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Gravity Systems

Properties, designing, assembling

Weholite, WehoDuo, WehoTripla,
Weho Tanks, Weho Manholes

  1. General ........................................................................................ 4
  2. Properties of PE pipelines ........................................................... 7
  3. Structure of gravity pipes ............................................................. 9
  4. Hydraulic calculations for gravity flows ...................................... 10
  5. Design parameters of PE and PP gravity pipes ........................ 15
  6. Static calculations for PE and PP pipelines ............................... 16
  7. Uponor program for pipeline calculations .................................. 24
  8. Laying gravity pipelines in the ground ........................................ 26
  9. Gravity pipe connections ........................................................... 39
10. Leak proof tests for gravity pipelines ......................................... 44
11. Installation of Weho tanks........................................................... 46
12. Installation of Weho manholes .................................................. 48
13. Installation of Weholite culverts.................................................. 51
14. Installation of Weholite marine system ...................................... 52
15. Renovation of gravity pipelines ................................................. 56
16. Transport and storage of PE and PP pipes ............................... 62
17. PE and PP chemical resistance – tables .................................. 64

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1. General
1.1. Applicable standards, guidelines and recommendations
Uponor Infra Sp. z o.o. (formerly KWH Pipe Poland Sp. z o.o.) is Classification of Uponor Infra gravity systems and type approvals on the Polish
certified to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, in recognition of our efforts market
to maintain the highest standards in manufacture and sale of our
Product General application ITB GIG IBDIM
products. Our quality control system is based on the standards
applied in all UE countries. Each product has a relevant testing Gravity sewage systems,
Weholite pipes and
plan. Uponor Infra laboratory is fitted with state-of-the-art underground systems,   
equipment, among the most advanced in the whole corporation.
WehoDuo pipes and
Gravity sewage systems 
PE pipes and fittings made by Uponor Infra are applied in
building industry and have technical approvals issued by WehoDuo Drain Surface drainage,

Research Institute of Roads and Bridges (IBDiM) and the pipes and fittings draining of waste dumps
Institute of Building Technology (ITB) in Warsaw.
WehoTripla pipes Gravity sewage systems  

VipLiner modules Renovation  

Weho manholes Gravity sewage systems   

Weho tanks and

sewage treatment Gravity sewage systems 

Reference standards

Symbol Title

Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Structured-wall piping
PN-EN 13476-1 systems of unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) -
Part 1: General requirements and performance characteristics

Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Structured-wall piping systems
PN-EN 13476-2 of unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) - Part 2: Specifications
for pipes and fittings with smooth inside and outside surface, Type A

Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Structured-wall piping systems
PN-EN 13476-3+A1 of unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) - Part 3:. Specifications
for pipes and fittings with smooth inside and profiled outside surface, Type B

PN-EN 476 General requirements for components used in discharge pipes, drains and sewers for gravity systems
Plastics piping and ducting systems - Systems outside building structures for the conveyance of water or
PN-ENV 1046
sewage - Practices for installation above and below ground

1.2. Material properties of PE and PP

Property Unit of measure PE PP

1 Density kg/m3 ≥ 930 ≥ 890

2 MFR (PE 190˚C/5kg; PP 230˚C/2,16kg) [g/10min] ≤ 1,6 ≤ 1,5

3 Oxidation Induction Time (OIT) (200˚C) [min] ≥ 20 ≥8

4 E modules [MPa] ≥ 800 1200÷2000

5 Tensile strength [MPa] 18÷29 24÷31

6 Elongation to break point [%] ≥ 350 -

7 Thermal linear expansion coefficiant [10-4 K-1] 1,7 1,4

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1. General
1.3. Applications of gravity systems manufactured by Uponor Infra

Storm water drainage Sanitary and combined sewer systems

Drainage of highways, car parks, airports and logistics In-plant pipelines e.g. at sewage treatment plants

Technological and industry pipelines Mining drainage systems

(coolant water, water and sewage management)

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1. General
c.d. 1.3. (continued) Applications of gravity systems manufactured by Uponor Infra

Derivative pipelines in water-power plants Underwater pipelines

Renovations Domestic septic tanks and sewage treatment plants


Water tanks: storage reservoirs and fire water tanks Tanks for the agriculture – Weho Agro

Building for livestock

Manure channel

Weho Agro
- liquid manure tank Transition tank Manure plate

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2. Properties of PE pipelines
2.1. Advantages of PE material
Favourable properties of the PE material have had a decisive effect on general use of polyethylene pipes and fittings in water
supply and sewage systems.

The most crucial advantages include:

• High abrasion resistance • 100% tight joints
• Corrosion resistance (chemical compounds) • Flexibility
• Very good fluid-flow properties • Light weight
• Non toxic material • Reliability

Asbestos pipes High abrasion resistance

Abrasion resistance belongs to the most distinctive features
of PE pipes among other materials used in pipeline
Glass construction. Owing to this advantage, PE pipes are used for
fibre pipes transport of sludge, sand and other highly abrasive media.

Pipes made of commonly used materials were tested using

Abrasion [mm]

the Darmstadt method. Pipe samples were filled with water

Concrete pipes and sand mixture and subjected to cyclic swinging motion.
Clay pipes Amount of the rubbed off pipe wall material was regularly
PVC pipes measured. Test results demonstrate high abrasion resistance
of polyethylene pipes. For example, a 0.3 mm loss of PE pipe
PE pipes surface was measured after 400,000 cycles while the loss
measured for glass fibre pipes (GRP) was 6 - 8 times greater.

Number of cycles during test, N
Source: University of Darmstadt (DIN 19534)

Corrosion resistance
PE pipes are resistant to many chemical compounds – unlike
pipes made of conventional materials that easily corrode and
age when exposed to most of acids (excluding nitric acid),
bases, salts, aliphatic solvents (pH 0 – 14). Polyethylene
pipes are low-resistant to oxidants and aromatic solvents.

Resistance of PE pipes to chemical compounds depends

on their temperature, concentration and working pressure.
Detailed information on chemical resistance of PE and other
thermoplastics may be found in the ISO/TR 10358 Standard.

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2. Properties of PE pipelines
Fluid-flow properties
PE pipes retain low and constant roughness grade k = 0.01
mm. Lack of corrosion and resistance to clogging of PE
pipes belong to the most important functional qualities of PE

Non toxic
Weho systems allow construction of drinking water tanks. Such tanks are
made of PE material approved by the PZH (National Institute of Hygiene)
in Warsaw.

100% tight joints

PE gravity pipes can be welded together using polyethylene wire
(extrusion method) or connected by means of socket joints, snap fasteners
(SNAP-joint) or screw joints. Each type of connection is adapted to
particular erection requirements, pipe size and the type of gravity system.

With natural bend radius of outside diameters, PE pipes may be laid
according to variations of the pipeline route and in many cases use of
expensive fittings can be avoided. Flexibility is the distinctive feature of PE
pipes among other conventional materials.

Low pipe weight

Low pipe weight permits to reduce the costs and shorten the installation time.
Owing to their light weight, PE pipes do not require heavy equipment for
laying a pipeline as well as for unloading the pipes at the construction site.
Approximate pipe weights
PE DN 1000 - 120 kg/m
Betras DN1000 - 700 kg/m
Cast iron DN1000 - 300 kg/m

Failure frequency of PE pipes is much lower than that of rigid pipes (concrete,
clay, GRP). PE pipes are resistant to changing atmospheric conditions. The
may be installed and transported both in low (below freezing point) and high
ambient temperatures (tropical conditions). Therefore, PE pipes are used
worldwide regardless of climatic conditions.

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3. Structure of gravity pipes
3.1. Ground load diagram

Earth pressure

Side Side
support support

Subgrade reaction

PE gravity pipelines are interacting with ground as it constituted its integral element. By contrast with rigid pipes, flexible pipes
do not crack under earth pressure and remain tight through the entire service life.

3.2. Construction of structural pipes

Weholite pipes (PE) WehoDuo OD and WehoDuo Drain pipes (PE) WehoTripla pipes (PP)

Diameters from 300 to 3000 mm Diameters from 110 to 400 mm Diameters from 110 to 400 mm

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4. Hydraulic calculations for gravity flows

4.1. A flow through the fully filled conduit

Hydraulic analysis of gravity flow conduits is based on correct • (2)
relations between variables of a flow and flow resistance Q - mean flow rate [m3/s]
resulting in velocity and potential energy losses. Hydraulic Turbulent flow occurs in transient range between hydraulically
resistance is expressed as a loss of pressure head along the smooth and totally rough conduits (the so called B zone) in
pipe length and as local losses resulting from disturbances of pipelines with free surface of liquid.
the stream. These relations are defined by the following Darcy-
Weisbach formula: For such flow conditions, hydraulic resistance coefficient
representing resistance generated at the point of contact
between liquid and the conduit wall, can be determined using
λ.ν2 κ
i = ______ . 1+ _____ the Colebrooke-White formula:
dw.2.g 100%
• (1) 1
____ 2.51
_______ k
= -2.log + _______
i - unit pressure drop [-] lub [‰] .
Re λ 3.71.dw
g - acceleration of gravity [m/s2]
λ - hydraulic resistance coefficient [-] • (3)
dw - conduit inside diameter [m] k - absolute roughness of conduit wall surface [m]
v - mean velocity of flow [m/s] Re - Reynolds number calculated from the formula:
κ - proportional allowance for local losses as part of losses
over conduit length [%] Re =
Mean velocity of flow may be calculated using the formula: • (4)
v - mean velocity of flow [m/s]
v = ______ ν - coefficient of kinematic viscosity [m2/s]
. 2
π dw

Coefficient of kinematic viscosity depends on type and Celsius. Uponor Infra computer program makes it possible
temperature of a liquid. The table below shows coefficients to select liquid temperature in the range between 0 and 60
of viscosity for temperature range between 2 and 25 degrees degrees Celsius

Table 4.1.a Values of the coefficient of kinematic viscosity ν [m2/sec] depending on temperature and concentration of the matter suspended in liquid wastes:

Liquid wastes
Water with concentration of suspended matter
100 mg/l 300 mg/l 500 mg/l
2 1,67 x 10-6 2,17 x 10-6 3,17 x 10-6 4,17 x 10-6
5 1,52 x 10-6 1,60 x 10-6 1,76 x 10-6 1,92 x 10-6
10 1,31 x 10-6 1,33 x 10-6 1,37 x 10-6 1,41 x 10-6
20 1,01 x 10-6 1,02 x 10-6 1,02 x 10-6 1,04 x 10-6
25 0,90 x 10-6 0,90 x 10-6 0,91 x 10-6 0,92 x 10-6

In the existing design practice fixed value of the coefficient of If the above formulas are combined in one and standard liquid
kinematic viscosity both for water and liquid wastes is usually temperature is assumed at 10 degrees Celsius, mean flow
assumed: ν = 1,31 * 10-6 m2/s for water (liquid wastes) rate can be calculated using the following formula:
temperature of 10° C.
__________ k
Conduit wall relative roughness depends on conduit Q = - 6.598.log + . dw. dw.i
material and pipe inside wall surface wear. As regards 106.dw. dw.i 3.71.dw
PE pipes, standard value for k is 0.01 mm. By assuming
respective roughness the type of transported liquid may • (5)
be modelled. For pipelines carrying liquids containing This formula is a basis for preparing flow nomograms. It
considerable amount of deposits bigger roughness should combines three quantities essential in hydraulic dimensioning
be assumed - according to their content and up to a value – rate of flow, pipe bottom falling gradient (pressure drop) and
between 0.05 and 0.4 mm. pipe diameter.

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4. Hydraulic calculations for gravity flows

Basing on the flow nomograms it is possible to determine Value of hydraulic radius used in the above formula should
one of the three values mentioned above if two values are correspond to the type of liquid flowing through a pipe.
known. In Uponor Infra program designed for determination In case of industrial and municipal waste water systems
of the required value, iteration method is used. Additionally, - hydraulic radius corresponding to filling ratio of 60% is
consideration was given to the liquid temperature. assumed while in case of rain-water disposal systems they
are considered as fully filled with water.
Minimum tangential stresses are assumed 2.20 N/m2 and
1.47 N/m2 respectively.
• (6) τmin
imin = ______

Rh - Hydraulic radius [m]

τmin - minimum tangential stress on the pipe-liquid border

4.2. Minimum conduit bottom falling gradients

In case of sewage systems, hydraulic gradient is limited
by minimum liquid flow velocity necessary for transport of
sludge. This velocity is called self-cleaning velocity.

