68-ASME 2004 Code Revisions Presentations
68-ASME 2004 Code Revisions Presentations
68-ASME 2004 Code Revisions Presentations
2004 Edition
The incorporations above in Table PG-19 & PG-27 apply only to use in
“superheater parts” as covered by already existing specifications in PG-9.2.
Section I – Edition 2004
Part PW
Table PW-11
X Revised Table PW-11 General Notes added (e) (Added Text)
X Revised PW-27.1 addressing limitation for resistance Welding
X Revised PW-27.3 to correct reference (Revised Text)
X Added New paragraph 27.5 (Added Text)
Table PW-39
X Added (k) to Notes. (Revised Text)
X Revised PWHT for P-N° 4 Materials (Revised Text)
X P-No.1: Revise notes (a) & (b) of Note 1, j, 3 (Revised Text)
X P-No. 3: Revise notes (a) & (b) of Note 1, h, 3 (Revised Text)
X P-No. 4: Revise notes (a) & (b) of Note 1, e, (Revised Text)
X P-No. 51: Note PWHT is neither required or prohibited
Section I – Edition 2004
Part PW
X Added New PW-50.1, PW-50.2, and PW-50.3 (Added Text)
X Revised paragraph PW-51.1 corrected reference (Revised Text)
X deleted paragraph PW-51.5 replaced by PW-50
X deleted paragraph PW-52.4 replaced by PW-50
X Revised PW-54.3.2 to allow welding non-pressure parts to
pressure parts after hydrostatic test under certain limited
conditions. (Revised Text)
allowed for attachment of plain carbon steel attachments with less
than 0.2% C to P-No. 1 pressure parts.
Section I – Edition 2004
Part PEB
X Revised paragraph 5.3 added SA-347 and replace previous sub-
paragraph (a) with (b) (Revised Text)
X Revised paragraph 15.2 (Revised Text)
X Add new paragraph PEB-15.3 (Added Text)
X Revise PEB 17.2 to conduct hydrostatic test of completed
miniature electric boilers at a pressure not less than the safety
valve setting.
Section I – Edition 2004
Part PEB
X Revise PEB 18.3.2 Inspection and Stamping of Boilers. (Revised
Section I – Edition 2004
Part PFT
X Delete PFT-16
X Delete Fig. PFT-16
X Replace Adamson with ring reinforcement
X Revise PFT-25.2 formula to show “S” rather than 11,000 and show S =
as given in Table IA of Section II Part D
X Revise PFT-25.2 to read cylindrical furnace or water cooled turnaround
X Delete Adamson Type Furnace
X Delete Adamson Type Furnace
Section I – Edition 2004
Mandatory Appendix
X Revised text concerning Certified Individual (Revised Text)
X Deleted statements that are inconsistent with ASME Conformity
Assessment Policy
X Add new certificate scopes for coverage of parts fabrication.
X Revised Table A-360 to reference B16.11-2001
X Revised Table A-360 to add ASNT CP-189, 1995 – ASNT Standard
for Qualification and Certification of Nondestructive Testing Personnel.
X Deleted reference to ASME B16.28
X Revised Table A-360 to reference B16.34a-1998
X Revised Certificate of Authorization and guide
Code Case 2042
X Use of Welded Pipe as the Shell of a Boiler
Section I – Edition 2004
Table PG-68.7 & PG-68.7M
Table PW-11
Table PW-39 (k)
Table PW-39 P-Numbers 1 - 4
Table PW-39 (P-4)
PEB-15.2 & PEB-18.3.2
A-356 (P-7)
Section II – Edition 2004
Section II – Edition 2004
Parts A, B, C, and D
X Metrication
X Delete the last paragraph of the Foreword in all Book Sections.
X Nonmandatory Appendix
X Guidance for the Use of US Customary and SI Units in the ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codes
X Errata and editorial revisions were made to remedy the mistakes
made in the past.
Section II – Edition 2004
Parts A, and B
X Update both Section II, Part A, Appendix A and Section II. Part
B, Appendix A by adding a "VIII-3" Book Section column, and
populate the columns as applicable.
X Approve the addition of a notice in SC II-A and B regarding
material specifications that are being considered for withdrawal.
X Addition of SC XII Applicability Column to Appendix A
Section II – Edition 2004
Part A
X Adoption of ASTM Specifications
X SA-47/SA-47M XSA-564/SA-564M XSA-134
X SA-194/SA-194M XSA-666 XSA-135
X SA-209/SA-209M XSA-693 XSA-334/SA-334M
X SA-476/SA-476M XSA-705/SA-705M XSA-688/SA-688M
X SA-437/SA-476M XSA-376/SA-376M XSA-691
X SA-449/SA-449M XSA-832/SA-832M XSA-703/SA-703M
X SA-302/SA-302M XSA-312/SA-312M XSA-747/SA-747M
X SA-387/SA-387M XSA-358/SA-358M XSA-572/SA-572M
X SA-537/SA-537M XSA-350/SA-350M X SA-1008/SA-1008M
X SA-533/SA-533M XSA-724/SA-724M X SA-790/SA-790M
X SA-537/SA-537M XSA-814 XSA-1017/SA-1017M
X SA-533/SA-533M XSA-540/SA-540M XSA-803/SA-803M
X SA-217/SA217M XSA-751 XSA-999SA-999M
X SA-691 XSA-53/SA-53M
Section II – Edition 2004
Part A
X SA-53/SA-53M Type E
X Revised Appendix A to read “ Identical except for test practice in
X Revised paragraph 11.1.1 to add test practices E213, E309 or
X SA-358/SA-358M
X Clarified heat treatment requirements in para. 6.3.1.
