Species Diversity of Indian Aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae)
Species Diversity of Indian Aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae)
Species Diversity of Indian Aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.46505/IJBI.2019.1105
Abstract: The aphids are tiny sap sucking plant lice that not only infest agricultural and horticultural crops but also spread
several viral diseases. They are very fascinating insects as these are thelytokous parthenogenetic viviparous, having short
generation time and telescopic generation with polymorphism. Many species of aphids display complex life cycles with
alternation of sexual and asexual generations and host plant alternation. Aphids are almost cosmopolitan in distribution, but
are most common in temperate areas. Unlike many taxa, aphid species diversity is much lower in the tropics than in the
temperate zones. They can migrate great distances, mainly through passive dispersal by winds. At present all true aphids
belong to a single family Aphididae which consists of 24 subfamilies. Globally, 5109 species of aphids are described under
527 genera. In India, 794 species of aphids under 208 genera are reported out of which about 385 are endemic.The subfamily
Aphidinae constitutes a monophyletic group within the family with about 3100 extant species worldwide with higher
diversity in temperate regions. In India, 431 species under 105 genera of this subfamily are reported out of which 192 species
are endemic. In this paper, distribution of extant aphid species in different taxa of Aphididae is described.
24 International Journal of Biological Innovations 1 (1), (JUNE 2019)
Globaly, more than 250 species of aphids are pests of both Baltichaitophorinae, Calaphidinae, Chaitophorinae,
agricultural and horticultural crops (Verma, 2000). This Drepanosiphinae, Greenideinae, Eriosomatinae,
figure is only about 5% of the estimated world fauna of over Hormaphidinae, Israelaphidinae, Lachninae, Lizeriinae,
5100 species (Favret, 2019). Macropodaphidinae, Mindarinae, Neophyllaphidinae,
Phloeomyzinae, Phyllaphidinae, Pterastheniinae,
Biology of aphids Saltusaphidinae, Spicaphidinae, Taiwanaphidinae,
When an aphid species feed on only a single host plant it is Tamaliinae and Thelaxinae. Table 1 summarises the species
autoecious and that alternate between two host plants of diversity of aphids in different taxa of Aphididae.
different taxa are called heteroecious. Two distinct kinds of
heteroecious life cycles are recognised. Species of the Subfamilywise aphid diversity
Hormaphidinae, Anoeciinae and Pemphiginae have a type of Out of 24 subfamilies of Aphididae, only 16 subfamilies are
heteroecy with sexuparae. Other aphid species with host reptresented in India (Table 1). The most species diversity
alternation do not have sexuparae, but have a life cycle with was observed in the subfamily Aphidinae (431 species)
winged sexual females and winged males. Moran (1988) followed by Greenideinae (96 species), Eriosomatinae (64
reviewed the evolution of host-plant alternation in aphids. species) and Hormaphidinae (57 species). Recently, Singh
The aphids are one of the few groups of animals that undergo and Singh (2016a, b, 2017a-f, 2018) and Singh et al., (2018)
cyclical parthenogenesis, i.e., the alternation of one or many catalogued the Indian aphids and their food plants. Following
generations of asexual (parthenogenetic) reproduction with a is the details of different subfamilies of aphids.
single generation of sexual reproduction. Some aphids are
i. Subfamily : Aiceoninae
anholocyclic (continuously parthenogenetic and produces
Earlier, the subfamily Anoeciinae is composed of two tribes:
only asexual morphs), while others living in temperate
Aiceonini and Anoeciini (Ghosh, 1988), however,
climates are holocyclic (sexual generation alternates with
Remaudière and Remaudière (1997) elevated the tribe
parthenogenetic reproduction). In a year's time, numerous
Aiceonini to the subfamily Aiceoninae that contains only one
generations may succeed one another, for even at moderate
genus Aiceona Takahashi, 1921 in which 18 species are
mean temperatures the nymphs which moults four times at assigned (Remaudière and Remaudière, 1997). These aphids
most, complete their development in little more than 10 days. are unique by having much shorter processus terminalis than
base of last antennal segment, apterae with 3-faceted eyes,
About 85% of the described species from India are
without lateral abdominal tubercles, and alatae with media of
parthenogenetic virginoparous for most of the year but are
forewings twice branched. In India, only 8 species of
capable of sexual reproduction with production of eggs. They
Aiceoninae are recorded and all are endemic. The plants
develop in parthenogenetic female without fertilisation. Even
species belonging to Araliaceae, Lauraceae, Malvaceae,
embryos inside parthenogenetic females may contain
Menispermaceae, Poaceae and Scrophulariaceae serve as
embroys, i.e., a mother can have in its ovarioles developing
food plant (Singh and Singh, 2016a).
