ACO Pipe Catalogue

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Uniclass February 2010

(52.9) lh3 ^`l=_ìáäÇáåÖ=aê~áå~ÖÉ
Drainage systems

^`l=mfmbΔ pí~áåäÉëë=píÉÉä=máéÉïçêâ=póëíÉãë


Our built environment is becoming ever more Our global resources and fabrication capacity ACO Building Drainage is a division of ACO
complex. Applications are becoming more make it possible for us to deliver best value, Technologies plc and part of the worldwide
sophisticated and the increasing pressure of both with our standard products and with our ACO Group. The Group has sales in excess of
regulations and standards make achieving bespoke designs. Confidence is further £400 million worldwide with production
design, performance and financial goals ever assured with quality systems that are in facilities in the UK, Germany, France,
tougher. accordance with ISO 9001-2008. Switzerland, Denmark, Spain, Poland, Czech
Republic, Australia and the USA. In total
ACO Building Drainage is a new concept ACO Building Drainage’s extensive portfolio more than 3000 people are employed in 30
within the ACO Group. Our mission: to includes: countries throughout the world.
eliminate design risk, to reduce installed and  Stainless steel Modular Channel system
life cost and to deliver exceptional finish and Tel: 01462 816666
 Stainless steel EuroGully gully system
performance in every product application. Fax: 01462 851490
We achieve this through three factors:  Wetroom and shower drainage systems e-mail Enquiries:

 High performance materials  Stainless steel and polymer composite website:

 Design experience and project support access covers

 Global manufacturing capacity  Biological Grease Management system

 Gravity Grease Separator system

 Sewer backflow protection valves

 Stainless steel socketed pipe system

 Rainwater outlets for flat roofs

 Wetroom and shower drainage systems

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Introduction, applications and product benefits 4

Design Considerations

Overview 4

Hydraulic performance 5

Flow tables 6

Reference standards 9
ACO Pipe Product Ranges

Socketed pipes 10

Couplings 15

Ancillary fittings and sundries 21

Pipe brackets 26

Pipe cutters 28

Technical Data

Seal material data 29

Installation 30

Care and maintenance 32

Material resistance chart 34

APLEX Wall Seals

Introduction and benefits 36

APLEX product ranges 37

Accessories and penetration units 42

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pí~áåäÉëë=ëíÉÉä=éáéÉïçêâ ^ééäáÅ~íáçåë aÉëáÖå=ÅçåëáÇÉê~íáçåë

The ACO Building Drainage name is ACO PIPE® stainless steel pipe is the fast lîÉêîáÉï
synonymous with the highest standards in track alternative to cast iron or PVC-u pipe ACO Building Drainage thin-walled stainless
product design, range diversity and function systems and is available in standard pipe steel pipe systems for a suitable for a wide
for industrial, commercial and architectural sizes with easy to assemble push-on fittings. range of applications.
drainage products manufactured in stainless ACO PIPE® is ideal for:
steel.  Food processing plants All ACO PIPE® products are manufactured
from either 304 or 316 grades of austenitic
 Commercial buildings
As part of a growing range of engineered stainless steel and are fully chemically pickle
drainage solutions, ACO PIPE® presents a  Chemical processing plant passivated for maximum durability and
wide range of socketed waste pipework  Industrial buildings corrosion resistance. Further details on the
systems in thin-wall stainless steel for above  Hotels materials, finishing processes and corrosion
and below ground drainage applications. resistance can be found on page 34 and 35.

 Leisure centres
Manufactured from grade 304 austenitic ACO PIPE® stainless steel pipe systems are
stainless steel as standard, ACO PIPE® is  Hospitals available in 50mm, 75mm, 110mm,
ideal for most liquid transference including  Laboratories 125mm, 160mm and 200mm outside
soil, waste, process drainage and rainwater. diameters and in standard lengths of 0.15,
Optional 316 grade stainless steel pipe and 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0
fittings is available for particularly aggressive and 6.0 metres long for maximum installation
process drainage applications. convenience. Any pipe lengths up to 6.0
mêçÇìÅí=ÄÉåÉÑáíë metres can be supplied to suit specific project
ACO PIPE® stainless steel socketed pipe ACO PIPE® socketed stainless steel systems applications.
systems provide the modern metal alternative significantly reduces installation time and
to PVC-u and cast iron soil and waste associated costs along with long term 304 grade stainless steel ACO PIPE® sockets
pipework. The range is completely compatible maintenance and care costs. are supplied with double EPDM seals as
with ACO Eurogullies, Selecta floor gullies,  Highly corrosion resistant standard for regular above and below ground
channel systems and rainwater drainage drainage applications. For particularly
 Lightweight and easy to handle
products providing a comprehensive range for aggressive chemical applications, 316 grade
 Double sealed jointing system
engineered drainage solutions. material and Viton seals can be supplied for
 Simple push-fit assembly the ultimate in corrosion resistance.
Q  Low thermal expansion coefficient All interconnecting seals and fittings

 No painting required incorporate a unique double sealing system

providing a reliable, trouble-free installation -
 Aesthetically pleasing
every time.
 Electro-polished option

 Sustainable material - manufactured from

at least 70% recycled material and 100%
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ACO PIPE® stainless steel pipework systems
offer all the key features found in traditional
metal rainwater, soil and waste systems with
additional benefits unique to stainless steels,
these features include:

 The low 'first cost' choice of material for

the expected life of the building

 Cost competitive alternative to traditional

cast iron and aluminium alloy systems

 Excellent corrosion resistance provides for

long-term contract dependability

 Cost savings on fewer component parts

 Non-combustibility of stainless steel

controls spread of fire risk through walls
and compartments

 Non-hazardous material

 Totally weather-proof and available

electropolished to special order

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fåíêçÇìÅíáçå When draining storm or foul water Two sets of flow tables are provided in this
Compared to cast iron, clay and vitreous pipe applications, it is inevitable that sediment design guide. The first table is for pipes
systems, stainless steel pipes have a deposits will occur within the drainage installed with varying gradients and the
considerably smoother bore and in general, system. velocity and volumetric flow rate figures are
stainless steel pipes are less susceptible based on the Colebrook-White steady, uniform
internal scaling when compared to most Some pipe manufacturers often make many flow equation, using an appropriate roughness
traditional pipe systems. claims in respect to self-cleansing velocity, but coefficient for stainless steel.
research has shown that there are no unique R
Some pipe manufacturers claim very low design criteria to achieve a self-cleansing The second table is for pipes installed with
roughness coefficients (ks) which are not installation. level or nearly level gradients where the
generally a true reflection of long term steady, uniform flow equations are not
hydraulic performance of the installed system. This is because the sediment type, size, applicable. The performance figures therefore
For long term reliability and practical concentration, flow rates and viscosity all play have been generated from the ACO hydraulic
considerations, roughness coefficients of an important part in the self-cleansing design program that is based on spatially
0.6mm should by used for rainwater/storm process. varied flow theory and which has been
drainage and 1.5mm for soil/foul drainage. verified following full-scale laboratory testing.
Sediment and scale deposits will reduce the
flow rate through any pipe system and is The second table will be of particular interest
recommended that an allowance is made for to the designer who is unable to provide a
this within the system design. significant gradient due to installation
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For rainwater/storm drainage applications.

Flow rates based on Colebrook-White formula.
Roughness Coefficient ks = 0.6mm (calculation uses internal diameters for pipes).

Pipe Ø 50mm Pipe Ø 75mm Pipe Ø 110mm Pipe Ø 125mm Pipe Ø 160mm Pipe Ø 200mm

Gradient Flow Rate Velocity Flow Rate Velocity Flow Rate Velocity Flow Rate Velocity Flow Rate Velocity Flow Rate Velocity
% Q (l/s) v (m/s) Q (l/s) v (m/s) Q (l/s) v (m/s) Q (l/s) v (m/s) Q (l/s) v (m/s) Q (l/s) v (m/s)

10.0 2.74 1.52 8.40 2.01 23.81 2.60 33.61 2.83 64.15 3.31 116.89 3.83

7.5 2.38 1.31 7.28 1.74 20.62 2.25 29.11 2.45 55.56 2.87 101.22 3.32

5.0 1.94 1.07 5.94 1.42 16.83 1.84 23.77 2.00 45.36 2.34 82.65 2.71

4.5 1.84 1.02 5.64 1.35 15.97 1.74 22.55 1.90 43.03 2.22 78.40 2.57

4.0 1.73 0.96 5.31 1.27 15.06 1.64 21.26 1.79 40.57 2.10 73.92 2.43

3.5 1.62 0.90 4.97 1.19 14.08 1.54 19.88 1.67 37.95 1.96 69.14 2.27

3.0 1.50 0.83 4.60 1.10 13.04 1.42 18.41 1.55 35.13 1.81 64.01 2.10

2.5 1.37 0.76 4.20 1.00 11.90 1.30 16.80 1.41 32.07 1.66 58.43 1.92

2.0 1.23 0.68 3.76 0.90 10.64 1.16 15.03 1.26 28.68 1.48 52.26 1.71

1.5 1.06 0.59 3.25 0.78 9.22 1.01 13.01 1.10 24.84 1.28 45.26 1.48

1.0 0.87 0.48 2.66 0.63 7.53 0.82 10.63 0.89 20.28 1.05 36.95 1.21

Flow rates shown in Table 1a assume a free For shallow gradients, the Colebrook-White For level or nearly level installations (gradient
outlet from the pipe. For installations without formula underestimates flow rates (because < 1%), spatially varied flow should be used,
a free outlet, the flow rate will be affected by when the gradient tends to zero %, the refer to Table 2.
the downstream throttle. velocity also tends to zero).
For any further assistance, call the
ACO Building Drainage Helpline on
01462 816666.
^`l=mfmbΔ pí~áåäÉëë=píÉÉä=máéÉïçêâ=póëíÉãë=^éäÉñ=t~ää=máéÉ=pÉ~äë


For soil/foul drainage applications.

Flow rates based on Colebrook-White formula.
Roughness Coefficient ks = 1.5mm (calculation uses internal diameters for pipes).

