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ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.

2 (2003-05)
Candidate Harmonized European Standard (Telecommunications series)

Electromagnetic compatibility
and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM);
Telecommunication network equipment;
ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) requirements
2 ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 (2003-05)


EMC, network, testing


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3 ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 (2003-05)

Intellectual Property Rights ................................................................................................................................6
1 Scope ........................................................................................................................................................7
2 References ................................................................................................................................................8
3 Definitions and abbreviations.................................................................................................................11
3.1 Definitions........................................................................................................................................................11
3.2 Abbreviations ...................................................................................................................................................12
4 Installation environment.........................................................................................................................13
5 Immunity: test methods ..........................................................................................................................13
5.1 Electrostatic discharge......................................................................................................................................13
5.2 Electrical fast transients/burst...........................................................................................................................13
5.3 Surges ...............................................................................................................................................................14
5.3.1 Outdoor signal line ports.............................................................................................................................14
5.3.2 Indoor signal line ports ...............................................................................................................................14
5.3.3 AC power ports...........................................................................................................................................14
5.4 Immunity to continuous conducted signals ......................................................................................................14
5.4.1 Low frequency (≤ 150 kHz)........................................................................................................................14
5.4.2 Radio frequency (> 150 kHz) .....................................................................................................................14 AC power port.......................................................................................................................................14 DC power port.......................................................................................................................................14 Signal line port ......................................................................................................................................15
5.5 Immunity to radiated electromagnetic fields ....................................................................................................15
5.6 Immunity to power supply disturbances: AC and DC power ports ..................................................................15
5.6.1 Test of immunity to low frequency disturbances: AC power ports ............................................................15
6 Emission: test methods...........................................................................................................................15
6.1 AC power port..................................................................................................................................................15
6.2 DC power port..................................................................................................................................................15
6.3 Telecommunication Port ..................................................................................................................................16
6.4 Radiated emission.............................................................................................................................................16
7 Test levels and limits..............................................................................................................................17
7.1 Emission ...........................................................................................................................................................17
7.1.1 Enclosure port, Radiated electromagnetic field emissions..........................................................................17
7.1.2 AC ports......................................................................................................................................................17 Conducted emissions.............................................................................................................................17 Current harmonics.................................................................................................................................17 Voltage fluctuations ..............................................................................................................................17
7.1.3 DC ports; Conducted emissions..................................................................................................................17
7.1.4 Telecommunication ports; Conducted emissions........................................................................................17
7.2 Immunity ..........................................................................................................................................................18
7.2.1 Equipment operating in telecommunication centres ...................................................................................18 Telecommunication centres, enclosure port..........................................................................................18 Telecommunication centres, ports for outdoor signal lines...................................................................19 Telecommunication centres, ports for indoor signal lines.....................................................................20 Telecommunication centres, AC power ports .......................................................................................20 Telecommunication centres, DC power ports .......................................................................................21
7.2.2 Equipment operating in locations other than telecommunication centres...................................................21 Other than telecommunication centres, enclosure port .........................................................................21 Other than telecommunication centres, ports for outdoor signal lines ..................................................22 Other than telecommunication centres, ports for indoor signal lines ....................................................22 Other than telecommunication centres, AC power ports.......................................................................23 Other than telecommunication centres, DC power ports.......................................................................23

4 ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 (2003-05)

8 General test configuration ......................................................................................................................24

9 General operational conditions during testing........................................................................................24
9.1 Equipment configuration ..................................................................................................................................24
9.2 Operation of multimedia network equipment...................................................................................................25
10 General immunity conditions .................................................................................................................25
10.1 General performance criteria............................................................................................................................25
11 Switching equipment specific requirements...........................................................................................26
11.1 Test configuration.............................................................................................................................................26
11.2 Operational conditions .....................................................................................................................................27
11.2.1 Emission .....................................................................................................................................................27
11.2.2 Immunity ....................................................................................................................................................27
11.3 Specific immunity performance criteria ...........................................................................................................27
11.3.1 Digital port performance criteria ................................................................................................................27 Performance criterion A (continuous phenomena)................................................................................27 Performance criterion B (transient phenomena)....................................................................................28 Performance criterion C (interruptions) ................................................................................................28
11.3.2 Analogue port performance criteria ............................................................................................................28 Performance criterion A (continuous phenomena)................................................................................28 Performance criterion B (transient phenomena)....................................................................................28 Performance criterion C (interruptions) ................................................................................................28
12 Transmission equipment specific requirements .....................................................................................28
12.1 Test configuration.............................................................................................................................................28
12.2 Operational conditions .....................................................................................................................................29
12.2.1 Emission .....................................................................................................................................................29
12.2.2 Immunity ....................................................................................................................................................29
12.3 Specific immunity performance criteria ...........................................................................................................29
12.3.1 Digital signal ports......................................................................................................................................29 Performance criterion A (continuous phenomena)................................................................................30 Performance criterion B (transient phenomena)....................................................................................30 Performance criterion C (interruptions) ................................................................................................30
12.3.2 Analogue voice frequency signal ports.......................................................................................................30 Performance criterion A (continuous phenomena)................................................................................30 Performance criterion B (transient phenomena)....................................................................................30
12.3.3 SDH and PDH interfaces ............................................................................................................................30 Tributary and aggregate interfaces ........................................................................................................30
12.3.4 ISDN interfaces ..........................................................................................................................................31 Primary rate access ISDN interfaces .....................................................................................................31 Network termination NT1 for ISDN "U" interfaces..............................................................................31 Basic access ISDN interfaces................................................................................................................31
12.3.5 Analogue interfaces ....................................................................................................................................31 Trunk interfaces and leased line interfaces ...........................................................................................31 Subscriber interfaces .............................................................................................................................31
12.3.6 V.10, V.11, V.24, V.28, V.36, X.24 and similar V.- and X.- series interfaces ...........................................31
12.3.7 Ethernet and packet-data interfaces ............................................................................................................31 Performance criterion A (continuous phenomena)................................................................................31 Performance criterion B (transient phenomena)....................................................................................31
12.3.8 Service and maintenance interfaces ............................................................................................................31
12.3.9 Synchronization interfaces..........................................................................................................................32 Performance criterion A (continuous phenomena)................................................................................32 Performance criterion B (transient phenomena)....................................................................................32
12.3.10 Remote alarm interfaces .............................................................................................................................32 Performance criterion A (continuous phenomena)................................................................................32 Performance criterion B (transient phenomena)....................................................................................32
13 Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Access Systems.....................................................................................32
13.1 Test configuration.............................................................................................................................................32
13.2 Operational conditions .....................................................................................................................................33
13.2.1 Immunity ....................................................................................................................................................33
13.3 Specific Immunity performance criteria...........................................................................................................33

5 ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 (2003-05)

13.3.1 Performance Criteria A (continuous phenomena).......................................................................................33

13.3.2 Performance Criteria B (transient phenomena)...........................................................................................34
13.3.3 Performance Criteria C (interruptions) .......................................................................................................34
14 Power supply equipment specific conditions .........................................................................................34
14.1 Test configuration.............................................................................................................................................34
14.2 Operational conditions .....................................................................................................................................35
14.2.1 Emission .....................................................................................................................................................35
14.2.2 Immunity ....................................................................................................................................................35
14.3 Specific immunity performance criteria ...........................................................................................................35
14.3.1 Alternating current secondary interface ......................................................................................................36 Performance criterion A (continuous phenomena)................................................................................36 Performance criterion B (transient phenomena)....................................................................................36
14.3.2 Direct current secondary interface ..............................................................................................................36 Performance criterion A (continuous phenomena)................................................................................36 Performance criterion B (transient phenomena)....................................................................................37
14.3.3 Control/signal interface...............................................................................................................................37
14.3.4 Tertiary supply interface .............................................................................................................................37
15 Supervisory equipment specific conditions............................................................................................37
15.1 Test configuration.............................................................................................................................................37
15.2 Operational conditions .....................................................................................................................................38
15.3 Specific immunity and resistibility performance criteria .................................................................................38
15.3.1 Performance criterion A (continuous phenomena) .....................................................................................38
15.3.2 Performance criterion B (transient phenomena) .........................................................................................39

Annex A (normative): Surges: test method for ports of signal lines remaining within the
building ...........................................................................................................40
A.1 Test set-up for ports with ISDN interface ..............................................................................................40
Annex B (informative): Evaluation of test results ...............................................................................43
Annex C (informative): Guidance on EMC performance requirements and methods of
measurement for RF ports (in the sense of EN 50083 series) of
multimedia network equipment ...................................................................45
Annex D (informative): The EN title in the official languages ...........................................................46
History ..............................................................................................................................................................47

6 ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 (2003-05)

Intellectual Property Rights

IPRs essential or potentially essential to the present document may have been declared to ETSI. The information
pertaining to these essential IPRs, if any, is publicly available for ETSI members and non-members, and can be found
in ETSI SR 000 314: "Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs); Essential, or potentially Essential, IPRs notified to ETSI in
respect of ETSI standards", which is available from the ETSI Secretariat. Latest updates are available on the ETSI Web
server (http://webapp.etsi.org/IPR/home.asp).

All published ETSI deliverables shall include information which directs the reader to the above source of information.

This Candidate Harmonized European Standard (Telecommunications series) has been produced by ETSI Technical
Committee Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM).

The present document has been produced by ETSI in response to a mandate from the European Commission issued
under Council Directive 98/34/EC [43] (as amended) laying down a procedure for the provision of information in the
field of technical standards and regulations.

The present document is intended to become a Harmonized Standard, the reference of which will be published in the
Official Journal of the European Communities referencing the Council Directive on the approximation of the laws of
the Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility ("the EMC Directive") (89/336/EEC [41] as amended).

