Project Control For Engineering CII P6 - 1 PDF
Project Control For Engineering CII P6 - 1 PDF
Project Control For Engineering CII P6 - 1 PDF
CII was founded in 1983 to improve the cost effectiveness of the nation’s largest
industry. The members, who represent a broad cross-section of owners and contrac-
tors, believe that many of the problems that limit cost effectiveness are common ones,
and that real improvements can be best accomplished in a cooperative environment
with the benefits being shared by the construction industry at large.
The activities of CII include identifying research needs, conducting research, and
aiding implementation of research results. The task forces that provide guidance for
specific CII activities are listed below.
Prepared by
The Construction Industry Institute
Cost/Schedule Controls Task Force
Publication 6-1
July 1986
First Printing: July 1986
Second Printing: March 1987
Chapter Page
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Time and work progress are managed through the schedule. During the
planning operation, engineering work tasks are scheduled to fit project re-
quirements and a system for measuring progress of each task is established.
During the controlling operation, status is reported against that system.
Functional Organization
Matrix Organization
There are strong and weak matrix organizations. A strong matrix is one
where the project team structure is preeminent - i.e., the project manag-
er’s authority over the individuals on the project team exceeds that of the
functional managers. In a weak matrix, the reverse is true.
Matrix organizations are the most common and also the most complex
form of organization utilized for management of engineering work. When
well managed, they provide for maximum coordination, information ex-
change, and resource sharing. Matrix organizations are also the most eco-
nomical form for management of multiple projects, none of which is large
enough to warrant a full task force. The strong matrix is the preferred
form 2 .
Project control, to be effective, must begin during the planning and bud-
geting of the work. It will continue during the conceptual and detailed
engineering phases. If these phases are a part of a contract where engineer-
ing, procurement, and construction overlap, engineering project control
will be integrated with procurement and construction project control.
The project control function is the “eyes and ears” of management at all
levels and the source of project status information for the client. It is also
an information center for every professional on the staff. Accordingly, it
should be organizationally placed so that it responds directly to the project
manager. It must not be treated as another accounting function, nor should
its activity be decentralized among the functional groups. And it must be
recognized as an integral part of management, not as a police force! Man-
agement must assess the information provided, then take the necessary
steps to implement the action needed.
- Other items are identified as “reimbursable directs.” These are
items such as travel, reproduction, computer services, and commu-
nications. In most cases, their costs are passed through to the client
without markup.
When planning any project, it is desirable to divide the project into well-
defined, manageable parts for purposes of control. By controlling the indi-
vidual parts, it is possible to establish control of the total project. Figure 1
is a matrix representation of the budget that might be established for a
typical engineering project. Certain items on this budget include alloca-
tions of work-hours as well as costs. Others are budgeted only for cost.
Experienced engineering organizations are able to estimate quite accu-
rately the number of engineering documents and the work-hours required.
They are also able to estimate the quantity and work-hour requirements for
their other products and the costs of other reimbursables and non-
reimbursables and, having done this, to establish a multiplier. These esti-
mates become the basis for project control.
The Cost Breakdown Structure (CBS) for the project includes every ele-
ment of cost for the project. In effect, it is a summary of the budget by
category. The total of all categories equals the total project budget. Refer-
ring again to Figure 1, this matrix is a visual representation of the CBS for
an example project.
The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for the project relates only to the
engineering work products that the project manager chooses to status as a
basis for progress reporting. Drawings are traditionally a status item. De-
signing, specification writing, study preparation, model construction, and
equipment/material procurement involve deliverables, and thus are other
logical choices. The more of these tasks chosen for control, the more posi-
tive and informative the control system will be.
On Figure 1, the shaded portions are the budgets for those elements of
the CBS which will comprise the WBS for this example project. In this
example, only Design & Drawings, Specs, Procurement Support, and Field
Support transactions have been chosen for work control. The activities ac-
counted for within these budgets are essentially the greatest level of detail
in the WBS. Thus, the WBS is incorporated within the CBS. Actually, the
complete WBS for the project will have the total facility to be designed as
the ultimate summary level. The facility is then divided into well-defined
areas, systems, and structures which in turn can be further sub-divided into
well-defined sub-areas, sub-systems, and sub-structures to form a hierar-
chical WBS describing the total facility to be constructed. The WBS is con-
tinued beyond that point to identify those activities required to prepare
documents that are used to guide both the construction of a facility and the
manufacture of engineered equipment for installation in such a facility. A
work package is any one set of these activities which are targeted on a
given procurement or construction need date.
