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Sincere Thanks To:

1. Mannargudi Sri. Srinivasan Narayanan for providing the Sanskrit/Tamil texts

and proof-reading the document

2. Nedumtheru Sri. Mukund Srinivasan for co-coordinating the effort for


providing the images for this eBook

3. Sri. AMR Kannan for generously providing a treasury of rare photos of many
divya desa moorthys.

4. Sri. Murali Bhattar, Smt. Krishna Priya, Sri. Senthil, Sri. N. S. Sampath, Sri.
Diwakar Kannan, Sri. Sridhar Lakshminarasimhan, Sri. V. C. Govindarajan, Sri.
Raghavan Ravee, Sri. Vijay Parthasarathy and Sri. Narasimhan for also kindly
providing images to enrich this eBook

5. Smt. Jayashree Muralidharan for eBook assembly

Copies of the monograph by Smt. Padma Sudarshan published by Visishtadvaita Pracharini

Sabha are available at:
Sri Visishtadvaita Research Center
27 Venkatesa Agraharam
Mylapore, Chennai-600 004
and also at Sri Nrusimhapriya office at Chennai.
shashTha jitante 1

AshTottara sata namavali 25


Complete list of sundarasimahm-ahobilavalli eBooks 59


lakshmyA saha hrsheekEsA! - Kanchi MahAnavami sErthi utsavam


jitam te puNDarIkAksha! - Thanks:Sri.NSSampath

. ïI>.


ijt< te pu{frIka] nmSte ivñÉavn,

nmSte=Stu ù;Ikez mhapué; pUvjR. 1.

jitam te puNDarIkAksha namaste viSvabhAvana ||

namaste astu hrsheekeSa mahApurusha poorvaja ||


Oh! Lotus-eyed Lord! This self has been won by You. Oh! The Creator of the
Universe! This self is not mine. Oh! The Controller of sense-organs! Oh! The giver
of everything! Oh! The primordial One! Let this soul be Yours and let it not be for
my own sake.


The Aathma SamarpaNam is done by the Jeevan here in acknowledgement of the

Lord as “Pathir-nikhilahEya-prathyaneeka anantha kalyANa guNa-Jn~Anandha
Svaroopan”. The Jeevan thoroughly admits that it has been won over through the
Lord’s vaseekaraNa sakthi. Oh Lotus eyed one! Oh creator of the Universe! Oh
PurushOtthama! Oh controller of my indriyams! adiyEn has been won over totally
by Your dhivya Mangala Vigraham and anantha KalyANa GuNams. “Yennai AaLvAnE!
niharil amarar muni gaNangaL virumbhum ThiruvEnkadatthAnE! puhal onRilA
adiyEn unnadikkeezh amarnthu puhunthEnE”. Oh My Lord who rules over me! Oh
Lord desired by the matchless dEvAs and the assembly of Sages! Oh sacred Lord
of ThiruvEnkadam, adiyEn has no other refuge. adiyEn has now sought the
comforting shade of Your sacred feet for my protection. Swamy NammAzhwAr
has saluted You as; “saalap-pala naaL uhanthORu uyirkaL KaappOnE” (You

incarnate here to provide rakshaNam for the Jeevans, which out of their
ajn~Anam are engaged in destroying their svaroopam as sarva vidha sEshan to
You). Lakshmi Tantram hails You as Sriya: Pathi coming to the rescue of us, the
Jeevans: “lakshmyA saha hrsheekEsO dEvyA KaaruNya-roopayA, Rakshakas-sarva
siddhAntE VedAntEapi cha geeyatE”. This self is no longer “mine”. It is Your
property. It has been won over by You. Jitam tE! Jitam tE!

(For a general introduction to the origin and author details of the Jitante
Stotrams please refer to : Jitante Stotram Volume 1 - ebook # 58 in: http://


ïImd!ÖarvtInaw vxRta< ivjyI Évan!,

idVy< TvdIymEñy¡ inmRyaRdivj&iMÉtm!. 2.

SrImat dvAravatInAtha vardhatAm vijayee bhavAn |

divyam tvadeeyamaiSvaryam nirmaryAda vijrumbhitam ||


Oh! The Lord of beautiful DvArakA! May You shine victoriously for ever! May

Your exclusive and divine Lordship transcend all limits!


Oh the Lord of the resplendent DvArakA built for You by ViswakarmA! Jaya
Vijayee Bhava! May that matchless Vaibhavam of Yours grow further and further!

The 90th sargam of the tenth canto of Srimath BhAgavatham describes the
opulence of DvArakA, the city of the Lord. The first slOkam states: “The Lord,
the consort of Lakshmi (RukmiNi) lived happily in His city of DvArakA, which was
inhabited by the leaders of the VrishNi clan and was noted as a center of plenty
and prosperity”. From there on, the sargam goes on to describe the joyous life of
KrishNa as a gruhasthA and gives an account of His family and His pastimes. The
final verse (the 50th) of this sargam ends with a brilliant summation of SrI
KrishNa tattvam and its importance for us: “By constant and continuous practice
of hearing, singing about, and remembering the glorious deeds of the Lord, man’s
devotion to Him grows day by day, and by virtue of it, he attains the state of the
Lord, overcoming the otherwise irreversible and inevitable approach of death,
which engulfs all beings. It is seeking that state (Saayujya Moksham) that kings
go to the forests abandoning their kingdoms. “Mukunda SrImat kathA SravaNa

keertana cintanam” prepares us to realize Moksham through the abundant grace
of the Lord of DvArakaa, the Jagath Guru KrishNa ParamAthmA.

Lord of the beautiful DvArakA!

nanmangalam-krishnar-thanks SrI Vijay Parthasarathy



sÅvaeÄrESvdIyEí s¼SwaiÉrsStv. 3.

devI bhushAyudhai: nityai: muktai: mokshaikalakshaNai: |

sattvottaraisvadeeyaiSca sangasthAbhirasastava ||


May You be victorious, prosper eternally in association with Your retinue

consisting of Your consorts, divine ornaments and weapons waited upon by nityas,
muktas and whose essential nature itself is of the form of liberation and who are
endowed with pure sattva guNa.


