The Book: 8 Easy Steps To Your True Bra Size

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Some key takeaways are that most women wear the wrong bra size, fitting is important for support and appearance, and the guide will show you how to find your true size in 8 easy steps.

The 8 easy steps guide shows you how to use your existing bra, a mirror and your own judgement to find your true bra size by going through 8 fitting clues.

Common fitting issues mentioned are wearing a bra that is too small in the cup and loose around the body, which can cause bulging, lumps, skin irritation and bad posture.

The Bra Book 8 Easy Steps To Your True Bra Size

 The Bra Book 8 Easy Steps To Your True Bra Size

The Bra Book 8 Easy Steps To Your True Bra Size
Over 70 per cent of women wear the wrong size bra.
I was one of them. Not knowing how the bra sizing system worked, I had
been wearing 36 and 38 Bs and Cs in an attempt to get a cup size big enough.
I remember being fitted in the correct bra – a 34DD – for the first time at 17.
It was as if I had been let into a secret.
There are so many styles and bra sizes out there it can be daunting. But there is
no reason why you should not be able to find your correct size or know how a
bra should fit. In this fitting guide, we’ll show you how to replace the traditional
tape measure with something far more reliable – your existing bra, a mirror and,
most important of all, your own judgement – to find your true bra size in just
eight easy steps.
Kate Horrell
Head of Sizing,

About Kate
As’s head of sizing, Kate spends much of her day fitting women in our dedicated
fitting lab as part of her ongoing research into bra sizing. Before joining, Kate spent
four years working as a pattern cutter and grader for some of the major bra suppliers to the high
Credits street and top designer brands. A fashion design graduate, Kate trained at DeMontfort University,
Research: Kate Horrell, Philippa Bloom
Words: Jo Jeffery, Susannah Barron Leicester, which is the only university in the world offering degree courses in lingerie design.
Art: Samantha Evans

 The Bra Book 8 Easy Steps To Your True Bra Size © All The Bra Book content copyright
4 Why we care
6 Why we want to break with tradition
8 What a correct fitting bra looks like
10 The recommended way to put on a bra
14 Our eight fitting clues
23 The bra sizing chart
24 Changes in bra sizes
26 Your bra and your lifestyle
30 The bra deconstructed
32 Caring for your bra
34 Styles of bra

38 Defining moments in bra history

The Bra Book 8 Easy Steps To Your True Bra Size 

Why we care
Finding the right bra shape and, more importantly,
the right size can be a life changing experience.
It’s well known that 70 per cent of women are wearing the wrong bra size.
The most common mistake we come across is wearing a bra that is too
small in the cup and too loose around the body, for instance a 36B instead
of a 34D, or a 40C instead of a 38DD. This not only gives poor support
and causes bulging necklines and lumps under fitted tops, but it can also
lead to skin irritation and bad posture and sometimes cause the underwire
to pinch into delicate breast tissue.
Philippa (right), one of our bra fit experts, assists our model

Until you find your correct fitting bra, you can’t

imagine how good it looks and feels.

What will it do for you? Work through our fitting clues and you are likely
to find out that you are slimmer and have more cleavage than you thought,
while if you have a full figure, you’ll achieve a neater silhouette and more
defined waist that makes you look lighter. Either way, the aim is to feel and
look better, and to find a bra so comfortable that you will almost forget
that you are wearing one at all.

 The Bra Book 8 Easy Steps To Your True Bra Size

Elizabeth, like many women, was wearing a bra that was too big in the band and too small in the cup.

before AFTER
Elizabeth arrived at our fitting studio in a 36C bra which was
riding up at the back and offered little support, causing her
to hunch forward.

before AFTER

Bra band riding up Bra band in correct position

After being fitted, she emerged a taller, more confident 32E.

In the correct bra not only are her breasts properly supported,
but her torso looks longer and her posture is better – you can
Unsupported posture Posture corrected
really see the difference it makes under her everyday clothes.

