Uponor Infra Gravity Systems ENG PDF
Uponor Infra Gravity Systems ENG PDF
Uponor Infra Gravity Systems ENG PDF
1. General ........................................................................................ 4
2. Properties of PE pipelines ........................................................... 7
3. Structure of gravity pipes ............................................................. 9
4. Hydraulic calculations for gravity flows ...................................... 10
5. Design parameters of PE and PP gravity pipes ........................ 15
6. Static calculations for PE and PP pipelines ............................... 16
7. Uponor program for pipeline calculations .................................. 24
8. Laying gravity pipelines in the ground ........................................ 26
9. Gravity pipe connections ........................................................... 39
10. Leak proof tests for gravity pipelines ......................................... 44
11. Installation of Weho tanks........................................................... 46
12. Installation of Weho manholes .................................................. 48
13. Installation of Weholite culverts.................................................. 51
14. Installation of Weholite marine system ...................................... 52
15. Renovation of gravity pipelines ................................................. 56
16. Transport and storage of PE and PP pipes ............................... 62
17. PE and PP chemical resistance – tables .................................. 64
Reference standards
Symbol Title
Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Structured-wall piping
PN-EN 13476-1 systems of unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) -
Part 1: General requirements and performance characteristics
Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Structured-wall piping systems
PN-EN 13476-2 of unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) - Part 2: Specifications
for pipes and fittings with smooth inside and outside surface, Type A
Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Structured-wall piping systems
PN-EN 13476-3+A1 of unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) - Part 3:. Specifications
for pipes and fittings with smooth inside and profiled outside surface, Type B
PN-EN 476 General requirements for components used in discharge pipes, drains and sewers for gravity systems
Plastics piping and ducting systems - Systems outside building structures for the conveyance of water or
PN-ENV 1046
sewage - Practices for installation above and below ground
Drainage of highways, car parks, airports and logistics In-plant pipelines e.g. at sewage treatment plants
Water tanks: storage reservoirs and fire water tanks Tanks for the agriculture – Weho Agro
Manure channel
Weho Agro
- liquid manure tank Transition tank Manure plate
Corrosion resistance
PE pipes are resistant to many chemical compounds – unlike
pipes made of conventional materials that easily corrode and
age when exposed to most of acids (excluding nitric acid),
bases, salts, aliphatic solvents (pH 0 – 14). Polyethylene
pipes are low-resistant to oxidants and aromatic solvents.
Non toxic
Weho systems allow construction of drinking water tanks. Such tanks are
made of PE material approved by the PZH (National Institute of Hygiene)
in Warsaw.
With natural bend radius of outside diameters, PE pipes may be laid
according to variations of the pipeline route and in many cases use of
expensive fittings can be avoided. Flexibility is the distinctive feature of PE
pipes among other conventional materials.
Failure frequency of PE pipes is much lower than that of rigid pipes (concrete,
clay, GRP). PE pipes are resistant to changing atmospheric conditions. The
may be installed and transported both in low (below freezing point) and high
ambient temperatures (tropical conditions). Therefore, PE pipes are used
worldwide regardless of climatic conditions.
Earth pressure
Side Side
support support
Subgrade reaction
PE gravity pipelines are interacting with ground as it constituted its integral element. By contrast with rigid pipes, flexible pipes
do not crack under earth pressure and remain tight through the entire service life.
Weholite pipes (PE) WehoDuo OD and WehoDuo Drain pipes (PE) WehoTripla pipes (PP)
Diameters from 300 to 3000 mm Diameters from 110 to 400 mm Diameters from 110 to 400 mm
Coefficient of kinematic viscosity depends on type and Celsius. Uponor Infra computer program makes it possible
temperature of a liquid. The table below shows coefficients to select liquid temperature in the range between 0 and 60
of viscosity for temperature range between 2 and 25 degrees degrees Celsius
Table 4.1.a Values of the coefficient of kinematic viscosity ν [m2/sec] depending on temperature and concentration of the matter suspended in liquid wastes:
Liquid wastes
Water with concentration of suspended matter
100 mg/l 300 mg/l 500 mg/l
2 1,67 x 10-6 2,17 x 10-6 3,17 x 10-6 4,17 x 10-6
5 1,52 x 10-6 1,60 x 10-6 1,76 x 10-6 1,92 x 10-6
10 1,31 x 10-6 1,33 x 10-6 1,37 x 10-6 1,41 x 10-6
20 1,01 x 10-6 1,02 x 10-6 1,02 x 10-6 1,04 x 10-6
25 0,90 x 10-6 0,90 x 10-6 0,91 x 10-6 0,92 x 10-6
In the existing design practice fixed value of the coefficient of If the above formulas are combined in one and standard liquid
kinematic viscosity both for water and liquid wastes is usually temperature is assumed at 10 degrees Celsius, mean flow
assumed: ν = 1,31 * 10-6 m2/s for water (liquid wastes) rate can be calculated using the following formula:
temperature of 10° C.