At Sri VaikuNTham, May Your divine sankalpam grow eternally as You stay with
Your consorts, dhivya Aayudhams, AabharaNams, Nithya Sooris and the assembly
of Muktha Jeevans serving You and enjoying ParipoorNa BrahmAnandham with

Nithya niravadya Kaimkaryam to You at SrI VaikuNTham is the sole reason for
the existence of these muktha Jeevans at Your Supreme abode. May Your divine
sankalpam grow further and further in the company of the Nithya sooris and
Muktha Jeevans and bless us all! TaittirIya AaraNyakam describes the enjoyment
by the muktha Jeevan of the KalyANa GuNams of Sarvajn~an, SrI
VaikuNThanAthan: “sOSnutE sarvAn KaamAn saha brahmaNaa vipascitA”.

Mukta LakshaNam is: “muktAnAm lakshaNam yEtat–nityAnjaliputA: nama ityEva

vaadhina:” (They will be holding their hands in anjali mudhrA and uttering the
nama: sabdham). There at Your SrI VaikuNTham, the nithya Sooris and the

MukthAs salute You and Serve You, who is resplendent:

tiÖ:[ae> prm< pd~ sda pZyiNt sUry>,

idvIv c]urattm!.

tiÖàasae ivpNyvae jag&va~sSsimNxte,

iv:[aeyR yt! prm< pdm!.

tat VishNO: paramam padam sadaa paSyanti Sooraya: |


diveeva cakshurAtatam |

tat viprAsO vipanyavO jaagruvAmsas-samindhatE |

VishNOr yat paramam padam ||

May Your Sankalpa Balam grow further and further as You sit at Your sacred
Abode of SrI VaikuNTham along with Your BhakthAs, BhaagavathAs and SrI Devi
as the Lord of all the universes:

vEk…{Qe tu pre laeke iïya sax¡ jgTpit>,

AaSte iv:[uricNTyaTma ÉKtEÉaRgvtESsh.

VaikuNThE tu parE lokE SriyA saardham Jagatpati: |

AastE VishNuracintyAtmA bhaktair-bhAgavatais-saha ||


VaikuNThE tu parE lokE SriyA saardham Jagatpati: |

Thiruvahindrapuram devanathan-thanks Smt Rajam Krishnaswamy


Sri VaikuNThanAthan
Thiru Vaikuntha Vinnagaram - Thanks:Sri.Senthil

SLOKAMS 4, 5 & 6


zailmuÌitladIna< zalazElk…lae¾vla>. 4.

prAkAra gOpuravara prAsAda maNimaNTapA: |

Sali mudga tilAdInAm SAlA SailakulojjvalA: ||

rÆkaÂnkaEzey]aEm³muk zailka>,

zYyag&hai[ pyR»vyaRSSwUlasnain c. 5.

ratnakAncana kauSeya kshauma kramuka SaalikA: |

SayyAgrhaaNi paryanka varyAssthUlAsanAni ca ||


DÇcamrmuOyaí sNtu inTya> pirCDda>. 6.

kanatkanaka bhrngAra patadgraha kaLaacikA: |

chatra cAmara mukhyaaSca santu nityA: paricchadA: ||


Let Your eternal abode be with rampart walls, towers, mansions, gem-studded
pillars, rich in heaps of grains like paddy, green grams, sesame, courtyards, full of
gold, diamond, silk, areca nuts, places of enjoyment with cots, with spacious seats.
The abode that is rich in golden utensils and spittoons, umbrellas, chowries and all
such other instruments of enjoyment.


Here the prayer is for the growth in the opulence of SrI VaikuNTham with its
indescribable riches. The sixth ChUrNikai of SrI VaikuNtha Gadhyam describes
some of the riches of SrI VaikuNThtam:

kiSm<iZct! ivicÇ idVyrTnmy idVyaSwanm{fpe idVyrTnStMÉ

idVy saEgiNxkvapIztshöE> idVyrajh<sav¦I ivraijtErav&te

kasmimscit vicitra–divya-ratnamaya-divyAsthAna MaNDapE -

divya ratna stamba-divya sougandhika vaapI-Satasahasrai: divya-


rAjahamsAvaLee-virAjitai: AavrutE

Here is Sriman K.R. KrishNaswamy’s translation of this chUrNikai: “There is in

that mansion amazingly beautifully gem-studded, audience hall. It is brilliantly
shining with hundred thousand crores of gem studded pillars; there are places
adorned with precious stones; it is studded with decorations; there are flower
gardens with beautiful flowers. This hall is surrounded by a hundred thousand
smaller gardens all around in these gardens are present on one side wish-yielding
divine trees altogether. On the other side where these are not together, in the
middle of the trees are found flowers, precious stones all forming beautifully a
hundred thousand amusement halls; these on enjoying over and over again do not
cease to produce amazement. There are a hundred thousand sporting mounds—
some of them, which are Sriman Narayanan’s extraordinary, divine sports areas;
similarly, those which are SrI Mahaa Lakshmi’s divine sports are also extra-
gorgeous. On a simpler note are the melodious chirpings of parrots, shaarikAs,
peacock, cuckoo. All around that mansion are a hundred thousand gardens. There
one finds a hundred thousand ponds exuding sweet fragrances, whose long array
of sitting facilities are studded with gemstones, pearls and corals; the water
therein is spotlessly clear, clean and tastes like nectar. The divinely beautiful

birds are adding beauty with their melodious and sweet chirpings /sounds --- This
divine mansion exudes only the aesthetic pleasure of Aanandha; it is permanent
too. Hence it delights those who enter it ---right at the center of this mansion is
located the Yoga couch, the serpent Anantha (AadhisEsha)….Here is seated Sri
VaikuNThanAthan, who glitters with the wealth of SrI VaikuNTham and renders
the universe happy and content, orders AadhisEsha, VishvaksEnA and the entire
entourage that serve Him and His divine consort SrI Devi, who matches Him in
virtues, divine look, qualities and sports etc”.



