Why Trunked Radio Systems?
Why Trunked Radio Systems?
Why Trunked Radio Systems?
In a trunked radio network, a large number of workgroups can share fewer channels because the trunking
equipment dynamically allocates an available channel when users key their radio.
Large organizations that establish their own dedicated radio network typically select a trunked radio scheme
because of advanced features, prviate calls, wide-area dispatch, economical infrastructure, and more efficient use
of radio spectrum.
Trunked radio system operators cover a spectrum of companies from operations that serve a local region to
international companies competing with cellular service.
Zetron's trunked radio products provide uniquely flexible solutions to meet the demand for cost-effective trunked
radio communications supporting most commonly used trunking formats.
In contrast, in a conventional (non-trunked) radio system a group of radios share one fixed channel or frequency.
If that channel is in use by one user in the workgroup, service is not available to others. Often the radio channel is
idle, which is a poor utilization of a valuable resource.
Because the trunked radio system automatically and dynamically allocates a small number of radio channels
among a large number of radio users, it offers greater airtime efficiency in multi-channel systems.
MPT 1327 trunking is ideally suited for providing individual or group calls, and offers fast call set up time along
with a wide range of advanced features and functionality to support field units. Examples of such features include
emergency and priority call management, status messaging, dynamic regrouping of users, and data/text
User applications requiring the use of MDT (mobile data terminals), in-vehicle printers, and GPS-based AVL
(automated vehicle location) systems can find these value-added peripherals and software available from vendors
taking advantage of the open (non-proprietary) standard interfaces supported by MPT 1327.
MPT 1327 uses the "message trunking" scheme and is ideal for either individual or group calling. In message
trunking a speech channel is assigned and dedicated for the duration of a call. Every subscriber radio is allocated
a unique ESN (Electronic Serial Number) which can be individually verified to give a high degree of system
control and subscriber management.
MPT 1327 uses a digital control channel with analog voice channels. The digital control channel provides a data
gateway that allows supporting enhanced features including security and subscriber verification, mobile data
communications, system administration, and seamless multi-site roaming. No other protocol allows this kind of
versatility in the economy of scale inherent in MPT 1327.
Why Zetron?
For over a decade Zetron has been recognized as a leading supplier of trunked radio system infrastructure. Our
expertise with trunked radio includes TETRA, MPT 1327, LTR, EDACS, OpenSky, and iDEN. Our trunked radio
family of products includes mission critical communication systems, dispatch consoles, trunking controllers, and
desktop controllers.
Zetron's expertise in trunked radio has been demonstrated for over two decades in thousands of channels
installed in trunked radio systems worldwide.
Zetron is a market leader in MPT 1327 Trunked Radio Systems because our unique infrastructure design
incorporates the full flexibility and feature-set of the MPT 1327 protocol, regardless of the size of system.
A modular architecture approach allows each trunked radio system to be built with the capacity, capability, and
economy required for virtually any application. The benefit and economy of this approach is realized in systems
that must start small but need the capability to grow without the expense and waste of infrastructure replacement
typical of competitor's upgrade paths.
The building blocks of a Zetron MPT 1327 Trunked Radio System are summarized below; for detailed information,
go to MPT 1327 System Components.
Trunking Controllers
Zetron's Model 807 and 827 Trunking Controllers are the central components that perform essential logic,
signaling and management functions within a MPT 1327 trunking system. These include subscriber validation,
network resource allocation, connection to PSTN or PABX networks, and management functions for system and
subscriber security. All controllers share a common backplane that combines digitized PCM audio and RS-485
data for internal switching and call management - without the necessity of dedicated (permanently connected) PC
network management terminals and external switching peripherals.
A telco interface option card can be installed inside each Model 827 and configured for either PSTN/PABX
interconnect, or as a 4-Wire audio port for networking. The most significant advantage of Zetron's architecture
solution is the ability to link multiple trunking sites together to build a networked radio system without the
requirement for a central switch or digital back-haul (linking). The foundation for networking Zetron trunking sites
is based upon the inexpensive and readily-available 4-wire circuit. This is usually provided in the form of a leased
telephone line or point-to-point microwave circuit. This is an important consideration when estimating ROI (return
on investment) and future scalability to ensure system performance while keeping customers satisfied and your
investment profitable.