National transposition dates

Date of adoption of this EN: 25 April 2003
Date of latest announcement of this EN (doa): 31 July 2003
Date of latest publication of new National Standard
or endorsement of this EN (dop/e): 31 January 2004
Date of withdrawal of any conflicting National Standard (dow): 31 July 2006

7 ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 (2003-05)

1 Scope
The present document covers the EMC requirements for equipment intended to be used within a telecommunications
network (as defined in clause 3). Examples of such equipment are:

• Switching equipment. Such equipment includes:

- local telephone exchanges;

- remote switching concentrators;

- international switches;

- telex switches;

- network packet switches.

• General purpose equipment, which is used as a part of a switching system, may be covered by the scope of
other standards. For such equipment, if those other standards fully cover all the requirements of the present
document, no further requirements are necessary. Switching equipment can also contain transmission
functions, and this has to be recognized during testing.

• Non-radio transmission equipment and ancillary equipment. Such equipment includes:

- multiplexers;

- line equipment and repeaters, e.g. equipment for:

- Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH);

- Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy (PDH);

- Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM);

such as:

- Digital Cross Connect systems;

- network terminations;

- transmission equipment used in the access network like XDSL.

• Power supply equipment. Such equipment includes:

- central power plant;

- end of suite power supplies;

- uninterruptible power supplies;

- stabilized AC power supplies;

- and other dedicated telecommunication network power supplies;

but excludes equipment which is uniquely associated with or integrated in other equipment.

8 ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 (2003-05)

• Supervisory equipment. Such equipment includes:

- network management equipment;

- operator access maintenance equipment;

- traffic measurement systems;

- line test units;

- functional test units.

The function of supervision may either be performed by independent equipment or form part of other
telecommunication equipment. If the function of supervision forms part of a telecommunication equipment, the
performance may be evaluated simultaneously with other functions (such as switching and transmission) during EMC

The environmental classification used in the present document refers to TR 101 651 [42].

The requirements of the present document have been selected to ensure an adequate level of immunity for the apparatus
covered by the scope of the present document. The levels do not, however, cover extreme cases which may occur at any
location but with a low probability of occurrence. In special cases, situations may arise where the levels of disturbance
may exceed the immunity test levels specified in the present document. In these instances, special mitigation measures
may have to be employed.

Equipment for cabled distribution systems intended only for television and sound signals as defined in EN 50083-2 [3]
and optical amplifiers as defined in ITU-T Recommendations G.661 [23] and G.662 [24] are outside the scope of the
present document.

2 References
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present

• References are either specific (identified by date of publication and/or edition number or version number) or

• For a specific reference, subsequent revisions do not apply.

• For a non-specific reference, the latest version applies.

Referenced documents which are not found to be publicly available in the expected location might be found at

[1] CISPR 16-1: "Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods;
Part 1: Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus".

[2] EN 50082-1 (1997): "Electromagnetic compatibility - Generic immunity standard -

Part 1: Residential, commercial and light industry".

[3] EN 50083-2 (1995): "Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive
services - Part 2: Electromagnetic compatibility for equipment".

[4] EN 55022 (1998): "Information technology equipment - Radio disturbance characteristics - Limits
and methods of measurement".

[5] EN 61000-3-2 (2000): "Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-2: Limits - Limits for
harmonic current emissions (equipment input current up to and including 16 A per phase)".

[6] EN 61000-3-3 (1995): "Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-3: Limits - Limitation of
voltage changes, voltage fluctuations and flicker in public low-voltage supply systems, for
equipment with rated current <= 16 A per phase and not subject to conditional connection".

9 ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 (2003-05)

[7] EN 61000-4-2: "Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-2: Testing and measurement
techniques - Electrostatic discharge immunity test".

[8] EN 61000-4-3: "Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-3: Testing and measurement
techniques - Radiated, radio-frequency, electromagnetic field immunity test".

[9] EN 61000-4-4: "Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-4: Testing and measurement
techniques - Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test".

[10] EN 61000-4-5: "Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-5: Testing and measurement
techniques - Surge immunity test".

[11] EN 61000-4-6: "Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-6: Testing and measurement
techniques - Immunity to conducted disturbances, induced by radio-frequency fields".

[12] EN 61000-4-11: "Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-11: Testing and measurement
techniques - Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations immunity tests".

[13] ETSI ETR 238 (1995): "ETSI/CENELEC standardization programme for the development of
Harmonized Standards related to Electro-Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) in the field of

[14] ETSI ETS 300 011 (1998): "Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN); Primary rate
user-network interface; Layer 1 specification and test principles".

[15] ETSI ETS 300 012 (1992): "Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN); Basic user-network
interface; Layer 1 specification and test principles".

[16] ETSI ETS 300 132-1 (1996): "Equipment Engineering (EE); Power supply interface at the input to
telecommunications equipment; Part 1: Operated by alternating current (ac) derived from direct
current (dc) sources".

[17] ETSI ETS 300 132-2 (1996): "Equipment Engineering (EE); Power supply interface at the input to
telecommunications equipment; Part 2: Operated by direct current (dc)".

[18] ETSI ETS 300 166 (1993): "Transmission and Multiplexing (TM); Physical and electrical
characteristics of hierarchical digital interfaces for equipment using the 2 048 kbit/s - based
plesiochronous or synchronous digital hierarchies".

[19] ETSI ETS 300 232 (1993): "Transmission and Multiplexing (TM); Optical interfaces for
equipments and systems relating to the Synchronous Digital Hierarchy [ITU-T Recommendation
G.957 (1993), modified]".

[20] IEC 60050-161: "International Electrotechnical Vocabulary. Chapter 161: Electromagnetic


[21] IEC 60050-714: "International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Chapter 714: Switching and
signalling in telecommunications".

[22] ISO/IEC 8802-3 (1996): "Information technology - Telecommunications and information

exchange between systems - Local and metropolitan area networks - Specific requirements -
Part 3: Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD) access method and
physical layer specifications".

[23] ITU-T Recommendation G.661 (1998): "Definition and test methods for the relevant generic
parameters of optical amplifier devices and subsystems".

[24] ITU-T Recommendation G.662 (1998): "Generic characteristics of optical amplifier devices and

[25] ITU-T Recommendation G.712 (1996): "Transmission performance characteristics of pulse code
modulation channels".

[26] ITU-T Recommendation G.812 (1998): "Timing requirements of slave clocks suitable for use as
node clocks in synchronization networks".

10 ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 (2003-05)

[27] ITU-T Recommendation G.813 (1996): "Timing characteristics of SDH equipment slave
clocks (SEC)".

[28] ITU-T Recommendation G.958 (1994): "Digital line systems based on the synchronous digital
hierarchy for use on optical fibre cables".

[29] ITU-T Recommendation G.961 (1993): "Digital transmission system on metallic local lines for
ISDN basic rate access".

[30] ETSI EN 300 127: "Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Radiated
emission testing of physically large telecommunication systems".

[31] ITU-T Recommendation O.41 (1994): "Psophometer for use on telephone-type circuits".

[32] ITU-T Recommendation O.150 (1996): "General requirements for instrumentation for
performance measurements on digital transmission equipment".

[33] ITU-T Recommendation Q.552 (1996): "Transmission characteristics at 2-wire analogue interfaces
of digital exchanges".

[34] ITU-T Recommendation V.10 (1993): "Electrical characteristics for unbalanced double-current
interchange circuits operating at data signalling rates nominally up to 100 kbit/s".

[35] ITU-T Recommendation V.11 (1996): "Electrical characteristics for balanced double-current
interchange circuits operating at data signalling rates up to 10 Mbit/s".

[36] ITU-T Recommendation V.24 (2000): "List of definitions for interchange circuits between Data
Terminal Equipment (DTE) and Data Circuit-terminating Equipment (DCE)".

[37] ITU-T Recommendation V.28 (1993): "Electrical characteristics for unbalanced double-current
interchange circuits".

[38] ITU-T Recommendation V.36 (1988): "Modems for synchronous data transmission using
60-108 kHz group band circuits".

[39] ITU-T Recommendation X.24 (1988): "List of definitions for interchange circuits between Data
Terminal Equipment (DTE) and Data Circuit-terminating Equipment (DCE) on public data

[40] ITU-T Recommendation X.25 (1996): "Interface between Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) and
Data Circuit-terminating Equipment (DCE) for terminals operating in the packet mode and
connected to public data networks by dedicated circuit".

[41] Council Directive 89/336/EEC of 3 May 1989 on the approximation of the laws of the Member
States relating to electromagnetic compatibility.

[42] ETSI TR 101 651 (V1.1.1): "Electromagnetic compatibility and radio spectrum matters (ERM);
Classification of the electromagnetic environment conditions for equipment in telecommunication

[43] Directive 98/34/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 June 1998 laying down a
procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical standards and regulations.

[44] ITU-T Recommendation G.996.1 (1999): "Test procedures for digital subscriber line (DSL)

[45] ETSI TS 101 135 (V1.5.3): "Transmission and Multiplexing (TM); High bit-rate Digital
Subscriber Line (HDSL) transmission systems on metallic local lines; HDSL core specification
and applications for combined ISDN-BA and 2 048 kbit/s transmission".

[46] ETSI TS 101 524-1 (V1.1.1): "Transmission and Multiplexing (TM); Access transmission system
on metallic access cables; Symmetrical single pair high bit rate Digital Subscriber Line (SDSL);
Part 1: Functional requirements".

11 ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 (2003-05)

[47] ETSI TS 101 270-1 (V1.2.1): "Transmission and Multiplexing (TM); Access transmission systems
on metallic access cables; Very high speed Digital Subscriber Line (VDSL); Part 1: Functional

3 Definitions and abbreviations

3.1 Definitions
For the purposes of the present document, the following terms and definitions apply. The definitions taken from the
IEC 60050-161 [20] have reference in parentheses.

