A Review On Biology of Cerambycids (Insects) : Yogesh Suresh Kadam, Pratik Gajanan Nagpure and Dr. Satish Krushna Gharde

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The Pharma Innovation Journal 2021; SP-10(5): 732-735

ISSN (E): 2277- 7695

ISSN (P): 2349-8242
NAAS Rating: 5.23 A review on biology of cerambycids (Insects)
TPI 2021; SP-10(5): 732-735
© 2021 TPI
www.thepharmajournal.com Yogesh Suresh Kadam, Pratik Gajanan Nagpure and Dr. Satish Krushna
Received: 19-03-2021
Accepted: 23-04-2021 Gharde
Yogesh Suresh Kadam Abstract
School of Agriculture,
The insects feed mainly on vascular plants Larvae and adults. Phytophthora, an unofficial subgroup of
Department of Agricultural
Cucujiformia It consists of two super families. Chrysomeloidia (long horned beetles, seeds Beetles and
Entomology, Lovely Professional
University, Phagwara, Punjab, leaf beetles) and Karakulianoidia (weevil) more than 124,000 Described species (Lipiski et al., 2011).
India However, the solution to fix Chrysomeloidae were placed in two taxa in the form of the genera
Serambicid and Chrysomelid. Prevalence in recent times. Small groups in particular have easy
Pratik Gajanan Nagpure maturation patterns outside of Prioninae and Lepturinae which mainly lay eggs in soft, decaying wood.
School of Agriculture, The most special practices are found in Lamiinae, which often uses force to regulate oviposition.
Department of Agricultural
Entomology, Lovely Professional Keywords: Long horned, oxypeltidae, vesperidae, cambium, phloem
University, Phagwara, Punjab,
Dr. Satish Krushna Gharde Cerambycids are best known for their long-horned beetles, longicorn, capricorn, round-headed
School of Agriculture, borer, wood beetle, goat beetle (bock-käfern), or sawyer beetles, with a single body length
Department of Agricultural varying from ± 2.5 mm (Cyrtinus sp.) to is slightly more than 17 cm (Titanus giganteus) with a
Entomology, Lovely Professional variety of shapes, colors and decoration (Solomon, 1995; Monné, et al., 2007; Slipinski and
University, Phagwara, Punjab,
Escalona, 2013) [27, 29, 12, 28].
Longhorn beetles are high in phytophagia Derived groups of polyphagous beetles that feed
mainly on vascular plants Larvae and adults. Phytophthora, an unofficial subgroup of
Cucujiformia It consists of two super families. Chrysomeloidia (long horned beetles, seeds
Beetles and leaf beetles) and Karakulianoidia (weevil) more than 124,000 Described species
(Lipiski et al., 2011). However, the solution to fix Chrysomeloidae were placed in two taxa in
the form of the genera Serambicid and Chrysomelid. Prevalence in recent times (Reid, 1995;
Švácha and Danilevsky, 1988; 1989) [30-32]. Informal treatment of seramboid montage under
superfamily Cerembocoidia currently include oxypeltidae and Vesperidae (including family)
Filina, Anopladermatina and Vesperina), Dystonidae and Serambicidae (Švácha and
Lawrence, 2014) [3, 33].
About 1500 species of long beetles are found from India. (Aggarwal and Bhattacharjee, 2012).
However, the literature is fragmented, Unclear, inaccurate, or out-of-date that create confusion
for researchers, coleopterists, and curators. Critical analysis of agriculture There has been a
shortage of beetles in India for a long time.