Integrator RD uses dedicated hardware and supports multiple operator positions and multiple trunking protocols
as well as conventional operation.
ZiMPT is a Windows® software application that transforms a personal computer into a capable mouse and menu-
driven dispatcher. Functions include monitoring of multiple conversations, dynamic regrouping, priority over-ride,
and visibility of all active calls. An intuitive graphical user interface, presented on a standard or optional touch
screen monitor, supports data messaging, call logging, and address book listings.
Switchless Architecture
In contrast with most competing trunking system architecture, Zetron's integrated switching architecture means
that embedded logic, audio digitization, data routing (all the elements of call processing), are built into each Model
827 controller dispensing with the requirement of an expensive external switch. This 'switchless' architecture
makes Zetron's solution suitable for applications with just a few channels to those requiring wide area coverage.
The trunked repeater site consists of a compact 1U-high Model 827 controller for each base station. The
controllers are linked by a combined high-speed PCM audio and RS-485 data bus - through which system
information and digitized speech is distributed. Even with PSTN interconnection and multi-site networking, no
centralized digital switching equipment is required. This further extending the benefits of the 'switchless' modular
approach made possible by high-speed processing and large data storage capabilities inherent in the
Zetron Model 827.
The 'switchless' architecture of Zetron's MPT 1327 Trunked Radio has significant advantages for the system
builder and operator:
• System Resilience. No single module can cause system failure, as loss of a Model 827 controller or
base station just degrades the service by that one channel.
• Cost Effective. The system builder does not need to purchase or "upgrade" to installing a central
controller. This is often a significant expense particularly overlooked in competitor's architecture when
designing even small multi-site systems.
• Modular Expansion. Just adding a Model 827 controller with each additional RF channel is ensures
simple system upgrades. Automatic database cloning occurs when additional controllers are added or
• System utility functions include traffic and control channel management, alarm management, and call
queue management.
• Subscriber management functions include user address book, system priority and class of service
control, radio availability, ESN checking, enabling and disabling subscribers, and radio parameter
• Call management includes call type (voice, data, status, etc) management, subscriber identity name
tagging, text message entry and display, call diversion setup, global call monitoring.
• Group call monitoring of subscriber identity on PTT - identify each member participating in group calls
with every transmission.
Features of Zetron's MPT 1327 Trunked Radio System
• Compliant with MPT 1327 and MPT 1343 international trunking standards
• Switchless architecture - no site switch required even for telephone interconnect
• Powerful system management and programming software gives access to wide range of features
• Advanced telephone features including operator recorded voice prompts, compatibility with pulse, DTMF
or mixed networks, programmable call restrictions
• Automatic hybrid telephone line balancing
• Registration and full ESN checking
• EMC/CE compliant
• Flash upgradable firmware/software standard
• Status Calls: Also known as SDM1's. These provide a 5 bit data transaction that is user-configurable.
Many radios allow the assignment of a text message to a particular status number to be sent over the
control channel.
• Short Data Messaging: Also known as SDM's or SDM2's, these provide a 184 bit data transaction over
the control channel. This gives cellular SMS-type service to radio subscribers.
• Extended Data Messaging (EDM's): Also known as Multi Segment Transactions (MST's), these enable a
single data message equivalent to 16 SDM2's to be sent over the control channel. Utilized for dynamic
re-grouping in some radio types.
• Non-Prescribed Data (NPD): Also known as Long Data Messaging (LDM) or "D"-bit data, this allows
transmission of large volumes of free-format data on a traffic channel.
Operational Features
• Control Channel Modes: Fixed, cyclic, burst, dedicated and non-dedicated (revert to traffic operation).
