Bus Stop 4
Bus Stop 4
Bus Stop 4
Abstract— The number and type of bus stops provided on a road Mount Entoto about 2,500 m above sea level. As per the
significantly influence the flow characteristics of traffic on the road. statistical records, the city of Addis Ababa has an estimated
In the present study, three kerb side bus stops in Addis Ababa city of population of about 4 million inhabitants. The average decadal
varying traffic volume, bus frequency, bus dwell time and effective growth rate of population is estimated as around 3.8 percent.
road widths are considered to evaluate the reduction in speed due to
kerb side bus stop under variable roadway and traffic conditions. The
Nearly 1,000 city buses are running across the city Addis
speed reduction is evaluated by conducting speed studies both at the Ababa every day from 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
bus stop and away from the bus stop. An attempt is made in this study The city Addis Ababa has the highest density of vehicles
to understand the reduction of speed at each of the selected bus stop. per kilometer with 831 vehicles per kilometer of road space,
Different Regression modals are developed for various influencing with more than 4484 new vehicles being added to the city
parameters that affects the traffic speed. The developed modal will be roads every month, with approximately 100 new vehicles join
useful for analysing the variation of traffic speed under variable bus the city roads every day, asper the statement given in the
frequencies, bus dwell times and effective road widths. Speed graphs website of (www.thereporterethiopia.com). As per statistics,
are plotted based on influencing parameters for the sections of road, 44 percent of Addis Ababa population depends on public
away from the bus stop and also at the bus stop. The results of study
suggest that the influencing parameters of kerb side bus-stops
transportation, especially towards to Anbessa buses. The city
indicates when traffic volume is 2000pcu/hr. for a BF=40, traffic in peak hours is subjected to a lot of congestion and
BDT=30sec, ERW=4m, the reduction of speed is observed to be 40% delay with very low journey speed as low as 25Kmph.
where some conditions with BDT=90sec, the speed reduction is 52%. Frequent weaving movements of buses and trucks in busy
A comparison of these graphs indicates the reduction in speed due to corridors have a significant effect on the speed of traffic.
the kerb side bus stop. These findings can better inform planners Further, stoppage of buses in the direction of traffic at the bus
about traffic speed modelling under mixed traffic conditions by stops tends to block the traffic moving on the left lane, cause
helping them in accounting for the speed-reducing impacts of bus bottle neck.
Keywords— Bus Frequency, % of speed reduction, Traffic volume,
Bottleneck, Bus Dwell time, Effective Road Width. Under mixed traffic conditions in Addis Ababa city, most
of the bus stops are located at kerb side thus causing a
I. INTRODUCTION reduction on speed of other vehicles. This increase the
All over the world, large cities and urban streets are becoming operational delay on other vehicles and reduce the speed. Due
more congested. Mostly Ethiopia and India have to lack understanding and stop discipline, the bus drivers stop
heterogeneous traffic stream with commonly exist road traffic the buses without utilizing the available road space effectively.
stream including motorized and non-motorized vehicles using The corridor of Addis Ababa city kerb side bus stops are
the road lane for indicative purpose. Traffic flow of vehicles in forced to occupy certain part of road especially in peak hours,
most of the developing countries such as Ethiopia is thus causing a lot of speed reduction in other vehicles.
heterogeneous or mixed traffic stream in nature, as member of When the buses stop on the road at a kerb side bus stop,
different types of vehicles with their many variety of physical some of the carriage way is loss depending on the position
dimensions, weights and dynamic characteristics with these where the bus is stopped, thus reducing the effective road
comprise the moving on any available part of given lane width available for the other traffic. The reduction in the
without any lane of road discipline actions taken place. carriage way have impact on traffic speed of other vehicles
Understanding of traffic speed characteristics with their creating bottleneck situation. The evaluation on the impact of
various outputs because of factors is important requirement in kerb side bus stop on traffic speed under heterogeneous
the field of traffic engineering for safety and it indicates the condition for variable road way by considering all the
quality of service experienced by the traffic stream. parameters is essential for the planner to take some policy
The city Addis Ababa is the capital city of Ethiopia and decisions in establishing the kerb side bus stop in urban areas.
located almost in the Center of the nation in the foothills of The present study is an attempt to fulfil this need.
