; UI String Data
; Record Format:
; <GroupID> : Index of string group - ranging from 0-#groups
; (It is most efficient to list the groups in sequential
; order without gaps)
; (-1 denotes end of file)
; <StringID> : Index of the string within the group ranging from 0-N
; (Each index must be unique within the string group)
; (It is most efficient to list the groups in sequential
; order without gaps)
; <String> : Character string
; BDBase (wizard & project data) - data status strings appended to tool tip
8, 0, " (undefined)" ; BDS_Undefined
8, 1, " (program default)" ; BDS_ProgDefault
8, 2, " (ruleset default)" ; BDS_RuleDefault
8, 3, " (ruleset library)" ; BDS_RuleLibrary
8, 4, " (ruleset value)" ; BDS_RuleDefined
8, 5, " (user default)" ; BDS_UserDefault
8, 6, " (user library)" ; BDS_UserLibrary
8, 7, " (user value)" ; BDS_UserDefined
8, 8, " (simulation result)" ; BDS_SimResult
; Miscellaneous UI Strings
10, 0, "Ready" ; Default status bar message
10, 1, "Wizard Warning" ; wizard warning messagebox dialog caption
; wizard warning message
; 10, 2, "The wizard inputs will be presented in the exact same form they were in
at the end of your last wizard session (if any)."
; 10, 3, " The wizard inputs will NOT reflect any modifications made to the
building model since the original"
; 10, 4, " building model was generated.\n\nTo avoid overwriting the existing
building model, modify the Project Name field in the first"
; 10, 5, " wizard dialog prior to selecting the 'Finish' button from the wizard.
If you do not modify the project name in the wizard, then"
; 10, 6, " the existing building model will be overwritten by the building model
generated from the wizard inputs.\n\nPress 'OK' to"
; 10, 7, " initiate the Building Wizard, or\npress 'Cancel' to return to the
existing project description."
10, 2, "WARNING - You are entering the Building Creation Wizard. Any changes"
10, 3, " you've made in the detailed interface MAY be lost if you press 'OK'."
10, 4, "\n\nIf you wish to retain the changes made in the detailed interface,
10, 5, " the project file upon entering the Wizard by modifying the Project Name"
10, 6, " field on the first Wizard Screen prior to pressing the 'Finish' button."
10, 7, "\n\nPress 'OK' to initiate the Building Creation Wizard, or\npress
'Cancel' to return to the existing project description."
10, 8, "Project:"
10, 9, "No Project Loaded"
10, 10, "The data just modified will cause the following " ; CMainFrm
10, 11, " error(s):\n\n " ; CMainFrm
10, 12, "This data modification will cause other values to change.\nPress OK to
10, 13, " all data modifications or\nCancel to restore the previous values."
10, 14, "You are attempting to alter the type of a building component imported
from a library. If you alter the component type, then the library linkage"
10, 15, " will be broken and the library supplied data will be defaulted. Press
OK to override the component type, or Cancel to abort this modification."
10, 16, "To alter the type of a building component which is linked to another, you
must first remove that linkage."
10, 17, "Component Linkage Found"
10, 18, "Library Linkage Found"
10, 19, "Error loading ScrnKey library information."
10, 20, "Error loading library component."
10, 21, "Error loading library link data."
10, 22, "Error creating BDL input file from wizard inputs!"
10, 23, "Error opening new project!"
10, 24, "Project and wizard components must exist prior to accessing the EEM Run
10, 25, " Energy Efficiency Measures (EEM) Wizard"
10, 26, "This EEM Details dialog is too large to display in your current screen
resolution mode (%dx%d vs. %dx%d).",
10, 27, "Energy Efficiency Measure Details"
10, 28, "%ld Bad Building Component(s)."
10, 29, "Building OK."
; EEM Run stuff
10, 30, "\n\nPress <OK> to fix the names via the EEM Run Wizard, or <Cancel> to
abort the simulation option."
10, 31, "EvaluateEEMWizardStuff() Failed."
10, 32, "Loading Simulation DLL"
10, 33, "Generating Simulation Input File - "
10, 34, "Error generating EEM run #%d simulation input file '%s'."
10, 35, "Reading Simulation Input File - "
10, 36, "%d error(s) found in the EEM run '%s' BDL input file."
10, 37, "Weather file '%s' not found. You must select an available weather file
before performing a simulation."
10, 38, "No weather file selected. You must select an available weather file
before performing a simulation."
10, 39, "%ld Bad Building Component(s) exist. You must fix these errors before
performing a simulation."
