V-I Characteristics of DC Generators 1 Aim: 2.1 Separately Excited DC Generator
V-I Characteristics of DC Generators 1 Aim: 2.1 Separately Excited DC Generator
V-I Characteristics of DC Generators 1 Aim: 2.1 Separately Excited DC Generator
1 Aim
To obtain V-I characteristics of a DC Generators
2 Theory
Equivalent circuit of a DC generator in steady state is as shown in Fig. 1. Note that for generator the
current is leaving the positive voltage terminal. The equation is given by
E − Va
Va = E − Ia Ra or Ia = (1)
Based on the method of excitation dc generators can be divided into two groups.
In a separately excited (S.E.) machine, the field winding is connected to a separate voltage source
while, in a self excited generator field winding is connected across the armature terminals (provides its
exciting current) . In these machines the required field current is a very small fraction of the rated
current (could be around 2-3% of the current flowing in the armature circuit at full load). Hence, the
field winding has a large number of turns with a thin conductor.
Ra Va
Vf = If Rt Rt = Rf + Rext Va = E + IL Ra IL = Ia (2)
When the field current is held constant and the armature is rotating at a constant speed, the induced
emf in an ideal generator is independent of the armature current, as shown by the dotted line in Fig. 3
Figure 2: Equivalent circuit of a separately excited DC generator
As the load current IL increases, the terminal voltage decreases as indicated by solid line. If the
armature reaction is neglected, decrease in Va should be linear and equal to the voltage drop across
Ra and carbon brushes. However, if the generator is operated at the knee point in the magnetization
curve the armature reaction causes a further drop in terminal voltage.
Figure 4: Voltage generation in self-excited DC generator
the direction of rotation or interchanging the field winding connections across the armature. The value
of no-load voltage at the armature terminals depends on the field resistance (point of intersection of
field resistance line with magnetization curve is the operating point). A decrease in the field resistance
causes the generator to build up faster to a higher voltage.
The equivalent circuit representation under steady state condition is shown in Fig. 5. The equations
that govern the operation of a self excited generator under steady state are:
Ia = IL + If Va = If (Rf + Rext ) = IL RL = E − Ia Ra (3)
Under no load condition, the armature current is equal to the field current, which is a small fraction
of load current. Therefore the terminal voltage under no-load condition is nearly equal to the induced
emf (Ia Ra drop on no-load is very small). As the load current increases, the terminal voltage decreases
due to the following reasons:
1. Ia Ra drop
2. demagnetization effect of the armature reaction
3. decrease in the field current due to the reduction in the terminal voltage (field current can be
kept constant in separately excited generator, while in self excited generator this current falls
with terminal voltage)
The variation of terminal voltage with load is shown in Fig. 6.
Figure 6: V-I characteristics of self-excited DC generator
3 Procedure
3.1 Note to TAs
There is a DC machine which is cut open.
• Following things are to be shown: carbon brushes, commutator, stator poles, rotor coil, stator
and rotor laminations
• Rotate the rotor and show that carbon brushes are stationary while commutator is rotating.
There are three machines mounted on the stand, out of which two of them are DC machines. Note the
name plate ratings of these machines and use one of them as a prime mover (motor) and the other as
a DC generator (You may have to justify your selection)
3.2 Precaution
Always start the motor (prime mover) by applying a low input voltage (Vin ) to the arma-
ture, else the power electronic controller may get damaged due to heavy inrush current
Also, apply the rated voltage to the field winding of the motor. In case the drive has
tripped, bring back the voltage control knob on the power controller feeding armature of
the DC motor to ‘zero position’ and then press the ‘green’ button.
4 Procedure
4.1 For Separately Excited DC Generator
1. Connect the circuit diagram as shown in Fig. 7. Keep the control knob (which is used for applying
variable DC voltage to the field winding of the generator) on the field regulator of generator at
‘zero output voltage’ position. Put off all switches of the lamp load and open the main switch
‘S’ connected between the load and the armature of the dc generator. Also, open switches S1 , S2
and S3 . These are on machine stand.
2. Using the power electronic controller slowly increase the input to the prime-mover. Speed of the
set will increase. By controlling the input to the prime mover adjust the speed to the rated speed
of the machine.
4. Using the knob on the controller feeding the field winding of the generator, increase the input
voltage in steps till the generator voltage is equal to its rated value.
5. Close the main switch ‘S’ and load the generator in steps by switching ON the lamps and for
each case adjust the prime mover input such that the speed remains constant. Note down load
voltage and current, field voltage and current of the generator, armature current and voltage
of the motor. Repeat this procedure till the load current is equal to the rated current of the
6. Put off all the lamps, open the main switch S, reduce the prime mover input and put off the AC
supply to the controller.
230 V
50 Hz
230 V
50 Hz
Figure 7: Connection diagram for separately excited DC generator
2. Slowly increase the input to the prime-mover. Speed of the set will increase. Observe the voltmeter
connected across the terminals of the dc generator. Above a certain speed the voltmeter reading
starts increasing (If this does not happen reduce the prime-mover input and switch off the supply.
Interchange the field terminals of the generator and repeat the same procedure). By controlling
the input to the prime mover adjust the speed to the rated speed of the machine.
3. Close the main switch S. Load the generator in steps by switching ON the lamps and for each
case adjust the prime mover input such that the speed remains constant. Note down the load
voltage and current, field current of the generator, armature current and voltage of the motor.
Repeat this procedure till the load current is equal to the rated current of the generator.
4. Put off all the lamps, open the main switch S, reduce the prime mover input and put off the AC
supply to the controller.
5. Incase in step - 2 the machine did self excite in the first attempt, interchange the field terminals
of the dc generator and repeat the step - 2.
5 Report
1. Plot the variation of open circuit voltage with field current
2. Plot the variation of terminal voltage with load current for separately excited and self excited
230 V
50 Hz
6 Post-lab Questions
1. Of the two machines which one did you choose to operate as motor? Justify your answer.
2. Assume that a given machine has the following name plate ratings:
What do these numbers imply?
3. There are motors without any rotor windings ( e.g. stepper motor). Explain how the torque is
produced in these machines ( Hint: Go through very carefully the theory given in the first page).
4. How is the voltage induced in the armature (coil is rotating in a magnetic field) which is ac,
converted to dc?
6. ‘Saturation of the magnetic material is a blessing in the case of self excited generator’ Is this
statement true? Justify your answer. (Hint: comment on the following: (a) during voltage build
up which is cumulative in nature. (b) if the generator is operated in the linear region of the
magnetization curve)
7. In separately excited dc machine, the field winding carries a constant current. Hence, it dissipates
power. Suggest a method to eliminate this power loss.
8. What may happen if load terminals are short circuited in (a) separately excited generator (b) self
excited generator
9. You have been given the plot of Efficiency Vs input power of the prime mover. Explain how will
you obtain the plot of efficiency Vs output power of the generator. How will you obtain this plot
incase the plot of Efficiency Vs input power of the prime mover is not available?