What is the practice in industry on this subject? Reference 2 is a report
from a research project which provided much of the background material
for this publication. One area investigated was progress control; firms were
asked which work items were included in their progress control system. To
catalog responses, the breakdown of the total effort in an engineering
project was estimated to average 40 percent to drawing development, 15
percent to specifications development, 10 percent to design support activi-
ties, 25 percent to procurement activities, and 10 percent for other activi-
ties. With these assumptions it was found that four of six firms use only 55
percent of the total work for formal progress tracking, while one tracks 80
percent and another 90 percent.
Activities Indirects 3
Labor Equip.
Supervision $ WH $ $
internal Support $ WH $ $
Procurement $ WH $ $
Study $ WH $ $
Design $ WH $ $
Document Preparation $ WH $ $
Document Review $ WH $ $
External Support $ WH $ $
Other 4
Notes: 1. The CBS is composed of all activities in the matrix for which dollars ($) are
budgeted. The total value of these equal the project budget.
2. The WBS is composed of those direct labor activities in the matrix for which
work-hours (WH) are budgeted. They may be used for work progress measure-
3. “Indirects” includes supervision above first level, staff, facilities, supplies &
services, travel, etc.
4. “Other” includes office overhead, contingency reserve, profit, etc.
The project’s control schedule may be in barchart form with milestones
and key interfaces on an E-O contract, but networking is certainly appro-
priate. On E-P-C projects, the control schedule should be in network for-
mat and interrelate with the procurement and construction schedules -
engineering work package completion usually constrains the start or con-
tinuation of a procurement or construction activity on E-P-C projects. Thus,
need dates for dependent work packages become milestone dates on the
engineering portion of the control schedule. On E-P-C projects it is abso-
lutely essential that a logic trail be established among all activities contrib-
uting to project completion. The trail is best established if network
relationships are created among all activities. This philosophy must be bal-
anced against having too much detail on the control schedule since it must
be simple enough to permit human review and analysis. The solution is to
keep the project’s control schedule at a network summary level and to treat
its engineering, procurement, and construction activities as hammocks
supported by individual detailed schedules. When this is accomplished
and the total system is integrated, it will be possible to trace the effects of
any changes and deviations throughout the project. As noted previously,
engineering work packages are the activities on the control schedule and
as such are the hammocks for more detailed subnets that trace both se-
quential and parallel steps in accomplishing the activities included within
the work package. More on this subject is contained in the CII publication,
Model Planning and Controlling System for Engineering-Procurement-Con-
struction of Industrial Projects.
Codes of Accounts
Another numbering system(s) is appropriate for drawings, specifications,
and other deliverables. These numbers can be sequential in nature and
need not include any cross-reference to the WBS. Drawing, specification,
and other deliverable lists and control numbers are developed during the
planning and budgeting phase. The deliverables coding is needed for
cross-referencing to work packages. It is also useful for personnel working
on these items to use in charging time on their time cards. In this case it is
used in conjunction with the CBS identifier as a first step in work-hour
tracking. For example and referring to Figure 1, assume that the electrical
discipline function has the code “EL,” that the budget category is “design
and drawings” (code “01”), and the drawing number is 4567 - the cod-
ing for work on this would be:
For activities that contribute to more than one deliverable (e.g., various
criteria development), the deliverable portion of the code can be replaced
by an activity code. This numbering system is particularly useful in cost
control since it collects data at the budgeting (CBS) level. This format also
permits summary of data against function, activity, or specific deliverable
or activity type for historical purposes. It can also be incorporated in the
schedule activity identification numbers used at the detailed (sub-ham-
mock) level.
Still another coding system is needed for work packages. Since work
packages are really an extension of the WBS, the codes for work packages
are really a detailed extension of the WBS code. A typical engineering
work package includes an assortment of engineering documents and any
given document can be a component of several work packages, and thus
this numbering system should be separate from that used for included com-
ponents. This code structure is used on the engineering portion of the con-
trol schedule. Included documents will be cross-referenced to work
packages and work packages to the WBS within datasets of the integrated
control system.
The project’s WBS will have a hierarchical code structure that permits
summary of information to any level of that structure. It will be used in
conjunction with work package identifiers in scheduling.
Progress Measurement
Note: For the above to be a true indicator of productivity, only those tasks for
which budgets have been established should be included in summa-
The SPI relates the amount of work performed to the amount scheduled
to a point in time. The formula is:
Note: Scheduled work-hours used in this formula are summarized from the
task schedules.