AC secondary interface: output port of an AC power supply

AC secondary voltage: output of the AC power supply at the AC secondary interface

NOTE: The AC secondary voltage may be either:

- a stabilized AC supply derived from a DC primary supply (e.g. where the power supply is an
inverter); or

- derived from the AC primary supply (e.g. a stabilized power supply used where the quality of the
primary supply is not sufficient to feed telecommunication equipment).

burst (161-02-07): sequence of a limited number of distinct pulses or an oscillation of limited duration

connection: temporary association of transmission channels or telecommunication circuits, switching or other

functional units set up to provide for the transfer of information between two or more points in a telecommunication
network (IEC 60050-714)

continuous disturbance (161-02-11): electromagnetic disturbance the effects of which on a particular device or
equipment cannot be resolved into a succession of distinct effects

DC secondary interface: output port of a DC power supply

DC secondary voltage: output of the DC power supply at the DC secondary interface

The DC secondary voltage may be derived from the AC primary supply with or without a buffer battery.

duration (of a voltage change) (161-08-03): interval of time for the voltage to increase or decrease from the initial
value to the final value

duration (of a pulse): interval of time between the instants at which the instantaneous value of a pulse reaches 50 % of
the pulse magnitude for the first and last time

enclosure port: physical boundary of the Equipment Under Test (EUT) through which electromagnetic fields may
emanate or on which they may impinge

environment, environmental conditions: electromagnetic conditions external to the equipment, to which it is

subjected at a certain time
The environmental conditions comprise a combination of single environmental parameters and their severity.

environmental parameters: present one or more properties of the electromagnetic environment

immunity (to a disturbance) (161-01-20): ability of a device, equipment or system to perform without degradation in
the presence of an electromagnetic disturbance

impulsive disturbance (161-02-09): electromagnetic disturbance which, when incident on a particular device or
equipment, manifests itself as a succession of distinct pulses or transients

interface "A": terminals at which a power supply is connected to the telecommunications equipment

multimedia network equipment: multimedia network equipment containing broadcast and telecommunication

12 ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 (2003-05)

nominal voltage: nominal value of voltage that designates the type of supply

normal service: service mode where telecommunications equipment operates within its specification

performance criterion: limits of acceptable behaviour of the equipment during and after the application of the
electromagnetic phenomenon

NOTE: Performance criteria A apply for continuous phenomena; performance criteria B and C apply for transient
phenomena; and performance criteria R apply for resistibility phenomena.

port: particular interface of the EUT with the external electromagnetic environment

power supply: power source (within the scope of EN 300 386) to which telecommunications equipment is intended to
be connected

primary supply: public mains or a locally generated AC or DC supply

pulse (161-02-02): abrupt variation of short duration of a physical quantity followed by a rapid return to the initial

Radio Frequencies (RF): frequency range above 150 kHz

rise time (of a pulse) (161-02-05): interval of time between the instants at which the instantaneous value of a pulse first
reaches a specified lower value and then a specified upper value

NOTE: Unless otherwise specified, the lower and upper values are fixed at 10 % and 90 % of the pulse

secondary supply: supply to the telecommunications equipment (e.g. racks or system blocks), derived from the
primary supply

surge (voltage) (161-08-11): transient voltage wave propagating along a line or a circuit and characterized by a rapid
increase followed by a slower decrease of the voltage

system block: functional group of equipment depending for its operation and performance upon the secondary power

telecommunication network: network operated under a licence granted by a national telecommunications authority,
which provides telecommunications between Network Termination Points (NTPs) (i.e. excluding terminal equipment
beyond the NTPs)

tertiary supply: supply to the telecommunications equipment derived from the secondary supply

transient (adjective or noun) (161-02-01): pertaining to or designating a phenomenon or a quantity which varies
between two consecutive steady states during a time interval which is short compared with the timescale of interest

3.2 Abbreviations
For the purposes of the present document, the following abbreviations apply:

ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line

AM Amplitude Modulation
ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode
CPU Central Processing Unit
DC Direct Current
DLU Digital Line Unit
DSL Digital Subscriber Line
EMC ElectroMagnetic Compatibility
ESD Electrostatic Discharge
EUT Equipment Under Test
HDSL High bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line
LTG Line Trunk Group
NTPs Network Termination Points
PDH Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy

13 ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 (2003-05)

PRBS Pseudo Random Bit Sequence

RF Radio Frequency
rms root-mean-square
SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
SDSL Symmetrical single pair high bit rate Digital Subscriber Line
SN Switching Network
TLS Test Load Simulator
Tr/Th Rise time (10 % to 90 %) and hold time (50 % to 50 %) of transient signal (see EN 61000-4-4)
TS Traffic Simulator
Upso Voltage measured with a psophometer conforming to ITU-T Recommendation O.41
VDSL Very high speed Digital Subscriber Line

4 Installation environment
The installation environments for the equipment covered by the present document are defined in TR 101 651 [42]. The
environments defined are either:

- the telecommunication centre (major and minor);

- locations other than telecommunication centre e.g. within offices, customers' premises, outdoor locations, etc.

If no restrictions are specified in the product documentation for the installation environment, the equipment shall
comply with the requirements of all environments, implying that the more severe test level shall be used when the test is

5 Immunity: test methods

Where reference is made in the present document to specific "test levels" to be used for the tests, it is implicitly required
that the EUT shall also fulfil the compliance criteria when tested at "test levels" lower than those specified. This
requirement does not apply, however, to tests for immunity to continuous phenomena.

Conducted immunity tests shall be applied to one port at a time.

Conducted immunity test shall not be applied to the signal ports that, according to the product documentation, are not
permanently connected.

One signal port of each type found on the equipment shall be tested. If in normal installation practice multi-pair cables
(e.g. 64 × balanced pairs) and composite cables (e.g. a combination of fibre and copper) are used, they may be tested as
one single cable. Cables bundled for aesthetic or routing purposes are to be tested individually.

It may be determined from consideration of the electrical characteristics and usage of a particular equipment that some
of the tests are inappropriate and therefore unnecessary. In such a case, it is required that both the decision and the
justification not to apply any particular test to any particular port be recorded in the test report.

5.1 Electrostatic discharge

The immunity test method and laboratory conditions are described in EN 61000-4-2 [7].

ESD shall be applied only to those points and surfaces of the EUT that are expected to be touched during normal
operation including users access as specified in the user manual.

The application of discharges to any point of the equipment other than the electrostatic protection point, which is
accessible only for maintenance purposes, is not required. The application of ESD to the contacts of open connectors is
not required.

5.2 Electrical fast transients/burst

The immunity test method and laboratory conditions are described in EN 61000-4-4 [9].

14 ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 (2003-05)

5.3 Surges
5.3.1 Outdoor signal line ports
The immunity test method to be used for signal line ports is described in the EN 61000-4-5 [10].

Where normal functioning cannot be achieved because of the impact of the CDN on the EUT, no immunity test shall be

5.3.2 Indoor signal line ports

Annex A specifies an appropriate test method, dedicated to unshielded 4-wire balanced interface types with phantom
DC power feeding and operating at bit rates up to and including 2 Mbit/s. This test method shall apply when the
coupling/decoupling network specified in the EN 61000-4-5 [10] is not suitable for the bit rate of the signal port under

The test set up for shielded interface cables is specified in EN 61000-4-5 [10].

For ports connected to multi-conductor lines, for which the network according to annex A is not applicable, the
networks according to EN 61000-4-5 [10] shall be used.

Where normal functioning cannot be achieved because of the impact of the CDN on the EUT, no immunity test shall be

5.3.3 AC power ports

The immunity test method to be used for AC power line ports is described in EN 61000-4-5 [10].

5.4 Immunity to continuous conducted signals

5.4.1 Low frequency (≤ 150 kHz)
No requirements.

5.4.2 Radio frequency (> 150 kHz) AC power port

The test method to be used is described in EN 61000-4-6 [11].

Ports, which according to the manufacturer's specification are not intended to be connected to lines longer than 3 m,
shall not be subjected to these tests. DC power port

The test method to be used is described in EN 61000-4-6 [11].

Ports, which according to the manufacturer's specification are not intended to be connected to lines longer than 3 m,
shall not be subjected to these tests. The coupling/decoupling network type M1 (see EN 61000-4-6 [11]) shall be used
when the DC return lead at the EUT side is to be connected to the equipment protective earth. If the DC return lead is
not connected to the equipment protective earth then the coupling/decoupling network M2 (see EN 61000-4-6 [11])
shall be used.

15 ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 (2003-05) Signal line port

The test method to be used is described in EN 61000-4-6 [11].

Ports, which according to the manufacturer's specification are not intended to be connected to lines longer than 3 m,
shall not be subjected to these tests.

5.5 Immunity to radiated electromagnetic fields

The test method to be used is described in EN 61000-4-3 [8].

5.6 Immunity to power supply disturbances: AC and DC power

5.6.1 Test of immunity to low frequency disturbances: AC power ports
Immunity to low frequency disturbances on the AC power ports, test methods are defined below.

Telecommunication equipment in telecommunication centres

- No requirements.

Telecommunication equipment, locations other than telecommunication centres

- The test method to be used is described in EN 61000-4-11 [12].

6 Emission: test methods

Where not specified here, the EUT shall be configured, installed, arranged and operated in a manner consistent with
normal operation.

6.1 AC power port

For conducted emission on AC power port in the frequency range 0,15 MHz to 30 MHz, the test method specified in
EN 55022 [4] shall apply.

For current harmonics emission the test methods of EN 61000-3-2 [5] shall apply.

For voltage fluctuations (Flickers) the test methods of EN 61000-3-3 [6] shall apply.

6.2 DC power port

The measuring methods shall be those specified for the mains interface in EN 55022 [4].

Power ports, which according to the manufacturer's specification are not intended to be connected to lines longer than
3 m, shall not be subjected to these tests.

The EUT shall be connected to the DC power supply through an artificial network to provide a defined impedance
across EUT at the point of measurement and to provide isolation from the noise on the DC power supply lines.

The artificial network to be used is the one described in CISPR 16-1 [1], clause 5:

- 0,15 MHz to 30 MHz: (50 Ω // 50 µH).

