity.

2. Process Management

Use TaskBench can be used for managing all your processes and compliance of
any organization. TaskBench provides simple yet powerful mechanisms to
address needs for process management.
Checklists, forms engine, audit engine, tag and categories to enable end users
configure their processes easily. TaskBench is being used in many scenarios
where the core line of business application licences areis expensive and
replaced by TaskBench. With easy mass upload of tasks from any spreadsheet
application, TaskBench can be used to distribute, trace and monitor activities.

3. Partner and Channel Relationship Management

Unlike customers, where the communication is usually limited, communication
between partner or channel partners is often, and many times has the feel of
employees working in the same organization.
Manage the partner and channel relationship through TaskBench is a game
changer. , all communication is through a pre-set mechanisms. You can use
TaskBench form builder can be used to bring structure for inward or outward
service request. Bowith parties getting to keep track of service requests
updated, all communication are managed through a pre-set mechanisms..

4. Production Management


5. Compliance, Audit and inspection Inspection management Management

TaskBench is a versatile tool for all any your organization compliance, audit
and inspection management activities. Choose between browser and mobile
app to do manage the inspections and keep track of activities that have to be
performed with the outcomes of the inspections.
Inspection templates can easily configurable, and each item in the check list
item can have a score.

6. Operations Management

TaskBench can be used as one central point to Manage manage general

operations management using TaskBench. As one central point for
communication and execution of work in your oany organization. , TaskBench
efficiently meets most requirements of major functional areas. Create process
templates, categorize activities, use forms for capturing information, automate
recurring tasks, and much more.

And alTaskBench advanced l this with features are empowered with dashboard
and reporting capabilities that helps your any organization measure activities
and gives insights into trends.

7. Risk Management
Manage all your the risk mitigation activities using TaskBench. Enter all your
pro-active and reactive risk mitigation tasks onto TaskBench and monitor

8. Project Execution Management

Manage execution of projects using TaskBench. Need to have multiple

applications for working on different types of functions is no longer a
requirement. Project resources do not need to flip between applications for
line of business work and project work.
TaskBench is single point of assignment and monitoring of tasks, collaboration,
documents repository, project time sheets, and much more.

9. Service Management

Manage all service management activities using TaskBench. Easily configure

various stages of the call, integrate forms in the process, assign to groups or
individuals, built in reporting and dashboarding features make TaskBench the
ideal software for preventive and reactive service management.
With built-in asset registers and clients register, get true insight into activities
of in your service delivery. With secured way of giving access to your strategic
partners, get metrics beyond your the internal team.

10.Strategy Alignment

With simple steps TaskBench gives you metrics on the activities in your any
organization and their alignment towards strategic goals. For example, all sales
activities are necessarily done in a CRM system. How do you we measure those
activities against strategic benchmarks? With TaskBench you canit is easier
than ever. !

TaskBench industry verticals

To be added later.

TaskBench Features

The feature list of TaskBench is exhaustive and being frequently added upgraded
and enhanced. The Uniqueness uniqueness of TaskBench is how the3D feature is
reflected on how the set of features has been implemented and the depth of the
featuresits functionalities. For example, while most comparable software may
have user administration features, TaskBench provides lots of configuration
options that can define complex permission setting as required. Our tasks on first
glance look similar to other tasks management software, but on greater scrutiny,
you will find much more advanced feature set to be found and used.
The true strength of our offering can be best appreciated through a demo.

TaskBench Implementation

One of the great features of TaskBench is the ease of implementation. We

understand that can be a key consideration in the SME sector due to limited
resources and bandwidth for a steep learning curve and long implementation
Once you create the users start using the software as soon as they , you can start
using the software. No other configuration is required, basically as simple as an
email software in kick starting the usage. As you kWhileeep using the software,
you can start classifying tasks as per processes, departments or processes within a
department etc to create categories is never easier. Likewise for And in the
identifidentifying y the critical information required for each activity and creatinge
forms and checklists for various types of tasks which themselves can be stored as
But the most important aspects that are available without any configuration are
the dashboard and reporting features. Once the activities start in TaskBench you
can track, trace, and work measure workis automatically performed. Which was
difficult for unstructured work.
We believe iIn the SMB sector, there will be minimal consulting help that would
be required to implement TaskBench and should happen swiftly and smoothly.
And with a remarkably familiar interface, user’s uptake should be easy as well. In
the larger organizations, depending on the prescribed usage of TaskBench,
consulting work may be required.

TaskBench Market Positioning

TaskBench was conceptualized primarily for SMB sector. Our first demonstration
of the then beta product was to a retailer whose turnover was about 2 billion US
dollar at that time. The demonstration was requested by the CEO of the company
when he learnt about the features of the software during a flight (sitting next to
one of the co-founders).
Our first paying client is a three-man insurance brokerage firm and the second
paying client is telecoms operator which had existing investments in enterprise
software of various types. This information is to showcase the versatility of the
In one of the meeting a prospect who is a susidarysubsidiary of a Fortune 100
company, after few slides of demonstration informed us politely that they have
requisterequisite software to address the problem TaskBench is trying to solve.
After our request to continue with the demonstration, we realized our
presentation was faulty. The firm identified many areas where TaskBench can
help improve their performance and solve problems. This subsidiary already uses
worldsworld’s leading software.
In the SMB sector it is being used as a workflow software with many added
benefits. In the large sector it is being used to better manage unstructured work.
In both cases the user uptake has been extremely quick due to the familiar look
and feel of the software.
As part of our market research, we had met organizations globally, of various
sizes. We were pleasantly surprised with the positive reception we got when we
spoke of the product and demonstrated the beta version. Of course, we need
partners like yourself to convert the positive reception to actual business.
To conclude, we can with confidence state that most businesses will need
TaskBench to plug some gap or the other. And we get to learn its application
areas from our clients.

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