Robotics1 11.07.04
Robotics1 11.07.04
Robotics1 11.07.04
July 4, 2011
Several views of the Barrett 4-dof WAM arm are shown in Fig. 1, together with the frame assign-
ment used by the manufacturer. Six reference frames are considered, including one attached to the
Base (fixed platform) and one attached at the Tool (end-effector). All data are in mm. The only
information missing in the drawings is that the displacement at the elbow joint is equal to 45 mm.
Also, the origin of the Tool frame is placed at the end of link 4 (the drawing may be misleading).
Figure 1: The Barrett 4-dof WAM arm, with the frame assignment used by the manufacturer
1. Check whether the frame assignment used by the manufacturer is fully consistent with the
Denavit-Hartenberg (D-H) convention, and modify it if needed. Derive the correct table of
D-H parameters.
2. Determine the direct kinematic map for the position B pT of the origin of the Tool frame
with respect to the Base frame (use symbols for geometric quantities, specifying separately
their numerical values):
B pT B 0
= T0 T1 (θ1 )1 T2 (θ2 )2 T3 (θ3 )3 T4 (θ4 )4 TT 0
0 (1)
1 1
3. Four motors are used to drive the four joints through suitable transmission elements, with
two motors (located at the shoulder) cooperating for the motion of joints 2 and 3. The
mapping between the motor velocity vector θ̇ m and the joint velocity vector θ̇ is
− 0 0 0
1 1
0 − 0
2N2 2N2
θ̇ = θ̇ m , (2)
n3 n3
0 − − 0
2N2 2N2
0 0 0 −
with N1 = 42, N2 = 28.25, n3 = 1.68, N4 = 18. Determine the mapping from the torque
vector τ m at the output shaft of each motor to the torque vector τ producing work on the
joint coordinates θ.
4. Find the 3 × 4 Jacobian matrix J (θ) relating the joint velocity vector θ̇ to the velocity v T
of the origin of the Tool frame
v T = ṗT = J (θ)θ̇.
Choose your preferred reference frame for expressing v T . Note: In order to obtain the
full expression of the associated Jacobian, the use of a symbolic manipulation program is
5. Determine one singularity of J (θ). Verify whether this singularity is within the following
joint limits of the robot or not:
July 4, 2011
For item 1., the frame assignment used by the manufacturer is fully consistent with the Denavit-
Hartenberg convention and there is no need of modifications. The D-H parameters are given in
Tab. 1, with a3 = 45 and d3 = 550 [mm]. In Fig. 1, the arm is shown in its “zero configuration”
(θ = 0).
i αi ai di θi
1 − 0 0 θ1
2 0 0 θ2
3 − a3 d3 θ3
4 −a3 0 θ4
with L = 350 [mm]. Note that these constant transformations may not be expressed in general as
D-H homogeneous matrices (i.e., in terms of the usual four, now all constant, D-H parameters).
In particular, 4 TT has the structure of a D-H matrix (with αT = θT = 0, aT = 0, and dT = L),
whereas B T0 cannot be associated to D-H parameters.
In order to find the expression of B pT in (1), there is no need to compute the full product
of all the transformation matrices, i.e., B TT (or even just 0 T4 ). In fact, expressing all vectors in
homogenous coordinates, we can compute recursively:
0 0
4 4 T 4
0 0
pT = TT pT = TT 0 = L
1 1
pT = 3 T4 (θ4 )4 pT
pT = 0 T1 (θ1 )1 pT
pT = B T0 4 pT .
where the short notations si = sin θi , ci = cos θi have been used. At this point, we can substitute
the numerical values previously defined.
For item 3., writing eq. (2) as θ̇ = Aθ̇ m , we have from the principle of virtual work
τ T θ̇ = τ T Aθ̇ m = τ Tm θ̇ m , ∀θ̇ m ,
and thus
τ m = AT τ ⇐⇒ τ = A−T τ m .
Therefore, the mapping is
−N1 0 0 0
0 N2 0
τ = τ m.
N2 N2
0 − − 0
n3 n3
0 0 0 −N4
We can now replace in this expression the numerical data provided in the text.
For item 4., the Jacobian J (θ) of interest is computed either geometrically or by analytic
differentiation of eq. (3) w.r.t. θ. The result can be obtained by hand or by using symbolic/algebraic
manipulation tools (e.g., the Matlab Symbolic Toolbox). However, very complex expressions are
typically obtained which are difficult to be simplified automatically. A possible relatively simpler
form for J (θ) is obtained when looking at the expression of the task velocity v T (naturally defined
in the zero-th reference frame) in a suitable reference frame. In fact, we have
v T = 0 RTi (θ1 , . . . , θi ) 0 v T = 0 RTi (θ1 , . . . , θi ) 0 J (θ)θ̇ ⇒ i
J (θ) = 0 RTi (θ1 , . . . , θi ) 0 J (θ)
where the Jacobian i J (θ) is expressed in the i-th frame of the robot, and
Ri (θ1 , . . . , θi ) = 0 R1 (θ1 ) 1 R2 (θ2 ) . . . i−1Ri (θi )
is the composition of the rotation matrices defined by the D-H parameters of the robot. For the
Barrett 4-dof WAM arm, a convenient choice is to refer the Jacobian to frame 2, i.e.,
J (θ) = 1 RT2 (θ2 ) 0 RT1 (θ1 ) 0 J (θ).
For illustration, we report in the Appendix the 3 × 4 = 12 elements jik of 2 J (θ), i.e.,
j11 j12 j13 j14
J (θ) = j21 j22 j23 j24 , (4)
For item 5., it is rather immediate to see from Fig. 1 that the robot configuration having
θ2 = θ3 = θ4 = 0 (and arbitrary θ1 ) is certainly singular, since the arm is fully stretched. Plugging
in these values of joint angles, the symbolic Jacobian matrix becomes
0 (L + d3 ) c1 0 L c1
J (θ)|θ2 =θ3 =θ4 =0 = 0 (L + d3 ) s1 0 L s1 ,
0 0 0 a3
having, as expected, rank 2 for any θ1 . In particular, this is true at the zero configuration (i.e.,
with θ1 = 0, in addition to the previously selected values for the other joints) illustrated in Fig. 1.
This singularity is clearly within the assigned joint limits.
With reference to (4), using the short notations forsi = sin θi and ci = cos θi (i = 1, . . . , 4), we
j11 = −c2 (c1 (c1 (a3 s3 + s3 (Ls4 − a3 c4 )) + s1 (s2 (d3 + Lc4 + a3 s4 ) + c2 (a3 c3 + c3 (Ls4 − a3 c4 ))))
+ s1 (s1 (a3 s3 + s3 (Ls4 − a3 c4 )) − c1 (s2 (d3 + Lc4 + a3 s4 ) + c2 (a3 c3 + c3 (Ls4 − a3 c4 )))))
j12 = s2 (s2 (d3 + Lc4 + a3 s4 ) + c2 (a3 c3 + c3 (Ls4 − a3 c4 ))) − c2 (c1 (c1 s2 (a3 c3 + c3 (Ls4 − a3 c4 ))
− c1 c2 (d3 + Lc4 + a3 s4 )) − s1 (c2 s1 (d3 + Lc4 + a3 s4 ) − s1 s2 (a3 c3 + c3 (Ls4 − a3 c4 ))))
j13 = −s3 2a3 sin θ24 + Ls4 s2 2 − c2 (c1 (c3 s1 + c1 c2 s3 ) (a3 + Ls4 − a3 c4 )
− s1 (c1 c3 − c2 s1 s3 ) (a3 + Ls4 − a3 c4 ))