Figure 1 shows the general form for the measurement of interference voltages between each conductor and the reference
ground plane. The DC return lead at the EUT side shall be connected to the protective earth if this is required by the
equipment installation specification.

16 ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 (2003-05)

When the use of the artificial network is not suitable (e.g. when the artificial mains network with the current capacity of
the EUT is not commercially available) the method described in CISPR 16-1 [1] for the voltage probe (1 500 Ω) shall
be used.

Radio Frequency (RF) noise not produced by the device under test shall be at least 6 dB below the appropriate test limit

C L2 L1

p C2
o C3
w R2
u C3
p C2
l L2 L1
y C1 C1
R3 R3
ZO = R1
PE = Protective Ear th
ME = Measuring Earth R1 MP
MP = Measuring Point R1
Artificial network
Coaxial cable
CISPR measuring set
Figure 1: Measurement set-up for conducted emission on DC power interface

6.3 Telecommunication Port

For conducted emissions on telecommunications ports in the frequency range 0,15 MHz to 30 MHz, the test method
specified in EN 55022 [4] shall apply.

Where measurement devices specified in EN 55022 [4] are not commercially available another suitable technique shall
be used and detailed within the test report.

6.4 Radiated emission

For radiated emission in the frequency range 30 MHz to 1 000 MHz the test method specified in the EN 55022 [4] shall

Where the EUT is considered to be physically large, the test methods and requirements prescribed by EN 300 127 [30]
shall apply.

17 ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 (2003-05)

7 Test levels and limits

The test levels are compiled in the following tables.

7.1 Emission
7.1.1 Enclosure port, Radiated electromagnetic field emissions
The limits defined in the EN 55022 [4] shall apply.

7.1.2 AC ports Conducted emissions

The limits defined in the EN 55022 [4] shall apply. Current harmonics

Current harmonics emission shall meet the requirements of the EN 61000-3-2 [5] according to the applicability
statement of the EN 61000-3-2 [5]. Voltage fluctuations

Voltage fluctuations (Flickers) shall meet the requirements of the EN 61000-3-3 [6] according to the applicability
statement of the EN 61000-3-3 [6].

7.1.3 DC ports; Conducted emissions

The class A limits for the mains interface defined in the EN 55022 [4] shall apply.

7.1.4 Telecommunication ports; Conducted emissions

The limits defined in the EN 55022 [4] shall apply.

18 ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 (2003-05)

7.2 Immunity
7.2.1 Equipment operating in telecommunication centres Telecommunication centres, enclosure port

Table 1

Environmental Unit Test level and characteristic Reference Performance Remarks

phenomenon criterion
Immunity Electrostatic discharge kV 4 Contact Discharge EN 61000-4-2 [7] B
kV 4 Air Discharge Radio frequency MHz 80 to 800 A
electromagnetic field V/m 3 EN 61000-4-3 [8]
amplitude modulated % AM (1 kHz) 80
MHz 800 to 960
V/m 10
% AM (1 kHz) 80
MHz 960 to 1 000
V/m 3
% AM (1 kHz) 80
MHz 1 400 to 2 000
V/m 10
% AM (1 kHz) 80

19 ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 (2003-05) Telecommunication centres, ports for outdoor signal lines

Table 2

Environmental Unit Test level and Reference Performance Remarks

phenomenon characteristic criterion
Immunity Fast transients kV 0,5 EN 61000-4-4 [9] B
Tr/Th ns 5/50
Rep. frequency kHz 5 Surges Tr/Th µs 1,2/50 (8/20) EN 61000-4-5 [10] B
(lines to ground) kV 1 Radio frequency, MHz 0,15 to 80 EN 61000-4-6 [11] A

conducted continuous V 3
% AM (1 kHz) 80
Source impedance Ω 150
NOTE 1: Outdoor lines carrying DC power with superimposed signals shall be treated as outdoor signal lines.
NOTE 2: For switching equipment which is intended to be installed in locations other than telecommunication centres, the requirements for immunity to surges on outdoor signal
lines and to continuous conducted disturbances on signal lines are according to the requirements for telecommunication centres. This reduction is based - amongst other
things - upon the screening effect of multi-pair cables and specific earthing/bonding techniques in use for switching equipment.

20 ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 (2003-05) Telecommunication centres, ports for indoor signal lines

Only ports connected to inter-system cables are to be tested. Testing of ports for intra-system cabling, e.g. local alarm and control, (provided in all cases both ends are controlled
by the same manufacturer) is left to the discretion of the manufacturer which is responsible for the correct installation of the cables.

Table 3

Environmental Unit Test level and characteristic Reference Performance Remarks

phenomenon criterion
Immunity Fast transients kV 0,5 EN 61000-4-4 [9] B Only applies
TrTh ns 5/50 when cables longer
Rep. frequency kHz 5 than 3 m are intended
to be connected. Surges Tr/Th µs 1,2/50 (8/20) EN 61000-4-5 [10] B Only applies
(lines to ground) kV 0,5 and clause 5.3.2 of the when cables longer
present document than 10 m are
connected. Radio frequency, MHz 0,15 to 80 EN 61000-4-6 [11] A Only applies
conducted continuous V 3 when cables longer
% AM (1 kHz) 80 than 3 m are
Source impedance Ω 150 connected.
NOTE: Indoor lines carrying DC power with superimposed signals shall be treated as indoor signal lines. Telecommunication centres, AC power ports

Table 4

Environmental Unit Test level and characteristic Reference Performance Remarks

phenomenon criterion
Immunity Fast transients kV 1 EN 61000-4-4 [9] B
Tr/Th ns 5/50
Rep. frequency kHz 5 Surges Tr/Th µs 1,2/50 (8/20) EN 61000-4-5 [10]
(line to line) kV 0,5 B
(line to ground) kV 1 B Radio frequency, MHz 0,15 to 80 EN 61000-4-6 [11] A
conducted continuous V 3
% AM (1 kHz) 80
Source impedance Ω 150

21 ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 (2003-05) Telecommunication centres, DC power ports

Table 5

Environmental Unit Test level and characteristic Reference Performance Remarks

phenomenon criterion
Immunity Fast transients kV 0,5 EN 61000-4-4 [9] B Only applicable
Tr/Th ns 5/50 when cables longer than
Rep. frequency kHz 5 3 m are connected. Radio frequency, MHz 0,15 to 80 EN 61000-4-6 [11] A Only applicable
conducted continuous V 3 when cables longer than
% AM (1 kHz) 80 3 m are connected.
Source impedance Ω 150

7.2.2 Equipment operating in locations other than telecommunication centres Other than telecommunication centres, enclosure port

Table 6

Environmental Unit Test level and characteristic Reference Performance Remarks

phenomenon criterion
Immunity Electrostatic discharge kV 6 contact discharge EN 61000-4-2 [7] B
kV 8 air discharge Radio frequency MHz 80 to 800 A
electromagnetic field V/m 3 EN 61000-4-3 [8]
amplitude modulated % AM (1 kHz) 80
MHz 800 to 960
V/m 10
% AM (1 kHz) 80
MHz 960 to 1 000
V/m 3
% AM (1 kHz) 80
MHz 1 400 to 2 000
V/m 10
% AM (1 kHz) 80

22 ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 (2003-05) Other than telecommunication centres, ports for outdoor signal lines
Table 7

Environmental Unit Test level and Reference Performance Remarks

phenomenon characteristic criterion
Immunity Fast transients kV 0,5 EN 61000-4-4 [9] B
Tr/Th ns 5/50
Rep. frequency kHz 5 Surges Tr/Th µs 1,2/50 (8/20) EN 61000-4-5 [10] B
(lines to ground) kV 1 Radio frequency, MHz 0,15 to 80 EN 61000-4-6 [11] A
conducted continuous V 3
% AM (1 kHz) 80
Source impedance Ω 150
NOTE 1: Outdoor lines carrying DC power with superimposed signals shall be treated as outdoor signal lines.
NOTE 2: For switching equipment which is intended to be installed in locations other than telecommunication centres, the requirements for immunity to surges on outdoor signal lines
and to continuous conducted disturbances on signal lines are according to the requirements for telecommunication centres. This reduction is based - amongst other things -
upon the screening effect of multi-pair cables and specific earthing/bonding techniques in use for switching equipment. Other than telecommunication centres, ports for indoor signal lines
Only ports connected to inter-system cables are to be tested. Testing of ports for intra-system cabling, e.g. local alarm and control, (provided in all cases both ends are controlled
by the same manufacturer) is left to the discretion of the manufacturer which is responsible for the correct installation of the cables.

Table 8

Environmental Unit Test level and characteristic Reference Performance Remarks

phenomenon criterion
Immunity Fast transients kV 0,5 EN 61000-4-4 [9] B Only applies
Tr/Th ns 5/50 when cables longer than
Rep. frequency kHz 5 3 m are connected. Surges Tr/Th µs 1,2/50 (8/20) EN 61000-4-5 [10], B Only applies
(lines to ground) kV 0,5 and clause 5.3.2 of the when cables longer than
present document 10 m are connected. Radio frequency, MHz 0,15 to 80 EN 61000-4-6 [11] A Only applies
conducted continuous V 3 when cables longer than
% AM (1 kHz) 80 3 m are connected.
Source impedance Ω 150

23 ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 (2003-05) Other than telecommunication centres, AC power ports

Table 9

Environmental Unit Test level and characteristic Reference Performance Remarks

phenomenon criterion
Immunity Fast transients kV 1 EN 61000-4-4 [9] B
Tr/Th ns 5/50
Rep. frequency kHz 5 Surges Tr/Th µs 1,2/50 (8/20) EN 61000-4-5 [10]
(line to line) kV 1 B
(line to ground) kV 2 B Radio frequency, MHz 0,15 to 80 EN 61000-4-6 [11] A
conducted continuous V 3
% AM (1 kHz) 80
Source impedance Ω 150 Voltage dips and short Voltage reduction % > 95 EN 61000-4-11 [12] B
interruptions Duration ms 10
Voltage reduction % 30 C
Duration ms 500
Voltage reduction % > 95 C
Duration ms 5 000 Other than telecommunication centres, DC power ports

Table 10

Environmental Unit Test level and characteristic Reference Performance Remarks

phenomenon criterion
Immunity Fast transients kV 1 EN 61000-4-4 [9] B Applicable to cables which
Tr/Th ns 5/50 according to the
Rep. frequency kHz 5 manufacturer's
specification may be longer
than 3 m. Radio frequency, MHz 0,15 to 80 EN 61000-4-6 [11] A Applicable to cables which
conducted continuous V 3 according to the
% AM (1 kHz) 80 manufacturer's
Source impedance Ω 150 specification may be longer
than 3 m.