Pipe Ø 50mm Pipe Ø 75mm Pipe Ø 110mm Pipe Ø 125mm Pipe Ø 160mm Pipe Ø 200mm

Gradient Flow Rate Velocity Flow Rate Velocity Flow Rate Velocity Flow Rate Velocity Flow Rate Velocity Flow Rate Velocity
% Q (l/s) v (m/s) Q (l/s) v (m/s) Q (l/s) v (m/s) Q (l/s) v (m/s) Q (l/s) v (m/s) Q (l/s) v (m/s)

10.0 2.30 1.27 7.14 1.71 20.45 2.23 28.97 2.44 55.61 2.87 101.81 3.34

7.5 1.99 1.10 6.19 1.48 17.71 1.93 25.09 2.11 48.16 2.49 88.17 2.89

5.0 1.63 0.90 5.05 1.21 14.46 1.58 20.49 1.72 39.32 2.03 71.99 2.36

4.5 1.54 0.85 4.79 1.14 13.72 1.50 19.43 1.64 37.30 1.93 68.30 2.24

4.0 1.46 0.80 4.52 1.08 12.94 1.41 18.32 1.54 35.17 1.82 64.39 2.11

3.5 1.36 0.75 4.23 1.01 12.10 1.32 17.14 1.44 32.90 1.70 60.23 1.98

3.0 1.26 0.70 3.91 0.93 11.20 1.22 15.87 1.34 30.46 1.57 55.76 1.83

2.5 1.15 0.64 3.57 0.85 10.23 1.12 14.49 1.22 27.80 1.44 50.90 1.67

2.0 1.03 0.57 3.19 0.76 9.15 1.00 12.96 1.09 24.87 1.28 45.53 1.49

1.5 0.89 0.49 2.77 0.66 7.92 0.86 11.22 0.94 21.53 1.11 39.43 1.29

1.0 0.73 0.40 2.26 0.54 6.47 0.71 9.16 0.77 17.58 0.91 32.19 1.06

Flow rates shown in Table 1b assume a free For shallow gradients, the Colebrook-White For level or nearly level installations (gradient
outlet from the pipe. For installations without formula underestimates flow rates (because < 1%), spatially varied flow should be used,
a free outlet, the flow rate will be affected by when the gradient tends to zero %, the refer to Table 2.
the downstream throttle. velocity also tends to zero).
For any further assistance, call the
ACO Building Drainage Helpline on
01462 816666.
^`l=mfmbΔ pí~áåäÉëë=píÉÉä=máéÉïçêâ=póëíÉãë=^éäÉñ=t~ää=máéÉ=pÉ~äë


Flow rates based on spatially-varied flow formula for steady non-uniform flow.
Strickler Coefficient = 90.

Pipe Dia (mm) Length (m) 0.0% 0.25% 0.5% 0.75%
Flow Rate Q (l/s) Flow Rate Q (l/s) Flow Rate Q (l/s) Flow Rate Q (l/s)

50 5 0.40 0.57 0.75 0.92

50 10 0.30 0.54 0.75 0.92
50 15 0.26 0.53 0.75 0.92
50 20 0.23 0.53 0.75 0.92

Pipe Dia (mm) Length (m) 0.0% 0.25% 0.5% 0.75%
Flow Rate Q (l/s) Flow Rate Q (l/s) Flow Rate Q (l/s) Flow Rate Q (l/s)

75 5 1.45 1.75 2.40 2.90

75 10 1.10 1.72 2.35 2.90
75 15 0.95 1.70 2.35 2.90
75 20 0.85 1.70 2.35 2.90

Pipe Dia (mm) Length (m) 0.0% 0.25% 0.5% 0.75%
Flow Rate Q (l/s) Flow Rate Q (l/s) Flow Rate Q (l/s) Flow Rate Q (l/s)

110 5 4.50 5.55 6.75 8.15

110 10 3.60 5.05 6.60 8.15
110 15 3.20 4.90 6.50 8.15
110 20 2.80 4.80 6.50 8.15

Pipe Dia (mm) Length (m) 0.0% 0.25% 0.5% 0.75%
Flow Rate Q (l/s) Flow Rate Q (l/s) Flow Rate Q (l/s) Flow Rate Q (l/s)
125 5 6.45 7.90 9.60 11.45
125 10 5.20 7.25 9.50 11.45
125 15 4.55 7.00 9.50 11.45
125 20 4.10 6.85 9.50 11.45

Pipe Dia (mm) Length (m) 0.0% 0.25% 0.5% 0.75%
Flow Rate Q (l/s) Flow Rate Q (l/s) Flow Rate Q (l/s) Flow Rate Q (l/s)

160 5 13.00 15.40 18.60 21.20

160 10 10.90 14.30 18.50 21.20
160 15 9.50 13.80 18.40 21.20
160 20 8.50 13.50 18.30 21.20

Pipe Dia (mm) Length (m) 0.0% 0.25% 0.5% 0.75%
Flow Rate Q (l/s) Flow Rate Q (l/s) Flow Rate Q (l/s) Flow Rate Q (l/s)

200 5 24.80 29.00 34.20 38.70

200 10 20.80 26.70 33.80 38.40
200 15 18.60 25.70 33.70 38.40
200 20 17.00 25.00 33.60 38.40
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ACO PIPE® stainless steel pipework system is aÉëáÖå=C=ã~áåíÉå~åÅÉ=íáéë  Given the above information, the system
designed, manufactured and tested to BS EN materials can be selected - 304 or 316
 Perform a Risk Assessment of the
1124 Part 1 and BS EN 1124 Part 2 - Pipes stainless steel with either EPDM or
installation to assess the consequences of
and fittings of longitudinally welded stainless Viton seals.
flooding due to blockages or silt and scale
steel pipes with spigot and socket for waste  It should be noted that 304 stainless steel
build-up within the pipe system and/or
water systems. and EPDM seal is the most cost effective
unexpected hydraulic demands due to
accidental spillage, thunderstorms and combination. However, it is important to
The following standards may assist the select the correct materials for the
so on.
designer to select the correct size of pipe particular installation.
 Perform a Risk Assessment of the
system for the particular application:
installation if the system is liable to be  Try to design the system with the
subjected to thermal shock. Stainless steel minimum number of joints and limit the
BS EN 12056 - Gravity drainage systems
pipes are particularly tolerant of sudden number of bends. This will help to reduce
inside buildings.
temperature changes without risk of both cost and hydraulic losses in the
damage - see Page 30 for details. system.
BS EN 752 - Drain and sewer systems
outside buildings.  Avoid selecting a pipe size that is at or  Provide good access points for cleaning
close to hydraulic capacity as the long- and rodding so as to maintain the

rh=_ìáäÇáåÖ=oÉÖìä~íáçåë term effects of silt and scale may prove hydraulic performance of the system.

The designer may seek additional guidance detrimental to the overall system  Care should be taken to avoid damage
from the following UK Building Regulations: performance. both during and after installation, as dents
 For stormwater applications, check the and kinks will affect hydraulic
England and Wales - Approved Document H geographical location to confirm the performance as well as a negative visual
- Drainage and Waste Disposal. designed rainfall intensity. impact, particularly on above ground
 Confirm the actual gradient of the installed
Scotland - Domestic and Non-Domestic pipe system. A level or nearly level
Technical Handbooks, Section 3 gradient will have a reduced hydraulic
- Environment. performance compared to installations
with defined gradients.
Northern Ireland - Technical Booklets N
 Fully assess ALL fluids to be drained in
- Drainage.
the system to avoid corrosion of the pipe
and/or seals. Checklist as follows:
léÉê~íáåÖ=éêÉëëìêÉ  Identify each chemical contained in fluid.

The system is designed to operate at a  Establish the chemical concentration(s).

maximum positive internal pressure of 0.5 bar  Confirm maximum temperature
without pipe restraint. of the solution.

Pipe sizes up to 110mm can be operated at

2 bar or up to 1 bar for 125mm and 160mm
pipes, if fitted with the appropriate socket
clamp to prevent axial movement as shown
on Page 25.

For reduced pressure or vacuum operation,

the system is designed to operate down to
0.2 bar absolute (- 0.8 bar gauge) for 50mm
and 75mm pipes and to 0.4 bar absolute
(-0.6 bar gauge) for 110mm, 125mm and
160mm pipes.
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D2 Socket Wall
D1 D D1 D2 D3
Length l Thickness T
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
(mm) (mm)

l 50 51 62.0 47 42 1
75 76 87.5 72 50 1
110 111 125.5 107 57 1
125 126 141.0 122 63 1
160 161 178.0 156 70 1.25
200 201 219.0 195 80 1.5



D Active Length Weight Seal Part No Part No

(mm) L (mm) (kg) Material 304 316

50 150 0.2 EPDM 98500 98550

NM 50 150 0.2 Viton 98501 98551
50 250 0.4 EPDM 98502 98552
50 250 0.4 Viton 98503 98553
50 500 0.7 EPDM 98504 98554
L 50 500 0.7 Viton 98505 98555
50 750 1.0 EPDM 98506 98556
50 750 1.0 Viton 98507 98557
50 1000 1.3 EPDM 98508 98558
50 1000 1.3 Viton 98509 98559
50 1500 1.9 EPDM 98510 98560
50 1500 1.9 Viton 98511 98561
50 2000 2.6 EPDM 98512 98562
50 2000 2.6 Viton 98513 98563
50 2500 3.2 EPDM 419274 419282
50 2500 3.2 Viton 419275 419283
50 3000 3.8 EPDM 98514 98564
50 3000 3.8 Viton 98515 98565
50 4000 5.0 EPDM 419458 419482
50 4000 5.0 Viton 419459 419483
50 5000 6.3 EPDM 419466 419490
50 5000 6.3 Viton 419467 419491
50 6000 7.5 EPDM 419474 419498
50 6000 7.5 Viton 419475 419499
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D Active Length Weight Seal Part No Part No

(mm) L (mm) (kg) Material 304 316

75 150 0.4 EPDM 98516 98566

75 150 0.4 Viton 98517 98567
75 250 0.6 EPDM 98518 98568
75 250 0.6 Viton 98519 98569
75 500 1.0 EPDM 98520 98570
L 75 500 1.0 Viton 98521 98571
75 750 1.5 EPDM 98522 98572
75 750 1.5 Viton 98523 98573
75 1000 2.0 EPDM 98524 98574
75 1000 2.0 Viton 98525 98575
75 1500 2.9 EPDM 98526 98576
75 1500 2.9 Viton 98527 98577
75 2000 3.6 EPDM 98528 98578
75 2000 3.6 Viton 98529 98579
75 2500 4.8 EPDM 419276 419284
75 2500 4.8 Viton 419277 419285
75 3000 5.7 EPDM 98530 98580
75 3000 5.7 Viton 98531 98581
75 4000 7.6 EPDM 419460 419484
75 4000 7.6 Viton 419461 419485
75 5000 9.4 EPDM 419468 419492
75 5000 9.4 Viton 419469 419493
75 6000 11.3 EPDM 419476 419500
75 6000 11.3 Viton 419477 419501


D Active Length Weight Seal Part No Part No

(mm) L (mm) (kg) Material 304 316

110 150 0.6 EPDM 98532 98582

110 150 0.6 Viton 98533 98583
110 250 0.9 EPDM 98534 98584
110 250 0.9 Viton 98535 98585
110 500 1.5 EPDM 98536 98586
L 110 500 1.5 Viton 98537 98587
110 750 2.2 EPDM 98538 98588
110 750 2.2 Viton 98539 98589
110 1000 2.9 EPDM 98540 98590
110 1000 2.9 Viton 98541 98591
110 1500 4.3 EPDM 98542 98592
110 1500 4.3 Viton 98543 98593
110 2000 5.7 EPDM 98544 98594
110 2000 5.7 Viton 98545 98595
110 2500 7.1 EPDM 419278 419286
110 2500 7.1 Viton 719279 419287
110 3000 8.4 EPDM 98546 98596
110 3000 8.4 Viton 98547 98597
110 4000 11.1 EPDM 419462 419486
110 4000 11.1 Viton 419463 419487
110 5000 13.9 EPDM 419470 419494
110 5000 13.9 Viton 419471 419495
110 6000 16.7 EPDM 419478 419502
110 6000 16.7 Viton 419479 419503
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D Active Length Weight Seal Part No Part No