The Bra Book 8 Easy Steps To Your True Bra Size 

Why we want to
break with tradition
Forget about the classic measuring
system. It works, for some, but it’s far
from reliable.
Manufacturers developed the bra sizing system over 70
years ago, and body shapes – and our understanding of
them – have changed a great deal since then. Also, it was
never intended for larger cup sizes. The classic bra sizing
system was designed for cup sizes A to D. We now have
cups up to a JJ and the same rules don’t work at both
ends of the scale.

You have to be wearing a bra in order to be measured, but

you won’t get an accurate measurement if you are wearing
the wrong size bra in the first place. If you are wearing a
bra that emphasises or reduces the protrusion of your
breasts, for example, you will get a different measurement.
This is particularly the case for larger cup sizes.

 The Bra Book 8 Easy Steps To Your True Bra Size

The classic system also ignores the shape of the ribcage.
If, for example, you have broad shoulders that taper to
a small waist, you might end up with too large a cup size
since the cup measurement won’t take your wider ribcage
into account, attributing too much volume to the breasts.

The classic bra sizing system was designed for

cup sizes A to D. We now have cups up to a JJ.

So if the classic measuring system doesn’t work, what’s

the alternative? The good news is you don’t need to
consult an ‘expert’ or leave the comfort and convenience
of your own home to establish your correct size. You
are the expert. Follow our simple steps while trying on
your favourite bra in front of a mirror and you should get
a clear indication of whether the size you are wearing is
correct. If not, the Bra Sizing Chart on page
23 will help you to work out your best fit.

The Bra Book 8 Easy Steps To Your True Bra Size 

What a correct fitting
bra looks like
Correct fitting bra (front)
•1 Centre front sits flat against the body.
•2 Underwire sits flat against the ribcage.
•3 Breast tissue is completely encased in underwire.
•4 Underwire follows the natural crease of the breast.
•5 Cup fits with no bulging or gaping at the top. 3

1 4

 The Bra Book 8 Easy Steps To Your True Bra Size


Correct fitting bra (back)

•6 Straps are parallel or slightly 6
v shaped at the back.
•7 Band is level all the way round,
without riding up at the back.
•8 Underband is nice and snug. 7
•9 Straps do not dig into the 8

Kate’s tip: “When your bra fits correctly and provides the right support,
your nipple should be half way between your shoulder and your elbow.”

When you lift your arms the band should not move

The Bra Book 8 Easy Steps To Your True Bra Size 

The recommended way
to put on a bra
Step one
Lean in. Adjust the straps to their maximum
length (you’ll shorten them later) and slip your
arms through.

Lean forward into the cups, hook up the bra at

the back if you can (if not, fasten the bra at the
front and then turn it around, taking care not to
strain the elastics, before leaning in) and put the
straps on your shoulders.

10 The Bra Book 8 Easy Steps To Your True Bra Size

Step two
Adjust the bra. To do this slip a hand into the cup
and lift the breast while holding the wire in the
correct position with the other hand.

Where should it sit? Look at the natural crease

of the breast – the wire should fit along the crease
where your breast begins while remaining on the
ribcage so that it doesn’t pinch the breast tissue.

The Bra Book 8 Easy Steps To Your True Bra Size 11

Step three
The Jiggle: Hold the wires under the breasts,
lean forward and gently shake the bra to the left
and right. Your breasts will fall into the cup and sit
higher when you stand up straight.

12 The Bra Book 8 Easy Steps To Your True Bra Size

Step four
Adjust the straps. Remember that it’s the bra band
that provides most of a bra’s support – not the
straps. The straps should therefore support the
breast lightly without putting too much pressure
on the shoulders; otherwise, the back of the bra
will ride up and affect your posture.

Drop the strap off your shoulder so that you can

reach the adjusters from the side (or ask someone
to help you). You only need to do this once, and the
strap length will be right every time.

The Bra Book 8 Easy Steps To Your True Bra Size 13

Our eight fitting clues
Ready? Now it’s time to put on your favourite bra, stand in front of the mirror
– or, better still, ask a friend to help you – and start looking for clues.
Lift up your arms to see if the underband is tight enough.
Check that the underwire is still sitting on the body and
that the band is not riding up at the back – if it’s riding up,
this might mean that your band is too big. It should sit in a
straight horizontal line across your back.
If you are still unsure, here’s how to judge: the underband
should fit firmly against the body so that it does not slide
around or move away from the chest as you go about
your daily activities.

