Moisture Analyzers: New Methods of Moisture Content Analysis

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Moisture Analyzers

New Methods of Moisture Content Analysis

Moisture Analyzers of 3Y Series
The best possible functionality and professionalism
for a drying process and moisture content analysis!

• 5.7” touch screen display

• Interactive menu
• Wi-Fi
• Control and adjustment system for a drying chamber (GMP)
• Compliance with regulations (GLP System)
• Databases (products, weighings, customers, drying programs,
drying processes reports, control and statistics for drying
processes reports)
• Dynamic control of sample weight (bar graph)
• Drying parameters optimisation (Test)
• Drying process visualisation (%M, %R, %D, graph)
• Statistics (trend of sample humidity over time)
• Printouts, reports (standard PCL)
• Multilingual menu
• Interfaces: Ethernet (network applications), USB, RS 232
• Wide spectrum of applications (industry, laboratories, universities,
research and development institutes)


Home Screen E
A Information on a selected working mode and on a current drying mode

B Information on a logged in user

C Area for date, time, information on connection, battery level, etc. I J

D Pictogram informing on levelling status

E Moisture analyzer indication area

F Weight bar graph

G Bar graph for sample weight control

H Configurable area for supplementary information

I Drying mode / temperature selection

J Auto switch-off option

K Printout interval

L Temperature and elapsed analysis time

M Area defining the drying chamber (Opened / Closed / Drying Process)

N Quick launch bar providing access to functions

O Proximity sensors (optimization of operation)



Maximum efficiency and productivity. Arranging
work through databases. History of moisture content
variations for a given sample. Easy data exchange between
devices. Data protection and access control. Fully configurable
screen menu.
Moisture Analyzers of X2 Series
Professional design assuring the highest quality of drying
process and maximum comfort of operation.

• 5.7” colour touch screen

• Free customization of menu elements
• Wi-Fi
• Control and adjustment system for a drying chamber (GMP)
• Compliance with regulations (GLP System)
• Databases (products, customers, users, packaging,
drying programs, drying reports)
• Dynamic control of sample weight (bar graph)
• Drying parameters optimisation (test)
• Drying process visualisation
• Statistics (trend of sample humidity over time)
• Printouts, reports (standard PCL)
• Multilingual menu
• Wide spectrum of applications (industry, laboratories,
universities, research and development institutes)

Home Screen
A Displaying home screen

B Exit (return to the previous screen)

C Tare button
D Display shutdown C
E Enter/Print button

F Zero button

G Status bar (working mode, moisture analyzer metrological data)

H Area with drying/weighing result

I Information panel

J Quick access key triggering functions and settings

K Current working mode settings

L Proximity sensors

M Drying mode / temperature selection

N Drying process automatic shutdown

O Printout interval

P Temperature and analysis time

R Area defining the drying chamber (Opened / Closed / Drying Process)



Clear information arrangement. Uncomplicated
and intuitive operation as a result of free
customization of the menu. Automatically opened
and closed drying chamber.
Moisture Analyzers of R Series
Advanced technology for a drying process
and moisture content analysis!

• LCD display
• Cascading menu
• Wi-Fi
• Control and adjustment system for a drying chamber (GMP)
• Compliance with regulations (GLP System)
• Databases (users, products, programs, tares)
• Drying parameters optimisation (Test)
• Drying process visualisation (%M, %R, %D, graph)
• Printouts, reports (standard PCL)
• Multilingual menu
• Wide spectrum of applications (industry, laboratories, universities,
research and development institutes)

Home Screen D
A Elapsed drying time H
B Drying temperature

C Area defining the drying chamber (Opened / Closed / Drying Process)

D Moisture content result for a given sample

E Automatic shutdown

F Drying mode

G Measuring unit %M, %D, %R

H Information area

I Direct access to reports on performed drying processes

J Direct access to databases

K Switching drying mode and changing drying temperature

L Selecting sample out of the database


Compact size and design. Easy and intuitive operation.
Direct access to reports and product databases. Ease of
data exchange between devices. Versatility of applications
in various workstations.
and Construction

Measurements Precision Drying

in all Thermal Conditions Temperature Stability
Moisture analyzer comprises precision balance and a drying chamber Drying temperature stabilization is ensured by a heating element (IR
joined together. High resolution weighing module is designed to emitter) coupled with a temperature sensor. Proper operation of this
provide quick and precise measurement of a particular sample weight, system is possible owing to adjustment performed in the course of
independently from its thermal condition. Module stabilisation is a manufacturing process.
obtained using special algorithm controlling halogen lamp operation.
The emitter, as a heat source, is effective when carrying out analysis
of various materials: powders, liquids, paste, semi-liquid substances,
solid bodies etc.