10, 40, "Writing Simulation Standard File"
10, 41, "Error: %ld standard file writing errors encountered."
10, 42, "Performing Simulation"
10, 43, "Run %d of %d: %s"
10, 44, "Simulation Progress"
10, 45, "%d Run(s) Completed Successfully\n"
10, 46, "%d Run(s) Terminated Due To Errors\n"
10, 47, "%d Run(s) Aborted By User\n"
10, 48, "\nPress 'Yes' to view summary results or 'No' to return to the main
screen." ; SAC 11/26/01 - no longer referenced
; Compliance Analysis strings
10, 49, "%ld Bad Building Component(s) found. All building components must pass
the basic error"
10, 50, " checking process before compliance analysis can be performed."
10, 51, "RuleProcRead() failed."
10, 52, "Compliance analysis result: PASSED"
10, 53, "Compliance analysis result: FAILED"
; More Misc CMainFrm strings
10, 54, "No errors found to list."
10, 55, "Confirm Data Modifications"
10, 56, "Maximum number of tracked modifications exceeded."
10, 57, "Component Copy Failed."
; Quick Menu (right mouse pop-up menu) item strings & error messages
10, 58, "&Item Help"
10, 59, "&Topic Help"
10, 60, "&Restore Default"
10, 61, "AppendMenu( ... ) Failed."
10, 62, "AppendMenu( Separator ) Failed."
; More Misc CMainFrm strings
10, 63, "Error loading recent file."
10, 64, "Error loading BDL Dialog definitions."
; More CPDTreeCtrl
10, 65, "Error loading tree data from file '%s'."
10, 66, "Error retrieving tree data for this module."
10, 67, "Create another "
10, 68, "&Properties..."
10, 69, "Create child "
10, 70, "Create "
10, 71, "Create Child Component"
10, 72, "&Delete..."
10, 73, "&Help"
10, 74, "AppendMenu( Create ... ) Failed."
10, 75, "AppendMenu( Properties ) Failed."
10, 76, "AppendMenu( Separator ) Failed."
10, 77, "unused" ; was "AppendMenu( Create a Copy ) Failed."
10, 78, "unused" ; was "AppendMenu( Create a Linked... ) Failed."
10, 79, "AppendMenu( Create Child... ) Failed."
10, 80, "AppendMenu( Delete ) Failed."
10, 81, "AppendMenu( Help ) Failed."
; CMainFrm strings having to do with switching user interface modes (wizard vs.
10, 82, "Switching to Wizard Data Edit mode will enable you to utilize the
building creation and/or EEM run wizards."
10, 83, " Any modifications you may have made to the detailed building
description will be lost if you either press"
10, 84, " the 'Finish' button from the building creation wizard or enter the EEM
run wizard."
10, 85, "Switching to Wizard Data Edit mode will enable you to re-enter the
building creation and/or EEM run wizards"
10, 86, " but will cause any modifications you may have made to the detailed
building description to be lost."
10, 87, "\n\nSelect YES to switch to Wizard Data Edit mode, or\nNO to remain in
the Detailed Data Edit mode."
10, 88, "Switching to Detailed Data Edit mode will enable you to edit the detailed
building description but will"
10, 89, " cause all EEM wizard information to be ignored."
10, 90, "\n\nSelect YES to switch to Detailed Data Edit mode, or\nNO to remain in
the Wizard Data Edit mode."
10, 91, "Only projects that were originally generated from wizard inputs allow re-
entry into the building create"
10, 92, " wizard.\nTo generate a new building description from the wizard, select
File - New from the menu bar."
10, 93, "You must select the 'Mode' menu bar option and switch modes to 'Wizard
Data Edit' if you wish to re-enter the building creation wizard."
10, 94, "Only projects that were originally generated from wizard inputs can
perform EEM runs.\nTo generate a new"
10, 95, " building description from the wizard, select File - New from the menu
10, 96, "You must select the 'Mode' menu bar option and switch modes to 'Wizard
Data Edit' if you wish to describe EEM runs."
10, 97, "You must select the 'Mode' menu bar option and switch modes to 'Detailed
Data Edit' if you wish to edit detailed building description data."
10, 98, "Data Edit Error"
10, 99, "Generating building description..."
10,100, "\nPress OK to restore the previous value(s), or\nCancel to proceed with
the data modification."
10,101, "Define &Link..."
10,102, "AppendMenu( Link ) Failed."
; CMainFrm strings having to do with modifying imported library components
10,103, "You have requested a change to a library component. Library components
cannot be edited, so performing this modification will cause this"
10,104, " component to become part of your project rather than being fetched from
the library upon project open. As a result, this component will"
10,105, " not benefit from any future library updates or fixes but otherwise this
action should not cause any problems with your project."