AStu inStulmVy¢< inTym_ycRn< tv,

p]e p]e ivj&MÉNta< mais mais mhaeTsva>. 7.

astu nistulamavyagram nityamabhyarcanam tava |

pakshe pakshe vijrmbhantAm mAsi mAsi mahotsavA: ||


Oh! Lord! I pray that the daily worship of mine to You should be unequalled and

surpassing. It should be conducted without any other purport in mind. The special
and great seasonal festivals should grow in abundance during fortnight and every


Here is a prayer for the daily AarAdhanam for the Lord to be unsurpassed and
matchless to any other AarAdhanams and to be performed without anticipating
any gains. The prayer is also extended for the growth in the splendour of the
great uthsavams carried out every fortnight and the Month (PakshE PakshE,
MaasE MaasE). The proper conductance of the daily AarAdhanam and additional
Naimitthika AarAdhanams (SrI KrishNa Jayanthi, Sri Nrusimha Jayanthi, worship
at PradhOsham et al) are being referred to here.


mi[kaÂnicÇai[ ÉU;[aNyMbrai[ c,

kaZmIrsarkStUir kpRUra*nulepnm!. 8.

maNi kAncana citraaNi bhUshaNaanyambaraaNi ca |

kaaSmeera sAra kastUri karpoorAdyanulepanam ||

kaemlain c damain kaEsumESsaErÉaeÌmE>,

xUpa> kpURrdIpaí sNtu inTya> pirCDda>. 9.

komalAni ca dAmAni kausumai: saurabhotgamai: |

dhUpA: karpUradeepa: ca santu nityA: paricchadA: ||


Let objects of which are the instruments of enjoyment like gems of various types,
gold ornaments, silk garments, saffron, musk and other perfumes, collyrium,
garlands that are tied with lovely fragrant flowers, camphor, perfume sticks and
lights shine for ever and make the worship faultless.


The reference here is to one of the Pancha Kaalams of the day prescribed for
VaishNavAs’ upAdhAnam. This word means the assembly of material (dhravyams)
for daily BhagavadArAdhanam such as flowers, TuLasi, silk garments, abhishEka
SaamagriyAs, AabharaNams, dhUpa-dheepa upachAra saamagriyAs. The upAdhana
Kaalam is after Abhigamanam, which is special for the AarAdhanam by SanyAsis.
Ijya Kaalam is the one that follows the abhigamanam period and is for the

nithyArAdhanam by the gruhasthAs. No AarAdhanam is complete without TuLasi.
SvarNa Pushpa AaarAdhanam is one of the loftiest among AarAdhanams.
Assembly of all these material for the AarAdhanam of the Lord takes place
during the upAdhAna period.

Thirupathi Malayappa svAmi-thanks SrI AMR Kannan


n&ÄgItyut< va*< inTymÇivvxRtam!,

ïaeÇe;u nSsuxaxara> kLpNta< kahlSvna>. 10.

nrttageetayutam vAdyam nityamatra vivardhatAm |

Srotreshu nassudhA dharA: kalapantAm kAhala svanA: ||


Let music and dance accompanied with the supporting instruments ever entertain

and let our ears be filled with resonance of those tunes that are like flowing
streams of nectar.


In Bhagavad AarAdhanam, there are times in which upachArams through dance,

vocal singing, playing of MangaLa Vaadhyams (VeNu, VeeNaa, Mrudhangam, BhEri,
KaahaLam etc) have to be presented. These upachArams please the Lord and also
enhance the mood of devotion.

In the past, Deva Daasis had a special role in offering such upachArams at the
temples both during the daily AarAdhanam as well as during the Uthsavams. Nava
Sandhi Nruttham is one such elaborate dance sequence that took place.

SLOKAMS 11 & 12

kNdmUl)laed¢< kale kale ctuivRxm!,

sUpapUp"&t]IrzkRrasiht< hiv>. 11.

kanda mUla phalodagram kAle kAle caturvidham |

sUpApUpa ghrta kshIra SarkarA sahitam havi: ||

"nsarizraed¢< ³rmukaòdlaiNvtm!,

ivmlain c taMbuldlain SvIk…é àÉae. 12.

ghanasAra Sirodagram kramukAshTa dalAnvitam |

vimalAni ca tAmbUla dalAni svIkuru prabho ||


Oh! Lord! May You please accept always, the food that is rich with roots, fruits,
soup, cakes, crisp dishes, ghee, milk, sweets, rich with saffron, camphor and four
types of side dishes1, cooked rice and pure betel leaves and nuts, that are offered
to You periodically from time to time!

(1) Those that are pulverized with the teeth (Éúy< - bhakshyam)

(2) Those that are chewed (ÉaeJy< - bhOjyam)

(3) Those that are licked by tongue and swallowed (leý< - lehyam)

(4)Those that are sucked (zae:y< - Soshyam)


The stage in AarAdhanam known as BhOjyAsanam is being referred to here.

BhOjyAsanam takes place between AlankArAsanam and PunarmanthrAsanam
stages. At the outset, BhOjyAsanam is presented with the utterance of
“bhOjyAsanAya nama:” and the accompanying prayer is:

m&òmeXyiSwraÚain ÉúyÉaeJyaNynekz>,

sMpÚain jgÚaw ÉaeJyasnpupaïy.

mrushTamEdhyasthirAnnAni bhakshya bhOjyAnyanEkaSa: |

sampannAni jagannAtha! bhOjyAsanam upASraya! ||

Oh JagannAtha! Please accept the BhOjyAsanam, where in special, delectable and

pure varieties of food prepared for You by adiyEn. Bhagavaan accepts the prayer
and arghyam, Paadyam, Aachamaneeyam, gandham, pushpam, dheepam and dhUpam
are presented anew. At this time, Madhuparkam is presented with the utterance
thrice of the Name of Madhuparkam: “MadhuparkO MadhuparkO MadhuparkO”.
According to AchArya RaamAnujA’s nithya grantham, Madhuparkam is made up of
jaggery (guDam), honey (Maashikam), ghee (sarpi), curd (dadhi) and milk
(Ksheeram). PerumAL enjoys the essence (sookshma amsam) of what has been
offered to Him.

