AEX 102 - Q.P. 26 - Agri Junction
AEX 102 - Q.P. 26 - Agri Junction
AEX 102 - Q.P. 26 - Agri Junction
I. Choose the correct Answer:
Ans: b) Latin
a) Cart lewin b) Van den Ban c) Paul Leagans d) Wilson & Gall up
a) 6 b) 8 c) 10 d) 12
Ans: b) 8
a) 24 b) 34 c) 44 d) 80
Ans: b) 34
5. Lab to Lab Programme in India was started on the golden jubliee celebrations of ------
Ans: c) ICAR
7. The committee constituted to review CD and NES projects was headed by:
Ans: c) 1980
Ans: d) 1967
10. The programme emphasizing on employment generation among the following is:
Ans: a) JRY
Ans: c) Swarozgaris
Ans: a) SGRY
Ans: Multipurpose
16. The term Evaluation derived from Latin root word is -----
Ans: b) Valere
17. The sharing of cost between center and state in the Prodhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana is
Ans: a) 100:0
Ans: 1982
c) Evaluation d) Reconsideration
3. The transfer of authority from central government to state government implies ----------------
a) Deconcentration b) Devolution
c) Decentralization d) Delegation
Ans: b) Devolution
Ans: c) 680
6. Which state was first to introduce the Panchayat Raj programme in the entire state --------------
Ans: b) Rajasthan
Ans: b) IADP
10. The programme designed to create community assets on one hand and providing wage
employment on the other hand is ---------------------------
Ans: a) NREP
d) None of these
17. Removal of poverty was the foremost objective of which five year plan?
Ans: c) Fifth
Ans: b) Twelfth
Ans: c) ICAR
III. Match the following:
A) a-2, b-1, c-5, d-3, e-4 B) a-1, b-4, c-5, d-3, e-2
C) a-1, b-4, c-5, d-3, e-2 D) a-2, b-5, c-4, d-1, e-3
e) ATIC - 5. Rajasthan
A) a-1, b-4, c-5, d-3, e-2 B) a-2, b-5, c-4, d-1, e-3
C) a-4, b-1, c-5, d-2, e-3 D) a-3, b-5, c-4, d-1, e-2
4. a) NATP - 1. 1995
b) JRY - 2. 1964
c) PURA - 3. 1995-96
d) ND - 4. 2004
e) PMEY - 5. 1989
A) a-3, b-5, c-4, d-1, e-2 B) a-3, b-5, c-4, d-2, e-1
IV. Read the given passage and answer the following questions:
I. Extension means that type of education, which is stretched out, to the people in rural areas,
beyond the limits of the educational institutions to which the formal type of education is
normally confined.
Answer the following questions regarding the above passage:
1. The Latin roots for the word “Extension” ------------------------
a) Ex and tensio b) Ex and tension
c) Ex and loco d) Ex and termo
2. Extension as a science is classified under ---------------------------
a) Hard science b) Pure science
c) Soft science d) Physical science
3. To be effective, extension works should start from the -----------------
a) National level b) State level
c) District level d) Grass root level
4. The fundamental objective of extension education is the ----------------
a) All round development of people
b) All round development of social organization
c) All round development of villages
d) All round development of infrastructure facilities
II. Programme planning is a division of making process which gives direction and intensity to
extension education efforts of extension services to bring about economic, social and
technological change.
Answer the following questions regarding the above passage:
1. The last stage of extension programme planning is---------------------
a) Evaluation b) Determination of goals
c) Reconsideration d) All of the above
2. Programme planning is a ----------------------------
a) Continuous series of activities b) Continuous process
c) Continuous planning d) none of the above
3. Extension programme should have definite -------------------------
a) Action b) Planning c) Both a & b d) Plan of work
4. The sum of each activity should be followed as set forth in all required assistance
should be provided during the ------------------
a) Identification b) Execution c) Analysis d) None
III. This campaign, started in 1942, was continued after getting the independence. The main
object of this campaign was to fulfill the need of food, which had been created due to the Second
World War.
Answer the following questions regarding the above pre & post programme:
1. Sriniketan project was started in Calcutta by ------------
IV. The organization of field days, field visits, and training for the farmers and field extension
workers were considered important for rapid spread of technologies. The national demonstrations
were intended to show the superiority of the demonstrations to the extension agencies.
Answer the following questions regarding the above Agriculture Development programme:
V. Broad based extension system help the farmers in getting multiple messages needed to
improve their overall economy besides helping to grow agricultural crops. Thus, the farmers are
encouraged in sericulture activities, growing good fodders, animal husbandry activities and
growing fish in the farm ponds etc.
a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 6
VI) The rural development in general terms, is a strategy designed to improve economic and
social life of people in a rural settlement and in particular, it focuses attention on the rural poor
comprising the small and marginal farmers, tenant and landless labourers.
4. The first formal democratic institution under the directive principle in the Indian
VII. It is a movement designed to promote better living for the community with the active
participation and/or the initiative at the community.
VIII. To assess the spread of the various high yielding varieties in different parts of the country
and also determine the extent of such spread.
Answer the following questions regarding the above passage:
1. High Yielding Varieties Programme (HYVP) was launched in ----------------
a) 1962 b) 1964 c) 1966 d) 1968
2. Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP) was launched in -----------
a) 1978-79 b) 1977-78 c) 1973-74 d)1980-81
3. CADP expand is -----------------
a) Command Area Development Project
b) Command Agriculture Development Project
c) Command Area Development Programme
d) None of the above
4. Integrated Wasteland Development Programme was launched in -------------
a) 1989-90 b) 1968-69 c) 1984-85 d) 1985-86
IX) The purpose of this project was to consolidate earlier investments in agriculture and address
specific system constrains, weaknesses and gaps that were not addressed earlier. The basic
premise of NATP is that research and extension programmes should be farmer centered and
demand driven.
XI. The scheme provides shelter to rural families who have not been covered under Indira Awas
Yojana and who are desirous of processing a house. All rural households having annual income
up to Rs. 32000/- are covered under the scheme.
Answer the following questions regarding the above passage:
1. Credit – cum – subsidy scheme for rural housing is a objective of ------------------
a) SGSY b) SGSRY c) JRY d) IAY
2. The maximum subsidy under SGSY for SHG’s ---------------
a) 1.00 lakhs b) 1.25 lakhs c) 1.50 lakhs d) 2.00 lakhs
3. ARYA was initiated in ----------------------
a) 2012 b) 2013 c) 2015 d) 2014
4. The share of centre and state in the following of SJSRY is ----------------------
a) 75:25 b) 60:40 c) 50:50 d) 25:75
XII. The primary objective of the Scheme is to provide additional and supplementary wage
employment and thereby provide food security and improve nutritional levels in all rural areas.