Kate’s tip: “If you are afraid that wearing your bra band
tighter will create a ‘back fat bulge’, try wearing the back band
an inch lower than the front. It will sit on the smaller part of
your body and create less of a bulge. Wider side wings are more
flattering under a fitted top as they create less of a bulge.”
Back of bra riding up

14 The Bra Book 8 Easy Steps To Your True Bra Size

The underband of a bra provides the majority
(80 per cent) of support for the breasts, with the straps
providing just 20 per cent. If the bra straps are digging
in it could be because the underband is too loose and
the straps are doing most of the work to support the
bust – so in this case we recommend that you try a
smaller band size. Alternatively, you may just need to
loosen the straps.

Kate’s tip: “Wearing too big a back band is one

of the most common mistakes that we see. Many
people confuse the back measurement with breast
size, incorrectly thinking, for instance, that a 36 or
38 must be busty. Your dress size can be a helpful
guide – if you are a 10 or a 12, for example, you
are unlikely to need a 36 bra.”
Shoulder straps digging in

The Bra Book 8 Easy Steps To Your True Bra Size 15

Look at your back straps: they should either be parallel
to each other, or converge in a slight V-shape at the back.
It they are too far apart at the back (an upside down
V), it could mean that your bra band is too small and
overstretching. It is possible, however, that this is simply
the design of the bra, so look for other clues such as the
back band digging in uncomfortably.

Back band overstretched and digging into the body

16 The Bra Book 8 Easy Steps To Your True Bra Size

Have a look at the underwire at the front of the bra.
Does it lie just under the breast, or is it being pulled
further down your ribcage? If the underwire is being
dragged down to where your ribcage is slightly narrower,
this is a sign that you are wearing too small a band size.
It is possible that you have not put your bra on correctly
– check that the underwire cannot be pulled up any higher.

Kate’s tip: “The underband must not be so tight

that it causes discomfort or restricts movement.
If this happens it is too tight.”

Bra band is too low to offer support

The Bra Book 8 Easy Steps To Your True Bra Size 17

The centre front should lie flat against the body. If it
doesn’t, this could be a sign that the cups are too small,
causing the breasts to push the centre front away.

Shadowing indicates bra is standing away from the body

due to the cups being too small

18 The Bra Book 8 Easy Steps To Your True Bra Size

Look at the sides of the cups – it’s important that the
breast is completely encased by the underwire. Is there
any underwire digging into the breast tissue? If so, you
might well need a larger cup size.
There is also a possibility that the underband is too
tight and pulling the wire so tightly against the chest
that it becomes distorted and no longer follows the
natural crease of your breasts. This in turn can cause
the wire to dig into the bottom and side of the breast.
If you find the correct underband size to begin with,
you can eliminate this as a possibility.

Kate’s tip: “Bra manufacturers use different

wires to create different styles of bra. So, if your
bra fits well in all the areas outlined in this guide
but the wire is still digging in, it could just be the
wrong bra for you.”

Breast tissue bulging out of the sides of the bra

The Bra Book 8 Easy Steps To Your True Bra Size 19

Does any breast tissue bulge out at the top of the cup?
This means the cup is too small.

Kate’s tip: “If you are unsure try a t-shirt on

over the top of the bra and walk towards the
mirror. The t-shirt will show up any bulges
over the top of the cup.”

Breast tissue bulging over the top of the cup

20 The Bra Book 8 Easy Steps To Your True Bra Size

If there are creases in your cups you might want to try
going down a cup size.
If, however, the cup fits snugly everywhere but is gaping
where the cup meets the strap, it could be that the bra is
finishing too high up the chest for you. Some people are
more hollow in this area than others, so square necklines
that finish lower down on the chest – as in a balconette,
for example – are better.