X Deletion of paras. and
X Editorial difference in para. 1.2.
X SC III and SC VIII-1 requirements on Code stamping and data
X SA-671
X Revised paragraph 1.3.3 to indicate correct Heat Treatment
Section II – Edition 2004
Part A
X SA-350/SA-350M
XDeletion of 6.1.2 and 14.1.
XRevision of 14.1.5.
XTest Reports have been made mandatory.
X Add a Note for SA-350 Grade LF2 Forgings in Appendix A
X use of Grade LF2 forgings made to an earlier revision of the
specification where there is no Class identification
Section II – Edition 2004
Part B
X Adoption of ASTM Specifications
X SB-61
X SB-62
X SB-626
X SB-462
X Various editorial modifications and clarifications covered by Errata
Section II – Edition 2004
Part D
Section V – Edition 2004
• Internal Undercut
• Burn Through
Article 4
X Various technical changes are necessary to update Article 4 that
were not addressed:
Article 5
X T-510
X Add and revise to be consistent with scope in Article 4. (Revised
Article 6
X T-641
XAdd " or duplex" in T-641 and App. II, II-642
Section V – Edition 2004
Article 7
X T-779
XAdd Paragraph to Article 7;Revise Table of Contents (Added
Article 8
X Add New Appendix in Art. 8 for Measurement of Nonconductive
Coating Thickness on a Nonmagnetic Metallic Material
Article 9
X T-921.2 Revised paragraph (Revised Text)
X Table T-921 Revised Table (Revised Table)
Art. 5 – T-510
Art. 9 - T-921.2
Art. 9 Table T-921
Art. 2 – Table T-232.2
Art. 7 –T-779
Art. 2 – T-283.2
Art. 6 – T-641
Art. 6 – Appendix II-642
Art- 2 – T-262.3
Art. 2 -T-277.2(b)
Art. 2 -T-221.1
Art. 2 -T-274.1
Art. 2 -T-291
Section VIII Div. 1 – Edition 2004
Section VIII Div. 1 – Edition 2004
X Delete the last paragraph of the Foreword in all Book Sections.
Nonmandatory Appendix
X Guidance for the Use of US Customary and SI Units in the ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Codes
X Errata and editorial revisions were made to remedy the mistakes made
in the past.
Section VIII Div. 1 – Edition 2004
Table U-3 revised as follows:
X Factory-Made Wrought Buttwelding Fittings ASME B16.9 – 2001
X delete
X Wrought Steel Buttwelding Short Radius Elbows and Returns ASME/ANSI
X add to step 2
X At the end of step 4 add
X If tabular values are used, determine B as in Step 2 and apply it to the
equation in Step 4.
X Revised the definition of B
X Similar changes have been made in the steps for determining cylindrical
shells and tubes and spherical shells in UG-28.
Section VIII Div. 1 – Edition 2004
X revised to match changes to UG-23 and UG-28.
UG-35 Quick-Actuating Closures
X revised in total (Attachment 1)
UG-36 Add to definition of d1 and d2 the following
X The centerline of an unreinforced opening as defined in (a) and (b)
above shall not be closer than its finished diameter to any material used
for reinforcement of an adjacent opening
X delete references to ASME/ANSI B16.28 deleted from Table U-3
X at the end of the first sentence delete
X carbon and low allow steels [ see UCS-79(d) and UHT-79(a)]. and
replace with carbon and low alloy steels, nonferrous alloys, high alloy steels,
and ferrite steels with tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment [see
UCS-79(d), UHA-44(a)(1), UNF-79(a), and UHT-79(a)].
Section VIII Div. 1 – Edition 2004
X add a new subparagraph (c)
X formed by other than the Manufacturer of the vessel, the required
certification for parts shall include whether or not the part has been heat
treated [see UCS-79, UHA-44, UNF-79 and UHT-79].
X Revise stamping to include maximum allowable external working
pressure and temperature
X Add a new footnote, The maximum allowable external working pressure
is required only when specified as a design condition.
X Add a new line listing maximum allowable external working pressure at
Section VIII Div. 1 – Edition 2004
X Revise UG-125(g) as follows:
X The pressure relief device required in (a) above need not be installed directly on a
pressure vessel when either of the following conditions apply:
1) the source of pressure is external to the vessel and is under such positive
control that the maximum allowable working pressure at the operating
temperature, except as permitted in (c) above (see UG-98), or under the
conditions set forth in Appendix M
2) there are no intervening stop valves between the vessel and the pressure
relief device or devices except as permitted under UG-135(d).