10,106, "\n\nPress OK to continue with the component modification, or Cancel to
abort this modification."
; Compliance Ruleset Load error strings
10,107, "Error setting up complinace ruleset symbol list."
10,108, "The compliance ruleset previously selected into this project was not
found.\nThe default ruleset (if any) will be installed instead."
; CMainFrm strings having to do with Navigation requiring component creation
10,109, "The following building component(s) must be created before this screen
can be displayed:\n "
10,110, "\n\nSelect OK to create the new building component(s), or Cancel to
prevent their creation."
10,111, " Navigation"
; CMainFrm strings having to do with Button Processing (optional list
10,112, "2 or more list items must exist before one can be removed."
10,113, "Error encountered while setting new last week schedule end day to 12/31."
10,114, "Error encountered while shifting list data to fill removed item(s)."
10,115, "Error encountered while relocating list data."
10,116, "Error encountered while shifting list data to create new item(s)."
10,117, "Error encountered while setting week schedule dates to accomodate
inserted week."
10,118, "Error encountered while adjusting week schedules to accomodate new week
; UI Ctrl strings having to do with modifying BDL DEFAULT library components
10,119, "You have requested a change to a default library component. Default
library components cannot be edited."
; Strings prompting user to perform straight sim or baseline/EEMs
10,120, "Press 'Yes' to perform a simulation on the existing building description
in memory.\n"
10,121, "Press 'No' to select which runs (baseline and/or any existing EEM runs)
to simulate."
; String prompting user whether or not to abort remaining simulations (after they
already aborted one)
10,122, "Would you like to abort all %d remaining simulations?"
; Strings to support the new Write Detailed Input feature
10,123, "Project must first be saved to a file."
10,124, " - Details.txt"
10,125, "Write Input Details "
10,126, "Succeeded."
10,127, "Failed."
10,128, "At least one BDL command must be selected for output."
; Compliance Reporting strings
10,129, "A compliance ruleset must be selected into the project data before
compliance analysis can be performed."
10,130, "A compliance ruleset must be selected into the project data and the
analysis must be performed before any compliance reports can be viewed."
10,131, "Compliance report '%s' not found. Compliance analysis must be peformed
prior to reviewing the output compliance report(s)."
10,132, "\n\nWould you like to perform the compliance analysis now?"
10,133, "The following compliance report was found:\n %s\n\nOnline review of
compliance reports stored in PDF format is not yet implemented."
10,134, " This report can however be viewed and/or printed using Adobe's free
Acrobat Reader which can be downloaded from their website at:\n "
10,135, "http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep.html"
10,136, "Press 'Yes' if you would like to install the compliance ruleset defaults
now or "
10,137, "'No' to wait until the compliance analysis is performed."
; PD2 application strings used to prompt user to confirm re-open of current project
10,138, "You are attempting to re-open a project that is already loaded."
10,139, " If you confirm this action, then all modifications made to the project
since it was last saved WILL BE LOST!"
10,140, "\n\nPress 'Yes' to re-open the current project, or 'No' to abort this
; Leading text for name of "blank" BDL components when no screens alternative
10,141, "Default "
; Added to alert user of impending data reset if action performed
10,142, "Data Modification Warning"
10,143, "WARNING - Changing the space's Schedule Type will cause all of this
space's Occupancy Types to get re-initialized."
10,144, "\n\nChoose 'Yes' to confirm the Schedule Type change, or 'No' to abort
the change."
; more Quick Menu (right mouse pop-up menu) item strings
10,145, "&View Default/Range..."
10,146, "&Edit/View User Default..."
; Batch processing results
10,147, "Batch Processing Results:"
10,148, " %d Record(s) Processed Successfully"
10,149, " %d Record(s) Terminated Due To Errors"
10,150, " %d Record(s) Aborted By User"
10,151, "\nWould you like to restore the original project data?"
10,152, "Storing hourly results..."
10,153, "Batch Processing Aborted on or following %d%s run."
; Save to Library option strings
10,154, "&Save to Library..."
10,155, "AppendMenu( Save to Library ) Failed."
10,156, "This component name has already been used.\nPlease pick another."
; Message to user upon failure to launch external reporting application
10,157, "Unable to launch external reporting application."
; Message to user when attempting to initiate feature that is only allowed in
Detailed mode
10,158, "You must select the 'Mode' menu bar option and switch modes to 'Detailed
Data Edit' in order to activate this feature."