(mm) L (mm) (kg) Material 304 316

125 150 0.7 EPDM 419692 419712

125 150 0.7 Viton 419693 419713
125 250 1.0 EPDM 419694 419714
125 250 1.0 Viton 419695 419715
125 500 1.7 EPDM 419696 419716
125 500 1.7 Viton 419697 419717
125 750 2.5 EPDM 419698 419718
125 750 2.5 Viton 419699 419719
125 1000 3.3 EPDM 419700 451720
125 1000 3.3 Viton 419701 419721
125 1500 4.9 EPDM 419702 419722
125 1500 4.9 Viton 419703 419723
D 125 2000 6.5 EPDM 419704 419724
125 2000 6.5 Viton 419705 419725
125 2500 8.1 EPDM 419706 419726
125 2500 8.1 Viton 419707 419727
125 3000 9.6 EPDM 419708 419728
125 3000 9.6 Viton 419709 419729
125 6000 19.0 EPDM 419710 419730
125 6000 19.0 Viton 419711 419731


D Active Length Weight Seal Part No Part No

(mm) L (mm) (kg) Material 304 316

160 150 1.1 EPDM 98548 98598

160 150 1.1 Viton 98549 98599
160 250 1.6 EPDM 98600 98650
160 250 1.6 Viton 98601 98651
160 500 2.9 EPDM 98602 98652
L 160 500 2.9 Viton 98603 98653
160 750 4.1 EPDM 98604 98654
160 750 4.1 Viton 98605 98655
160 1000 5.4 EPDM 98606 98656
160 1000 5.4 Viton 98607 98657
160 1500 7.9 EPDM 98608 98658
160 1500 7.9 Viton 98609 98659
160 2000 10.4 EPDM 98610 98660
160 2000 10.4 Viton 98611 98661
160 2500 12.9 EPDM 419280 419288
160 2500 12.9 Viton 419281 419289
160 3000 15.4 EPDM 98612 98662
160 3000 15.4 Viton 98613 98663
160 4000 20.4 EPDM 419464 419488
160 4000 20.4 Viton 419465 419489
160 5000 25.4 EPDM 419472 419496
160 5000 25.4 Viton 419473 419497
160 6000 30.4 EPDM 419480 419504
160 6000 30.4 Viton 419481 419505
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D Active Length Weight Seal Part No Part No

(mm) L (mm) (kg) Material 304 316

200 500 4.5 EPDM 419383 419384

200 500 4.5 Viton 419385 419386
200 1000 8.3 EPDM 419387 419388
200 1000 8.3 Viton 419389 419390
200 2000 15.8 EPDM 419391 419392
L 200 2000 15.8 Viton 419393 419394
200 3000 23.2 EPDM 419395 419396
200 3000 23.2 Viton 419397 419398


D Active Length Weight Seal Part No Part No

(mm) L (mm) (kg) Material 304 316

50 250 0.4 EPDM 419554 419594

50 250 0.4 Viton 419555 419595
D 50 500 0.7 EPDM 419556 419596
50 500 0.7 Viton 419557 419597
L 50 750 1.1 EPDM 419558 419598
50 750 1.1 Viton 419559 419599
50 1000 1.4 EPDM 419560 419600
50 1000 1.4 Viton 419561 419601
50 1500 2.0 EPDM 419562 419602
50 1500 2.0 Viton 419563 419603
50 2000 2.6 EPDM 419564 419604
50 2000 2.6 Viton 419565 419605
50 3000 3.9 EPDM 419566 419606
50 3000 3.9 Viton 419567 419607


D Active Length Weight Seal Part No Part No

(mm) L (mm) (kg) Material 304 316

75 250 0.7 EPDM 419568 419608

75 250 0.7 Viton 419569 419609
D 75 500 1.2 EPDM 419570 419610

L 75 500 1.2 Viton 419571 419611

75 750 1.6 EPDM 419572 419612
75 750 1.6 Viton 419573 419613
75 1000 2.1 EPDM 419574 419614
75 1000 2.1 Viton 419575 419615
75 1500 3.0 EPDM 419576 419616
75 1500 3.0 Viton 419577 419617
75 2000 1.0 EPDM 419578 419618
75 2000 4.0 Viton 419579 419619
75 3000 5.8 EPDM 419580 419620
75 3000 5.8 Viton 419581 419621
^`l=mfmbΔ pí~áåäÉëë=píÉÉä=máéÉïçêâ=póëíÉãë=^éäÉñ=t~ää=máéÉ=pÉ~äë


D Active Length Weight Seal Part No Part No

(mm) L (mm) (kg) Material 304 316

110 500 1.7 EPDM 419582 419622

110 500 1.7 Viton 419583 419623
D 110 750 2.4 EPDM 419584 419624
L 110 750 2.4 Viton 419585 419625
110 1000 3.0 EPDM 419586 419626
110 1000 3.0 Viton 419587 419627
110 1500 4.4 EPDM 419588 419628
110 1500 4.4 Viton 419589 419629
110 2000 5.7 EPDM 419590 419630
110 2000 5.7 Viton 419591 419631
110 3000 8.4 EPDM 419592 419632
110 3000 8.4 Viton 419593 419633


D Active Length Weight Seal Part No Part No

(mm) L (mm) (kg) Material 304 316

125 500 1.7 EPDM 419787 419799

125 500 1.7 Viton 419788 419800
D 125 750 2.5 EPDM 419789 419801

L 125 750 2.5 Viton 419790 419802

125 1000 3.3 EPDM 419791 419803
125 1000 3.3 Viton 419792 419804
125 1500 4.9 EPDM 419793 419805
125 1500 4.9 Viton 419794 419806
125 2000 6.5 EPDM 419795 419807
125 2000 6.5 Viton 419796 419808
125 3000 9.6 EPDM 419797 419809
NQ 125 3000 9.6 Viton 419798 419810


D Active Length Weight Seal Part No Part No

(mm) L (mm) (kg) Material 304 316

160 500 3.3 EPDM 419634 419646

160 500 3.3 Viton 419635 419647
160 750 4.5 EPDM 419636 419648
L 160 750 4.5 Viton 419637 419649
160 1000 5.8 EPDM 419638 419650
160 1000 5.8 Viton 419639 419651
160 1500 8.2 EPDM 419640 419652
160 1500 8.2 Viton 419641 419653
160 2000 10.7 EPDM 419642 419654
160 2000 10.7 Viton 419643 419655
160 3000 15.7 EPDM 419644 419656
160 3000 15.7 Viton 419645 419657
^`l=mfmbΔ pí~áåäÉëë=píÉÉä=máéÉïçêâ=póëíÉãë=^éäÉñ=t~ää=máéÉ=pÉ~äë


D Active Length Weight Seal Part No Part No

(mm) L (mm) (kg) Material 304 316

200 500 5.0 EPDM 419658 419659

200 500 5.0 Viton 419660 419661
D 200 1000 8.6 EPDM 419662 419663
L 200 1000 8.6 Viton 419664 419665
200 2000 15.9 EPDM 419666 419667
200 2000 15.9 Viton 419668 419669
200 3000 23.1 EPDM 419670 419671
200 3000 23.1 Viton 419672 419673


87.5˚ D a b Weight Seal Part No Part No
(mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) Material 304 316

50 86 40 0.2 EPDM 98700 98750

50 86 40 0.2 Viton 98701 98751
a Shape valid for DN 50, 75 107 53 0.4 EPDM 98702 98752
75, 110 and 160.
75 107 53 0.4 Viton 98703 98753
D 110 134 67 0.7 EPDM 98704 98754
b 110 134 67 0.7 Viton 98705 98755
87.5˚ 125 161 93 0.8 EPDM 419732 419734
125 161 93 0.8 Viton 419733 419735
160 181 105 1.7 EPDM 98706 98756
160 181 105 1.7 Viton 98707 98757
a 200 215 129 3.9 EPDM 419411 419413
Shape valid for DN
125 and 200. 200 215 129 3.9 Viton 419412 419414 NR


D a b Weight Seal Part No Part No
(mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) Material 304 316

50 62 24 0.2 EPDM 98708 98758

a 50 62 24 0.2 Viton 98709 98759

45˚ Shape valid for DN
75 76 32 0.3 EPDM 98710 98760
50, 75, 110 and 160.
D 75 76 32 0.3 Viton 98711 98761
110 93 42 0.5 EPDM 98712 98762
b 110 93 42 0.5 Viton 98713 98763
125 110 50 0.6 EPDM 419736 419738
125 110 50 0.6 Viton 419737 419739
160 131 55 1.3 EPDM 98714 98764
a Shape valid for DN 160 131 55 1.3 Viton 98715 98765
125 and 200. 200 152 60 2.7 EPDM 419407 419409
D 200 152 60 2.7 Viton 419408 419410
^`l=mfmbΔ pí~áåäÉëë=píÉÉä=máéÉïçêâ=póëíÉãë=^éäÉñ=t~ää=máéÉ=pÉ~äë


D a b Weight Seal Part No Part No

(mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) Material 304 316
50 57 16 0.2 EPDM 98716 98766
50 57 16 0.2 Viton 98717 98767
75 71 21 0.3 EPDM 98718 98768
75 71 21 0.3 Viton 98719 98769
110 85 27 0.5 EPDM 98720 98770
110 85 27 0.5 Viton 98721 98771
125 98 28 0.6 EPDM 419740 419742
D 125 98 28 0.6 Viton 419741 419743
160 110 40 1.2 EPDM 98722 98772
160 110 40 1.2 Viton 98723 98773
200 137 45 2.3 EPDM 419403 419405
200 137 45 2.3 Viton 419404 419406


D a b Weight Seal Part No Part No

(mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) Material 304 316

b 50 54 12 0.1 EPDM 98724 98774

50 54 12 0.1 Viton 98725 98775
75 66 16 0.3 EPDM 98726 98776
75 66 16 0.3 Viton 98727 98777
a 110 78 15 0.4 EPDM 98728 98778
110 78 15 0.4 Viton 98729 98779
125 84 19 0.5 EPDM 419744 419746
125 84 19 0.5 Viton 419745 419747
160 99 29 1.0 EPDM 98730 98780
160 99 29 1.0 Viton 98731 98781
200 123 31 1.9 EPDM 419399 419401
NS 200 123 31 1.9 Viton 419400 419402


f D a b c e f Weight Seal Part No Part No
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) Material 304 316

50 123 71 50 75 25 0.3 EPDM 419146 419000

50 123 71 50 75 25 0.3 Viton 419147 419001
87.5˚ 75 146 87 50 88 32 0.5 EPDM 419148 419002
75 146 87 50 88 32 0.5 Viton 419149 419003
c 110 175 103 250 103 39 1.4 EPDM 419150 419004
110 175 103 250 103 39 1.4 Viton 419151 419005
b 160 222 126 250 183 92 2.2 EPDM 419152 419144
160 222 126 250 183 92 2.2 Viton 419153 419145