Cups are too baggy

The Bra Book 8 Easy Steps To Your True Bra Size 21

Different sized breasts
Do you have one breast bigger than the other? This is
very common – most women have one breast around
half a size bigger than the other; for some, there is more
of a difference.
If you have one breast bigger than the other, a non-
moulded bra might be the best style for you as it is
more adaptable and forgiving than a t-shirt moulded bra.

Kate’s tip: “It’s important to always fit the

bigger breast – tighten the other strap slightly
to avoid the cup with the smaller breast
sagging. And don’t forget that you can always
lightly pad the smaller breast.”

Fit the larger breast first

22 The Bra Book 8 Easy Steps To Your True Bra Size

The Bra Sizing Chart ®
If you have worked through our fitting clues, you should now have a fair idea of
whether you need to try a different size of cup or underband – or even both.
It’s important to understand that the band size and What does this mean in practice? Well, if, for example,
the cup size work together. One of the most common you are currently wearing a 36DD and you want to go
misconceptions is that a D cup is always bigger than a down a band size but keep the same cup, you will need
C or B cup. In fact, a bra’s cup size is dependent on its a 34E, not a 34DD, to accommodate your breasts.
band size – so a 32D holds the same volume as a 34C
If, on the other hand, you are wearing the correct band
and a 36B.
size but wish to try a different a cup size, all you need
to do to is move up or down a letter size.
It is a good idea to establish your correct band size
first before moving on to the cups. Be prepared for
your true size to surprise you. Even if you think of
yourself as ‘busty’, this does not always translate to a
bigger band size – the volume of your breast is all in
the cup size. For example, people often think that
32D 34C 36B Katie Price’s size is somewhere in the region of a
36DD because 36 is thought to be a large bra size; in
The cup size is exactly the same on all three models
fact, she is a 30G. This is almost the same cup size but
a smaller band size.

The Bra Book 8 Easy Steps To Your True Bra Size 23

Changes in bra sizes
Confident that your bra fits correctly? Don’t forget that your size is likely
to change over time. Here’s when to double check that your bra still fits.

• When you lose or gain weight. If your dress size

has changed (and even if it hasn’t), don’t forget
about your bra size – it’s even more sensitive to
weight fluctuations. If you gain or lose more
than 7lbs or so, follow our eight point guide.

• If your body shape changes. Even if your weight

remains the same, your proportions can change –
if you start a new gym routine, for example.

• During your monthly cycle. It’s possible to gain a

whole cup size when you’re menstruating, and you
might need a different bra for those days when
your breasts are quite tender – you don’t want
to squeeze them into a too-small bra.

24 The Bra Book 8 Easy Steps To Your True Bra Size

• When you’re pregnant – and beyond. Your breasts
will start to swell in the first weeks of pregnancy and
then again when you start to breast-feed. When you
stop breastfeeding, they’ll change size yet again.

• As you lose muscle tone and elasticity in your

skin – as you age, for example, or when you stop
breastfeeding. You might need to try a different style
of bra – a half cup, say, instead of a full cup if you have
lost muscle tone in the upper half of the bust.

• If you start taking the pill or HRT. Any hormonal

medication can have an effect on your bra size.
If do you experience a change, it’s likely to be that
your breasts are bigger.

Even if none of the above applies to you,

we still recommend checking your bra size
every 12 months.

The Bra Book 8 Easy Steps To Your True Bra Size 25

Your bra and your lifestyle
To find the right bra, you’ll have to take into account not only your size but also your lifestyle
– there are times in your life when your regular bra won’t work for you. Do you really need a
special bra for pregnancy, sport, or post-mastectomy? Yes you do – and here’s why.
Women are often told to buy their maternity bras in
the fourth month of pregnancy; instead, we recommend
listening to your body and doing what is most comfortable
for you. For example, your breasts might start to feel
swollen well before the fourth month, so do be prepared
to invest in a few new maternity bras to accommodate
your changing shape as your pregnancy progresses.
Generally, though, a maternity bra should fit you on the
tightest hook when you buy it – you can loosen it,
or even buy bra extenders as you grow.
However many bras you need, comfort is always key.
Your breast tissue is growing and will be very delicate,
so underwired bras are best avoided if they haven’t been
specifically designed for pregnant women. (Underwired
maternity bras have a flexible wire that is longer than usual
– this means that the bra is wider at the sides to avoid the
underwire hitting your glands, which can cause mastitis.)