__________ k
Conduit wall relative roughness depends on conduit Q = - 6.598.log + . dw. dw.i
material and pipe inside wall surface wear. As regards 106.dw. dw.i 3.71.dw
PE pipes, standard value for k is 0.01 mm. By assuming
respective roughness the type of transported liquid may • (5)
be modelled. For pipelines carrying liquids containing This formula is a basis for preparing flow nomograms. It
considerable amount of deposits bigger roughness should combines three quantities essential in hydraulic dimensioning
be assumed - according to their content and up to a value – rate of flow, pipe bottom falling gradient (pressure drop) and
between 0.05 and 0.4 mm. pipe diameter.
Basing on the flow nomograms it is possible to determine Value of hydraulic radius used in the above formula should
one of the three values mentioned above if two values are correspond to the type of liquid flowing through a pipe.
known. In Uponor Infra program designed for determination In case of industrial and municipal waste water systems
of the required value, iteration method is used. Additionally, - hydraulic radius corresponding to filling ratio of 60% is
consideration was given to the liquid temperature. assumed while in case of rain-water disposal systems they
are considered as fully filled with water.
Minimum tangential stresses are assumed 2.20 N/m2 and
1.47 N/m2 respectively.
• (6) τmin
imin = ______
h/dw 0,5
αQ αv
αQ - flow rate for partially filled conduit to flow rate for fully αA
filled conduit ratio [-]
αv - flow velocity for partially filled conduit to flow velocity for 0,2
fully filled conduit ratio [-]
αA - fluid stream cross section for partially filled conduit to
conduit cross section ratio [-]
0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1 1,1
4.4. Comparison of pressure losses and flow capacities of the pipelines made of various materials
These calculations were made to compare flow capacity Colebrook-White formula.
losses in gravity pipelines made of various materials. Change Calculation results explicitly indicate that PE and PP conduits
in condition of pipeline inner wall surface after several years offer much less resistance to flow and much bigger flow
of operation was also taken into consideration. capacity as compared with the conduits made of conventional
materials – regardless of their operation time. These
For clarity of comparison the same inside diameter differences increase considerably in favour of PE and PP
(D = 500 mm) was assumed. Coefficient of kinematic pipes as operation time becomes longer. In the first place,
viscosity was assumed to be ν = 1,31 * 10-6 m2/sec at water this results from little absolute roughness of the pipe that
(liquid waste) temperature of 10°C. Remaining values used in practically remains constant during operation.
calculations are shown in the tables below.
Gravity pipeline flow capacity for transport of liquid wastes
as well as flow velocity in fully filled conduit: D = 500 mm,
hydraulic gradient l = 0.2%, filling ratio h = D (0.5 m).
Coefficient of pipeline losses was calculated using the
Table 4.4.a. Flow capacity of PE and PP pipes in comparison with the pipes made of other materials
60 60
40 v= 40
20 20
10 10
8 8
6 6
4 v= 4
DN 140
16 0
DN 150
v= 2
DN 200
DN 400
DN 260
30 0
DN 280
1 1
0,8 0,8
0,6 0,6
0,4 0,4
0,2 0,2
0,1 0,1
20 40 60 80 200 400 600 800 2000 4000 6000 8000 20000 40000 60000 80000
10 100 1000 10000 100000
Flow rate Q [dm 3/s]
Nomogram do obliczania hydraulicznego ca•kowicie wype nionych rur WEHOLITE SPIRO , dla temperatury 10oC i chropowato ci k=0.01 mm
A nomogram for hydraulic calculation of fully filled WehoDuo OD pipes at temperature of 10ºC and roughness k = 0.01 mm using the Colebrook-White formula
A nomogram for hydraulic calculation of fully filled WehoTripla pipes at temperature of 10ºC and roughness k = 0.01 mm using the Colebrook-White formula
a) Ring stiffness – as per Standard ISO 9969 – is b) Another method for determination of ring stiffness is based
determined experimentally following the described on the DIN 16961 Standard. Even though this method is not
procedures consisting in measurement of the force legally binding in Poland, certain German companies still use
causing 3% pipe deflection within 3 minutes. it. In this method constant pressure is applied to the pipe and
This force varies with time during the test and is acting on pipe deflection is measured after 1, 6 and 24 hours. 24-hour
the pipe with constant speed. deflection under defined load should be 3% (the so called
Constant Load Method). Pipe stiffness according to the DIN
method can be calculated from the following formula:
SN = ER×I / D3 [kN/m2]
SR (ATV) = ER×I / rm3 [kN/m2]
ER - modulus of elasticity of the structural material where:
I - unit moment of inertia of the pipe wall ER - modulus of elasticity of the structural material
D - mean (neutral) pipe diameter I - unit moment of inertia of the pipe wall
rm - mean pipe radius
In Poland, the PN EN ISO 9969 Standard has been legally In case of solid wall pipes their ring stiffness may be determined
binding for a few years. For customer’s information the using the above mentioned methods.
