Part E1 PDF
Part E1 PDF
Part E1 PDF
Mining is the extraction of valuable minerals from an ore Access is via vertical shafts or inclined roadways
body, vein or seam. (adits). There are usually two access routes (one for
men and materials, and one for the ore) for safety and
Materials recovered by mining include bauxite, coal, for ease of ventilation (fresh air comes in one and is
copper, gold, silver, diamonds, iron, precious metals, lead, then exhausted out of the other).
limestone, magensite, nickel, phosphate, oil shale, rock salt,
tin, uranium and molybdenum. Once at the correct depth, horizontal tunnels are
driven to reach the ore deposit. These are permanent
There are four main types of mining: dredging, surface structures so require strong roof supports (often
mining, underground mining and insitu mining. including 'bolts' into the rock to tie the layers together
for strength). In contrast, tunnels into the ore deposit
1. Dredging itself are often temporary, and so the support is less
substantial. Transport for men and materials can be by
This is a high-volume mining technique for low-value train, truck or man-riding conveyor belts.
products near a plentiful source of water.
Scoops/buckets are used to extract material from There are a multitude of different extraction
shallow water (often man-made lagoons). A high-tech techniques but the main ones are:
variation of this is undersea mining, where material is a. Room and pillar
sucked from the seafloor (although the only successful
application of this to-date has been for gem diamonds Matrix of excavated rooms with pillars left
in shallow waters). between them to hold up the roof. This method is
popular for shallow mines where the mineral is
The mining process is usually combined with the thick but of relatively low value (it is a relatively
processing (typically drying and concentration) on a wasteful method as subsequent removal of the
floating barge, which is anchored in the middle of the pillars is dangerous). This method lends itself to
lagoon. the use of mechanised extraction.
Called 'Open-cast' if soft-rock mining (eg coal or The mineral (which is usually in a relatively
limestone) and 'Open-pit' if hard- rock mining (eg narrow seam) is extracted as a face (advancing or
copper and diamonds). The mining process is retreating) between two parallel roadways. This
fundamentally different between these soft- and hard- system is very popular in coal mining; using
rock operations. The former operations are usually shearers (rotating drums with teeth) or plows (a
rectangular in general shape (and advance along the fixed, chisel-like, machine that cuts slices).
seam, with waste infill behind as they advance) while
the latter are oval. c. Block Caving
Surface mines normally only extend to a depth of Tunnels are driven under the ore deposit and the
about 200 m, below which it is usually cheaper to rock above is fragmented (by drilling/blasting
extract the metal from underground. The cut-off point and then the rock collapsing under its own
will depend on the economies of the two methods, weight) and the material is drawn down through
with surface costs being dominated by the ore:waste 'ore passes' (see below).
(stripping) ratio, which, in turn, will depend on the
shape of the ore body, the amount of overburden to be d. Cut and Fill
removed and the safe steepness of the wall (i.e. bench
height vs width). This latter item will depend on the Suited to irregular ore deposits of high-value
type of rock and the number of fractures etc. minerals, this method involves mining upwards
in horizontal slices, with each slice being
Hard-rock surface mining is dominated by backfilled (usually with a concrete mix to provide
drilling/blasting and then lifting of the broken ore a suitable floor) once the fragmented ore from
either into trucks or onto conveyors for transportation above has been collected.
to the processing plant. This lifting is usually by
excavator (electric or hydraulic; with shovel or Depending on the mine configuration, the target
backhoe configuration) or front-end loader. The softer mineral can be collected directly from ore passes
rocks can be recovered directly by using very (effectively vertical tunnels used to store rock) or
powerful excavators (including the huge bucket-wheel lifted from the floor using load-haul-dump (LHD)
machines). vehicles. Transportation to the shaft or incline
can be by train, truck or conveyor.
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Mineral Processing
Ore: This is separated from the waste rock at the earliest It is the recovery (of gold and silver) from finely-
opportunity to avoid dilution (which would involve extra ground ore by simultaneous dissolution and adsorption
cost). 'Run-of-mine' is used to describe the ore as it of the precious metals onto fine carbon in an agitated
emerges from the mine, i.e. before treatment. slurry tank.
MINERAL PROCESSING It is the process of dissolving the copper from the rock
by organic solvents and recovering copper from the
The valuable metal needs to be separated from the solution by electrolysis.
surrounding gangue (uneconomic) material. Much of this
can be done by efficient mining methods so that there is not Mined bauxite is ground and mixed with caustic soda to
too much dilution of the ore. form slurry. This is treated, and the alumina trihydrate
particles recovered and smelted to form alumina. Oxygen is
Initial stages usually involve crushing (e.g. Jaw Breakers) driven off by electrolytic action (in a refinery) to produce
and grinding (e.g. Ball Mills) of the ore to reduce the aluminum.
material to sand and silt sizes. Classifiers (essentially giant
sieves) are used to check particle sizes, with the oversize Copper ore is concentrated by grinding and flotation, and
material being recycled. This process makes handling the smelted in a furnace to create copper matte. Iron and sulfur
ore easier and raises the likelihood of being able to liberate impurities are then removed in a converter (heated air is
all of the valuable metal elements (and maximizing the blown through the material) to create blister copper, which
surface area that will come into contact with subsequent is fire-refined and then electrolytically-refined to produce
chemical processes). copper cathodes.
The next stage is normally a series of concentration Zinc concentrates are roasted and the resulting calcine is
processes; e.g. removing water and waste material. Where leached and purified. Electrolyte zinc is deposited on
the ore has to be transported a considerable distance, this sheets, stripped from them and then melted in a furnace
concentration will occur at the mine site rather than at the (with the molten metal being cast in slabs.
processing operation. (In these circumstances, the ore can
be transported as slurry via a pipeline.) The waste material from these processes is usually
transported to a tailings dam (although they are sometimes
Processing methods include: dumped, controversially, at sea). There are various types
but all are expensive, and so generally the retaining walls
1. Carbon in Leach are built with either the waste product itself or with
material that is available locally.
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Mineral Processing
IRON ORE PROCESSING The crushed material is transferred by belt to an ore storage
building. An apron feeder sends the ore to the concentrator
Iron ores occur in igneous, metamorphic (transformed), or building for grinding, separating, and concentrating.
sedimentary rocks in a variety of geologic environments.
Most are sedimentary, but many have been changed by
weathering, and so their precise origin is difficult to Concentrating
determine. The most widely distributed iron-bearing
minerals are oxides, and iron ores consist mainly of The crude taconite is now roughly the size of a football or
hematite (Fe2O3), which is red; magnetite (Fe3O4), which smaller. A series of conveyor belts continuously feed the
is black; limonite or bog-iron ore (2Fe2O3·3H2O), which ore into semi-autogenous primary grinding mills. Water is
is brown; and siderite (FeCO3), which is pale brown. added at this point to transport it (94 percent of the water is
Hematite and magnetite are by far the most common types recycled, while the rest is lost through evaporation).
of ore.
Each primary mill contains several 4" steel balls that grind
Pure magnetite contains 72.4 percent iron, hematite 69.9 the ore as the mills turn. When the ore is reduced to 3/4" or
percent, limonite 59.8 percent, and siderite 48.2 percent, less, it moves out of the mill in a slurry solution. The mill
but, since these minerals never occur alone, the metal discharge is screened at 1/4" on trommel screens attached
content of real ores is lower. Deposits with less than 30 to the mill. Ore smaller than 1/4" is pumped in slurry
percent iron are commercially unattractive, and, although solution to the wet cobber magnetic separator which begins
some ores contain as much as 66 percent iron, there are the process of separating the iron from the non-iron
many in the 50–60 percent range. An ore’s quality is also material. The magnetic iron ore is then laundered in two
influenced by its other constituents, which are collectively slurry surge tanks while the non-magnetics (silica/sand) go
known as gangue. Silica (SiO2) and phosphorus-bearing to the tailings disposal area.
compounds (usually reported as P2O5) are especially
important because they affect the composition of the metal Dilution
and pose extra problems in steelmaking. Feed Dilution
water cobbers
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Mineral Processing
The product is called “filter cake”, and is now ready for From this point, the pellets are charged into the large rotary
mixing with the binding agent. kiln where they are heathardened at 2,400 ºF.
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Mineral Processing
the process. These efforts have significantly reduced Their chemical compositions (% by weight) are:
expenditures on energy.
Balling Cast iron %C %Si %Mn %P Mg/
Drum Cr
Travelling Grey cast iron 3.4 1.8 0.5
Grate Kiln
White cast iron 3.4 0.7 0.6
Malleable iron 2.5 1.0 0.55
Cooler Ductile iron 3.4 0 0.4 0.1 0.06/
Ni-hard 2.7 0.6 0.5 0/
To Pellet
Stockpile Typical applications are:
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Mineral Processing
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Mineral Processing
Nickel provides strength and assists in hardening the steel The other stainless steels types are:
by quenching and tempering heat treatment.
(a) Tool steels
Chromium is found in stainless steels for corrosion (b) Heat-resistant steels
resistance. Chromium and molybdenum also assist in (c) Wear-resistant steels (austenitic manganese steels)
hardenability of the low-alloy steels. Vanadium (d) Ultra-high strength steel
strengthens the steel by forming precipitates of vanadium
carbonitride. Vanadium is also a potent hardenability The classification system is different for the stainless steels
element. than the system for SAE/AISI low-alloy steels and carbon
steels in that the last two (2) digits (xx) do not represent the
carbon content and have no particular compositional
Low-alloy Steels meaning.
The general SAE/AISI classification system for low-alloy Austenitic stainless steels have sufficient alloying to
steels is as follows: stabilize austenite at room temperature. These steels being
austenitic are nonmagnetic. Austenitic stainless steels have
excellent low-temperature toughness, weldability, and
Manganese steels 13xx series corrosion resistance. On the other hand, they have
Nickel steels 23xx, 25xx series relatively low yield strength and can only be strengthened
31xx, 32xx, 33xx, and 34xx by cold working the steel, by precipitation hardening, or by
Nickel-chromium steels interstitial or substitutional solid solution strengthening.
Molybdenum steels 40xx, 44xx series 201 Low nickel replaced with manganese and nitrogen
Chromium-molybdenum steels 41xx series 202 Higher Mn than 201
43xx and 47xx series
205 Higher Mn and N than 202
81xx, 86xx, 87xx, and 88xx
Nickel-chromium- 301 Lower Ni and Cr to increase work-hardening ability
molybdenum steels
93xx, 94xx, 97xx, and 98xx 302 General-purpose 18-8 stainless steel
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Mineral Processing
302B Scaling resistance improved with Si 430 General-purpose ferritic stainless steel
303 Enhanced machinability ith a S addition 430F Free machining with higher S and P
303Se Improved machined surfaces with a selenium 430Se Selenium added for improved machined surface
addition 434 Mo added for improved corrosion resistance
304 Popular 18-8 stainless steel, lower C than 302
436 Mo, Nb, and Ta added for corrosion and heat
304L Low-carbon 304 for improved corrosion resistance resistance
304LN Low-carbon 304 with nitrogen added for strength 439 Low C, Ti added to minimize sensitization
304H Higher carbon 304 442 Higher Cr for improved oxide scaling resistance
304Cu Copper added for improved cold working 444 Low C, Mo for corrosion resistance. Ti and Nb for
304N Nitrogen added for strength sensitization.
446 Highest Cr for improved scaling resistance
305 Higher Ni for reduced work hardening
308 Higher Cr and Ni for weldability Duplex stainless steels have corrosion characteristics
309 High Cr and Ni for heat resistance similar to austenitic stainless steels. However, they have
higher strength and better resistance to stress-corrosion
309S Lower carbon 309
cracking than austenitic stainless steels.