embryos which in turn also contain embryos, the future
granddaughters. Thus, there is a telescopic generation due to ii. Subfamily : Anoeciinae
parthenogenesis and viviparity in aphids (Minks and The subfamily Anoeciinae live underground and feed on the
Harrewijn, 1987). This results in reduced postnatal plant roots. It consists of only two genera Anoecia Koch,
development periods and generation time. All aphids have 1857 that contains 29 species/subspecies and a monotypic
diploid parthenogenesis and there is no reduction division genus Krikoanoecia Zhang and Qiao (Remaudière and
and development starts from germinal cells with full Remaudière, 1997; Neito Nafría et al., 2011). They differ
complement of chromosomes. from Aiceoninae by having many faceted eyes in apterae and
with lateral abdominal tubercles, alatae with media of
Taxonomy of the aphids forewing once branched. Only 6 species of which 2 are
Aphid taxonomy is often frustrated by the host alternation endemic are recorded from India infesting 6 species of plants
and extensive polyphenism displayed by many species. In the belonging to mainly Poaceae followed by Solanaceae and
literature, some aphidologists (Remaudière and Remaudière, Cornaceae (Singh and Singh, 2016a).
1997; Blackman and Eastop, 2000, 2007) refer to the families
of Heie (1987) as subfamilies. There is no extremely good iii. Subfamily : Aphidinae
reason to prefer one categorisation over the other and The Aphidinae contains two tribes: Aphidini and
fortunately this dichotomy in the literature has led to little Macrosiphini. The Aphidini is one of the 2 tribes of the
confusion. However, the use of family designations has the subfamily Aphidinae, the largest subfamily of the aphids,
only single advantage of allowing slightly more details in includeing about 832 species/subspecies assigned to 33
taxonomic hierarchies. genera globally. Out of these, only 9 genera and 65
species/subspecies were recorded from India, 14 being
We followed the subfamily classification of Favret (2019) endemic, infesting 940 plant species belonging to 138
who kept all the extant aphid species under 24 subfamilies, families, out of which only 19 families are monocot. Indian
viz. Aiceoninae, Anoeciinae, Aphidinae, Aphidini are recorded mostly on the plant family Asteraceae
Rajendra Singh and Garima Singh 25
(102 plant species), followed by Fabaceae (96 plant species), truncated or ring-like and cauda crescent shaped or knobbed.
Poaceae (92 plant species), Lamiaceae (46 plant species), The subfamily contains 12 genera assigned under two tribes:
Rosaceae (38 plant species), Solanaceae (34 plant species), Chaitophorini (7 genera, 153 species) and Siphini (5 genera,
Apocyanaceae (28 plant species), Rubiaceae (26 plant 25 species) comprising 178 species. Chaitophorini is
species), Malvaceae (25 plant species), Rutaceae (22 plant represented in India by 25 species out of which 12 species are
species), Cucurbitaceae (22 plant species), Polygonaceae (21 endemic infesting over 25 plant species belonging to 11 plant
plant species), etc. Out of 69 described species of Aphidini in families, mostly of Sapindaceae and Salicaceae. The Siphini
India, 15 species are monophagous; 38 species are is represented in India by only 2 exotic species infesting over
oligophagous infesting 2 to 20 plant species; and 8 species are 10 plant species out of which 9 belong to Poaceae (Singh and
moderately polyphagous infesting 21 to 55 plant species Singh, 2016a).
while 8 species are highly polyphagous feeding on 55 upto
569 plant species (Singh and Singh, 2016b). Most of the vii. Subfamily : Drepanosiphinae
polyphagous species are injurious pests of agricultural and The subfamily Drepanosiphinae contains totally 5 genera in
horticultural crops, e.g. cotton aphid Aphis gossypii Glover, which 39 species are assigned (Favret, 2019) out of which
cowpea aphid Aphis craccivora Koch, bean aphid Aphis only 2 genera, Drepanosiphum Koch and Yamatocallis
fabae Scopoli etc. Matsumura, having 2 species each are recorded from India.
Both species of Yamatocallis are endemic. These species can
The tribe Macrosiphini is the largest tribe containing about be recognized from others by having winged morphs in
2263 species/subspecies assigned to 243 genera globally. Out parthenogenetic generation exclusively and have long
of these, only 96 genera and 366 species/subspecies were antennae with a very long processus terminalis and ciliated
recorded from India, 178 being endemic, infesting 810 plant rhinaria, forelegs with enlarged femora, long cylindrical
species belonging to 122 families. Indian Macrosiphini is siphunculi and knobbed cauda. They infest plants of two
recorded mostly on the plant family Asteraceae (Singh and families: Sapindaceae (Acer spp.) and Poaceae (Bambusa
Singh, 2017a, b, c). Several species of this group are sp.) (Singh and Singh, 2016a).