manufacturer should always make reference to the standard he
used to determine particular ring stiffness. Failure to do so may
lead to wrong interpretation of strength properties of a pipe.
SN [kN/m2] SN [kN/m2]
acc. ISO9969 acc. DIN16961
2 7.6
4 15.2
6 22.8
8 30.4
10 38.0
12,5 47.5
16 60.8
SN – ring stiffness of a pipe [kN/m2]
Table 5.1.b. Ring stiffness (acc. to ISO9969) of structural pipes and ring stiffness values of solid wall (pressure) pipes.
*- other ring stiffnesses - on request SDR – Standard Dimension Ratio of solid wall pipes [SDR = Dn/e, Dn = nominal diameter, e= wall thickness]
Pict 6.1.a. 17t caterpilar, 0,5m of cover. No deflection is visible. Pipe stiffness is 2kN/m2.
Type of ground
Specific gravity
(4) q = qs+qw+qtr [kN/m3]
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Fig. 6.7.a. Swedish equivalent for calculation of axial load – Type 2. Thickness of cover above the pipe top Hp [m]
Type of load
[kN] [kN] [m] [m]
Type of load ϕ
SLW60 100 500 0.25 1.82 SLW60 1,2
SLW30 50 250 0.18 1.82 SLW30 1,4
LKW12 40 80 0.18 2.26 LKW12 1,5
Other types of loads were described in Underground
pipes - static calculation in Uponor Infra calculation program.
calculaton point
Fig. 6.7.b. Diagram of vertical stress under the corner of the slab.
belonging to the group 1-4 Recommended values of coefficient Bf for subgrade quality
- The pipeline must not be laid down directly on the
Very accurate Standard
ground covered with stones Subgrade without stones
execution execution
Without supervision 2% 4%
With supervision 1% 2%
Fig. 6.8.a. Combined trench Fig. 6.8.b. Intensive heavy vehicle traffic during Fig. 6.8.c. Do not compact first 30 cm layer
construction with Hp < 1.5 m of backfill above pipe using heavy equipment
(> 0.6 kN)
3500 3500
3000 3000
100% 100%
2500 2500
E's [kPa]
E's [kPa]
90% 90%
2000 2000
1500 1500
1000 1000
500 500 75%
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Thickness of cover above the pipe top Hp {m} Thickness of cover above the pipe top Hp {m}
Diagram 6.9.a. Ground compression modulus E’s depending Diagram 6.9.b. Ground compression modulus E’s depending
on the modified Proctor density of soil and Hp for underground water level on the modified Proctor density of soil and Hp for underground water level
below pipe above pipe.
6.11. Buckling
External pressure (generated by soil and underground water) For pipes with low ring stiffness, laid down in shallow trenches
that generates circumferential compressive stress in the pipe (Hp < 1.5 m) and subjected to vehicular traffic loads, the
wall may lead to buckling damages of pipe. Buckling risk following formula is additionally used:
depends on external pressure (Hp and h), possible negative
pressure inside the pipe, pipe ring stiffness and type of soil. 64 . SR
As regards pipes laid in grounds with relatively high and (9) qdop =
uniform compaction, risk of buckling is small. 1+3,5. D_δ__
Permissible (critical) load can be calculated using the
following formula:
Short-term pipe ring stiffness should be used here.
5,63 . δ
1-3. ___ . SRI . E't
(8) qdop = _____ Diagram 6.11.a. Resistance to buckling
F Dm as a function of ring stiffness of a pipe
q Buckling (kN/m2)
well compacted
F - factor of safety, here F = 2
E’t - ground deformation modulus, here E’t = 2E’s soil
δ/Dm - total relative pipe deflection
e without
buckling of the pip ground
the support of the
If subgrade is a mix of several kinds of soil, one component may be used as a basis for classification.