309Cb Niobium (columbium)added
310 Higher Cr and Ni than 309 for improved heat Martensitic stainless steels generally have higher strength
resistance than the austenitic and ferritic stainless steels. The
310S Lower carbon 310 martensitic stainless steels are listed below:
310Cb Niobium (columbium) added 403 Select quality for highly stressed parts
314 Higher Si for improved heat resistance 410 General-purpose martensitic stainless steel
316 Mo added for improved corrosion resistance 414 Ni added for improved corrosion
316F Higher S and P for machinability 416 Higher P and S for improved machinabiltiy
316L Lower C for improved corrosion resistance and 416Se Se added for improved machined surfaces
316LN Lower C and higher nitrogen (for strength) 420 Higher C for increased strength
316H Higher carbon 316 420F Free machining with higher P and S
316N Nitrogen added for strength 422 Mo, V, and W added for increased strength and
316Ti Titanium added 431 Higher Cr, Ni added for improved corrosion
316Cb Niobium (columbium) added resistance
440A Highest Cr, C added for increased hardness
317 Higher Cr and Mo for improved corrosion resistance
440B Highest Cr, more C added for increased
317L Low-carbon 317 for improved weldability
321 Titanium added to minimize Cr carbide precipitation 440C Highest Cr, highest C for increased
330 High Ni to minimize carburization and improve hardness/toughness
thermal shock 501 Low Cr, Mo added
347 Nb and Ta added to minimize Cr carbide 502 Low C, Mo added
347H Higher carbon 347
Precipitation hardening stainless steels are iron-chromium-
348 Ta and Co added for restricted nuclear applications nickel alloys that develop high strength and toughness
348H Higher carbon 348 through additions of Al, Ti, Nb, V, and/or N, which form
precipitates during an aging heat treatment. Some selected
384 Higher Ni for decreased work hardening grades are listed below:
Ferritic stainless steels are basically iron-chromium alloys 600 Austenitic grade with Mo, Al, Ti, V, and B added
with chromium ranging from 10.5 to 27%. These steels 630 Martensitic grade with Cu and Nb added
have a microstructure of ferrite at room temperature and are
magnetic. 631 Austenitic grade with Al added
633 Austenitic grade with Mo and N added
405 Low Cr with Al added
635 Martensitic grade with Al and Ti added
409 Low Cr, for automotive exhaust applications
429 Slightly less Cr, better weldability
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Mineral Processing
Atomic number = 13 From the kiln, the alumina is allowed to cool and it is
Atomic weight = 26.98 stored for shipment to the aluminum plant. To produce
Melting point = 660.2 ºC aluminum, the alumina is reduced in a electrical reduction
Boiling point = 2,467 ºC cell which produces pure Al plus carbon dioxide (CO2).
Specific gravity = 2.69 Now, aluminum ingots or billets are stored for
manufacturers of aluminum products, such as automobiles,
Aluminum refining involves extracting alumina from pots and pans, and the ubiquitous aluminum siding that
bauxite, a red-orange, pebbly rock. covers many houses. The electrical reduction plants are
power intensive, using up to 16,000 KW of electricity per
The refining process involves dissolving alumina with ton of aluminum produced.
caustic soda under high temperatures and then precipitating
it from the liquid and heating it to white powder. The
resulting alumina is shipped to aluminum smelters, where
an electrolytic process is used to turn it into pure
aluminum. Four (4) tons of bauxite yields two (2) tons of
alumina, which yield (1) one ton of aluminum.
Filtration &
Bauxite Digestion Precipitation
Alumina Casting Billets
2NaAlO 2 + 4H 2 O → Al 2 O 3 + 3H 2 O + 2NaOH
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Mineral Processing
The exposed ore is scooped by large power shovels capable
Copper is one of the basic chemical elements. In its nearly of loading 500-900 cubic feet (15-25 cubic meters) in a
pure state, copper is a reddish-orange metal known for its single bite. The ore is loaded into giant dump trucks, called
high thermal and electrical conductivity. It is commonly haul trucks, and is transported up and out of the pit.
used to produce a wide variety of products, including
electrical wire, cooking pots and pans, pipes and tubes, Solvent extraction is more commonly used to refine copper.
automobile radiators, and many others. Copper is also used An organic solvent in which copper is soluble is
as a pigment and preservative for paper, paint, textiles, and introduced. As the copper is more soluble in the organic
wood. It is combined with zinc to produce brass and with layer than the aqueous, it enters an organic-copper solution
tin to produce bronze. and is separated. Sulfuric acid is added to strip the copper
from the organic solvent into an electrolytic solution.
Copper is mined in open pits and below ground. The ore
usually contains less than 1% copper and is often In the electrolytic process, called electrowinning, the
associated with sulfide minerals. The ore is ground, copper plates out onto the cathode. The cathodes are sold
concentrated, and slurried with water and chemical as-is or made into rods on-site or made into starting sheets
reagents. Air blown through the mixture attaches to the for other electrolytic cells.
copper, causing it to float to the top of the slurry. The
copper is then removed with a skimmer. The tailings All remaining organics and acids are reused. Further, sulfur
remain and are dewatered and disposed of in tailing ponds. is fixed throughout the process to meet Clean Air Act
The water is recovered and recycled. Standards. If the sulfur content of the gas is over 4%, the
sulfur compounds are made into sulfuric acid for use in the
Currently, the most common source of copper ore is the process or for sale to fertilizer manufacturers. Slurries with
mineral chalcopyrite (CuFeS2), which accounts for about less than 4% sulfur are classified as RCRA hazardous
50% of copper production. wastes because of sulfur, cadmium, lead and other metals.
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Mineral Processing
and converted into sulfuric acid. The converted copper, slurry and the hydrophobic copper sulfides particles latches
known as "blister copper," is recovered. onto and rides the air bubbles to the surface, where it forms
a froth and is skimmed off. These skimmings are generally
The blister copper then undergoes "fire refining." Air and re-processed (cleaned) to reach a high purity copper
natural gas are blown through the copper to remove any concentrate. The remainder is discarded as tailings, or
remaining sulfur and oxygen. The copper is cast into processed to extract other elements.
copper anodes and placed in an electrolytic cell. Once
charged, the pure copper collects on the cathode and is • An example collector chemical is potassium amyl
removed as 99% pure. The copper can be sold to wire-rod xanthate.
mills or further processed into rods. Anode slime refers to • An example frother chemical is methylisobuly
impurities that sink to the bottom of the electrolytic cell. carbinol or, for short, MIBC, an alcohol.
Concentration Tailings
Most high grade copper sulfide ores, containing about Rougher Scavenger
0.25% to 5% copper metal (the rest being unwanted rock),
are concentrated using the froth flotation process. Ground
ore is mixed with xanthate reagents (or other reagents of Cleaner
the thiol class), which react with the copper sulfide mineral
to make it hydrophobic on its surface. (Besides xanthates, Cleaner
dithiophosphates and thionocarbamates are commonly Concentrate
The sulfide ore is crushed and ground to increase the To improve the process efficiency, limestone is used to
surface area of the ore for subsequent processing. raise the pH of the water bath, causing the collector to
ionize more and to preferentially bond to chalcopyrite
(CuFeS2) and avoid the pyrite (FeS2) - iron exists in both
primary zone minerals.
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Open circuit crushing
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Mineral Processing
Spherical balls or cylindrical rods are mostly used as the This equation has now been accepted universally. In
grinding media. These media cascade within a mill and practice instead of a specific size of feed, a spread of
impinge on the ore thus providing a crushing action. As the particle size is generated at the mines, as a result of
balls and rods tumble within tubular mills, they provide a blasting, and is charged to the size reduction process. As a
grinding action and forces of attrition, all of which result in result of the crushing operation, a spread of smaller product
further reduction of the size of the rock particles. Impact size is obtained and fed to the grinding mill.
breakage occurs as balls or rods drop into the toe of the
charge and abrasion or attrition occurs as the layer of balls The term "d80" is intended to mean, the screen size through
or rods slides over each other or against the mill liner. which 80 % by weight of the particles pass.
In designing a size reduction plant there are two important To use the equation above, Bond considered the work as
factors of interest: the energy required for the reduction of feed particles that
passed 80% of a particular sieve to a product particle size
1. the power required for size reduction that passed 80% of a sieve opening. Thus the final form of
2. the choice of crushers and grinders Bond’s equation for size reduction of a mass of feed, M F ,
in closed circuit grinding is now written as:
The power or energy required is the sum of the work
required to crush or grind the rock as well as rotate the mill.
The power required depends on the hardness of the rock, 1 1
EG = 10 Wi − M F , kW-h
the initial size and the final product size required to achieve P F
reasonable liberation of the mineral of interest, from the
host rock.
F = 80% passing size of the feed in microns,
(written as F80 )
Energy for Size Reduction – Work Index P = 80% passing size of the product in microns,
(written as P80 )
In the process of size reduction, as the size of the particles = Bond Work Index, represents the work
diminishes the surface area increases. So a measure of size required to reduce the ore from an infinite size
or surface area before and after size reduction would to 100 µm
indicate the extent of energy used in the comminution
process. Hence if E is the energy used for a desired size
In Bond’s equation, the grinding energy, EG , required for
reduction, which resulted in a change in surface area S , it
has been found that: size reduction of rocks in industrial tumbling mills was
based on mill shaft power, PM , and on mill capacity Q.
dE = k[ S n dS ]
The relationship between these parameters is:
where k is a constant and a function of the crushing
strength of the rock. The value of n can be assumed as: Mill Power P
EG = = M
Mill Capacity Q
n = –2 For coarse size reduction (Rittinger)
During manual crushing and disintegration of a rock with a
n = –1 Finer size reduction (Kick) hammer, or during mechanical crushing operations, the size
For almost the entire range reduction of large sized rocks and ores is mostly by sharp
n = –1.5 (Bond)
of particles impact action, and less so by the impact and attrition
experienced in tumbling mills. To cover this discrepancy
Substituting n = -1.5 and integrating between feed particle Oka and Majima found that in such cases the exponent of n
size, F, and product particle size, P, yields Bond’s general (-1.5) should be replaced by:
expression for the energy required in size reduction as: 6
n = − 1 +
∫ dE = k ∫ F
S −1.5 dS
where B is 12. Integrating yields:
1 1 P
E =2k
F ∫ dE = k ∫F
S −(1+ 6 / 12) dS
1 1 1 1
where k is a constant and a function of ore characteristics. E = k 6 / 12 − 6 / 12 = k −
For size reduction of ore in a closed circuit reduction
process Bond derived the specific energy for grinding as:
Bond’s original work on establishing the energy for size
1 1 reduction was established on a 8 foot internal diameter wet
EG = 10 Wi − , kW-h/ton
P F grinding overflow type ball mill. Doubt is now expressed
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Basic elements and dimensions of a toggle linkage Setting
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Mineral Processing
Jaw Crusher
Advantages Head or Mantle
1. Max capacity is 1000 MTPH, although
normal economical max capacity is 750 Impact Crusher
2. Duty of crushing is for light or medium
Single Toggle hard materials, up to 189 MPa Abrasion Reduction
Type Hardness
compressive strength Limit Ratio
3. Does not handle high abrasion material Soft to
Jaw crushers No limit 3/1 to 5/1
4. Primary crushing only very hard
5. Requires feeder Soft to
Gyratory crushers Abrasive 4/1 to 7/1
very hard
Medium hard
Cone crushers to Abrasive 3/1 to 5/1
Gyratory Crushers very hand
Horizontal shaft Soft to Slightly
Mantle or 10/1 to 25/1
Bowl impactors medium hard Abrasive
Head Vertical shaft Medium hard
impactors to 6/1 to 8/1
(shoe and anvil) very hard
Horizontal shaft
Soft to
impactors No limit 2/1 to 5/1
medium hard
Cone Crushers
Gyratory Crusher Inclined Cone
A gyratory crusher is similar in basic concept to a jaw
crusher, consisting of a concave surface and a conical head;
both surfaces are typically lined with manganese steel
surfaces. The inner cone has a slight circular movement,
but does not rotate; the movement is generated by an
eccentric arrangement. Similar with the jaw crusher,
material travels downward between the two surfaces being
progressively crushed until it is small enough to fall out
through the gap between the two surfaces.