Table 4.2.a. Minimum self-cleaning velocities

Sewage system, Vmin [m/s]

Pipe type
Rain-water Sewage Combined sewage system
Weholite 0,6 0,8 1,0
WehoDuo 0,6 0,8 1,0
WehoTripla 0,6 0,8 1,0

4.3. Flow through partially filled conduits

In design of gravity flow conduits their partial filling is often 1
assumed. Consequently, the formulas applying to fully filled
conduits are corrected accordingly by introducing a coefficient
depending on the h/dw ratio (see the diagram next to this 0,8


h/dw 0,5
αQ αv
αQ - flow rate for partially filled conduit to flow rate for fully αA
filled conduit ratio [-]
αv - flow velocity for partially filled conduit to flow velocity for 0,2
fully filled conduit ratio [-]
αA - fluid stream cross section for partially filled conduit to
conduit cross section ratio [-]
0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1 1,1

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4. Hydraulic calculations for gravity flows

4.4. Comparison of pressure losses and flow capacities of the pipelines made of various materials
These calculations were made to compare flow capacity Colebrook-White formula.
losses in gravity pipelines made of various materials. Change Calculation results explicitly indicate that PE and PP conduits
in condition of pipeline inner wall surface after several years offer much less resistance to flow and much bigger flow
of operation was also taken into consideration. capacity as compared with the conduits made of conventional
materials – regardless of their operation time. These
For clarity of comparison the same inside diameter differences increase considerably in favour of PE and PP
(D = 500 mm) was assumed. Coefficient of kinematic pipes as operation time becomes longer. In the first place,
viscosity was assumed to be ν = 1,31 * 10-6 m2/sec at water this results from little absolute roughness of the pipe that
(liquid waste) temperature of 10°C. Remaining values used in practically remains constant during operation.
calculations are shown in the tables below.
Gravity pipeline flow capacity for transport of liquid wastes
as well as flow velocity in fully filled conduit: D = 500 mm,
hydraulic gradient l = 0.2%, filling ratio h = D (0.5 m).
Coefficient of pipeline losses was calculated using the

Table 4.4.a. Flow capacity of PE and PP pipes in comparison with the pipes made of other materials

Flow capacity reduction

Absolute roughness Flow rate as compared with PE
Material and PP pipes

k [mm] Q [l/s] [%]

PE, PP 0,01 235 0

New 0,1 220 6,4
Old 3,0 153 34,9
New 0,05 227 3,4
Old 0,07 224 4,7
Reinforced New 0,5 193 17,9
concrete Old 3,0 153 28,1

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4. Hydraulic calculations for gravity flows

4.5. Nomograms for hydraulic calculations

A nomogram for hydraulic calculation of fully filled Weholite pipes at temperature of 10ºC and roughness k = 0.01 mm using the Colebrook-White formula
Flow rate Q [dm3/s]
10 100 1000 10000 100000
20 40 60 80 200 400 600 800 2000 4000 6000 8000 20000 40000 60000 80000
100 100
80 80

60 60
40 v= 40

20 20




10 10


8 8



6 6



Unit pressure drop H [‰ ]

Unit pressure drop H [‰]


4 v= 4






DN 140

16 0

DN 150

v= 2



DN 200

DN 400


DN 260

30 0

DN 280
1 1
0,8 0,8
0,6 0,6

0,4 0,4

0,2 0,2

0,1 0,1
20 40 60 80 200 400 600 800 2000 4000 6000 8000 20000 40000 60000 80000
10 100 1000 10000 100000
Flow rate Q [dm 3/s]

Nomogram do obliczania hydraulicznego ca•kowicie wype nionych rur WEHOLITE SPIRO , dla temperatury 10oC i chropowato ci k=0.01 mm

A nomogram for hydraulic calculation of fully filled WehoDuo OD pipes at temperature of 10ºC and roughness k = 0.01 mm using the Colebrook-White formula

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4. Hydraulic calculations for gravity flows

A nomogram for hydraulic calculation of fully filled WehoTripla pipes at temperature of 10ºC and roughness k = 0.01 mm using the Colebrook-White formula

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5. Design parameters of PE and PP gravity
5.1. Ring stiffness
Pipe section stiffness is characterized by the so called ring As regards pipes made of the most popular plastics: PE,
stiffness. Ring stiffness depends on geometry of a pipe PVC and PP, their ring stiffness marked with SN should be
(diameter and wall thickness) as well as on the strength of the determined according to the Standard PN EN ISO 9969
structural material. “Thermoplastics pipes. Determination of ring stiffness”.

a) Ring stiffness – as per Standard ISO 9969 – is b) Another method for determination of ring stiffness is based
determined experimentally following the described on the DIN 16961 Standard. Even though this method is not
procedures consisting in measurement of the force legally binding in Poland, certain German companies still use
causing 3% pipe deflection within 3 minutes. it. In this method constant pressure is applied to the pipe and
This force varies with time during the test and is acting on pipe deflection is measured after 1, 6 and 24 hours. 24-hour
the pipe with constant speed. deflection under defined load should be 3% (the so called
Constant Load Method). Pipe stiffness according to the DIN
method can be calculated from the following formula:
SN = ER×I / D3 [kN/m2]
SR (ATV) = ER×I / rm3 [kN/m2]
ER - modulus of elasticity of the structural material where:
I - unit moment of inertia of the pipe wall ER - modulus of elasticity of the structural material
D - mean (neutral) pipe diameter I - unit moment of inertia of the pipe wall
rm - mean pipe radius

In Poland, the PN EN ISO 9969 Standard has been legally In case of solid wall pipes their ring stiffness may be determined
binding for a few years. For customer’s information the using the above mentioned methods.
manufacturer should always make reference to the standard he
used to determine particular ring stiffness. Failure to do so may
lead to wrong interpretation of strength properties of a pipe.

Table 5.1.a. Ring stiffness SN according to different methods

SN [kN/m2] SN [kN/m2]
acc. ISO9969 acc. DIN16961

2 7.6
4 15.2
6 22.8
8 30.4
10 38.0
12,5 47.5
16 60.8

SN – ring stiffness of a pipe [kN/m2]

Table 5.1.b. Ring stiffness (acc. to ISO9969) of structural pipes and ring stiffness values of solid wall (pressure) pipes.

Gravity pipelines Pressure pipelines

Ring stiffness SN [kN/m2] Ring stiffness SN [kN/m2]
Pipe [-] SN* Pipe SDR [-] 33 27,6 26 22 21 17,6 17 13,6 11 9
Weholite [kN/m2] 2;4;6;8;10;12,5;16 WehoPipe [kN/m2] 2,5 5 10 19 38 75 150
WehoDuo [kN/m2] 8
WehoTripla [kN/m2] 8;10;12,5;16

*- other ring stiffnesses - on request SDR – Standard Dimension Ratio of solid wall pipes [SDR = Dn/e, Dn = nominal diameter, e= wall thickness]

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6. Static calculations for PE and PP pipelines
6.1. Interaction between pipe and ground – flexible and rigid pipes
Behaviour of the pipe under load depends on its stiffness. carrying capacity of flexible pipes depend on the way they are
Flexible PE pipes interact with the ground and form stable assembled as well as the type of soil.
ground-pipe system. Plastic pipes belong to the category of As regards rigid pipes load is mainly taken by the pipe
flexible pipes. Flexible pipe deflects under load and exerts material. When the load exceeds permissible value damage
pressure on the surrounding earth. This generates reaction of the pipe occurs. Standards on rigid pipes define
of the ground that in fact resists further pipe deformation. load-carrying capacity as cracking strength as measured in
Amount of pipe deflection may be limited through proper standard test being maximum permissible pipe load.
selection of ground material and workmanship. Therefore,

Flexible pipes Rigid pipes

Pict 6.1.a. 17t caterpilar, 0,5m of cover. No deflection is visible. Pipe stiffness is 2kN/m2.

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6. Static calculations for PE and PP pipelines
6.2. Permissible pipe deflections
Thermplastics (PE and PP) are viscoelastic materials. increase any longer, gradual reduction of stress in the pipe wall
Rheologic processes that is proceeding over long period of follows and this prevents pipe from damage.
time take place in these materials. They include creeping and Long lasting stability of the pipe in the ground is achieved and
stress relaxation. Creeping is the increase of deformation the ground itself becomes naturally stabilized. Density and
under constant stress while relaxation consists in reduction consolidation of soil are accelerated as an effect of various
of stress over time with constant deformation values. factors, such as vibration, dynamic loads, soil own weight and
Consequently, when deflection of a pipe under load does not changeable underground water level.

Fig. 6.2.a. Change of flexible pipe deflection over time

Table 6.2.a. Maximum permissible deflections of PE pipes on account

of long-term operation

Stage of work Deflection %

Initial phase Before installation 3-5 %
Phase 1 Pipe assembly 3-5%
Phase 2 (2-3 years
Soil self-compacting 3-5%
after installation)

If there is road traffic above the pipeline, maximum

deflection will be achieved within much shorter period of
time than in the case of static loads only.
In most cases, dynamic loads (generated by traffic) have
no effect on final deflection.

6.3. Structural analysis

Ring stiffness SN should be regarded as auxiliary parameter Flexible thermoplastics pipes are dimensioned in a different
only in pipe selection process. Selection of pipes is based way. Here, basic dimensioning criterion is relative vertical
on dimensional analysis with consideration given to their deflection of a pipe as well as verification of cross-section
foundation and load conditions followed by analysis of actual buckling stability. Structural analysis of PE pipes may be
safety of the structure in question. carried out using the Scandinavian Method or according to
In case of laid in ground rigid pipelines made from the guidelines given in ATV A 127.
conventional materials such as cast iron, concrete or However, it is recommended to use the Scandinavian Method
clay basic dimensioning criterion is permissible stress (Molin Method) and the algorithm given below is based on
or destructive force defined by the manufacturer. These this very method.
boundary values are compared with actual values occurring
in the case under study. Next, pipe safety in the assumed
conditions of installation and loading are evaluated.

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6. Static calculations for PE and PP pipelines
The rules of structural design concerning rigid and flexible methods) based on classical Spangler formula. They differ in
pipes have been drawn up by Spangler. General formula to approach to the matter of strength of plastic pipes (individual
determine relative deflection of both rigid and flexible pipes is coefficients), way of calculating pipe ring stiffness SR (basing
as follows: on EN, ISO or DIN) as well as extent of complexity.
Certain methods, such as ATV 127 are based on theoretical
(1) assumption of ground and water conditions and give
δ_ = ___________ theoretical results.
D C2.SR+C3.Ss Scandinavian Method (Molin Method) is based on a few
q - vertical load dozen years of experience and on the analysis of interaction
C1, C2, C3 - coefficients between pipeline and the ground in actual conditions of
SR - pipe ring stiffness installation.
SS - ground stiffness (depending on ground compression
modulus E’s)
There are many methods for calculating strength (among
others are British, German, Austrian, French and Swedish

6.4. Adaptation to the legally binding standards

Scandinavian Method for dimensioning of laid in ground necessary to lay down water conduits, sewers, gas piping and
pipelines has been adapted to the requirements of the heating pipelines in areas not affected by mining damages.
Polish Standards. Modifications concern conditions for laying Therefore, use of the algorithm has to meet the requirements
pipelines in excavations. Branch Standard BN-83/8836-02 stipulated in these Standards.
“Conduits laid below the ground. Earth work. Requirements Method for static calculations according to Molin has
and acceptance tests” as well as National Standard PN- been worked out basing on the book: “Plastic Pipes for
92/B-10735 “Sewage system. Sewers. Requirements and Water Supply and Sewage Disposal” by Lars-Eric Janson,
acceptance tests” became a legal basis. These standards are Stockholm 1999, 3rd edition.
used in partial and final technical acceptance of earth work

6.5. Static calculations for pipes using the Molin Method

The Molin Method enables the designer easily and with
sufficient accuracy to assume the values of parameters of
pipeline installation valid in the conditions existing in Poland.
The results obtained are close to the actual values. This
is confirmed by the measurements of thermoplastics pipe
deflections carried on in Poland (see Alferink F. “Deflection
Measurements in Poland; Wavin M&T, 1995) and in Europe
(see TEPPFA – The European Plastics Pipe Association
“Design of Buried Thermoplastics Pipes. Results of a
European research project”, March 1999). The advantage
of this method is that it is an empirical method rather than
theoretical. It was worked out basing on the results of tests
of pipelines installed and operated in various conditions. It
is less sensitive to departures from design values during
execution. Since the Scandinavian Method (Molin Method)
concerns plastic pipelines only its form is more simple - in
contrast to ATV method that requires more parameters but
may be applied to both rigid and flexible pipes.

Basing on theoretical analysis and experience gained in

flexible pipes, basing on the formula (1), Molin formulated an Fig. 6.5.a. Flexible pipe deflection over time
expression for maximum pipe deflection (δ/D)m – calculated
from the value of theoretical pipe deflection (δ/D)q – after
considering the values related to anticipated installation
conditions (lf) and subsoil (sub-crust) quality (Bf): (2) _δ = δ_ + I + B
Dm Dq q f

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6. Static calculations for PE and PP pipelines
6.6. Pipe deflection
Theoretical deflection of a pipe under the load of soil and Ring stiffness of SR pipe (according to ISO)
vehicular traffic is:
E . l1
(3) q(C . b1-0,083 . K0)
_δ = _________________ SR = ____
D R3
D q 8 . SR + 0,061 . ES
I - moment of inertia of pipe cross section [m4/m]
C - coefficient of load concentration C=1 E - modulus of elasticity of pipe material [kN/m2] assumed
b1 - coefficient of load distribution for pipe bearing angle for PE:
α =180o b1 = 0,083 momentary value E = 800 000 kPa
K0 - coefficient of static earth pressure K0 = 0,5 sustained value El = 200 000 kPa
E`s - ground compression modulus DR - neutral axis diameter [m]

6.7. Vertical load

Vertical load q caused by earth weight, hydrostatic thrust and Table 6.7.a. Values of specific gravity of dry ground γgs
vehicular traffic, is:

Type of ground
Specific gravity
(4) q = qs+qw+qtr [kN/m3]

where: Sand 17÷19

qs - earth weight qs = γgs(H-h) + γgm(h-D+s) [kN/m2]
Sandy clay 17÷19
qw - hydrostatic thrust of underground water
Thick clay 18÷22
qw = γw(h-(D/2)+s) [kN/m2]
qtr - load caused by vehicular traffic [kN/m2] Sandy and dusty loams 17÷22
γgs - specific gravity of dry ground; here γgs = 19 kN/m3 Loams 17÷22
γgm - specific gravity of watered ground; here
γgm = 11 kN/m3
γw - specific gravity of water; here γw = 10 kN/m3
D - pipe outside diameter [m]
s - pipe wall thickness

Traffic load qtr according to Swedish Standard

Effect of vehicular traffic on pipe loading is expressed as decreases with increased thickness of the cover Hp. At a
pressure distribution according to Boussinesq theory. In depth of 6 m this coefficient becomes 1. In the program, no
Sweden, type 2 of traffic is commonly assumed – according effect of traffic generated load is assumed for depths Hp
to the model shown in Fig. 6.7.a. exceeding 5.5 m.
Diagram 6.7.a presents pipe vertical loads generated by the
traffic depending on thickness of cover Hp. Load includes the
dynamic load coefficient of 1.75. Dynamic load coefficient

Fig. 6.7.a. Vertical loads qtr [kN/m2] caused by vehicular traffic

depending on thickness of cover Hp [m]


Wheel load 130 kN 60

Axle load 260 kN



0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Fig. 6.7.a. Swedish equivalent for calculation of axial load – Type 2. Thickness of cover above the pipe top Hp [m]

Gravity Systems – Manual | 1 9

6. Static calculations for PE and PP pipelines
Traffic generated load qtr according to German Standards (ATV A127, DIN 1072, DIN4033).
Guidelines of the German Standard ATV A127 single out (5) pv = ϕ . aF . F
three types of standard loads in evaluation of load carrying where: ϕ – dynamic coefficient acc. to DIN 4033
capacity of pipelines exposed to traffic loads. These are: _3 5_
- SLW60 – standard vehicle with gross vehicle weight of 600 kN FA 1 2 .
3 FE 1 2
pF = _____ .1 _ ________ + ________ ________
and wheel load of 100 kN (6)
ra .π
2 2
rA rE
2.π.H p

- SLW30 – standard vehicle with gross vehicle weight of 300 kN 1+ ___

Hp 1+ ___
and wheel load of 50 kN
- LKW12 – standard vehicle with gross vehicle weight of 120 kN
and front wheel load of 20 kN and rear wheel load of aF = 1- _______________
(7) 4 .H2p+ H6 p
40 kN. 0.9 + ____________
1.1. D 2/3 m
Load acting on the top of pipe and caused by particular type
of standard vehicle can be calculated using the following dw + dz
dm =
formulas: 2

Table 6.7.b. Coefficients used in calculations of traffic generated load qtr

Type of load
[kN] [kN] [m] [m]
Type of load ϕ
SLW60 100 500 0.25 1.82 SLW60 1,2
SLW30 50 250 0.18 1.82 SLW30 1,4
LKW12 40 80 0.18 2.26 LKW12 1,5

Application of relieving slab or stable road surface

If it is necessary to lay a pipeline at a relatively shallow depth under the relieving slab is uniformly distributed and
with heavy traffic load, an effective method to decrease the corresponds to the load of vehicle axis applied on the surface
value of traffic load is application of a relieving plate. A slab of the ground by means of a typical road slab (IOMB, MON)
made of reinforced concrete or concrete, which creates covering an area of 3.0 x 1.0 m.
the road surface (or stable road surface) causes that the In accordance with PN-81/B-03020 standard, the stress under
distribution of stress in the ground is more uniform and the the corner of a rectangular area of axb dimensions, loaded
load acting on the pipe decreases. The effectiveness of stress with continuous uniform load q, should be determined on the
reduction in the ground depends on the dimensions of the basis of the following formula:
slab. Thanks to the application of the slab, the concentrated
load coming from the wheels of vehicles is uniformly
distributed over a large area. This solution can be reasonably
applied in the case of shallow pipelines covered by a 1-2 m
layer of ground since the stress in the ground caused by the a b
3 ⋅ q ⋅ z3 1
2 ⋅ π ∫0 ∫0 R 5 ( x, y )
traffic load radically decreases with the increase of depth. σz = ⋅
The programme assumes that the normal vertical stress

Other types of loads were described in Underground
pipes - static calculation in Uponor Infra calculation program.

calculaton point

Fig. 6.7.b. Diagram of vertical stress under the corner of the slab.