Loam I <0,002
8.3. Terminology
Table 8.3.a. Minimum distance between pipe and trench slope depending on
pipe diameter
Minimum bs values
de [mm] bs [mm]
de < 300 200
300 < de < 900 300
900 < de < 1600 400
1600 < de < 2400 600
Fig.8.3.a. Sectional view of a trench for laying a pipeline 2400 < de < 3000 900
Nominal diameter Maximum particle a) does not contain particles larger than allowed for given
of pipe size
pipe diameter as per Table 8.4.a;
DN ≤ 100 15 b) does not contain lumps larger than double size of particles
WehoDuo for specific application as shown in Table 8.4.a;
100 < DN ≤ 300 20
300 < DN ≤ 400 30 c) if the material is not frozen;
Weholite 300 < DN ≤ 600 30 d) does not contain foreign matter (such as asphalt, bottles,
(pipes, manholes, 600 < DN ≤ 1600 40 cans, pieces of wood)
tanks, fittings) 1600 < DN ≤ 3000 50 e) if compaction using flexible material is required
(4) Backfill Excavations under the streets: Virgin soil may used for
The green belt: If a pipeline is laid down in the green belt backfilling. Vibratory equipment with weight of up to 200 kg
area, virgin soil (from excavation) may used provided it may be used. Density according to SPD should satisfy the
belongs to group 1 – 4. In this case it should be compacted to requirements for road construction.
approx. 88% SPD. For pipelines laid under streets frost heave soils may not be
used as upper layer of backfill (thickness depending on frost
penetration conditions).
4 4
Fig. 8.4.c. Sectional view of a trench made in the green belt area Fig. 8.4.d. Sectional view of a trench made under street
top charge
1 upper backfill
Fig. 8.6.a. Division of trench into zones of virgin soil (2) and Fig. 8.6.b. Layers of soil with different density
the ground around pipeline (1)
Selected pipe stiffness should be verified by static cover above pipe, water table, size and geometry of load as
calculations (e.g. according to Scandinavian Method). In well as the boundary values for given pipe.
general, it is assumed that the trench is dewatered prior to Matching pipeline stiffness with installation conditions should
installation. If underground water is present, allowance for be agreed with the designer. Tables below show general
additional pipe load should be made in pipeline calculations. values of ring stiffness relative to given ground properties
In general, selection of pipe stiffness depends on the type of
virgin soil, top charge material and its density, thickness of
Table 8.6.a. Recommended minimum stiffness for pipes laid in ground not exposed to traffic generated loads
Table 8.6.a. Recommended minimum stiffness for pipes laid in ground subjected to traffic generated loads
*) In grounds with low carrying capacity pipe foundation should be reinforced e.g. with geotextiles (see paragraph 8.12.)
**) Static calculations are necessary for determination of geometry of trench and pipe stiffness.
In addition, when pipeline is laid under unsurfaced road (particularly if depth is small) pipeline may be covered with reinforced slabs for greater safety.
Table 8.7.b. Recommended thickness of layer and number of runs during soil compacting
Maximum layer thickness after
No. of runs for particular
compacting [m] for individual groups Minimum thickness
class of density
Equipment of soil of layer above pipe, before
Density Density compacting [m]
1 2 3 4
“W” (high) “M” (medium)
Treading down or manual rammer
3 1 0,15 0,10 0,10 0,10 0,20
min. 15 kg
Vibratory compactor min. 70 kg 3 1 0,30 0,25 0,20 0,15 0,30
Flat compactor
min. 50 kg 4 1 0,10 — — — 0,15
min. 100 kg 4 1 0,15 0,10 — — 0,15
min. 200 kg 4 1 0,20 0,15 0,10 — 0,20
min. 400 kg 4 1 0,30 0,25 0,15 0,10 0,30
min. 600 kg 4 1 0,40 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,50
Vibrating roll
min. 15 kN/m 6 2 0,35 0,25 0,20 — 0,60
min. 30 kN/m 6 2 0,60 0,50 0,30 — 1,20
min. 45 kN/m 6 2 1,00 0,75 0,40 — 1,80
min. 60 kN/m 6 2 1,50 1,10 0,60 — 2,40
Double vibrating roller
min. 5 kN/m 6 2 0,15 0,10 — — 0,20
min. 10 kN/m 6 2 0,25 0,20 0,15 — 0,45
min. 20 kN/m 6 2 0,35 0,30 0,20 — 0,60
min. 30 kN/m 6 2 0,50 0,40 0,30 — 0,85
Heavy three-wheeled roller (without
6 2 0,25 0,20 0,20 — 1,00
vibration) min. 50 kN/m
1- highly compacted soil (class W)
b-space for soil compacting
Fig. 8.10.a Parallel pipes inside stepped trench Fig. 8.10.b Parallel pipes inside even trench
If low carrying capacity ground appears at pipeline foundation If pipeline is to be laid on very weak ground such as peat
level, the following procedure is necessary: or thick layer of mud, use of special method for laying is
- when thin layer of weak soil is deposited at the trench bottom, necessary.
