Civic 8B (Final Test)
Civic 8B (Final Test)
Civic 8B (Final Test)
Name :____________
Grade :____________
1. Tri Koro Darmo was formed to increase knowledge and awaken Javanese culture and
language, by carrying out three main objectives namely ....
A. sakti, budi, bakti
B. ing ngarsa sung tuladha, ing madya mangun karsa,tut wuri handayani
C. sakti, budi, pati
D. budi, wani, sakti
2. The values that can be taken from the Youth Pledge event are ....
A. Bravery
B. Unity
C. Honesty
D. Responsible
3. The meaning of the Youth Pledge for the life of the Indonesian people today is ....
A. Become a historical event that has already passed
B. The binding and unifying the nation in the midst of differences
C. Important momentum in the effort to achieve independence
D. A reminder of the struggles of youth in the past
4. "We, the sons and daughters of Indonesia, claim to be one nation, the nation of
Indonesia". The statement shows the existence of ....
A. The desire to be part of the Indonesian nation
B. A feeling of nationality that animates young people
C. Determination against all forms of western colonialism
D. Desire to realize independence
5. Budi Utomo from the words Budi and Utomo, which means ...
A. perilaku dan baik
B. tingkah laku dan terpuji
C. perilaku dan luhur
D. tingkah laku dan baik
6. The birth of a national organization in Indonesia has an influence on the changing
shape of the struggle of the Indonesian people, namely ....
A. Does not depend on one leader
B. Using traditional weaponry
C. Regional local
D. Not using diplomatic struggle tactics.
7. The birth of national organizations in Indonesia is influenced by internal and external
factors, below which including external factors are ....
A. The influence of Turkish power in Indonesia
B. Japan's victory over Russia in 1905
C. The emergence of various nationalities in various countries
D. Indonesia has good relations with various countries
8. The figure of the national revival which was the originator of the idea of forming the
Budi Utomo organization was ....
A. Dr. Soetomo
B. R.T. Tirtokusumo
C. Wahidin Sudirohusodo
D. dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo
9. Efforts to foster the spirit of national unity and unity have been carried out by the
Indonesian people today. The following are included in the national historical events
of the Indonesian people which are able to foster a spirit of national unity, except ...
A. the proclamation of independence
B. Youth Pledge
C. National Awakening
D. Tritura Action
10. The beginning of the awakening of the spirit of unity and unity as well as nationalism
of the Indonesian people is marked by ...
A. The Birth of Budi Utomo
B. The fall of the New Order Regime
C. the proclamation of independence
D. The Youth Pledge was created
11. National events that are able to move the unity and integrity of the nation so as to
create the feeling of being a countryman, compatriots, and speaking one are ...
A. Youth Pledge
B. National Awakening
C. National Movement
D. the proclamation of independence
12. In the context of maintaining the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of
Indonesia in order to create unity and integrity, all Indonesian people should be able
to uphold the values of unity. These values are a reflection of the Pancasila values
contained in the precepts ...
A. First
B. Second
C. Third
D. Fifth
13. A brave and unyielding attitude of someone who is shown willingly sacrificing for the
nation and state for the sake of the integrity of the country is referred to as ...
A. Patriotism
B. Chauvenism
C. Nationalism
D. Love the country
14. When there was an youth pledge, Indonesian youths were still in the face of the state
A. Portuguese
B. English
C. Dutch
D. Japan
15. The first youth congress is held
A. April 30-May 2, 1926
B. April 30-May 1, 1926
C. April 29-May 2, 1926
D. April 28-May 1, 1926
16. Chairman of the Youth Congress I is
A. M. Yamin
B. M. Tabrani
C. M. Yusup
D. M. Hatta
17. The organization that became the Initiator of youth Congress II Indonesian
A. communist party Indonesian
B. Association Indonesian Students
C. Association Indonesian
D. National Party
18. Chairman of the Youth Congress II is
A. M. Yamin
B. Ir. Sukarno
C. Muh.Hatta
D. Sugondo Djoyopuspito
26. The Indonesian Student Association is an organization which is the initiator of the
Youth Congress II, which aims to unite Indonesian youth. Nowadays organizations in
the community that have similar goals to the Indonesian Student Association
organizations are ...
A. Student council
B. Karang taruna
C. Karangturi Green
D. Young Patriot
27. What distinguishes the Indonesian Student Association and the Indische Vereniging
organization is ...