24 ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 (2003-05)

8 General test configuration

The EUT shall be configured and operated in accordance with the basic EMC standards.

The signal or control ports shall be correctly terminated either by auxiliary equipment necessary to exercise the ports or
by their nominal impedance.

Adequate measures shall be taken to avoid any effects of unwanted signals on the measuring equipment used to monitor
the performance of the EUT.

The equipment test conditions shall be as close as possible to the installed conditions, as defined by the manufacturer.
Wiring shall be consistent with the manufacturer's recommended procedures, and the equipment shall be in its housing
with all covers and access panels in place as in normal operation, unless otherwise stated. If the equipment is designed
to be mounted in a rack or cabinet, it should be tested in this configuration.

Signal ports are divided into two categories:

- main signal ports which provide the telecommunications service (third party traffic);

- auxiliary signal ports, i.e. ports for alarms, maintenance, etc., which are only used by the operator or the
service provider.

A sufficient number of ports shall be correctly terminated to ensure that the test is representative of normal operating
conditions and the selection of ports shall be specified in the test report.

The earth connections of the EUT shall be connected to a reference earth according to the manufacturer's specifications.

Only cables that are permanently connected shall be included.

The types of the cables connected to the EUT shall be indicated in the test report.

The test configurations shall be recorded in the test report.

9 General operational conditions during testing

The general operational conditions shall allow for appropriate measuring of the emission and for testing of immunity.
Special exercising equipment and/or software may be used with the object of reducing the test time and to simulate
traffic conditions.

The tests described shall be performed with the Equipment Under Test (EUT) powered up (i.e. connected to an
appropriate power supply), and operating in a manner which is as representative of normal operation as possible.

Details on the evaluation of test results are given in annex B.

9.1 Equipment configuration

Power and signal distribution, grounding, interconnecting cabling and physical placement of equipment of a test system
shall simulate the typical application and usage in so far as is practicable, and shall be in accordance with the relevant
product specifications of the manufacturer.

The configuration that tends to maximize the EUT's emission or minimize its immunity is not usually intuitively
obvious and in most instances selection will involve some trial and error testing.

EXAMPLE: Interface cables may be moved or equipment re-orientated during initial stages of testing and the
effects on the results observed.

Only configurations within the range of positions likely to occur in normal use need to be considered.

The configuration selected shall be fully detailed and documented in the test report, together with the justification for
selecting that particular configuration.

25 ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 (2003-05)

9.2 Operation of multimedia network equipment

Multimedia network equipment which is subjected simultaneously to different clauses of the present document and/or
other standards shall be tested with each function operating in isolation, if this can be achieved without modifying the
equipment internally. The equipment thus tested shall be deemed to have complied with the requirements of all
clauses/standards when each function has satisfied the requirements of the relevant clause/standard.

For equipment for which it is not practical to test with each function operating in isolation, or where the isolation of a
particular function would result in the equipment being unable to fulfil its primary function, the equipment shall be
deemed to have complied if the relevant provisions of each clause/standard are taken into account, with the necessary
functions operative.

In case of emission requirements, if the limits for the different functions are not identical, the highest limits for the
functions in operation apply, taking into account the specific measurement conditions related to those (highest) limits.

EXAMPLE 1: For telecommunication equipment provided with an RF port for CATV distribution, this would
mean that the emission requirements at the RF port shall be according to EN 50083-2 [3].

In case of immunity requirements, if the test levels for the different functions are not identical, the level for the function
under test applies, taking into account the performance criteria for this function.

EXAMPLE 2: For telecommunication equipment provided with an RF port for CATV distribution, this would
mean that the RF port shall be measured according to EN 50083-2 [3].

Field immunity of telecommunication functions shall be measured according to the present document. Field immunity
of the distribution of television and sound signal functions shall be measured according to EN 50083-2 [3].

10 General immunity conditions

If the minimum performance level or permissible performance loss is not specified in the following clauses or by the
manufacturer, then either of these may be deduced from the product description and documentation, and what the user
may reasonably expect from the apparatus if used as intended.

10.1 General performance criteria

The general performance criteria apply for those ports for which no specific performance criteria are defined
(e.g. auxiliary ports) in the present document.

Where the specific immunity criteria are not relevant or in appropriate, relevant justification shall be included in the test
report highlighting how the EUT was fully exercised and met the general immunity criteria defined in this clause.

Performance criterion A:

The apparatus shall continue to operate as intended. No degradation of performance or loss of function is allowed below
a performance level specified by the manufacturer when the apparatus is used as intended. In some cases the
performance level may be replaced by a permissible loss of performance. If the minimum performance level or the
permissible performance loss is not specified by the manufacturer, then either of these may be deduced from the product
description and documentation and what the user may reasonably expect from the apparatus if used as intended.

Performance criterion B:

The apparatus shall continue to operate as intended after the test. No degradation of performance or loss of function is
allowed below a performance level specified by the manufacturer, when the apparatus is used as intended. In some
cases the performance level may be replaced by a permissible loss of performance. During the exposure to an
electromagnetic phenomenon, degradation of performance is, however, allowed. No change of actual operating state or
stored data is allowed. If the minimum performance level or the permissible performance loss is not specified by the
manufacturer, then either of these may be deduced from the product description and documentation and what the user
may reasonably expect from the apparatus if used as intended.

26 ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 (2003-05)

Performance criterion C:

As defined in clause 6 of EN 50082-1 [2], temporary loss of function is allowed, provided the function is
self-recoverable or can be restored by the operation of the controls, or, in the case of switching equipment, by normal
subsequent use.

11 Switching equipment specific requirements

11.1 Test configuration

In figure 2, two separate processes are monitored simultaneously. The first is the continuous process of establishing and
clearing connections and the second is the stable situation of monitoring signal quality during testing. It is to be
considered that at least a part of the set-up for both processes covers the full signal path from subscriber to the network.
The signal loop at the network end can either be established by test equipment or by a simple cable loop. In the later
case the simulation of normal grounding and connection practice is required.

The test equipment may be digital or analogue signal analyser as required. The test equipment may also loop back the
test signal.

Main signal ports Auxilliary signal ports Main signal ports

Subscriber interfaces power supply ports Network interfaces
protective earth ports

Dynamic call
Analogue Representative
call simulation System

call simulation

Signal quality

call monitoring

call monitoring

Figure 2: Schematic test configuration, switching equipment

If possible, cable harnesses shall be separated and the cables tested individually.

27 ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 (2003-05)

11.2 Operational conditions

The general conditions of clause 9 apply.

For switching equipment with less than 32 subscriber lines (analogue or digital), all the lines shall be driven. For
switching equipment with more than 32 subscriber lines (analogue or digital) a choice of at least 32 lines shall be made
among the available lines. In this case, as it is impossible to do tests at all ports, single ports of each type shall be
selected for the testing. At least one port of each type shall be tested.

The ports shall be configured with their nominal impedance for a connection to another port. Auxiliary equipment may
be used to simulate the functional termination of the ports.

Connections have to be provided which shall be established before the start of the tests and then maintained.

11.2.1 Emission
The general requirements for test methods are described in clause 6 of the present document.

11.2.2 Immunity
During immunity testing using continuous phenomena, the following selected frequencies shall be investigated in
addition to the sweep:

- the clock frequencies inside the specified frequency band of the test;

- 80 MHz; 120 MHz; 160 MHz; 230 MHz; 434 MHz; 460 MHz; 600 MHz; 863 MHz; 900 MHz (±1 %);
1 750 MHz and 1 950 MHz (RF field);

- 0,2 MHz; 1,0 MHz; 7,1 MHz; 13,56 MHz; 21,0 MHz; 27,12 MHz and 40,68 MHz (±1 %) (RF voltage).

11.3 Specific immunity performance criteria

The performance criteria are based on the performance criteria given in ETR 238 [13]. For the switching equipment the
following main signal ports are recognized:

- analogue ports (e.g. analogue subscribers' lines, analogue interfaces to transmission equipment);

- digital ports (e.g. digital subscribers' lines (ISDN), digital connections to transmission equipment).

The interfaces shall operate as described in the following clauses.

11.3.1 Digital port performance criteria Performance criterion A (continuous phenomena)

During the sweep:

- the established connections shall be maintained throughout testing and the transfer of information shall be
within the limits of the manufacturer's specification;

- loss of frame alignment or loss of synchronization is not allowed during each individual exposure (if

For selected frequencies (see clause 11.2.2):

- it shall be possible to establish a connection between two ports;

- it shall be possible to clear a connection in a controlled manner.

28 ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 (2003-05) Performance criterion B (transient phenomena)

The established connections shall be maintained throughout testing except in the case of surge immunity testing at 1 kV
where disconnection is allowed on the port being tested:

- it shall be possible to establish a connection between two ports after the end of the transient disturbances;

- it shall be possible to clear a connection in a controlled manner after the end of the transient disturbances. Performance criterion C (interruptions)

The general performance criterion C applies.

11.3.2 Analogue port performance criteria Performance criterion A (continuous phenomena)

During the sweep:

- the established connections shall be maintained throughout testing;

- the noise level at a two wire analogue interface shall be less than -40 dBm at 600 Ω (ignoring the nominal
impedance of the port for practical reasons) if not otherwise stated by the manufacturer. The measurement
shall be done selectively with a bandwidth ≤ 100 Hz at 1 kHz;

- dialling tones shall be available (if applicable).