Graduating drying
temperature means
A comparing and correcting
indications of moisture
analyzer thermometer.
The correction is referred
to indications of control
thermometer, three
B measuring points are
used for comparison.
During the test, the
control thermometer
replaces a weighing pan.
A drying chamber

B weighing module

Correctness of thermometer
indications (GLP) is checked
periodically in the course of

For precise determination of A specific algorithm controlling heating elements

sample weight it is necessary to operation is needed in order to maintain a particular
perform adjustment procedure temperature throughout the drying process. RADWAG has
using external mass standard designed such an algorithm thus ensuring quickness
characterised by a respective Accuracy is confirmed by
a report presenting value and accuracy of operation independently from analysis
accuracy class.
of deviation. duration.

Heat Source Methods

Types and Intended Use for Obtaining the Preset Temperature
IRS Halogen Standard Mode
Infrared short Intended use:
λ = ~ 1,2 μm Solid, powder and semi-
mainly convection, liquid samples. Temperature
surface heating. grows until the determined
value is reached.
Intended for: 99% of applications.
powder, semi-liquids,

IRM Emitter Mild Mode

Intended use:
Infrared medium
Mild mode shall be applied
λ = ~ 3,0 μm
when too fast temperature
convection and radiation,
growth eliminates
deeper layers heating.
components other than
Intended for:
Possibility of adjusting
most samples of liquid
the speed of temperature
or semi-liquid consistence,
powders, crushed solids.

IRL Emitter Quick Mode

Infrared long Intended use:
λ = ~ 5,0 μm Samples of high humidity.
mostly radiation, sample In case of overadjustment
volume heating. the temperature drops until
the determined value is
Intended for: reached.
bodies of thick consistence Temperature drop caused
and for solids. by heat coming from
evaporation is eliminated.

Step Mode
IR emitter is one of the moisture analyzer heat
sources, it operates in a feedback loop. Intended use:
This ensures thermal conditions stability for the time Drying minerals. Chemically
of analysis. RADWAG-designed method for dynamic bound water and surface
control of drying chamber temperature is one of the bound water is eliminated.
factors allowing to obtain short time for analysis Sample analysis for various
process and repeatability within drying series. temperature values is

Samples Solid bodies

- light sample,
Types and Preparation - requires grinding

Size of the sample and its preparation

shall provide the following: sample
structure homogeneity, short time
Samples of low humidity
of drying, good repeatability of - heavy sample
measurement within a measurement (10 - 15 g)
series and drying process result
comparable to a reference result
(standardised method).
- increasing active surface of
evaporation is recomended

of Analysis Completion
TEST function analyses weight variation for
a particular sample, occurring during the drying
process. There are 5 different options for automatic
shutdown. The user shall select option allowing him
to end the drying process in a way ensuring that the
obtained humidity value is as close as possible to
a reference value. Among other automatic shutdown
possibilities there are time-defined, manual
and user-defined options, the latest one being the best
adjusted to a particular sample characteristics.

Relations of weight decrease

within a specified time interval.

Obtained humidity value depends on start mass of

a particular sample – an optimal mass value shall be
Demonstrative printout of selected prior running the tests.
TEST function.
Drying Process

Automatic Control
of Sample Weight
A WEIGHT CONTROL (checkweighing
Obtaining optimal results for
a drying process depends on
samples quantity and weight.
Too heavy sample lengthens
duration of the drying process.
Too light sample works against
repeatability of the results. This
proves that control of the sample A
weight is inevitable.

B GRAPH (drying process curve,
registered for dynamic state)

C DRYING PROGRAMS (drying mode

type, temperature, auto switch-off)
D SAMPLES (name, code, end mass,
tolerance, etc.)
on how to prepare a sample for a drying

Structure Transformation Crust Formation Sample Burning Heat Absorption
It is a process where Such a process is a Dark in colour samples
Unfavorable physical processes, affecting the sample
an impermeable layer consequence of too absorb more heat
structure, may occur during the drying process. These are
is formed on a sample high drying temperature. than the light ones.
caused by dispersion of indications and mistakes made
surface. This makes It results in a change this accounts for
when undertaking assessment of actual moisture content for
a particular sample. removal of humidity from of sample colour. application of lower
the sample impossible. When sample burning drying temperatures
As a result the indication occurs then the sample while drying light in
Respective method for a particular sample being an outcome of an humidity value is greater colour samples. Tests
drying, shall be selected based on tests analysis is lower than the than its reference value. need to be carried out in
optimizing the sample size, drying temperature sample reference value. order to select the right
and method of analysis end procedure. temperature value.
and the Drying Process

Temperature Control
Drying temperature is a decisive factor for moisture content of
a particular sample. The temperature is controlled periodically Drying Mode
according to an adopted timetable, wherein the said timetable is Temperature test is performed for
specified for a particular temperature value. standard drying mode, the most
frequently used mode for moisture
content analysis.