2 0 | Gravity Systems – Manual

6. Static calculations for PE and PP pipelines
6.8. Coefficients If i Bf
Coefficients lf and Bf have been determined basing Table 6.8.a. Recommended values of coefficient If for particular installation
conditions If
measurements of deflection of many plastic sewage pipes in
Sweden and other countries. Recommended values of coefficient If for particular installation
Their value is influenced by the following factors:
- excavation shape Pipe in the combined trench - lack of supervision 1-2% (2% assumed)
(Fig. 6.8.a.) - with supervision 0%
- traffic of heavy vehicles during construction work
- type of equipment and the method used for soil Intensive heavy vehicle 1-2 %
traffic during construction (depending on Hp - value of 1
compacting with Hp < 1.5 m (Fig. 6.8.b.) to 2% is assumed)
- irregularity of subgrade surface
0-1% (0% assumed – acc. to
- frequency and quality of supervision Compaction of the first
pipe-laying instructions first 30 cm
30 cm layer above the pipe
- skills and experience of personnel layer above the pipe should not be
using heavy equipment
compacted with the use of heavy
Recommended values of coefficients were used on > 0.6 kN (Fig. 6.8.c.)
equipment > 0.6 kN)
assumption that:
- The pipe was backfilled with sand, gravel or soil Table 6.8.b. Recommended values of coefficient Bf for subgrade quality

belonging to the group 1-4 Recommended values of coefficient Bf for subgrade quality
- The pipeline must not be laid down directly on the
Very accurate Standard
ground covered with stones Subgrade without stones
execution execution
Without supervision 2% 4%
With supervision 1% 2%

Fig. 6.8.a. Combined trench Fig. 6.8.b. Intensive heavy vehicle traffic during Fig. 6.8.c. Do not compact first 30 cm layer
construction with Hp < 1.5 m of backfill above pipe using heavy equipment
(> 0.6 kN)

6.9. Compression modulus E’s of the pipe surrounding ground

Soil compression modulus E’s depends not only on degree of Diagram 6.9.b. shows minimum values of E’s for underground
compaction but also on type of soil and thickness of cover Hp. water level above pipe and compaction degree acc. to
Diagram 6.9.a shows minimum values of ground compression modified Proctor for such grounds as loam, sand and gravel.
modulus E’s for underground water level below pipe and For covers Hp exceeding 6 m constant value of E’s,
specific gravity of the backfill of 19 kN/m3 and compaction corresponding to Hp=6m were assumed.
degree acc. to modified Proctor for such grounds
as loam, sand and gravel.
For covers Hp exceeding 6 m constant value of E’s,
corresponding to Hp=6m were assumed.
4000 4000

3500 3500

3000 3000
100% 100%
2500 2500
E's [kPa]

E's [kPa]

90% 90%
2000 2000
1500 1500
1000 1000
500 500 75%

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Thickness of cover above the pipe top Hp {m} Thickness of cover above the pipe top Hp {m}

Diagram 6.9.a. Ground compression modulus E’s depending Diagram 6.9.b. Ground compression modulus E’s depending
on the modified Proctor density of soil and Hp for underground water level on the modified Proctor density of soil and Hp for underground water level
below pipe above pipe.

Gravity Systems – Manual | 2 1

6. Static calculations for PE and PP pipelines
6.10. Modified Proctor Density versus Standard Proctor Density
One of parameters defining foundation conditions that In order to obtain proper value of Modified Proctor Density
may be selected in the program is Modified Proctor for pipe backfilling, with particular consideration given to the
Density (MPD). Its value is slightly smaller in comparison sub-base zone, it is necessary to choose appropriate type of
with Standard Proctor Density (SPD), however, no direct soil, thickness of compacted layers and suitable compacter
and clear quantitative relation exists between these two equipment.
This relation is closely connected with type of soil. In Methods for ground compaction are shown in Table 6.10.b
common practice, for non-cohesive soil used for pipeline (for details see Table 8.7.b)
foundations, Modified Proctor Density constitutes reliable
parameter to define mechanical properties of soil.

Table 6.10.a. Values of Standard Proctor Density and

relevant values of Modified Proctor Density Max. layer thickness Number of cycles
Type of Weight
equipment [kg] Gravel, Loam, 85 % 90 %
of Modified Proctor of Modified Proctor
Standard Proctor Modified Proctor sand clay, silt Density Density
Density Density
Min. 15 0,15 0,10 1 3
88 85 tamper
93 90 50-100 0,30 0,20-0,25 1 3
50-100 0,15 -
SOURCE: Design and installation of outdoor plastic Dust
100-200 0,20 - 1 4
systems, Wavin 1991 vibrator
400-600 0,40 0,20

6.11. Buckling
External pressure (generated by soil and underground water) For pipes with low ring stiffness, laid down in shallow trenches
that generates circumferential compressive stress in the pipe (Hp < 1.5 m) and subjected to vehicular traffic loads, the
wall may lead to buckling damages of pipe. Buckling risk following formula is additionally used:
depends on external pressure (Hp and h), possible negative
pressure inside the pipe, pipe ring stiffness and type of soil. 64 . SR
As regards pipes laid in grounds with relatively high and (9) qdop =
uniform compaction, risk of buckling is small. 1+3,5. D_δ__
Permissible (critical) load can be calculated using the
following formula:
Short-term pipe ring stiffness should be used here.

Dimensioning criteria are: short-term relative deflection and

critical pressure causing buckling.

5,63 . δ
1-3. ___ . SRI . E't
(8) qdop = _____ Diagram 6.11.a. Resistance to buckling
F Dm as a function of ring stiffness of a pipe
q Buckling (kN/m2)

well compacted
F - factor of safety, here F = 2
E’t - ground deformation modulus, here E’t = 2E’s soil
δ/Dm - total relative pipe deflection
e without
buckling of the pip ground
the support of the

Long-term pipe ring stiffness SRl = 0,25 SR was assumed in

this formula. Ring stiffness (kN/m2)

2 2 | Gravity Systems – Manual

6. Static calculations for PE and PP pipelines
6.12. Maximum short-term deflection
Recommended maximum short-term deflection is 6%. This Smaller permissible load of the two values calculated
value includes considerable margin for unpredictable effects according to the above scheme is considered reliable value.
resulting from operating conditions rather than from strength - for Hp > 1,5 m – formula (8) assuming long-term pipe ring
of pipe material. stiffness SRl = 0,25SR
Excessive pipe deflection and self-consolidation of the backfill
soil may lead to surface damages. When tube jointing sleeves For thermoplastics pipes laid down in ground, buckling will
are used, excessive pipe deflection may result in unsealed rarely have decisive effect on load carrying capacity.
Verification of permissible load is based on the formulas:
- for Hp ≤ 1,5 m - formula (8) assuming long-term pipe ring
stiffness SRl = 0,25SR and formula (9) when short-term pipe
ring stiffness SRl is assumed.

Gravity Systems – Manual | 2 3

7. Uponor Infra calculating software

7.1. Uponor Infra calculating software

The Uponor Infra calculating software is designed to make found in the Help/Technical Specifications Menu.
static, strength and hydraulic calculations and consists of the All rights to the software are reserved. Uponor Infra bears no
following modules: responsibility or liability
Underground tank – calculation of stability against lift for any damage or consequences resulting from the use of
Sewer bottom manhole – calculation of stability against lift the calculating software. Should you have any questions or
Underground pipeline – static calculations comments regarding the software, please contact Uponor
Pressure pipe – hydraulic calculations Infra.
Gravity pipe – hydraulic calculations
The software is available in three language versions: Polish, The latest version of the software can be downloaded
Russian and English. and installed from www.uponor.pl/infra
Detail information on the assumptions and algorithms used
in the calculating method for each individual module can be

Underground tank – calculation of stability against lift

The module has been designed for calculating
the stability of Uponor Infra-manufactured Weho
tanks against lift. Total exerted lift and backfill
weight is calculated for specified soil and water
conditions. If, due to the lift, it is necessary to
anchor the tank, the software calculates the
foundation parameters, an appropriate number
of anchors and the value of force in an anchor

Sewer bottom manhole – calculation of stability against lift

The module has been designed for calculating
the stability of Uponor Infra-manufactured Weho
sewer bottom manholes against lift. In order to
calculate the stability of a sewage manhole for
specified soil and water conditions, the software
compares the design value of hydrostatic lift
exerted on the manhole with the sum of values of
the bearing forces (tare weight and friction of soil
against external lateral surface of the manhole). If
the condition for the manhole stability against lift
is not met, the software determines appropriate
parameters for a loading chamber filled with
concrete, which is later placed in the bottom part
of the manhole.

2 4 | Gravity Systems – Manual

7. Uponor Infra calculating software

Underground pipeline – static calculations

The module is designed for strength dimensioning
of polyethylene pipes (PEHD) and polypropylene
pipes (PP) offered by Uponor Infra.
The module allows the user to select the right type
of pipe (in terms of diameter and ring stiffness)
for given conditions of installation including
transportation loads. The algorithm was developed
on the basis of the Scandinavian Method.

Pressure pipe – hydraulic calculations

The module is designed for hydraulic dimensioning
of polyethylene (PEHD) pipes Wehopipe offered
by Uponor Infra and it refers to pressure pipelines.
The module allows the user to calculate one of the
following parameters: the diameter, the value of
energy needed or lost for a given type of pipe and
the specified medium parameters.

Gravity pipe – hydraulic calculations

This module is designed for hydraulic dimensioning
of polyethylene pipes (PEHD) and polypropylene
pipes (PP) offered by Uponor Infra and it refers to
gravity pipes.
It allows the user to choose appropriate values of
inside diameter, pipe bottom gradient, section filling
rate or flow rate determination for a given type of
pipe and the specified medium parameters.

Gravity Systems – Manual | 2 5

8. Laying gravity pipelines in the ground

8.1. Soil classification

Table 8.1.a Classification of soil used for pipe-laying according to Standard ENV 1046:2001

Group of soils Możliwość

Type użycia do
# Typical description Symbol* Characteristics Example zasypki
of soil
Crushed stone, valley
Steep grain-size distribution curve,
Gravel, gap graining (GE) [GU] and beach gravel,
domination of one fraction
glacial gravel
1 Smooth grain-size distribution YES
Gravel, continuous grading [GW]
curve, several fractions
scoria, volcanic dust
Stepped grain-size curve, certain
Well graded aggregate (Gl) [GP]
fractions missing
loose Dune sands,
Steep grain-size distribution curve, deposited sands,
Sand, gap grading (SE) [SU]
domination of one fraction sands from valleys
and troughs
2 Sand, continuous grading, well Smooth grain-size distribution YES
graded aggregate curve, several fractions Glacial, terrace and
Well graded aggregate Stepped grain-size curve, certain shoreface sands
(Sl) [SP]
fractions missing
Loam gravel, gap grained loam
[GM] (GU) Gap grained, contains loam fraction
aggregate Weathered gravel,
Clay gravel, well graded gap Gap grained, contains fine clay rock waste, clay gravel
[GC] (GT)
grained loam aggregate fraction
loose 3 Loam sand, gap grained sand- Watered sand, clay
[SM] (SU) Gap grained, contains fine loam
clay mix sand, sand loess

Clay sand, gap grained sand- Clay sand, alluvial

[SC] (ST) Gap grained, contains fine clay
clay mix clay, marl

Inorganic loam, fine sand, stone Poor stability, quick mechanical

[ML] (UL) Loess, sand clay
dust, clay and loam sand reaction, plasticity zero to small
coherent 4
Stability medium to very good,
Inorganic clay, clay of high [CL] (TA)
mechanical reaction not very fast, Alluvial marl, clay
plasticity CTL) (TM)
plasticity poor to medium

Vegetable and non-vegetable

Multi-fractional loose soil with Humus, chalk sand,
[OK] matter, putrefactive stench, low
humus tuff
volumetric weight, high porosity

Medium stability, mechanical NO

organic 5 Organic loam and organic
[OL] (OU) reaction slow to very fast, plasticity Sea chalk, humus
clay-loam mix
low to medium
Organic clay, clay with organic
High stability, no mechanical
matter [OH] (OT) Silt, moulder’s loam
reaction, plasticity medium to high

Peat, and other highly organic Decomposing peat, fibrous, colours

[Pt] (HN) (HZ) Peat
soils from brown to black
6 Sludge deposited at the bottom NO
Silt [H] of water-course, often mixed with Silt
sand/clay/chalk, very soft
* Symbols are taken from two sources. Symbols in square brackets [..] are from British Standard BS 5930.
Symbols in round brackets (..) are from German Standard DIN 18196 .

If subgrade is a mix of several kinds of soil, one component may be used as a basis for classification.