For selected frequencies (see clause 11.2.2):

- it shall be possible to establish a connection between two ports;

- it shall be possible to clear a connection in a controlled manner. Performance criterion B (transient phenomena)

Established connections shall be maintained throughout testing except in the case of surge immunity testing at 1 kV
where disconnection is allowed on the port being tested:

- it shall be possible to establish a connection between two ports after the end of the transient disturbances;

- it shall be possible to clear a connection in a controlled manner after the end of the transient disturbances. Performance criterion C (interruptions)

The general performance criterion C applies.

12 Transmission equipment specific requirements

12.1 Test configuration

Typically the EUT will be configured as shown in figure 3. The EMC test equipment is not shown.

The test configuration shall cover a representative set up of tributary signals within the aggregate interface signals.

In figure 3 a test signal is derived from a signal generator and looped through EUT. If the EUT supports several
identical channels, these may be connected in series and the test signal may be looped through all the channels.

The test equipment may be digital or analogue signal analyser as required. The test equipment may also loop-back the
test signal.

29 ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 (2003-05)

(sign. Analyser) (e.g. Loop Back)
Main TX RX
signal signal
ports ports

Figure 3: Schematic test configuration

12.2 Operational conditions

The general conditions of clause 9 apply.

An appropriate test signal shall be used. The test signal shall be stated in the test report. The preferred test signal is the
Pseudo Random Bit Sequence (PRBS) appropriate for the bit rate of the channel (ITU-T Recommendation O.150 [32]).

The modes of operation during testing shall be recorded in the test report.

12.2.1 Emission
The measurements shall be made in the operating mode, with the EUT producing the maximum emission, consistent
with normal applications. The EUT load shall be adjusted within the range specified by manufacturer in order to
maximize the emission.

Conducted emission shall be measured on the power input and output ports.

12.2.2 Immunity
Immunity tests shall be performed at nominal values of all signal conditions and with a typical value of line attenuation
as declared by the manufacturer.

Conducted immunity testing shall be performed on power input and output ports and on signal ports.

For surge testing the conducted immunity tests shall be performed on auxiliary (signal) ports that are permanently
connected in the normal installation.

12.3 Specific immunity performance criteria

12.3.1 Digital signal ports
The performance of the equipment shall be verified for digital signal ports:

- by measuring the number of induced bit errors on the main signal port during all exposures;

- by testing the functionality of the main signal port and the other signal ports after the exposure;

- by verifying that corruption of software and data held in memory has not occurred.

30 ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 (2003-05) Performance criterion A (continuous phenomena)

The performance of the equipment shall be verified by measuring the additional errors induced due to the application of
any electromagnetic phenomena. During the test sweep the established connection shall be maintained throughout the
testing and the transfer of information shall be without any reproducible bit errors. If a degradation in performance is
observed and the system is adaptive i.e. has the capability to automatically re-train in the presence of an interfering
signal, then for Conducted Immunity tests only the following procedure shall be followed:

1) For each range of interfering frequencies where a degradation in performance is observed, three frequencies
(beginning, middle and end) shall be identified.

2) At each of the frequencies identified in step 1, the interfering signal shall be turned on and the system allowed
to re-train. If the system is able to re-train and then function with respect to the performance criteria A then the
system's performance is considered acceptable.

3) The frequencies identified in 1 shall be recorded in the test report. Performance criterion B (transient phenomena)

Loss of frame alignment is not allowed during each individual exposure. No alarms shall be generated as a result of the
electromagnetic stress.

The above does not apply to surge testing where some loss of frame alignment may be expected. For this test, the EUT
shall operate as intended following the cessation of the exposure. Performance criterion C (interruptions)

The general performance criterion C applies.

12.3.2 Analogue voice frequency signal ports

The performance of the equipment shall be verified for analogue voice frequency signal ports:

- by measuring the audio signal break-through (demodulated 1 kHz) on the signal port during continuous
exposures in both signal path directions covering both analogue to digital conversion and digital to analogue

- by testing the functionality of the main signal port and the other signal ports after the transient exposures;

- by verifying that corruption of software and data held in memory has not occurred. Performance criterion A (continuous phenomena)

The noise signal level received from the EUT measured in an impedance of 600 Ω shall not be greater than -40 dBm.
The measurement shall be done selectively with a bandwidth ≤ 100 Hz at 1 kHz;

Connections shall be maintained throughout the test. Performance criterion B (transient phenomena)

The established connections shall be maintained throughout testing except in the case of surge immunity testing at 1 kV
where disconnection is allowed on the port being tested.

The EUT shall return automatically to normal performance after the cessation of the exposure.

12.3.3 SDH and PDH interfaces Tributary and aggregate interfaces

The criteria specified in clause 12.3.1 apply to the interfaces specified in ETS 300 166 [18] (electrical interface) and
ETS 300 232 [19], ITU-T Recommendation G.958 [28] (optical interfaces).

31 ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 (2003-05)

12.3.4 ISDN interfaces Primary rate access ISDN interfaces

The criteria specified in clause 12.3.1 apply to the interfaces specified in ETS 300 011 [14]. Network termination NT1 for ISDN "U" interfaces

The criteria specified in clause 12.3.1 apply to the interfaces specified in ITU-T Recommendation G.961 [29]. Basic access ISDN interfaces

The criteria specified in clause 12.3.1 apply to the interfaces specified in ETS 300 012 [15].

12.3.5 Analogue interfaces Trunk interfaces and leased line interfaces

The criteria specified in clause 12.3.2 apply to the interfaces specified in ITU-T Recommendation G.712 [25]. Subscriber interfaces

The criteria specified in clause 12.3.2 apply to the interfaces specified in ITU-T Recommendation Q.552 [33].

12.3.6 V.10, V.11, V.24, V.28, V.36, X.24 and similar V.- and X.- series
The criteria specified in clause 12.3.1 apply to the interfaces specified in ITU-T Recommendations V.10 [34],
V.11 [35], V.24 [36], V.28 [37], V.36 [38] and X.24 [39].

12.3.7 Ethernet and packet-data interfaces

To the interfaces specified in ISO/IEC 8802-3 [22] and ITU-T Recommendation X.25 [40], the criteria below apply. Performance criterion A (continuous phenomena)

For interfaces which are intended for the transmission of third party data traffic, a selected port shall be connected to
test equipment (e.g. a data communications analyser) as a single point-to-point data link. This will avoid excessive
failed transmission attempts caused by data collisions and bus contention problems.

The interface shall be suitably exercised and monitored throughout the test period for errored frames.

No more than 5 % additional errored frames above the quiescent level shall be permitted during the exposure. Performance criterion B (transient phenomena)

The established connections shall be maintained throughout testing except in the case of surge immunity testing at 1 kV
where disconnection is allowed on the port being tested.

12.3.8 Service and maintenance interfaces

The functional performance of ports of this type not intended to be permanently connected and therefore not subjected
to immunity testing shall be verified according to the manufacturer's specification following cessation of the
electromagnetic exposure on other ports.

32 ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 (2003-05)

12.3.9 Synchronization interfaces

The performance of slave clocks specified in ITU-T Recommendations G.812 [26] and G.813 [27] shall be checked
with the equipment synchronized with an external source. Performance criterion A (continuous phenomena)

During the exposure, synchronization shall not be lost. Performance criterion B (transient phenomena)

No alarm indications shall persist after the exposure.

The functional performance according to the manufacturer's specification shall be verified following cessation of the

12.3.10 Remote alarm interfaces

These interfaces are defined by the manufacturer. Performance criterion A (continuous phenomena)

No false alarms shall occur during continuous exposures. Performance criterion B (transient phenomena)

No false alarm indications shall persist after the exposure.

13 Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Access Systems

13.1 Test configuration

Typically the equipment shall be configured as shown in figure 4. The EMC test Equipment is not shown.

Exchange End Customer End

Equipment Equipment

Access Network

Modem Line Loop or Modem

Splitter Splitter
DSL Line Simulator DSL
Port Port


Port Port Port Port

Exercising POTS / ISDN Telephone / Exercising

Equipment Line Simulator ISDN-NT Equipment

Figure 4: DSL Access System Configuration

For passband systems such ADSL and VDSL both ends of the equipment under test typically comprise a DSL modem
and splitter/filter via which the POTS/ISDN port is presented. The modem and splitter may be separate units or
combined into one unit.

33 ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 (2003-05)

For baseband systems such as HDSL and SDSL or passband systems where the DSL modem does not include the
splitter then the equipment under test as shown in figure 4 will not include the parts denoted with a dotted line and
hence measurements at the analogue port do not apply.

For the test setup, test loops shall be configured using a line simulator or real cable lengths.

13.2 Operational conditions

The general conditions of clause 9 shall apply.

The measurements shall be made with the digital transmission system trained up and operating at its nominal
transmission rate such that the full frequency spectrum used by the system is utilized. If the system can be operated in
asymmetric and symmetric modes then the testing shall be carried out for each of these modes of operation.

Immunity testing shall be performed at nominal values of all signal conditions and with a value of the line attenuation
(i.e. using real cable or line simulator) such that the system will be operating at its minimum acceptable noise margin.
(e.g. 6 dB noise margin relative to the system's nominal bit error ratio of 1E-7).

Further details on the noise margin can be found in the following documents:

ADSL ITU-T Recommendation G.996.1 [44]

HDSL ETSI TS 101 135 [45]
SDSL ETSI TS 101 524-1 [46]
VDSL ETSI TS 101 270-1 [47]

Ports should be either terminated in their nominal impedance or connected to auxiliary equipment that simulates the
functional termination of the port.