See Attachment 9 for revisions to Appendix M, M-5
X Revise stamping to include maximum allowable external working pressure and
X Add a new footnote, The maximum allowable external working pressure is
required only when specified as a design condition.
X Add a new line listing maximum allowable external working pressure at
Section VIII Div. 1 – Edition 2004
X requirements for reinforcing elements sketches UW-16.1 (a-2) and (a-3)
revised. (Attachment 2)
X Revise UW-26(d) to read:
X The Manufacturer (Certificate Holder) may engage individuals by contract or
agreement for their services as welders at the shop location shown on the
certificate of authorization and at field sites (if allowed by the Certificate of
Authorization) for the construction of pressure vessels or vessel parts,,
provided all of the following conditions are met.
X Revise UW-40(f)(5) to read:
X the thickness of the shell in connections to tubesheets, flat heads, covers,
flanges (except for welded parts depicted in Fig. 2-4(7),
4(7 where the thickness
of the weld shall govern), or similar connections.
Section VIII Div. 1 – Edition 2004
Table UCS-56
X Revise P-4 Material holding temperature from 1100°F to 1200°F
X Revise UCS-79(d)(4) to read:
X the reduction by cold forming from the as-rolled thickness is more than 10%
at the location where extreme fiber elongation exceeds 5%
X Delete subparagraph UCS-79(e), replaced by changes to UG-79 and
Table UHA-23
X Delete SA-351 J93345 CE8MN
X Add SA-995 J93345 2A
Table UNF-23.3
X Add SB-564 UNS N08825
X Add SB-815 R31233 and SB-818 R31233
X Add SB-366 N08367
Section VIII Div. 1 – Edition 2004
X Revise a) and b), change design to appropriate design equations and
add a new subparagraph (c) as follows:
X The appropriate joint efficiency factor to be used in design equations for
seamless flat heads and seamless formed heads, excluding seamless
hemispherical heads, is 1.0. The appropriate joint efficiency factor to be
used in the design equations for circumferential stress in seamless
cylindrical or conical shells is 1.0.
X Delete Fig. ULW-2.2
X Delete ULW-16.3(b)(3)
Fig. ULW-17.4
X Delete lower three sketches and note (3)
X Delete ULW-76(c)
Section VIII Div. 1 – Edition 2004
X Add a new subparagraph (e):
X For vessels constructed of UNS N06230 and when welding is performed
with filler metal of the same nominal composition as the base metal, only
GMAW or GTAW processes are allowed.
X Add a new subparagraph (e):
X For vessels constructed of UNS R31233 during weld procedure qualification
testing, when using a matching filler metal composition, the minimum
specified tensile strength of the weld metal shall bb 120 ksi (828 MPa).
Longitudinal bend tests are permitted per Section IX, QW-160.
X Add a new subparagraph (f):
X Post weld heat treatment of UNS R31233 is required prior to cold forming
when the cold forming bend radius at the weld is less than four (4) times the
thickness of the component. Post weld heat treatment shall consist of
annealing at 2050°F (1121°C) immediately followed by water quenching.
Section VIII Div. 1 – Edition 2004
Appendix 3
X Add Definition for full vacuum
X full vacuum (FV) – a condition where the internal absolute pressure is 0 psi (
0 kPa) and the external absolute pressure on the vessel is 15 psi (100 kPa).
(See UG-116).
Appendix 5
X delete current 5-6 Marking and Reports and replace (Attachment 3)
Appendix 10
X Add in 10-1 at end of second sentence the following:
X The Certified Individual authorized to provide oversight may also serve as
the Certificate Holder’s authorized representative responsible for signing
data reports or certificates of conformance.
Section VIII Div. 1 – Edition 2004
Appendix 13
X Revise 13-4(j)(2)
X (2) As a minimum, the reinforcement of other openings in non-circular
vessels shall comply with UG-39 except the required thickness to be used in
the reinforcement calculations shall be the thickness required to satisfy the
stress criteria in 13-4(b). Compensation ---
Appendix 14
X Add at end of 14-1(a)
X For openings in which the nozzle is attached with non-integral welds (i.e. a
double fillet or partial penetration weld) use the design rules fo an opening
without an attached nozzle or hub.
Appendix 17
X Delete 17-2(c)(1) which reads as follows:
X Unless exempted by UG-20(f), UCS-66(d), or UCS-68(a), Part UCS
materials may not be used in the construction of assemblies covered in this
Appendix which are intended for service at temperatures below -20°F.
Section VIII Div. 1 – Edition 2004
Appendix 23
X revised titanium specifications and design temperature requirements.
(Attachment 4)
Appendix 26 Expansion Joints
X revised in total
Appendix XXX
X New Appendix Guidance for the design and operation of Quick-
Actuating Closures
Appendix UHX
X Contains numerous errors and errata
Appendix M
X Sizing of PR devices, M-14(a) at the end of paragraph (a) add:
X For some fire situations, there may be an insufficient rise in pressure to
activate a pressure relief device. The user should consult other references,
which provide guidelines for protecting vessels from the effects of fire.
