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Pornography and Attitudes Supporting Violence Against Women: Revisiting

the Relationship in Nonexperimental Studies

Article  in  Aggressive Behavior · January 2010

DOI: 10.1002/ab.20328 · Source: PubMed


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3 authors, including:

Gert Martin Hald Neil M Malamuth

University of Copenhagen University of California, Los Angeles


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Volume 35, pages 1–7 (2009)

Pornography and Attitudes Supporting Violence

Against Women: Revisiting the Relationship
in Nonexperimental Studies
Gert Martin Hald1,2, Neil M. Malamuth2, and Carlin Yuen3
University of California, Los Angeles, California
University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
New York University Law School, New York City, New York

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A meta-analysis was conducted to determine whether nonexperimental studies revealed an association between men’s pornography
consumption and their attitudes supporting violence against women. The meta-analysis corrected problems with a previously
published meta-analysis and added more recent findings. In contrast to the earlier meta-analysis, the current results showed an
overall significant positive association between pornography use and attitudes supporting violence against women in
nonexperimental studies. In addition, such attitudes were found to correlate significantly higher with the use of sexually violent
pornography than with the use of nonviolent pornography, although the latter relationship was also found to be significant. The
study resolves what appeared to be a troubling discordance in the literature on pornography and aggressive attitudes by showing
that the conclusions from nonexperimental studies in the area are in fact fully consistent with those of their counterpart
experimental studies. This finding has important implications for the overall literature on pornography and aggression. Aggr.
Behav. 35:1–7, 2009. r 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

INTRODUCTION supporting violence against women are one of the

interacting pathways mediating and moderating
In a meta-analysis conducted by Allen et al.
behavioral effects of pornography, e.g., The Con-
[1995b] the investigators failed to find a significant
fluence Model of Sexual Aggression [Malamuth
association between attitudes supporting violence
et al., 1995].
against women and pornography consumption in
However, as elaborated upon below, serious
nonexperimental studies. This result is both at odds
doubts may be raised about the accuracy of the
with results emerging from experimental studies and
conclusions reached by Allen et al. [1995b] in their
the overall literature in the area including other
meta-analysis of the relationship between attitudes
meta-analyses by Allen and associates. Here a
supporting violence against women and pornogra-
consistent significant association between pornogra-
phy in nonexperimental studies. On this basis, we
phy and various dependent measures including both
conduct a new and up-to-date meta-analysis that
attitudes supporting violence against women and
corrects for problems and questionable decisions in
actual aggressive behavior has been found [Allen
the Allen et al. [1995b] meta-analysis. In addition,
et al., 1995a,b, 2000].
we examine the potential relationship between
For many researchers, the incongruity between
attitudes supporting violence against women and
the results emerging from experimental vs. non-
content of pornography across included studies as
experimental studies concerning the association
violent forms of pornography have been reported to
between attitudes supporting violence against
women and pornography has understandably raised
doubts about the ability of generalizing the conclu- Correspondence to: Gert Martin Hald, Axel Heides Gade 12, 5 t.v.,
sions emanating from experimental studies to 2300 Copenhagen S., Denmark. E-mail:
‘‘real world’’ settings [e.g., Lo and Ran, 2005; Received 12 March 2008; Revised 25 August 2009; Accepted 29
Seto et al., 2001]. In addition, if such doubts September 2009
are well founded, they also constitute a major Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.
challenge to models positing that attitudes com). DOI: 10.1002/ab.20328