A. Chairman
B. Function
C. The place
D. The principle
28. Below are actions that can enhance the unity and integrity of youth in the community
A. Youth members work together to help flood victims
B. Following the youth oath commemoration ceremony at school
C. Working together to clean the school environment
D. Help you complete your homework
29. With the spirit of youth oath we must love our homeland with
A. Developing regional culture
B. Upholding Bhinneka Tunggal Ika
C. Maintaining a drug-free environment
D. Report to the authorities if they find corruption
30. The influence of youth oaths October 28, 1928 is
A. Generating national awareness
B. Generating regional enthusiasm
C. The Netherlands is lenient with Indonesian fighters
D. Speed up the process of Indonesian independence
31. Actions that we can emulate from Ir. Soekarno in relation to youth pledge was
A. Having the nature of patriotism
B. Have a passion to unite Indonesian youth
C. Have a passion to encourage young people to excel in their fields
D. Have the awareness to help others.
32. Excerpt from Ir Soekarno "give me 10 young people I will raise the mountain and I
will change 100 young people the world". The sentence above implies that youth are
the backbone of the nation. Youth actions reflecting the backbone of the nation are
A. Be very open about globalization
B. Develop an attitude of chauvinism
C. Develop an attitude of cosmopolitism
D. Achievers to make the nation proud
33. The meaning of the second sentence in the youth oath is
A. Upholding the principle of "united homeland and my Indonesia".
B. Indonesian as a unifier.
C. Indonesian youths pledge together
D. The unification of the Indonesian tribes
34. The following are avoided in national and state life, i.e.
A. Respect other tribes
B. Watching other regional cultural performances
C. Studying regional culture
D. Fighting because of different tribes or regions
35. Motto of Unity in Diversity means different but one nevertheless. The relationship
that can be attributed to the Youth Pledge is
A. The youth pledge was a milestone in the beginning of the struggle
B. The youth pledge becomes a milestone in the formation of a sense of unity
C. The youth held a congress based on Unity in Diversity
D. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika is the motto of Indonesian youth
36. Consider the following statement
(1) Don't like to make trouble
(2) Immediately interrupt a fighting friend
(3) Don't like to talk about your friends negatively
The statement is a form of practice of the Youth Pledge which contains value
A. Harmony
B. Mutual cooperation
C. Love the motherland
D. Peace in love
37. The following are not the implementation / application of the values of youth oaths in
Bhinneka Tunggal Ika
A. Participate in learning and introducing local culture to outside tourists
B. Following the Independence Day of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia
C. Complete group assignments together with regional friends
D. Respect friends with different opinions
38. Jeremy is a child who is obedient to parents and has a disciplined attitude. He always
completes the assignments given by his parents and always does the assignments
given by the teacher well. Jeremy's attitude is a form of practicing the Youth Pledge,
which is ...
A. harmony value
B. the value of patriotism
C. the value of patriotism
D. Value of Responsibility
39. Julio is a child who likes to defend his friend who is being bullied and interferes with
friends who are fighting. Julio's action was a form of practicing the Youth Oath,
namely ...
A. harmony value
B. the value of patriotism
C. the value of patriotism
D. Value of Responsibility
40. The Indonesian founding fathers who were born in Bukittinggi on 12 August 1902 are
A. Muhammad Yamin
B. Soekarno
C. Muhammad Hatta
D. Sutan Syahrir
41. The organization founded by Sukarno during the national movement was ....
A. Indische Partij
B. Indonesian National Party
C. Islamic union
D. Indonesian Association
42. The youths vowed that they claimed one blood, namely ...
A. Javanese homeland
B. homeland of Indonesia
C. homeland of Sumatra
D. homeland of Sulawesi
43. Internal factors driving the emergence of the Indonesian national movement are ....
A. Japan's victory over Russia in 1905
B. the emergence of educated groups
C. the development of liberalism
D. nationalism movements in India and China
44. Sukarno's commitment and struggle for independence led to Sukarno being arrested
and on 30 December 1929 Sukarno was thrown into ...
A. Banceuy prison Bandung
B. Nusakambangan prison
C. Boven Digul
D. Bandaneira
45. The positive attitude that needs to be manifested in order to fill and maintain the
proclamation of Indonesia's independence is ...
A. the spirit challenges foreign domination in all forms
B. the spirit can stand the pain and stand the test
C. the spirit of unity and oneness
D. the opportunist spirit that is always selfish
46. The following are not included in the form of mutual cooperation in interpreting the
spirit of nationalism to strengthen the Republic of Indonesia in the school
environment is ....
A. clean the classroom
B. help friends work on exam questions
C. help a friend who is affected by disaster
D. help the teacher tidy up the exam room
47. The following are not behaviors that show the spirit of nationalism in the family
A. forcefully ask parents for money
B. protect the good name of parents and family
C. maintain the integrity of the family
D. put the Red and White flag in front of the house on Independence Day
48. The threat to some regions is a threat to the whole region and is the responsibility of
the whole nation. This is the meaning of the Archipelago Insight as a whole .....
A. the economy
B. defense and security
C. political
D. social
49. Which is not a characteristic of the struggle of the Indonesian people in expelling
colonialism before the national awakening is ______
A. led by charismatic leaders
B. using traditional weapons
C. local and regional
D. led by scholars