13.2.1 Immunity
The test methods are given in clause 5 of the present document. Conducted immunity testing shall be performed on all
power input ports, DSL port and POTS/ISDN port. Testing on the digital port of the equipment need only be performed
if the length of cable that can be attached to the port exceeds 3 m (10 m for surge tests).

13.3 Specific Immunity performance criteria

The performance of the equipment shall be verified by:

• Measuring the additional errors induced due to the application of any electromagnetic phenomena.

• Measuring the audio signal break-through (demodulated 1 kHz) at any POTS port whilst continuous
interference phenomena are applied.

• Testing the functionality of the system at the cessation of test.

• Ensuring that any software or stored data corruption has not occurred.

• For ISDN ports the performance requirements of clause 12.3.4 shall apply.

13.3.1 Performance Criteria A (continuous phenomena)

- During the test sweep the established connection shall be maintained throughout the testing and the transfer of
information shall be without any reproducible bit errors or loss of synchronization. If a degradation in
performance is observed and the system is adaptive i.e. has the capability to automatically re-train in the
presence of an interfering signal, then for Conducted Immunity tests only the following procedure shall be

1) For each range of interfering frequencies where a degradation in performance is observed, three
frequencies (beginning, middle and end) shall be identified.

34 ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 (2003-05)

2) At each of the frequencies identified in step 1, the interfering signal shall be turned on and the system is
allowed to re-train. If the system is able to re-train and then function without any reproducible bit errors
or loss of synchronization then the system's performance is considered acceptable.

3) The frequencies identified in 1 and the data rates achieved in 2 shall be recorded in the test report.

- During the test sweep the demodulated noise level at the POTS port shall be less than -40 dBm at 600 Ω
(ignoring the nominal port impedance for practical reasons) if not otherwise stated by the manufacturer. The
measurement shall be done selectively with a bandwidth ≤ 100 Hz at 1 kHz. As an alternative method the
acoustic sound pressure level (SPL) at the receiver of a telephone connected to the two-wire analogue interface
shall not exceed 55 dB (SPL) when measured in a bandwidth ≤ 100 Hz at 1 kHz.

13.3.2 Performance Criteria B (transient phenomena)

The general performance criteria B shall apply in that errors are acceptable during the application of the test. However
the application of the test shall not cause the system to lose the established connection or delay function (e.g. by
re-train). At the cessation of the test the system shall operate error free without user intervention.

The above performance criteria does not apply to surge testing. For this test, the EUT shall operate as intended
following the cessation of the exposure.

13.3.3 Performance Criteria C (interruptions)

The general performance criteria C shall apply.

14 Power supply equipment specific conditions

This clause is not applicable to power supplies i.e. DC-DC converters, AC-DC adapters and supplies incorporated
within network equipment. It is intended for power supplies aimed at the generation of power for distribution within
telecomm centres.

14.1 Test configuration

Typically the EUT will be configured as shown in figures 5 and 6. The EMC test equipment is not shown.

The earth connections of the EUT shall be connected to a reference earth according to the manufacturer specifications.

The EUT load shall be resistive unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer.

For EUT with DC output and battery back-up, EMC tests shall be performed without the battery unless otherwise

Uninterruptible power supplies shall also be tested whilst feeding from the battery only (AC mains off).

Equipment Under Test

primary supply secondary interface distribution

Power supply & telecommunications
equipment equipment
protection interface

dc power port signal/control port


Figure 5: General identification of a power supply and its ports

35 ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 (2003-05)

enclosure port

ac/dc EUT ac/dc

input power port output power port
Power Supply

dc power port
signal/control port

Figure 6: Port identifications of the EUT

14.2 Operational conditions

14.2.1 Emission
The measurements shall be made in the operating mode, with the EUT producing the maximum emission, consistent
with normal applications. The EUT load shall be adjusted within the range specified by manufacturer in order to
maximize the emission.

Conducted emission shall be measured on the power input and output ports.

The conducted emission tests shall only be performed on ports that are permanently connected in the normal

14.2.2 Immunity
Immunity tests may be performed with the EUT operating at reduced output power: 50 % is recommended. The actual
output power level for each test shall be stated in the test report.

Conducted immunity tests shall be performed on the power input and output ports, and on one signal/control interface
of each type found on the equipment.

The conducted immunity tests need only be performed on ports that are permanently connected in the normal

Power and control cables, which according to the manufacturer's specification are not intended to be longer than 3 m in
installed systems, shall not be subjected to conducted immunity testing. However, cables that may be connected to an
extensive network shall be subjected to the conducted immunity test.

14.3 Specific immunity performance criteria

The ports of the power supply equipment (figure 6) that shall be monitored during the tests can be categorized as one of:

- DC secondary interface;

- AC secondary interface; or

- control/signal interface.

36 ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 (2003-05)

The manufacturer shall, at the time of submission of the equipment for test, supply the following information to be
recorded in the test report:

- the primary functions of the power supply equipment to be tested;

- the intended functions of the power supply equipment, which shall be in accordance with the documentation
accompanying the equipment and sales literature as appropriate;

- the auxiliary equipment to be combined with the power supply equipment;

- a list of ports, classified as AC/DC power port or control/signal port;

- the operating conditions.

14.3.1 Alternating current secondary interface Performance criterion A (continuous phenomena)

During the exposure, the AC secondary range shall be in accordance with the normal service condition defined in
ETS 300 132-1 [16].

The long-term voltage fluctuations at the AC secondary interface shall be within ±10 % of the nominal voltage.

During and after the exposure, the EUT shall operate without alarms, false alarm indications (power supply failure,
protection failure, etc.) and false display indications. Performance criterion B (transient phenomena)

Voltage interruptions at the AC secondary interface shall last no longer than 20 ms. The time between two voltage
interruptions shall be no less than 10 s.

The voltage fluctuations at the AC secondary interface shall be in accordance with the requirements of
ETS 300 132-1 [16]:

- for < 500 ms with respect to rms value: no worse than ±15 % of nominal value;

- for < 2 ms with respect to actual value: no worse than ±40 % of nominal value.

The frequency at the AC secondary interface shall not vary by more than ±3 Hz and shall return to the nominal value
within 5 s.

Peaks with a duration shorter than 0,25 of one period (5 ms for a 50 Hz system), which appear during the exposure, are

After the exposure, the EUT shall operate without alarms or false alarm indications (power supply failure, protection
failure, etc.) or false display indications.

Self recovery to normal performance shall occur at the cessation of the exposure.

14.3.2 Direct current secondary interface Performance criterion A (continuous phenomena)

During the exposure, the DC secondary voltage range shall be in accordance with the normal service conditions defined
in ETS 300 132-2 [17].

The maximum level of wide band noise at the DC secondary interface shall not exceed the limits specified in table 11 of
the present document (this requirement is taken from the ETS 300 132-2 [17]).

37 ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 (2003-05)

Table 11: Level of wide band noise

Frequency Voltages
25 Hz to 5 kHz 10 mV Upsorms

The reference method of measurement is with a psophometer conforming to ITU-T Recommendation O.41 [31].

During and after the exposure, the EUT shall operate without alarms or false alarm indications (power supply failure,
protection failure, etc.) and false display indications. Performance criterion B (transient phenomena)

After the exposure, the EUT shall operate without alarms or false alarm indications (power supply failure, protection
failure, etc.) and false display indications:

• the DC secondary voltage during the exposure shall not exceed the following value:

- for -48 V DC nominal value: -60 V;

- for -60 V DC nominal value: -75 V;

• short peaks, which appear during the application of the tests, shall be ignored.

14.3.3 Control/signal interface

The control and signal ports need not be monitoring during the tests, because they are not considered to be primary

14.3.4 Tertiary supply interface

To be considered only for special cases. Performance criteria should be derived from the product specifications.

15 Supervisory equipment specific conditions

15.1 Test configuration

Exercising equipment e.g. a traffic simulator used for testing of other functions and equipment e.g. switching equipment
can also be used as exercising equipment for supervisory equipment. Figure 7 shows two examples for a possible test
configuration. The EMC test equipment is not shown.

Parts of the supervisory equipment (e.g. terminals) may be connected together but installed at locations other than the
supervised equipment. For the purpose of EMC testing, these parts may be tested simultaneously and at the same
location as the supervised equipment.

Example A shows a configuration with an external traffic simulator. In example B a test load simulator software is used.
The use of either or both configurations is possible. The EMC tests shall be carried out during normal operation of
supervisory equipment.

38 ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 (2003-05)

(A ) D LU LTG (B )

S u p erviso r y
CPU U n it



S u p er viso r y
U n it
Legend: CPU = Central Processing Unit
DLU = Digital Line Unit
LTG = Line Trunk Group
SN = Switching Network
TLS = Test Load Simulator
TS = Traffic Simulator

Figure 7: Two examples for the configuration of the EUT and exercising equipment

15.2 Operational conditions

The general conditions of clause 9 apply.

15.3 Specific immunity and resistibility performance criteria

15.3.1 Performance criterion A (continuous phenomena)
The connection between the supervising and supervised equipment shall be maintained.

No supervisory functions shall be affected by EMC testing.

No false alarms, such as signal lamps or printer misprints shall occur.

39 ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 (2003-05)

15.3.2 Performance criterion B (transient phenomena)

The supervisory equipment shall not affect the normal operation of the equipment being supervised.

The operating speed of the supervising equipment may be reduced.

Any minor priority supervisory function may be affected during EMC testing. These functions shall resume normal
performance at cessation of the exposure. For example, false alarms shall reset.

40 ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 (2003-05)

Annex A (normative):
Surges: test method for ports of signal lines remaining within
the building
Ports of signal lines remaining within the building, e.g. of ISDN-equipment with interfaces at basic and primary rate
shall be tested with the surge test set-up as described in figure A.1.

An example of a coupling/decoupling network for an unshielded interface cable is described in figure A.2.

The test generator to produce the test pulses 1,2/50 µs shall conform to EN 61000-4-5 [10]. The total source impedance
(generator plus external resistor) shall be 40 Ω.