Zinabu Philiphos Dea, Dr Raju Ramesh Reddy, and Gebreflimuna Abera, ―Evaluation of the Impact of Kerb Side Bus Stop on Traffic Speed
under Mixed Traffic Conditions- A Case Study in Addis-Ababa City,‖ International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Publications
(IJMRAP), Volume 2, Issue 1, pp. 29-34, 2019.
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Publications
ISSN (Online): 2581-6187
III. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY increment in bus vehicle hours due to the increase in traffic
The study is aimed to evaluate the impact of kerb side bus travel time over free flow time.
stop on traffic speed under mixed traffic condition and its (Xiaobao, et al., 23 April 2013) Proposed a model for
reduction at each selected kerb side bus stop, in order to estimating car delays at bus stops under mixed traffic using
correlate the reduction in speed with the reduction in capacity. probability theory and queuing theory. The roadway is divided
The broad objectives of the study are as follows: to serve motorized and non-motorized traffic streams. Bus
To evaluate the effective road width and capacity of the stops are located on the non-motorized lanes. When buses
road at selected kerb side bus stop locations in Addis Ababa dwell at the stop, they block the bicycles. Tus, two conflict
city under various roadway and traffic conditions. points between car stream and other traffic stream are
To estimate the variation of traffic speed for through traffic identified. The first conflict point occurs as bicycles merge to
due to the presence of kerb side bus stop and to develop the motorized lane to avoid waiting behind the stopping buses.
Regression Modals for analysing the reduction of speed at The second occurs as buses merge back to the motorized lane.
kerb side bus stop by considering the influencing parameters. The average car delay is estimated as the sum of the average
delay at these two conflict points and the delay resulting from
IV. REVIEW OF LITERATURE following the slower bicycles that merged into the motorized
The various researchers carried out earlier in the fields lane.
related to the present study are reviewed and presented. More (Ben-Edigbe & Mashrons, 1st August – 1st September,
emphasis is placed on the research carried on speed-flow 2011) Aimed that at determining capacity loss and traffic
relationship, capacity and level of service, influence of bus shockwaves associated with bus stop locations along the
stop on traffic flow characteristics. (Koshy & Arasan, August carriageway lane of a single lane highway. Roadway capacity
1, 2005) Studied that the presence of bus stops on urban road is a quantitative assessment of traffic stream properties. It is
links often leads to congestion and deterioration in the quality based on relationship between flow, speed and density. A bus
of traffic flow. In this study, a microscopic simulation model stop is a designated place where buses stop for passengers to
developed to replicate the flow of heterogeneous traffic on board or alight. Bus stops are normally positioned on the
midblock sections of urban roads has been used to analyse the highway and the bays are either located on or off the road
influence of bus stops on traffic flow. carriageway lane to reflect the level of usage. Findings
Similarly, the study was conducted by (Bansal, et al., showed significant differences in roadway capacities for the
2014) quantified the impact of bus-stops on the speed of on and off street bus stops.
motorized vehicles in the heterogeneous traffic conditions. Through the research of road capacity impacted by the
The uniqueness of the research is featured through a study of a vehicle temporary parking on the motor lane in front of
wide range of real world data collected during different days schools, it is drawn that the main factors affecting road
and times of a day by travelling in various vehicle classes (car, capacity is stopping frequency and parking time. So the
three wheelers, and two wheelers) on typical urban arterial parking time distribution characteristics are fitted, and proved
roads. The presence of friction generators such as bus-stops, the parking time in line with the Poisson distribution. For the
intersections, petrol pumps and pedestrian crossings, etc. large impact of road parking to the spacing, speed and other
significantly influences the speed of traffic stream. traffic characteristics, and the close relation to the road
(Zhang, et al., November 15, 2014) evaluated how capacity, the speed-capacity model under road parking is
different types of bus stops influence the operation of bicycles, established (Wang, et al., 2013).The goodness of fit test is
vehicles, and buses. Four types of stops were considered great and the model can well reflect the actual situation of the
according to the geometric feature and lane arrangement. relationship between speed and capacity under the road
Suggestions regarding the design of bus stops were discussed parking influence.