 General biology of longhorn beetles

Bense (1995) [2] reported that the Adults of several species frequent flowers to feed on nectar
and seeds, while some feed on the bark of trees in the crowns. Mating may occur on the
flowers or on the host plants. Copulation may last anywhere from a few seconds to several
hours, and it's normal to have several copulations with the same or different partners, though
females may become less receptive over time (Svacha and Lawrence, 2014) [3, 33]. Most
cerambycid borers that breed in living plants without killing the plant or the section tunnelled
by the larva emerge in the rainy season, according to Beeson (1941) [1], while those that
destroy the plant may abandon this practise.
Hanks, (1999) [24] reported that the Cerambycids do not seem to exhibit any precopulatory
Corresponding Author: courtship behaviour; males usually approach females directly and attempt to mount and
Yogesh Suresh Kadam copulate. Pheromones that work over long distances tend to be uncommon in the
School of Agriculture, Cerambycidae, which is consistent with antennal morphology. According to Schneider (1964),
Department of Agricultural in other species, raising the surface area of the antennae improves response to long-range
Entomology, Lovely Professional pheromones, leading to the development of branched antennae that are lamellate, pectinate,
University, Phagwara, Punjab,
India serrate, and so on.
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Males in certain prionine groups exhibit such branched that, eggs of Cerambycidae are 1–7 mm long and single
antennal morphologies (Linsley, 1961) [5]. All of them, it females usually lay 25–100 (up to 600) eggs during their
seems, use pheromones to locate their mates. Other lifetimes. The eggs incubation period are one to three weeks
cerambycid species that use long-range pheromones (Butovitsch, 1939) [13] and First instar larvae open the chorion
(Hylotrupes bajulus, Migdolus fryanus, and Xylotrechus by using egg burgers on their mandibles or head, thoracic and
pyrrhoderus) have antennae that are similar to prionines but / abdomen. (Gardiner, 1966) [14].
have no structural difference between the sexes. Strangalia The larva is a complete, elongate, segmented, practically
bicolor, a cerambycine thought to use pheromones (Itami, legube grub when fulgroven, and is usually white or yellow or
1989) [6]. Long antennae are characteristic of these beetles, white to pale orange in color; The segment tapers only
which are used primarily to detect pheromones, allowing slightly below the anterior end. And there are powerful black
mating and the identification of the suitable host plant for cutting jaws or inlay, with which they are able to knock down
oviposition (Martins, 1997) [7]. the hardest wood. The grub has small, four-joint antennae,
Blatchley, (1910) [8] reported that, Cerambycids' elongate and in some cases may have very short legs. The upper
antennae, like a tightrope walker's pole, provide balance while surface and thoracic segments of the head are covered with a
walking on slender twigs. However, while Linsley (1959) [8] rigid, horned plate; Body segments often have tubercles on
and Reitter (1960) [9] did not report on the adaptive them, and spiracles on the edges of the segments are well
significance of elongate antennae in cerambycids, sexual marked (Stubbing, 1914) [11].
dimorphism in length has been taken as proof that they play a The larval instruments of longgewala beetles feeding on the
role in mate position. Adults' lives are normally estimated in wood of healthy trees vary between 7 and 10 (Linsley, 1961)
weeks or even days for several species, but some large . The growth of larvae varies greatly, but most species
Lamiinae have been observed to be alive for many months in typically take one to three years, with the larvae of Priininae
the laboratory when fed (Beeson, 1941; Svacha and taking the longest on average (Linsley, 1961) [5]. Growth
Lawrence, 2014) [1, 3, 33]. However, according to Linsley occurs rapidly in the lamine species feeding inside the stems
(1959) [8], the understanding of natural survival of emerged of fatty plants and usually complete within three months. In
adult cerambycids is incomplete. However, certain species' contrast, species capable of developing in dry and processed
reduced feeding means that they are likely to be short-lived. wood have been known to emerge from furniture, wood, or
The behavior of oviposition in the longhorn beetle is very subflooring for many years. Early instar larvae usually feed
different compared to another group of insects. According to under bark at the cambium and phloem before entering
Beeson (1941) [1], there are four ways to lay eggs with sapwood in later stages or in the pupate. Patterns and types of
Cerambycid beetles: i) Outer openings in the bark in natural frames made by larvae in excavation of the plate are often
cracks or in cracks where eggs are hatched by ovipositors; characteristic for particular taxonomy or ecological groups of