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Mineral Processing
US Sieve Tyler
Size Equivalent
Sieving or screening is a method of separating a mixture or (mm)
(No.) (Mesh)
grains or particles into 2 or more size fractions, the over
sized materials are trapped above the screen, while 140 150 0.105
undersized materials can pass through the screen.
170 170 0.088
Sieves can be used in stacks, to divide samples up into 200 200 0.074
various size fractions and hence determine particle size
230 250 0.063
270 270 0.053
Sieves and screen are usually used for larger particle sized 325 325 0.044
materials i.e., greater than approximately 50µm (0.050mm).
400 400 0.037
Size Equivalents
Two scales that are used to classify particle sizes are the The mesh number system is a measure of how many
US Sieve Series and Tyler Equivalent, sometimes called openings there are per linear inch in a screen. Sizes vary by
Tyler Mesh Size or Tyler Standard Sieve Series. The most a factor of √2. This can easily be determined as screens are
common mesh opening sizes for these scales are given in made from wires of standard diameters, however, opening
the table below and provide an indication of particle sizes. sizes can vary slightly due to wear and distortion.
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Mineral Processing
• Screen material
• Moisture content
Trommel Screens
Shaking Screens
Vibrating Screens
Banana Screens
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Mineral Processing
It is not possible to achieve the particle size needed through F80 − Feop P80
a single grinding phase unless coarse output is required. = 1 + (W − 7) × (if F80 > Feop )
Feop F80
When a coarse product is required, crushed materials are
transported to a rod mill via a conveyor belt and the output
is delivered from the rod mill. This is essentially an open
Feop = 4000(13 / Wi )1 / 2 for ball mills in microns
circuit. = 1.0 (If feed size is larger than optimum size Feop or
Closed circuits may include SAG and ball mills, if E4 < 1.0 )
hydrocyclones, and centrifuges. E5 = Fineness correction factor
For wet grinding, which is where the slurry circuit starts, = P80 + 10.3
(if P80 less than 75 µm, otherwise 1.0)
the resistance to comminution is measured by a grindability 1.145 P80
work index.
E6 = Correction factor for high/low for rod milling
Typical Examples of Grindability Work Indices (For = 1.0 (for ball mills)
Wet Grinding in a Ball Mill) E7 = Correction factor for low reduction ratio for ball
Grindability Grindability = Rr = F80 / P80 . If Rr < 6 , or when the ratio of the
Material Material
Work Index Work Index ball mill feed to product output sizes is < 6.0,
Barite 5 Limestone 12 2 ( Rr − 1.35 ) + 0.26
E7 =
Bauxite 9 Magnetite 10 2 ( Rr − 1.35 )
Clay 7 Quartz 13 E8 = Correction factor for rod mills
Coal 11 Quartzite 10 = 1.4 (rod mill fed from open circuit crusher)
Dolomite 11 Sandstone 7 = 1.2 (closed circuit with rod milling followed by ball
Feldspar 12 Shale 16 E9 = Correction factor for rubber-lined mills
Fluorspar 9 Taconite 23 = 1.07 (When grinding balls are smaller than 80 mm,
Granite 15 rubber liners are used to line the inside walls of the
= 1.0 (When grinding balls are larger than 80mm,
The work input to the mill is obtained from:
metal liners are used.)
1 1
EG = 10 Wi − ×
E1 ⋅ E2 ⋅ E3 ⋅ E4 ⋅ E5 ⋅ E6 ⋅ E7 ⋅ E8 ⋅ E9 2
“The Science of Communition,” Brochure No.
0647-05-98-N-English, Nordberg, Helsinki, Finland, 1998.
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Mineral Processing
Rubber liners are thicker than metal liners, use more space,
and absorb more impact energy than metal liners.
Some of the empirical coefficients and equations for E1 to cone crusher
E9 were developed assuming a recirculation load of 250%.
This means that the charge load of coarse material that Feed
is returned to the mill is about 250% of the fresh feed in a Dilution water
closed circuit. This is not always the case.
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Mineral Processing
From Denver Sala Basic. Selection Guide for Process Equipment. Reproduced by permission of Metso Minerals (formerly known as the
companies Nordberg and Svedala.
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Mineral Processing
Wi ,
Mineral Specific gravity Wi , (kWh/tonne) Mineral Specific gravity
Andesite 2.84 20.08 Iron ore, oolitic 3.52 12.46
Barite 4.50 5.20 Iron ore, taconite 3.54 16.07
Basalt 2.91 18.81 Lead ore 3.35 13.09
Bauxite 2.20 9.66 Lead – zinc ore 3.36 12.02
Cement clinker 3.15 14.80 Limestone 2.66 14.00
Clay 2.51 6.93 Manganese ore 3.53 13.42
Coal 1.4 14.3 Magnestie 3.06 12.24
Coke 1.31 16.84 Molybdenum 2.70 14.08
Copper ore 3.02 13.99 Nickel ore 3.28 15.02
Diorite 2.82 22.99 Oil shale 1.84 17.43
Dolomite 2.74 12.40 Phosphate rock 2.74 10.91
Emery 3.48 62.45 Potash ore 2.40 8.86
Feldspar 2.59 11.88 Pyrite ore 4.06 9.83
Ferro-chrome 6.66 8.40 Pyrhotite ore 4.04 10.53
Ferro-manganese 6.32 9.13 Quartzite 2.68 10.54
Ferro-silicon 4.41 11.00 Quartz 2.65 14.93
Flint 2.65 28.78 Rutile ore 2.80 13.95
Fluorspar 3.01 9.8 Shale 2.63 17.46
Gabbro 2.83 20.3 Silica sand 2.67 15.51
Glass 2.58 13.54 Silicon carbide 2.75 28.46
Gneiss 2.71 22.14 Slag 2.74 11.26
Gold ore 2.81 16.42 Slate 2.57 15.73
Granite 2.66 16.64 Sodium silicate 2.10 14.74
Graphite 1.75 47.92 Spodumene ore 2.79 11.41
Gravel 2.66 17.67 Syenite 2.73 14.44
Gypsum rock 2.69 7.40 Tin ore 3.95 11.99
Iron ore, hematite 3.53 14.12 Titanium ore 4.01 13.56
Iron ore, hematite – specular 3.28 15.22 Trap rock 2.87 21.25
Iron ore, magnetite 3.88 10.97 Zinc ore 3.64 12.72
From Denver Sala Basic. Selection Guide for Process Equipment. Reproduced by permission of Metso Minerals (formerly known as the
companies Nordberg and Svedala.
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Mineral Processing
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Mineral Processing
Lifter water
To Flotation
Particle Size PSI
Feed FT Analyzer
Trunnion Discharge
Trunnion FC
Mill Silos
Shell Control water
Grate FC DC
Field of Charge Variable
Slurry Flow Speed
Breakage Motion
thru Grates Belt
and Lifter
Important Aspects of SAG Mill Operation LT
Page 24
Mineral Processing
Ball Mill Critical Speed impact point was normal to the mill shell tangent to that
point. Increasing or decreasing the volume load will
The critical speed for a grinding mill is defined as the deviate from the maximum measured throughput.
rotational speed where centrifugal forces equal the
gravitational forces at the mill shell’s inside surface. This The relationships between mill diameter, mill loading, mill
is the rotational speed where balls will not fall away from speed and length, and power draw are well known by mill
the mill’s shell while rotating. manufacturers. The equation used to calculate the power
drawn by a SAG mill chamber is (from Rexnord 1975)6
N = Mill speed expressed as % of the critical speed
B = Loading factor
D = Mill diameter inside the liners, feet
L = Mill length, feet
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Mineral Processing
o Evaluate the merits of saving capital in terms of what High-pressure oil is delivered to the center of each pad
production capability has been sacrificed if a smaller to lift the mill for start-up, and low-pressure oil is
mill is being considered. delivered to a slot at the ends of each pad to provide
hydrodynamic lubrication for operation.
o Always check the power drawing capability of the shell
selected. The design engineer is ultimately responsible Shell-supported Mills
for confirming the mill manufacturers recommended
power draw. Shell-supported mills are supported by bearings mounted
directly to the shell. Because the end plates of the mill do
not support the structure, the feed and discharge openings
Mill Supports may be sized to meet process conditions without being
limited by bearing diameters. The overall span of the mill
Trunnion-supported Mills is less, which results in lower forces acting on the mill
structure. For this reason, shell supports are being
Trunnion-supported mills have the following mill support increasingly specified for very large, heavily loaded mills.
bearings mounted on the trunnion:
These are hydrostatically lubricated during start-up Most mills are driven by ring gears, with a 360° fully
and stopping as well as hydrodynamically or enclosing guard. The ring gear casting material is either
hydrostatically lubricated during operation. The nodular iron or steel, usually with helical type teeth, which
journals are easily removable and bearing for both makes them reversible, allowing the use of both flanks
ends of the mill are identical and reversible. throughout their operational life.
The journal supports the trunnion surface through 120º The drive may be mounted at either the feed or the
of rotation. Swivel support allows the bearing to self- discharge end of the mill. While mills rated up to 10,000
align as mill loading changes. The journal or bearing kW can be driven by a single pinion, dual pinions are
sleeve material is either bonded white metal or mostly used for mill applications above 6,000 kW.
centrifugally cast bronze.
Both can be high-speed induction type or low-speed
Hydrodynamic journal-bearing lubrication systems synchronous type drive motors. High-speed motors require
deliver conditioned high-pressure oil at the sleeve an intermediate gearbox.
center to lift the mill for start-up. The systems also
deliver low-pressure oil at the edges of the sleeve to Large mills exceeding 13,500 kW normally use gearless
provide hydrodynamic lubrication for reliable, drives.
continuous, bidirectional operation. Low and high
pressure standby pumps and standby oil fi lters are
standard features of our journal-bearing lube systems. Gearless Motor Drives (GMD) or Ringmotors7
(b) Spherical roller bearings
The design features motor rotor elements bolted to a mill
Spherical roller bearings can be used for mills with shell, a stationary stator assembly surrounds the rotor
trunnion diameters up to 1.8 m. The benefit of using elements, and electronics covert the incoming current from
spherical roller bearings are high load-carrying 50/60 Hertz to about 1 Hertz. The mill shell actually
capacity, short trunnion length (low bending moment becomes the rotating element of a large low speed
on the head) and simple lubrication. synchronous motor. Mill speed is varied by changing the
frequency of the current to the motor. The ringmotor can be
The free (non-fixed) bearing is mounted on rocker- used to inch and spot the mill for maintenance
type pedestals, which accommodate the thermal
expansion of the mill-rotating assembly. The selection criteria of gearless drives (at some premium
in capital cost) are driven by:
(c) Multi-pad type bearings
• Variable Speed Capability
Several individual pads are mounted onto the
trunnions or shell at each end of the mill to provide a • Removal of limit of Design Power
very high load-bearing capability and maximum
tolerance of trunnion deformation. Gear and pinion drives are practically limited to about
10,000 HP per pinion. At this time, there is no
Each pad is mounted on a hydrostatically lubricated reasonable gear drive alternative for more than two
ball and socket support.
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Mineral Processing
pinions or above 20,000 HP. The best solution is the chips to the inner surface of the trunnion extension. The
Metso Gearless Mill. ball fragments are carried to the top, where the magnetic
arc terminates, and fragments fall into a discharge chute.
• Very High Drive Efficiency
Normally, a secondary suspended magnet is placed just
• Low Maintenance Requirements ahead of the pebble crusher to remove any iron that might
have dropped onto the conveyor ore after the mill.