The test is performed for a preset

Maximum permissible error for
a drying process.

Calibration Kit Number

Serial number of a control
The temperature test is
performed by means of a
special control thermometer.

Time interval for test of both stability and

drying temperature accuracy is merely
8-minute long!
and Statistics

on Drying Process
RADWAG moisture analyzers allow the user
to make self-configured reports. Analysis,
summaries, etc. may be printed by means
of any office printer (PCL).

The report comprises three sections:

the header (A), the data area (B) and the footer
(C). Each section can be freely configured
by a user.

Process Statistics
Moisture content analyses performed for the same
sample are used to determine the sample moisture
content variation within a specified time interval (Trend).
Trend graph is calculated automatically. Calculating moisture content
variation is required wherever manufacturing process and control
is performed in a permanent manner. The obtained data is used by
systems controlling the manufacturing process. It helps to determine
optimal moisture content for a particular sample, required for
a finished product prior its packing.

In order to determine
trend graph, open
a database and specify
reference value for
sample humidity
and permissible
tolerance for humidity

Statistics – trend
for moisture content
variation over time,
calculated automatically Example of a simple drying report, Example of a complex drying report,
for each product. generated by MA R moisture generated by MA 3Y moisture
analyzer. analyzer.
Managing and Editing

Databases Database
Drying Process Ergonomics Editor
Drying parameters such as temperature and automatic shutdown Database Editor PC software is designed to support users dealing
are optimally selected for every single sample. Trying to remember with a vast number of samples. Clear structure of the program
the parameters for just a few samples requires considerable effort. ensures quickness when it comes to specifying drying parameters
It is more convenient to record the parameters in a database than and other information relating to a sample. Data is transferred from
attempting to learn them by heart. the software to a moisture analyzer by means of Ethernet (3Y) or
RS 232 (3Y, R).

Product Database
Contains any Data
Relating to a Sample:
- name and description,
- EAN code: searching a sample in a database by means of a scanner,
- target value (%): value used for automatic control of sample weight
(bar graph) and for determining moisture content variation over
time (trend),
- Min, Max: value used for automatic control of sample weight
(bar graph),
- tolerance: value used for determining moisture content variation
over time (trend),
- drying program. Available databases: Products, Weighing Records, Customers, Drying
Programs, Drying Process Records, Ambient Conditions, Packaging,
Warehouses, Printouts, Universal Variables.

Drying Programs Database

Contains any Data Detailed information concerning the product.
Relating to a Drying Process:
- name, code,
- drying mode, drying temperature, Databases
- automatic shutdown (auto / time-defined / user-defined),
- start mass control (none / optional / essential),
- equipment intended for a sample (methodology),
- instruction on sample preparation for a drying process (methodology),
- required sample size (methodology).

Export / import of databases between moisture analyzers.

Results Analysis Performed Online

Drying Processes Ergonomics
Production processes for which moisture content of a particular sample is a crucial parameter, require
quick reaction. This may be carried out using so called weighing networks comprising MA 3Y and MA R
moisture analyzers. Each drying process is monitored on-line regardless of workstations location.

E2R Moisture Analyzer PC software is designed to record measurements performed by means

of RADWAG moisture analyzers cooperating in a network, using RS 232 and Ethernet interfaces
for connection. The software enables monitoring and reporting of collected measurements.

Software functions: on-line monitoring of moisture analyzer operation, possibility of configuring reports and graphs,
analysis of data collected from many drying workstations, data protection.

E2R Moisture Analyzer is

a module of integrated
system for managing E2R
weighing processes. E2R System
comprises various programs
ensuring continuous control of
balances and their databases
together with both, complete
managing of the manufacturing
process and the process
Intended Use
and Aplications

Area PC
of Use Software
Moisture content analysis and dry mass measurement of a particular product are both RADWAG PC software supports moisture
crucial for various branches of industry and science. Vast area of use and diversity analyzers expanding their functionality.
of analyzed samples structure require individual approach to different substances.