^`l=mfmbΔ pí~áåäÉëë=píÉÉä=máéÉïçêâ=póëíÉãë=^éäÉñ=t~ää=máéÉ=pÉ~äë


D a b Weight Seal Part No Part No

87.5˚ (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) Material 304 316

50 106 71 0.3 EPDM 98732 98782

50 106 71 0.3 Viton 98733 98793
75 139 90 0.5 EPDM 98734 98784
75 139 90 0.5 Viton 98735 98785
a 110 183 117 0.8 EPDM 98736 98786
b 110 183 117 0.8 Viton 98737 98787
125 220 135 0.9 EPDM 419748 419750
125 220 135 0.9 Viton 419749 419751
D 160 288 184 2.3 EPDM 98738 98788
160 288 184 2.3 Viton 98739 98789
200 333 206 4.5 EPDM 419419 419421
200 333 206 4.5 Viton 419420 419422


D1 D2 a b Weight Seal Part No Part No

87.5˚ (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) Material 304 316

75 50 139 90 0.3 EPDM 98928 98930

75 50 139 90 0.3 Viton 98929 98931
110 50 183 117 0.5 EPDM 98932 98934
110 50 183 117 0.5 Viton 98933 98935
a 110 75 183 117 0.8 EPDM 98936 98938
b 110 75 183 117 0.8 Viton 98937 98939
125 75 187 110 0.9 EPDM 419752 419754
125 75 187 110 0.9 Viton 419753 419755
125 110 205 127 0.9 EPDM 419756 419758
125 110 205 127 0.9 Viton 419757 419759
160 110 288 184 2.3 EPDM 400691 400693
160 110 288 184 2.3 Viton 400692 400694 NT
200 160 293 186 3.7 EPDM 419415 419417
200 160 293 186 3.7 Viton 419416 419418


87.5˚ D a b Weight Seal Part No Part No

(mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) Material 304 316

50 106 71 0.3 EPDM 98740 98790

50 106 71 0.3 Viton 98741 98791
75 139 90 0.6 EPDM 98742 98792
a 75 139 90 0.6 Viton 98743 98793
110 183 117 0.9 EPDM 98744 98794
110 183 117 0.9 Viton 98745 98795
D 160 288 184 2.7 EPDM 98746 98796
160 288 184 2.7 Viton 98747 98797
^`l=mfmbΔ pí~áåäÉëë=píÉÉä=máéÉïçêâ=póëíÉãë=^éäÉñ=t~ää=máéÉ=pÉ~äë


D1 D2 a b Weight Seal Part No Part No

87.5˚ (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) Material 304 316

75 50 139 90 0.3 EPDM 98940 98942

75 50 139 90 0.3 Viton 98941 98943

D2 110 50 183 117 0.6 EPDM 98944 98946

110 50 183 117 0.6 Viton 98945 98947
110 75 183 117 0.9 EPDM 98900 98902
110 75 183 117 0.9 Viton 98901 98903
160 110 288 184 2.7 EPDM 400695 400697
D1 160 110 288 184 2.7 Viton 400696 400698


45˚ D a b c Weight Seal Part No Part No

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) Material 304 316

50 128 57 76 0.3 EPDM 98748 98798

50 128 57 76 0.3 Viton 98749 98799
75 179 74 110 0.5 EPDM 98800 98850
75 179 74 110 0.5 Viton 98801 98851
110 233 88 149 1.0 EPDM 98802 98852
110 233 88 149 1.0 Viton 98803 98853
125 273 103 170 1.1 EPDM 419760 419762
D 125 273 103 170 1.1 Viton 419761 419763
160 332 119 222 2.6 EPDM 98804 98854
160 332 119 222 2.6 Viton 98805 98855
200 415 151 274 5.7 EPDM 419427 419429
200 415 151 274 5.7 Viton 419428 419430


D1 D2 a b c Weight Seal Part No Part No
D2 (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) Material 304 316

75 50 144 56 94 0.3 EPDM 400661 400663

75 50 144 56 94 0.3 Viton 400662 400664
110 50 147 42 119 0.5 EPDM 400665 400667
a 110 50 147 42 119 0.5 Viton 400666 400668
c 110 75 182 60 135 1.0 EPDM 400669 400671
b 110 75 182 60 135 1.0 Viton 400670 400672
125 75 200 65 141 1.1 EPDM 419764 419766
125 75 200 65 141 1.1 Viton 419765 419767
125 110 250 90 160 1.1 EPDM 419768 419770
125 110 250 90 160 1.1 Viton 419769 419771
160 110 332 119 191 2.6 EPDM 400699 400701
160 110 332 119 191 2.6 Viton 400700 400702
200 160 359 123 250 4.7 EPDM 419423 419425
200 160 359 123 250 4.7 Viton 419424 419426
^`l=mfmbΔ pí~áåäÉëë=píÉÉä=máéÉïçêâ=póëíÉãë=^éäÉñ=t~ää=máéÉ=pÉ~äë


45˚ 45˚ D a b c Weight Seal Part No Part No

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) Material 304 316

50 128 57 76 0.4 EPDM 98806 98856

50 128 57 76 0.4 Viton 98807 98857
75 179 74 110 0.7 EPDM 98808 98858
c 75 179 74 110 0.7 Viton 98809 98859
110 233 88 149 1.2 EPDM 98810 98860
110 233 88 149 1.2 Viton 98811 98861
D 160 332 184 222 3.5 EPDM 98812 98862
160 332 184 222 3.5 Viton 98813 98863


45˚ 45˚
D1 D2 a b c Weight Seal Part No Part No
D2 (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) Material 304 316

75 50 144 56 94 0.4 EPDM 400673 400675

75 50 144 56 94 0.4 Viton 400674 400676
a 110 50 147 42 119 0.7 EPDM 400677 400679
c 110 50 147 42 119 0.7 Viton 400678 400680
b 110 75 182 60 135 1.2 EPDM 400681 400683
D1 110 75 182 60 135 1.2 Viton 400682 400684
160 110 332 119 190 3.5 EPDM 400703 400705
160 110 332 119 190 3.5 Viton 400704 400706


87.5˚ D a b c Weight Seal Part No Part No

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) Material 304 316

50 128 57 117 0.3 EPDM 98814 98864

50 128 57 117 0.3 Viton 98815 98865
a 75 179 74 157 0.6 EPDM 98816 98866
75 179 74 157 0.6 Viton 98817 98867
110 233 88 209 1.1 EPDM 98818 98868
D 110 233 88 209 1.1 Viton 98819 98869
160 332 184 302 2.8 EPDM 98820 98870
160 332 184 302 2.8 Viton 98821 98871


D D a b c Weight Seal Part No Part No

2.5˚ (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) Material 304 316

50 68 187 149 0.5 EPDM 98822 98872

50 68 187 149 0.5 Viton 98823 98873
a 75 94 232 193 0.7 EPDM 98824 98874
75 94 232 193 0.7 Viton 98825 98875
110 132 300 254 1.3 EPDM 98826 98876
110 132 300 254 1.3 Viton 98827 98877
160 190 404 347 3.3 EPDM 98828 98878
160 190 404 347 3.3 Viton 98829 98879
^`l=mfmbΔ pí~áåäÉëë=píÉÉä=máéÉïçêâ=póëíÉãë=^éäÉñ=t~ää=máéÉ=pÉ~äë


D a Weight Seal Part No Part No

(mm) (mm) (kg) Material 304 316

a 50 54 0.1 EPDM 98920 98970

50 54 0.1 Viton 98921 98971
75 75 0.2 EPDM 98922 98972
75 75 0.2 Viton 98923 98973
110 84 0.4 EPDM 98924 98974
110 84 0.4 Viton 98925 98975
125 140 0.4 EPDM 419813 419815
125 140 0.4 Viton 419814 419816
160 110 0.8 EPDM 98926 98976
160 110 0.8 Viton 98927 98977
200 136 1.8 EPDM 419431 419433
200 136 1.8 Viton 419432 419434


D a Weight Seal Part No Part No

(mm) (mm) (kg) Material 304 316

a 50 44 0.1 EPDM 98830 98880

50 44 0.1 Viton 98831 98881
75 46 0.2 EPDM 98832 98882
D 75 46 0.2 Viton 98833 98883
110 52 0.3 EPDM 98834 98884
110 52 0.3 Viton 98835 98885
125 70 0.4 EPDM 419772 419774
125 70 0.4 Viton 419773 419775
160 76 0.7 EPDM 98836 98886
160 76 0.7 Viton 98837 98887
200 100 1.5 EPDM 419435 419437
200 100 1.5 Viton 419436 419438

Note: Repair couplings are used to aid a convenient repair to a damaged in-situ pipe. Unlike the
OM standard Straight Coupling, there is no central registration to limit the insertion depth of the pipe.
The Repair Coupling slides completely over a pipe joint and simply re-positioned to bridge the
required pipe joint. Installation tip: mark the final position of the repair coupling on the installed
pipe system to ensure the coupling seals are positioned symmetrically about the pipe joint.


D a b Weight Seal Part No Part No

(mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) Material 304 316

50 159 102 0.2 EPDM 98664 98666

50 159 102 0.2 Viton 98665 98667
a 75 175 113 0.3 EPDM 98668 98670
75 175 113 0.3 Viton 98669 98671
110 200 121 0.5 EPDM 98672 98674
110 200 121 0.5 Viton 98673 98675
125 250 165 0.6 EPDM 419776 419778
D 125 250 165 0.6 Viton 419777 419779
160 292 170 1.4 EPDM 98676 98678
160 292 170 1.4 Viton 98677 98679

Note: Expansion socket is generally used in conjunction with a branch unit when adding a branch
into an existing pipe run.
^`l=mfmbΔ pí~áåäÉëë=píÉÉä=máéÉïçêâ=póëíÉãë=^éäÉñ=t~ää=máéÉ=pÉ~äë


D1 D2 a b Weight Seal Part No
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) Material 316

50 75 88 7 0.3 EPDM 98892

50 75 88 7 0.3 Viton 98893
50 110 103 25 0.4 EPDM 98978
b 50 110 103 25 0.4 Viton 98979
75 110 116 15 0.5 EPDM 98894
75 110 116 15 0.5 Viton 98895
110 125 107 0 0.6 EPDM 419780
110 125 107 0 0.6 Viton 419781
110 160 123 22 1.1 EPDM 98896
110 160 123 22 1.1 Viton 98897
125 160 150 0 1.2 EPDM 419811
125 160 150 0 1.2 Viton 419812
160 200 170 0 1.8 EPDM 419441
160 200 170 0 1.8 Viton 419442


D1 D2 a Weight Seal Part No
(mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) Material 316

32 50 90 0.2 NBR 419373

40 50 90 0.2 NBR 419374




D1 D2 a Weight Part No
(mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) 316

50 Rp 11/4” 72 0.2 98956

a 50 Rp 11/2” 75 0.3 98957
50 Rp 2” 80 0.3 98958



D1 D2 a Weight Part No
(mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) 316

50 R 11/4” 100 0.2 419330

50 R 11/2” 100 0.3 419331
50 R 2” 100 0.3 419332

^`l=mfmbΔ pí~áåäÉëë=píÉÉä=máéÉïçêâ=póëíÉãë=^éäÉñ=t~ää=máéÉ=pÉ~äë


D1 D2 a Weight Seal Part No
(mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) Material 316

50 R 11/4” 58 0.2 EPDM 419250

50 R 11/4” 58 0.2 Viton 419251
50 R 11/2” 58 0.3 EPDM 419252
50 R 11/2” 58 0.3 Viton 419253
50 R 2” 58 0.3 EPDM 419254
a 50 R 2” 58 0.3 Viton 419255



D1 D2 a Weight Seal Part No
(mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) Material 316

50 Rp 11/4” 58 0.2 EPDM 419333

50 Rp 11/4” 58 0.2 Viton 419334
50 Rp 11/2” 58 0.3 EPDM 419335
50 Rp 11/2” 58 0.3 Viton 419336
50 Rp 2” 58 0.3 EPDM 419337
50 Rp 2” 58 0.3 Viton 419338




D1 D2 D3 D4 N x D5 a Weight Seal Part No

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) Material 316

50 DN 40 110 150 4 x 18 100 2.3 EPDM 419256

50 DN 40 110 150 4 x 18 100 2.3 Viton 419257
D5 a 50 DN 50 125 165 4 x 18 100 2.7 EPDM 419258
50 DN 50 125 165 4 x 18 100 2.7 Viton 419259
75 DN 65 145 185 4 x 18 100 3.4 EPDM 419260
D2 75 DN 65 145 185 4 x 18 100 3.4 Viton 419261
D3 110 DN 100 180 220 8 x 18 100 4.9 EPDM 419262
D4 110 DN 100 180 220 8 x 18 100 4.9 Viton 419263
200 DN 200 295 340 12 x 22 102 12.0 EPDM 419514
200 DN 200 295 340 12 x 22 102 12.0 Viton 419515

Note: Flange PN16 to DIN 2633.