notorious crop pests worldwide, e.g. pea aphid
viii. Subfamily : Eriosomatinae
Acyrthosiphon (pisum (Harris), leaf curl plum aphid
The members of Eriosomatinae, commonly called as woolly
Brachycaudus helichrysi (Kaltenbach), cabbage aphid
aphids, produce filamentous waxy white covering which
Brevicoryne brassicae (Linnaeus), coriander aphid resembles cotton or wool. The adults are winged and migrate
Hyadaphis coriandri (Das), turnip aphid Lipaphis erysimi to new locations where they lay egg masses. The nymphs
(Kaltenbach, 1843), mustard aphid Lipaphis often form large cottony masses on twigs, for protection from
pseudobrassicae (Davis), green peach aphid Myzus persicae predators. The Eriosomatinae is typically known for inducing
(Sulzer), grain aphids Sitobion avenae (Fabricius) and galls on primary host plants and displays a heteroecious
Sitobion miscanthi (Takahashi). holocyclic life history, i.e. seasonal host alternation and
cyclical parthenogenesis, and host-plant specificity (Thakur
iv. Subfamily : Baltichaitophorinae and Dogra, 1980; Chakrabarti, 2007). The woolly apple
This subfamily is monotypic represented by only one species aphid, Eriosoma lanigerum (Hausmann) is a widespread pest
Parachaitophorus spiraeae (Takahashi) endemic to of fruit trees, feeding principally on apple, but also, pears,
Formosa, the species however, is not recorded from India. hawthorn, ash, alders, elms and oaks (Blackman and Eastop,
2008). Similarly, the rice root aphid, Tetraneura
v. Subfamily : Calaphidinae (Tetraneurella) nigriabdominalis (Sasaki) is a major pest of
The aphids of Calaphidinae are monoecious, oligophagous
many cereal crops, particular rice and millets. The biology
and mostly associated with trees of Betulaceae, Fagaceae,
and brief history of taxonomy of these aphids are summarized
Ulmaceae, Anacardiaceae, and Juglandaceae and herbaceous by Ghosh (1984). Out of 374 valid extant species of world
plants like Fabaceae, Poaceae and Rosaceae. The Eriosomatinae assigned to 48 genera, in India only 64 species
Calaphidinae consists of 2 tribes: Calaphidini and are reported under 19 genera, out of which 22 species are
Panaphidini. The tribe Calaphidini contains about 77 species endemic. Some of them are pestiferous. These aphids feed on
assigned to 17 genera while Panaphidini includes 271 species 130 plant species belonging to 30 plant families. Tetraneura
under 46 species globally. In India, Calaphidini is represented nigriabdominalis was observed highly polyphagous
by 5 genera and 14 species among which 11 species are infesting 64 plant species. The most preferred plants for these
endemic. The tribe Panaphidini is represented by 20 genera aphids belong to family Poaceae (76 plant species), followed
and 34 species out of which 19 are endemic. All these 48 by Rosaceae (17 species), Saliaceae (9 species),
species feed on 62 plant species (Singh and Singh, 2017d). Anacardiaceae (6 species) and Asteraceae (6 species) (Singh
and Singh, 2017e).
vi. Subfamily : Chaitophorinae
The members of subfamily Chaitophorinae have body with ix. Subfamily : Greenideinae
conspicuous hairs, processus terminalis equal to or much The members of the subfamily Greenideinae possess usually
longer than base of last antennal segment, cornicles are elongated and densely hairy cornicles or siphunuculi, if short
26 International Journal of Biological Innovations 1 (1), (JUNE 2019)
and truncate then without any hair but with a pair of dorsal oligophagous. Most of them feed on plants belonging to
processi arising from the abdominal tergite 7. Globally, it Fagaceae and Lauraceae (Singh and Singh, 2018).
consists of 179 species under 16 genera (Fevret, 2019). The
subfamily includes 3 tribes: Cervaphidini, Greenideini and xi. Subfamily : Israelaphidinae
Schoutedeniini. In India, Cervaphidini is represented by 3 This subfamily is not represented in India and only 4 species
genera and 7 species out of which 2 are endemic, Greenideini are described under single genus Israelaphis Essig from
is represented by 5 genera and 87 species out of which 64 are Israel, Spain and Caucasus.