; Pre-File Import message
10,159, "Would you like to pre-process this import file to ensure that it contains
only import-compatible commands and to filter out duplicate building components?"
10,160, "Import Pre-Processing Aborted by user."
10,161, "Import Pre-Processing Results:"
10,162, " %d Commands/Components Prepared for Import"
10,163, " %d Duplicate Components Skipped"
10,164, " %d Commands Skipped"
10,165, " %d Errors Encountered"
; Added below for the RunSimDlg to allow it to display both EEM and Parametric Run
10,166, "EEM Run Selection"
; Dialog Title text
10,167, "Place a check next to each EEM run you would like to have simulated."
; Long Text Comment
10,168, "EEM Runs:"
; Short Text Comment
10,169, "Parametric Run Selection"
; Dialog Title text
10,170, "Place a check next to each Parametric run you would like to have
simulated." ; Long Text Comment
10,171, "Parametric Runs:"
; Short Text Comment
; more Quick Menu (right mouse pop-up menu) item strings
10,172, "Edit/View User E&xpression..."
; Error message for when user tries to create a ZONE when no SPACEs are available
for assignment
10,173, "At least one Space component with no corresponding Zone must exist prior
to creating a new Zone."
; Simulation Complete dialog strings
10,174, "Simulation(s) Complete"
10,175, "View Summary Results/Reports..."
10,176, "View Detailed Simulation Output File..."
10,177, "Return to the Input Building Description"
10,178, "Detailed Simulation Output File(s)"
; Wizard SD to DD Conversion dialog strings
10,179, "Help"
10,180, "Store DD Wizard To New Project..."
10,181, "Convert Current Project to DD"
10,182, "Abort"
10,183, "Note the following wizard conversion warnings:"
10,184, "Store the resulting DD wizard information to a new project file"
10,185, "Modify the current project to utilize the DD wizard"
10,186, "Abort conversion to the DD wizard"
; Access to DD Wizard from SD Project strings
10,187, "The current project is configured to use the Schematic Design (SD) Wizard
but it is the Design Development (DD) Wizard"
10,188, " that is being invoked. Converting this project for use in the DD Wizard
will prevent the future use of the SD wizard"
10,189, " for this project.\n\nWould you like to convert this project for use with
the DD wizard and initiate that wizard?"
; Prevent deletion of PARAMETER commands
10,190, "Global parameters cannot be deleted within the user interface at this
10,191, "Cannot Delete Component"
; Warn user to check contents of latitude, longitude, time zone and altitude for
consistency with the newly selected weather file
10,192, "If the building's location has changed then there are likely other site-
related data (such as latitude, longitude, "
10,193, "time zone and altitude) in the Site Properties dialog that should be
updated to be consistent with the new location."
10,194, "\n\nWould you like to review the Site Properties dialog now?"
; New simulation status strings for SBD analysis
10,195, "Run %d of %d"
10,196, "%s: %s"
10,197, ", Step 1 of 3"
10,198, ", Step 1 of 2: Title-24 Analysis Progress"
10,199, ", Step 2 of 2: SBD Analysis Progress"
10,200, "Step 1 of 2: Title-24 Analysis Progress"
10,201, "Step 2 of 2: SBD Analysis Progress"
; Misc. SBD analysis support
10,202, "A valid Savings By Design selection must be specified prior to performing
Savings By Design analysis.\n\n"
10,203, "You can do this by returning to the wizard, selecting 'Savings By Design
(T-24)' as the "
10,204, "Energy Code Compliance Analysis option and then leave the wizard and
regenerate your building description by pressing the 'Finish' button."
10,205, "If you have made few or no changes to the detailed building description,
you can return to the wizard and select 'Savings By Design (T-24)' as the "
10,206, "Energy Code Compliance Analysis option and then leave the wizard and
regenerate your building description by pressing the 'Finish' button.\n\n"
10,207, "Another option which preserves any detailed building description changes
is to double click on the Project item at the top of the project component "
10,208, "tree and select a Savings By Design option within the Code Compliance
10,209, "You can do this by double clicking on the Project item at the top of the
project component tree and then selecting a "
10,210, "Savings By Design option within the Code Compliance list."
10,211, "\n\nNOTE: A variety of previously unavailable/hidden building model
inputs will become available upon selecting any Code Compliance option and some of
these "
10,212, "inputs may be classified as 'required' by the selected ruleset. It is
recommended that you review all building component tabbed dialogs after selecting a
Code "
10,213, "Compliance option and before performing any compliance or SBD analysis."
