Ned University of Engineering & Technology: Internship Assessment Form/ Progress Report
Ned University of Engineering & Technology: Internship Assessment Form/ Progress Report
Ned University of Engineering & Technology: Internship Assessment Form/ Progress Report
Respected Customer,
This survey pertains to NED University students referred at your esteemed organisation during
their (summer/ winter) vacations. The purpose of this survey is to obtain your feedback on the
quality of undergraduates on completing their summer/winter internships. We seek your help in
completing this internship assessment form by marking the appropriate boxes with respect to the
attributes mentioned below:
IV.General Comments
Please make any additional comments or suggestions, which you think would help strengthen our
programmes for the preparation of our students who will enter your field in future.
We shall be grateful if you could provide this form to concerned internee in a sealed envelop at the end
of his/her internship. We shall collect this form through his/her chairperson of the department. In any
case you can also send us directly via email at