Section VIII Div. 1 – Edition 2004
Appendix W
X Revise Data Report Form U-1A, line 9 to list both
X internal and external MAWP and both internal and external temperature
Code Case XXXX new code case
X Used for nickel-iron-chromium-Molybdenum-Copper Alloy SB-564 UNS
N08825 Forgings
Code Case 2418 new code case
X SA-182, SA-240, and SA-479 21 Cr-5Mn-1.5Ni-Cu-N (UNS S32101)
Austenitic-Ferritic Duplex Stainless Steel
Attachment 3
Section VIII Div. 2 – Edition 2004
Section VIII Div. 2 – Edition 2004
X Delete the last paragraph of the Foreword in all Book Sections.
Nonmandatory Appendix
X Guidance for the Use of US Customary and SI Units in the ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Codes
X Errata and editorial revisions were made to remedy the mistakes made
in the past.
Section VIII Div. 2 – Edition 2004
Table AG-150.1 revised as follows:
X Factory-Made Wrought Buttwelding Fittings ASME B16.9 – 2001
X delete
X Wrought Steel Buttwelding Short Radius Elbows and Returns ASME/ANSI
X add to end of paragraph
X The Code Edition year and Addenda date on the User’s Design Specification
and Manufacturer’s Design Report shall be the same as the Code Edition
year and Addenda on the Manufacturer's Data Report.
X add to step 4
X At the end of step 6 add
X If tabular values are used, determine B as in Step 4 and apply it to the
equation in Step 6.
Section VIII Div. 2 – Edition 2004
X Revised the definition of B
X Similar changes have been made in the steps for determining cylindrical
shells and tubes (AD-310) and spherical shells (AD-320).
X delete paragraph - ASME/ANSI B16.28
X Errata delete AD-213 (c) (Attachment 1)
Section VIII Div. 2 – Edition 2004
Fig. AD-1117.4 Layered Shells
X Delete figures (h), (h-1) and Note (c)
Fig. AD-1117.6 Layered Shells
X Delete figure (h)
X Revise AF-210.1(b) to read:
X The Manufacturer (Certificate Holder) may engage individuals by contract or
agreement for their services as welders at the shop location shown on the
certificate of authorization and at field sites (if allowed by the Certificate of
Authorization) for the construction of pressure vessels or vessel parts,,
provided all of the following conditions are met.
Section VIII Div. 2 – Edition 2004
X Delete subparagraph AF-810.20(b)(5) (5) Interlocking strips of helically
wound construction
Table AF-810.1
X Delete in Category A helically wound interlocking strips
Table ANF-1.3 Add
X SB-366 N06022, N06059
X SB-564 N06022, N06059
X SB-574 N06022, N06059
X SB-575 N06022, N06059
X SB-619 N06022, N06059
X SB-622 N06022, N06059
X SB-626 N06022, N06059
Appendix 18-100
X Add new sentance permitting the CI to be the representative as well as
the CI
Section VIII Div. 3 – Edition 2004
Section VIII Div. 3 – Edition 2004
X delete KD-104 which is replaced by KD-810(f) and KD-931
X revise theoretical collapse pressure factor from 2 to 1.732
X delete current (c) and replace with:(c) For additional leak-before-
burst criteria for shrink fit layered vessels see KD-810(f); for wire
wound vessels see KD-931.
X in four locations delete the term “k”
Fig. KD-230
X delete the term “k” in three locations and delete note 2
X revise theoretical collapse pressure factor from 2 to 1.732 in two
Section VIII Div. 3 – Edition 2004
X Delete the last paragraph of the Foreword in all Book Sections.
Nonmandatory Appendix
X Guidance for the Use of US Customary and SI Units in the ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Codes
X Errata and editorial revisions were made to remedy the mistakes made
in the past.
Interlocking Strip wound vessels
X Delete in total
Section VIII Div. 3 – Edition 2004
X Certification of Subcontracted Services
X Control of Individuals
X Manufacturers Responsibility
KS-120 & KS-301
X Parts Marking & Partial Data Reports
X in formula revise 1/1.732 to 2/3
X in formula revise 2/1.732 to 4/3
Section VIII Div. 3 – Edition 2004
X in formula revise 2/1.732 to 4/3
X revise theoretical collapse pressure factor from 2 to 1.732
X delete the following from the second paragraph:
X For design fatigue curves, see Fig. KD-320.1 for forged nonwelded
construction and Fig KD-320.2 for welded construction.