At least 5 positive and 5 negative pulses with alternating polarity shall be applied to the EUT. The time interval
between two pulses shall be according to EN 61000-4-5 [10].

A.1 Test set-up for ports with ISDN interface

Figures A.1 and A.2 show the test set-up for ports with ISDN interface.

Coupling Decoupling Simulator

L1A (note 2)
L1 L2
(note 1)

N1 N2


C C = 500nF

50 Ω 50 Ω
Reference plane (note 3) Surge

NOTE 1: The impedance matching network is used to decouple the mains and to provide low impedance to
reference plane at EUT side. The impedance matching network is described in figure A.2.
NOTE 2: The coupling/decoupling network is described in figure A.3.
NOTE 3: Insulation thickness: 0,1 m for floor standing EUT; 0,5 mm for table top EUT.
NOTE 4: Interface wiring shall be placed 0,1 m above reference plane.

Figure A.1: Surge test set-up for basic rate and primary rate interface ports
(using unshielded four wires interface cable)

41 ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 (2003-05)

NOTE: The impedance matching network is required to protect the mains supply and the power source for remote
power feeding from test overvoltages and to establish standard termination conditions for the test. It is
- to couple the EUT either to the ac mains or to the dc feeding source PS;
- to terminate the mains input with the low impedance port L2/N2, to standardize the presentation of the
mains source;
- to feed the EUT from a high impedance port L1/N1 to allow for effective surge application at the
feeding interface of the TE.
In conjunction with a coupling capacitance of 1 µF (two capacitors C = 500 nF) as incorporated in the
coupling network figure A.1, a nominal pulse form of 1,2/50 µs shall be influenced by the high impedance
port L1/N1 of the impedance matching networks; figure A.2, to a reduced time to half value of about 40 µs.
For the nominal pulse form 10/700 µs the time to half value may be reduced to approximately 100 µs. This
reduction is envisaged and in line with the statistics of overvoltages at mains socket-outlets.

Figure A.2: Example of impedance matching network

42 ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 (2003-05)

Coupling Decoupling

ap aA
L1A L2

bp bA
EUT Simulator
cp cA
L1B L2
dp dA

Surge generator
C1A = C1B = 500 nF C2A = C2B = 1 µF RA = RB = 50 Ω
L1A = L1B = 2 * 38 mH L2 = 4 * 100 mH
L3A = L3B = 2 * 38 mH

NOTE: L2 shall be a 4-coil current compensated choke to avoid saturation of coils due to phantom power feeding.

Figure A.3: Example of a coupling/decoupling network

for two symmetrical pairs for surge testing

43 ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 (2003-05)

Annex B (informative):
Evaluation of test results
The test report will comprise:

a) a detailed description of the EUT, the physical aspects of the set-up and of the earthing conditions;

b) a list (and description) of the auxiliary equipment;

c) a detailed description of the operation modes and operational status of the EUT during emission testing;

d) the response of the EUT to the immunity test levels should be expressed in terms of the compliance criteria
detailed in the present document;

e) a description of the test conditions (including temperature and relative humidity) and test results together with
the method of test. If the method used differs from the preferred method, then the deviations should be
recorded and justification made in the test report;

f) a statement of measurement uncertainty;

g) the calibration status of all test equipment used;

h) if an unrepeatable response occurs, this should be noted in the test report, but the response should not be
taken into account in the assessment of the EUT.

Test reports

The work carried out by the testing laboratory will be covered by a report which accurately, clearly and unambiguously
presents the test results and all other relevant information.

Each test report should include at least the following information:

a) name and address of testing laboratory and location where the test was carried out when different from the
address of the testing laboratory;

b) unique identification of report (such as serial number) and of each page, and total number of pages of the

c) name and address of client;

d) description and identification of the test item;

e) date of receipt of test item and date(s) of performance of test;

f) identification of the test specification or description of the method or procedure;

g) description of sampling procedure, where relevant;

h) any deviations, additions to or exclusions from the test specification, and any other information relevant to a
specific test;

i) identification of any non-standard test method or procedure utilized;

j) measurements, examinations and derived results, supported by tables, graphs, sketches and photographs as
appropriate, and any failures identified;

k) a statement on measurement uncertainty (where relevant);

l) a signature and title or an equivalent marking of person(s) accepting technical responsibility for the test report
and date of issue;

m) a statement to the effect that the test results relate only to the items tested;

44 ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 (2003-05)

n) a statement that the report cannot be reproduced except in full without the written approval of the testing

Particular care and attention needs to be paid to the arrangement of the test report, especially with regard to presentation
of the test data and ease of assimilation by the reader. The format should be carefully and specifically designed for each
type of test carried out, but the headings should be standardized as far as possible.

Corrections or additions to a test report after issue can be made only by a further document suitably marked,
e.g. "Amendment/Addendum to test report serial number... (or as otherwise identified)", and should meet the relevant
requirements of the preceding clauses.

A test report should not include any advice or Recommendation arising from the test results.

Test results should be presented accurately, clearly, completely and unambiguously in accordance with instructions that
may be part of the test methods.

Quantitative results should be given together with calculated or estimated uncertainty.

Test results obtained on items, which have been statistically selected from a larger lot, batch or production quantity, are
frequently used to infer the properties of the lot, batch or production quantity. Any extrapolation of the test results to the
properties of the lot, batch or production quantity should be contained in a separate document.

NOTE: Test results could be measured values, findings from the visual examination or practical use of the test
item, derived results or any other type of observation from the testing activities. Test results may be
supported by tables, photographs or graphical information of any kind appropriately identified.

45 ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 (2003-05)

Annex C (informative):
Guidance on EMC performance requirements and methods
of measurement for RF ports (in the sense of EN 50083
series) of multimedia network equipment
This annex provides additional testing to be performed on network equipment, that are to be included in cable
distribution systems. This type of equipment shall be known as "multimedia network equipment".

The rationale behind this annex is that cable distribution systems for television and sound signals are being used for
many more interactive services, some network equipment can include both RF ports as defined in the EN 50083 series
and network ports as defined in the present document. Hence these additional requirements will provide a single
standard for the EMC assessment of "multimedia network equipment".

RF ports of multimedia network shall comply with the requirements of the following clauses of EN 50083-2 [3]:
1995/A1: 1997:

• 4.1.3: Measurement of input terminal disturbance voltage;

• Internal immunity in the frequency range 47 MHz to 862 MHz;

• Internal immunity in the frequency range 10,95 GHz to 12,75 GHz; and

• Immunity of outdoor units to image frequency signals.

Performance requirements are defined in the following clauses:

• 5.1.2: Limits of input terminal disturbance voltages;

• 5.3.4: Internal immunity; and

• 5.3.5: Immunity of outdoor units to image frequency signals.

Table C.1 defines which equipment falls within the scope of this annex.

Table C.1: Port structure of different network equipment

Port name Cable network equipment Telecommunication Multimedia network

network equipment equipment
Enclosure X X X
Power Supply X X X
Signal (e.g. alarm) X X X
Earth X X X
Telecom X X

In table C.1, cable network equipment and telecommunication network equipment have four common ports and one
individual port each. Multimedia network equipment has an addition RF port as well as a telecom port.

The EMC requirements for these systems shall be common, since they operate in similar environments.

46 ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 (2003-05)

Annex D (informative):
The EN title in the official languages
Language EN title
Danish Udstyrskonstruktion;
Udstyr til offentlig telekommunikation;
Krav til elektromagnetisk udstråling (EMC)
Dutch Elektromagnetische compatibiliteit en radiospectrumaangelegenheden (ERM);
Netwerkapparatuur openbare telecommunicatie;
Vereisten elektromagnetische compatibiliteit (EMC)
English Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM);
Telecommunication network equipment;
ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) requirements
Finnish Sähkömagneettinen yhteensopivuus ja radiospektriasiat (ERM);
Televerkkojen laitteet;
Sähkömagneettisen yhteensopivuuden (EMC) vaatimukset
French Compatibilité électromagnétique et spectre des fréquences radioélectriques (ERM);
Équipement de réseau de télécommunication;
Exigences de compatibilité électromagnétique (CEM)
German Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit und Funkspektrumangelegenheiten (ERM);
Einrichtungen des Telekommunikationsnetzes;
Anforderungen zur elektromagnetischen Verträglichkeit (EMV)
Greek Ηλεκτρο µ αγνητική συ µ βατότητα και θέ µ ατα ραδιοφάσ µ ατος (ERM);
εξοπλισ µ ός δικτύου τηλεπικοινωνιών;
απαιτήσεις ηλεκτρο µ αγνητικής συ µ βατότητας (EMC)
Italian Compatibilità elettromagnetica e questioni relative allo spettro delle radiofrequenze (ERM);
Ingegneria delle apparecchiature;
Apparecchiature per reti di telecomunicazione;Requisiti di compatibilità elettromagnetica (EMC)
Portuguese Assuntos de espectro radioeléctrico e compatibilidade electromagnética (ERM);
Equipamento de rede de telecomunicações;
Requisitos de compatibilidade electromagnética (EMC)
Spanish Cuestiones de compatibilidad electromagnética y es-pectro radioeléctrico (ERM);
equipo de telecomunicaciones de red;
requisitos de compatibilidad electro-magnética
Swedish Elektromagnetisk kompatibilitet och radiospektrumfrågor (ERM);
Utrustning för telenät;
Elektromagnetiska kompatibilitetskrav (EMC)

47 ETSI EN 300 386 V1.3.2 (2003-05)

Document history
Edition 1 December 1994 Publication as ETS 300 386-1

Corrigendum 1 April 1997 Corrigendum 1 to 1st Edition of ETS 300 386-1

V1.1.3 December 1997 Publication as EN 300 386-2

V1.2.1 March 2000 Publication

V1.3.1 September 2001 Publication

V1.3.2 December 2002 One-step Approval Procedure OAP 20030425: 2002-12-25 to 2003-04-25

V1.3.2 May 2003 Publication


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