• Often require less floor space
Mill Liners9
Tramp Metal Detector
Mill liners form the protective, inner layer of the mill
Tramp metal is defined as chunks of metal broken off from cylinder. Lining face angle plays a significant role in liner
the equipment such as small wear plates. performance and wear. Liners should also assist on where
the grinding balls land during rotation – the optimum result
Smaller pieces of tramp metal might pass through the plant is where the balls drop right on the toe of the ore charge.
without notice, bur larger pieces can damage equipment,
causing expensive downtime and contaminate products. A lining for grinding mills is formed by generally
rectangular plates, which, as part of the same casting, have
Cross-belt magnets can remove a portion of tramp iron, but raised lifter bars that extend parallel with the length of the
are not effective on manganese and stainless steel. Many plate. Bolt-receiving holes extend through the plates and
plants, therefore, use metal detectors to stop conveyor belts lifter bars to secure the plates within a grinding mill.
when tramp metal passes by.
A lining formed by these plates has radial ribs, formed by
This is effective, but it stops production while someone cooperating lifter bars on adjacent liner plates. The lifters
digs through the stone on the stopped belt to find the serve to ‘lift’ the ore and grinding balls during mill
offending piece of metal. False trips and trips caused by rotation, with the aim of creating the optimum impact
small pieces of metal, such as nuts and bolts, can be between the ore, balls and liner plates. There are also end
particularly aggravating and detrimental to production. For liners at the feed and exchange parts of the mill. Mill liners
example, a metal-detector belt stop lasting 10 minutes can be metallic, a combination of rubber with metal inserts,
results in 100 tons of lost production in a 600-tph plant. or rubber only.
Metal detectors should be insensitive to materials with high In the case of large SAG or AG mills, the linings tend to be
magnetic permeability and electrical conductivity in order totally metallic and highly profiled to allow for maximum
not to produce false alarms. They should also be set at the movement of the material in the mill.
conveyor belt speed, should tolerate high humidity (up to In large SAG mills with the highest impacts, the alloy tends
95% RH) and ambient and operating temperatures. to be a chrome-molybdenum steel.
Normally, RS-485 is the standard serial communication
(usually configured in Modbus protocol) between the In AG, ball-and-rod mills, it tends to be high-chrome
detector and the remote front panel or PLC. The alarm ‘white iron’.
outputs are of delay contact type (NO and NC contacts).
Rubber linings are used for ball mills up to 16ft in
Trommel Magnets
There are several reasons for the dominance of metallic
Trommel magnets are usually used in mills in order to liners. They can withstand much higher impact from large
remove worn iron mill balls and ball chips that exit the ore particles and large grinding media; i.e. the balls in SAG
SAG mill grinding circuits in the trammel screen oversize and large ball mills. Additionally, if the ore fragments
fraction. Magnets remove the waste iron exiting the mill to easily, but is angular, such as with taconite, these could tear
minimize the damage to downstream pebble crushers. a rubber lining. The impetus for the development of rubber
linings in the first place was their lower cost and lighter
Permanent magnets are usually preferred than weight, although the cost gap has closed.
electromagnets. The former require no power to operate
while the latter requires a significant amount of power. In AG mills, the impact stresses are slightly lower as the
rock essentially breaks itself. AG mills are fed with very
It is usually mounted on the mill’s discharge trunnion and large ore-feed fragments, but this is needed to allow
consists of an arc of permanent magnets partially sufficient impact breakage. The liner plates have also
surrounding a blind trunnion. As the mill rotates, the gotten thicker. While 3 in plates used to be the norm, now 4
powerful magnet attracts and holds the worn steel balls and in is common in larger mills. The more robust the plates,
Metso Minerals, Polysius (Thyssen-Krupp), Outotec and
Thermo Electron Corporation FLSmidth Minerals
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Mineral Processing
Lining Replacement10
RME (Russel Mineral Equipment Pty Ltd)
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Mineral Processing
Inside the swirling chamber, a pipe section protrudes from Hydrocyclones can be manufactured from dough-molded
the top of the cyclone. It is called the vortex finder. It must compound fiberglass, cast iron, or sheet metal lined with
extend below the feed entrance to avoid shortcuts of polyurethane. Metal and fiberglass cyclones are lined with
unclassified slurry to the top discharge or overflow. The rubber or with hard metal (Ni-hard or 28% chrome white
diameter of the vortex finder is typically 32% to 36% of the iron).
swirling chamber diameter. The finer and lighter particles
flow out of the hydrocyclone through the vortex finder. Cyclones are usually operated in a steady mode with
constant pressure. Surges can lead to unfavorable air
In some of the earlier metal fabricated designs, the swirling entrainment. To maintain constant pressure from the
chamber consisted of a single cylinder. In fiberglass pumps, the pump box must have a constant level of slurry.
designs, it is split into two halves, which are individually To adjust the slurry level, the sump must be provided with
a water addition mechanism.
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Mineral Processing
Normal feed to cyclones consists of a slurry at 30% solids Vortex
concentration by weight. Finder
Typical trajectory
Some mines operate with slurry weight concentrations as of fines
high as 35%. Higher concentration by weight imposes
higher pressures of operation, which can cause a reduction
in efficiency of operation of the hydrocyclone while
coarsening the cut point. Vortex finders are changed in Inlet
accordance with the required cut. A larger diameter vortex Typical trajectory
finder tends to coarsen the overflow while increasing its of coarse
discharge flow rate at a constant pressure.
Air core
In a cylindrical vessel that rotates at an angular speed ω
(rad/s) or N (rpm) and contains a liquid ring of mean radius
R (m) the centrifugal acceleration a C (m/s²) to which the Spigot or apex
particles are subjected is:
(2π ) 2 2
ac = ω 2 R = N R
3600 Underflow
= 0.011 N 2 R
The feed enters tangentially into the cylindrical section of
The forced exerted on a particle per unit of weight is the hydrocyclone and follows a circulating path with a net
expressed by: inward flow of fluid from the outside to the vortex finder
(ρ s − ρl ) (ρ − ρl ) on the axis. The centrifugal field generated by the high
Fc = ω 2 R = 0.011N 2 R s circulating velocities creates an air core on the axis that
g g usually extends on the spigot opening at the bottom of the
where conical section through the vortex finder to the overflow at
N = Rotational speed, rpm the top. In order for this to occur the centrifugal force field
ω = Angular speed, rad/sec must be several times larger than the gravitational one.
R = Mean radius, m Particles that experience this centrifugal field will tend to
ρs = Density of particle move outwards relative to the carrier fluid because of their
relatively greater density. The larger, heavier particles will
ρl = Density of interstitial liquid
migrate rapidly to the outside walls of the cylindrical
section and will then be forced to move downward to the
A cyclone is a commonly-used apparatus that makes use of inside of the conical wall. Small particles will, on the other
gravity and centrifugal force to separate solid particles from hand, be dragged inward by the fluid as it moves towards
a gas stream. A typical cyclone is a cylindrical vessel with the vortex finder. The solid separation occurs in the passage
a tangential inlet and top and bottom outlets. Cyclones are of the suspension along the barrel of the hydrocyclone, to
widely used in various industries because they are easy to form thickened slurry at the outer wall, which than leaves
build, inspect and maintain. the hydrocyclone as a continuous stream from its discharge
Hydrocyclones are similar devices to cyclones where the
operating fluid is a liquid rather then a gas. They operate Separated solids fall down under gravity into the
by converting pressure energy into centrifugal force. accumulator vessel situated beneath the hydrocyclone.
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Mineral Processing
Overflow - product
p1 Valve
Underflow Overflow
Hydrocyclones in closed circuits
Overflow - product n
Overflow - fines
(of swirling Capacity
Stage 1 chamber) L/s
in mm
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Mineral Processing
For flotation to be efficient, it must be repeated a few times Typical activators are copper sulphate and sodium sulphide.
in a circuit that includes a rougher, a scavenger, and a The pH value is a determining factor in many flotation
cleaner. circuits. It is adjusted by using various chemicals such as
Circulating lime, caustic soda, sulfuric acid, etc.
Frothers are chemicals that are used to decrease the surface
tension of water in order to
Feed Tails Tails
• Develop improved stability in the pulp
Rougher Scavenger
• Achieve smaller and better bubble size
• Create a suitable froth layer
Concentrate • Help destroy froth, after which it is removed
Cleaner Typical frothers include alcohols and pine oil.
tails Water
Concentrate Air bubble
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Mineral Processing
The size of the flotation tank is based on the required flow Various flotation reagents are added to a mixture of ore and
rate as well as the required retention time, an aeration water (called pulp) in a conditioning tank. The flow rate
factor, and a scale factor: and tank size are designed to give the minerals enough time
Q × tr × sC to be activated. The conditioner pulp [1] is fed to a bank of
V = rougher cells which remove most of the desired minerals as
a a concentrate. The rougher pulp [2] passes to a bank of
where scavenger cells where additional reagents may be added.
V = Volume of flotation tank, m3 The scavenger cell froth [3] is usually returned to the
Q = Flow rate (m3/s) rougher cells for additional treatment, but in some cases
a = Aeration factor = 0.85 may be sent to special cleaner cells.
tr = Retention time (s)
sC = Scale factor; 0.85 for plants The scavenger pulp is usually barren enough to be
discarded as tails. More complex flotation circuits have
= 1.0 for pilot plants several sets of cleaner and re-cleaner cells, and
= 1.7 for lab batch intermediate re-grinding of pulp or concentrate.
The number of cells in a flotation circuit is determined by For large plants, the process of flotation or leaching in a
the degree of metallurgical control and the concern for single tank is not very efficient. To increase productivity,
short-circuiting. It used to be believed that the correct tanks are installed in series (up to five stages or five tanks
approach would consist of small cells and longer banks. in a series), thus eliminating possible short-circuiting.
However, with the advent of special mixers and good
aeration techniques, it is now possible to use larger tanks In industrial scale, flotation takes place in interconnected
cells, which compose of different sections of flotation
Flotation circuit can be very simple or very complex. A circuits. Each section is composed of flotation cells. The
simple circuit such as used with coal, achieves floatation in tailings of each cell become the input of the next cell in the
a single step and does not involve cleaning of the froth. circuit. From the last cell of the section, tailing is led to the
In a more complex circuit, an initial stage, called the first cell of other section, except the cells where the tailing
rougher, is added; it acts as a preconcentrator. is sent to final tailing. Usually concentrates of the single
cells in a section are combined to one concentrate flow,
The flocculated output goes then to a second stage, called which is then directed to next phase of process.
cleaning, that is done at higher dilution and is sometimes
associated with regrinding at various stages. Sometimes regrinding or thickening is situated between the
flotation sections. Regrinding may be necessary when
When the ore grade is fairly low but the mineral is of high floating two minerals with very different optimal particle
value, a scavenger is used for additional preconcentration. size distribution or when final concentrate grade cannot be
achieved because of gangue contamination in non-liberated
Froth is a real challenge in the design of pumps particles. Thickening may be needed to increase solids
content of slurry.
Mechanics of flotation Feed coming from the grinding circuit is led to the rougher.
Ore feed Before the actual flotation, slurry may be conditioned in a
pulp conditioner, where some of the reagents are added to the
slurry. Some measurement are often performed in
conditioner, pH, for instance. In rougher flotation, most of
the fast floating valuable minerals are separated from the
slurry directly to the concentrate. In other words, the
Conditioner Reagents recovery is held high at the expense of the grade. This is
performed n conditions where fairly thin froth beds and
1 high aeration rates are used in the flotation cells.
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Mineral Processing
Flotation Cells
Flotation can be performed in mechanically agitated cells
or tanks, in tall flotation columns and in several other units
Cleaner including the Jameson cell.
Xanthates Dithiophosphates
• Potassium Amyl • Thiocarbarnates A mixture of ore and water called pulp enters the cell from
Xanthate (PAX) • Thiocarbanilide a conditioner, and flows to the bottom of the cell. Air or
• Sodium Isopropyl sometimes nitrogen is passed down a vertical impeller
• Xanthogen Formates
Xanthate (SIPX) where shearing forces break the air stream into small
• Thionocarbarnates
bubbles. The mineral concentrate froth is collected from the
• Potassium Isobutyl
top of the cell, while the pulp flows to another cell.