Table KD-320.1
X Addition of 15-5PH stainless steel
Fig KD-320.4
X Addition of 15-5PH stainless steel
X Addition of 15-5PH stainless steel
Section VIII Div. 3 – Edition 2004
X Addition of 15-5PH stainless steel
X in two locations delete the term “1.15”
X add a new paragraph KD-810(f) (Attachment 1)
X revise paragraph KD-931 (Attachment 2)
X in formula revise 0.4 to 0.8/1.732
Table KHA-1
X the addition of 1SA-705 XM-16 Cond. H900, H950, & H1000
Section VIII Div. 3 – Edition 2004
X revision to Impact testing requirements (Attachment 3)
X revise reference from KD-104 to KD-810(f) and KD-931
Appendix D
X add the following to D-401:
X For fatigue crack growth calculations, qy may be set equal to zero.
X A similar change was made in D-403(a).
Appendix E-200
X add a new third paragraph as follows:
X For vessels where the outside diameter is not uniform along the whole
length of the body, the methods given in this Appendix for calculating thread
load distribution may be non-conservative due to the effect of the vessel
outer diameter on the flexibility factors calculated in E-210 for such vessels,
see KD-100(b).
Section IX – Edition 2004
Section IX – Edition 2004
X Delete the last paragraph of the Foreword in all Book Sections.
Nonmandatory Appendix
X Guidance for the Use of US Customary and SI Units in the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codes
X Errata and editorial revisions were made to remedy the mistakes
made in the past.
Section IX – Edition 2004
X Revised to replace "penetrameter" with "image quality" and to
remove reference to paragraph T-285 of Article 2, Section V
X Revised to replace P-N° 47 with P-N° 49
X Revised to replace P-N° 47 with P-N° 49
Section IX – Edition 2004
X QW-290 Temper Bead Welding
X When the applicable Code Section specifies the use of this
paragraph for temper bead welding, the following shall apply
X QW-290.1 Basic Qualification and Upgrading Existing WPS’s
X QW-290.2 Welding Process Restrictions
X QW-290.3 Variables for Temper Bead Welding Qualifications
X QW-290.4 Test Coupon Preparation and Testing
X QW-290.5 In-process Repair Welding
Section IX – Edition 2004
X Revised QW-423.1
X Change the words “P-number” to read “P or S Number”
X Revised QW-424.1
X Change the words “P-number” to read “P or S Number”
X Added F-Number 55 filler metals for Welder Performance
Qualification .
Section IX – Edition 2004
X Added F-Number 55 filler metals for Welder Performance
Qualification .
X F-number 55 titanium filler metals were added to table QW-432 in
2000 Addenda
Section IX – Edition 2004
Table QW/QB-422
X SA-508 4N Cl. 2
X SA-508 5 Cl. 2
X Revised from P-N° 11A to P-N° 11B
X SA-543 B Cl. 2
X SA-543 C Cl. 3
X Revised from P-N° 11A to P-N° 3
X A182
X A-276
X A-815
X A-928
X S-2205
X P-N°’s Added for above with the Approval of UNS S32205 by B31.1
Section IX – Edition 2004
Table QW/QB-422 - Continued
X SB-564 N08825
X Assigned S-Number
X A-356 Grade 1, 2, 6, 8, 9, 10, & 12
X Assigned S-Numbers
X SA-815 Gr. 65 & 8
X Assigned P-Numbers & S-Numbers
Section IX – Edition 2004
Revisions to Figure QB-462.1(c) regarding qualification
specimens for lap and rabbet joints.
X Specify reduced section length to 2 1/4 in (57 mm) min.
X Change distance from overlap to radius from 1/4 in (6 mm) to "A,
min" which is defined as "the greater of 1/4 in (6mm) or 2T. " Add
definition as Note 2.
X Add pin- loaded specimen as an alternate specimen.
X Change definition of X from "4T min or as specified by design" to
"test specimen overlap."
X Move definition to Notes as Note 3.
Section IX – Edition 2004
QB-300.3 QB-300.3
More than one manufacturer or contractor More than one manufacturer or contractor
may simultaneously qualify one or more may simultaneously qualify one or more
brazers or brazing operators. When brazers or brazing operators. When
simultaneous qualifications are conducted, simultaneous qualifications are conducted,
each participating organization shall be each participating organization shall be
represented by a responsible employee represented by a responsible employee
during brazing of the test coupons. during brazing of the test coupons.