this soil should be replaced with loose ground with granularity The following procedure is possible: weak soil is strengthened
of 20 mm (16 mm if crushed stone is used). Layer of the or pipeline laid down on wooden framework.
replaced soil should Correct solution depends on the local conditions and requires
be compacted to 95% SPD minimum. individually designed supporting structure (or reinforcement
- when thick layer of weak soil is deposited at the trench of soil) as well as separate static calculations of pipeline
bottom, a layer of minimum 0.35 m should be removed (the considering new foundation method.
weaker is the ground the thicker layer has to be removed) and Other special conditions during pipe laying may include
less than 0.25 pipe outside diameter. Then, layer of gravel or underground water (flowing or standing) appearing at the
crushed stone not less than 0.2 m thick with granularity of trench bottom or running sand effects. In such cases pumping
2 – 32 mm should be laid. This layer should be compacted to wells or drain pipes are installed to lower underground water
95% SPD minimum. table. They are installed during pipe laying work and are
When very weak cohesive soil is deposited at the trench operated until the pipe is covered with layer
bottom it is recommended to use geotextile mats in the area of of soil sufficient to counteract hydrostatic lift or trench wall
exchanged soil to avoid mixing of virgin soil with reinforcement failures. Soil granularity in the subgrade and backfill zones
layers and for additional subgrade strengthening. The fabric should be selected correctly to prevent migration of fine
should be laid on virgin soil. fractions between excavation area and the adjacent ground.
Moreover, geotextile mat may be used for: Any migration of soil grains between zones may lead to
- protection of backfilling material against mixing with virgin sol weakened bottom and side supports of the pipe.
and for protection of the backfill against loosening caused by Use of suitable filtering mats may prevent transport of fine
pulling the sheet piling out. fractions of soil. If filtering mats are composed of many pieces,
- anchoring pipeline to prevent it from coming up to the surface an overlap not less than 0.3 m wide is necessary. One-piece
- increasing load carrying capacity of subgrade and to reduce mats should be laid with an overlap of not less than 0.5 m.
uneven pipe settlement
1 1
1 1
2 2 3
2 2 3
Legend: Legend:
1 Backfill zone 1 Backfill zone
2 Subgrade 2 Subgrade
3 Filtering mat 3 Wooden framework
Fig. 8.12.a. Protection against migration of fine fractions of soil Fig. 8.12.b. Trench bottom reinforced with wooden framework
If safe work in the trench is not possible due to excessively to making subgrade. Wooden structure or geotextile mat may
weak or soft ground, trench bottom should be reinforced prior be used as shown in Figs 8.12.
1 1 1 1
1 1
Fig. 8.12.e. Geotextile mat constituting full ground sill, shuttering and reinforcement Fig. 8.12.f. Geotextile mat constituting anchorage preventing the pipe from uplifting
1 1 1 1
1 1
1 – geotextile mats
3. Frank rubber sleeve
4. Weholite pipe
Fig. 8.14.a. Diagrammatic of Weholite wall pass
mm mm mm mm Zakres dn
300 800 341 531 315-354 A
350 800 406 596 400-449 B
400 800 455 645 450-499 B
450 800 511 702 500-559 B
500 800 569 758 560-629 B
600 800 679 862 630-709 B
700 800 793 977 710-799 B
800 800 907 1191 800-899 B
900 800 1016 1303 1000-1150 B
1000 800 1130 1416 1000-1150 B
1050 1000 1190 1467 1000-1150 B
1200 1000 1355 1629 1200-1350 B
* for SN8 ring stiffness
Fig. 8.14.b. Frank System rubber sleeve – Profile A dn=90÷315 mm Fig. 8.14.c.Frank System rubber sleeve – Profile B dn=355÷1200 mm
1 1 1 1
60 60 75 75
* The length of anchoring flange for WehoDuo pipes
WehoDuo OD WehoTripla
dn=de do Frank dn=de do
Frank rubber flange L* L
[mm] [mm] profile [mm] [mm]
110 210 110-121 A + 110 129 110; 240
160 260 160-180 A + 160 180 110; 240
200 340 200-224 A + 200 219 240
250 390 250-279 A + 250 272 240
315 455 315-354 A + 315 338 240
400 500 400-449 B + 400 428 240
3. Sealing
4. WehoTripla pipe
WehoDuo OD Hole diameter
pipe diameter
dn [mm] d1 [mm]
110 138
160 186
200 226
250 276
315 341
In-Situ connector should be used for making connection with Weholite collector or Weho manhole.