; New batch processing messages
10,214, "Project %d of %d: Run %d of %d"
10,215, "ERROR -- Opening project file: %s"
10,216, "Warning -- Opening project file: %s"
10,217, "Caution -- Opening project file: %s"
10,218, "ERROR -- %d BDL error(s) written to: %s"
; More CPDTreeCtrl
10,219, "Import Window4/5 Report File..."
10,220, "AppendMenu( Import ... ) Failed."
; project data reading error messages
10,221, "The following %s Rate file was referenced by this project's wizard data
but not found:\n %s"
10,222, "The following Electric & Gas Rate files were referenced by this project's
wizard data but not found:\n %s\n %s"
10,223, "\nThis will not affect the building model currently in memory, unless you
re-enter the wizard and\nthen exit by pressing the Finish button."
10,224, "The following Window4/5 Report files were referenced by this project's
wizard data but not found:"
10,225, "\n Shell '%s' %s glass type #%d = %s"
10,226, "\n %s glass type #%d = %s"
; CDlgPolygonView status bar message
10,227, "Select the wizard shell to display in the background of this diagram"
; Mainfrm messages warning user of possible blasting of FacetWiz components
10,228, "There are %d facets with user-defined window/door placement data
10,229, "Installing the value/selection just entered will cause all user-defined
window/door data for this shell to be deleted.\n"
10,230, "\nAre you sure you wish to install this value/selection (and thereby
delete your custom window/door placements)?"
10,231, "Changing any data within the %s screen will cause all user-defined
window/door data for this shell to be deleted.\n"
10,232, "\nDo you still wish to display the %s screen?"
10,233, "It is recommended that all footprint shape, zoning pattern and other
exterior facet-related inputs "
10,234, "(such as Floor-to-Ceiling/Floor heights) be defined before specifying
custom window/door placement information."
10,235, " Subsequent changes to footprint shape, zoning pattern and related
properties may result in the loss of all window/door "
10,236, "placement data for this shell.\n\nDo you still wish to display the Custom
Window/Door Placement screen?"
10,237, "There is %d facet with user-defined window/door placement data
10,238, "Entering the %s screen will cause all user-defined window/door data for
this shell to be deleted.\n"
; Compliance Required Keyword Notification dialog strings
10,239, "Help"
10,240, "Cancel"
10,241, "Terminate the compliance analysis"
10,242, "Perform Preliminary Analysis"
10,243, "Perform Submittable Analysis"
10,244, "View/Specify Required Inputs..."
10,245, "Perform analysis resulting in preliminary compliance results and reports"
10,246, "Perform analysis resulting in permit submittal compliance results and
10,247, "Specify inputs required for preliminary compliance analysis and reports"
10,248, "Specify inputs required for compliance analysis and reports that are
acceptable for building permit submittal"
10,249, "Install All Available Defaults (as specified above)"
10,250, "WARNING: Any Title-24 analysis defaults installed to the building
description will likely require later updating to be consistent with plan
10,251, " It is therefore recommended that you make note of the building inputs
being defaulted to facilitate future review/update."
10,252, "Installing Compliance Defaults..."
10,253, "Not all required building inputs have been specified."
10,254, " " ; SAC 4/10/09 - removed OK/Cancel prompt
10,255, "CAD Drawing File Name:"
10,256, "CAD Drawing File Version:"
10,257, "The following were recorded as un-supported entities:"
10,258, "The following were recorded as supported entities:"
10,259, "The following were recorded as exploded entities:"
; Mainfrm BDL component re-eval message
10,260, "Re-evaluating all building components can take a few minutes, depending
on the complexity of the model and speed of the computer."
10,261, "\n\nAre you sure you wish to re-evaluate all building components?"
; Mainfrm - Post BDL Import component re-eval message
10,262, "Data imported from a BDL file can affect the defaulting of other
components already in the building model. Re-evaluating all building components
will ensure that"
10,263, " the entire model has taken into account the latest BDL additions, but
can take as long as a few minutes, depending on the complexity of the model and
speed of the computer."
10,264, "\n\nWould you like to re-evaluate all building components?"
10,265, "Re-evaluating all building components..."
10,266, "Topic does not exist. Contact your vendor for an updated help file."
10,267, "Help file not found:\n "
; SRR progress bar - AFR 9/13/06
10,268, "SRR Run %d of %d"
; TWV 4/18/07 Add Tutorial to QuickMenu
10,269, "&Tutorials and Reference"
; TWV 5/7/07 Add Delete QuickMenu Pick to History Tree
10,270, "&Remove Run Results from Listing"
10,271, "&Remove Project and its Run Results from Listing"
; SAC 3/23/09 - user message used to prompt user to close a file open in another
application so that eQUEST can write to it
10,272, "The %s file '%s' is opened in another application. This file must be
closed in that application before an updated file can be written."