2 6 | Gravity Systems – Manual

8. Laying gravity pipelines in the ground

Table 8.1.b. Classification of mineral soils

Name of soil Symbol Sub-type Fraction [mm]

Loam I <0,002

Dusty clay 0,002 - 0,006

Clay G Clay 0,006 - 0,02
Sandy clay 0,02 - 0,06
Fine sand 0,06 - 0,2
Sand P Medium sand 0,2 - 0,6
Coarse sand 0,5 - 2,0
Fine gravel 2,0 - 6,0
Gravel ż Medium gravel 6,0 - 20,0
Coarse gravel 20,0 - 60,0

8.2. Trench construction

Open trench without boarding
a. Open trench, sloping walls without boards
In case of trenches up to 4.0 m deep with no underground
water and without land slips, with no load on surcharge within
reach of soil wedge, the following safe sloping is allowed:

Table 8.2.a Slopes in open trench without boarding.

Permissible slope in open trench without boarding

Type of soil Max. slope H:x

Highly cohesive 2:1

Rocky 1:1
Other cohesive soils 1:1.25
Non-cohesive 1:1.5

For other cases sloping should be indicated in the

engineering design
Fig. 8.2.a. Sectional view of open trench without boarding

b. Open trench with vertical walls without boardingSuch trench

is allowed in a dry soil only provided the ground is not under
the load of a bank or construction equipment located near
trench edges
at a distance less than one trench depth H. Excavated material
should be stored at least 0.5 m away from trench edges while
the damp must not present any risk to stability of the trench

Table 8.2.b. Vertical wall trench depth without boarding

Permissible depth of vertical wall trench without boarding

Type of soil Max. trench depth H

Solid rocky ground without cracks 4.0 m

Cohesive soils 1.5 m
Other soils 1.0 m
Fig. 8.2.b. Sectional view of vertical wall trench without boarding

Gravity Systems – Manual | 2 7

8. Laying gravity pipelines in the ground

Open trenches with supported vertical walls where:

Trench walls should be protected exactly as required by
a - distance between trench bottom edge and vertical foundation
engineering design. Particular precautions should be taken
wall of a building founded above trench bottom level
when trench is situated near public road or a building.
H, Φu - see the formula above
Distance from a road h - Depth of foundation of the neighbouring building from
Road traffic may proceed at a distance not smaller that that ground level to building foundation level
calculated according to the following formula:
If these distances can not be maintained, safety of trench boarding
b≥H / tgΦu + 0.5
and of neighbouring road or building should be analyzed in detail.
b - distance between edge of roadway and edge of trench [m] In this case boarding should be left in the trench and the soil inside
H - trench depth trench should be thoroughly compacted to fulfil the requirements given
Φu - soil internal friction angle in documentation.

Distance from building (foundation)

For buildings founded above bottom level distance between
Fig. 8.2.c Sectional view of
trench bottom edge and vertical foundation wall should not be a trench with supported walls
smaller than:
a ≥ (H - h + 0.3) / tgΦu + 0.5

Minimum distance between two neighbouring vertical supported trenches.

If two trenches are adjacent one to another, minimum distance Last layer of soil 0.2 m thick at trench bottom should be
between their inner edges may not be smaller than: removed directly before laying a pipeline, taking particular
attention to pipeline foundation level– making the trench
d ≥ (H - 1) / tgΦu excessively deep is not allowed.
H - depth of deeper trench from ground level to trench bottom
Φu - soil internal friction angle.
ZIt is recommended to make deeper trench first. Other
conditions for making safe trenches are described in
Standard BN-83/8836-02. Fig. 8.2.d. Cross section of two neighbouring supported trenches

8.3. Terminology
Table 8.3.a. Minimum distance between pipe and trench slope depending on
pipe diameter

Minimum bs values

de [mm] bs [mm]
de < 300 200
300 < de < 900 300
900 < de < 1600 400
1600 < de < 2400 600

Fig.8.3.a. Sectional view of a trench for laying a pipeline 2400 < de < 3000 900

Trench width at pipe limiting outline level should not exceed

1. Subgrade (bottom backfill) 5. Virgin soil
necessary pipe in consideration of the method for pipe joining
2. Main backfill H – Trench depth
(welding, socket connectors, etc.) and with allowance for
3. Upper backfill b – Trench width
additional space for compaction of backfilling material. Wider
4. Top charge Hz – Cover thickness
trenches may be necessary when pipes are laid deep or in cases
of poor stability of unprotected walls.

2 8 | Gravity Systems – Manual

8. Laying gravity pipelines in the ground

8.4. Method for installation of pipelines in the ground

Determination of soil conditions is crucial for engineering

design that precedes earth work and laying a pipeline in the

(1) Subgrade: soil compacted to approx. 90 – 95% SPD

Layer of approx. 100-150 mm, gravel, sand, well graded
aggregate, loam, clay (group 1 – 4 in the table), manual
1 Pipes should be laid down at the trench bottom so that they
evenly rest on subgrade along their entire length.
Strength of subgrade may not be less than assumed in the
Fig. 8.4.a Preparation of subgrade engineering design (static calculations of pipeline). Moreover,
hydraulic gradient should be ensured.

Main backfill (2) and upper backfill (3): soil compacted to

approx. 90 – 95% SPD
Backfill should be symmetrical at both sides of pipe in layers
not exceeding 0.2 m, paying particular attention to careful
compaction of soil in pipe support zone. It is necessary
3 to ensure that pipe would not go up during compacting
operation. Use of light vibratory equipment (weight up to
2 100kg) is recommended. Use of the compactor directly above
pipeline is not allowed. This may be used only when the cover
is at least 0.3 m thick.
For the first layer - up to 0.3 m thick - material belonging to
group 1-4 with granularity specified in Table 8.4.a should be
Fig. 8.4.b. Main and upper backfills

Virgin soil may be used for backfilling in the pipe foundation

Table 8.4.a. Required granulation of soil zone provided it satisfies all the criteria given below:

Nominal diameter Maximum particle a) does not contain particles larger than allowed for given
of pipe size
pipe diameter as per Table 8.4.a;
DN ≤ 100 15 b) does not contain lumps larger than double size of particles
WehoDuo for specific application as shown in Table 8.4.a;
100 < DN ≤ 300 20
300 < DN ≤ 400 30 c) if the material is not frozen;
Weholite 300 < DN ≤ 600 30 d) does not contain foreign matter (such as asphalt, bottles,
(pipes, manholes, 600 < DN ≤ 1600 40 cans, pieces of wood)
tanks, fittings) 1600 < DN ≤ 3000 50 e) if compaction using flexible material is required

If no detailed information about original material is available,

density factor of 91 to 97% acc. to Standard Proctor Density
(SPD) is assumed.

Gravity Systems – Manual | 2 9

8. Laying gravity pipelines in the ground

(4) Backfill Excavations under the streets: Virgin soil may used for
The green belt: If a pipeline is laid down in the green belt backfilling. Vibratory equipment with weight of up to 200 kg
area, virgin soil (from excavation) may used provided it may be used. Density according to SPD should satisfy the
belongs to group 1 – 4. In this case it should be compacted to requirements for road construction.
approx. 88% SPD. For pipelines laid under streets frost heave soils may not be
used as upper layer of backfill (thickness depending on frost
penetration conditions).

4 4

Fig. 8.4.c. Sectional view of a trench made in the green belt area Fig. 8.4.d. Sectional view of a trench made under street

8.5. Excavation water drainage

Lowering of the water table in trench should be done if according to PN-B-02481 may be used as subgrade for
excavation work or laying the pipelines is hindered by the pipeline. Strength parameters of subgrade may not be
underground water. Lowering of the water table should be worse than assumed in the design documentation (static
done without disturbing subgrade soil structure or subgrade calculations for the pipeline). If cohesive soil occurs at the
soil of neighbouring buildings. Underground water table trench bottom, a layer of loose ground backfill not less than
should be lowered by minimum 0.5 m below the trench 0.15 m thick and not less than 0.25 pipe diameter should be
bottom. Due to harmful effect of water table variations on made before the pipeline is laid down. This backfill should
the trench bottom soil structure, lowering of the underground be compacted up to 95% SPD. Pumping of underground
water table should include water may be stopped only when the pipeline is completely
24-hour periods. Moreover, excavated trench should be backfilled. Civil engineering design must describe detailed
protected against inflow of rain water. Structures protecting method for trench dewatering.
trench walls should stand out at least 0.15 m above the
adjacent ground, while ground surface should be suitably
sloped for easier water removal.
Any loose ground (dewatered for the time of construction)
without grains exceeding 20 mm (not more than 16 mm
in case of crushed stone) or cohesive soil satisfying the
requirements for grounds with symbols ms, ss, zs

8.6. Selection of pipe stiffness for the type of ground

Type of ground and degree of its compaction are crucial factors in construction of gravity pipelines.

top charge

1 upper backfill
Fig. 8.6.a. Division of trench into zones of virgin soil (2) and Fig. 8.6.b. Layers of soil with different density
the ground around pipeline (1)

3 0 | Gravity Systems – Manual

8. Laying gravity pipelines in the ground

Selected pipe stiffness should be verified by static cover above pipe, water table, size and geometry of load as
calculations (e.g. according to Scandinavian Method). In well as the boundary values for given pipe.
general, it is assumed that the trench is dewatered prior to Matching pipeline stiffness with installation conditions should
installation. If underground water is present, allowance for be agreed with the designer. Tables below show general
additional pipe load should be made in pipeline calculations. values of ring stiffness relative to given ground properties
In general, selection of pipe stiffness depends on the type of
virgin soil, top charge material and its density, thickness of

Table 8.6.a. Recommended minimum stiffness for pipes laid in ground not exposed to traffic generated loads

Pipe stiffness [kN/m2]

Backfill material 1 m < Thickness of cover < 3 m
[Group] Class of density
2 Virgin soil group
1 1 2 3 4 5* 6*
W 4 4 4 4 4 8
M 4 4 4 4 8 8
W 4 4 4 8 8
M 4 4 8 8 8
W 4 8 8 8
M 8 8 8 **
W 8 8 8
M ** ** **
3 m < Thickness of cover < 6 m
W 4 4 4 4 8 8
M 4 4 4 8 8 8
W 4 4 8 8 8
M 8 8 8 8 **
W 8 8 8 **
M ** ** ** **
W ** ** **
M ** ** **
*) In grounds with low carrying capacity, pipe foundation should be reinforced e.g. with geotextiles (see paragraph 8.12.)
**) Static calculations are necessary for determination of geometry of trench and pipe stiffness.

Table 8.6.a. Recommended minimum stiffness for pipes laid in ground subjected to traffic generated loads

Pipe stiffness [kN/m2]

Backfill material 1 m < Thickness of cover < 3 m
[Group] Class of density
2 Virgin soil group
1 2 3 4 5* 6*
1 W 4 4 8 8 8 **
2 W 8 8 8 ** **
3 W 8 ** ** **
4 W ** ** **
3 m < Thickness of cover < 6 m
1 W 4 4 4 8 8 8
2 W 4 4 8 8 8
3 W 8 8 8 **
4 W ** ** **

*) In grounds with low carrying capacity pipe foundation should be reinforced e.g. with geotextiles (see paragraph 8.12.)
**) Static calculations are necessary for determination of geometry of trench and pipe stiffness.
In addition, when pipeline is laid under unsurfaced road (particularly if depth is small) pipeline may be covered with reinforced slabs for greater safety.

Gravity Systems – Manual | 3 1

8. Laying gravity pipelines in the ground

8.7. Recommended methods for soil compaction

Strength of the backfilled zone depends on type of soil used
for backfilling as well as its density after compaction. Degree
of compaction depends the equipment used and the number
of layers. Degrees of soil compaction as defined by Standard
Proctor Density (SPD) achieved in three classes, that is “W”,
“M” and “N” depending on type of soil used, are shown in
Table 8.7.a.
Recommended maximum thickness of layer and number
of runs necessary to obtain required density for various
equipment and material (soil group) for backfilling are given in
Table 8.7.b.
Also minimum thickness of layer above the pipe top where
particular equipment may be used for compacting soil directly
above the pipe. Table 8.7.a. Degrees of soil compaction according to Standard Proctor Density
(SPD) for individual classes of density. SPD densities were determined
Data shown in Table 8.7.b. are for general information only according to DIN18127.
and detailed method for soil compaction should be discussed
Soil group used for backfilling
with the designer and the contractor. Class
of density 4 3 2 1
SPD [%] SPD [%] SPD [%] SPD [%]
No compaction 75 ÷ 80 79 ÷ 85 84 ÷ 89 90 ÷ 94
M medium
81 ÷ 89 86 ÷ 92 90 ÷ 95 95 ÷ 97
W high 90 ÷ 95 93 ÷ 96 96 ÷ 100 98 ÷ 100

Table 8.7.b. Recommended thickness of layer and number of runs during soil compacting
Maximum layer thickness after
No. of runs for particular
compacting [m] for individual groups Minimum thickness
class of density
Equipment of soil of layer above pipe, before
Density Density compacting [m]
1 2 3 4
“W” (high) “M” (medium)
Treading down or manual rammer
3 1 0,15 0,10 0,10 0,10 0,20
min. 15 kg
Vibratory compactor min. 70 kg 3 1 0,30 0,25 0,20 0,15 0,30
Flat compactor
min. 50 kg 4 1 0,10 — — — 0,15
min. 100 kg 4 1 0,15 0,10 — — 0,15
min. 200 kg 4 1 0,20 0,15 0,10 — 0,20
min. 400 kg 4 1 0,30 0,25 0,15 0,10 0,30
min. 600 kg 4 1 0,40 0,30 0,20 0,15 0,50
Vibrating roll
min. 15 kN/m 6 2 0,35 0,25 0,20 — 0,60
min. 30 kN/m 6 2 0,60 0,50 0,30 — 1,20
min. 45 kN/m 6 2 1,00 0,75 0,40 — 1,80
min. 60 kN/m 6 2 1,50 1,10 0,60 — 2,40
Double vibrating roller
min. 5 kN/m 6 2 0,15 0,10 — — 0,20
min. 10 kN/m 6 2 0,25 0,20 0,15 — 0,45
min. 20 kN/m 6 2 0,35 0,30 0,20 — 0,60
min. 30 kN/m 6 2 0,50 0,40 0,30 — 0,85
Heavy three-wheeled roller (without
6 2 0,25 0,20 0,20 — 1,00
vibration) min. 50 kN/m

Verification of compacting quality

Conformity with the engineering design should be ensured After the equipment was repaired or started again it is
using at least one of the following methods: necessary to ensure that loose material being transferred and
- rigorous supervision of compacting procedures the material used for backfilling is compacted more or less to
- verification of initial deflection of the installed pipe the same degree as the soil adjacent to the earth work.
- examination of soil consolidation at construction site

3 2 | Gravity Systems – Manual

8. Laying gravity pipelines in the ground

8.8. Pipe laying work in low temperatures

Frozen soil may be found in trench bottom when laying pipes
in low temperatures. Laying pipes on the layer of frozen soil is
not allowed. Immediately before laying the pipeline frozen soil
has to be removed and replaced with fresh, loose ground with
granularity of up to 20 mm (up to 16 mm in case of crushed
stone). This layer should be compacted to density of 95%
SPD. It is not allowed to backfill the trench with soil containing
frozen lumps.
When pipes are joined by extrusion welding during winter
season or in rain, joining spot should be covered with
tarpaulin or a tent.