r 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

2 Hald et al.

be more clearly associated with risk factors pertain- violence against women, rely on the fact that
ing to sexual aggression than nonviolent forms [e.g. nonviolent pornography often portrays women as
Boeringer, 1994]. highly sexually promiscuous and frequently as being
dominated and ‘‘used’’ by males. These images may
Definitions prime and reinforce various sexually aggressive
schemata and ‘‘rape myth’’ attitudes, e.g., that some
The widely accepted conceptualization of ‘‘atti-
women deserve to or enjoy being harassed, mal-
tudes’’ usually incorporates three components in-
treated sexually, or raped [Berkel et al., 2004;
cluding affective responses, cognitive evaluations,
Lonsway and Fitzgerald, 1995; Milburn et al.,
and behavioral predispositions toward an entity
2000]. The proposed associations may not occur
[e.g., Breckler, 1984]. When applying this approach
for most men, but be particularly likely for men who
to defining ‘‘attitudes supporting violence against
hold hostile/power schemas associated with women
women’’ and deciding which studies should be
and sexuality and/or adhere to attitudes that
included within a meta-analysis of this area, we
dichotomize women into ‘‘whores’’ vs. ‘‘madonnas’’
included various scales assessing (a) affective res-
[see also Bargh et al., 1995; Edelman, 2009;
ponses to acts such as rape, other types of sexual
Kingston et al., 2008; McKenzie-Mohr and Zanna,
aggression, and partner violence, (b) evaluative
1990; Vega and Malamuth, 2007; Zurbriggen, 2000].
cognitions, and (c) behavioral predispositions or
attractions toward such aggressive acts [e.g.,
Malamuth, 1981, 1989a,b]. Thus, we follow the lead
of Allen et al. [1995b] although these investigators
used the term ‘‘rape myth acceptance’’ rather than
‘‘attitudes supporting violence against women.’’ We Problems in the Allen et al. [1995b]
believe that this latter term better describes the Meta-analysis
conceptual territory encompassed by the various
First, in our opinion, half of the eight studies
scales included.
included in the meta-analysis of Allen et al. [1995b]
The term ‘‘pornography’’ refers to sexually explicit
should not have been included due to lack of fit in
materials intended to create sexual arousal in the
concept definitions, sampling procedures, subject
consumer. Nonviolent pornography is defined as
samples, and/or the assessment instruments used.
sexually explicit materials without any overt
These four studies include: Burt [1980], Mosher
coercive content, but which may sometimes imply
[1988], and Padgett et al. [1989, two studies]. For
acts of submission and/or coercion by the position-
illustration purposes we will discuss only one
ing of the models, use of props or display of unequal
example here namely Burt [1980]. However, a more
power relationships. Violent pornography is defined
detailed description of the reasons why the above
as sexually explicit materials in which nonconsen-
studies were excluded may be obtained from the first
sual, coercive, and/or violent sexual relations
author. In the study by Burt [1980], there is a clear
are explicitly portrayed [see also Senn and Radtke,
error in what type of media was classified as
‘‘sexually explicit media’’ or ‘‘pornography.’’ The
media assessed by Burt actually consisted of
The Basis for Predicting Associations
‘‘exposure to media treatments of sexual assault,’’
The basis for predicting associations between defined as ‘‘television, motion picture, dramatic,
exposure to violent pornography and aggressive and newspaper treatments of rape or sexual assault’’
tendencies, including attitudes supporting violence (p 221). Such media typically document the
against women, may be viewed as in keeping horrors of rape, rather than show sexually explicit
with more general models of the impact of violent images designed to sexually arouse the consumer
media on aggressive tendencies [e.g., Anderson and (i.e. pornography). Importantly, the same theoreti-
Carnagey, 2004; Huesmann and Kirwil, 2007], cal models (e.g., social learning theory) that
although additional mechanisms may also be at would predict a positive association between porno-
play when images of sex and aggression are graphy use and attitudes supporting violence
intermingled [e.g., Anderson and Anderson, 2008; against women would in fact predict the opposite,
Donnerstein and Hallam, 1978]. i.e. a negative association, for this type of docu-
The proposed processes responsible for predicting mentary media. For this reason we believe that
an association between nonviolent pornography and Burt [1980] should not have been included in the
aggressive responses, including attitudes supporting meta-analysis.