10,273, "\n\nSelect 'Retry' to update the file (once the file is closed), or
\n'Cancel' to abort the file writing process."
; AFR 3/26/09 - continued - Compliance Required Keyword Notification dialog strings
10,280, "Continue Permit Analysis"
10,281, "Continue Permit Analysis once all required keyword data is specified."
; SAC 7/3/09 - moved existing compliance options dialog caption here and added new
caption for LEED dialog
10,282, "Compliance Analysis Options"
10,283, "LEED Baseline Design Generation Options"
10,284, "Selected LEED baseline design project filename will cause the overwrite
of %d file(s):\n %s.*"
10,285, "Overwrite"
10,286, "Return"
10,287, "LEED Analysis Completed"
10,288, "Generation of the LEED baseline building model was successfully
10,289, "but an error was encountered attempting to store that model to a project"
10,290, "file. Please contact %s developers for further assistance."
10,291, "Generation of the LEED baseline building model was successfully
10,292, "The following baseline design project includes parametric runs for each"
10,293, "building rotation for your convenience in performing those simulations:"
10,294, "Are you sure you wish to exit %s?"
; SAC 2/10/10 - export space loads report CSV
10,295, "Export Space Loads Report (CSV)"
10,296, "Untitled"
10,297, " - SpaceLoads"
; TWV 11/29/12 Failed project loads were failing to find a UIString too, so I added
this one below
10,298, "Application failed to load an existing file"
; PD2Doc strings
12, 0, "Generating 2 dimensional geometry."
12, 1, "Generating 3 dimensional geometry."
12, 2, "This machine will be unable to view this project in 3-D mode.\nDisabling
the 3-D view mode."
12, 3, "Initializing user library."
12, 4, "Library file '%s' not found."
12, 5, "Error initializing library file '%s'."
12, 6, "CPD2Doc::OnNewDocument() Error creating project component."
12, 7, "Initializing BDL memory."
12, 8, "New Project Created"
12, 9, "Saving project data."
12, 10, "Project Saved"
12, 11, "Saving DOE-2 BDL input file."
12, 12, "Invalid project file extension."
12, 13, "Importing project data."
12, 14, "Performing project defaulting."
12, 15, "Error creating EEMRun2 component."
12, 16, "Opening DOE-2 BDL input file."
12, 17, "Generating expression dependency lists."
12, 18, "The project file must be saved before performing this action.\n\nPress
<OK> to save the current project as:\n "
12, 19, "\n\nIf you would like to save the project to a different file, press
<Cancel>, then select File - Save As to create "
12, 20, "the new project file and then reinitiate the action."
12, 21, "The selected project file's input units type is not compatible with
current program settings."
12, 22, "There are insufficient system resources to efficiently render this
building in 3 dimensions.\n\n"
12, 23, "Press 'OK' to disable the 3-D view for this project, or 'Cancel' to
enable the 3-D view despite the limited resources."
12, 24, "Initializing CAD drawing information."
12, 25, "CAD file '%s' not found.\n\nWould you like to Browse for a replacement
CAD file?"
12, 26, "An error occurred while trying to load the following CAD file:\n '%s'"
12, 27, "This project contains "
12, 28, " user inputs for window height and/or % coverage that override default
values. In order to"
12, 29, " produce equivalent building models in this version of "
12, 30, ", the following wizard window description changes need to be made:"
12, 31, "\n\n(1) Window height inputs should be updated to include frame width "
12, 32, "(previous versions assumed that window height excluded frame width)."
12, 33, "\n\n(2) % Window inputs should be updated to reflect Floor-to-Ceiling
wall heights "
12, 34, "(previous versions applied the % inputs to the floor-to-floor wall
12, 35, "building creation wizard"
12, 36, "EEM wizard"
12, 37, "building creation and EEM wizard"
12, 38, "Checking/resetting symbolic values..."
12, 39, "Retrieving simulation results referenced by summary views..."
12, 40, "CAD file not found:\n %s\n\n"
12, 41, "Click 'Browse...' to select a replacement CAD file,\n"
12, 42, " 'Skip' to leave CAD file reference intact and continue opening the
12, 43, " 'Remove' to remove all references to this CAD file, or\n"
12, 44, " 'Remove All' to remove references to ALL CAD files not found on this
12, 45, "Browse..."