8.9. Removal of trench boarding

When distance between edge of a trench and public road or
building (as defined in BN-83/8836-02) is too short, it may be
necessary to leave boarding inside the trench. In other cases
boarding should be removed. Boarding, steel sections or box
type shuttering should be removed with trench backfilling. The
advantage of box type shuttering is that it does not produce any
risk to the neighbouring buildings (no ground vibration generated
as compared to pile driving) and ensures that soil density
is maintained. Moreover, shuttering of this type provide for safety
of work. Pulling shuttering elements out may lead to loosened
backfilling material. This results in reduced carrying capacity
and damaged road surface as a result of additional settlement
of the backfill soil. Consequently, it is recommended to increase
density of backfilling material to 97% SPD in order to reduce
unfavourable effects of pulling the shuttering elements out,
particularly concerning pipelines laid under street surface.

8.10. Parallel pipelines

When pipes are laid in parallel in ordinary trench, sufficient When parallel pipes are laid in stepped trenches (see Figs.
distance should be maintained between them so that 8.10.a and 8.10.b), backfill material should be loose with
necessary space is left for the compacting equipment. Width density class W.
of free space should exceed that of compacting equipment by
150 mm. Density of compacted backfill material between pipes
should be identical to that between pipe and the trench wall.

1- highly compacted soil (class W)
b-space for soil compacting

Fig. 8.10.a Parallel pipes inside stepped trench Fig. 8.10.b Parallel pipes inside even trench

Gravity Systems – Manual | 3 3

8. Laying gravity pipelines in the ground

8.11. Replacement of soil

If rocks, stones or hard soil are found it is necessary to considered individually basing on professional experience.
exchange soil at the trench bottom. Running sand, organic If soil is to be replaced involving unplanned additional
soils and soils with tendency to change volume when damp deepening of the trench, the same material should be used for
may appear. In such instances project engineer has to take subgrade and the backfill and it should be compacted density
decision on the extent of soil exchange under the pipe and of class “W”.
how to found the pipe on the new soil. Each case must be

8.12 Pipeline installation in grounds with low carrying capacity

If low carrying capacity ground appears at pipeline foundation If pipeline is to be laid on very weak ground such as peat
level, the following procedure is necessary: or thick layer of mud, use of special method for laying is
- when thin layer of weak soil is deposited at the trench bottom, necessary.
this soil should be replaced with loose ground with granularity The following procedure is possible: weak soil is strengthened
of 20 mm (16 mm if crushed stone is used). Layer of the or pipeline laid down on wooden framework.
replaced soil should Correct solution depends on the local conditions and requires
be compacted to 95% SPD minimum. individually designed supporting structure (or reinforcement
- when thick layer of weak soil is deposited at the trench of soil) as well as separate static calculations of pipeline
bottom, a layer of minimum 0.35 m should be removed (the considering new foundation method.
weaker is the ground the thicker layer has to be removed) and Other special conditions during pipe laying may include
less than 0.25 pipe outside diameter. Then, layer of gravel or underground water (flowing or standing) appearing at the
crushed stone not less than 0.2 m thick with granularity of trench bottom or running sand effects. In such cases pumping
2 – 32 mm should be laid. This layer should be compacted to wells or drain pipes are installed to lower underground water
95% SPD minimum. table. They are installed during pipe laying work and are
When very weak cohesive soil is deposited at the trench operated until the pipe is covered with layer
bottom it is recommended to use geotextile mats in the area of of soil sufficient to counteract hydrostatic lift or trench wall
exchanged soil to avoid mixing of virgin soil with reinforcement failures. Soil granularity in the subgrade and backfill zones
layers and for additional subgrade strengthening. The fabric should be selected correctly to prevent migration of fine
should be laid on virgin soil. fractions between excavation area and the adjacent ground.
Moreover, geotextile mat may be used for: Any migration of soil grains between zones may lead to
- protection of backfilling material against mixing with virgin sol weakened bottom and side supports of the pipe.
and for protection of the backfill against loosening caused by Use of suitable filtering mats may prevent transport of fine
pulling the sheet piling out. fractions of soil. If filtering mats are composed of many pieces,
- anchoring pipeline to prevent it from coming up to the surface an overlap not less than 0.3 m wide is necessary. One-piece
- increasing load carrying capacity of subgrade and to reduce mats should be laid with an overlap of not less than 0.5 m.
uneven pipe settlement

1 1
1 1

2 2 3
2 2 3


Legend: Legend:
1 Backfill zone 1 Backfill zone
2 Subgrade 2 Subgrade
3 Filtering mat 3 Wooden framework

Fig. 8.12.a. Protection against migration of fine fractions of soil Fig. 8.12.b. Trench bottom reinforced with wooden framework

3 4 | Gravity Systems – Manual

8. Laying gravity pipelines in the ground

If safe work in the trench is not possible due to excessively to making subgrade. Wooden structure or geotextile mat may
weak or soft ground, trench bottom should be reinforced prior be used as shown in Figs 8.12.

Typical applications of geotextile mats

Fig. 8.12.c. Geotextile mat reducing uneven settlement of pipe foundation zone Fig. 8.12.d. Geotextile mat constituting partial ground sill, shuttering and

1 1 1 1

1 1

Fig. 8.12.e. Geotextile mat constituting full ground sill, shuttering and reinforcement Fig. 8.12.f. Geotextile mat constituting anchorage preventing the pipe from uplifting

1 1 1 1

1 1

1 – geotextile mats

8.13. PE pipes used for drainage purposes

WehoDuo Drain pipes are used for drainage. For easier Execution of each drainage system should be preceded
pipeline installation it is recommended to use Uponor Infra by hydraulic and static calculations. Such calculations are
inspection chambers and intake manholes. These pipes are particularly important in case of rubbish dumps, where
suitable for all drainage systems for long lasting or temporary significant pipeline loads may occur. Concrete aggregate
lowering of underground water table (regular drainage (rinsed out) may be used as backfilling material satisfying
systems, drainage of individual structures, removal of water the requirements of Polish Standard PN-86/B-06712.
from excavations) as well as for removing liquids flowing Granularity should be up to 8 mm with fractions Φ< 0.02 mm
away from municipal and industrial waste dumps. Important nor exceeding 3% and Φ<0.063 mm not exceeding 10% by
advantage of WehoDuo Drain pipes used in drainage weight. Thickness of backfill around the pipe should conform
systems which are usually carrying some sand is their high to engineering design and should not be less than 0.15 m.
abrasion resistance.

Gravity Systems – Manual | 3 5

8. Laying gravity pipelines in the ground

8.14. Gravity pipe wall passes

Weholite pass through concrete wall

This anchor wall pass remains tight up to 3 m column of water 3

provided “Frank System” rubber sleeves are used. In addition, 4
the wall must be made of watertight concrete.

1. Partition – watertight concrete

2. PE anchor flange L

3. Frank rubber sleeve
4. Weholite pipe
Fig. 8.14.a. Diagrammatic of Weholite wall pass

Table 8.14.a. Dimensions of Weholite wall passes

dn=di L de * do Frank rubber flange Frank profile

mm mm mm mm Zakres dn
300 800 341 531 315-354 A
350 800 406 596 400-449 B
400 800 455 645 450-499 B
450 800 511 702 500-559 B
500 800 569 758 560-629 B
600 800 679 862 630-709 B
700 800 793 977 710-799 B
800 800 907 1191 800-899 B
900 800 1016 1303 1000-1150 B
1000 800 1130 1416 1000-1150 B
1050 1000 1190 1467 1000-1150 B
1200 1000 1355 1629 1200-1350 B

* for SN8 ring stiffness

Frank Type rubber sealing sleeves

Sleeve may be installed on Weho pipe in any location. using “Frank System” sealing sleeves (profile A or B)
Depending on design specification length L may differ from – depending on conduit diameter.
that given in the Table. Additional tightness my be obtained

Fig. 8.14.b. Frank System rubber sleeve – Profile A dn=90÷315 mm Fig. 8.14.c.Frank System rubber sleeve – Profile B dn=355÷1200 mm

1 1 1 1




60 60 75 75

3 6 | Gravity Systems – Manual

8. Laying gravity pipelines in the ground

WehoDuo pass through concrete wall

Fig. 8.14.d. Diagrammatic of WehoDuo wall pass The proposed anchor transition is tight up to 3m of water in
the condition of the application of the Frank rubber flanges
1 system. Additionally concrete wall must be made of 1 watertight
1 L
L concrete.
2 2
3 3
3 1. Partition – watertight concrete
4 4
4 2. PE anchor flange
3. Frank rubber sleeve
4. WehoDuo pipe


* The length of anchoring flange for WehoDuo pipes


is adjusted individually to the specific project solution.

Table 8.14.b. Dimentions of WehoDuo OD, WehoTripla wall pass

WehoDuo OD WehoTripla
dn=de do Frank dn=de do
Frank rubber flange L* L
[mm] [mm] profile [mm] [mm]
110 210 110-121 A + 110 129 110; 240
160 260 160-180 A + 160 180 110; 240
200 340 200-224 A + 200 219 240
250 390 250-279 A + 250 272 240
315 455 315-354 A + 315 338 240
400 500 400-449 B + 400 428 240

WehoTripla concrete wall pass 1

1 L
Fig. 8.14.e. Diagrammatic view of WehoTripla wall pass 2
1. Partition – watertight concrete
2. PE anchor flange 4

3. Sealing
4. WehoTripla pipe

It is recommended that wall is made of watertight concrete.


8.15. Connections with rigid structures

When a pipeline is passed through buildings, drains or
retaining walls allowance for differences in settlement should
be made while designing connections.
Such materials as polyethylene are flexible enough to take
existing displacements and may be connected as shown in
Fig. 8.15.a. Pipes projecting from rigid structures should be
effectively supported by the subgrade to minimize stresses
caused by shearing forces and bending moments.
Legend: 3
1. Backfilling material – well compacted (class W)
2. Virgin soil
3. Pipe
4. Fitting – wall pass Fig. 8.15.a. Diagrammatic view of connection of gravity pipeline with concrete wall

Gravity Systems – Manual | 3 7

8. Laying gravity pipelines in the ground

8.16. In-situ connections with existing Weho collector/ manhole

Table 8.16.a. Dimensions of In-Situ connections

WehoDuo OD Hole diameter
pipe diameter
dn [mm] d1 [mm]
110 138
160 186
200 226
250 276
315 341

Rys. 8.16.a. In-Situ connections

In-Situ connector should be used for making connection with Weholite collector or Weho manhole.
Proceed as follows:

1. Define connection diameter 2. Cut suitable hole in the Weholite pipe wall

3. Place In-Situ connector in the hole 4. Insert connection pipe in the rubber In-Situ connector
Required tools:
- Electric drill – power app. 2 kW
- Circle cutter according to In-Situ hole diameter (available
from Uponor Infra)

3 8 | Gravity Systems – Manual

9. Gravity pipe connections
9.1. Types of pipe connectors manufactured by Uponor Infra
Table 9.1.a. Types of pipe connectors and respective diameters of Uponor Infra gravity pipelines

Type of
Type of pipe 110 Diameter range 3000 Application

WehoTripla Socket
110 400 All connections
(dn 110-400) Double socket
WehoDuo OD Socket
110 400 All connections
(dn 110-400) Double socket

Socket Quick and durable connection, may be

300 1000
Double socket disconnected if necessary

In difficult conditions of wet trench, snap-

Snap-joint 600 1200 joints factory mounted
Road culverts; renovations – tightness
Screw joint 350 1200 due to extrusion welding from outside

Connections inside or outside trench, dry

Extrusion welding 300 3000

Gravity Systems – Manual | 3 9

9. Gravity pipe connections
9.2. WehoTripla socket connections

1) Thoroughly clean all dirt off pipe 2) Check if the seal is mounted 3) Coat the pipe end with lubricant 4) P
 lace the pipe end in the socket.
socket properly Be careful to align both parts
coaxially and make sure that
seal does not turn around during
Single- or double socket connections may be used for WehoTripla pipes assembly
Table 9.2.a. Dimensions of single- and double socket connections for the WehoTripla pipes

Single socket connections Double socket connections

for WehoTripla pipes for WehoTripla pipes
dn=de [mm] Lw [mm] dn=de [mm] Lw [mm]
110 57 110 65
160 80 160 85
200 100 200 105
5) T
 he pipe may be pressed down
250 135 250 133
using hand tools
315 148 315 143
400 158 400 155

Single socket connection Double socket connection

Lw Lw Lw Lw Lw




9.3. WehoDuo OD socket connections

1) Thoroughly clean all dirt off pipe 2) Place seal between two first ridges 3) Clean all dirt off the pipe and coat 4) Coat the pipe socket with lubricant
socket of the pipe the pipe end with lubricant

Single- or double socket connections may be used for WehoDuo OD pipes

Table 9.3.a. Dimensions of single- and double socket connections for the WehoDuo OD pipes
Single- and double socket connections
for WehoDuo OD pipes
dn=de [mm] Lw [mm]
110 60 5) Push the pipe end into socket
160 70
200 76
250 100
315 140
400 134

Schematic view of connection

Lw Lw

4 0 | Gravity Systems – Manual

9. Gravity pipe connections
9.4. Weholite socket connections Table 9.4.a. Dimensions of double socket connections for Weholite pipes

Assembly of Weholite double socket connections is the same dn=di d2 Ldk L3 L1 L2

as for WehoTripla and WehoDuo pipes. Seal is fitted inside [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
300 391 291 138 70 138
350 456 315 150 70 150
400 509 355 160 70 160
Ldk 450 568 385 185 85 185
L3 500 622 455 220 90 220
600 735 487 236 94 236
700 868 535 260 110 260
800 980 595 290 110 290
900 1085 708 347 110 332
1000 1200 730 358 110 343

Schematic view of connection of Weholite socket and double-socket

9.5. Weholite Snap-Joint connections

Snap-Joint connection is used in trenches where water Force F required to make this connection varies depending
removal is very difficult. Before connection, pipes should be on pipe diameter. Snap on terminal is factory fitted on the
aligned coaxially and then one pipe end should be pushed pipe end. Snap-Joint connection is a permanent joint.
into another with the use of excavator.