Flanges to PN6 and PN10 available on request.
^`l=mfmbΔ pí~áåäÉëë=píÉÉä=máéÉïçêâ=póëíÉãë=^éäÉñ=t~ää=máéÉ=pÉ~äë


D4 D1 D2 D3 D4 N x D5 a Weight Part No
D3 (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) 316
50 DN 40 110 150 4 x 18 192 2.3 419264
50 DN 50 125 165 4 x 18 192 2.7 419265
75 DN 65 145 185 4 x 18 245 3.4 419266
D5 110 DN 100 180 220 8 x 18 259 4.9 419267
a 160 DN 150 240 285 8 x 22 200 8.5 419540
200 DN 200 295 240 12 x 22 240 12.3 419541

Note: Flange PN16 to DIN 2633.

Flanges to PN6 and PN10 available on request.

`çååÉÅíçêW=`~ëí=fêçå=péáÖçí=→ ^`l=mfmbΔ pçÅâÉí=

ACO Pipe® Spigot L Weight Part No

Dia D (mm) (mm) (kg) 316
L 75 121 0.4 98904
110 137 0.6 98906
160 174 1.0 98905
Note: Connector is NOT supplied with seals.
Select the required reduction seal for the application below.

oÉÇìÅíáçå=pÉ~äW=`~ëí=fêçå=péáÖçí=→ ^`l=mfmbΔ pçÅâÉí

Cast Iron ACO Pipe® Spigot Weight Part No

Spigot (mm) Dia D (mm) (kg) EPDM
DN 70 / 75 75 0.06 400580
DN 100 / 110 110 0.10 400581
DN 150 / 160 160 0.14 400582

Note: For cast iron spigot to ACO Pipe® socket conversion, select the appropriate seal for use with
the required socket above.

oÉÇìÅíáçå=pÉ~äW=^`l=mfmbΔ péáÖçí=→ `~ëí=fêçå=pçÅâÉí

Cast Iron ACO Pipe® Spigot Weight Part No

Spigot (mm) Dia D (mm) (kg) EPDM

75 / DN 70 75 0.05 400586
110 / DN 100 110 0.08 400587
160 / DN 150 160 0.12 400588

Note: To convert ACO Pipe® spigot to cast iron socket, select appropriate seal.
No other connector component is required.
^`l=mfmbΔ pí~áåäÉëë=píÉÉä=máéÉïçêâ=póëíÉãë=^éäÉñ=t~ää=máéÉ=pÉ~äë


Cast Iron ACO Pipe® Spigot Weight Part No

Spigot (mm) Dia D (mm) (kg) EPDM

75 / DN 70 75 0.11 419370
110 / DN 100 110 0.18 419371
160 / DN 150 160 0.26 419372


D a b Weight Seal Part No Part No

(mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) Material 304 316

75 139 90 0.5 EPDM 98913 98963

75 139 90 0.5 Viton 98914 98964
a 110 183 117 0.8 EPDM 98915 98965
b 110 183 117 0.8 Viton 98916 98966
125 210 135 0.9 EPDM 419783 419785
D1 125 210 135 0.9 Viton 419784 419786
160 288 184 2.3 EPDM 98917 98967
160 288 184 2.3 Viton 98918 98968
200 293 186 3.7 EPDM 419676 419678
200 293 186 3.7 Viton 419677 419679


D1 D2 I Weight Seal Part No Part No

(mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) Material 304 316

110 250 864 3.8 EPDM 419268 419270

110 250 864 3.8 Viton 419269 419271



D1 D2 a Weight Part No
(mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) 316
50 58 45 0.1 98888
75 85 45 0.3 98889
110 120 45 0.5 98890
125 135 50 0.6 419782
160 170 50 0.7 98891
200 210 50 1.0 98994
^`l=mfmbΔ pí~áåäÉëë=píÉÉä=máéÉïçêâ=póëíÉãë=^éäÉñ=t~ää=máéÉ=pÉ~äë


D1 D2 a Weight Seal Part No
(mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) Material 316

50 58 45 88 0.4 419138
D2 D1 b
75 85 45 120 0.6 419139
110 120 45 167 0.8 419140
160 170 50 214 1.1 419141


D Weight Part No
(mm) (kg) EPDM

110 0.4 98962


D a Weight Part No
(mm) (mm) (kg) 316
50 40 0.1 419134
75 40 0.2 419135
110 43 0.3 419136
160 43 0.4 419137


D Weight Part No Part No

(mm) (kg) EPDM Viton

50 0.01 98400 98404

75 0.02 98401 98405
110 0.05 98402 98406
125 0.06 419453 419454
160 0.08 98403 98407
200 0.10 98433 98437

Note: ACO PIPE® seals are available in all sizes manufactured from EPDM and Viton materials.
All seals incorporate the unique ACO PIPE® double lip seal arrangement for increased reliability
and security. Both seal materials are mechanically interchangeable thereby facilitating easy on-site
upgrade from EPDM to Viton, for example. For seal installation instructions, refer to the
Appendices. To aid identification, the seals are colour coded as follows: EPDM seals are BLACK
and Viton seals are GREEN.
^`l=mfmbΔ pí~áåäÉëë=píÉÉä=máéÉïçêâ=póëíÉãë=^éäÉñ=t~ää=máéÉ=pÉ~äë


Part No

0.15 E80350000


Part No

1.0 E80350001


Weight Part No Part No

(kg) Galvanised Steel 316

0.11 400565 400561

Note: Six M8 nuts included.

^`l=mfmbΔ pí~áåäÉëë=píÉÉä=máéÉïçêâ=póëíÉãë=^éäÉñ=t~ää=máéÉ=pÉ~äë


D D a Weight Part No Part No

(mm) (mm) (kg) Galvanised Steel 316

8.4 70 0.05 400525 400521



D Weight Part No Part No

(mm) (kg) Galvanised Steel 316

50 0.14 400533 400529

75 0.23 400534 400530
110 0.33 400535 400531
125 0.36 419854 419855
160 0.39 400536 400532
200 0.44 419451 419675


D a Weight Part No Part No

a (mm) (mm) (kg) Galvanised Steel 316

50 56 0.18 400541 400537

75 80 0.28 400542 400538
110 116 0.41 400543 400539
160 166 0.48 400544 400540


D a Weight Part No Part No

(mm) (mm) (kg) Galvanised Steel 316

a 50 120 0.16 400549 400545

75 133 0.26 400550 400546
110 150 0.38 400551 400547
160 175 0.44 400552 400548


D Length l Weight Part No Part No
(mm) (mm) (kg) Galvanised Steel 316
M8 1000 0.39 400557 400553
M8 90 0.03 400558 400554
M8 40 0.02 400559 400555
^`l=mfmbΔ pí~áåäÉëë=píÉÉä=máéÉïçêâ=póëíÉãë=^éäÉñ=t~ää=máéÉ=pÉ~äë

^Åç=máéÉΔ `ìííÉê=J=j~åì~ääó=léÉê~íÉÇ=RM=J=NNMãã

Product Description Weight (kg) Part No

Manual pipe cutter 50 - 110mm supplied in

3.5 419363
plastic case including integrated pipe holder

Manual pipe cutter 50 - 110mm supplied in

8.0 419364
stainless steel case including integrated pipe holder

Replacement cutting discs 0.005 419365

Note: For replacement cutting discs, minimum order quantity: 10 off.

^Åç=máéÉΔ `ìííÉê=J=j~åì~ääó=léÉê~íÉÇ=NNM=J=NSMãã

Product Description Weight (kg) Part No

Manual pipe cutter 110 - 160mm 2.0 400738

Replacement cutting discs 0.005 400578

Note: While purchasing 110 - 160mm ACO PIPE® Manual Cutter it is recommended to order the
appropriate ACO PIPE® Holder listed below for manual cutting. For replacement cutting discs,
OU minimum order quantity: 10 off.

^Åç=máéÉΔ eçäÇÉê=cçê=j~åì~ä=`ìííáåÖ

Pipe Dia Weight Part No

D (mm) (kg) 316

110 - 160 4.0 400742

Note: While purchasing 110 - 160mm ACO PIPE® Manual Cutter it is recommended to order the
ACO PIPE® Holder for manual cutting to prevent pipe distortion.
^`l=mfmbΔ pí~áåäÉëë=píÉÉä=máéÉïçêâ=póëíÉãë=^éäÉñ=t~ää=máéÉ=pÉ~äë


EPDM (Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer) mêçéÉêíáÉë=áåÅäìÇÉW sáíçåG

EPDM was originally developed in the 1950's t The most water-resistant type of rubber - Viton* is a fluorocarbon and the best material
for vehicle tyre applications. It reached wider also very resistant to most water based for resistance to hostile chemical and oil
applications because of its suitability for chemicals. environments at normal and elevated
outdoor use. t Inert structure and remains stable over temperatures. This material is widely used in
long periods of time. the chemical and pharmaceutical industries,
t Withstands elevated temperatures up to however is significantly more expensive
130°C for extended periods (months). than EPDM.
t Easily compounded and processed.
iáãáí~íáçåë t Good resistance to water.
s Not resistant to oil or oil based products. t Good resistance to oils, fuels and most

s Not resistant to ketone solvents.
* Du Pont Registered Trade Mark.