The brazing procedure specifications (BPS) The brazing procedure specifications (BPS)
which are followed during simultaneous which are followed during simultaneous
qualifications shall be compared by the qualifications shall be compared by the
participating organizations. The qualified participating organizations. The BPSs shall
thickness ranges for base metal and be identical for all essential variables
deposited braze metal need not be identical, except that the flow position, base metal
but these thicknesses shall be adequate to thickness, and overlap lengths need not
permit brazing of the test coupons. be identical, but they these thicknesses
Alternatively, the participating organizations shall be adequate to permit brazing of the
shall agree upon the use of a single BPS test coupons. Alternatively, the participating
provided each organization has a PQR(s) to organizations shall agree upon the use of a
support the BPS covering the range of single BPS provided each organization has
variables to be followed in the performance a PQR(s) to support the BPS covering the
qualification. When a single BPS is to be range of variables to be followed in the
followed, each participating organization performance qualification. When a single
shall review and accept that BPS. BPS is to be followed, each participating
organization shall review and accept that
Fig. QB-462.1(c)-a
Fig. QB-462.1(c)-c
Fig. QB-462.1(c)-d
Fig. QB-462.1(c)- notes
QW-290 Temper Bead Welding Variables
QW-400 Brief of Hardness Test Impact Test Nonessential
Variable Variables Essential Essential Variables
Variables Variables
403.x1 Ø P-No Gr No.. X
403.x2 >Carbon Equiv X
403.x3 >T X
402.x4 + fluid backing X
402.x5 + fluid backing X
406.x6 > interpass temp X
406.x7 < preheat temp. X
409.x8 Ø heat input ratio X X
410.x9 - surface temper beads X X
QW-410.10 (exists) Ø Single to multiple electrode X X
410.x11 Ø type of welding X X
410.x12 + thermal preparation X X
408.x13 Gas Moisture X
404.x14 Storage X
404.x15 Diffusible Hydrogen X
406.x16 Preheat soak time X
410.x17 Surface Bead Placement X
410.x18 Surface Bead Removal X
410.x19 Bead overlap X
406.x20 Postweld Bakeout X
Training of
Review Team Leaders
for Section XII Transport
Charles H. Walters- NBBVI
Allen Selz-Chairman SC-XII
A Sense of Magnitude
There are over 1 million hazardous
materials shipments per day in the
3-4 billion tons are shipped annually
in the US
The US exports $80 billion and
Inspections (AIA) (QIO) (CI)
In-service (Continued Service)
Repairs and Alterations
Organization of Section XII
TG – General Requirements
TM – Material Requirements
TD – Design Requirements
Organization (Continued)
TF – Fabrication Requirements
TE – Examination Requirements
TT – Testing Requirements
Organization (Continued)
TS – Stamping, Marking,
Certification, Reports, and Records
• Cargo Tanks
• Rail Tanks
• Portable Tanks
• Ton Tanks
Organization of Section XII
Modal Appendices
Mandatory Appendices
Design Margins
Adoption by DOT
Some Significant Issues
• Non ASME
Some Significant Issues
• Manufacturer - CI
Some Significant Issues
• Class 1 – AI’s
• Class 2 – QI’s
• Class 3 – CI’s
Overview of Section XII
Satisfies Title 49 CFR, Sections 100 –
185, Transport of Hazardous
• New Construction
T-421 .1
T-4 22.1 Requirements. Ultrasonic examination shall be
performed in accordance with a written procedure which shall, as
a minimum, contain the requirements listed in Table T-422 . The T-421
written procedure shall establish a single value, or range of values,
for each req uirement.
T-422.2 Procedure Qualification. When procedure
qualification is specified, a change of a requirement in Table T-
422 identified as an essential variable from the specified value, or
range of value s, shall req uire req ualification of the written 421
procedure. A cha nge of a requirement identified as a nonessential
variable from the specified value, or range of values, does not
require requalification of the written procedure. All changes of
essential or nonessential variables from the value, or range of
values, specified by the written procedure sha ll require revisio n of,
or an addendum to, the written procedure.
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Essential Nonessential
Requirement Variable Variable
Ultrasonic instrument(s) X
Re cords, inc luding m inim um calibra tion da ta to be reco rded (e.g., ins trum ent X
(Es sen tial and non ess ential va riables have be en re orde red.)
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* Notches shall be located not closer than T or 1 in. (25 mm), whichever is greater, to any block edge or to other notches.
(a) The minimum calibration block length (L) shall be 8 in. (200 mm) or 8T, whichever is greater.
(b) For OD 4 in. (100 mm) or less, the minimum arc length shall be 270 deg. For OD greater than 4 in. (100 mm), the minimum
arc length shall be 8 in. (200 mm) or 3T, whichever is greater.
(c) Notch depths shall be from 8% T minimum to 11% T maximum.
(d) Maximum notch width is not critical. Notches may be made with EDM or with end mills up to 1/4 in. (6.4 mm) in diameter.
(e) Notch lengths shall be sufficient to provide for calibration with a minimum 3 to 1 signal-to-noise ratio.
(Revised No te (c) for depth and mad e width, Note (d) the same as FIG . T-434.2 .1 and mad e length, Note (e).)
T-43 4.3 P iping Ca libration B locks. The basic cali- No changes to paragraph.
bration block configuration and reflectors shall be as shown
in Fig. T-434.3. The basic calibration block shall be a (Ch ang ed n otch length in Fig. T -434 .3.)
section of pipe of the same nominal size and schedule. The
block size an d reflec tor locations shall be adeq uate to
perform calibration for the beam angles used.