according to the delay of bicycles, vehicles, and buses (Tirachini, 1 October 2013) Re-examined that the problem
produced at each stop type. Based on the traffic flow data of deciding the optimal spacing of bus stops in urban routes,
collected from four types of bus stops, the bicycle speeds and by re-considering the method used to calculate the probability
vehicles speeds in the situations with buses at the stop and of stopping in low demand markets (e.g., outer suburbs) and
without any buses were evaluated and compared. The average by analysing the interplay between bus stop size, bus running
bicycle speed was reduced by 1.06 km/h to 2.79 km/h near the speed, spacing and congestion in high demand markets. (Ibeas,
bus stops. The average vehicle speed was reduced by 2.19 et al., 27 October 2009) develops a bi-level optimization
km/h to 6.82 km/h. The bus stopping time and leaving time model for locating bus stops to minimize the social cost of the
were also evaluated for different bus stops. overall transport system. The work takes into account possible
(Mcknight, et al., October 2003) Quantified the impact of changes in demand due to different bus stop locations
traffic congestion on bus operations and costs to Transit, and considering congestion on buses, interaction with private
to forecast the future impacts of congestion on operations and traffic, operational variables (fleet, frequency, operator
costs. As traffic volumes or congestion increase, traffic speeds budgets), and the socio demographic characteristics of each
decrease, as established in traffic engineering formulas and zone in the urban area.
curves that show speed as a function of the traffic volume to (Fatima & Kumar, 2 June 2014) Examines that the impact
capacity ratio. The travel time model was used to estimate the of a new public bus transit system by applying a binary logit
analysis for assessing the possible variation in modal shift
Zinabu Philiphos Dea, Dr Raju Ramesh Reddy, and Gebreflimuna Abera, ―Evaluation of the Impact of Kerb Side Bus Stop on Traffic Speed
under Mixed Traffic Conditions- A Case Study in Addis-Ababa City,‖ International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Publications
(IJMRAP), Volume 2, Issue 1, pp. 29-34, 2019.
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Publications
ISSN (Online): 2581-6187
behaviour. Traffic quality parameters, such as average speed, traffic data such as classified traffic volume, speed of vehicles
delay, congestion, travel time, and travel cost were modelled at and away from the bus stop, bus frequency, bus dwell time,
to investigate the impact of the new bus transit system. (Cui, et approach road width and effective road width. The data is
al., 19 October 2014) Results shows that the proposed model collected at each sections at and away from bus stop, during
is capable of optimizing the locations of bus stops connecting peak and non-peak hours with an interval of 15 minutes
subways near intersections and helpful to improve the level of duration. The main task of the research was to model % of
passengers service and operational efficiency of public speed reduction rates in terms of volume, bus frequency, bus
transportation. Unsuitable locations of bus stops which dwell time, effective road width. The dependent variable was
provide feeder transportation connecting subways near urban the bus speed profile (kilometers per hour) of one bus trip on a
intersections usually lead to the low efficiency of public given segment of route. The primary explanatory variable was
transport and level of passenger service. a measure of traffic volume, expressed in the same form as for
(Chand, et al., Oct 17 – 18, 2014) Reviewed the literature the bus speed profile rate for the same route segment. The
on the effect of kerbside and bus bay stop on urban traffic following methodology is adopted for the data collection at
characteristics. It has been observed that presence of a bus each selected at and away from bus stop location for different
stop ominously reduces the stream speed and capacity of an surveys. All the surveys at each location are carried out
urban road. (Zhao, et al., November 1, 2009) presented a simultaneously so as to full fill the objective of developing
simulation model for mixed traffic flow composed of buses, relationships between different parameters develop the
cars, and non-motorized vehicles. Our model is within a correlation among them.