Aggr. Behav.
Pornography Use and Attitudes 3

Second, in the Allen et al. [1995b] study, we found carefully according to the following four inclusion
a mistake in the statistical analyses concerning the criteria:
likely presence of a moderating variable.1 This error
was graciously acknowledged by Dr. M. Allen 1. The definition of pornography matched or approxi-
(personal communication, November 25, 2005). mated our own. That is, ‘‘sexually explicit materials
Meta-analyses commonly present a statistical test intended to create sexual arousal in the receiver.’’
of heterogeneity in an attempt to establish whether 2. The study included a measure of attitudes
all studies are evaluating the same effect [Higgins supporting violence against women.
et al., 2003; Hunter et al., 1982; Leandro, 2005]. A 3. The study included enough statistical informa-
failed test of heterogeneity as given by a significant tion on male participants to estimate the associa-
w2 indicates the likely presence of a moderating tion between pornography consumption and
variable. A nonsignificant w2 indicates the likely attitudes supporting violence against women.
absence of a moderating variable and hence homo- 4. The study used nonoffender samples.
geneity across included studies. Allen, Emmers
et al. erroneously reported that ‘‘after deleting the
Check [1985, Experiment 2] and Malamuth and The first three criteria match closely those used by
Check [1985, Nonexperimental] studies, the new Allen et al. [1995b] in their meta-analysis. However,
average correlation was homogeneous and that Allen, Emmers et al. included in some studies the data
the sample probably did not contain a mode- for both female and male participants. As research
rating variable’’ (p 18). However, our reanalysis has consistently shown gender to be a strong
showed that the new average correlation in fact differentiating variable in this area of research [e.g.,
was heterogeneous, indicating the likely presence Bryant, 2009; Hald, 2006; Hald and Malamuth, 2008]
of a moderating variable (w2ð5Þ ¼ 14:23, P 5 .0142, we elected not to do so, with one exception. In the
I2 5 65% using Cochran’s Q and Higgin’s I2). This Emmers-Sommer and Burns [2005] study ten women
calls for a more cautious or even different inter- (2.4%) was included in the calculation of results. We
pretation of the results and following conclusions thought it unlikely that such a small percentage
of this particular part of the Allen, Emmers et al. would have much overall impact and decided to
meta-analysis. include the study. The fourth criterion does not
explicitly replicate Allen, Emmers et al., although
Allen, Emmers et al. also did not include studies using
The Present Meta-Analysis offender populations. Our rationale for excluding
studies using offender samples pertain to the fact that
Procedure. We used two methods for collect- various researchers have raised questions about the
ing studies. First, we examined previous meta- veridicality and validity of self-reports of convicted
analyses and reviews on pornography for relevant offenders as compared with nonoffender samples
studies [in particular Allen et al, 1995a,b; Bauserman, [e.g., Hanson and Bussiere, 1998; Hare, 1985].
1996; Fisher and Grenier, 1994; Malamuth et al., A total of nine studies and 2,309 participants were
2000; Oddone-Paolucci et al., 2000]. Second, we included in the final meta-analysis (Table I) [Barak
conducted a thorough literature search of the et al., 1999; Demaré et al., 1993]. We acknowledge
following databases: PsychInfo, PsycArticles, that the inclusion of only nine studies in the final
PubMed, and Sociological Abstracts using erotica, meta-analysis may call for a more cautious inter-
porn, sexual media, rape, and violence as key pretation of results.
words searching the databases from inception to Measures. The following measures of attitudes
February 2009. This resulted in a large number supporting violence against women were used in the
of references. We then reviewed each reference studies included in the meta-analysis:
1 The acceptance of interpersonal violence scale
Depending on the particular focus of the study, individual
differences such as attraction to sexual aggression or attitudes (AIV—6 items): The AIV assess attitudes condoning
supporting violence against women may be treated as a mediator, a the use of force and violence in relationships. The
moderator or an outcome variable. Mediators reflect the generative internal reliability of the AIV is .59 as measured by
mechanisms or processes through which the identified variable Cronbach’s a [Burt, 1980].
influences the outcome. That is, how an effect came about. In The adversarial sexual beliefs scale (ASB—9
contrast, a moderator is a third variable that affects the direction
and/or the strength of a relationship between two variables. In
items): The ASB investigates the degree to which
statistical analyses this is revealed as an interaction effect and in participants perceive male and female relations as
meta-analyses as a failed test of heterogeneity. ‘‘fundamentally exploitative’’ [Burt, 1980]. The

Aggr. Behav.
4 Hald et al.