Variable time delay equalization for DSP-based base stations
• Queuing: Busy radio, channel and phone line queuing. Dynamic call time based on queue depth
• Group Call Processing: Late entry mode for radios that are late joining a site with an applicable call in
progress. Calling party amalgamation when requesting currently active call
• Reconfigured Priority: Separate 4-level priority configurable per-subscriber controlling queue entry point
and time of day and week day/weekend access
• Call Diversion: Self-initiated and third party call diversion is supported. Incoming speech or status calls
are diverted to another individual subscriber or group based upon either a busy or no-answer condition
of the called party. Speech calls can also be diverted to a PSTN or PABX extension. Ahoy-P : Checks
radio availability on traffic channels for subscribers included in a multi-site group call. Sites with radio
subscribers not automatically responding to
• Ahoy-P interrogation are withdrawn to make system resources available for other calls.
• Fallback Operation: Automatic reallocation of control channel in the event of base station failure.
• Full functionality, including ESN checking, retained down to a single channel
• Live Monitoring: Real-time display of current call activity on all radio channels and telephone lines is
• Call Logging: Full subscriber call detail recording is supported with a shared capacity of up to 7,000
records per channel available
• Alarm Reporting: Continuous monitoring of external and internal alarms is available with pre-configured
action and status message notification in the event of alarms
• Remote Access: Full configuration and programming facilities are accessible remotely via the telephone
interface using built-in or external modem
• Third Party Software: Billing and Statistics Package
Switchless Multisite Network
Multi-Site gives the capability to build wide-area regional trunking networks that support up to 32 sites and up to
10,000 subscriber radio units. System operators can interlink existing or new sites, providing a smooth upgrade
path from single-site to roaming multi-site service. This means that a network can be expanded gradually with
traffic demand without requiring a large initial investment. The integral switching inherent in Model 827-based
sites means not only a variety of network topologies can be supported, but also that a high level of resilience is
available. All standard speech call types are supported including multi-site group calls.
Multi-Site Features
Network Architecture
Each trunking site is linked to the next through at least one dedicated audio circuit, using a telco interface option
(card) configured for 4-wire (leased circuit) or 4-wire plus E&M (microwave link) operation.
The internally switched architecture of the Zetron Trunking Controllers means that dispatch or PSTN interconnect
traffic on any channel of any site can be routed to and from an interface at any other site as needed to complete a
call. Additionally, these links pass all registration and call set up transactions. In systems expecting high usage of
links for inter-site speech traffic (roaming calls), an optional dedicated data link can be added (but not required)
between sites to enhance registration and call set up.
Flexibility of network topology allows systems to be designed to suit varying traffic densities, geography, or
situations where linked access to a site may be limited. Any combination of ring, star, or mesh type networks can
be supported. Distributed switching enables inter-site links to be located according to traffic density, without the
need for a large centralized switch.
The optional internal telco interface option for the Model 827 trunking controller can be configured for either inter-
site linking or PSTN/PABX (interconnect) functionality. In multi-site networks where some sites need one or
several telco ports to be dedicated for PSTN interconnect operation, the Model 844 Four-Port Inter-site Link is an
efficient and economical alternative to using individual telco cards. Each Model 844 provides four (4) telephone
ports for multi-site linking - allowing the telco cards to be reserved or dedicated for PSTN access, as needed.
Several Model 844 units can be "stacked" into the system, particularly where pass-through links are present, This
allows emulating and taking advantage of centralized topology without the need for and cost of a central switch.
Other systems often provide limited multi-site access control, typically fixing site access control in the mobile
during installation. This method is both inflexible (mobiles must be reprogrammed every time their service area is
increased or sites added to the network) and insecure (mobile users can be reprogram their own radios to illegally
gain access - theft of service).
With Zetron, the concept of single site access control is extended to multiple sites allowing the system operator to
determine which mobiles gain access on a site-by-site basis. This provides instant control of mobile access by the
operator and improves flexibility of the tariff structure.
For multi-site operation, call routing is centered upon the Network Information Table held in the database of each
site. This gives information concerning which links to use for the onward routing of data, for call set up,
registration, etc. and for establishing speech paths between sites.