12, 46, "Skip"
12, 47, "Remove"
12, 48, "Remove All"
; editing the custom footprint shape, but the roof shape is smaller.
12, 49, "This custom footprint shape exceeds the extents of the custom roof
12, 50, "Click:\n 'Continue' to accept this footprint and auto-generate a
standard roof shape,\n"
12, 51, " 'Return' to return to the previous screen to edit the shape,
12, 52, " 'Cancel' to keep the custom roof shape, losing edits to the
custom footprint shape."
12, 53, "Continue"
12, 54, "Return"
12, 55, "Cancel"
; editing the custom roof shape, but the footprint is larger.
; 12, 56, "The current footprint shape exceeds the extents of this custom roof
12, 56, "This custom roof shape contains one or more vertices that lie inside the
outline of the building shell footprint shape.\n\n"
12, 57, "Click:\n 'Return' to return to the previous screen to edit the
shape, or\n"
12, 58, " 'Cancel', losing edits to the custom roof shape."
; BDL - strings appended to polygon names when generating their mirror image
20, 0, " - SMirror" ; CANNOT EXCEED 15 characters
20, 1, " - SM" ; CANNOT EXCEED 7 characters
20, 2, "Error initializing strings appended to polygon names when generating
their mirror image." ; PD2App::InitInstance()
; CDlgMultCreateName
21, 0, "Multiple Creation Naming"
21, 1, "Press OK to create the new building components."
21, 2, "Press Cancel to abort the building component creation process."
21, 3, "Enter the desired names in the 'New Component' column, then press OK."
; File-Open Strings
24, 0, "DOE-2.2 BDL Input Files (*"
; Button labels and tooltip strings for new action button window
29, 0, "Building Creation Wizard"
29, 1, "Building Wizard"
29, 2, "Energy Efficiency Measure Wizard"
29, 3, "EEM Wizard"
29, 4, "Simulate Building Performance"
29, 5, "Simulate Building"
29, 6, "Perform Compliance Analysis"
29, 7, "Compliance Analysis"
29, 8, "Review Simulation Results View"
29, 9, "Simulation Results"
29, 10, "Review Compliance Analysis Report"
29, 11, "Compliance Report"
29, 12, "Return to Building Description Mode"
29, 13, "Building Description"
29, 14, "Actions"
29, 15, "Component Tree"
; 29, 15, "Detailed Tree" - SAC 12/6/01 - changed to above
; FillElementString strings
32, 0, "Fixed"
32, 1, "Building"
32, 2, "Shade"
32, 3, "Conditioned"
32, 4, "Unconditioned"
32, 5, "Plenum"
32, 6, "Space"
32, 7, "Exterior"
32, 8, "Interior"
32, 9, "Underground"
32, 10, "Floor"
32, 11, "Roof"
32, 12, "Wall"
32, 13, "Ceiling"
32, 14, "Window"
32, 15, "Door"
; DlgViewRangeDefault strings
; - status bar messages
33, 0, "Press Done when finished viewing default and range information."
33, 1, "Press Edit/View Expressions to display input and default expressions."
33, 2, "Edit/View Expressions..."
; - dialog caption
33, 3, "View Default/Range"
; - dialog labels
33, 4, "BDL Command and Keyword Names"
33, 5, "Command: "
33, 6, " Keyword: "
33, 7, "Status Bar Message"
33, 8, "Data Type Information"
33, 9, "The referenced building component can be loaded from a library."
33, 10, "The only compatible subtype is "
33, 11, "The compatible subtypes are "
33, 12, "No range checking performed on input value."
33, 13, "Error"
33, 14, "Caution"
33, 15, " if value "
33, 16, "<= "
33, 17, "< "
33, 18, "> "
33, 19, "Current and Default Values"
33, 20, "Current value:"
33, 21, "User-defined default:"
33, 22, "DOE-2 default:"
33, 23, "Units Label"
33, 24, "(unknown)"
33, 25, "(none)"
; - used for Command/Keyword status labeling
33, 26, "NAME"
33, 27, "NAME-OPT"
33, 28, "PARENT"
33, 29, "GRAND-PARENT"
33, 30, "TYPE"
33, 31, "VALUE"
; - used for data type labeling
33, 32, "A character string of up to %d characters."
33, 33, "A single "
33, 34, "A list of "
33, 35, "rounded "
33, 36, "numeric value"
33, 37, "pre-defined symbolic value"
33, 38, "reference to another building component"
33, 39, "references to other building components"
33, 40, "reference to a child building component"
33, 41, "references to child building components"
; - miscellaneous punctuation
33, 42, ", "
33, 43, " and "
33, 44, "."