SLOKAMS 13 & 14

àIitÉIityutae ÉUyaiÚTy< pirjnStv,

Éi´mNtaepÉuÃNtu paErjanpdESsh. 13.

preeti bheeti yuto bhUyAt nityam parijanastava |

bhaktimantopabhunjantu paurajAnapadai: saha ||

xr[IxnrÆain ivtrNtu icr< tv,


kE»yRmiol< sveR k…vRNtu ]aei[palka>. 14.

dharaNi dhana ratnAni vitarantu ciram tava |

kainkaryamakhilam sarve kurvantu kshoNipAlakA: ||


Let this service rendered by Your devotees be rich with loving devotion and
respect. Let the kings along with their attendants and subjects blissfully be happy
with devotion and offer You wealth in the form of earth and gems. Let all
(devotees) render service (perform Kaimkaryams) to You for ever.


The prayer here is for the bhakthAs of the Lord to perform their Kaimkaryams
(AarAdhanam et al) with reverence as well as utter His nAmams with unflinching

The prayer is for the rulers of the earth (KshONi PaalakAs) to worship the Lord
along with their citizens with visEsha Bhakthi. The prayer is for the rulers to
present at the Lord’s sacred feet land, gems and the other dhravyams/

upakaraNams for the uninterrupted conductance of Lord’s AarAdhanams and
Uthsavams. The prayer is also for the blessings of participation in these
Kaimkaryams (Kaimkarya PrApthi) by one and all for ever to gain Kaimkarya ruchi
as well as the Lord’s auspicious anugraham.

Our Lord who becomes pleased with the Kaimkaryam of His devotees and gives
Himself as Mahaa Prasadham to his devotees and also blesses them with the

Manobalam to enjoy Him according to Yajur Veda KaaThaka (kaQk) mantram: “Ya

AatmadhA PhaladhA”. The 66th slOkam of SrI VaikuNTha stavam elaborates

further on the boons conferred by the Lord pleased with the bhakthi-laden
kaimkaryams of His BhakthAs: The Lord comes under the control of that

BhakthAa and takes on the guNam and svabhAvam of that BhakthA (tavan!

twaivxgu[StdxInv&iÄ> s<ið:yis Tvimh ten smanxmaR - taavaan tathAvidha guNas-
tadadheena vrutti:, samSlishyasi tvamiha tEna samAnadharmA).

The power of Kaimkaryam to the Lord Himself is hinted in the Parama Samhithai
of PaancharAtram this way:

sayuJy< àitpÚa ye tIìÉ´aStpiSvn>,

ik»ra mm te inTy< ÉviNt inépÔva>.

saayujyam pratipannA yE teevra bhaktAs-tapasvina: |

kimkarA mama tE nityam bhavanti nirupdravaa: ||


Those who have superior bhakthi for Me (Bhakthi Yogis) and those who have
performed the penance of Prapatthi (Prapatthi yOgis) attain my Sayujyam and get
freed from the cycles of births and deaths and are blessed with the boon of

Nithya Kaimkaryam to Me at My Parama Padham.

Pleased with devotees, the Lord gives Himself as Mahaa Prasadham

SriDevathiRajan-thanks SrI AMR Kannan

SLOKAM 15 AND 15 ½

àemidGx†z< Smer< àe]ma[aSTvdannm!,

mhaNtSsNtt< sNtae m¼¦ain àyuÃtam!. 15.

premadigdha druSam smeram prekshamaaNaastvadAnanam |

mahAntassantatam santo mangaLaani prayunjatAm ||

papmevmviÚTy< palyn! k…zlI Évan!. 15 1/2.

pApamevamavannityam pAlayan kuSalee bhavAn ||


Let the wise and the noble persons who are ever engaged in worshipping Your
ever-blossoming face, shining with affectionate glances of Grace, offer auspicious
eulogies to You. Thus, protecting this sinner, may You accept the service of mine
and bless me with Your Divine Grace.


The prayer here is for the Jn~Anis of the world engaged in AarAdhanam of the
Lord to perform MangaLAsAsanam for the Lord with eyes filled with devotion.
Additional personal prayer of the rishi (mantra dhrashtaa) of JitantE mantram to
the Lord is to chase away his sins and accept His Kaimkaryams and bless him with
the Lord’s dhivyAnugraham.

. #it ;ó ijtNte StaeÇm!.

End of shashTha jitante stotram

. #it ïI ijtNte StaeÇ< s<pU[Rm!.

SrI jitante stotram sampoorNam


The Divya Mithunam - SrI Oppiliappan - PuzhuthivAkkam


Maha purushaya namaH - SitA, RAmA and LakshmaNa - ThiruallikENi- thanks: Sri.Senthil

. ïI>.

.ïI ijtNte AòaeÄrztnamavi¦>.

SrI jitante ashTottara sata nAmAvaLi

(Please add PraNavam before each of the nAmAs)

(à[vm!) pu{frIka]ay nm>

(praNavam) puNDareekAkshAya nama: 1

Salutations to You My Lord, who has the eyes like a beautiful lotus! adiyEn has

been thoroughly won over by Your dhivya soundarayam and limitless auspicious

ivñÉavnay nm>

viSvabhAvanAya nama:

Salutations to You My Lord, the creator of this Universe!

ù;Ikezay nm>

hrusheekESAya nama:

Salutations to You My Lord, who is the Controller of my sensory organs!

mhapué;ay nm>

mahaa purushAya nama:

Salutations to You My Lord, who is the bestower of all boons desired! Salutations
to You the ParamOdhAra MoorthE of boundless generosity!

pUvRjay nm>

PoorvajAya nama:

Salutations to You My Lord, who is born, prior to all! 5

laek öòay nm>

loka srashTAya nama:

Salutations to You, the creator of all the universes and their beings!

laek s<harkay nm>


loka samhArakAya nama:

Salutations to You, who is the destroyer of the Universes created by You!

gu[maya smav&tay nm>

guNa mAyA samAvrutAya nama:

Salutations to You who is concealed by Prakruthi made up by the three guNaas:

Satthva, Rajas and tamas!