Property EPDM Viton*

Water resistance Excellent Good

Chemical resistance Acids Good Excellent
Bases Good Good
Solvent resistance (20°C) Alcohol Good Good
Acetone Good Unsuitable
Benzene Unsatisfactory Good
Oil resistance ASTM Oil No 1 @ 20° C Fair Excellent
@ 100° C Unsatisfactory 150°C Excellent
ASTM Oil No 3 @ 20° C Unsatisfactory Excellent
@ 100° C Unsatisfactory 150°C Excellent
Fuel resistance ASTM B @ 20° C Unsatisfactory Excellent
Resistances Oxidation Excellent Outstanding
Ozone and weathering Outstanding Outstanding
Heat resistance Maximum continuous 130°C 205°C
Maximum intermittent 150°C 300°C
Low temperature resistance -50°C -20°C
Gas permeability Fairly low Very low
Physical strength Good Good
Compression set resistance Good Good
Tear and abrasion resistance Good Good
Cost factor 1 20
^`l=mfmbΔ pí~áåäÉëë=píÉÉä=máéÉïçêâ=póëíÉãë=^éäÉñ=t~ää=máéÉ=pÉ~äë


dÉåÉê~ä máéÉ=ïÉáÖÜíë
Installation should be in accordance with the ACO PIPE® thin-wall stainless steel pipe
manufacturer's recommendations. Reference systems are light in weight and high on
also to BS EN 12056 Gravity Drainage performance with clear advantages in ease of
Systems Inside Buildings and BS EN 752 handling and savings in labour costs over
Drain and Sewer Systems Outside Buildings is traditional metal pipe systems.
Engineers will need to know weights and
qÜÉêã~ä=ãçîÉãÉåí loadings when designing vertical stack and
ACO PIPE® stainless steel pipework systems horizontal pipe run systems. The table below
have a low coefficient of thermal expansion, of gives weights for all pipe sizes empty and full
approximately 1 in 1000mm per 60°C of of water.
temperature change.
Pipe Dia Pipe Weight Pipe Weight
(mm) Empty (kg/m) Full (water) (kg/m)
The requirement for thermal tolerance on pipe
systems is otherwise confined to hot water 50 1.2 3.0
conditions. A comparison of approximate 75 1.8 6.9
thermal movement between different pipe 110 2.7 11.9
materials in mm per metre with a temperature 125 3.3 15.8
160 5.0 24.6
change of 60°C is given below:
200 7.5 38.0

Aluminium Alloy 1.44mm

Copper 0.98mm máéÉ=àçáåíáåÖ _Éäçï=ÖêçìåÇ=áåëí~ää~íáçå
Grey Cast Iron 0.75mm The assembly of pipe joints is quick and Back Filling: Backfilling around the pipe can
HDPE 9.0mm straightforward requiring only a light only start when the position of the pipe has
PVC-U 3.0mm application of lubricant available from ACO to been checked and approved.
Stainless Steel 0.99mm the chamfered pipe end. Ensure the mating
ends of the pipes and fittings are clean and Compression: Care should be taken to avoid
Coefficient of linear expansion for various free from contamination. Push-fit the pipe end distortion of both the pipe run and pipe itself
materials are as follows (°K-1): into the socket recess so as to allow for during backfilling and compaction. Avoid
thermal expansion within the system. tipping backfill material directly on to the
PM Aluminium 24 x 10-6 Pipe system.
Copper 16.4 x 10-6 máéÉ=ÅìííáåÖ
Grey Cast Iron 12.5 x 10-6 If it is necessary to adapt or shorten pipe If mechanical compaction is used, the weight
HDPE 150 x 10-6 lengths, then whatever tools are used, the cut of the resultant compressive force must be
PVC-U 50 x 10-6 end must be square, clean and ready taken into account to avoid distortion.
Stainless Steel 16.5 x 10-6 chamfered. Suitable cutters and whole cutter Backfill materials should be compacted to
sets are available from ACO and shown on minimum of 93%.
Page 28.
Filling the Excavation: Soil from the
t~ää=íÜáÅâåÉëë excavation can be used for filling, but larger
Pipe wall thicknesess - up to Ø125mm: 1mm; stones and blocks may not be used.
Ø160mm: 1.25mm; Ø200mm: 1.5mm. Compression of the filling material outside
reinforced areas is not necessary if the settling
will not cause problems or damage.
^`l=mfmbΔ pí~áåäÉëë=píÉÉä=máéÉïçêâ=póëíÉãë=^éäÉñ=t~ää=máéÉ=pÉ~äë


When designing rainwater or soil and waste
systems, pipework must be supported at not
more than 2 metre centres and vertical pipes
should be fixed to the wall not closer than
30mm to facilitate maintenance and painting.
Allow at least one bracket per fitting,
preferably at the downstream end of the fitting
with additional brackets at changes of
direction or junction points.

Horizontal pipework should be supported with
at least two brackets per 3 metre pipe length.
One bracket should be within 300mm of the
pipe joint and the other approximately at the
mid-point of the pipe length, but not more
than 2 metres from the next bracket.
Additional brackets should be used at changes
of direction and at junction points
immediately downstream of the fitting. ACO Pipe® socketed joints fitted with socket clamps can withstand the following internal pressures:

Pipe Dimension Maximum Pressure

Horizontal pipe runs may be installed at a fall
of 1 in 50 (2%) and feeder connections 50mm + 2 bar

should be achieved using 45° branches. 75mm + 2 bar

110mm + 2 bar
Where long pipe runs occur i.e. greater than 160mm + 1 bar
15 metres, a fixing arm should be attached to
the bracket to prevent pendulum movement
within the system.
pçÅâÉí=Åä~ãéë= píêìÅíìê~ä=éÉåÉíê~íáçåë=
Drainage systems for soil, wastewater and Where it is necessary for pipework to pass PN
rainwater in above ground installations are through walls, structural decking or floors
free-draining gravity systems and should not with DPM waterproofing, the ACO Aplex Wall
be overloaded or blocked. Seal system provides water and gas tight
quality sealing for pipe feed-throughs. ACO
ACO Pipe® is a socketed push-fit jointing Aplex systems can accommodate any
system and consequently precautions will structural thickness up to 400mm and
need to be taken to resist reaction forces provides the following benefits:
generated from internal pressure rises within
the pipe system to ensure the pipe joints do  Above and below ground damp and water
not slide apart. proof penetration quality.

 Available in all ACO Pipe® stainless steel

Appropriate fixing to the building structure
pipe sizes.
can prevent the joints from sliding apart in
most cases, but if it is difficult or impossible  Accommodates the effects of structural

to fix the pipes to the building, socket clamps movement on pipework.

(Part No 419134 - 7 as shown on Page 25  Allows up to 8° of axial pipe deflection

should be used. through fixed structures.

Refer to Page 36 for ACO APLEX pipe

seal data.
^`l=mfmbΔ pí~áåäÉëë=píÉÉä=máéÉïçêâ=póëíÉãë=^éäÉñ=t~ää=máéÉ=pÉ~äë

fåëí~ää~íáçå `~êÉ=^åÇ=j~áåíÉå~åÅÉ

pÉ~ä=~ëëÉãÄäó dÉåÉê~ä=áåÑçêã~íáçå The working environment also offers more

The double lip seal is easily removed and All grades of stainless steel will stain and aggressive conditions e.g. high humidity, such
replaced from the female end of all pipes and discolour due to surface deposits and can as experienced in swimming pools and
fittings. This allows the on-site upgrade of never be accepted as completely maintenance therefore requires maintenance on a more
seal material from EPDM or Viton without the free. In order to achieve maximum corrosion frequent basis. Modern processes use many
need for special tools. resistance, the surface of the stainless steel cleaners, sterilizers and bleaches for hygienic
must be kept clean. Provided the grade of purposes. All these proprietary solutions,
pÉ~ä=áåëí~ää~íáçå=åçíÉë stainless steel and the surface finish are when used in accordance with manufacturers
1. If changing the seal, ensure the correct correctly selected and cleaning schedules instructions are safe, but if used incorrectly,
size and grade of seal is selected for the carried out on a regular basis, good (e.g. warm or concentrated) they may cause
application. For reference, EPDM seals are performance and long service life are assured. discolouration and corrosion on the surface of
BLACK and Viton seals are GREEN. If in any grade of stainless steel.
doubt, contact the ACO Building Drainage c~Åíçêë=~ÑÑÉÅíáåÖ=ã~áåíÉå~åÅÉ
Helpline on 01462 816666 for Surface contamination and the formation of Strong acid solutions are sometimes used to
assistance. deposits must be prevented in order to clean masonry and ceramic tiles but they
maintain a durable and hygienic surface. should never be permitted to come into
2. Ensure the seal itself and the zone around contact with metals, including stainless steel.
the pipe and/or fitting receiving the seal is These deposits may be minute particles of If this should inadvertently happen, the acid
clean, dry and free from dirt, dust or iron or rust from other sources used in the solution must be removed immediately by
particulates. construction of new or refurbished premises copious applications of clean water.
and not removed until after the stainless steel
3. Insert the dry seal into the pipe/fitting drainage products have been installed. Care Wire brushes and wire wool must NOT be
recess as shown in the diagram below. must be taken to avoid the cutting of carbon used to remove marks or cement spillage as
NOTE: the seal MUST be inserted so the steels, including rebar for example and the this will only serve to introduce iron impurities
double sealing lips face away from the storage and erection of scaffolding, near to into the surface of the stainless steel.
opening of the pipe/fitting. stainless steels without careful protection.
Industrial and even naturally occurring
4. Do not use tools to aid the assembly atmospheric conditions can produce deposits
process otherwise damage to the pipes, that can be equally corrosive e.g. salt deposits
fittings and seals may occur. from marine applications.

^`l=mfmbΔ pí~áåäÉëë=píÉÉä=máéÉïçêâ=póëíÉãë=^éäÉñ=t~ää=máéÉ=pÉ~äë


j~áåíÉå~åÅÉ=éêçÖê~ããÉ Advice is often sought concerning the mêÉÅ~ìíáçåë

With care taken during the fabrication and frequency of cleaning stainless steel and the Acids should ONLY be used for on-site
installation, cleaning before handing over to answer is quite simple - clean the metal cleaning when all other methods have been
the client should present no special problems, whenever it becomes dirty in order to restore proved unsatisfactory and in accordance with
although more attention than normal may be its original appearance. This may vary from manufacturers' instructions. Appropriate
required if the installation period has been one to four times per year for external personal protection equipment should be used
prolonged. applications or it may be once per day for at all times.
products installed in hygienic or chemically
Where surface contamination is suspected, aggressive applications. Care should be taken to ensure that acid
immediate attention to cleaning after site cleaners do not spill over adjacent areas.
fixing will encourage a trouble-free product. Frequency and cost of cleaning is lower with Solvents should not be used in confined areas
stainless steel than with many other materials without adequate ventilation and only in
Food and beverage handling, pharmaceutical and will often outweigh the initial higher cost accordance with manufacturers' instructions.
and chemical industry applications require of this superior product.
extremely high levels of cleanliness applicable `çåÅäìëáçå
to each industry. Stainless steel is easy to clean. Washing with If all the cleaning suggestions and actions in
soap or mild detergent in warm water the table below have been attempted and the
followed by a clear water rinse is usually quite surface is still not satisfactory, stainless steel
adequate for many industrial applications. An can be mechanically cleaned or
enhanced aesthetic appearance will be electropolished by specialists on site. For
achieved if the cleaned surface is finally further information, contact the ACO Building
wiped dry. Drainage Helpline on 01462 816666 for help
and assistance.