When a radio call is placed, the calling site uses this table to establish connection with the called subscriber's
registered sites. Emergency calls are set up in a similar way, and channels and links may be seized from a lower
priority call in order to complete the emergency call. Group calls across multiple sites are supported and may be
pre-configured to include 6 sites or more. For calls between telephone and mobile, the telephone line and called
mobile or group need not be on the same site - for 'least cost routing' to a site within toll-free or local calling area.
In the event that a link between two sites is completely missing, and a site becomes totally isolated from the rest
of the network, it is still capable of fully operating as a single site.
Review the recent article on MPT 1327 networks in South African Wireless.
In addition to full MPT functionality, a system built around the Model 827 also offers extensive telephone
interconnect capabilities including user-recordable voice prompts. Use of distributed processing ensures a high
degree of system resilience for both single and multisite networks, minimizing downtime in the event of base
station or link failure.
Extensive subscriber management and call detail recording facilities are available and may be remotely accessed
for configuration and diagnostics purposes. With a large number of systems operating worldwide, compatibility
with a range of base station and mobile/portable equipment is assured.
For single site environments Zetron also offers the Model 807 Single Site Controller.
• Integrates with the Zetron Model 827 to supports regional networks of up to 12 sites in a variety of
different configurations
• Supports multiple Model 844s at each site, for up to 32 intersite links
• Provides additional storage capacity for system call detail records
• Supports internal system alarm detection and reporting
• Provides four analog speech/data ports to directly connect two or more Zetron MPT 1327 sites
• Uses 4-wire audio or 4-wire audio with E&M signaling to link multiple sites
• Supports four configurable RS-232 data linking ports for enhanced network performance
Model 427 Peripheral Equipment Interface
To support direct connection of MAP27 peripheral equipment to Zetron’s MPT1327 trunking infrastructure, the
Model 427 allows up to four separate 4-wire audio connections. In addition to supporting the MAP27 data
interface protocol, the Model 427 includes an extended protocol set that allows it to operate as a multi-port device
and to extend the status reporting and control capabilities.
The Model 427 interfaces directly to the trunk stack (Zetron’s Model 827, Model 844, and other Model 427s). In a
command and control environment, the operators can perform many functions, such as voice calls, disabling
users, reassigning channels, dynamic regrouping, deleting users, and management of status messages and data
LTR Dispatch-Only
The Model 452 is a high quality, LTR-compatible repeater controller that combines the functions of LTR logic,
dispatch controller, subscriber validation, airtime accumulation for billing, and system management in one unit.
Built-in cross-busy enables user to share a radio with a conventional
repeater controller and to share the radio channel with other conventional users. Cross-busy operation can be
enabled or disabled on a per channel basis.
Functions seamlessly with Model 459, allowing system-wide smart channel allocation, automatic program cloning,
and one-shot data download.
• Cross-busy operation
• Compatible with EFJohnson and Uniden data bus
• LTR logic
• Subscriber validation
• Airtime accumulation
• Remotely programmable via PC
Model 459 LTR Trunking Controller
Built-in cross-busy enables user to share a radio with a conventional repeater controller and to share the radio
channel with other conventional users. Cross-busy operation can be enabled or disabled on a per channel basis.
The Model 459 supports connection to a central PC to retrieve airtime billing records, to monitor real-time traffic,
and to collect repeater loading statistics.
Remote Line Dispatcher OverviewIn many cases dispatch command and control of trunked
communications is performed remotely from the physical radio site. Zetron provides a robust system level
interface with the Model 427 Peripheral Equipment Interface - simplifying dispatcher interface requirements to
basic 4-wire (Tx & Rx) audio along with a serial data circuit.
For dispatcher positions co-located at the trunking site, a direct physical connection (of limited length) can be
made to one or multiple dispatcher ports on the Model 427. For longer distances leased 4-wire telephone, ISDN
or microwave circuits can be used. Zetron also offers an innovative solution with the Model 232 Voice/Data
multiplexer. When a pair of these are combined with dial-up modems or ISDN terminal adapters, the audio and
data connections required for each dispatcher port are combined into a single circuit for greater efficiency and
reduced lease costs.
LTR Controllers