ACyutay nm>

acyutAya nama:

Salutations to You My Lord, who never ever lets down Your PrapannAs! Or
Salutations to You, who never loses Your sthAnam as the Supreme Lord of all!

dev devezay nm>

deva devESAya nama: 10

Salutations to You, the Lord of all DevAs (DEvanAthan, DevarAjan)!

pué;aeÄmay nm>

PurushOtthamAya nama:

Salutations to You, the Lord of Lords! Salutations to You the Supreme Purushan
without beginning, middle or end!

pU[R;af!gu{y iv¢hay nm>

poorNa shADguNya vigrahAya nama:

Salutations to You, the possessor of the divine form with the six attributes
(Jn~Anam, aiswaryam, Balam, tejas, Veeryam and Sakthi) that define You as

pItvsnay nm>

peetavasanAya nama:

Salutations to You My Lord, who adorns an yellow PithAmbaram!

kqkxair[e nm>

kaTaka dhAriNE nama:

Salutations to You, My Lord who wears a resplendent shoulder ornament!

nIlalka-bÏ-ve[IsuNdr iv¢hay nm>

neelAlakaa-baddha-vENi sundara vigrahAya nama: 15

Salutations to You, My Lord of incomparable beauty and effulgence with the
shining locks of curly black hair!

S)…rd!-vly-keyUr-nUpura¼d ÉU;[ayE nm>

sphurad-valaya-kEyUra nUpurAngadha bhUshaNAyai nama:

Salutations to You My Lord adorning the auspicious and lustrous ornaments like
bracelets and anklets!

kLya[ gu[-razye nm>

kalyANa guNa-rASayE nama:


Salutations to You who is the abode of all auspicious attributes!

ké[apU[Rùdyay nm>

karuNA poorNa hrdayAya nama:

Salutations to You, My Lord whose heart is filled with the divine dayaa for us the
suffering samsAris!

zŒ c³ gdaxraya nm>

Sankha-cakra gadAdharAya nama:

Salutations to You, My Lord adorning the divine conch, disc and the mace!

Am&tanNd pU[R-laecnay nm>

amrtAnanda poorNa-lOcanAya nama: 20

Salutations to You, My Lord with the eyes filled with nectarine bliss!


Sankha-cakra gadAdharAya namaH

Thirumaliruncholai Azhagar in Noopora Gangai - Water falls
thanks SrI AMR Kannan


madhurAdhipAya nama: - SrI Oppiliappan - PuzhuthivAkkam

ké[akray nm>

KaruNAkarAya nama:

Salutations to You, My Lord, the Ocean of Compassion who uplifts us from

samsAric lives to Your Supreme abode through Your divine grace!

mxuraixpay nm>

madhurAdhipAya nama:

Salutations to You, the Lord of Madhura!

jgÚaway nm>

jagannAthAya nama:

Salutations to You, the Lord of the Universe!

É´vTslay nm>

bhakta-vatsalAya nama:

Salutations to You, who is immensely fond of Your devotees!

ké[a pU[R †iò s<yu´ay nm>

karuNA poorNa drushTi samyuktAya nama: 25

Salutations to You, My Lord whose glances are filled with compassion for us!

àÉve nm>

prabhavE nama:

Salutations to You, who is the Supreme Ruler of all!

ABx laecnay nm>

abdha-lOcanAya nama:

Salutations to the Lord with lotus-like beautiful eyes!

jgTàsUit iSwit naz hetve nm>

jagat-prasooti- sthiti-naaSa hEtavE nama:

Salutations to You, Oh Lord, who is the cause for the birth, existence and the
dissolution of this Universe!

AMbuja]ay nm>

ambujAkshAya nama:

Salutations to the Lord with Lotus soft eyes!

;af!gu{y vEÉvay nm>

shADguNya vaibhAvAya nama: 30

Salutations to the Lord who is celebrated for His ShADguNya Vaibhavam

(Jn~Anam, Balam, aiswaryam, Veeryam, tejas and Sakthi).

jgt! gurve nm>

jagat-guravE nama:

Salutations the AchAryan for the World (GeethAchAryan), who taught the
citizens of the world the ways to redeem themselves!

mxu iviÖi][e nm>

madhu-vidhvikshiNE nama:

Salutations to the Lord, who destroyed the asuran named Madhu!

hrye nm>

harayE nama:

Salutations to the Lord Hari, who is green colored and accepts the oblations
offered in Yajn~am with the name of Hari!

iïy> kaNtay nm>

Sriya: KaantAya nama:

Salutations to the Lord, who is the consort of SrI Devi!

zŒc³gdapÒEri»tay nm>

Sankha-cakra-gadA-padmairankitAya nama: 35

Salutations to Sriman Narayana holding the divine Conch, disc, mace and a lotus
flower in His four hands!

zr½NÔ zta³aNt noraij ivraijtay nm>

Saracchandra-SatakrAnta-nakha rAji virAjitAya nama:

Salutations to the Lord shining with beautiful row of nails in His fingers, which
remind one of the beautiful Full Moons of the autumn months!

surasurEvRN*manay nm>

surAsurair-vandyamAnAya nama:

Salutations to the Lord, who is worshipped by the DEvAs and asurAs!

\i;iÉvRiNdtay nm>

rishibhir-vanditAya nama:

Salutations to the Lord worshipped by the great sages!

iv:[ve nm>

vishNavE nama:

Salutations to the Lord, who is known as VishNu because of His entrance into all
the sentient and insentient that are His wealth. “carAcarEshu bhUtEshu vEsanat

vasudevay nm>

vaasudEvAya nama: 40

Salutations to VaasudEva, the son of VasudEvan and the God behind the twelve
lettered Mantram! Or Salutations to this Lord who pervades the sentient and
insentient and sports with them.

Égvte nm>

bhagavatE nama:

Salutations to the Lord Sriman NaarayaNa, who is the highest God of worship
because of He is free of all blemishes (sarva hEya Prathyaneekan) and has
limitless auspicious attributes (KalyANAthmakan).