Xanthate (PIBX)
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The Jameson cell uses neither impellers nor spargers, Basic Functions
instead combining the slurry with air in a downcomer
where high shear gives excellent bubble particle contacting. The flotation cell has three (3) basic functions:
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For some cell types and sizes, a dart valve or overflow weir A stator or diffuser is an important component of a
is fitted in the discharge box to control pulp level in the cell mechanical flotation cell. It surrounds the impeller and acts
tank. For other designs, a discharge box is not used and a as an internal baffle, which is useful in reducing pulp
pinch valve is fitted to the tailings outlet pipeline for pulp vortex in the cell. The tangential flow of the agitated slurry
level control. (due to the rotation of the impeller) is transformed into a
radial direction for effective dispersion of gas and solids in
the cell tank. This reduction in the vortex flow helps in
Cell Launders maintaining a stable pulp-froth interface, essential for
Launders in flotation cells are located outside the overflow
lip to collect and transport the froth or concentrate product A stator consists of several blades arranged in a concentric
out of the cell tank. Launders are located typically on the circle, with gaps between the blades to facilitate movement
top of the cell tank. Launders are designed with a slope of of slurry in the cell tank. A stator is usually mounted on
about 10º to 15º fro smooth transportation of froth without the bottom of the cell tank surrounding the impeller
blockage in the launders. concentrically from its bottom. In some cell tank designs,
the stator is fitted to the standpipe such that the stator
In rectangular cell tanks, the launders are located on shrouds the impeller from the top and hangs with an open
opposite sides adjacent to the feed and discharge boxes. space at the bottom, commonly known as an overhung
Launders on three sides are also common in rectangular stator.
cell tanks arranged in series.
The impellers and diffusers are molded and coated with
Large cylindrical cells have concentric launders, which can rubber or polyurethane for abrasion resistance.
be either internal or external or both, depending on the
capacity of launder necessary for froth removal.
Impellers or Rotors
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Mineral Processing
The feed in the form of slurry is generally guided by a The total flux is the sum of batch settling flux and
launder, which is laid at a slope just sufficient for the slurry underflow withdrawal flux. One needs to design the
to flow without depositing any solids. The feed launder thickener to have an adequate area for the flux required
terminates in a feed well located at the center of the tank. when thickening from the inlet to outlet concentrations.
The feed well is designed to break the fall of the slurry and
dissipate the energy. Cancelling the solids density:
The feed well is concentric with the rake driving shaft. The Flux in feed: G = FC 0
rakes are bolted or welded on to this drive shaft and for
long and large rakes they have additional support from Flux in underflow: G = ATCu
cables. Usually four (4) rakes are employed of which two Flux at any point: G = (U + T ) AC
may be short and two long. Attached to the rakes and
below them are spikes, particularly in situations where the Rearrange the underflow equation for T, substitute it into
sludge is thick. The spikes help to break up the sludge and the flux at any point equation and replace all instances of G
render it more suitable for pumping. by the feed equation to give:
The rakes are driven by a motor which is mounted on a
plate above the well. A bridge usually runs from the
periphery to the center of the tank. It is supported by the
wall of the feed well and the rim of the tank. The bridge
serves as a walkway and also carries an open launder (or
pipe), which carries the slurry to the feed well.
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Mineral Processing
F C0 1 1
A= − Column Type
U (C ) C C u
g ( ρ s − ρ ) (1 − C ) 3
U (C ) = ⋅
µ KCS v 3 Telescopic Cage Telescopic Column
Lifting Device Lifting Device
U (C ) = Settling velocity at values of C between CU and
C0 Central Drive Mechanisms
µ = Liquid viscosity
K = Kozeny constant, assumed 5 for packed beds There are two methods of supporting the heavy drive with
Sv = Specific surface area per unit volume its shaft and raking arms:
ρ = Liquid density
1. Bridge type
Solve the above equation for various values of C and
U (C ) and select the area that is the greatest for the design.
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Flat weir
Raking Arms
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Mineral Processing
The lifting device is the element that raises and lowers the
Feedwell raking arms during operation so that the blades follow the
interface of the settled solids by monitoring the torque. This
ensures that the torque is maintained within set limits so
that the arms are raised when the torque increases or
lowered when the torque decreases. The control box is
mounted on the primary reducer and generally contains 4
microswitches set to the following sequence:
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Mineral Processing
Filtration equipment or sometimes called ‘Dewatering Assay is a procedure where a property or concentration of a
Equipment’ removes liquid from liquid-solid mixtures sample (analyte) is measured.
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Mineral Processing
The volume, V, of liquid or slurry sampled can similarly be In horizontal gravity pipes or launders, vertical cutters are
written as: used to take an equal slice of all horizontal layers, which
might have different contents due to segregation by gravity.
α VS
360 ω The sample flow into a nozzle or cutter must be the same as
VS is expressed as m3/s. the velocity of the bulk flow around the cutter or nozzle
else it will be biased with fine material (too high velocity).
NOTE: Usually d = 2/3 radius R, of the cutter.
A multiplexer combines several slurry samples into one
composite sample for the analyzer probe to measure. After
the analysis, the sample then goes to a De-multiplexer
where it is segregated and returned to the process stream.
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Mineral Processing
LIME SLAKING PLANT use an actuator that is significantly oversized. The actuator
size is increased, so the actuator output capability is
Raw Limestone roughly two times the normal manufacturer's recommended
Feed torque requirement in clean liquids.
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Mineral Processing
problems in knife gates. The scale will accumulate on the to purchase either a 30,000-mile set of tires or an 80,000-
valve's knife. As the knife is opened, the scale buildup will mile set. Side by side, these tires look almost identical, but
be dragged through the packing, requiring increased forces the 80,000-mile-rated tire certainly will cost more. For the
to open the valve. The packing also will be affected extra money, it will give you two times the useful life of an
severely when this material is dragged across it. With most inferior tire.
knife gates, you will experience significant packing leaks.
A pinch valve or diaphragm that has a preset weir could
If one is going to use knife gates in lime slurry service, one decrease valve performance quite substantially, however.
should incorporate a scraping packing material. This This nonflexible weir will accumulate scale; because it
material would be a hardened substance that has the ability does not flex, it will result in increased wear to the rubber
to scrape the knife clean with every operation. Also, the sleeve. The nonflexible weir also defeats the self-cleaning
knife gate valve should have increased actuator forces effects of pinch valves.
capable of dragging this knife through the packing material.
Pinch valves
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Mineral Processing
Slurry Piping Systems bottom section of the pipeline to monitor wear for loss of
wall thickness.
A slurry pipeline is used to transport mineral concentrate
from a mineral processing plant near a mine. OK Tedi Pipeline
The flow of slurry in a pipeline is much different from the Total Pipe length 155 km
flow of a single-phase liquid. Theoretically, a single-phase
liquid of low absolute (or dynamic) viscosity can be Gravity flow 96 km
allowed to flow at slow speeds from a laminar flow to a
turbulent flow. However, a two-phase mixture, such as Booster pump flow 60 km (DN150)
slurry, must overcome a deposition critical velocity or a
Normal flow rate 85-88 m³/hr
viscous transition critical velocity. The analogy can be
made here in terms of an airplane: if the speed drops Weight concentration 55-60%
excessively, the airplane stalls and stops flying. If the
slurry’s speed of flow is not sufficiently high, the particles Flow speed 1.22-1.4 m/s
will not be maintained in suspension. On the other hand, in
the case of highly viscous mixtures, if the shear rate in the Wall thickness 5.6-11 mm
pipeline is excessively low, the mixture will be too viscous
and will resist flow. Oxygen scavenger None
Pipe thickness 5.6-6.4 mm
The concentrate of the ore is mixed with water and then with severe wear (60 km)
pumped over a long distance to a port where it can be
Wear rate (bottom) 0.37 mm/yr
shipped for further processing. At the end of the pipeline,
the material is separated from the slurry in a filter press to Wear rate (top) 0.18 mm/yr
remove the water. Water is usually subject to a waste
treatment process before disposal or return to the mine. o Top size (+106 microns) was
cut down to 1%.
Slurry pipelines offer an economic advantage over railroad o Water batching is eliminated
and much less noise disturbance to the environment, o Replace with thicker pipes.
particularly when mines are in extremely remote areas. Solution
o Replace valves with metal-
Pipelines have to be suitably engineered to resist abrasion seated valves that does not
from the solids as well as corrosion from the soil. Some of require lubrication with high
these pipelines are lined with High Density Polyethylene. operating cycles.
In transport systems for slurries it is important to avoid
solids to settle. This can be done by keeping the fluid
speed in the pipe lines above certain levels.
Pipe Material Hardness
Corrosion, erosion, and abrasion are very expansive
problems that must be taken into account when designing Hard materials generally are not suitable for pipe
slurry pipelines. construction on economic grounds. Normally these are
lined with basalt or ceramic linings (about 1000 HB) and/or
Turbulent flows are required in typical process streams to weld overlay (e.g. high Cr carbide) cladding as pipe lining
maintain the slurry in suspension (speed > 1.5 m/sec). for very abrasive duties.
Turbulence keeps the slurry well mixed.
For iron ore slurry, the critical speed with particles size in Common Metal Pipe Material
the range of 1 to 2 mm (0.08 – 0.08 in.) is as high as 3.5
m/s (11.5 ft/s) due to the high density of iron oxide (SG = Cast and spun iron pipes are more resistant than mild steel,
5.0) (Klose and Mahler 1982). Taconite tailings are although brittle and prone to damage during handling.
considered coarse sand and must be pumped in a range of
speeds of 3.4 – 4.3 m/s (11-14 ft/s) and are pumped at a
weight concentration of 35%. Rubber-lined pipes are used. Pipe Wear Rate
HDPE pipes are subject to very fast wear and are not used
for tailings disposal. The use of special flocculants in Pipe wear tests at the Colorado School of Mines11 showed
modern, efficient thickeners allows pumping up to a weight that coal and copper concentrate slurries caused wear
concentration of 45%. mainly by corrosion, whereas phosphate lines tend to wear
by erosion. It is generally agreed that wear rate increases
For copper concentrate slurry, water carrier is not with concentration.
neutralized with oxygen scavenger to inhibit corrosion.
Severe wear often occurs at the change of pipe thickness.
Corrosion-meter probes are often installed on top and 11
Link, J.M. and Tuason, C.O. (July 1972) ‘Pipe wear in
hydraulic transport of solids’, Mining Congress Jnl., pp. 38-44.
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Karabelas12 equation for maximum pipe wear rate, base on It is common to identify pipes by inches using NPS or
empirical data, is given by: "Nominal Pipe Size". The metric equivalent is called DN or
"diametre nominel".
E = 6.1 d m 2.15 U 3.7
E = Max. wear rate (at bottom of pipe), mm/yr DN NPS DN NPS
dm = Mean particle size, mm (mm) (inch) (mm) (inch)
Note: 8 ¼ 500 20
1 micron = 1/1000 mm. 10 3/8 550 22
Pipe bends will wear much more rapidly than straight pipe 15 ½ 600 24
(of the order twice that for straight pipe), particularly at the
outer radius, due to the increased impingement angle of the 20 ¾ 650 26
solids and more turbulence. Bend geometry also affects the
wear rate. Brauer13 showed that wear increases 25 1 700 28
significantly for bends of 2 – 3.5 R/D ratio, rising to a
32 1¼ 750 30
maximum at R/D = 2.8. Hence bends in this R/D range
should be avoided if possible. 40 1½ 800 32
Bends may be thickened locally or protected by lining to 50 2 900 36
give increased life.