While the SPI for the total project or for a work package is somewhat of
an indicator of schedule performance, it tells only part of the story. The SPI
only compares volume of work performed to volume of work scheduled.
There can be an SPI in excess of 1.0, but the project can still be in danger
of not meeting milestones and final completion dates if managers are ex-
pending effort on non-critical activity at the expense of critical activity. The
SPI does not show if work is being completed in the proper sequence.
Thus, as part of schedule control, controllers must regularly examine the
schedules of all included tasks in each work package so that any items
behind schedule can be identified and corrective action taken to bring
them back on schedule.
Procurement Activity
Historical Data
Improved capabilities now allow microcomputers to be used for stand-
alone project control on many projects. In choosing hardware and soft-
ware for a microsystem, users must insure that candidate systems can
handle both the scheduling and database management requirements. Con-
trol of engineering is a complicated procedure, and therefore a database
management capability of considerable capacity is required.
Project control systems are based upon planned budgets and schedules.
When changes are introduced, the plans and schedules must be revised.
Some changes are the result of scope change; others result from value
engineering, constructability studies, or engineering error. Unfortunately,
changes seldom affect only one engineer or discipline; they can have a
ripple effect on the entire project. Thus, it is essential that an engineering
organization have formal scope control and change control programs.
More on this subject is contained in the CII publication, Scope Definition
and Control.4
Those interviewed were asked to identify the factors that distinguish suc-
cessful and unsuccessful projects, with the following results:
Successful Projects:
Well-defined scope
Early, extensive planning
Good leadership, management, and supervision
Involved, positive client relationship
Proper chemistry among project participants
Quick response to changes
Engineering managers concerned with total project, not
just engineering
Unsuccessful Projects:
Ill-defined scope
Poor management
Poor planning
Poor communication between engineering and construction
Unrealistic schedules and budgets
Poor personnel quality
Excessive changes
Poor project controls
The Future
Expert Systems. Expert systems would be valuable during conceptual
engineering to generate major equipment lists, bulk quantities, and
other information for various processes and to produce resulting cost
estimates. Such systems would also greatly simplify value engineering
studies during the conceptual engineering phase of a project and facili-
tate various decision processes throughout the detail engineering
phase. Other applications include forecasting, risk analysis, and per-
sonnel training.
The project control system must be designed to control both work and
cost. The system must encompass planning, scheduling, monitoring,
reporting and analysis, forecasting, and historical data collection.
Subsystems within the total system must be available to track procurement
activity and to generate and maintain equipment lists, instrument lists, and
other summaries associated with design engineering work. The design of
the system should be based on the principle of integrated project control,
and be flexible enough to handle large and small projects while also re-
sponding to special client needs.
Basic Methods
Start drafting 0%
Drawn, not checked 20%
Complete for office check 35%
To owner for approval 70%
First issue 95%
Final issue* 100%
Start/Finish Percentages. This method is applicable to those activities
which lack readily definable intermediate milestones, and/or the
effort/time required is difficult to estimate. For these tasks, controllers
credit 20-50 percent when the activity is started and 100 percent when
finished. The reason that a percentage is assigned for starting is that
this compensates for the long period between start and finish when no
credit is being given. This method is appropriate for work such as
planning, designing, manual writing, model building, and studies. It
can also be used for specification writing.
Summary Levels
Following are key features of the DOE/DOD Cost & Schedule Control
System Criteria (CSCSC) for Performance Measurement.
Terms. A number of terms are established for use in reporting the sta-
tus of a project. These are:
Budgeted Cost for Work Scheduled (BCWS). BCWS is the cost ac-
count or total contract budget less any “management reserve”
(funds held in reserve to be used in case of scope growth). It is
time-phased based on the cost-loaded schedule.
Estimate at Completion (EAC). EAC is the latest cost estimate for a
cost account or the total project.
Level of Effort (LOE). Support type activity which does not have a
final product and which is not specifically related to individual
work packages. Management, project controls, and other staff ac-
tivities are typical LOE cost accounts.
Applicability of CSCSC to Civilian Design Projects
1. Modern Management Systems, Construction Industry Cost Effectiveness
(CICE) Project, Report A-6, The Business Roundtable, November 1982.
Cost/Schedule Controls Task Force Membership
Past Members
*Principal Author
The Construction Industry Institute
Member Companies