VishNave nama: - SrI Vatapatrasayee-thanks SrI AMR Kannan


satyAjn~nAnanta-guNa vibhUshithAya nama: - ThiruPullani Dharpasayana Raman-thanks SrI AMR Kannan

svRgu[atItay nm>

sarvaguNAteetAya nama:

Salutations to the Lord, who has transcended the Satthva, Rajas and tamo
guNams associated with Prakrithi (Cosmic matter).

sTy}ananNtgu[ ivÉUi;tay nm>

satyAjn~nAnanta-guNa vibhUshithAya nama:

Salutations to the Lord, who is adorned with the auspicious attributes of truth,
knowledge and infinitude!

prmaTmne nm>

paramAtmanE nama:

Salutations to the Supreme Lord, the Master of all sentient and insentient!

cturaTmne nm>

caturAtmanE nama: 45

Salutations to the Lord, who exists in four VyUha forms: VaasudEva,

SamkarshaNa, Pradhyumna and Aniruddha!

ctu>-pÂ-nv-VyUh dz-Övadz-mUtRye nm>

catu:-panca-nava-vyUha daSa-dvAdasa- moortayE nama:

Salutations to the Lord, who is manifest in the four VyUha forms as per
PaancharAthra Aagama! Salutations to the Lord, who exists in five forms as per
VykhAnasa Aagamam (Satyan, acyutan, Purushan, aniruddhan and VyApthan)!

Salutations to Him who exists in Nine VyUha forms (the above four plus Five)!
Salutations to the Lord, who manifested as ten vibhava roopams (Mathsya, Koorma
et al)!

AnNtay nm>

anantAya nama:

Salutations to the Lord, who is not limited by space, Time or object!

ci³[e nm>

chakriNE nama:

Salutations to the Lord who holds the sacred disc named Sudarsanam in His hand!

ivñay nm>

viSvAya nama:

Salutations to the Lord, who is full in all respects!

ivñatItay nm>

viSvAteetAya nama: 50

Salutations to the Lord, who is distinctly different from PrAkruthic world!

inrv*ay nm>

niravadyAya nama:

Salutations of the Lord without limitations!


"niravadyAya nama:"
Sri Malolan Moolavar and Uthsavar-1994-thanks SrI AMR Kannan


Saanta-mUrtayE nama: - madurantakam divyadampati and desikan-thanks SrI VC Govindarajan

inrÃnay nm>

niranjanAya nama:

Salutations to the Lord, who is free from passions!

Aàmeyay nm>

apramEyAya nama:

Salutations to the Lord, who is the transcendental One with His abode at Sri

ABjnaÉay nm>

abhja-nAbhAya nama:

Salutations to the Lord PadmanAbhan, who has the Lotus arising out of His navel!

sureñray nm>

surEsvarAya nama: 55

Salutations to the Lord of DevAs!

zaNt mUtRye nm>

Saanta-mUrtayE nama:

Salutations to the Lord, who is the embodiment of Tranquility!

vray nm>

varAya nama:

Salutations to the Lord, who is the Supreme among DevAs!

ÖNÖaitir´ay nm>

dvandva atiriktAya nama:

Salutations to the Lord, who is beyond the dual states such as sorrow and

kaEStuÉaeÑaist v]se nm>

KoustubhOt-bhAsita vakshasE nama:

Salutations to the Lord whose chest is resplendent with the Kousthubha gem!

ivñêpay nm>

viSvaroopAya nama: 60

Salutations to the Lord, who has the whole universe with its multifarious divisions

gathered together in one single spot within His body as Gods of all Gods! (tÇEkSw<

jgTk«TSn< àivÉ´mnekxa-tatraikastham jagatkrtsnam pravibhaktam anEkadhA –

GitA: 11.13).

ivzala]ay nm>

viSAlAkshAya nama:

Salutations to the Lord with broad and beautiful eyes!

sayuJy mae] xaykay nm>

saayujya mOksha dhAyakAya nama:

Salutations to the Lord, who alone can grant the lofty Saayujya Moksham!

mhabahve nm>

mahaa bAhavE nama:

Salutations to the Lord, who is distinguished by His arms extending down to His

sklavr[atIt vEk…{Qnaway nm>

sakalAvaraNAteeta-vaikunThanAthAya nama:

Salutations to the Lord residing at His Supreme abode which is beyond all
avaraNams as Suddha Sathvamaya lOkam!

nr naray[ êpay nm>

nara-naarAyaNa roopAya nama: 65

Salutations to the Lord, who appeared in the form of nara-naarAyaNaas at


dyaisNxve nm>

dayaa sindhavE nama:

Salutations to the Lord, who is an Ocean of Mercy!

zr[agt vTsl Svaimne nm>

SaraNAgata-vatsala swAminE nama:

Salutations to the Lord who adores the PrapannAs, who have sought refuge at His

sacred feet!

zaNtanNt-icdaTmne nm>

SaantAnanta cidAtmanE nama:

Salutations to the Lord who is ever in the state of SaandhOtita (state of

tranquility of the Supreme Brahman) and who is beyond the limitations of space,
time and objects!

Aivkaray nm>

avikArAya nama:

Salutations to the Lord devoid of any changes (without experiencing birth or


tejsa< inxye nm>

tEjasAm nidhayE nama: 70

Salutations to the Lord who is supremely effulgent (JyOthirmayam)!

àxanpué;ezay nm>

pradhAna purushESaya nama:

Salutations to the Lord, who is the Master of Purushan and Prakruthi!

AnekmUtRye nm>

anEka moortayE nama:

Salutations to You of Many forms (Four VyUha and ten Vibhava forms)!


tEjasAm nidhayE nama:

Thirumalai Garudasevai -thanks SrI AMR Kannan


naarAyaNAya nama: - PanguniUthiram serthi in mirror room - thiruvellarai - thanks Sri. Murali Bhattar

@kmUtRye nm>

yEka moortayE nama:

Salutations to You manifesting as Para VaasudEvan at SrI VaikuNTham!

AmUtaRye nm>

amUrtAyE nama:

Salutations to You, who does not have the physical form (gross body linked to
Pancha bhUthAs) attained by sentient to experience their karmas!

naray[y nm>

naarAyaNAya nama: 75

Salutations to the Supreme Brahman, NaarAyaNa, “who pervades whatever

objects in the universe, which is seen or heard; He remains pervading them both
inside and outside”!

suiSmtaxrp‘vay nm>

susmita adhara pallavAya nama:

Salutations to the Lord smiling with lovely and tender red lips resembling a
blossomed red lotus!

kaEStuÉ ÉU;[ay nm>

kaustubha bhooshaNaaya nama:

Salutations to the Lord who wears the shining Kausthubha gem!