Proceed as follows:
1. Define connection diameter 2. Cut suitable hole in the Weholite pipe wall
3. Place In-Situ connector in the hole 4. Insert connection pipe in the rubber In-Situ connector
Required tools:
- Electric drill – power app. 2 kW
- Circle cutter according to In-Situ hole diameter (available
from Uponor Infra)
Type of
Type of pipe 110 Diameter range 3000 Application
WehoTripla Socket
110 400 All connections
(dn 110-400) Double socket
WehoDuo OD Socket
110 400 All connections
(dn 110-400) Double socket
1) Thoroughly clean all dirt off pipe 2) Check if the seal is mounted 3) Coat the pipe end with lubricant 4) P
lace the pipe end in the socket.
socket properly Be careful to align both parts
coaxially and make sure that
seal does not turn around during
Single- or double socket connections may be used for WehoTripla pipes assembly
Table 9.2.a. Dimensions of single- and double socket connections for the WehoTripla pipes
Lw Lw Lw Lw Lw
1) Thoroughly clean all dirt off pipe 2) Place seal between two first ridges 3) Clean all dirt off the pipe and coat 4) Coat the pipe socket with lubricant
socket of the pipe the pipe end with lubricant
Lw Lw
Table 9.5.a. Dimensions of Snap-Joint connections for View and cross section of the Snap-Joint connection
Weholite pipes
dn=di L Lc F L
[mm] [mm] [mm] [tony]
600 183 215 3÷3,5
700 197 227 3÷3,5
800 198 230 3÷3,5
900 199 230 3,5÷4
1000 198 230 3,5÷4
- Connection has to be made in dry conditions. Even - Extruder nozzle outlet air temperature should be in the
minimum quantity of water may result in leaky connection. range from 230 to 260 C depending on ambient air
- Joint has to be protected against wind (particularly in winter temperature. During cold season blower air temperature
season and during rain) should higher than during summer.
- Prior to joining operation pipe ends should be cleaned and
suitably prepared: pipe ends should be bevelled as shown Required tools:
in the above picture. Pipe surface adjacent to the chamfer - Extruder (e.g. manufactured by Munsh; extruder type
should be ground gently so that extrusion material is applied according to specific requirement)
to fresh pipe surface. - Electric saw with vertical blade app. 30 cm long
- Since polyethylene can oxidize easily, bevelling and grinding - Drill
operations should be done immediately before joining. - Power source 4kW, 230 VAC
- In case of secondary soiling, dirty spot should be cleaned
and ground again.
- Temperature of the PE rod should be 220 to 225 C.
10.1. Leak proof test of gravity pipelines (with flow caused by gravity)
The following components are subjected to water-pressure Required minimum test pressure:
test at the construction site: P01 = 10 kPa = 0,1 bar = 1,0 m column of water
- Gravity thermoplastics pipelines, in sections of limited length If underground water is present, test pressure depends on
(e.g. between manholes); the difference of levels between pipeline axis and underwater
- Pipelines composed of Weholite pipes 1000 m long water table
Maximum; P02 = P01 + 1,1 x a (m column of water]) (2)
- Weho manholes. where:
Tested pipeline is filled with clean water and pressurized with P01 = 1,0 m column of water
definite hydrostatic pressure. Leaktightness is assessed by a = pressure exerted by underground water (m column of
measuring amount of water necessary to fill in for retaining water)
required pressure or water level in the pipeline.
Table 10.1.a. Test pressure values relative to pipeline level and underground
water table
NOTE: 100 kPa = 1 bar = 1 atm = 10 m column of water.
Difference in height between
pipeline axis and underground Test pressure P01
water table Temperature of water inside pipeline during test:
Test pressure Pe1 = 1,0 + 1,1 a (m column of water) is maintained foe half an hour by adding water to the pipeline
Phase II:
(if necessary). Amount of makeup water is measured 3 times, always for 6 minutes, in litres (Q1, Q2, Q3).