completely different framework from previous ones since it
1. Traffic Volume Studies:
has taken the non-lane based behaviours of non-motorized
vehicles into account. Classified traffic volume counts are carried out at the
selected bus stop locations by manual method, the volume of
V. LOCATION OF STUDY FOR DATA COLLECTION the traffic is counted by using persons involved. They are
At Addis Ababa, traffic modes are highly congested and called as Enumerators. However, according to the initial
there is maximum enforcement of speed limits. In this methodology, all types of data’s were collected using
situation, flow patterns result in a natural optimization of road Enumerators, fixer, stop watch and tally sheet format which
use due to self-organization by road users. shows their position and locations of all types the variables.
Figure 1 shows sections adopted for volume study at a
Table 1. Details of the selected three kerb side bus stop typical bus stop required to count the traffic data in a
Road width
No. Bus Stop Mid-block
particular mid- block of a corridor. In that case, a base line is
1 Mexico St. Piassa Roads- Jemo Junction 9m to be drawn at the selected mid- block location and the
2 Kera St. Mercato St. to Gofa-Camp Junction 8.5m enumerators will stand nearer to the base line. At two
3 Saris St.
Megenagna Cross Roads- Bole
6.4m different stations taken, in which Station 1 is taken at some
Bulbula Junction distance away from the bus stop on the upstream side, where
the vehicles are not affected by the presence of kerb side bus
Table 1 presents the traffic conditions at this selected
stop and Station 2 is taken exactly at the bus stop, where there
corridor represent heterogeneous operating environments on
is a definite impact on traffic flow due to its presence. The
typical urban streets. Five types of data set were collected
station 1 is selected after careful observation of traffic
from selected corridor: (a) Volume of the given vehicles
throughout the day and after ensuring that the stoppages of
(pcu/hr.) (b) Bus frequency (c) bus dwell time(s) (d) effective
buses at the bus stop do not affect the speeds of vehicles at
road width (m) (e) % of speed reduction. This study
that station. Later the enumerators have to record the
principally focuses on the effects of bus-stops on the speed of
occurrence of vehicles in the appropriate slot in the prepared
other modes of vehicle under mixed traffic condition and
volume data sheet.
buses are designated actually to stop at bus-stops for
requirement for boarding and alighting. Therefore, buses
affect the speed of vehicle because of they stop at their bus
At Bus Stop
stop position. For the present study, three Kerb side bus stop
locations having different traffic conditions and road widths
ranging from 4 m to 10 m, in Addis Ababa are considered. All
the study locations selected are in the mid blocks of major
Section 1 Section 2
corridors in Addis Ababa city with heavy traffic movements
both in peak and non- peak hours. These mid blocks are
divided roads and there is no pedestrian crossing and Figure 1. Sections adopted for Volume Study
negligible on street parking at and nearby the bus stops
selected for the study. 2. Traffic Speed Studies:
Study is conducted by measuring the entry and exit timings
directly at the selected location. The traffic speed is measured
In the present study, different traffic surveys are conducted
at each selected kerb side bus stop location to collect the
Zinabu Philiphos Dea, Dr Raju Ramesh Reddy, and Gebreflimuna Abera, ―Evaluation of the Impact of Kerb Side Bus Stop on Traffic Speed
under Mixed Traffic Conditions- A Case Study in Addis-Ababa City,‖ International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Publications
(IJMRAP), Volume 2, Issue 1, pp. 29-34, 2019.
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Publications
ISSN (Online): 2581-6187
at each kerb side bus stop location in terms of Time mean recorded by noting down the reference point occupied by the
speed by using direct timing procedure method. body of the bus.