S)…rNmkr k…{flayE nm>

sphuran-makara kuNDalAyai nama:

Salutations to the Lord, who shines with the dangling ear ornaments in the form
of the Makara fish!

pÂkalprEkaiNt yaeg]em vhayE nm>

pancakaalaparaikAnti yOkakshEma vahAyai nama:

Salutations to the Lord who looks after the welfare of ParamaikAnthis, who
worship You devoutly during the five divisions of the day!

xr[I xray nm>

dharaNee-dharAya nama: 80

Salutations to the Lord who carries BhUmi Devi in His head taking the form of

äü[e nm>

BrahmaNE nama:

Salutations to the Lord who is hailed as the Personal God, SrinivAsan by AchArya
RaamAnuja (BrahmaNi SrInivAsE in Sri BhAshyam)!

shöbahve nm>

sahasra-bahavE nama:

Salutations to the Lord hailed in Purusha Sooktham as the One with thousands of
arms and legs!

shönynay nm>

sahasra-nayanAya nama:

Salutations to the Lord, who has thousands of eyes, which watch all over the
Universe as Viswa Saakshi (witness to all of our activities)!

A]ray nm>

aksharAya nama:

Salutations to the Lord, who is never sullied or diminished even though He is

enjoyed by the liberated Ones (MukthAs) and the eternally free ones (nithya

Sooris) constantly! This is the lakshaNam of Akshara Brahman.

Vyaipne nm>

vyApinE nama: 85

Salutations to the Lord, who pervades the created beings inside and outside!

vedve*ay nm>

veda-vEdyAya nama:

Salutations to the Lord, who is revealed and realized through the VedAs!

shöizrsay nm>

sahasraSirasAya nama:

Salutations to the Viswaroopi with thousands of heads filling all the directions !

icNmaÇêip[e nm>

cinmAtra roopiNE nama:

Salutations to the Lord, who is in the form of Pure Consciousness!

ÇYyNtmUtRye nm>

trayyanta moortayE nama:

Salutations to the Lord in the form of three VedAs!

Ai[óay nm>

aNishThAya nama: 90

Salutations to the Lord in the Sookshma form at the atomic level! (aNOr aNeeyAn
mahthOr maheeyAn)!

Swivóay nm>

sthvavishThaya nama:

Salutations to the Lord, who is huge in the form of BrahmANDa (the egg-like
universe) housing the fourteen worlds and its beings!

mihóay nm>

mahishThAya nama:

Salutations to the Lord, who has the gigantic universe as His body (Viswa
Moorthy)! His body is the abode for the entire universe.

neidóay nm>

nEdishThAya nama:

Salutations to the Lord, who is in close proximity of His devotees (Bhaktha


divóay nm>

davishThAya nama:

Salutations to the Lord, who is far away from those who are not His devotees!

svaRNtyaRim[e nm>

sarvantaryArmiNE nama: 95

Salutations to the Lord, who is the indweller of all (AntharyAmi Brahman)!

va;Reóay nm>

vaarshEshThAya Nama:

Salutations to the One, who is the most ancient (PurANa Purushan)!

pÂaTmne nm>

pancAtmanE nama:

Salutations to the Lord, who is in the form of PancOpanishad mantrams of

PaancharAthra Aaagam!

s&iòiSwTyNthetve nm>

srushTi-sthityanta hEtavE nama:

Salutations to the Lord, who is the cause behind the creation and preservation of

the created beings!

VyStay nm>

vyastAya nama:

Salutations to the Lord associated with Vyashti Srushti (creation of the Universe
of space and matter with all its diversity)!

smStay nm>

samastAya nama: 100

Salutations to the Lord of Samashti Srushti (aggregate evolution of the



smStVyStêip[e nm>

samasta-vyasta roopiNE nama:

Salutations to the Lord of Vyashti and Samashti Srushtis (who has everything as
His form and yet is different from every thing as their Iswaran)!

AaidmXyaNtzUNyay nm>

aadi-madhyAnta SoonyAya nama:

Salutations to the Lord, who has no beginning, middle or end!

tÅvSway nm>

tattvasthAya nama:

Salutations to the One, who is rooted in the three tattvams (three ontological


samasta-vyasta roopiNE nama: - SrI oppiliappan-thanks SrI Shreyas Sarangan


praNava roopiNE ! parama hamsAya nama:

SrI hayagrIvar - Thanks: Sri. Raghavanravee

doctrines such as Iswara, chit and achit)!

à[vàitpa*ay nm>

praNava-pratipAdyAya nama:

Salutation to the Lord, who is understood as the One making all beings bow before
Him as their Swami (PadAravindhayO: tAnn ya: praNayamati)!

à[vêip[e nm>

praNava roopiNE nama: 105

Salutations to the Lord of the form of PraNavam (OmkAra dhvani, udhgItha


sacchidAnanda roopAya nama:

Salutations to the Lord of the form of true Jn~Anam and Bliss!

prmh<say nm>

parama hamsAya nama:

Salutations to the Lord, who is of the sathsatthva-SubhAsraya Parama Hamsa

form (One who is pure and is of the sattva attribute and who possesses an
auspicious body for redeeming those, who meditate on it)!

ïIÖarvtInaway nm>

SrI dvAravatee nAthAya nama: 108

Salutations to the Lord of DvAraka Puri, SrI KrishNa!

ïIr¼naw präü[e nm>

SrI RanganAtha parabrahmaNE nama:

. #it ijtNte AòaeÄrztnamavi¦> s<pU[Rm!.

