Lapaz: Calibration of Optical Particle Counters

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Federal Institute of Metrology METAS

The national primary standard at METAS is directly traceable to METAS: The National Metrology Institute of Switzerland
SI-units and stands therefore at the cutting edge of the meas­ The Federal Institute of Metrology METAS is the National Metrology
urement pyramid. Institute of Switzerland. It represents the state of the art of mea­
Particle number concentrations as low as 0.5 cm–3 can be gener­ suring accuracy in Switzerland. Through its activities in research
ated and measured with an expanded relative uncertainty be­ and development and its range of services, METAS is instrumental
tween 5 % and 10 %. in ensuring that measurements can be performed in Switzerland
at the level of accuracy demanded by industry, research, adminis­
tration and society.
10 4
Particle number concentrations CN/cm–3

according to CPC
METAS realises the Swiss reference standards, ensures their inter­
10 3
ISO 27891 Not a primary
national recognition and disseminates them with the requisite
Calibration of optical
particle counters
Extrapolation factor
20... > 1000!!!

OPC degree of accuracy in each case. METAS oversees the market

10 2
launch process, use and control of measuring equipment in the
retail trade, traffic, public safety, health and environmental protec­
LAPAZ tion. It makes sure that the measurements required for the pro­
10 1 Relevant range
for clean spaces tection of people and the environment can be carried out correctly
and in the prescribed manner.
10 0
1 10 100 1000
METAS keeps up with scientific and technological developments
Equivalent mobility diameter d/μm
in order to maintain its place at the cutting edge.

Optical particle counters (OPC) are often calibrated with con­

densation particle counters (CPC). CPC’s are not a primary
standard. To fulfill traceability they need to be calibrated with a
farraday cup electrometer (FCE) according to ISO 27891. FCE’s
cannot measure particle concentrations below 1000 cm –3.
To reach a traceable calibration of the OPC with a CPC, the cali­
bration of the CPC needs to be extrapolated by factor up to 1000.
On the contrary, LAPAZ is a primary standard and is able to
calibrate OPC’s in the relevant ranges of clean spaces.
Traceable calibration of counting
efficiency according to ISO 21501-4

Laboratory of Particles and Aerosols at METAS

Federal Institute of Metrology METAS

Lindenweg 50, 3003 Bern-Wabern, Switzerland
Telephone +41 58 387 01 11,

No. 1 | 10.2018
Interested in the testing and measurement
capabilities of these METAS facilities?
Contact us with questions or a visit request.
METAS is the first metrology institute worldwide to provide cali­
bration of optical particle counters in the range from 0.1 μm to
10.0 μm, traceable to SI-units.

The home-built calibration facility at METAS is able to simulate

clean room conditions and allows comparisons with the national
primary standard for optical particle counting called LAPAZ.

Air supply

The progress in research and development, the miniaturization Injection of generated

of high-tech processes and furthermore the strict safety regula­
tions in comestible sectors, in health sectors and in the pharma­ Mixing air supply Mixing air supply
ceutical industry lead towards more and more processes in clean
rooms. An accurate monitoring of the clean rooms’ air quality is
therefore mandatory. To fulfill air quality regulations in clean
rooms, calibrated and traceable devices, such as optical particle
counters, are required.

According ISO 14644-1 the air quality in clean rooms and similar Homogenised monodisperse
environments is defined by the number of smallest particles per
cubic meter of air. Clean rooms are categorized into nine classes
based on the particle number concentration and particle size.
Here, it must be noted that even the lowest particle number con­
centrations can be crucial in clean rooms.
Sheath air supply

10 8
10 7 lass 9
ISO c Data acquisition;
10 6 lass 8 DUT 1.19 cm–3 calculations;
Particle per m3

10 5 lass 5 ISO c recording 1.24 cm–3

lass 7
10 4 lass 4 lass 6
10 3 lass 3 Photomultiplier
10 2 lass 2
ISO c Laser
10 1 lass 1
Convex lens
10 0
Cylindrical lens
0.1 0.3 0.5 1 5
Particle Size (μm)

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