Explanation of symbols are used: Test pressure may be calculated using the formula:
L = ength of pipeline section under test; Pe1 = P10 + 1,1 a (m column of water) (2)
a = underground water table measured from pipe axis in the where: P10 = 1,0 m column of water (= 1,0 x 10-2 kPa)
middle of tested section (1/2 L)
Di = Pipeline inside diameter
Pe1 = test pressure
Volume of make-up water per length 2,4
unit and over specific time [l/m h] 2,2
0,4 values accepted
0,2 for plastic pipes
Inside diameter [mm]
10.2. Diagram
2 showing the procedure for pressure testing of gravity pipeline between manholes
1/2L 1/2L
1/2L 1/2L
10.3. Diagram showing the procedure for pressure testing of sewage system inspection chambers
Weho tanks may be installed as under ground Table 11.1.a. Examples of soils used in tank installations
or ground-based tanks. Type of soil Group Example of soil
Soils belonging to group 1-3 may be used for subgrade,
Gravel - gap grained, valley and beach
backfill and top charge. Soils of the group 4-6 (cohesive and loose 1
organic soils) are not recommended for backfilling. In case Sand - gap grained, dune sands,
of virgin soil belonging to group 4-6, backfill soil should be loose 2
deposited sands, valley sands
replaced with that belonging to group 1-3. Clay sand, sand-clay mix – gap grained,
loose 3
watered sand
Installation of tanks in soils with low carrying capacity (group 4-6) Inorganic loam, fine sand, stone dust,
cohesive 4
After the soil has been replaced, new soil should be highly plastic clay
protected against migration of soil grains between virgin soil organic 5 Multi-fractional loose soil with humus
and new soil. Soil may be reinforced using geotextile mats
organic 6 Peat and other highly organic soils
for example. If flowing or stagnant underground water is
found, underground water table should be lowered for the
time of installation using pumping wells or drain pipes (see
Section “Pipeline installation in the grounds with low carrying
11.3. Tank foundation depth Fig. 11 3.a. Dry soil Fig. 11.3.b. Watered ground
(no underground water)
If no underground water is present (dry soil) there is no specific
limitation on tank foundation depth (ground cover up to 6 m
thick is possible). In places where underground water table is
more than 2 m above the tank top, depth and method for tank
foundation should be agreed with the design engineer.
zwg zwg 1. Reinforced concrete relief slab
2. Polyethylene or steel belts
~3m ~3m ~3m ~3m 1 3. Rubber separator
Fig. 11.4.b. Tank anchorage with the use Fig. 11.4.c. Additional loading of two parallel
of reinforced concrete slabs tanks
b – this value depends on the anchor width and the soil compaction conditions.
dc dc dc
dc dc
ø 315
dns dns
*) Example of dns diametions
4. Inspection chambers and manholes with heavy bottom 5. Example of manhole
dc 1400 *)
dns 600, 800, 1000, 1200, dc dc
dc ø 315
3 3
2 2
Soilsdc belonging to group 1-3 may be used for subgrade, dc
Fig. 12.1.a. Installation in dry soil
dc dc
backfill and top charge. Soils of the group 4-6 (cohesive and
organic soils) are not1recommended. In tank backfill zone soil h2
should dns be replaced with thatdnsbelonging to group 1-3.
dns dns
zwg zwg
Type of soil Group Example of soil (see Table 8.1.a. for details) Compaction in SPD%
cohesive 4 Inorganic loam, fine sand, stone dust, highly plastic clay ---
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
organic 5 Multi-fractional loose soil with humus ---
organic 6 Peat and other highly organic soils ---
1 1
zwg zwg
h2 - concrete inlet
Depending on the underground water level, manhole may be Table 12.14.a. Approximate concrete volums to fill havy bottom chamber
provided with heavy bottom. Standard height of heavy bottom dn [mm]
chamber h2=30cm. Heavy bottom chamber should be filled dns [mm] 200 400 600 800
with lean concrete. For this reason, lower part of the bottom is Vb [m3]
provided with two opposite filler pipes for pouring the concrete 600 0,1 0,1
in. After the concrete is pored in, the fillers should be closed
800 0,2 0,2
using a PE plug.
1000 0,3 0,4 0,4
1200 0,5 0,6 0,7
1400 0,7 0,9 0,9 1,0
1. Cast iron top (frame and cover)
2. Reinforced concrete slab
3. Sealing
4. Telescope adaptor
not met, the manhole must be equipped with a loading chamber H - depth of channel Do
wet soil
filled with concrete, placed in the bottom part of the manhole. bed [m] H
chamber [m]
Calculation of the value of friction force of the soil against the lateral Dw - inner diameter of the chamber [m]
surface of a manhole in complex ground and water conditions γw - volume weight of water [kN/m3]
is shown below. In accordance with the requirements of the limit γ'b - effective volume weight of concrete
state method, for the first limit state (load capacity), the value of (γ'b = γb – γw ) [kN/m3]
unbalance forces should be multiplied by an appropriate increasing γ - volume weight of the ground [kN/m3]
coefficient while bearing forces – by a decreasing coefficient. Φ - angle of internal friction of the soil [rad]
Adopting the most economical values of correcting factors (provided
they are admissible by the standard) (1,1 i 0,9), the necessary
Examples of culverts using Weholite pipes. Weholite pipe culverts do not require jacket pipes.