65 2½ 1000 40
Linings offer advantages of protection against both erosion
and corrosion, provided that the right grades are chosen and 80 3 1100 42
bonding is good. Special joint design is employed to
100 4 1200 48
prevent local distortion of the lining, which could cause
turbulence and hence wear. 150 6 1400 54
Examples of pipe/fitting linings include rubber, 200 8 1500 60
polyurethane, basalt, and fused alumina.
250 10 1600 64
Power consumption for tailing pumps and booster pumps is
measured in terms of kWh/ton-km. 300 12 1800 72
350 14 2000 80
The speed should be increased in lifting lines by decreasing
the piping diameter. At the end of the pipelines the speed 400 16 2200 88
should be slowed down by increasing the pipeline
The pressure rating of a pipe, Pressure Nominal (PN) is
Size determined by the diameter, wall thickness, and material
Type Flow Velocity type and is expressed as
Solids m/s ft/s PN – Pipe pressure rating at 20 ºC (Mpa × 10)
(Mesh #)
Fine Over 200 1 – 1.5 3–5 The basic polyethylene (PE) material types used for pipe
Sand 200 – 20 1.5 – 2 5–7 fabrication are PE 63, PE 80 and PE 100, the number
indicating long term strength.
Coarse 20 – 4 2 – 3.25 7 -11
Sludge 3.25 – 4.25 11 -14 The term SDR, Standard Dimension Ratio, is introduced to
describe the pipe, in combination with the material type
Mesh is the number of opening per inch of a screen.
Min OD
Min Wall Thickness
Karabelas, A. J. (May 1978) ‘An experimental study of pipe where OD refers to the Outside Diameter of the pipe.
erosion by turbulent slurry flow’, Proc. ‘Hydrotransport 5’ Conf.,
Paper E2, BHRA, Cranfield. The higher the SDR, the thinner the pipe, and the lower the
Brauer, H. and Kriege, E. (October 1963) ‘Investigations on pressure rating.
wear of plastics and metals’, Che. Ing. Tech., 35, 10, pp. 697-707
(In German).
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Slurry pipelines are also used to transport tailings from a has shown that a bend-radius-to-pipe-diameter ratio of 3-5
mineral processing plant after that the ore has been is recommended.
processed to dispose of the remaining rocks or clays.
The use of concrete pipes is often associated with gravity
The ASME B31.11 is basically the only standard specific flows.
to slurry pipelines. However, the American Petroleum
Institute has many useful guidelines. The range of speeds used to carry solids in Newtonian
flows is typically between 1.5 m/s and 5m/s.
The ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
developed in 1989 a special section to its piping code B31 Globe valves are not suitable for slurry applications
called ASME B31.11-1989—Slurry Transportation Piping because they wear rather rapidly. To control slurry flows, a
Systems. This standard provides useful guidelines for rubber pinch valve is recommended. The sleeve is closed
operation and maintenance of slurry pipelines and piping by pinching using a special roller (mechanical pressure) or
systems. Because the code came into existence at the end of by the use of air pressure.
the 1980s, it is still not well known. Consultant engineers
need to refer to it, particularly in the case of all-metal Ceramic ball valves are used as shut-off valves for
piping. pipelines, particularly to close under high pressure
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While disposal into exhausted open pits is generally a Reclaim water is water that is pumped back from the
straightforward operation, disposal into underground voids tailings pond to the mine. A popular method of feeding the
is more complex. A common modern approach is to mix a reclaim water into a pipeline is by installing vertical turbine
certain quantity of tailings with waste aggregate and (mixed flow) pumps on a barge or onshore near a pump
cement, creating a product that can be used to backfill station.
underground voids and stopes. A common term for this is
HDPF - High Density Paste Fill. HDPF is a more expensive The number of stages of these vertical pumps is set by the
method of tailings disposal than pond storage, however it total dynamic head and the possibility of installing booster
has many other benefits – not just environmental but it can pump stations along the pipeline route. The pipeline
significantly increase the stability of underground material may be constructed of steel or high-density
excavations by providing a means for ground stress to be polyethylene. The latter, however, is limited to a pressure
transmitted across voids - rather than having to pass around rating of 1.4 MPa (200 psi) on large pipe sizes.
them – which can cause mining induced seismic events.
Steel pipes are rubber lined to a typical thickness of 6 mm
Disposal into river systems (or 0.25_) for small sizes of pipes [< 150 mm (6”), 9.5 mm
(3/8”)], and 13 mm (1/2”) for pipe sizes up to 24”. Larger
Usually called RTD – Rivering Tailings Disposal. Not a pipes may be custom lined. Lining is done in an autoclave
particularly environmentally sound practice, it has seen and the rubber is cured under steam.
significant utilisation in the past, leading to such
spectacular environmental damage. It is still practised at Rubber lining is limited to pumping coarse material up to a
some operations in the world, and while experts agree it is a size of 6 mm (≈1/4”). Rubber does not contribute to the
feasible method for locations where the river is rapidly pressure rating of steel pipes.
flowing and turbulent and the additional silt loading will
not impact on the river quality, it is not generally favored
and is seeing a gradual decline in use.
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The components of the slurry pump are divided into two
A slurry mixture is essentially a mixture of a carrying fluid groups:
and solid particles held in suspension. The most commonly
used fluid is water. The density of slurry can be calculated 1. The bearing assembly or cartridge and frame
as 2. The wetted parts forming the wet end
ρm = The main components of the wet end are:
Cw 100 − C w
ρS ρL • The pump casing volute
where • The volute liner
ρm = Density of slurry • The front suction plate, or throat bush in large pumps
= Concentration of solids by weight in the • The rear wear plate
slurry, % • The impeller
ρS = Density of solids • The expeller
• The shaft sleeve
ρL = Density of liquid without solids
• The packing rings
m& = Slurry mixture flowrate • The stuffing box and gland, greas cup, and associated
water connections
The slurry mixture flowrate is computed from: • In very special cases the mechanical seal
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matrix pumps. They are cast at a lower hardness than white Specific Speed
iron and by being more ductile can withstand higher disk
stresses. Impellers cast in steel can be used in slurry pumps The steepness of the curve between the best efficiency
up to a tip speed of 45 m/s (8858 ft/min). capacity and the shut-off point of the pump depends on the
geometrical design of impeller and casing.
These are general guidelines, but the consultant engineer
should collaborate closely with the manufacturer. For With so many different designs of pumps, engineers have
example, certain special anti-thermal-breakdown additives used nondimensional specific speeds and other parameters.
are used with some rubbers to exceed the limit of 28 m/s or In the International System of Units, the specific speed is
5500 ft/min on tip speed. In certain situations, a metal defined as:
impeller may be installed with rubber liners, particularly
when there are concerns about slurry surges (water
Nq =
hammer) in tailings pipelines. H3/4
In some cases of pumping oils and froth, it has been found N = Rotational speed (rpm)
that injecting 1% of water or a light oil as a lubricant just at Q = Capacity at best efficiency capacity,
the suction of the pump can improve the efficiency of the (m3/s) or (gpm)
pump. H = Differential head at best efficiency capacity,
(m) or (ft)
Elementary Hydraulics of the Slurry Pump Most slurry pumps operate at a specific speed smaller than
2000 in U.S. units or 39 in SI units. In this range, the tip
The correlation between the tip speed and the head per diameter of the impeller may be between 2 to 3.5 folds of
stage is established from basic hydraulics of impeller the suction diameter. The shut-off head is then between
design. 150% and 110% of the best efficiency point head at the
same speed
There have been two schools in the past for the design of
water pumps—the American school lead by Stepanoff and In the case of slurry pumps, attention must be paid to the
the European school lead by Anderson. wear life of the pump. Too little flow in a large pump leads
to excessive recirculation, and too much flow would cause
The Stepanoff method is based on the concept that an rapid wear. The relationship between the volute shape and
impeller is designed on the basis of velocity triangles, and the impeller plays a major role, too. These parameters are
that an ideal volute for best efficiency is then found using refined through detailed engineering and field-testing.
various empirical factors. The Anderson school is based on
the concept that one of the most important parameters in Recommendations for Design of Rubber-Lined Mill
pump design is the ratio between the throat area of the Discharge Pumps14
volute and the impeller discharge area, and therefore more
than one volute design can be matched to a given impeller. Size
Flow Head Eff.
Suction Discharge
S/D Speed Speed
L/s M %
In the case of slurry pumps, passageways are larger than in (mm) m/s m/s
water pumps to accommodate solids and the Anderson area 200×150 130 30 70 4.2 7.2
ratio is difficult but useful to use. 250×200 220 30 74 4.5 6.7
Most slurry pumps use a volute. Vaned diffusers are used 300×250 310 30 76 4.4 6.12
in certain mine dewatering pumps. 350×300 425 30 79 4.4 5.86
400×300 560 30 81 4.3 5.64
450×400 685 30 83 4.3 5.45
500×450 875 30 84 4.3 5.33
From Abulnaga (2001). Mazdak International Inc.
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Flow Head Eff.
Suction Discharge Pa = Atmospheric pressure (Pa)
S/D Speed Speed
L/s M %
m/s m/s
ρ = Water density (1000 kg/m3)
300×250 421 55 76 6 8.3 g = Acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s2)
SG = Specific gravity
350×300 577 55 79 6 8 ∆Z = Distance of centerline of pump impeller to
400×300 760 55 81 5.8 8 liquid surface level (m)
V = Slurry velocity (m/s)
450×400 924 55 83 5.8 7.4 H = Friction loss (m)
500×450 1188 55 84 5.8 7.2
It is possible to ensure that cavitation is avoided during The BEP (Best Efficiency Point) is not only the maximum
pump operation by monitoring the net positive suction head operating point but it is also the point where the speed and
of the pump. Net positive suction head (NPSH) for a pump pressure at the impeller and the spiral stator are equal. As
is the difference between the suction pressure and the the operating point diverges from the Best Efficiency Point,
saturation pressure of the fluid being pumped. the speed changes which in turn modifies the pressure
acting on one of the sides of the impeller. This irregular
NPSH is used to measure how close a fluid is to saturated pressure on the impeller manifests itself as a radial thrust
conditions. The units of NPSH are feet of water which deflects the pump shaft causing, among other things:
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pump the during while it is in operation (using a flowmeter Slurry pumps can be broken down into two main
and/or a pressure gauge) in order to make the adjustments categories:
needed to ensure the proper working conditions and a long
service life. • Rubber-lined pump
• Hard metal pump
Design Features of Slurry Pumps However, because of the elastomer lining, the rubber-lined
pumps have a somewhat limited application range. Below
In a conventional centrifugal pump for clean water duty the is a general guideline which helps distinguish when to
high wear-rate regions that would occur if required to pump apply the rubber-lined pumps.
solids are (for all-metal wetted parts):
Rubber Lined Pump Hard Metal Pump
1. Casing suction branch
2. Impeller shrouds, near eye, especially hub side
3. Impeller blade inlet edges. Blades much thicker for Solids < ½ inch (13 mm) Solids > ¼ inch (6.4 mm)
solids-handling design. Temperature < 300ºF Temperature < 250ºF
4. Impeller blade outlet edges. Blades much thicker for (150ºC) (120ºC)
solids-handling design Low Head service < 150 ft Heads above 150 ft (46m)
5. Casing near ‘cut-water’. It is suggested that a (46m) Sharp/Jagged particles
concentric or semi-concentric casing for the solids- Rounded particles pH range from 4 to 12
handling design is more tolerant of ‘off design’ Complete pH range Hydrocarbon based slurry
operation compared with a conventional volute,
though with some sacrifice of peak efficiency; it also
gives lower velocities near the cut-water, hence less
6. Casing side walls and impeller outer shroud walls.
Worst wear usually occurs on the suction side. Solids-
handling impellers are usually fitted with ‘scraper’
vanes on both shrouds to reduce the flow of solids
down the side spaces.
7. Impeller/casing sealing rings. Flat-faced (i.e. axial 2 to 4
clearance) rings used in the solids-handling design are vane
less prone to wear than the cylindrical type.