eggs can be laid individually or in groups (especially all wood-boring cerambaceae (Linsley, 1961) [5].
Cerambycinae); ii) The opening inside the bark in round holes Most Cerambicidae larvae live in tunnels that are tightly
or slabs eaten by authorized objects up to the cambium where packed with wood-dust, but some species keep the tunnel
the ovipositor and eggs are inserted tree bark and bark. Eggs clean by venting holes through the outside, i.e., Aphrodisium,
are placed separately in this group (Eg a few Lamiinae such Apraa, and Celosterna (Švácha and Lawrence, 2014a) [3, 33].
as Celosterna scabrator, Glenea spp. Etc.); iii) Maturity of However, laminae grubs that feed in wood always form a
transformed wood without bark, in natural or artificial cracks straight tunnel, while those feeding on the bark form a zigzag
(eg Stromatium barbatum); and iv) Soil loosening (eg tunnel (Beeson, 1941; Linsley, 1959; 1961) [1, 8, 5].
Dorysthenes (Lophosternus) huge). However, Linsley (1959) The pupa usually remain quite naked in the pupil chamber at
concluded that, small groups in particular have easy the end of the larval tunnel. In the beetle Plokdarns obesus,
maturation patterns outside of Prioninae and Lepturinae India, the larva forms a pigeon cocoon, which resembles a
which mainly lay eggs in soft, decaying wood. The most pigeon's egg, in which it turns into a beetle stage (Stebbing,
special practices are found in Lamiinae, which often uses 1914) [11]. According to Beyson (1941) [1] discovered the
force to regulate oviposition. chambers of the grandson of Indian Sembicidae in various
Morwood et al. (2003) [10] suggested that coniferophase groups. (i) pulp chamber without specially secreting lining;
species such as Monocomus scutellatus (Psy) (Serombicidae) (ii) Pupal chamber with a specially secreted lining or
prefer large-diameter hosts to developing ancestors or the opaculum of calcium carbonate (secreted from the Malpighi
largest-diameter part of the host given for oviposition. tubules) or other material; (iii) In the case of larvae boring
Provides a lot of resources. In contrast, many species of liana the puple chamber in the supporting tree; (iv) Pulp
laminae (Serambicidae) that attack hardwoods prefer small chamber in soil. The pupil stage lasts between a week to a
trees (> 20 cm) in diameter and are very small. However, month and the tenoral adult remains in the pupal cell for some
Stubbing (1914) [11] reported that beetles choose freshly fallen time after elapse before it exits through the exit hole
or green spore trees in the wild to lay their eggs. As a general (Slipinski and Esclona, 2013) [12, 28].
rule, the worm carries its eggs to the outer bark holes near the The season in which adults emerge is characteristic of the
bust layer or whenever possible to the edge of some wound in species; Four provenance periods were recognized. Summer,
the bark. This is usually the case with poplar and willow dry or premature season, southwest monsoon season and post
longcorn beetles, Iolestes sarta. monsoon season. The onset of the monsoon rainfall, the
Different investigators gave different opinions about the eggs amount and distribution of monsoon rainfall (Seasons and
of the Longhorse beetle. According to Pervácha and Bhatia, 1939) [15], is strongly influenced by the rise of the
Lawrence (2014a) [3, 33], long beetles are ovate and their eggs monsoon. Once near the woman, a male immediately attempts
are broadly elliptical, oval or puffed and often thin, flexible in to mount and copulate and the act of copulation occurs at
color, and may have a size suitable for tight spaces In which night or late, in most prionnaeae, assiminae and the more
they are laid. Slipinski and Escalona (2013) [12, 28] revealed primitive cerambicinae, and between sunny lepturina, clatini,

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and calidini. With many exceptions (Linsley, 1959) [8]. often cited as an important factor in decreasing tree growth
Eggs (an egg or group of eggs) are usually deposited under rates before oak degradation. Thatcher (1961) [25] revealed
the bark or in the wood with the help of ovipositors. Some that Megacillin robinii (Forst.) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae),
species of Jena snakera and monochemus dig into wood and the most damage to living trees attacking wood-boring
deposit an egg in this hollow. During the development of beetles, coincides with drought conditions, because drought is
larvae, which lasts mostly 1-3 years, many larvae pass in large numbers Enables larvae to survive. Spite and Wiley
through stages (up to 14 in the laboratory of Anoplophora (2005) also concluded that deaths related to eucalyptus
globrypsen, for example), characterized by the host tree plantation attack by Phoracantha semipactata (Cerambicidae)
ending with pipation within the relative cells (Bains, 1995) [2]. were highest for trees planted in soil with high sand content.
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