Table 9.5.a. Dimensions of Snap-Joint connections for View and cross section of the Snap-Joint connection
Weholite pipes
dn=di L Lc F L
[mm] [mm] [mm] [tony]
600 183 215 3÷3,5
700 197 227 3÷3,5
800 198 230 3÷3,5
900 199 230 3,5÷4
1000 198 230 3,5÷4

1200 198 230 3,5÷4

9.6. Weholite screw joints

Screw joints are mainly used in relining operations. Pipes Table 9.6.a. Dimensions of screw joint connections for Weholite pipes
screwed together are resistant to axial tension. Screw joints dn=di L
are sand tight. Watertightness is achieved after addition [mm] [mm]
extrusion welding from outside. 350 111
400 124
450 128
500 154
600 184
700 223
800 260
900 260
1000 308
L 1200 343

Gravity Systems – Manual | 4 1

9. Gravity pipe connections
9.7. Weholite extrusion welding
When welding with the use of extruder pipe ends are warmed
up with hot air and then molten PE material is forced into the
gap between pipe ends.





Recommended welding tool: Munsh MA36 or MAK48


General guidelines for extrusion welding

- Connection has to be made in dry conditions. Even - Extruder nozzle outlet air temperature should be in the
minimum quantity of water may result in leaky connection. range from 230 to 260 C depending on ambient air
- Joint has to be protected against wind (particularly in winter temperature. During cold season blower air temperature
season and during rain) should higher than during summer.
- Prior to joining operation pipe ends should be cleaned and
suitably prepared: pipe ends should be bevelled as shown Required tools:
in the above picture. Pipe surface adjacent to the chamfer - Extruder (e.g. manufactured by Munsh; extruder type
should be ground gently so that extrusion material is applied according to specific requirement)
to fresh pipe surface. - Electric saw with vertical blade app. 30 cm long
- Since polyethylene can oxidize easily, bevelling and grinding - Drill
operations should be done immediately before joining. - Power source 4kW, 230 VAC
- In case of secondary soiling, dirty spot should be cleaned
and ground again.
- Temperature of the PE rod should be 220 to 225 C.

4 2 | Gravity Systems – Manual

9. Gravity pipe connections
Depending on installation conditions (dimensions of the trench) Weholite pipes may be welded:
1. Extrusion welding method from the inside and from the - In case of secondary soiling, dirty spot should be cleaned and
outside (two-sided weld) ground again.
Preparation of the pipe Extrusion welding
- After removal of impurities, ends of pipes should be bevelled from - After completing all the preparation steps put joint inside
the inner and outer surface at an angle of 45° to a depth of H1 and outside of the pipe by manual extruder (order is optional,
- The inner and outer surfaces of the pipe adjacent to the weld depending on conditions on the building site).
should be roughened by grinding. The same process is performed to combine manhole stubs with
Laying pipe in the trench collector.
- Prepared pipes lay in the trench with adjoing surfaces NOTE:
(optionally with a minimal slot), so that the fault of "Z" profile of To perform the correct weld outside the pipe, it is necessary to
both pipes adhere to each other and there is in the uppermost provide a free space min. 1 m around the circumference of the
point of the circumference of the pipe pipe (installation hole).
Table 9.7.a. Parameters of welded joints.
Welding parameters for Weholite pipes
Nominal Weld One-sided internal welding
Size Two-sided welding (general values) (use of steel band necessary)
DN=Di (general values)
[mm] Two sided weld one sided weld (outside) PE rod / weld Time of welding PE rod / weld Time of welding
H1 [mm] H2 [mm] [kg] [h] [kg] [h]
800 6.0 13.5 2.0 2.5 3.5 4.0
900 6.5 15.0 2.0 2.5 3.5 4.0
1000 7.0 16.0 3.0 3.5 5.0 6.0
1050 7.0 16.5 3.0 3.5 5.0 6.0
1200 9.0 21.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 7.0
1400 10.0 23.0 4.0 5.0 7.0 8.0
1500 11.0 25.5 4.0 5.0 7.0 8.0
1600 11.5 26.5 5.0 6.0 8.5 10.0
1800 13.5 32.0 5.0 7.0 8.5 12.0
2000 14.0 32.5 6.0 8.5 10.0 15.0
Parameters of other diameters to be agreed with the manufacturer

2. Extrusion welding method from the inside (unilateral Extrusion welding

weld). This weld method is applied if there is no access to - After completing all the preparation steps put multilayer joint
the pipeline from the outside. inside of the pipe by manual extruder.
Preparation of the pipe The same process is performed to combine manhole stubs with
- After removal of impurities, ends of pipes should be bevelled from collector.
the inner surface at an angle of 30° degrees to a depth of H2
- The inner surface of the pipe adjacent to the weld should be NOTE:
roughened by grinding - In the case of threats of moisture pipes
Laying pipe in the trench prepared for the welding sealing band
- Prepared pipes lay in the trench with adjoing surfaces should be installed on the pipe ends.
(optionally with a minimal slot), so that the fault of "Z" profile of - After the internal weld (and removing
both pipes adhere to each other and there is in the uppermost the sealing band) fault "Z" of both pipes
point of the circumference of the pipe should be welded from the outside.
- In case of secondary soiling, dirty spot should be cleaned and
ground again.

9.8. Uponor Infra Service Group

The Uponor Infra Company has its own Service Group The Service Group is also authorized to train personnel
responsible for making joints as well supervision of work to in installation of PE pipelines and making joints directly at
ensure correct installation of pipelines. Members of the Service construction site as well as to issue certificates confirming
Group are highly qualified Uponor Infra employees equipped participation in training course. Such certificate is often required
with suitable tools: extruders and welding machines. during bidding to confirm qualifications of contractor’s personnel.

Gravity Systems – Manual | 4 3

10. Leak proof tests for gravity pipelines

10.1. Leak proof test of gravity pipelines (with flow caused by gravity)
The following components are subjected to water-pressure Required minimum test pressure:
test at the construction site: P01 = 10 kPa = 0,1 bar = 1,0 m column of water
- Gravity thermoplastics pipelines, in sections of limited length If underground water is present, test pressure depends on
(e.g. between manholes); the difference of levels between pipeline axis and underwater
- Pipelines composed of Weholite pipes 1000 m long water table
Maximum; P02 = P01 + 1,1 x a (m column of water]) (2)
- Weho manholes. where:
Tested pipeline is filled with clean water and pressurized with P01 = 1,0 m column of water
definite hydrostatic pressure. Leaktightness is assessed by a = pressure exerted by underground water (m column of
measuring amount of water necessary to fill in for retaining water)
required pressure or water level in the pipeline.

Table 10.1.a. Test pressure values relative to pipeline level and underground
water table
NOTE: 100 kPa = 1 bar = 1 atm = 10 m column of water.
Difference in height between
pipeline axis and underground Test pressure P01
water table Temperature of water inside pipeline during test:

a [m] kPa mm H2O Tmean = 20ºC +∆T; ∆T<10ºC

a<0 10.0 1000 (for gravity flow pipes)
0<a<0.5 15.5 1550
0.5<a<1.0 21.0 2100 Temperature of leakage makeup water:
1.0<a<1.5 26.5 2650
Ta = Tmean ± 3ºC
1.5<a<2.0 32.0 3200
2.0<a<2.5 37.5 3750
2.5<a<3.0 43.0 4300
3.0<a<3.5 48.5 4850
3.5<a<4.0 54.0 5400
4.0<a<4.5 59.5 5950
4.5<a<5.0 65.0 6500

Hydraulic test procedure acc. to SFS 3113:E

Test pressure or water level increased to:

Phase I: Pe1 = 1,0 + 1,1 a (column of water)
Prior to starting Phase II maintain pressure Pe1 for at least 10 minutes

Test pressure Pe1 = 1,0 + 1,1 a (m column of water) is maintained foe half an hour by adding water to the pipeline
Phase II:
(if necessary). Amount of makeup water is measured 3 times, always for 6 minutes, in litres (Q1, Q2, Q3).

Conclusion of the test.

Average value of Q1, Q2 i Q3: Qa = 1/3 x (Q1 + Q2 + Q3) (3)
Next, Qa is transformed into Qap, expressed in litres/ m x hour:
Phase III:
k1 = 60 / 6 = 10 (1/hour) k2 = 1/L (L = length of section under test)
Qap = Qa x k1 x k2 (4)
Test result is satisfactory if Qap value remains in the shaded area – see Diagram 10.1.a

Explanation of symbols are used: Test pressure may be calculated using the formula:
L = ength of pipeline section under test; Pe1 = P10 + 1,1 a (m column of water) (2)
a = underground water table measured from pipe axis in the where: P10 = 1,0 m column of water (= 1,0 x 10-2 kPa)
middle of tested section (1/2 L)
Di = Pipeline inside diameter
Pe1 = test pressure

4 4 | Gravity Systems – Manual

10. Leak proof tests for gravity pipelines
Diagram 10.1.Evaluation of water-pressure test results based on amount of make-up water (gravity pipelines)

Volume of make-up water per length 2,4
unit and over specific time [l/m h] 2,2
0,4 values accepted
0,2 for plastic pipes








Inside diameter [mm]

10.2. Diagram
2 showing the procedure for pressure testing of gravity pipeline between manholes

1. Additional water tank

1 2 2. Pressure equalizing
3 equipment (when necessary)
3. Pressure gauge
4. Valve
3 5. Plug support
6. Plug
4 7. Valve


1/2L 1/2L

1/2L 1/2L

10.3. Diagram showing the procedure for pressure testing of sewage system inspection chambers

1 Legend: Test pressure: as indicated in Table 1

2 l = height of inspection chamber or acc. to formula (2)
a = underground water table up
1 to Water-pressure test procedure is identical
the pipeline axis 2
with that used for pipelines
Di = inspection chamber inside (Phases I to III). Test result is satisfactory if
diameter Qap value remains in the shaded area
– see Diagram 10.1.a.
1. Additional water tank 3 The described method is based on finish
2. Pressure equalizing SFS 3113:E standard. Nowadays the
equipment (when necessary) method described in PN-EN 1610 is more
a 3. Pressure gauge common.
4. Plug
4 5. Chain a
6 5 6. Valve

6 5 Gravity Systems – Manual | 4 5

11. Installation of Weho tanks

11.1. Methods for installation of Weho tanks

Fig. 11.1.a. Installing a Weho tank in the ground Fig. 11.1.b. Installation of partially sank Weho tank
strefa 5 1. Subgrade
zasypki 4 (bottom backfill)
NIE ZAGĘSZCZAĆ 2. Main backfill
3 3. Upper backfill
4. Top charge
strefa 5. Virgin soil
obsypki 2 2

Weho tanks may be installed as under ground Table 11.1.a. Examples of soils used in tank installations
or ground-based tanks. Type of soil Group Example of soil
Soils belonging to group 1-3 may be used for subgrade,
Gravel - gap grained, valley and beach
backfill and top charge. Soils of the group 4-6 (cohesive and loose 1
organic soils) are not recommended for backfilling. In case Sand - gap grained, dune sands,
of virgin soil belonging to group 4-6, backfill soil should be loose 2
deposited sands, valley sands
replaced with that belonging to group 1-3. Clay sand, sand-clay mix – gap grained,
loose 3
watered sand
Installation of tanks in soils with low carrying capacity (group 4-6) Inorganic loam, fine sand, stone dust,
cohesive 4
After the soil has been replaced, new soil should be highly plastic clay
protected against migration of soil grains between virgin soil organic 5 Multi-fractional loose soil with humus
and new soil. Soil may be reinforced using geotextile mats
organic 6 Peat and other highly organic soils
for example. If flowing or stagnant underground water is
found, underground water table should be lowered for the
time of installation using pumping wells or drain pipes (see
Section “Pipeline installation in the grounds with low carrying

Examples of reinforcement solutions for low carrying capacity soils

Fig. 11.1.c. Reduction of uneven Fig. 11.1.d. Protection constituting Fig. 11.1.e. Protection against migration
ground settlement complete subgrade, shuttering and soil of fine fractions of the soil

LEGEND: 1. Geotextile, 2. Backfill zone, 3. Top charge zone

4 6 | Gravity Systems – Manual

11. Installation of Weho tanks
11.2. Soil compaction
Foundation soil should be compacted in layers of 15-20 cm
Class 3 2 1
until class W (high density) is reached and depending on type of density SPD [%] SPD [%] SPD [%]
of the backfill material (see Table). Soil density should be in
the range of 93 to 100% SPD (Standard Proctor Density). W (Wysoka) 93 ÷ 96 96 ÷ 100 98 ÷ 100

11.3. Tank foundation depth Fig. 11 3.a. Dry soil Fig. 11.3.b. Watered ground
(no underground water)
If no underground water is present (dry soil) there is no specific
limitation on tank foundation depth (ground cover up to 6 m
thick is possible). In places where underground water table is
more than 2 m above the tank top, depth and method for tank
foundation should be agreed with the design engineer.

11.4. Underground water

For the time of installation, underground water should water appears at a level above ¾ of tank height, additional
be pumped out so the installation could be done in dry load should be applied. Examples of additional loads are
conditions. For stability, the tank should be progressively given below. Detailed projects for additional tank loading
filled with water in order to revent it from lifting during soil should be consulted with the design engineer.
compaction operation. In addition, some cement may be
admixed to stabilize soil around the tank. If underground

Fig. 11.4.a. Longitudinal section of an anchored Weho tank

zwg zwg 1. Reinforced concrete relief slab
2. Polyethylene or steel belts
~3m ~3m ~3m ~3m 1 3. Rubber separator

Fig. 11.4.b. Tank anchorage with the use Fig. 11.4.c. Additional loading of two parallel
of reinforced concrete slabs tanks

b – this value depends on the anchor width and the soil compaction conditions.

11.5 Protection of the tank against road traffic

When the tank is installed under local traffic lane (squares,
storage yards, crossings) it should be relieved. A need for
relieving slab and its size should be discussed with the design
engineer. Fig. 11.5.a. shows an example of load relieving with
the use of reinforced concrete slab.