8. Casing cut-water. Concentric type casing results in a
larger radius cut-water further from the impeller,
giving lower velocities and less turbulence at the cut-
water, hence less wear. Typical centrifugal abrasive solids handling metal
9. Casing discharge branch near throat. slurry pump liquid end construction
10. Shaft seal. A solids-handling design normally has a
separate clean water flush fitted to the gland, Compared to a water pump, a slurry pump has a much
sometimes (e.g. Warman design) with the addition of wider gap at the cutwater with respect to the impeller. This
an ‘expeller’ behind the main impeller to prevent is due to the fact that the slurry pump must move solids that
ingress of solids. should not jam at the cutwater.
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An isolation valve should obviously always be fitted so the As a rule-of-thumb, if gland water is to be used it should be
pump can be isolated from the supply for maintenance supplied to the stuffing box at 70 to 100 kPa higher than the
purposes. However, the choice of valve is critical. Always highest expected pump discharge pressure. This will
use a low head-loss (i.e. “high recovery”) valve such as a maximize your chances of eliminating pumped fluid from
knife-gate, ball or butterfly valve on the suction side. Never the stuffing box thereby increasing seal or packing life.
use a high head-loss valve such as a globe valve as you are Gland packing will give you a perfectly acceptable wear
much more likely to cause pump cavitation which will lead life if you ensure that leakage occurs at a rate of one to two
to accelerated wear and reduced pump performance. The drops per second.
final choice of valve depends on solids concentration,
solids particle size/shape and materials compatibility With most centrifugal pumps, discharge pressure at the
issues. gland increases as impeller speed increases. Therefore, to
prevent leakage, the seal at the gland must be tight and
A tapping point for a pressure gauge or transmitter should gland water must be added to lubricate and cool the gland
always be located at the pump discharge for critical process and to flush the material being pumped away from the
pumps. Ideally a gauge should also be located on the pump gland.
suction for high head pumps. The difference between the
pump discharge pressure and the pump suction pressure
will give you the approximate total dynamic head of the Slurry Pump Wear
pump (i.e. when pressure in kPa is converted back into
meters of liquid). If the discharge pressure or pressure It is generally agreed that abrasive wear increases rapidly
difference drops to an unacceptable level over a period of with flow, or particle, and velocity.
time, maintenance action can be planned and the pump can
be restored to its original output. For pump wear, it is most often quoted that wear rate is
approximately proportional to
One should always be employed at the pump discharge to: Wear ∝ V 3 ∝ H 3 / 2
(i) prevent damage to the pump by reverse rotation when
high static heads are involved or (ii) to prevent back-flow
V = Velocity
through the pump when parallel pump setups are used, or
H = Pump head
(iii) to prevent back-flow when pumping into other
pressurized lines or pressure vessels. Not all non-return
It is normally assumed that pump performance will be
valves are the same so the final choice depends on solids
reduced by wear, first due to increased internal and external
concentration, solids particle size/shape, materials
leakage and eventually by the reduction of impeller
compatibility and whether “slamming” will occur due to
diameter and general passage roughening.
column separation due to pipeline transients.
Mechanical seals cannot tolerate shaft runout whereas The corrosion resistance of mild steel is low compared with
gland packing can. If a mechanical seal has failed most other metals, whereas the various types of cast iron
prematurely, check the shaft runout prior to installing are not particularly prone to corrosive attack.
another seal. If runout is excessive, replace the offending
bearings prior to installing a new seal. Regarding pump materials, in general, the alloys of iron
and steel containing Cr, Ni, Co, or Mn give improved
corrosion performance over non-alloyed types. The 18/8
and 13/4 Cr/Ni stainless steels, bronzes, ‘Ni-Resist’
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austenitic cast iron and ‘Hastelloy’ alloys all have good Slurry Pump Selection
corrosion resistance, although only limited abrasion
Slurry type = SG =
Of the more abrasion-resistant materials, 28% Cr cast iron System flow = A B
is reported to have better corrosion resistance then ‘Ni- System head =
hard’ or 15% Cr cast iron, but is more brittle. ‘Ferralium’
Suction/discharge diameter (mm)
(25/5 Cr/Ni alloy steel), the Pettibone Cr carbide alloy and
the very hard materials, such as metallic carbides, weld Type of volute (Spiral/Circular)
overlays and chrome plating, are also generally both Relative capital cost
corrosion-and abrasion-resistant.
Relative wear part cost
Surface finish also affects the corrosion rate, smooth Efficiency at duty point (%)
surfaces being less prone to attack than rougher ones.
Diameter of impeller (mm)
Number of vanes
Corrosion Resistance of Metals
Shaft speed (rpm)
Natural rubber has generally good chemical resistance Velocity of discharge (m/s)
except when in contact with mineral oils and solvents, or Impeller exit tip velocity (m/s)
strong oxidizing acids.
Impeller entry tip velocity (m/s)
‘Neoprene’ and nitrile rubbers give better resistance to oils; NPSH required (m)
butyl rubbers (e.g. ‘Hypalon’) are also more resistant to
oxidizing agents, and to higher temperatures. Actual average life (h)
Polyurethane also has good overall resistance. Relative operating costs (wear parts only)
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Roller thrust bearings can support large thrust loads. They The basic dynamic load rating for radial roller bearings is
are often found in gearsets like car transmissions between function of:
gears, and between the housing and the rotating shafts. The
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Gland Packing
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Shafts get bent and deflect away from the volute throat due
to unequal loading by the spinning impeller which can
cause permanent shaft offset leading to ‘shaft run-out’.
Dial Test
Pump Shaft
Single Multiple
Inside Double
back to back
Outside Double
face to face
Wedge ring
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These two rings are in intimate contact, one ring All Mechanical seals must contain the four elements
rotates with the shaft while the other ring is stationary. described above but the way those functional elements are
These two rings are machined using a machining arranged may be quite varied. The standards of modern
process called lapping in order to obtain the necessary mechanical seals are widely defined by API Standard 682 -
degree of flatness Shaft Sealing Systems for Centrifugal and Rotary Pumps.
One of the two faces is usually a non-galling material Mechanical seals are generally classified into two main
such as carbon-graphite which is a natural lubricant. categories: "Pusher" or "Non-Pusher".
In operation the graphite separates from the These distinctions refer to whether or not the secondary
carbon/graphite mixture and transfer to the hard face. seal to the shaft/sleeve is dynamic or stationary.
Moisture must be present for the graphite to separate
from the carbon/graphite mixture. The other will be a Pusher seals will employ a dynamic secondary seal
harder material providing dissimilar materials making (typically an o-ring) which moves axially with the primary
contact and allowing one to be a sacrificial. The softer seal face.
mechanical seal face usually has the smaller mating
surface and is commonly called the "wear nose" of the Non-pusher seals will employ a static secondary seal (either
mechanical Seal. an o-ring, high temperature graphite packing, or
elastomeric bellows). In this case, the face tracking is
A common combination consists of a hard material, independent of the secondary seal which is always static
such as silicon carbide or tungsten carbide, embedded against the shaft/sleeve.
in the pump casing and a softer material, such as
carbon in the rotating seal assembly. A "cartridge seal" is a prepackaged seal that is common in
more complex applications.
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The Easiest seal to install as a replacement for pump then the secondary seal failed. In both instances,
packing is a cartridge type mechanical seal: maintenance will need to be performed. This arrangement
is commonly used when sealing fluids that would create a
The Beauty of cartridge seals are they are self-contained. hazard or change state when contacting open air. These are
Holding all the elements of a mechanical seal set: detailed in API Piping Plan 52
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Description Material
Performance Curve
Pump Speed
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Mechanical Advantage = =
The tower crane is used by the construction crew to lift
steel, concrete, large tools like acetylene torches and Load Moment = WB × B = WA × A
generators, and a wide variety of other building materials.
Equilibrium is defined as a point when a particle is at rest
Counter or moves with a constant velocity where all forces acting
Cat Head
jib on it results to zero force.
Tie bars
Working jib
A balanced condition is achieved by equalizing the The load moment switch ensures the operator does not
rearward and forward moments. exceed the tonne-meter rating of the crane as the load
moves out on the jib. A cat head assembly in the
slewing unit measures the amount of collapse in the
A B jib and sense when an overload condition occurs.
Pivot Note:
1 short ton (ton in US) = 2,000 lb (907.18474 kg)
WA 1 metric ton (tonne) = 2,204.6 lb (1000 kg)
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items heavier than the crane and equipment can carry, Tower crane components may be carried on site on
these must not be used to routinely limit the loads. articulated trucks, or may be towed as a complete unit
Loads close to the capacity of the crane at the required in the case of a self-erector. In either case, suitable
radius should be identified before lifting is attempted. access to the crane location is needed. In some cases
Some loads may cause non-vertical loading on the space will be needed for parts of the crane before
crane if lifted incorrectly. erection. Space around the crane location is required
for erection, raising and dismantling operations. This
(b) Operational speeds, radii, heights of lifts and areas may need a mobile crane and the working area for this
of movement should be identified. Self-erecting cranes will also
need space for the erection process. Where a crane is
The operational rate and area covered by the crane required to travel with a load, for example on a rail
needs to be checked against the construction schedule base, the space on site needed for the rails may be an
and plans. Check for proximity hazards, numbers of issue within the construction schedule.
cranes needed and oversailing. The freestanding
height of the crane may be important. (g) Any special operational requirements or
limitations imposed
(c) Number, frequency and types of lifting operations
The use of a tower crane near airports, railways,
The number and frequency of lifts need to be highways, or over other buildings that are not part of
evaluated to ensure that the requirements of the the construction site, requires particular care.
construction program can be met. Will the loads need
to be held for a period of time while being fixed, as (h) Prevailing wind-speeds, which can restrict the use
with steel work, which restricts availability of the of tower cranes in certain locations
crane? Or will the crane be required to operate with
high load cycles as with skipping concrete? The rate The location of the site, if positioned on an escarpment
of usage should be discussed with the crane supplier. or other area of high wind speeds, may reduce the
physical dimensions of loads that can be carried. The
(d) Length of time for which the crane will be required likelihood of high in-service wind speeds may reduce
or anticipated life expectancy for a permanently the availability of the crane. High out-of-service wind
installed crane speeds may require the crane to be designed against
additional wind loading.
Short durations may be best served by a tower crane
that can be moved across site, such as rail mounted
crane or a self-erector.
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However, as in the design process, strategies of manufacturing. Industrialized construction and pre-
decomposition in which planning is divided into fabrication would involve transferring a significant portion
subproblems and hierarchical planning in which general of construction operations from the construction site to
activities are repeatably subdivided into more specific tasks more or less remote sites where individual components of
can be readily adopted in many cases. buildings and structures are produced. Elements of facilities
could be prefabricated off the erection site and assembled
From the standpoint of construction contractors or the by cranes and other lifting machinery.
construction divisions of large firms, the planning process
for construction projects consists of three stages that take There are a wide variety and degrees of introducing greater
place between the moment in which a planner starts the industrialization to the construction process. Many
plan for the construction of a facility to the moment in components of constructed facilities have always been
which the evaluation of the final output of the construction manufactured, such as air conditioning units. Lumber,
process is finished. piping and other individual components are manufactured
to standard sizes. Even temporary items such as forms for
The estimate stage involves the development of a cost and concrete can be assembled off-site and transported for use.
duration estimate for the construction of a facility as part of Reinforcing bars for concrete can also be pre-cut and
the proposal of a contractor to an owner. It is the stage in shaped to the desired configuration in a manufacturing
which assumptions of resource commitment to the plant or in an automated plant located proximate to a
necessary activities to build the facility are made by a construction site.
planner. A careful and thorough analysis of different
conditions imposed by the construction project design and A major problem in extending the use of pre-fabricated
by site characteristics are taken into consideration to units is the lack of standardization for systems and building
determine the best estimate. The success of a contractor regulations. While designers have long adopted standard
depends upon this estimate, not only to obtain a job but also sizes for individual components in designs, the adoption of
to construct the facility with the highest profit. The planner standardized sub-assemblies is rarer. Without
has to look for the time-cost combination that will allow the standardization, the achievement of a large market and
contractor to be successful in his commitment. The result of scale economies of production in manufacturing may be
a high estimate would be to lose the job, and the result of a impossible. An innovative and more thorough
low estimate could be to win the job, but to lose money in industrialization of the entire building process may be a
the construction process. When changes are done, they primary source of construction cost savings in the future.
should improve the estimate, taking into account not only
present effects, but also future outcomes of succeeding Planning of pre-fabrication
activities. It is very seldom the case in which the output of
the construction process exactly echoes the estimate offered When might pre-fabricated components be used in
to the owner. preference to components assembled on a construction site?
