Detailed Lesson Plan in TLE 9: Payapag National High School
Detailed Lesson Plan in TLE 9: Payapag National High School
Detailed Lesson Plan in TLE 9: Payapag National High School
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:
Notebook in ICT 9
b. Closing prayer
2.Classroom Management
Before you take your sit, Please pick (The students will pick the piece of trash
those pieces of trash under your chairs under their chairs and arrange their chairs)
and arrange your chair after picking the
3.Checking of Attendance
Before we start our new lesson, what is (Student raise their hands)
our last lesson all about?
Very Good, so can you give me the (Student raise their hands)
definition of Internet?
Ma’am, it is the largest computer network
(calls a student) in the world, connecting millions of
Very Good
Another, can you give me the two main Ma’am first is Local Area Network which
types of Computer Network? is the LAN, second is Wide Area Network
or what we called WAN.
B. Presentation
Okay, here is the first logo what is the (students raise their hands)
name of this logo?
That’s right, very good here is your prize. Thank you Ma’am.
Next, what is the name of this logo? (students raise their hands)
First, who do you think are the users of the (students raise their hands)
internet nowadays?
What do you think we’re doing when using (students raise their hands)
the internet?
If you’re using a mobile device, these are Ma’am what are the intelligent personal
some situations where it is convenient to assistants?
type a search engine. Instead, you can
simply talk to your device intelligent
personal assistant.
3. Social Network
4. Email
6. Shopping
7. Entertainment
Okay, it seems you all really understand, so (students raise their hands)
to sum it up can you give me at least three
uses of internet today.
Ma’am first to find information, second for
(calls a student) intelligent assistants, and third social
Very good, can anyone give me at least two (students raise their hands)
internet search engines?
(calls a student) 1.Google
Very well, another, can anyone give me at (students raise their hands)
least 3 social networks?
(calls a student) 1.Facebook
Very good, Nowadays, we used internet
and do a lot of things like communication,
finding job and more.
IV. Evaluation
II. Enumeration.
V. Assignment
Don’t include what we have been discussed for today; it should be computerized and
print it on letter size bond paper; to be passed on next meeting.
Prepared by:
Rita P. Tadlas