Animales Mamiferos)
Animales Mamiferos)
Animales Mamiferos)
Núcleo Monagas
Department of English
Teacher: Bachelor:
C.I 20.563.005
There are only about 4,000 kinds of mammals. This sounds like
a lot, but when you consider there are 21,000 kinds of fish and a
whopping 800,000 kinds of insects you’ll realize mammals are a pretty
small class.
Mammals are sometimes divided into three types based on how they
give birth and take care of their young.
The largest mammal is the Blue Whale which lives in the ocean and
can grow to over 80 feet long. The largest land mammal is the elephant
followed by the rhino and the hippo (which does spend a lot of time in
the water). The smallest mammal is the Kitty's hog-nosed bat. This bat
is 1.2 inches long and weighs less than 1/2 a pound. It is also called
the bumblebee bat.
Mammals have unique brains and are often very intelligent. Humans
are the most intelligent. Other intelligent mammals include the dolphin,
the elephant, the chimpanzee, and the pig, pigs are thought to be one
of the smartest animals.
Mammals that eat meat are called carnivores. Carnivores include lions,
tigers, seals, and the largest carnivore mammal which is the polar bear.
Mammals that eat only plants are called herbivores. Some herbivores
are cows, elephants, and giraffes. Mammals that eat both meat and
plants are called omnivores. Humans are omnivores.