In the monitoring and control stage of the construction A straightforward answer is to use pre-fabricated
process, the construction manager has to keep constant components whenever their cost, including transportation,
track of both activities' durations and ongoing costs. It is is less than the cost of assembly on site. As an example,
misleading to think that if the construction of the facility is forms for concrete panels might be transported to a
on schedule or ahead of schedule, the cost will also be on construction site with reinforcing bars already built in,
the estimate or below the estimate, especially if several necessary coatings applied to the forms, and even special
changes are made. Constant evaluation is necessary until features such as electrical conduit already installed in the
the construction of the facility is complete. When work is form. In some cases, it might be less expensive to pre-
finished in the construction process, and information about fabricate and transport the entire concrete panel to a
it is provided to the planner, the third stage of the planning manufacturing site. In contrast, traditional construction
process can begin. practice would be to assemble all the different features of
the panel on-site. The relevant costs of these alternatives
The evaluation stage is the one in which results of the could be assessed during construction planning to
construction process are matched against the estimate. A determine the lowest cost alternative.
planner deals with this uncertainty during the estimate
stage. Only when the outcome of the construction process In addition to the consideration of direct costs, a
is known is he/she able to evaluate the validity of the construction planner should also consider some other
estimate. It is in this last stage of the planning process that aspects of this technology choice. First, the planner must
he or she determines if the assumptions were correct. If insure that pre-fabricated components will satisfy the
they were not or if new constraints emerge, he/she should relevant building codes and regulations. Second, the
introduce corresponding adjustments in future planning. relative quality of traditional versus pre-fabricated
components as experienced in the final facility should be
considered. Finally, the availability of components at the
Industrialized Construction and Pre-fabrication required time during the construction process should also
be considered.
Another approach to construction innovation is to apply the
principles and organizational solutions adopted for
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Mineral Processing
To understand what is required to control the risks in A scoping (concept) study should be used to define the
mining projects, the individual phases of these mining potential of a project, eliminate those options that are
projects need to be understood and recommendations made unlikely to become optimal, and determine if there is
as to what the focus and objectives of these phases should sufficient opportunity to justify the investment required for
be. further studies.
The process of technical analysis to determine the viability Typically, a number of operating scenarios are considered.
of a mineral prospect is generally loosely categorised as a It is critical that all potential operating scenarios be
‘feasibility study’. In fact, a feasibility study is no single considered to prevent any unnecessary rework or delays in
study in itself but a sequential series of interdependent later study phases.
technical studies with discrete objectives. Major projects
generally have five distinct phases; Before commencement of a scoping study there should be
• scoping studies, sufficient drilling and sampling completed to define a
• pre-feasibility studies, geological resource sufficient to be representative of the
• definitive feasibility studies, scale of the resource.
• design and construction, and
• operations. Whilst the resource need not conform to any specific
JORC 2004 (The Joint Ore Reserves Committee
of The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Australian
Each project phase serves an important purpose and
Institute of Geoscientists and Minerals Council of Australia)
requires a specific set of management skills. Separate teams
category, the resources should be stated according to JORC
are generally used for the study, the design and
guidelines and be used as a ‘sanity check’ for data
construction, and operations phases in turn.
interpretation and reporting of risk. The resource models
should be audited to understand what the data limitations
The initial phases of a project are broad in nature, looking
and inherent risks are that may influence the mining and
at a range of options. As the project advances, the project
processing techniques being considered.
phases become more detailed and focus on a single option.
Due to the limitations of data and testwork generally
Not all projects will progress through all phases. At the end
available when entering into a scoping study, production
of each phase, a decision is made whether to stop the
schedules and cost estimates are normally simplistic and
project or progress to the next phase. If the decision to
are generally derived based on experience, benchmarks and
progress to the next phase is positive, a work plan is
industry standards. First principles calculations are at times
generally implemented. The work plan should be
used based on broadly anticipated operating conditions.
completed before commencement of the next phase to
Engineering design specification to support processing
ensure that the necessary data is available to commence the
costs is generally very limited.
next phase.
Once the initial analysis of the options has been completed,
As the project advances through the phases, the level of
a process of ranking is performed to develop a smaller
definition and accuracy improves, however, generally, each
subset of options for more detailed analysis in the
study comprises as a minimum:
prefeasibility study. Only those options that are deemed
beyond reasonable doubt to be unlikely to become the most
• go/no go recommendation;
viable operating scenario should then be precluded from
• description of site; advancing to the next study phase. Optimistic assumptions
• description of the project, work completed, findings should be favoured over conservative assumptions in this
and assumptions made; phase. It is important not to throw out the (rare) viable
• a mineral resource and ore reserve statement; project through excessive caution at the scoping phase.
• strategic alignment analysis;
• market analysis; A study of this level is valid to determine whether a project
• health, safety, environment and community (draft) is worth pursuing further but the uncertainty in the
plan; economic parameters suggests any reserve definition is
• ownership, legal, financial and permit analysis and generally not possible until later study phases. Any
statement; decision not to pursue the study in further detail should be
• shortlist and general design features of viable taken in light of the order of accuracy of the study.
operating scenario/s and parameters of the project;
• estimates and sensitivity/statistical testing of capital The work plan required to advance the project to the
and operating costs, revenue and profit; prefeasibility stage should focus on any additional drilling,
• full spectrum risk analysis; sampling or metallurgical analysis required.
• work plan outline to be complete before
commencement of the next phase; and
• estimated scope and budget for the next phase.
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Mineral Processing
The geological definition work completed prior to At times, a definitive feasibility study is referred to as a
commencement of the prefeasibility study should be bankable feasibility study. Whether there is any difference
sufficient to enable stage testwork for basic engineering between a definitive and bankable feasibility study is
such as process flow diagrams. The testwork and data debatable. The use of the term ‘bankable’ in replacement
generated during the prefeasibility study should be of definitive feasibility study is ambiguous and best not
sufficient to be able to confidently generate realistic used as it implies that there is a underlying attractiveness to
estimates of technical performance, capital and operating the investment which does not necessarily reflect the
costs, manning requirements, price and marketability, accuracy of the study.
environmental and social impact, project profitability and
risks. The level of engineering work in a prefeasibility Design and construction
study should be no more than that is required to select an
option/s. The design and construction phase is about implementing
the best option determined in the definitive feasibility
By completion of the prefeasibility study there is often study. This involves all the necessary detailed engineering
sufficient information to declare reserves, provided the design and procurement functions. This phase requires a
project has positive economics. manager with a focused mindset; intent on implementing
the definitive feasibility plans (specifications) on schedule
The work plan required to advance to the feasibility phase and within budget.
should give particular consideration to geotechnical studies
for mine, waste dumps and tailings facility design, as well Construction management processes are typically common
as further metallurgical testing for refining estimates of across all heavy construction industries.
product recoveries (bulk samples), and tailings disposal
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Mineral Processing
BARIUM CYANIDE - A C A - C C A - - - B/70 D
- D D A A D D D C - D B/120 D
GOLD MONOCYANIDE - A A A - - D A - - - A -
LIME - B A A A C A A B/70 A/250 - A B
A A A A A D B A A/70 A/250 A C/70 A
PROPANE (LIQUIFIED) B B A A A A A A A/70 A/250 B/72 A/120 A
SEA WATER A B A A A D D C A/120 - A - A
SILVER CYANIDE - - - - - - - - - - - A/120 -
D D C A A D D C D A/250 B/72 - A
B B A A A D B A A A/250 A - A
B C D A A D C B A A/250 A - A
B C D B A D C D C A/140 A - A
WATER, ACID, MINE - - - - - - - - - A/212 - A -
WATER, DEMINERALIZED - - - - - - - - - A/212 - D -
- - - - - - - - - A/212 - D -
WATER, FRESH - - - - - - - - - A/250 - D -
WATER, SALT A B B A A D D C A/120 A/250 A A/120 A
Teflon® and Viton® are registered trademarks of DuPont.
Aluminum Hydrate
Caustic Soda
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Mineral Processing
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Mineral Processing
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Mineral Processing
The higher the SDR, the thinner the pipe, and the lower • Ensure there is sufficient space to permit access to
the pressure rating. the jointing area.
• with a high SDR ratio the pipe wall is thin • Cover the pipe ends remote from the fitting joint, to
compared to the pipe diameter ensure airflow through the pipeline cannot occur
• with a low SDR ratio the pipe wall is thick during the heating and cooling cycles.
compared to the pipe diameter
• Check that the pipe ends to be jointed are cut square
As a consequence a high SDR pipe has a low-pressure to the axis and any burrs removed.
rating and low SDR pipe has a high-pressure rating.
• Wipe pipe ends using clean, disposable, lint free
AS/NZS 4130 uses a standrad SDR series, in material to remove traces of dirt mud, etc. Pipe ends
combination with the three (3) material types, to provide may be washed with clean water if necessary and
standard pipe pressure ratings as shown in the table. dried with the lint free material. Ensure pipe end is
completely dry before proceeding.
SDR PE 63 PE 80 PE 100
• Measure the depth of penetration of the fitting by
41 PN 3.2 PN 4 placing the socket of the bagged fitting alongside the
pipe end and put a witness mark on the pipe at half
33 PN 3.2 PN 4 the fitting length to indicate the area to be scraped.
26 PN 4 PN 6.3 Do not remove the fitting from its packaging at this
21 PN 6.3 PN 8
17 PN 6.3 PN 8 PN 10 • Check that the pipe clamps are of the correct size for
13.6 PN 8 PN 10 PN 12.5 the pipes to be jointed.
11 PN 10 PN 12.5 PN 16 • Using an appropriate pipe scraper, as recommended
9 PN 12.5 PN 16 PN 20 by the pipe or fitting manufacturer, remove the entire
surface of the pipe over the area indicated, to a depth
7.4 PN 16 PN 20 PN 25
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Mineral Processing
of approximately 0.3mm. Metal files, rasps, emery If in doubt, check with the supplier or manufacturer as
paper etc are not suitable end preparation tools. unsatisfactory joints are likely to occur if the fitting/pipe
combination is incorrect.
• Wipe the scraped surface with an authorised
Ispropanol impregnated pipewipe, as recommended Pipes of different grades of PE and/or SDR can be
by the pipe or fitting manufacturer, to remove any jointed successfully using electrofusion sockets, provided
dust residue. Methylated spirits, acetone, methyl that all components have adequate nominal pressure
ethyl ketone (MEK) or other solvents are not rating for the operating conditions and the PE materials
recommended for wiping the scraped surface. Ensure comply with AS/NZS4131.
the prepared surfaces are completely dry before
proceeding. Contamination of the jointing surfaces by dust and/or
moisture are likely to result in unsatisfactory joints. A
• Remove the fitting from its packaging and check the shelter should be used to provide adequate protection for
bore of the fitting is clean. The bore of the fitting the pipe, fittings and equipment against adverse weather
may be wiped with an approved pipewipe if conditions and contamination.
necessary. Ensure the bore is completely dry before
• Insert the pipe end(s) into the fitting so that they are
in contact with the centre stops.
When saddle type fittings are used, the offtake hole in the
pipe must not be cut until the fitting has completed the
required cooling time.
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