endemic, while Schoutedeniini is least diversed containing xii. Subfamily : Lachninae
only 1 genus and 2 species out of which one is endemic (Singh The Lachninae is recognised as a distinct group of aphids
and Singh, 2017f). Host range of Greenideinae in India bearing 9 or more ventral hairs on first tarsal segment and
comprise of 112 plant species belonging to 73 genera and 45 having long fine hairs on the body and appendages. It
families. The most of the aphid species of Greenideinae are includes five tribes: Eulachnini, Lachnini; Stomaphidini,
associated with plant orders Fagales (4 plant families, 67 Tramini, and Tuberlachnini. According to Favret (2019),
aphid species), Rosales (5 plant families, 20 aphid species), world fauna of Lachninae consist of 406 species under 17
Ericales (6 plant families, 15 aphid species), Malpighiales (3 genera. From India, total 41 species were recorded under 12
plant families, 12 aphid species) and Sapindales (4 plant genera (Table 1). Total 41 species of Lachninae were
families, 10 aphid species). An analysis of species-wise recorded from India under 12 genera, of which 16 species are
association reveals that almost 70% of the species feeds on endemic. Tribe Eulachnini includes 21 aphid species that feed
the plants belonging to order Fagales and 52% on only the on 23 species of host plants belonging to 7 families. The host
family Fagaceae. The group is mainly distributed from east to plant association demonstrates that out of 21 species of
west Himalayas. Eulachnini, 14 are monophagous and mostly feeding on pinus
and 4 are oligophagous. Lachnini includes 10 monophagous
x. Subfamily : Hormaphidinae species that feed on 30 species of host plants belonging to 10
In Hormaphidinae, the apterae are usually aleuridiform and families. Tribes Stomaphidini is represented by only one
head is fused with prothorax often a pair of horn. Siphunculi species infesting plant of Juglandaceae while Tramini is
are represented as ring or even absent. Cauada is crescent represented by 2 species infesting mostly plants belonging to
shaped and variably knobbed. Wax glands are variably Asteraceae. Of 7 species of Tuberlachnini, most of them are
developed. The members of Hormaphidinae are also monophagous or oligophagous feeding on Rosaceae (Singh
characterized by forming clear galls on their primary host et al., 2018).
plant and producing a sterile soldier caste. It comprises three
xiii. Subfamily : Lizeriinae
tribes: Hormaphidini, Nipponaphidini and Cerataphidini. Total 41 species under 5 genera are described in this
Almost all genera of Cerataphidini possess second-instar subfamily. It is represented in India by only one species
sterile soldiers on their primary host, whereas several genera Paoliella nirmalae (David) feeding on Terminalia arjuna
also produce first-instar soldiers, either sterile or non-sterile, (Roxb.) ex DC. Wight & Arn. (Combretaceae) (Singh et al.,
on their secondary host. From the Nipponaphidini, several 2018)
species have been known to produce altruistic defenders
without sterile caste only on their primary host (Ghosh, xiv. Subfamily : Macropodaphidinae
1988). The subfamily Macropodaphidinae is not represented in
India and only 7 species are described under single genus
According to Favret (2019), world fauna of Hormaphidinae Macropodaphis Remaudière & Davatchi from Siberia and
consists of 230 species under 44 genera (Cerataphidini: 10 China.
genera, 113 species; Hormaphidini: 5 genera, 12 species;
Nipponaphidini: 29 genera, 105 species). From India, total 57 xv. Subfamily : Mindarinae
species of Hormaphidinae were recorded under 22 genera out Only 9 species under single genus Mindarus Koch are
of which 27 are endemic (Table 1). Of 57 species, only 8 described in this subfamily. It is represented in India by only
species are known from south India and rest are known from two species Mindarus abietinus Koch and Mindarus
northern hills or foothills of Himalaya (Ghosh, 1988). japonicus Takahashi feeding on 3 plant species belonging to
Chakrabarti and Debnath (2011) reported 16 species of family Pinaceae (Singh et al., 2018).
Hormaphidinae in 12 genera from northwest Himalaya. The
host plant association demonstrated that out of 34 species of xvi. Subfamily : Neophyllaphidinae
Cerataphidini, 19 are monophagous and mostly feeding on The subfamily Neophyllaphidinae is not represented in India
bamboo; 11 are oligophagous and only 4 species are and only 18 species are described under single genus
polyphagous. Hormaphidini includes only 2 monophagous Neophyllaphis Takahashi.
aphid species that feed on 3 species of host plants belonging
to 2 families. Nipponaphidini includes 21 aphid species that xvii. Subfamily : Phloeomyzinae
feed on 17 species of host plants belonging to 9 families. Of This subfamily is not represented in India and only one
21 species of Nipponaphidini, 14 species are monophagous species having two subspecies is described under single
and mostly feeding on Fagaceae and the rest 7 species are genus Phloeomyzus de Horváth.
Rajendra Singh and Garima Singh 27
Table 1: Subfamilywise distribution of extant aphid species recorded in India and abroad.
28 International Journal of Biological Innovations 1 (1), (JUNE 2019)
Phyllaphidinae 4 18 1 1 0
Pterastheniinae 2 5 0 0 0
Saltusaphidinae 12 57 1 1 0
Spicaphidinae 2 13 0 0 0
Taiwanaphidinae 1 14 1 3 3
Tamaliinae 1 6 0 0 0
Thelaxinae 4 18 2 4 3
Total 527 5109 208 794 385
Rajendra Singh and Garima Singh 29
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