Problem Cleaning Agent Comments

Routine cleaning. Soap or mild detergent Sponge, rinse with clean water.
(e.g. washing up liquid) and water. Wipe dry if necessary.
Fingerprints. Soap and warm water or organic solvent Rinse with clean water, PP
(e.g. alcohol, acetone). wipe dry if necessary.
Stubborn stains and discolouration. Mild cleaning solutions (e.g. Cif, Rinse well with clean water and wipe dry.
Oil and grease marks. Organic solvent (e.g. alcohol, acetone). Clean after with soap and water,
rinse with clean water and dry.
Rust and other corrosion products. Oxalic acid. The cleaning solution should Rinse will with clean water. Precautions for
be applied with a swab and allowed to acid cleaners must be observed.
stand for 15-20 minutes before being
washed away with clean water.
May continue using Cif to give final clean.

Note: Always read instructions on proprietry cleaning agents

^`l=mfmbΔ pí~áåäÉëë=píÉÉä=máéÉïçêâ=póëíÉãë=^éäÉñ=t~ää=máéÉ=pÉ~äë


The resistance information contained within Please contact ACO if guarantees are required iÉÖÉåÇ
this table is indicative only. of specific material suitability. t Recommended.
? Suitable.
AIl data is based on reactions noted at an We shall arrange for tests to be undertaken However, contact ACO for further advice.
ambient temperature of 20˚C. Higher with the reagent to establish the chemical s Not recommended.
temperatures will generally reduce the resistance of the materials. ~ No data available
corrosion resistance of the materials.

Stainless Stainless Stainless Stainless

Reagent Steel Steel EPDM Viton Reagent Steel Steel EPDM Viton
304 316 304 316

Acetic Acid 20% t t t t Caustic Potash t t t t

Acetic Acid 80% t t t t Caustic Soda 20% t t t t
Acetone t t t s Caustic Soda 50% t t t t
Alcohol (Methy or Ethyl) t t t ? Caustic Soda 80% t t t t
AIuminium Chloride ? ? t t Chlorine (Dry) ? ? t t
Aluminium Sulphate t t t t Chlorine (Wet) s s s t
Ammonia Gas (Dry) t t ~ ~ Chloraocetic Acid ? t ? s
Ammonium Chloride ? ? t t Chlorobenzene t t s t
Ammonium Hydroxide t t t t Chloroform ? ? s t
Ammonium Nitrate t t t t Chromic Acid 50% s s ? t
Ammonium Phosphate t t t t Chromic Acid 10% t t s ?
Ammonium Sulphate ? t t t Citric Acid ? t t t
Ammonium Sulphide t t ~ ~ Copper Chloride s s t t
Amyl Chloride t t s ? Copper Cyanide t t t t
Aniline t t ? t Copper Nitrate t t ~ t
Copper Sulphate t t t t
Cottonseed Oil ~ ~ s t
Barium Chloride t t t t Cresol ~ ~ s s
Barium Hydroxide 10% ~ ~ t t Cyclohexanone ? t s s
Barium Sulphate t t t t Cyclohexane t t s t
Barium Sulphide ~ ~ t t
Beer t t t t
Beet Sugar Liquors t t t t Diethylamine ? ? ? s
Benzene t t s t Disodium Phosphate ~ ~ t t
Benzoic Acid t t s t Distilled Water t t t t
Bleach - 12.5% Active C1 ~ ~ t s
Boric Acid t t t t
Bromic Acid ? ? ~ ~ Ethyl Acetate t t ? s
Bromine Water s s ~ ~ Ethylene Chloride t t s ?
Butane t t s t Ethylene Glycol t t t t

Calcium Carbonate t t t t Fatty acids (Cb) t t s t

Calcium Chloride s ? t t Ferric Sulphate t t t t
Calcium Hydroxide ? t t t Fluorene Gas (Wet) s s t ?
Calcium Hypochlorite s ? ? t Formaldehyde 37% t t t t
Calcium Sulphate t t t t Formic Acid 90% s t t ?
Cane Sugar Liquors ~ ~ t t Freon 12 t t t t
Carbonic Acid ~ ~ t t Fruit Juices & Pulp ? t ~ t
Carbon Bisulphide t t s t Furfural t t s s
Carbon Dioxide t t t t Gasoline (Refined) t t s t
Carbon Monoxide t t t t Glucose t t t t
Carbon Tetrachloride ? ? s t Glycerine t t t t
^`l=mfmbΔ pí~áåäÉëë=píÉÉä=máéÉïçêâ=póëíÉãë=^éäÉñ=t~ää=máéÉ=pÉ~äë


Stainless Stainless Stainless Stainless

Reagent Steel Steel EPDM Viton Reagent Steel Steel EPDM Viton
304 316 304 316

Hydrobromic Acid 20% s s t t Silver Sulphate t t t s

Hydrochloric Acid 40% s s s t Sodium Bicarbonate t t t t
Hydrocyanic Acid t t ? t Sodium Bisulphite t t t s
Hydrogen Peroxide 90% t t s t Sodium Carbonate t t t t
Hydroquinone ~ ~ s t Sodium Cyanide t t t t
Hypochlorous Acid ~ ~ s t Sodium Ferrocyanide ~ ~ ? t
(Chlorine Water ) Sodium Hydroxide t t t t
Sodium Hypochlorite ? t ? t
Sodium Sulphate t t t t
Sodium Sulphide ? s t t
Iodine s ? ? t
Sodium Sulphite ? t t t
Kerosene t t s t
Sodium Thiosulphate t t t t
Lactic Acid 25% t t t t
Stannous Chloride ? ? s t
Linseed Oil t t s t
Stearic Acid t t ? t
Magnesium Chloride ? ? t t
Sulphurous Acid ? t ? t
Magnesium Sulphate t t t t
Sulphur ? t ~ t
Maleic Acid ? ? s t
Sulphur Dioxide (Dry) ? t t t
Methyl Chloride ? ? s s
Sulphur Dioxide (Wet) ? t t t
Methyl Ethyl Ketone ~ ~ t s
Sulphuric Acid 50% s s ? t
Milk t t t t
Sulphuric Acid 70% s s ? t
Minerals Oils ~ ~ s t
Sulphuric Acid 93% s s ? t

Nickel Chloride ? ? t t
Tannic Acid t t t t
Nickel Sulphate t t t t
Tanning Liquors t t t t
Tartaric Acid ~ ~ ? t
Toluene ~ ~ s s
Oils and Fats t t s t Trichloroethylene t t s s
Oleic Acid t t t t Triethylamine t t t s
Oleum ~ ~ s t Trisodium Phosphate ~ ~ t t
Oxalic Acid ? ? t t Turpentine t t s t PR

Palmitic Acid 10% ~ ~ t t Urea t t t t

Perchloric Acid 10% s s ? t Urine t t t t
Perchloric Acid 70% s s ? t
Petroleum Oils t t s t
Phenol 5% t t ? t Vinegar t t t t

Phosphorous Trichloride t t t t
Photographic Solutions ? ? t t
Water (Fresh) t t t t
Picric Acid t t t t
Water (Mine-acid) t t t t
Plating Solutions ~ ~ ~ t
Water (Salt) ~ ~ t t
Potassium Carbonate t t t t
Whisky t t t t
Potassium Chloride t t t t
Wines t t t t
Potassium Cyanide t t t t
Potassium Dichromate t t t t
Potassium Hydroxide t t t t
Xylene ~ ~ s s
Potassum Permanganate t t t t
Potassium Sulphate t t t t
Propane Gas ~ ~ ~ t Zinc Chloride s s t t
Propyl Alcohol ~ ~ t t Zinc Sulphate ? t t t
Sea Water (Natural) s ? t t
Silver Nitrate t t t t
^`l=mfmbΔ pí~áåäÉëë=píÉÉä=máéÉïçêâ=póëíÉãë=^éäÉñ=t~ää=máéÉ=pÉ~äë


fåíêçÇìÅíáçå _ÉåÉÑáíë
 Prevents damp and water entering  High quality EPDM seal arrangement
building above or below damp proof accommodates up to 8° off-axis
course levels. alignment.

 Quick and easy to install.  Pipe OD sizes 15mm to 275mm

 Fully compatible with ACO Pipe® stainless
steel pipe systems.  Suitable for new or refurbishment
 Single (mono) and double (duo) seal
APLEX Wall Seal systems provide water and configurations for above and below ground  Full range of polyester resin concrete and
gas-tight pipe feed-throughs for all industrial applications respectively. stainless steel wall liners available.
and commercial applications and are fully  Minimises number of joints required for
compatible with the ACO Pipe® stainless steel movement of hazardous chemicals/gasses
pipe system. in and around buildings.


^ÄçîÉ=ÖêçìåÇ=~ééäáÅ~íáçåë _Éäçï=ÖêçìåÇ=~ééäáÅ~íáçåë=J=ï~íÉê=í~ÄäÉ=êÉëáëí~åí

Single-sided Double-sided Double-sided

sealing sealing sealing


mono duo mono/mono mono/duo

 Heavy duty zinc plated mild steel  Temperature resistant to 130°C.

compression flanges.  Each product marked for pipe diameter
 Wide area footprint EPDM bushings for and receiving core hole diameter.
ultimate reliability.  Split variant for in-situ pipe installation
 Stainless steel nuts and washers. applications.
^`l=mfmbΔ pí~áåäÉëë=píÉÉä=máéÉïçêâ=póëíÉãë=^éäÉñ=t~ää=máéÉ=pÉ~äë


^ëëÉãÄäó=êÉÅçããÉåÇ~íáçåë ^mibu=ãçåç=ï~ää=ëÉ~ä=ïáíÜ=ëáåÖäÉ=ëÉ~äáåÖ=ÉäÉãÉåí
Due to the possibility of micro-cracks present
in core-bored holes (D1) in concrete or brick Core Dimension Pipe OD Range Overall Length
Weight (kg) Part No
D1 (mm) D2 (mm) L (mm)
openings, the bore surface should be treated
with a suitable sealant prior to installation of 50 15 - 18 53 0.10 70704

the APLEX Wall Sleeve. 50 19 - 22 53 0.17 70705

80 25 - 28 53 0.55 70706
80 32 - 35 53 0.54 70707
80 36 - 40 53 0.53 70708
100 41 - 44 53 0.72 70709
100 47 - 51 53 0.71 70710
100 52 - 56 53 0.69 70711
125 57 - 61 53 1.33 70712
125 62 - 65 53 1.30 70713
125 73 - 76 53 1.27 70714
150 78 - 81 53 1.70 70715
D1 D2 150 88 - 91 53 1.65 70716
150 98 - 102 53 1.60 70717
200 108 - 112 53 2.78 70718
200 114 - 118 53 2.72 70719
200 123 - 126 53 2.67 70720
200 128 - 132 53 2.62 70721
200 133 - 136 53 2.59 70722
L 200 137 - 141 53 2.56 70723
250 142 - 146 53 4.46 70724
250 158 - 162 53 4.35 70725
250 165 - 170 53 4.23 70726
250 177 - 181 53 4.11 72692
300 200 - 204 53 5.59 70727
300 209 - 212 53 5.49 70728
300 218 - 221 53 5.40 70729
300 222 - 225 53 5.31 70730
350 248 - 252 53 7.00 72956
350 272 - 275 53 6.90 72957