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T-4 21.2 Co mpu terized Ima ging Techniq ues. The major
attribute of Co mpu terized Imaging T echniques (CIT s) is their
effectiven ess whe n used to characterize and evaluate
indications; however, CITs may also be used to perform the
basic scanning functions required for flaw detection. Computer-
processed data analysis and display techniques are used in
conjunction with automatic or semi-automatic scanning
mechanisms to produce two and three-dimensional images of
flaws, which provides an enhanced capability for examining
critical components and structures. Computer processes may be
used to quantitatively evaluate the type, size, shape, location,
and orientation of flaws detected by ultrasonic examination or
other NDE methods. Descriptions for some CITs that may be
used are provided in Nonmandatory Appendix E.
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T-46 3.1.3 Angle B eam Ca libration. As applicable,
the calib ration sh all provide the follow ing measurements
(Nonma ndatory Appendix B contains a general technique):
(a) distance range calibration;
(b) distance-amplitude correction correction in the area of interest and
(c) echo amp litude m easurement from the surfac e notch in
the basic calibration block.
W hen an electro nic distance-am plitude corre ction d evice is
used, the primary reference responses from the basic calibration
block shall be equalized over the distance range to be employed
in the examina tion. T he resp onse equa lization line shall be at a
screen height of 40% to 80% of full scree n height.
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T-47 1.1 E xam inatio n Cove rag e. The volume to be
scanned shall be examined by moving the search unit over the
scanning surface so as to scan the entire examination volume for
each required search unit.
(a) Each pass of the search unit shall overlap a minimum of
10% of the active transducer (piezoelectric element) dimension 10% of the transducer (piezoelectric element) dimension
perpendicular to the direction of the scan. parallel to the direction of scan indexing. As an alterna tive, if
(b) Alternatively, each pass of the search unit may overlap a the sound beam dimension parallel to the direction of scan
dimension less than the minimum beam dimension as indexing is measured in accordance with Nonm andatory
determined in Nonmandatory Appendix B, B-466, Beam App endix B , B-466 , Beam Spread measurem ent rules, each pass
Spread. Oscillation of the search unit is permitted provided of the search unit may provide overlap of the minimum beam
improved coverage is demonstrated. dimension determined.
(b) Oscillation of the sea rch unit is permitted if it can be
demonstrated that overlapping coverage is provided.
T-47 1.4.1 Dista nce Am plitud e Techniques. The (Add foo tnote 3 to the word m inim um .)
scanning sensitivity level shall be set a minimum of 6 dB higher Th e follow ing is footn ote 3:
than the reference level gain setting. W hen the Referencing Cod e Section req uires the detection and
evaluation of all indications exceeding 20% DA C, the gain should
be increased an additional amount so that no calibration reflector
indication is less than 40% FSH . As an alternate, the scanning
sensitivity level may be set at 14 dB higher than the reference level
gain setting. (This additional gain makes the reference DAC curve
a 20% DAC curve so that indications exceeding 20% DAC may be
easily identified and evaluated.)
T-4 72.1 .1 Beam Angle. The search unit and beam angle
selected shall be approp riate for the configuration being
45 d eg. or an angle
examined and shall be capable of detecting the calibration
reflectors, over the required angle beam path.
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B-461 Sweep Range Calibration
B-462 Distance Range Calibration (See Fig. B-462) B-461.1 Side Drilled Holes (See Fig. B-461.1)
B-4 62.l Delay C ontrol A djustmen t. Position the search unit B-4 61.1 .1
for the maximum first indication from the 1/4 T side-drilled ho le
(SDH ). Adjust the left edge of this indication to line 2 on the
screen with the d elay control.
B-4 62.2 Range 2 Co ntro l Adjustm ent. Position the search unit B-4 61.1 .2
for the maximum indication from the 3/4T SDH. A djust the left (Added footnote to Range-See Below)
edge of this indication to line 6 on the screen with the range
Range has been replaced on many new instruments with”velocity”.
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B-4 61.1 .3
B-4 62.3 Repeat Ad justm ents. Repeat delay and range
control adjustments until the 1 /4T and 3/4T SDH indications
start at sweep lines 2 and 6.
B-4 61.1 .4
B-4 62.4 No tch In dication. Position the search unit for
maximum response from the square notch on the opposite surface.
The indication will appear near sweep line 8.
B-4 61.1 .5
B-4 62.5 Sw eep Readin gs. Two divisions on the sweep now
equal 1/4T.
B-461.2 IIW Block (See Fig. B-461.2)
B-4 61.2 .4 Sw eep Readin gs. Two divisions on the sweep now
equal 1/5 of the screen range selected.
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B-461.3 Piping Block (See Fig. B-461.3)
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B-463 Distance - Amplitude Correction (Primary
Reference Level) (See Fig. B-463) 462
B-463.1 Calibration From the Clad Side B-462.1 Calibration for Side Drilled Holes Primary
(a) Po sition the search unit for maximum response from the Reference Level From Clad Side
SDH, which gives the highest amplitude. (See Fig. B-462.1)
(b) Adjust the sensitivity (gain) control to provide an indication
of 80% (±5%) of full scree n height (FSH ). Mark the peak of the
indication on the screen.
(c) Position the search unit for maximum response from another
(d) Mark the peak of the indication on the screen.