Scales preview, weighings graphs and statistics
Dairy Industry graphs.
cheese, buttermilk, yoghurt, powdered milk, etc. Database Editor
Samples are dried directly on a weighing pan or by means Readout, databases editing and record
of glass fiber filters or silica sand (increasing surface of computer stored databases on balance.
of evaporation).
Rad Key
Readout of balance data by means
of defined Hot Key.
Fruit and Vegetable Industry
Samples: E2R Moisture Analyzers
dried vegetables, fruits and mushroom, nuts etc. Record of weighments carried out by moisture
Samples shall be cut into smaller pieces (the analyzed samples analyzers cooperating in a network.
cannot be too thick).

Food Industry Additional

sugar, flour, pasta, spices, gelatin, etc. Equipment
Thin layer of semi-liquid samples shall be distributed on a
weighing pan (silica sand or glass fiber filters may be used). Other - Anti-vibration weighing tables,
kinds of samples shall be crushed. - Disposable weighing pans,
- Thermal and dot matrix printers,
- Barcode scanners (for 3Y series),
- Control thermometer,
Chemical Industry - Water vapor permeability set.
Complete offer is to be found on
emulsion, gel and lotions used for cleaning, paints, film, graphite, etc. website.
Thin layer of semi-liquid samples shall be distributed on a weighing
pan (Silica sand or glass fiber filters may be used). Other kinds of
samples shall be crushed.

Agricultural Industry
grain, seeds, hay, biomass, etc.
Grain needs to be crushed prior drying.
Moisture Analyzers

First-class professional moisture analyzers Advanced moisture analyzers intended Versatile and reliable standard moisture
intended for the most challenging applications. for most applications. They guarantee high analyzers. They are characterized by high
They assure excellent accuracy and wide range quality measurements along with easy measurements accuracy, uncomplicated
of functions. and convenient operation. operation and robust design.

Display Display Display

5.7” colour resistive touch screen. 5” colour capacitive touch screen. Large, monochromatic LCD with backlight.

Databases Databases Databases

10 databases (users, products, customers, 8 databases (users, products, customers, 6 databases (users, products, packaging,
packaging, warehouses, universal variables, packaging, drying programs, drying reports, drying programs, drying reports, weighing
drying modes, weighing reports, ambient weighing reports, ambient conditions). reports).
Level system Level system
Level system Bull’s eye level. Bull’s eye level.
Bar graph
Bar graph Bar graph of maximum capacity.
Bar graph of maximum capacity,
Bar graph for control of sample mass. Proximity sensors
2 independently programmable IR sensors.
Proximity sensors
2 independently programmable IR sensors. Automatic drying chamber
Automatically opened and closed drying
Graphs chamber.
Drying process visualisation.
Prognosis of the drying process result
Prognosis function (max. 6-fold reduction
of the drying time).
MA 50/1.X2.A MA 50.X2.A MA 110.X2.A
MA 60.3Y MA 200.3Y
MA 50/1.IC.X2.A* MA 50.IC.X2.A* MA 110.IC.X2.A*

Maximum capacity [Max] 60 g 200 g 50 g 50 g 110 g

Readability [d] 0.1 mg 1 mg 0.1 mg 1 mg 1 mg

Tare range -60 g -200 g -50 g -50 g -110 g

Maximum sample weight 60 g 200 g 50 g 50 g 110 g

Moisture readout accuracy 0.0001 % 0.001 % 0.0001 % 0.001 % 0.001 %

Moisture content
repeatability for ~ 2g 0.05 % 0.05% 0.05 % 0.05 % 0.05 %

Moisture content
repeatability for ~ 10g 0.01 % 0.01 % 0.01 % 0.01 % 0.01 %

external (MA X2.A), external (MA X2.A), external (MA X2.A),

Adjustment external external
internal (MA X2.IC.A) internal (MA X2.IC.A) internal (MA X2.IC.A)
max 160°C, max 160°C, max 160°C, max 160°C, max 160°C,
Drying temperature range
max 250°C (option) max 250°C (option) max 250°C (option) max 250°C (option) max 250°C (option)

IR emitter, IR emitter, IR emitter, IR emitter, IR emitter,

Heating element halogen (option), halogen (option), halogen (option), halogen (option), halogen (option),
metal heater (option) metal heater (option) metal heater (option) metal heater (option) metal heater (option)