26 The Bra Book 8 Easy Steps To Your True Bra Size

What to look for? Comfortable, wide straps that don’t dig Post-mastectomy
in, as well as a breathable fabric or one with a high cotton
A post-mastectomy bra has pockets to accommodate
content to keep you cool. Don’t be afraid to try a sports bra
prostheses, of course, but that’s not all. Some are designed to
– they are super-supportive.
cover irregularities at the underarm; others are higher at the
top to cover upper chest scars. Also important is that they
Kate’s tip: “The drop cup is not the only difference
are made from soft, breathable fabrics like moisture-wicking
between a maternity and nursing bra. A pre-natal microfibre for comfort.
bra is stretchy so that it can grow with you; a feeding
bra, on the other hand, is designed to be more Whenever you try on a bra, make sure you try it with
a prosthesis. If you have a prosthesis on one side, fit the
supportive, which means less stretch.”
other, intact, breast first. If, on the other hand, you’ve had
reconstructive surgery, fit the reconstruction first.
A nursing or feeding bra is so called because it has cups
that drop open to allow your baby access for breastfeeding.
Best time to buy? In the 36th week of pregnancy. When you Kate’s tip: “As well as a specific post-
buy your nursing bra, it should fit you on the loosest hook mastectomy bra, a soft cup bra with high
– your back size might well get smaller after the birth, so sides, a high centre gore and a stretchy upper
tighten it as you go along. And don’t worry if it looks a little cup can also take a prosthesis.”
generous in the cups – your breasts will grow as your milk
comes in, and nursing bras are designed to cater for this.

The Bra Book 8 Easy Steps To Your True Bra Size 27

First bra
First bras, or teen bras, are designed for teenagers whose
busts are still developing. It’s important to fully support
your breasts even from a young age, since any loss of
elasticity is impossible to regain later.
What to look for? Avoid wearing underwired bras, which
can restrict growing breast tissue, and make sure that your
breasts are fully contained inside the cups. Look for a bra
that fits well when fastened on the tightest hook – that
way, you’ll still have room to grow into it.

28 The Bra Book 8 Easy Steps To Your True Bra Size

Breast awareness
We all know that it’s important to check your breasts
regularly but how many of us actually do it? It doesn’t have
to be complicated. According to Breast Cancer Care, the
UK’s leading provider of breast cancer information and
support, it’s simply a question of getting to know how
your breasts look and feel normally so that you notice
any changes quickly and report them to your doctor. 
While most changes will be benign, early detection can
mean more effective treatment if cancer is found.  There
is no set way to check your breasts and you don’t have to
look and feel at the same time but you should find time to
do it regularly.

The breast awareness 5-point code:
Anyone with breast cancer or breast health concerns • Know what is normal for you.
can call the Breast Cancer Care freephone helpline • Know what changes to look and feel for.
on 0808 800 6000 (for Typetalk prefix 18001)  • Look and feel.
or visit • Report any changes to your GP without delay.
• Attend routine breast screening if you are aged 50 or over.

The Bra Book 8 Easy Steps To Your True Bra Size 29

The bra deconstructed
Have you ever wondered what bra manufacturers mean
when they talk about ‘wings’, ‘slings’ or ‘centre gores’?
Here’s our jargon-busting guide to all the pieces that make up a bra – this can
range from 10 pieces for a very basic style to 48 for the most complicated.