33, 45, " and "
; - BDL reserved data value strings
33, 46, "(required)"
33, 47, "(unused)"
33, 48, "(no default)"
33, 49, "(unfilled)"
; DlgExpression strings
; - caption
34, 0, "View Input and Default Expressions"
; - misc dialog labels
34, 1, "Current Value"
34, 2, "No User Input Entered"
34, 3, "User Input Value (displayed above)"
34, 4, "User Input Expression:"
34, 5, "User-Defined Default Value:"
34, 6, "User-Defined Default Expression:"
34, 7, "DOE-2 Default Value:"
34, 8, "DOE-2 Default Expression:"
; - button labels
34, 9, "Edit User Input Expression..."
34, 10, "Create User Input Expression..."
34, 11, "Edit User-Defined Default..."
34, 12, "Create User-Defined Default..."
34, 13, "Select this button to edit/create the user input expression."
34, 14, "Select this button to edit/create the user-defined default."
; DlgViewUserDefault strings
; - captions
35, 0, "User-Defined Default"
35, 1, "User Input Expression"
; - default button strings
35, 2, "Use DOE-2 Default"
35, 3, "User-Defined Default Value:"
35, 4, "User-Defined Default Expression:"
35, 5, "Use the DOE-2 default and not a user-defined default."
35, 6, "Enter a user-defined default value."
35, 7, "Enter a user-defined default expression."
; - button captions
35, 8, "Install Expression From User Input"
35, 9, "Install Expression From User Default"
35, 10, "Install Expression From DOE-2 Default"
; - status bar messages
35, 11, "Enter the expression which defines this building element."
35, 12, "Select this button to install the user input expression."
35, 13, "Select this button to install the user-defined default expression."
35, 14, "Select this button to install the DOE-2 default expression."
35, 15, "Enter user-defined default value."
35, 16, "Select user-defined default from drop-down list."
; CDlgBDLError strings
41, 0, "%d error(s) found in the project's BDL input file. Details describing
the BDL errors can be found in the file:"
41, 1, "%d error(s) reinitializing BDL memory."
41, 2, "Press 'Continue' to remain in the program, or\npress 'Exit' to exit the
; CViewAirSystem strings
42, 0, "Show Zone Assignments"
42, 1, "Show Zone Features"
42, 2, "Show Zone Locations"
42, 3, "Hide Zone Assignments"
42, 4, "Hide Zone Features"
42, 5, "Hide Zone Locations"
42, 6, "Zone Assignments"
42, 7, "Zone Features"
42, 8, "Zone Locations"
; CDlgSimOutput
43, 0, "Yes"
43, 1, "No"
43, 2, "Run:"
43, 3, "%d Run(s) Found in Project Directory"
43, 4, "Press 'Yes' to view summary results or 'No' to return to the main
43, 5, "Done"
43, 6, "Report:"
43, 7, "Component:"
; Labels for special section of required keyword dialog for Luminaire Types
45, 0, "Coefficients of Utilization"
45, 1, "Room"
45, 2, "Cavity"
45, 3, "Ratio"
45, 4, "0.80"
45, 5, "0.50"
45, 6, "0.30"
45, 7, "Ceiling Cavity Reflectance"
45, 8, "0.50"
45, 9, "0.30"
45, 10, "0.10"
45, 11, "Wall Reflectance"
; QC Reporting
52, 0, "Quality Control Reports"
52, 1, "Error encountered creating QC Reporting Dialog"
52, 2, "&Close"
52, 3, "&Print"
52, 4, "QC Summary"
52, 5, "QC Details"
52, 6, "Summary Reports"
52, 7, "Select the type(s) of quality control information you would like
displayed above"
52, 8, "Page %d"
52, 9, "Error retrieving QC reporting variable '%s' from %s (%d) '%s'"
; SAC 1/5/10 - generic BDBase component deletion stuff (initially implemented for
SkyTypWiz component deletion)
55, 0, "The building component being deleted "
55, 1, "is referenced "
55, 2, " times by other"
55, 3, "has "
55, 4, " child"
55, 5, " component(s) and has "
55, 6, " component(s). If this component is deleted, then all "
55, 7, "its children will also be deleted and all references to the "
55, 8, "component being deleted or any of its children"
55, 9, " references to it"
55, 10, " will be reinitialized. "
55, 11, "Are you sure you want to delete the "
55, 12, "building component"
55, 13, "Delete %s"