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Student Teacher : Charles Kenn B.

Resource Teacher : Dr. Joey Gravino Escauso
Subject : Educ 6 - The Teaching Profession
Course Code & Description : TCC - Teacher Certificate Curriculum

1. The roles to be performed by a teacher in the family, society and school.

Teachers enter homes to learn and gather information from the families rather than going to
share information about student academics, behavior, or as a means of outreach to teach
families about activities to do at home to support schooling. Through home visits and
conversational interviews teachers pose tiered and topical inquiry-based questions to build
mutual trust and a relationship with families.
Teachers set the tone of their classrooms, build a warm environment, mentor and nurture
students, become role models, and listen and look for signs of trouble. The most common role a
teacher plays in the classroom is to teach knowledge to children.
The role of a teacher in the society is very prominent. They are the main architects of the
society as they are the guidance to the children who are the stepping stones towards the better
nation. The teachers plays very important role in shaping the personality of the students and
analyzing what they actually are.
2. What should be the talents, skills to be possess by a teacher?
 expert communication skills
 superior listening skills
 deep knowledge and passion for their subject matter
 the ability to build caring relationships with students
 friendliness and approachability
 excellent preparation and organization skills
 strong work ethic
 community-building skills
 high expectations for all
Although great teachers may also possess a number of other wonderful qualities (like a sense
of humor, personality, flexibility, kindness, leadership, classroom management, a calm
demeanor, experience, and the ability to multitask), these are the qualities the best teachers
universally possess.
3. What are the needs of teacher?
Educators have consistently indicated that they need:
 Supportive school leadership
 Engaged community and parents
 A safe environment
 Sufficient facilities
 Enough time to plan and collaborate
 High-quality professional development
 An atmosphere of trust and respect
 Effective school improvement teams
 Appropriate assignments and workload
4. What are the rights of teachers and its basis?
Teachers have long been touted as our “modern day heroes” (way before overseas workers
became honored as such). Teachers’ indispensable role in education, the competence and
integrity that they uphold, as well as their active community involvement draw worthy admiration
from the entire society that benefits from their work.
Rights and privileges of all teachers in the Philippines:

 Authority, respect, and protection1 -- “Teachers and school administrators are persons in
authority when in lawful discharge of duties and responsibilities… [and] shall therefore
be accorded due respect and protection.”2
 Fair wages -- “The State shall assign the highest budgetary priority to education and
ensure that teaching will attract and retain its rightful share of the best available talents
through adequate remuneration and other means of job satisfaction and fulfillment.”3
 Punishment against attackers -- “This [imposes]... a penalty of imprisonment ranging
from six months and one day to six years and a fine ranging from 500 to 1, 000 pesos
upon any person found guilty of assault upon those teaching personnel.”1
 Professional development -- “The State shall enhance the right of teachers to
professional advancement.”3
 Freedom of expression -- “Free expression of opinions and suggestions...”2
 Labor group participation2 -- “Establish, join, maintain labor organization of their choice
to promote their welfare and defend their interest.”4
 Free legal services -- “To be provided with free legal service by the appropriate
government office in case of public school personnel and the school authorities
concerned in case of private school personnel, when charged in administrative, civil
and/or criminal proceedings, by parties other than the school authorities concerned, for
actions committed directly in the lawful discharge of professional duties and/or in
defense of school policies.”2
 Freedom from non-compensated mandatory assignment -- “Right to be free from
compulsory assignment not related to their duties defined in their appointment or
employment contracts unless compensated thereof.”2
 Freedom from extraneous contributions -- “To be free from involuntary contributions
except those imposed by their own organizations.”2
 Right to intellectual property2
 Career alternatives -- “Teachers shall be given opportunity to choose career alternatives
for advancements.”2

Educators in the Philippines deserve to (and ought to) be aware of these benefits that are part
and parcel of their role. Nonetheless, there is no doubt that the best privilege of teachers is
having the influence to mold young minds and the power to change the world for the better
through the noble act of teaching.
5. What are the abuses against teachers?
Some of the most common types of violence directed towards teachers include verbal and
physical harassment, assault, theft, and damage to property. Students are not the only
perpetrators of violent acts towards teachers. An increase in violence against teachers by
parents has also been reported.
6. How should one act as professional?

1. Be of great character. Carry yourself with decency and integrity.

2. Master several skills that make you the go-to-person on your team for these skills.
3. Don’t be afraid to learn new skills.  
4. Share your knowledge with peers if they express interest.  
5. Be reliable and dependable. Come to work on time, arrive on time and prepared for
meetings, and deliver quality work product by deadline.
6. Maintain a positive attitude and inspire those around you. 
7. Take ownership. If you screw up, admit it and fix it if you can. If you can’t, find someone
who can.
8. Be proactive. If you see a need, fill it. If you see a challenge or opportunity coming down
the pike, address it.
9. Be diligent. As stated in item #5, above, deliver the best work product you can on
deadline. The quality of your work speaks volumes about you.  
10. Exercise self-discipline.  Be sure you are up to your professional best during working
hours, and leave your personal life outside of the office whenever possible.
11. Exude dedication: to quality; to use of resources in the smartest way possible; to
professional growth and development; and most of all, to your company.
12. Put the mission first. Always. It’s not about you or your ego; you are there to work toward
completing the mission, whether it is the mission for this particular job or the company’s
overall mission.
13. Understand important data that defines success in your role. Whether it’s Return on
Investment, or Earnings per Share or Turnover Rate or another data point.
14. Be an efficiency tightwad. Identify ways to save the company money, time and other
resources. Then share them with your supervisor.
15. Pitch in – even when a task is not in your job description but needs to get done because
it’s crunch time for your team. If a supervisor asks, just pitch in and get it done.  It’s all
about team work and you never know when you are going to need the help!
16. Don’t whine about problems. Identify opportunities and challenges, and offer solutions,
17. Don’t be afraid to advocate an alternative position. Just be sure you can back it up with a
reasoned argument, while keeping your ego in check. Refer back to item #12.
18. Dedicate yourself to transparency and have nothing to hide.
19. Be organized.  Know what you’ve got and where it is located. That way, you won’t lose
valuable time because something fell through the cracks.
20. Communicate clearly and concisely.  Deliver the facts in as few words as necessary to
get the message across.

7. Duties of teacher in the community.

The role of a teacher is to improve the society we are a part of. His/her role is to gain valuable
knowledge and impart it further to the students for making this world a better place. They
encourage to do something for the betterment of their community or society within their reach.

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