Resource Teacher : Dr. Joey Gravino Escauso
Subject : Educ 6 - The Teaching Profession
Course Code & Description : TCC - Teacher Certificate Curriculum
Authority, respect, and protection1 -- “Teachers and school administrators are persons in
authority when in lawful discharge of duties and responsibilities… [and] shall therefore
be accorded due respect and protection.”2
Fair wages -- “The State shall assign the highest budgetary priority to education and
ensure that teaching will attract and retain its rightful share of the best available talents
through adequate remuneration and other means of job satisfaction and fulfillment.”3
Punishment against attackers -- “This [imposes]... a penalty of imprisonment ranging
from six months and one day to six years and a fine ranging from 500 to 1, 000 pesos
upon any person found guilty of assault upon those teaching personnel.”1
Professional development -- “The State shall enhance the right of teachers to
professional advancement.”3
Freedom of expression -- “Free expression of opinions and suggestions...”2
Labor group participation2 -- “Establish, join, maintain labor organization of their choice
to promote their welfare and defend their interest.”4
Free legal services -- “To be provided with free legal service by the appropriate
government office in case of public school personnel and the school authorities
concerned in case of private school personnel, when charged in administrative, civil
and/or criminal proceedings, by parties other than the school authorities concerned, for
actions committed directly in the lawful discharge of professional duties and/or in
defense of school policies.”2
Freedom from non-compensated mandatory assignment -- “Right to be free from
compulsory assignment not related to their duties defined in their appointment or
employment contracts unless compensated thereof.”2
Freedom from extraneous contributions -- “To be free from involuntary contributions
except those imposed by their own organizations.”2
Right to intellectual property2
Career alternatives -- “Teachers shall be given opportunity to choose career alternatives
for advancements.”2
Educators in the Philippines deserve to (and ought to) be aware of these benefits that are part
and parcel of their role. Nonetheless, there is no doubt that the best privilege of teachers is
having the influence to mold young minds and the power to change the world for the better
through the noble act of teaching.
5. What are the abuses against teachers?
Some of the most common types of violence directed towards teachers include verbal and
physical harassment, assault, theft, and damage to property. Students are not the only
perpetrators of violent acts towards teachers. An increase in violence against teachers by
parents has also been reported.
6. How should one act as professional?