Fig. 11.5.a. A tank protected by the relieving slab

Gravity Systems – Manual | 4 7

12. Installation of Weho manholes
12.1. Types of Weho manholes
1. Inspection chambers dns 400, 500, 600 2. Inspection manholes dns 1000, 3. Inspection chambers and manholes without heavy
1200, 1400 *) bottom dns 600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1400 *)

dc dc dc
dc dc


ø 315

dns dns





*) Example of dns diametions
4. Inspection chambers and manholes with heavy bottom 5. Example of manhole
dc 1400 *)
dns 600, 800, 1000, 1200, dc dc


dc ø 315






3 3

without heavy bottom

(dry soil)
heavy bottom
(wet soil)

2 2
Soilsdc belonging to group 1-3 may be used for subgrade, dc
Fig. 12.1.a. Installation in dry soil
dc dc
backfill and top charge. Soils of the group 4-6 (cohesive and
organic soils) are not1recommended. In tank backfill zone soil h2



should dns be replaced with thatdnsbelonging to group 1-3.
dns dns



zwg zwg


zwg Fig. 12.1.b. Installation in watered soil - Uponor

zwg Infra manhole buoyant
force may be calculated with the use of Uponor Infra computer program.

zwg zwg zwg


2 Depending on the underground water level, manhole may be

provided with heavy bottom. Standard height of heavy bottom
chamber h2=30cm. h2
1 h2
Eccentric or T-connection manholes do not need anchoring with
special heavy slabs. Buoyancy is compensated by collecting
Manhole with heavy bottom filled with T
 -connection or eccentric manhole
pipe (see paragraph 12.5). lean concrete with no need for heavy bottom

4 8 | Gravity Systems – Manual

12. Installation of Weho manholes
12.2. Installation in low carrying capacity grounds
Installation in low carrying capacity grounds (group 4-6) paragraph 8.12).
After replacement of soil, new soil should be protected Installation conditions will be defined by the design engineer.
against migration of grains between virgin soil and the new In difficult conditions the so called slab foundation may be
soil. This may be achieved by the use of geotextile mats. used for installation of the manhole. Size and thickness of the
If flowing or stagnant underground water is found, slab depend on local conditions.
underground water table should be lowered for the time
of installation using pumping wells or drain pipes (see

Examples of solutions for low carrying capacity soils:

Fig. 12.2.a. Reduction of uneven manhole Fig. 12.2.b. Protection constituting complete Fig. 12.2.c. Manhole installed
foundation ground settlement subgrade, shuttering and soil reinforcement on foundation slab


12.3. Types of soil. Compaction densities


Type of soil Group Example of soil (see Table 8.1.a. for details) Compaction in SPD%

loose 1 Gravel - 3gap grained,

3 valley and3 beach gravel3 3 3 3 3 98 ÷ 1003
loose 2 Sand - gap grained, dune sands, deposited sands, valley sands 96 ÷ 100
2 mix – gap2grained, watered
2 sand-clay 2 2 2 93 ÷ 962

loose 3 Clay sand, sand2 2

cohesive 4 Inorganic loam, fine sand, stone dust, highly plastic clay ---
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
organic 5 Multi-fractional loose soil with humus ---
organic 6 Peat and other highly organic soils ---

12.4. Anchoting of manhole in wet soil

1 1
zwg zwg


h2 - concrete inlet

Depending on the underground water level, manhole may be Table 12.14.a. Approximate concrete volums to fill havy bottom chamber
provided with heavy bottom. Standard height of heavy bottom dn [mm]
chamber h2=30cm. Heavy bottom chamber should be filled dns [mm] 200 400 600 800
with lean concrete. For this reason, lower part of the bottom is Vb [m3]
provided with two opposite filler pipes for pouring the concrete 600 0,1 0,1
in. After the concrete is pored in, the fillers should be closed
800 0,2 0,2
using a PE plug.
1000 0,3 0,4 0,4
1200 0,5 0,6 0,7
1400 0,7 0,9 0,9 1,0

Gravity Systems – Manual | 4 9

12. Installation of Weho manholes
12.5 Concrete slab installation dns/DN dp1 dp2 dp3 a b
Reinforced concrete relieving slab distributes road surface mm mm mm mm mm mm
loads to the manhole surroundings. It prevents the slab from 400
755 350 - 150 -
resting directly against upper edge of the manhole structure. telescopic
400 1000 600 - 200 -
In service the manhole is not allowed to be exposed to traffic
600 1300 600 700 200 200
generated loads.
800 1530 600 930 200 200
1000 1960 600 1160 200 200
1200 2180 600 1380 200 200
1400 2400 600 1600 200 200

Fig. 12.5.a.Uponor Infra manhole diagram for buoyancy calculations

NOTE: relieving slab must
not rest on upper edge of the
vertical part of manhole

1. Cast iron top (frame and cover)
2. Reinforced concrete slab
3. Sealing
4. Telescope adaptor

12.6. Checking hydrostatic stability of sewage manholes

In order to check hydrostatic stability of a sewage manhole we anchoring force is as follows:
should compare the design value of hydrostatic lift exerted on where: Gw – tare weight of manhole. If the calculated value of
the manhole with the sum of values of the bearing forces (tare anchoring force is greater than zero, bearing force should be
weight and friction of the soil against the external lateral surface increased by means of a loading chamber filled with concrete
of the manhole). The calculation diagram is shown in Fig. 12.6.a. whose depth can be calculated as follows:
Checking of hydrostatic stability refers to such design cases,
where the ratio between the nominal diameter of the collector
and diameter of manhole chamber does not exceed 0.7 and the
nominal diameter of manhole is at least 800 mm. In other cases,
especially when the collector diameter is larger than diameter
of manhole chamber, the calculation of additional load can be
neglected. If the condition for manhole hydrostatic stability is DN

not met, the manhole must be equipped with a loading chamber H - depth of channel Do

wet soil
filled with concrete, placed in the bottom part of the manhole. bed [m] H

Calculation of forces exerted on the manhole: h - ground water level h

The value of hydrostatic lift: above the channel
bed [m]
The value of friction force of the soil against the lateral h2 - height of loading
surface of a manhole in homogenous backfill: chamber [m]
concrete bottom
Dz - outer diameter of the chamber

chamber [m]
Calculation of the value of friction force of the soil against the lateral Dw - inner diameter of the chamber [m]
surface of a manhole in complex ground and water conditions γw - volume weight of water [kN/m3]
is shown below. In accordance with the requirements of the limit γ'b - effective volume weight of concrete
state method, for the first limit state (load capacity), the value of (γ'b = γb – γw ) [kN/m3]
unbalance forces should be multiplied by an appropriate increasing γ - volume weight of the ground [kN/m3]
coefficient while bearing forces – by a decreasing coefficient. Φ - angle of internal friction of the soil [rad]
Adopting the most economical values of correcting factors (provided
they are admissible by the standard) (1,1 i 0,9), the necessary

5 0 | Gravity Systems – Manual

13. Installation of Weholite culverts
13.1. Installation of PE pipes inside jacket pipes.
Due to their strength, PE pipes do not require protection with Distance rings may be used to support PE pipes inside jacket
the use of jacket pipes. pipes or they may be laid unbounded.
Jacket pipes are used if required by specific regulations,
e.g. in water channels under railway tracks where free access
to the pipe, without disturbing soil, is recommended.

Examples of culverts using Weholite pipes. Weholite pipe culverts do not require jacket pipes.

Weholite culvert under a railway track Weholite culvert before backfilling

Installation of Weholite culvert 19.5 m long Weholite culvert under a road

Fig. 13.1.a. Typical Weholite culvert under a road Fig. 13.1.b. PE pipe inside jacket pipe with distance rings

•• •• •• ••• • • • •

Weholite culvert

• •• ••••• • ••
• •••• • •• • • distance

1. Subgrade
2. Weholite pipe • • • • • •• • • • •

3. Backfilling material
4. Roadway

Gravity Systems – Manual | 5 1

14. Installation of Weholite Marine system
14.1. General
Submerged pipelines can be laid without interference with
existing infrastructure, going the shortest way and without
• water temperature outside and inside the pipeline,
need for expensive engineering structures (trestle bridges,
• properties of transported waste water,
flyovers, etc).
• soil conditions,
Submerged pipelines are laid down, if:
• sea water characteristic.
The above data form minimum necessary information and
1. a pipeline is to be carried across river below the surface of concern two basic issues to deal with:
water (siphon systems) - transport of drinking water
2. if purified waste water dump into the sea is required - transport of waste water
– “Marine outfalls” with the use of open or closed transport systems.
PE pipelines offer perfect behaviour both during underwater
installation and in operation. When installation procedure Uponor Infra continuously collects its data acquisition system
are planned, the design engineer should give careful being a standard in acquiring information necessary in the
consideration to the following: engineering design and construction of submerged pipelines.
- hydraulic calculations, flow rates, tank specifications, etc.
- topographic maps of sea shore line and sea bed
- data on winds and wave motions in particular sea area
- data on sea currents,
- environmental data, such as:

14.2. Gravity pipelines - underwater siphons

In gravity pipelines, flow is caused by the difference of waste
water levels between two tanks. If level difference is not
sufficient to overcome the pipe resistance, use of pumping
plant is necessary. With low operating pressures (up to 1
bar), Weholite systems may be considered. If the pressure
difference is bigger, WehoPipe pipelines should be used.
Pumping plant will generate pressure needed to overcome
head difference between the pumps and the storage reservoir
as well as pipeline resistance.
If water level in the receiving tank is not precisely determined,
various hydraulic solutions are possible with fixed rate of flow
Q and variable values of:
- level at the beginning and the end of the system
- pipeline diameter
- pressure in the pipeline
Energy consumption, particularly if ∆H is to be overcome by
pumps, has to be considered if optimum solution is needed.
Typical layout of submerged gravity pipeline laid under river
surface is shown in Fig. 14.2.a

Fig. 14.2.a. Sectional view of submerged flowing water

pipeline laid on the river bottom (siphon stagnant water

draulilic gra


Pumping station Pw

Q m3/sec

5 2 | Gravity Systems – Manual

14. Installation of Weholite Marine system
14.3. Sea outfalls
Underwater outfalls present a unique challenge to thermoplastics pipes have found extensive application
designers. Engineering design of such structures requires in construction of the outfalls.
comprehensive approach and special knowledge of not only Marine outfalls are designed to dump sewage purified in
structural and hydraulic analysis but also environmental waste-water treatment plant into sea. Marine outfalls are
impacts. erected world wide in the majority of seaside cities and
Due to excellent properties, such as: conurbations. This solution makes it possible to keep
- no corrosion; the beaches clean and to prevent the inshore water from
- excellent hydraulic characteristics; secondary contamination.
- easy installation; Generally, length of a marine outfall is from 2 to 3 km.
- and buoyancy;

flowing water
stagnant water

draulilic gra


Pumping station Pw

Q m3/sec

Fig. 14.3.a. Sectional view of the outfall pipeline


lic grad
Pumping station


Q m 3/
sec Diffuser

L0 Ld

Gravity Systems – Manual | 5 3

14. Installation of Weholite Marine system 1

14.4. Diffuser systems

Diffuser plant may have different Fig. 14.4.a Examples of diffuser plant solutions
arrangement. With regard to sea
currents, depth, and microbiology
of the water, diffusers have 1 1 1. T-pipe
2. Diffuser plant branch
to guarantee uniform distribution
of sewage over the water region.
2 2
Typical solutions are shown

Length of diffuser plant Length of diffuser plant

14.5. Method for submerging pipeline – installation at the bottom

Typical sectional view of thermoplastics pipeline during In shallow waters, i.e. when depth d < app. 15 x Do, the
submerging operation is shown in Fig. 14.5.a. pulling force F may approach zero.
Here, the most important parameters are: If d > 15 x Do (deep water), the pulling force must satisfy a
βo = proportional conduit load in percent;
Pi = air pressure inside conduit; F × d2 > Eo × la
F = force necessary to transport the pipeline;
D = pipeline diameter;
PN = pipeline category (in respect of pressure);
d = depth of submergence;
T = temperature

Parameters needed in calculations:

β = pipeline inclination during submerging operation;
R1 = radius of pipeline curvature near water surface during
submerging operation;
R2 = radius of pipeline curvature near bottom during
submerging operation.

Fig. 14.5.a. Diagram of pipeline submerging

5 4 | Gravity Systems – Manual

14. Installation of Weholite Marine system
14.6. Typical weights are made of reinforced concrete
Fig. 14.6.a. Shapes of concrete weights

"X" "T"





" 4





14.7. Buoyancy of Weholite pipes in water

Table 14.7.a. Buoyancy of Weholite pipes in water depending on degree of their filling with water

dn=di de Maximum buoyancy

mm mm kp/m kp/m kp/m
300 339 90 20 0
350 401 126 30 0
400 451 160 34 1
450 508 203 44 1
500 562 247 51 1
600 677 354 71 1
700 790 492 107 2
800 903 638 136 2
900 1016 811 175 3
1000 1128 997 211 3
1050 1179 1092 226 4
1200 1354 1435 304 4
1400 1588 1966 427 5
1500 1694 2224 457 7
1600 1830 2553 542 8
1800 2056 3199 654 10
2000 2282 3953 812 12
empty pipe, empty walls pipe fully filled, empty walls pipe and walls filled with water

Specific gravity of concrete is 2400 kg/m3. Load applied to After placing the pipeline on sea bed, additional weight may
Weholite pipeline should be up to 30% buoyancy maximum be mounted. These weights are made of reinforced concrete.
when submerging.

Fig. 14.7.a Profile of flexible rubber belt

6,5 6,5
Flexible belt
Flexible belts are placed between pipeline and concrete
weights. They prevent unwanted displacement of weights
5555 3030
and even up irregularities of the weight surface. 6,2
6,2 1010 6,2
6,2 1010

Gravity Systems – Manual | 5 5

15. Renovation of gravity pipelines
15.1. General
Uponor Infra pipes may be used in repairs of existing gravity purposes are supposed to satisfy at all times their specific
pipelines with diameters ranging from 90 to 3000 mm. In criteria (of a physical, chemical, biological or biochemical
general, REINFORCED CONCRETE -, STEEL- or CAST nature). This depends on many factors, such as correct
IRON pipelines are subject to renovation. Renovation is engineering design, execution, materials used and service
aimed at restoring original technical specification (structural life. Good management is also needed to keep pipelines
reinforcement, flow capacity) deteriorated during years of operational. Besides inspections and routine service of the
operation due to corrosion, structural damages or unsealed equipment, improvements may also become necessary.
connections. Pipelines undergo modernization when their performance
characteristic requires improvement. This may include repair,
Due to leakage to the ground damaged buried pipelines may renovation or replacement. Insertion of new plastic pipeline into
cause serious risk to road surfaces and even to building the old conduit has become the basic technique.
structures leading to their caving in or collapse. Pipeline
relining is one of the most efficient methods for restoring their
full functionality. New pipe fitted inside
the old channel not only makes it tight but also reinforces its
structure and inhibits further deterioration.
Relining consists in inserting joined PE pipes in repaired
pipeline in order to form new and completely tight conduit.