(e) Position the search unit for maximum amplitude from the
third SDH and m ark the peak on the screen.
(f) Position the search unit for maximum amp litude from the
3/4T SDH after the beam has bounced from the opposite surface.
The indication should appear near sweep line 10. Mark the peak
on the screen for the 3/4T position.
(g) Connect the screen ma rks for the SDH s to provide the
distance - amplitude curve (DAC ).
(h) For calibration correction for perpendicular reflectors at the
opposite surface, refer to B-465.
B-463.2 Calibration From the Unclad Side B-462.2 Calibration for Side Drilled Holes Primary
(a) From the clad side of the block, determine the dB change in Reference Level From Unclad Side
amp litude between the 3/4T and 5 /4T SDH positions. (See Fig. B-462.1)
(b) From the unclad side, perform calibrations as noted in B-
463.1(a) through B-463 .l(e). 462 .1
(c) To determine the amplitude for the 5 /4T SDH position,
position the search unit for maximum amplitude from the 3/4T
SDH. Decrease the signal amplitude by the number of dB
determined in (a) above. Mark the height of this signal amplitude
at sweep line 10 (5/4T position).
(d) Connect the screen ma rks to provid e the D AC. This will
perm it evaluation of indications down to the clad surface (near
sweep line 8).
(e) For calibration correction for perpendicular planar reflectors
near the opposite surface, refer to B-465.
462 .1
(a) Position the search unit for maximum response from the
notch which gives the highest amplitude.
(b) Adjust the sensitivity (gain) control to provide an indication
of 80% (±5%) of full screen height (FSH). Mark the peak of the
indication on the screen.
(c) W ithout chang ing the ga in, position the search unit for
maximum response from another notch.
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(d) Mark the peak of the indication on the screen.
(e) Position the search unit for maximum amp litude from the
remaining notch at its Half Vee, Full Vee or 3/2 Vee beam paths
and mark the peak on the screen.
(f) Position the search unit for maximum amplitude from any
additional Vee Path(s) when used and mark the peak(s) on the
(g) Connect the screen marks for the notches to provide the
distance - amplitude curve (DAC ).
(h) These points also may be captured by the ultra sonic
instrument and electronically displayed.
B-4 61 Inn er 1/4 Volume B-463 Dista nce - Am plitud e Correction Inn er 1/4
Volume (See Appendix J Fig. J-431 View A)
463 .1
B-4 61.1 Numbe r of B eam Angles. The 1/4 volume angle
calibration requirement may be satisfied by using one or more
beams as required to calibrate on 1/8 in. (3.2 mm) maximum
diameter side drilled holes in that volume.
463 .2
B-4 61.2 Ca libration F rom Ou tside S urfa ce. W hen the
examination is performed from the outside surface, calibrate on Unclad
the 1/8 in. (3.2 mm) diameter side drilled holes to provide the
shape of the D AC from ½ in. (13 mm) to 1/4 depth, but set gain
on the Code ho le at 1/4. T depth. Set the gain to make the indication from the 1/8
in. (3 mm) diameter side drilled hole at 1/4 T depth the same height
as the indication from the 1/4 T depth hole as determined in B-
462 .1 or B - 462 .2 above. W ithout changing the gain, determine the
screen height of the other near surface indications from the
remaining 1/8 in. (3 mm) diameter side drilled holes from ½ in. (13
mm) deep to the 1/8 in. (3 mm) diameter side drilled hole just short
of the 1/4 T depth. Connect the indication peaks to complete the
near surface DAC curve. Return the gain setting to that determined
in B-462.1 or B-462.2.
B-4 61.3 Ca libration F rom Inside Surface. W hen the
examination is performed from the inside surface, calibrate on the Clad
1/8 in. (3.2 mm) diameter side drilled holes to provide the shape of
the DAC and the gain setting. as per B-463.2 above.
B-466 .3 Right of 1/4T Ho le. Reposition the search unit for the
original 80% of FSH indication from the 1/4T RBH . Move the
search unit to the right without pivoting the beam toward the
reflector until the indication equals 40% of FSH. Mark the beam
center line “right” position on the block.3 4 (Change footnote to #4)
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5 (Change footnote to #5)
C-461 Distance Range Calibration 4 (See Fig. C-461)
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2003 Addenda BC02-2552 8/28/03 F Comments & Proposed Changes
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Attachment 1
Attachment 2
Attachment 4
Attachment 1
Attachment 1
Attachment 2
Attachment 3
- Should not be freely used
- When a problem can not be resolved due to time constraints (i.e. re-qualification of
welding procedure, NDE procedure, etc…)
- Should never be used to allow AIA prevent company from failure
- Uncorrected Code violation on demonstration item
- Definite lack of Code knowledge
- Review team judgment
Conduct of ASME Surveys, Reviews, Audits, Investigations
and Interviews, paragraph 5.1.4, Manual Review:
"The Team should avoid, as much as possible, imposing
personal stylistic preferences as corrections to the
Any changes recommended by the Team should be
substantiated by a requirement of the applicable Code or
Review Comments