Power of heating element 450 W 450 W 450 W 450 W 450 W

standard, quick, standard, quick, standard, quick, standard, quick, standard, quick,
Drying mode
step, mild step, mild step, mild step, mild step, mild

manual, automatic, manual, automatic, manual, automatic, manual, automatic, manual, automatic,
Drying shutdown options time-defined, time-defined, time-defined, time-defined, time-defined,
user-defined user-defined user-defined user-defined user-defined

Touch-free operation programmable sensors programmable sensors programmable sensors programmable sensors programmable sensors

Automatically opened
drying chamber

control of sample control of sample control of sample

sample identification, sample identification,
Additional functions weight before drying weight before drying weight before drying
drying process graph drying process graph
process process process

Operating temperature +10°C - + 40°C +10°C - + 40°C +10°C - + 40°C +10°C - + 40°C +10°C - + 40°C

Weighing pan dimensions ø90 mm, h = 8 mm ø90 mm, h = 8 mm ø90 mm, h = 8 mm ø90 mm, h = 8 mm ø90 mm, h = 8 mm

5.7” resistive 5.7” resistive 5” capacitive colour 5” capacitive colour 5” capacitive colour
colour touchscreen colour touchscreen touchscreen touchscreen touchscreen

2×USB-A, RS 232, 2×USB-A, RS 232, USB-A, USB-B, USB-A, USB-B, USB-A, USB-B,
Communication interfaces Ethernet, Wi-Fi®, Ethernet, Wi-Fi®, RS 232, Ethernet, RS 232, Ethernet, RS 232, Ethernet,
4×IN, 4×OUT 4×IN, 4×OUT Wi-Fi® Wi-Fi® Wi-Fi®
MA 200/1.X2.A MA 210.X2.A
MA 50/1.R MA 50.R MA 110.R MA 210.R
MA 200/1.IC.X2.A* MA 210.IC.X2.A*

200 g 210 g 50 g 50 g 110 g 210 g

0,1 mg 1 mg 0.1 mg 1 mg 1 mg 1 mg

-200 g -210 g -50 g -50 g -110 g -210 g

200 g 210 g 50 g 50 g 110 g 210 g

0.001 % 0.001 % 0.0001 % 0.001 % 0.001 % 0.001 %

0.05 % 0.05 % 0.05 % 0.05 % 0.05 % 0.05 %

0.01 % 0.01 % 0.01 % 0.01 % 0.01 % 0.01 %

external (MA X2.A), external (MA X2.A),

external external external external
internal (MA X2.IC.A) internal (MA X2.IC.A)
max 160°C, max 160°C, max 160°C, max 160°C, max 160°C, max 160°C,
max 250°C (option) max 250°C (option) max 250°C (option) max 250°C (option) max 250°C (option) max 250°C (option)

IR emitter, IR emitter, IR emitter, IR emitter, IR emitter, IR emitter,

halogen (option), halogen (option), halogen (option), halogen (option), halogen (option), halogen (option),
metal heater (option) metal heater (option) metal heater (option) metal heater (option) metal heater (option) metal heater (option)

450 W 450 W 450 W 450 W 450 W 450 W

standard, quick, standard, quick, standard, quick, standard, quick, standard, quick, standard, quick,
step, mild step, mild step, mild step, mild step, mild step, mild

manual, automatic, manual, automatic, manual, automatic, manual, automatic, manual, automatic, manual, automatic,
time-defined, time-defined, time-defined, time-defined, time-defined, time-defined,
user-defined user-defined user-defined user-defined user-defined user-defined

programmable sensors programmable sensors – – – –

YES YES – – – –

control of sample control of sample

weight before drying weight before drying sample identification sample identification sample identification sample identification
process process

+10°C - + 40°C +10°C - + 40°C +10°C - + 40°C +10°C - + 40°C +10°C - + 40°C +10°C - + 40°C

ø90 mm, h = 8 mm ø90 mm, h = 8 mm ø90 mm, h = 8 mm ø90 mm, h = 8 mm ø90 mm, h = 8 mm ø90 mm, h = 8 mm

5” capacitive colour 5” capacitive colour

LCD (backlit) LCD (backlit) LCD (backlit) LCD (backlit)
touchscreen touchscreen


RS 232, Ethernet, RS 232, Ethernet,
RS 232, Wi-Fi® RS 232, Wi-Fi® RS 232, Wi-Fi® RS 232, Wi-Fi®
Wi-Fi® Wi-Fi®

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