8 5
7 6 9
10 4

30 The Bra Book 8 Easy Steps To Your True Bra Size

The apex is the part of the bra where the strap joins the cup. A cradle helps position the wires and cups securely against
the chest. Many women therefore find bras with cradles
more comfortable to wear.
The strap keeps the cup in place but should not take the
main weight of the breast. 8. SLING
Some bras incorporate a sling into the inner cup to provide
additional support to the side of the breast to stop it from
The adjuster is used to tighten or loosen the strap
spreading out to the side. It is popular to use a sling in cups
accordingly. Its position on the strap can vary and depends
for larger breasts or for any size when the outer fabric is too
on the design of the bra.
delicate to provide enough support on its own.
You can usually fasten a bra on the first, second or third hook and
The wings, when fastened at the back, not only secure the
eye. We recommend that when you buy a new bra, it fits snugly
bra to the body but also pull the wires into position to sit
when fastened on the loosest hook and eye. This is because your
around the breast.
bra will stretch over time and you will need to use the middle and
tightest hooks to keep it firm later on. 10. UNDERBAND / BOTTOM BAND
The underband or bottom band runs along the bottom of
5. CUP
the bra and anchors the bra to the body. It should fit snugly
The cup is the part of the bra that supports the breast.
against the body, providing the majority of the support for
The bottom part of the cup is often lined for extra support.
the breasts.
The centre front or centre gore is the piece of the bra
that fits flat against the chest in between the breasts. It is
sometimes part of a cradle.

The Bra Book 8 Easy Steps To Your True Bra Size 31

Caring for your bra
Why does a bra need extra care?
Your bra might look delicate, but it is very hard working.
This is why lingerie manufacturers select fabrics not just
because they look pretty but for their technical qualities too
– softness or elasticity, for example. The more careful you
are with your bra, the longer it will retain these qualities.
Can’t I just throw it in the washing machine with
everything else?
Well, you can (unless it’s made of a special fabric like silk)
but it won’t last nearly as long. The biggest problem is
that a machine wash can stretch the elastic in a bra, and
there’s a good chance that it won’t recover. Three more
good reasons why you should avoid the washing machine:

• The underwire could come out of its casing and

damage your machine.
• Wash a moulded t-shirt bra in the machine and you
could crinkle the foam that gives it shape.
• Hooks and eyes can get caught in – and damage –
any embroideries.

32 The Bra Book 8 Easy Steps To Your True Bra Size

If I do use a machine, how can I minimise any damage? How should I store my bras?
Wash your bras inside a laundry bag – it’s also a good idea Storing your lingerie properly will help keep it looking good
to fasten them first so that there’s less chance of the hooks for longer. T-shirt bras need special attention: you can fold
catching on any lace or embroideries. Set your machine to a them in half and put one cup inside the other, or stack them
delicates cycle on the lowest temperature, and drip dry. side by side, but whatever you do, take care not to dent the
cup shape by stuffing them into a drawer. Make extra room
Can I dry a bra in the tumble drier?
by folding your non moulded underwired bras in the centre
No. Even on a low heat setting, the temperature will damage and stacking them vertically one next to the other.
any elastane in the fabric. And if you dry a padded bra in
the tumble drier, the padding is likely to shrink and create
wrinkles. Result? A less than smooth t-shirt bra.
Any hand washing tips?
Wash your bras in cold water, using a delicates detergent.
Drip dry – most bras are made from delicate or synthetic
fabrics that dry quickly – and don’t wring them out.
If I look after my bra properly, then, how long should
it last?
Properly looked after, an everyday bra should last up to
two years. Try not to wear the same bra two days in a row
– alternate your bras to give the fabric time to recover.

The Bra Book 8 Easy Steps To Your True Bra Size 33

Styles of bra
We recommend building a bra wardrobe −
a small stock of everyday bras, a speciality bra,
a sports bra and a special occasion set. Here
is our glossary of styles available.
Push-up bra
A push-up bra is designed to push your breasts inwards
and upwards to create a better cleavage under those
plunging necklines.

A balconette is a sexy style of bra with a low neckline that
goes straight across the bust. It has wide set straps for a
square neckline. The cups are seamed to push the bust
upwards to give a shelf like appearance similar to the look
created by a corset. Balconette bra

34 The Bra Book 8 Easy Steps To Your True Bra Size

So called because the cup is moulded from a single piece
of foam or fabric – so that it’s seamless.

Moulded bra T-shirt

Like a moulded bra, a t-shirt bra’s cups are seamless.
What makes it a t-shirt bra is the thickness: a t-shirt bra
has a level of padding to ensure that your nipples do not
show through when you’re wearing a figure hugging top.