Jitante ashTottara SatanAmAvaLi sampoorNam


Oppilappan Koil V. SaThakopan



Sundara simham - ahobila mutt




(The titles below are hyper-linked to individual eBooks.  If the pointer is placed over 
the text and clicked, you can access the titles online) 

eBook # Title eBook # Title

1 SrI Stuti 17 Vegasethu stOtram

2 BhU Stuti 18 Panniru nAmam

3 Godha Stuti 19 RAmAnujar Chronology

4 HayagrIva Stotram 20 Charama Surukku

5 Raghuveera Gadyam 21 AahAra Niyamam

6 ParamArta Stuti 22 Gopala Vimsati

7 Sudarshana Ashtakam 23 Navamani MAlai

8 kAmAsikAshtakam 24 Thirumanthira Churukku

9 AshtabhujAshtakam 25 PAdukA Satakam

PadukA Sahasram

10 Garuda Dandakam 26 Amruta Ranjani

11 Thirucchinna mAlai 27 PradAna Satakam

12 Arutta Panchakam 28 DevarAjAshtakam

13 Dvaya Churukku 29 HayagrIva Panjaram

14 VairAgya Panchakam 30 GeetArtha Sangraham

15 DasAvatAra slOkam 31 Adaikala Patthu

16 DayA satakam 32 Azhagiyaingar Thaniyans

eBook # Title eBook # Title

33 Paramatha Bhangam 54 NacchiyAr Thirumozhi

34 Prabhanda SAram 55 Pillayandhadhi

35 Nrusimha PanchAmrutham 56 Chitra DesikIyam

36 Vaishnava Dinasari 57 SaraNAgati Deepika

37 Mey Viratha Manmiyam 58 Paramapada Sopanam

38 Guna Ratna kOsam 59 Sri Bhashyam Vol1

39 Abheeti Stavam 60 Sri Bhashyam Vol2

40 Mummani KOvai 61 Vaikuntha Stavam


41 Sandhya Devathaas 62 Thiruppavai

42 Injimedu Azhagiya Singar 63 Tattva Padhavee

43 43rd Pattam Jeer 64 Agaramanimaala Stotram

44 44th Pattam Jeer 65 Mangalya Stavam

45 Prakrutam Azhagiya Singar 66 HayagrIva SahasranAmam

46 Rig UpAkarma 67 Narasimha AvatAram

47 Yajur UpAkarma 68 Rahasya Navaneetham

48 SAma UpAkarma 69 Rahasya Padavee

49 Stotra Ratnam 70 Thiruppalliyezhuchchi

50 Amruta svAdini 71 SaranAgathi (Tamil)

51 AdhikAra Sangraham 72 Dehaleesa Stuti

52 Thirumanjana Kattiyam 73 Purusha SUktham

53 SrI Stavam 74 Desika Darsanam

eBook # Title eBook # Title

75 Bhagavad dyAna sopanam 95 Sri Venkatesha Ashtottaram

(Brahmanda Puranam)
76 SubhAshita Neevi 96 Sri Venkatesha Ashtottaram
(Varaha Puranam)
77 NaimisAranyam 97 Famous Five

78 AparyAptAmrutha sopanam 98 Arithmetic and Almighty

79 A Day in Sri Matam 99 Peerless Preceptor

80 ThiruppallANDu 100 SrI Lakshmi Sahasram

81 Thiruvellur 101 Sri Venkatesha Sahasram

82 ad upanishads 102 PadukA Sahasra Yantrams

Vedams and upanishads

83 Thiruviruththam 103 ThirunedunthanDakam

84 ThiruvAsiriyam 104 ThirukkurunthanDakam

85 Periya thiruvandhadhi 105 ThiruvezhukURRirukkai

86 Thiruvaimozhi 106 Manthra Pushpam

87 Desika Sahasranaamam 107 Virodha ParihAram

88 Satha DUshani 108 Oppiliappan vaibhavam

89 Tattva Muktha kalApam

90 Chillarai Rahasyam

91 Srimad RahasaTrayaSAram

92 Fabulous Four

93 Sudarashana Vaibhavam

94 Sri Venkatesha Sooktis



ahObilavalli - Chenchulakshmi thAyAr - ahobilam




(The titles below are hyper-linked to individual eBooks.  If the pointer is placed over 
the text and clicked, you can access the titles online) 

eBook # Title eBook # Title

1 DanurmAsa ArAdanam 17 Thiruvellarai

2 SALagrama ArAdanam 18 Achyutha Satakam

3 Mukunda MAlA 19 Sundara kANDam

4 VAsantika parinayam 20 RanganAtha Mahimai Vol 1

5 SampradAya parisuddhi 21 RanganAtha Mahimai Vol 2

6 ThiruppAvai 22 RanganAtha Mahimai Vol 3

7 YatirAja Saptati 23 RanganAtha mahimai Vol 4

8 AthimAnusha Stavam 24 Thiru Vaikunta Vinnagaram

9 Anjali Vaibhavam 25 Thiru ThevanAr Thogai

10 ThiruvellakuLam 26 Thiru Semponsei Koil

11 DevanAyaka Pancasat 27 Thiru Arimeya Vinnagaram

12 NyAsa Dasakam 28 Ramanusar nURRandhAdhi

13 NyAsa Tilakam 29 VishnuSahasranAmam Vol1

14 NyAsa Vimsati 30 VishnuSahasranAmam Vol2

15 PeirazhwAr krishnAnubavam 31 VishnuSahasranAmam Vol3

16 AmalanAthipirAn 32 VishnuSahasranAmam Vol4

eBook # Title eBook # Title

33 VishnuSahasranAmam Vol5 54 Bhagavan nAma sahasram - 2

34 VaradarAja Pancasat 55 Bhagavan nAma sahasram - 3

35 Vishnu SUktham 56 Apamarjana Stotram

36 ThirutheRRiambalam 57 PerumAL Thirumozhi

37 Varaha Puranam 58 Jitante Stotram - Vol 1

38 Vasudeva PunyahavAcanam 59 Jitante Stotram - Vol 2

39 Samaveda PunyahavAcanam 60 Jitante Stotram - Vol 3

40 Brahmotsavam 61 Jitante Stotram - Vol 4


41 Homa Havis and Yajna 62 Sri Varadaraja stavam

42 Raghava YadavIyam 63 Acharya Panchasat

43 Yadavabhyudayam 64 Bhagavan Gunaratnasatakam

44 Lakshminarayana Hrdayam 65 Garuda Panchasat

45 RAmAshtaka Kritis 66 Rangaraja Stavam

46 HanUmath vaibhavam 67 Tattva Nirnayam

47 Manasa Aradanam slokam 68 Sundarabahu Stavam

48 Ekadashi & other vrtams 69 Vaibhava PrAkAshika

49 Mahalakshmi Kritis 70 KomalA Dandakam

50 Ahobila Divya Desam 71 ThiruppullAni

51 VaradarAja panchakam

52 SadAchAryAs

53 Bhagavan nAma sahasram - 1





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