TABLE I. Studies Included in (1) The Meta-Analysis and (2) The Sensitivity Analyses

Attitudes supporting
violence against
Study/Author Year women scales used N Correlationa

1. Meta-analysis
Barak, Fisher, Belfry, and 1999 LSH, RMA 31 .310
Boeringer 1994 LF, LR 477 .283
Check 1985 AIV, ASB, LF, LR, RMA 434 .111
Demare, Briere, and Lips 1993 AIV, LF, LR, RMA 383 .142
Emmers-Sommer and Burns 2005 AIV, ASB, RMA 419 .090
Garcia 1986 ATR 115 .045
Lam and Chan 2007 PSH, SHP 227 .208
Malamuth and Check 1985 RMA 121 .290
Vega and Malamuth 2007 ASB, AIV, HTW, RMA 102 .312
2A. Sensitivity analysis I: Nonviolent pornography
Boeringer 1994 LF, LR 477 .205
Demare, Briere, and Lips 1993 AIV, LF, LR, RMA 383 .084
Emmers-Sommer and Burns 2005 AIV, ASB, RMA 419 .030
Garcia 1986 ATR 115 .012
Malamuth and Check 1985 RMA 121 .290
Vega and Malamuth 2007 ASB, AIV, HTW, RMA 102 .312
2B. Sensitivity analysis II: Violent pornography
Boeringer 1994 LF, LR 477 .361
Demare, Briere, and Lips 1993 AIV, LF, LR, RMA 383 .171
Emmers-Sommer and Burns 2005 AIV, ASB, RMA 419 .210
Garcia 1986 ATR 115 .070

Note: Attitudes supporting violence against women scales used: AIV 5 Acceptance of Interpersonal Violence, ASB 5 Adversarial Sexual Beliefs,
ATR 5 Attitudes Toward Rape, LF 5 Likelihood of Force, LR 5 Likelihood of Rape, LSH 5 Likelihood of Sexual Harassment, PSH 5 The
Perception of Sexual Harassment Scale, RMA 5 Rape Myth Acceptance, SHP 5 The Sexual Harassment Proclivities Scale.
If an overall r was not provided, an overall average r was calculated on the basis of the r-values of each relevant scale included as suggested by
Lipsey and Wilson [2001].

internal reliability of the ASB is .80 as measured by highly with a much more elaborate measure of
Cronbach’s a [Burt, 1980]. attraction to sexual aggression [e.g., Malamuth,
The rape myth acceptance scale (RMA—11 items): 1989a,b; Malamuth and Dean, 1991].
The RMA measures the degree to which participants The perception of sexual harassment scale (PSH–9
believe in stereotypical rape myths. The internal items): The PSH examines perceptions of sexual
reliability of the RMAS is .88 as measured by harassment [Biber et al., 2002]. The reliability of the
Cronbach’s alpha [Burt, 1980]. PSH is .72 as reported by Lam and Chan [2007] and
The attitudes toward rape scale (ATR—15, 25, or 55 measured by Cronbach’s a.
items): The ATR includes eight factors. High scores The Sexual Harassment Proclivities Scale (SHP–10
on these factors reflect various aspects contributing items): The SHP assess participants’ proclivity to
to a general belief in rape myths, e.g., that women engage in sexual harassment [Pryor, 1987]. The
cause rape through their appearance and/or behavior reliability of the PSH (5 items) is .83 as reported by
[Field, 1978; Garcia, 1986]. The reliability of the ATR Lam and Chan [2007] and measured by Cronbach’s a.
ranges between .81 and .93 as measured by Cron- All included measures used Likert scales where
bach’s a [Daugherty and Dambrot, 1986]. higher scores indicate a higher degree of attitudes
The likelihood of rape scale (LR), the likelihood of supporting violence against women.
sexual force (LSF), and the likelihood of sexual
harassment (LSH) scale: The LR, LSF, and LSH are
single item scales used to measure the hypothetical
potential of a man to rape or commit similar sexual
aggressive acts given the assurance that he would Owing to the findings of heterogeneity in the
face no punishment [Malamuth, 1981]. Scores on analyses reported below all analyses were conducted
these scales have been shown to have considerable using both a fixed effect model and a random effect
construct and predictive validity and to correlate model and then compared. As the results of all