Half cup
Lingerie manufacturers do not always agree on what
makes a half cup bra but as a general rule, it’s one where
T-shirt bra the cup stops just above the nipple. It is generally more
suitable for a smaller cup but larger cup brands are
becoming increasingly skilled at creating supportive bras
that give a good impression of a half cup.

Bra Book 8 Easy Steps To Your True Bra Size 35

Half cup bra
Soft cup or soft bra
A soft cup bra is one without an underwire. Maternity and
sports bras tend to be soft cups, and soft cups are also a
good solution for teenagers who can’t wear underwired
bras while they are still growing, as well as for some larger
cup size women who cannot find an underwired bra to fit.

Minimiser Soft cup or soft bra

Minimiser bras are designed with a specific need in mind:

if you take a larger cup size, how do you deal with those
gaping tops? A minimiser bra flattens the breast tissue so
that your breasts do not protrude so much – and you can
do up your shirt buttons.

Minimiser bra

36 The Bra Book 8 Easy Steps To Your True Bra Size

Indispensable under tricky tops, a strapless bra deserves a
place in every wardrobe. It’s important to get the tension
right: too loose, and it won’t give enough support; too
tight and it will pull itself down the ribcage.
Strapless bra
The breasts are supported by the Coopers ligaments,
which stretch when you exercise. This can cause them
to sag – and once this happens, they will never recover.
A good sports bra, however, can cut breast movement
by over 50 per cent. Look for seamless cups and
cushioned fastenings to stop the bra chafing against your
skin, while moisture-wicking fabrics help keep you cool.
As for support, look for wide, non-stretch straps.
Sports bra

Full cup
Again, lingerie manufacturers don’t always agree on what
makes a full cup, but a full cup bra is generally one where
the cups cover the entire breast.

Full cup bra

The Bra Book 8 Easy Steps To Your True Bra Size 37
Defining moments in bra history
1907 1928
Kestos bra advert 1937 © The Illustrated London News Picture Library

The word ‘brassiere’ Russian immigrant Ida Rosenthal and her husband William
first appears in found Maidenform in the US. In years to come she will
American Vogue. pioneer the idea of different cup sizes for different women, as
well as patenting a bra strap fastener.
‘Brassiere’ enters 1935
the Oxford English Warner’s creates the cup sizing system.
1913 Howard Hughes anticipates the future of lingerie when he
designs a seamless, push-up bra for Jane Russell to wear
American socialite Mary Phelps Jacob buys a sheer evening
under a tight silk blouse in The Outlaw. It is, however, denied a
dress. Not wanting to wear a corset under it, she fashions
place in fashion history when Jane Russell later claims that she
her own underwear from two silk handkerchiefs and some
never wore it.
ribbon. She is granted the first US patent for the brassiere
the following year.
1925 Canadian company Canadelle invents the Wonderbra,
designed to ‘lift and separate’ the bust. It’s still causing a stir
Enter the shaped bra: the Kestos bra, fashioned from two
30 years later when Eva Herzigova stars in the ‘Hello Boys’
triangular pieces of fabric, has elastic shoulders, a crossover
ad campaign.
back, and buttons at the front to create two distinct cups.
A commercial success, it still looks modern today.

38 The Bra Book 8 Easy Steps To Your True Bra Size

Anne Bancroft Madonna

George Chin/
Kobal/EMBASSY/The Kobal

1967 1990
Anne Bancroft reveals her lace bra in Underwear-as-outerwear: Jean Paul Gaultier creates a conical bra
The Graduate – and a generation swoons. for Madonna’s Blonde Ambition tour. It’s a defining fashion moment.

1977 1997
Hinda Miller, Lisa Lindahl and Polly Smith sew Italian manufacturer Santoni develops a circular knitting machine
two jockstraps together and call it the Jogbra. that allows a bra to be knitted all in one go, instead of separate
The sports bra is invented. pieces needing to be cut and sewn together. This leads to today’s
increasingly popular seamless, tagless bras.

The Bra Book 8 Easy Steps To Your True Bra Size 39

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