For alternative dimensions and materials, please contact the ACO Building Drainage Helpline on 01462 816666.
^`l=mfmbΔ pí~áåäÉëë=píÉÉä=máéÉïçêâ=póëíÉãë=^éäÉñ=t~ää=máéÉ=pÉ~äë


^ëëÉãÄäó=êÉÅçããÉåÇ~íáçåë ^mibu=Çìç=ï~ää=ëÉ~ä=ïáíÜ=ÇçìÄäÉ=ëÉ~äáåÖ=ÉäÉãÉåíë
Due to the possibility of micro-cracks present
in core-bored holes (D1) in concrete or brick Core Dimension Pipe OD Range Overall Length
Weight (kg) Part No
D1 (mm) D2 (mm) L (mm)
openings, the bore surface should be treated
with a suitable sealant prior to installation of 50 15 - 18 78 0.22 70731

the APLEX Wall Sleeve. 50 19 - 22 78 0.22 70732

80 25 - 28 78 0.70 70733
80 32 - 35 78 0.68 70734
80 36 - 40 78 0.66 70735
100 41 - 44 78 0.94 70736
100 47 - 51 78 0.92 70737
100 52 - 56 78 0.88 70738
125 57 - 61 78 1.66 70739
125 62 - 65 78 1.60 70740
125 73 - 76 78 1.54 70741
150 78 - 81 78 2.16 70742
150 88 - 91 78 2.04 70743
D1 D2 150 98 - 102 78 1.92 70744
200 108 - 112 78 3.56 70745
200 114 - 118 78 3.44 70746
200 123 - 126 78 3.34 70747
200 128 - 132 78 3.24 70748
200 133 - 136 78 3.18 70749
200 137 - 141 78 3.12 70750
L 250 142 - 146 78 5.64 70751
250 158 - 162 78 5.42 70752
250 165 - 170 78 5.18 70753
250 177 - 181 78 5.10 72693
300 200 - 204 78 6.98 70754
300 209 - 212 78 6.78 70755
300 218 - 221 78 6.60 70756
300 222 - 225 78 6.42 70757
350 248 - 252 78 8.40 72958
350 272 - 275 78 8.30 72959

For alternative dimensions and materials, please contact the ACO Building Drainage Helpline on 01462 816666.
^`l=mfmbΔ pí~áåäÉëë=píÉÉä=máéÉïçêâ=póëíÉãë=^éäÉñ=t~ää=máéÉ=pÉ~äë


^ëëÉãÄäó=êÉÅçããÉåÇ~íáçåë ^mibu=ãçåç=ï~ää=ëÉ~ä=ïáíÜ=ëáåÖäÉ=ëÉ~äáåÖ=ÉäÉãÉåí
Due to the possibility of micro-cracks present
in core-bored holes (D1) in concrete or brick Core Dimension Pipe OD Range Overall Length
Weight (kg) Part No
D1 (mm) D2 (mm) L (mm)
openings, the bore surface should be treated
with a suitable sealant prior to installation of 80 25 - 28 53 0.55 401126

the APLEX Wall Sleeve. 80 32 - 35 53 0.54 401127

80 36 - 40 53 0.53 401128
100 41 - 44 53 0.72 401129
100 47 - 51 53 0.71 401130
100 52 - 56 53 0.69 401131
125 57 - 61 53 1.33 401132
125 62 - 65 53 1.30 401133
125 73 - 76 53 1.27 401134
150 78 - 81 53 1.70 401135
150 88 - 91 53 1.65 401136
150 98 - 102 53 1.60 401137
200 108 - 112 53 2.78 401138
D1 D2 200 114 - 118 53 2.72 401139
200 123 - 126 53 2.67 401140
200 128 - 132 53 2.62 401141
200 133 - 136 53 2.59 401142
200 137 - 141 53 2.56 401143
250 142 - 146 53 4.46 401144
250 158 - 162 53 4.35 401145
L 250 165 - 170 53 4.23 401146
250 177 - 181 53 4.11 401321
300 200 - 204 53 5.59 401147
300 209 - 212 53 5.49 401148
300 218 - 221 53 5.40 401149
300 222 - 225 53 5.31 401150
350 248 - 252 53 7.00 401151
350 272 - 275 53 6.90 401152


For alternative dimensions and materials, please contact the ACO Building Drainage Helpline on 01462 816666.
^`l=mfmbΔ pí~áåäÉëë=píÉÉä=máéÉïçêâ=póëíÉãë=^éäÉñ=t~ää=máéÉ=pÉ~äë


^ëëÉãÄäó=êÉÅçããÉåÇ~íáçåë ^mibu=Çìç=ï~ää=ëÉ~ä=ïáíÜ=ÇçìÄäÉ=ëÉ~äáåÖ=ÉäÉãÉåíë
Due to the possibility of micro-cracks present
in core-bored holes (D1) in concrete or brick Core Dimension Pipe OD Range Overall Length
Weight (kg) Part No
D1 (mm) D2 (mm) L (mm)
openings, the bore surface should be treated
with a suitable sealant prior to installation of 80 25 - 28 78 0.70 401153

the APLEX Wall Sleeve. 80 32 - 35 78 0.68 401154

80 36 - 40 78 0.66 401155
100 41 - 44 78 0.94 401156
100 47 - 51 78 0.92 401157
100 52 - 56 78 0.88 401158
125 57 - 61 78 1.66 401159
125 62 - 65 78 1.60 401160
125 73 - 76 78 1.54 401161
150 78 - 81 78 2.16 401162
150 88 - 91 78 2.04 401163
150 98 - 102 78 1.92 401164
200 108 - 112 78 3.56 401165
D1 D2
200 114 - 118 78 3.44 401166
200 123 - 126 78 3.34 401167
200 128 - 132 78 3.24 401168
200 133 - 136 78 3.18 401169
200 137 - 141 78 3.12 401170
250 142 - 146 78 5.64 401171
250 158 - 162 78 5.42 401172
250 165 - 170 78 5.18 401173
250 177 - 181 78 5.10 401322
300 200 - 204 78 6.98 401174
300 209 - 212 78 6.78 401175
300 218 - 221 78 6.60 401176
300 222 - 225 78 6.42 401177
350 248 - 252 78 8.40 401178
350 272 - 275 78 8.30 401179


For alternative dimensions and materials, please contact the ACO Building Drainage Helpline on 01462 816666.
^`l=mfmbΔ pí~áåäÉëë=píÉÉä=máéÉïçêâ=póëíÉãë=^éäÉñ=t~ää=máéÉ=pÉ~äë


^ëëÉãÄäó=êÉÅçããÉåÇ~íáçåë pçäáÇ=Ää~åâáåÖ=éäìÖ=ï~ää=ëÉ~ä=ïáíÜ=ëáåÖäÉ=ëÉ~äáåÖ=ÉäÉãÉåí
Due to the possibility of micro-cracks present
in core-bored holes (D1) in concrete or brick Core Dimension Overall Length
Weight (kg) Part No
D1 (mm) L (mm)
openings, the bore surface should be treated
with a suitable sealant prior to installation of 50 53 0.5 401311

the APLEX Wall Sleeve. 80 53 0.8 401312

100 53 1.0 401313
125 53 1.8 401314
150 53 2.6 401315
200 53 4.0 401316
250 53 6.2 401317
300 53 8.5 401318
350 53 11.6 401319



For alternative dimensions and materials, please contact the ACO Building Drainage Helpline on 01462 816666.
^`l=mfmbΔ pí~áåäÉëë=píÉÉä=máéÉïçêâ=póëíÉãë=^éäÉñ=t~ää=máéÉ=pÉ~äë



Overall Liner Length Liner Bore Diameter

Weight (kg) Part No
a (mm) D1 (mm)

300 50 2.0 98411

300 80 2.7 98412
300 100 3.1 98413
D1 300 125 3.7 98414
300 150 4.3 98415
300 200 5.4 98416
300 250 6.5 98417
300 300 7.7 98418
300 350 8.8 98431
Material: 304 stainless steel 400 50 2.3 98419
400 80 3.1 98420
400 100 3.6 98421
a 400 125 4.3 98422
400 150 5.1 98423
~100 400 200 6.4 98424
400 250 7.8 98425
400 300 9.2 98426
400 350 10.5 98432

D1 D2



Penetration Bore
Diameter D2 (mm) Weight (kg) Part No
Diameter D1 (mm)

100 130 4.5 70760

D2 D1 125 155 5.3 70762
200 230 12.5 70764
250 280 14.0 70766

For alternative dimensions and materials, please contact the ACO Building Drainage Helpline on 01462 816666.
^`l=mfmbΔ pí~áåäÉëë=píÉÉä=máéÉïçêâ=póëíÉãë=^éäÉñ=t~ää=máéÉ=pÉ~äë


D1 Pipe through basement slab

Basement slab
Wall seal APLEX duo

Basement slab penetration

300 with pressure sealing flange
Ground concrete


Complete with DPM clamping flange

Material: 304 stainless steel


Flange Diameter Liner Bore Diameter

Weight (kg) Part No
D (mm) D1 (mm)

50 250 2.3 405351

80 280 3.0 405352
100 300 3.6 405353
125 325 4.2 405354
150 350 4.8 405355
200 400 6.0 405356
250 450 7.9 405357
300 500 8.4 405358
350 550 9.7 405359


For alternative dimensions and materials, please contact the ACO Building Drainage Helpline on 01462 816666.
^`l=mfmbΔ pí~áåäÉëë=píÉÉä=máéÉïçêâ=póëíÉãë=^éäÉñ=t~ää=máéÉ=pÉ~äë


fåíêçÇìÅíáçå _ÉåÉÑáíë
ACO Building Drainage can supply bespoke  All stainless steel construction, pickle
penetration solutions to suit individual passivated for the ultimate in corrosion
applications where it is essential to provide resistance.
waterproof pipe penetrations in roof or ceiling
 Available in fully welded 304 or 316
grade stainless steel.

 Supplied with mechanical waterproof

membrane clamp.

 Single or multiple penetrations to suit

application as required.


Minimum distance
between the pipes 35mm

D1 D2



For alternative dimensions and materials, please contact the ACO Building Drainage Helpline on 01462 816666.
^`l=mfmbΔ pí~áåäÉëë=píÉÉä=máéÉïçêâ=póëíÉãë=^éäÉñ=t~ää=máéÉ=pÉ~äë

^`l=mfmbΔ pí~áåäÉëë=píÉÉä=máéÉïçêâ=póëíÉãë=^éäÉñ=t~ää=máéÉ=pÉ~äë

^`l=mfmbΔ pí~áåäÉëë=píÉÉä=máéÉïçêâ=póëíÉãë=^éäÉñ=t~ää=máéÉ=pÉ~äë


ACO Water Management

Civils + Infrastructure
Urban + Landscape

ACO Building Drainage

ACO Technic

ACO Sport

ACO Wildlife


A division of ACO Technologies plc

ACO Business Centre
Caxton Road
MK41 0LF
Tel: 01462 816666
Fax: 01462 851490




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