Aggr. Behav.
Pornography Use and Attitudes 5

analyses using either model were very similar, only consumption and attitudes supporting violence
the result using the fixed effect model is reported here against women in nonexperimental studies. This
with the result using the random effect model being relationship was found to be significantly stronger
available from the first author [see also Higgins and for violent pornography than for nonviolent porno-
Thompson, 2002; Leandro, 2005; Song et al., 2001]. graphy, although both types of pornography showed
The overall meta-analysis included nine studies and significant positive associations with attitudes sup-
2,309 participants. The average correlation between porting violence against women. The finding of
pornography consumption and attitudes supporting heterogeneity in the meta-analysis underlines the
violence against women using a fixed effect model was importance of targeting moderators in pornography
significant (r 5 .18, Po.001; CI 95% (.14; .22)). research [see also Kingston et al., 2009].
However, a failed test of heterogeneity and incon- The results are in contrast to earlier conclusions
sistency across studies was found indicating the likely reported by Allen et al. [1995b] both concerning the
presence of a moderating variable (w2ð8Þ ¼ 18:21, existence of an overall significant relationship
Po.001, I2 5 56%, using Cochran’s Q and Higgin’s I2). between pornography consumption and attitudes
Both theory and the experimental research litera- supporting violence against women in nonexperi-
ture suggest that violent pornography is more likely mental studies and the finding of heterogeneity
to have association with attitudes supporting violence indicative of moderators in this relationship.
against women than nonviolent pornography [e.g., Further, our reanalysis of the meta-analysis as
Allen et al., 1995b]. Consequently, two sensitivity originally reported by Allen, Emmers et al. showed
analyses based on type of pornography were con- that even in their originally reported meta-analysis
ducted. Only studies providing the necessary differ- heterogeneity indicative of moderators was found
entiation of statistical information were included. despite their reporting of the contrary.
Across six studies and 1,617 participants, the Two important implications may be drawn from
average correlation between nonviolent pornogra- this study. First, the results correct a glaring
phy and attitudes supporting violence against discrepancy in the research literature by showing
women using a fixed effect model was found to be that the relationship between men’s pornography
significant (r 5 .13, Po.001). However, a failed test consumption and their attitudes supporting vio-
of heterogeneity and inconsistency across studies lence against women in nonexperimental studies
was found (w2ð5Þ ¼ 16:42, P 5 .006, I2 5 70%, using are in fact fully consistent with those previously
Cochran’s Q and Higgin’s I2) indicating the likely found in experimental studies focusing on the same
presence of a moderating variable. association.
Across four studies and 1,394 participants the Second, the results highlight the role of individual
average correlation between violent pornography differences as strong moderators of the association
and attitudes supporting violence against women between pornography and attitudes supporting
using a fixed effect model was found to be significant violence against women. Such moderation has now
(r 5 .24, Po.001). However, a failed test of hetero- also been well documented in this research area
geneity and inconsistency across studies was found with other dependent measures [e.g., Bryant, 2009;
(w2ð3Þ ¼ 14:22, P 5 .003, I2 5 79%, using Cochran’s Kingston et al., 2008, 2009; Malamuth and Huppin,
Q and Higgin’s I2) indicating the likely presence of a 2005; Vega and Malamuth, 2007]. More specifically,
moderating variable. it has been consistently found that an association
Using Fisher’s Z transformation to compare the between pornography consumption and aggression
within-group correlations between violent and non- is particularly likely for men who score high on
violent pornography and attitudes supporting other risk factors for sexual aggression.
violence against women, it was found that the Does a consistent significant, but relatively small
correlation between violent pornography and atti- association between pornography consumption and
tudes supporting violence against women (r 5 .24) attitudes supporting violence against women in
was significantly higher (Po.001) than the correla- nonexperimental studies have practical significance?
tion between nonviolent pornography and attitudes We believe it does. As shown by e.g., Rosenthal
supporting violence against women (r 5 .13). [1986] even small significant associations may
translate into considerable social and practical
significance across larger population samples. In
addition, the type of attitudes studied here have
The result of the present meta-analysis shows a been found to consistently predict ‘‘real world’’
significant overall relationship between pornography sexually aggressive proclivities and behaviors in

Aggr. Behav.
6 Hald et al.

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