The space mean speed is then calculated from the time Figure 3 shows a road where carriageway available for one
mean speed by using the formula: direction traffic is 9.0 m. So, reference lines are marked from
4.5 m from the kerb side up to 2.0 m towards kerb side. a
(1) hypothetical case where a bus is stopped and based on its
Where position with respect to reference lines, it can be seen that it
S = Space Mean Speed (SMS) occupies a road width of 3.5 m. So, the effective road width
d = distance between two sections considered available for the remaining traffic is 5.5 m as indicated in the
n = number of samples taken figure. Thus for each bus stop, after the bus is stopped during a
Σt = sum of the time taken for the selected samples given 15 minute interval, the effective road width is
Figure 2 shows sections adopted for speed study at a calculated.
typical bus stop required to measure the traffic entry and exit Kerb side bus stop
timings directly in a particular mid- block of a corridor. Two
base lines across the given road are to be marked for the
purpose of study. The distance between base line 1 and base Reference lines
line 2 should preferably limited to 30 meter. For this, two
different sections are considered. Section 1 is taken at some
distance away from the bus stop, in which the speeds of 9m
vehicles are not affected by the presence of kerb side bus stop
as mentioned in earlier article. Section 2 is taken such that the ERW= 4.5m
bus stop falls within the section almost at the Center so that
the effect of stopped buses on speeds can be captured.
Knowing the distance between the two base lines and journey
time, the speed of individual vehicle can be calculated by
taking Speed is equal to Distance/ Time. Data collecting Kerb side bus stop
process taken on: at bus stop and away from bus stop on the
three kerb side bus stops. 3.5 m
Direction of Traffic
Zinabu Philiphos Dea, Dr Raju Ramesh Reddy, and Gebreflimuna Abera, ―Evaluation of the Impact of Kerb Side Bus Stop on Traffic Speed
under Mixed Traffic Conditions- A Case Study in Addis-Ababa City,‖ International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Publications
(IJMRAP), Volume 2, Issue 1, pp. 29-34, 2019.
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Publications
ISSN (Online): 2581-6187
% Of Speed Reduction,kmph
% of Speed TV=500 to 4000 pcu/hr., BF=20 to 80,
II 60
Reduction BDT=30 to 120 sec, ERW= 6 m
% of Speed TV=500 to 4000 pcu/hr., BF=20 to 80,
III 50
Reduction BDT=30 to 120 sec, ERW= 8 m
% of Speed TV=500 to 4000 pcu/hr., BF=20 to 80,
IV 40
Reduction BDT=30 to 120 sec, ERW= 10 m
The graphs will be useful to analyse the variation of
reduction of speed at the kerb side bus stop for various 20
influencing parameters are elaborated in Figure 4 to Figure 7. 10
The graphs are useful to generate certain guidelines for the
erection of kerb side bus stop at the mid blocks in urban areas. 0
Case I: 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Traffic Volume,pcu/Hr.
BF=20, BDT=30,ERW=8 BF=40, BDT=30,ERW=8
60 Case III:
% Of Speed Reduction,kmph
0 500 100 0 150 0 200 0 250 0 300 0 350 0 400 0 30
Zinabu Philiphos Dea, Dr Raju Ramesh Reddy, and Gebreflimuna Abera, ―Evaluation of the Impact of Kerb Side Bus Stop on Traffic Speed
under Mixed Traffic Conditions- A Case Study in Addis-Ababa City,‖ International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Publications
(IJMRAP), Volume 2, Issue 1, pp. 29-34, 2019.
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Publications
ISSN (Online): 2581-6187
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Zinabu Philiphos Dea, Dr Raju Ramesh Reddy, and Gebreflimuna Abera, ―Evaluation of the Impact of Kerb Side Bus Stop on Traffic Speed
under Mixed Traffic Conditions- A Case Study in Addis-Ababa City,‖ International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Publications
(IJMRAP), Volume 2, Issue 1, pp. 29-34, 2019.