Fig. 13.1.a. Typical Weholite culvert under a road Fig. 13.1.b. PE pipe inside jacket pipe with distance rings
•• •• •• ••• • • • •
Weholite culvert
• •• ••••• • ••
• •••• • •• • • distance
1. Subgrade
2. Weholite pipe • • • • • •• • • • •
3. Backfilling material
4. Roadway
draulilic gra
Pumping station Pw
Q m3/sec
flowing water
stagnant water
draulilic gra
Pumping station Pw
Q m3/sec
lic grad
Pumping station
Q m 3/
sec Diffuser
L0 Ld
"X" "T"
" 4
Specific gravity of concrete is 2400 kg/m3. Load applied to After placing the pipeline on sea bed, additional weight may
Weholite pipeline should be up to 30% buoyancy maximum be mounted. These weights are made of reinforced concrete.
when submerging.
6,5 6,5
Flexible belt
Flexible belts are placed between pipeline and concrete
weights. They prevent unwanted displacement of weights
5555 3030
and even up irregularities of the weight surface. 6,2
6,2 1010 6,2
6,2 1010
Repairs using “manhole to manhole” method
Modules from 90
Sections app. 70 m long
to 630 mm, 50 cm long.
Congested streets
Other length on request
Note: It is recommended to fill the space between pipes with a material (e.g. cement-ash mix) composed individually
depending on given design assumptions.
Criteria for selection of joining of pipes outside excavation: • Complete earthwork draining or shut down of pipeline not
• Long sewer sections for repair – long distances between possible
manholes or no manholes • Pace of work – pipe joining independent of other preliminary
• Large space available (strip of land long enough) for joining and repair work.
the pipes outside excavation
Relining practice consists in drawing in a PE pipeline with inside diameter smaller than actual inside diameter
of the old pipeline, taking internal necks, deformations and dislocations into consideration.
System Recommended length of inserted sections
Weholite Renovation in two directions may be done starting from one excavation. Normally, a pipeline 400 m long drawn in.
Depending on the condition of old pipeline and characteristic of inserted pipe (DN, SDR) it is even possible to draw
in sections longer than 1000 m
When renovation is completed, it is recommended to fill free When long pipeline sections welded on the ground surface
space between pipes with injected mix for better stability. are drawn in, it is necessary that size of excavation or
Moreover, penetration of underground water is thus prevented assembly chamber is adjusted to permissible pipe bending
as well as possible free spaces around pipeline are eliminated. radius.
In general, assembly chambers are located in points where
the route changes direction. Next, starting excavations
are made there and their length depends on the pipeline
installation depth and the permissible pipe bend radius. One
starting excavation may be used to insert pipeline in two
Fig. 15.8.a. Sectional view of the starting excavation for inserting PE pipe segment into old conduit
PE pipe
When calculating pipe pulling force pipe weight q – pipe unit weight [N/m]
and coefficient of friction between pipe and F = q L (µ cos ϕ +/- sin ϕ) L – length of inserted segment
subgrade should be taken into account µ – coefficient of friction (max. 0.8)
ϕ – angle of pipeline inclination
Length of the open trench: L’ = Dn(2R-Dn) Dn – nominal pipe diameter
R – bend radius
Angle of inclination of the starting excavation
may be calculated from the formula: tg ϕ = (H – Dn)/( L G
– L’) H – depth of pipeline installation
R – bend radius
15.9. Repair using “From one manhole to the next one” method - VipLiner System
Here, short modules connected with the use of special snap 0.55 m. This is determined by the manhole chamber diameter.
joints with a seal are inserted in the repaired conduit from the Standard module length makes it possible to insert them even
starting chamber. from manholes with diameter of 800 mm. Longer modules are
Due to special construction of the joint high mechanical available when larger manhole diameters are used.
strength and 100% tightness are achieved. Use of hydraulic equipment for pushing the modules one
VipLiner method does not require any excavations. Immediate after another makes work easier when longer sections are
positive effect is achieved. The work may be completed subjected to renovation.
without any disturbance to the road traffic. Also sewage After all the modules have been inserted, special mix is
system may be operated when the work is in progress. injected between old pipe and the VipLiner in order to fill all
Short VipLiner modules are available from 90 to 630 mm. free spaces and to stabilize the whole system.
Useful length of modules is 0.5 m while their design length is
PE pipe
16. Transport and storage of PE and PP pipes
16.2. Storage
2,5 m
2,5 m
Data shown in the table have been obtained from ISO TR 10358, ISO TR 7472 and 7474 documentations
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