Problem of pipeline improvements has acquired significance

for the past 10 years. Existing pipeline systems serving various

15.2. Application of Uponor Infra pipes in repairs of gravity pipelines

Uponor Infra is the manufacturer of materials used for various repairs of pipeline systems. These are:
Application PE System

Gravity pipelines, sewage systems

(sewers, storm-water drains) Weholite
Sections from 70 m up to several hundred meters long From 300 mm to 3000mm
Inside diameter exceeding 350 mm

Gravity pipelines, sewage systems

(sewers, storm-water drains)
SDR26, SDR21
Minimum pipe internal necking
From 90 to 1800mm
Sections from 70 m up to several hundred me

Repairs using “manhole to manhole” method
Modules from 90
Sections app. 70 m long
to 630 mm, 50 cm long.
Congested streets
Other length on request

Drains (manholes) Weho manholes

Diameter details can be found in Product Catalogue.

5 6 | Gravity Systems – Manual

15. Renovation of gravity pipelines
15.3. Preliminary work
• Engineering design-based analysis of the route and profile • Calibration of the old conduit to make sure that outside
of the existing pipeline together with an on-site visit diameter of the new PE pipe is correct
• Determination of location and number of excavations. • Division of repair work into stages: the pipeline should

Size of excavations (wide or narrow trench) will depend on be divided into straight sections. Basically, new pipes are
the depth of pipeline and method for its reinforcement inserted or new chambers installed in spots of change in
• Evaluation of technical condition of pipeline section to be pipeline direction
repaired (possible lateral dislocations, slumps, cross section • Selection of spots for pipe insertions depends on local
deformations, etc.) conditions, access roads, etc.
• Rectification of collapsed structural elements, removal of
corrosive overhangs, weld overlaps, etc.
• Selection of PE pipe of suitable technical specification –

outside diameter, flow capacity

15.4. Scope of work

• Spot excavations necessary to introduce a CCTV camera • Joining PE pipes into sections corresponding to the length
together with removal of the existing pipe sections of renovated pipeline between subsequent installation
• Examination of pipeline route with the use of CCTV camera excavations
• Execution of installation excavations • Drawing pipes into the pipeline
• Draining the excavations (if necessary) • Installation of fittings (manholes and elbows) in excavations
• Steel wire brushing (in case insertion of the PE pipes might and joining the pipe sections already drawn in
be hampered by extensive local deposits on pipe walls) • Backfilling
• Pipeline calibration • Surface reconstruction
• Fabrication of pipeline head for drawing the PE pipe in
• Pulling through the PE head with PE pipeline section
several meters long

Note: It is recommended to fill the space between pipes with a material (e.g. cement-ash mix) composed individually
depending on given design assumptions.

15.5. Standard equipment needed for relining

• Depending on soil conditions – a slab to stand the welding • Crane
machine • Power winch
• Drag shovel – bucket 1.5 m3. • Air compressor
• Generating set • Air hammers
15.6. Pipe connections
PE pipes may be joined in various ways depending on the method used for repair and type of a system::

System Type of joint

Extrusion welding (700 – 3000 m)
Weholite - from 300 to 3000 mm Screw joint + welding (350 – 1200 mm)
Snap-Joint (600 - 1200 mm)
WehoPipe - from 90 to 1800 mm Butt welding
VipLiner - modules – from 90 to 630 mm Snap-Joint

15.7. PE pipe pull in heads

The head is used to connect the pipeline with power winch
with the use of rope. Its construction has to withstand stress
and friction force generated when one pipe is pulled in another
pipe. The head protects the pipeline face against damage
that may be caused by the old conduit. The can be reused for
installing the next section.

Gravity Systems – Manual | 5 7

15. Renovation of gravity pipelines
15.8. Renovation methods
Joining the pipes outside excavation (assembly chamber)

Criteria for selection of joining of pipes outside excavation: • Complete earthwork draining or shut down of pipeline not
• Long sewer sections for repair – long distances between possible
manholes or no manholes • Pace of work – pipe joining independent of other preliminary
• Large space available (strip of land long enough) for joining and repair work.
the pipes outside excavation

Relining practice consists in drawing in a PE pipeline with inside diameter smaller than actual inside diameter
of the old pipeline, taking internal necks, deformations and dislocations into consideration.
System Recommended length of inserted sections

Weholite Renovation in two directions may be done starting from one excavation. Normally, a pipeline 400 m long drawn in.

Depending on the condition of old pipeline and characteristic of inserted pipe (DN, SDR) it is even possible to draw
in sections longer than 1000 m

When renovation is completed, it is recommended to fill free When long pipeline sections welded on the ground surface
space between pipes with injected mix for better stability. are drawn in, it is necessary that size of excavation or
Moreover, penetration of underground water is thus prevented assembly chamber is adjusted to permissible pipe bending
as well as possible free spaces around pipeline are eliminated. radius.
In general, assembly chambers are located in points where
the route changes direction. Next, starting excavations
are made there and their length depends on the pipeline
installation depth and the permissible pipe bend radius. One
starting excavation may be used to insert pipeline in two

Fig. 15.8.a. Sectional view of the starting excavation for inserting PE pipe segment into old conduit

PE pipe




R – Minimum PE pipe bending radius: For Weholite selected individually

R= 30 DN Short-term (for the time of installation)

R= 50 DN DN Long-term (for the time longer than 12 hrs)

5 8 | Gravity Systems – Manual

15. Renovation of gravity pipelines
Pulling force for PE pipelines
Maximum pulling force that may be safely applied to a PE For C= 1,25 MRS 10,0 MRS 8,0
pipeline is calculated basing on the design stress σd (see ( wg ISO 12 126) [MPa] [MPa]
paragraph Nominal Pressure).
σ d
8,0 6,3
(the above values refer to temperature of 20 C)

where: A – pipe wall cross section area

Permissible pulling forceaw in sections
longer than 1000 m
Fmax = σ d
A Note: Weholite pipes have structural walls,
see paragraph 3.2

When calculating pipe pulling force pipe weight q – pipe unit weight [N/m]
and coefficient of friction between pipe and F = q L (µ cos ϕ +/- sin ϕ) L – length of inserted segment
subgrade should be taken into account µ – coefficient of friction (max. 0.8)
ϕ – angle of pipeline inclination

Dimensions of a starting excavation

Dimensions of the starting excavation depend where:

on depth of pipeline installation and its bend LG1 = H (4 R – H) H – depth of pipeline installation
radius: R – bend radius

If the inserted pipe may be lifted to the height where:

LG2 = H (2 R – H)
H above the ground, length of the starting H – depth of pipeline installation
excavation may be reduced by: R – bend radius

Length of the open trench: L’ = Dn(2R-Dn) Dn – nominal pipe diameter
R – bend radius

Angle of inclination of the starting excavation
may be calculated from the formula: tg ϕ = (H – Dn)/( L G
– L’) H – depth of pipeline installation
R – bend radius

Joining pipes inside excavation (in the assembly chamber)

After inspection, cleaning and calibration of the old conduit
it is necessary to determine locations where new pipeline
• minimum operational dimensions of the chamber (dimensions of
welded pipe sections - standard 12.5 m,and the dimensions of the
would be inserted. If starting excavations of enough length machine and passageways for welders)
corresponding to the depth of pipeline installation and
permissible bend radius cannot be made, short-distance
•  roofing sealers against harsh weather conditions during welding
time and stopping time
relining should be decided using the existing manholes or
inspection chambers where short Weholite, WehoPipe
• permanent drainage of trench
or VipLiner modules are inserted.
In this method short modules are inserted after having been
connected inside the starting chamber. Joining method
depends on the system selected – Weholite, WehoPipe or
VipLiner. Length of inserted modules depends on dimensions
of the starting chamber and may be selected freely.
When all the modules have been inserted, a mix is injected in
between the pipes to fill all free spaces and stabilize the whole
If pipes are joined inside chamber, it is necessary to take care
•  correct protection of excavation walls
•  suitable base for welding machine (use of foundation slab)
Gravity Systems – Manual | 5 9
15. Renovation of gravity pipelines
Fig. 15.8.b. Installation of pipes in the excavation or in the assembly chamber

Such parameters as the pulling force, type of equipment are

the same as when joining the pipes outside excavation.

15.9. Repair using “From one manhole to the next one” method - VipLiner System
Here, short modules connected with the use of special snap 0.55 m. This is determined by the manhole chamber diameter.
joints with a seal are inserted in the repaired conduit from the Standard module length makes it possible to insert them even
starting chamber. from manholes with diameter of 800 mm. Longer modules are
Due to special construction of the joint high mechanical available when larger manhole diameters are used.
strength and 100% tightness are achieved. Use of hydraulic equipment for pushing the modules one
VipLiner method does not require any excavations. Immediate after another makes work easier when longer sections are
positive effect is achieved. The work may be completed subjected to renovation.
without any disturbance to the road traffic. Also sewage After all the modules have been inserted, special mix is
system may be operated when the work is in progress. injected between old pipe and the VipLiner in order to fill all
Short VipLiner modules are available from 90 to 630 mm. free spaces and to stabilize the whole system.
Useful length of modules is 0.5 m while their design length is

6 0 | Gravity Systems – Manual

15. Renovation of gravity pipelines
VipLiner system is characterized by: Effects of repair when using the VipLiner system
• capability to carry work while the conduit is in operation • Sealing the old conduit
• quick and easy installation • Structural reinforcing of conduit
• Very low cost of renovation • Reduced resistance of flow
• Extended service life of the repaired section
15.10. Renovation of manholes
AWhen evaluating technical condition of a collector qualified
for renovation, existing manholes should be also taken into
consideration. Poor condition of the manholes may produce
the same risk as that caused by the leaking pipelines. Even
if no infiltration of the underground water was found in the
manholes prior to renovation, underground water table may
be raised after the conduit is made tight - resulting in leaking
Consequently, in areas with high underground water table
renovation of manholes should be also considered.

Chamber renovation using Weho Ø 1000

Renovation of manholes consists in: PE manholes used

• installation of new Weho manhole inside the old concrete for renovation
• complete replacement of old sumps with new Weho Cast iron cover
manholes Telescopic PE pipe

Manufactured range of PE pipes allows renovation of existing

conduits and manholes of various diameters and dimensions.
Connection of vertical part with newly inserted PE pipeline is
made by extrusion welding.
Old concrete
inspection chamber


PE pipe

Gravity Systems – Manual | 6 1

16. Transport and storage of PE and PP pipes
16.1. Transport

Loading and unloading of pipes on pallets should be effected

with the use of fork lifts with smooth forks. Pallets may not be
damaged and should be strong enough not to present risk to
Pipes loaded individually must be suspended on soft slings
such as polyester belts of suitable strength. Use of rods,
hooks or metal chains may lead to damages when pipes are
incorrectly handled.

Trucks with flat loading platform or special vehicles for

transport of pipes should be used. No nails or other elements
may protrude from the platform. Side boards should be flat
and without sharp edges. Pipes with biggest diameters should
be loaded directly on the platform. Individually loaded pipes
should be separated with wooden slats so the slings may be
threaded between pipe layers for unloading. In case of socket
pipes, sockets should not touch one another. Pipes should
be bound together tightly so they would not move during
transport. During transport pipes should not hang down more
than five times nominal diameter and not more than 2 metres
(smaller value applies).

During unloading pipes must not be dropped in the

uncontrolled manner. Otherwise, mechanical damage
may occur. Pipes should be transported to a storage yard.
Strength of plastic pipes decreases when temperature drops.
Therefore, particular caution is needed when unloading
plastic pipes in low ambient temperatures.

For manual unloading polyester slings should be used.

Unloaded pipes must not produce any hazard to personnel.
Lifting equipment and proper slings should be used when
unloading heavy pipes. Nobody is allowed to stay under the
suspended load or within reach of the crane.

6 2 | Gravity Systems – Manual

16. Transport and storage of PE and PP pipes
16.2. Storage

Pipe storage yard should be accessible to personnel, e.g.

quality control staff. Easy access should be also provided for
further transport. Pipes must not be stored near open fire,
sources of heat or dangerous substances: fuel, solvents, oils,
paints, etc.

Wooden separators should be used during storage of pipes -

in the same way as in transport. Wooden slats should be flat
and wide to avoid deformation of pipes. Biggest diameter
pipes should be placed at the bottom. In case of socket
pipes deformation of sockets should be avoided (alternating

Black PE pipes are resistant to UV rays. They can be stored

on site without a roof.

2,5 m

Pipes should not rest directly on the floor. It is necessary to

use supports - similar to wooden slats placed between pipes.
h Distance between supports should not exceed 2.5 m. The
floor should be flat and without sharp elements. Stacking
height should not exceed 3-4 m.

2,5 m

Table 16.1.a. Pipe stacking height

Maximum approximate stacking height h

Rodzaj Systemu
Weholite 3,0 - 4,0 m
WehoDuo Two pallets
WehoTripla Two pallets

Gravity Systems – Manual | 6 3

17. PE and PP chemical resistance
PE-HD - high density polyethylene
1 – resistant
PE-MD - medium density polyethylene
Symbols: 2 – partly resistant
PP - polypropylene
3 – non-resistant
s.s. - saturated solution

Data shown in the table have been obtained from ISO TR 10358, ISO TR 7472 and 7474 documentations

Compound Chemical formula Content (%) Temp. (°C) PE PP

20 2 1
Acetone CH3-CO-CH3 100
60 2 1
20 2
Benzaldehyde C6H5CHO 100
60 3
20 1
Acetaldehyde CH3CHO 100
60 2
20 1
Allyl alcohol CH2=CH-CH2OH 96
60 1
20 1 1
Amyl alcohol C5H110H 100
60 2 1
20 1
Furfuryl alcohol CHC CH2OH 100
60 2
20 1 1
Alum Al2(SO4)3K2SO4 -4H2O <10
60 1
20 1 1
Ammonia (solution) NH3 <10
60 1
20 1 1
Ammonia (gas) NH3 100
60 1
20 1
Ammonia (liquid) NH3 100
60 1
20 1 1
Aniline C6H5-NH2 100
60 2 1
20 1 1
Ammonium nitrate NH4NO3 s.s.
60 1 1
20 1
Magnesium nitrate Mg(NO3)2
60 1
20 1 1
Copper nitrate Cu(NO3)2
60 1 1
20 1 1
Nickel nitrate Ni(NO3)2
60 1 1
20 1 1
Potassium nitrate KNO3
60 1 1
20 1 1
Mercury nitrate Hg(NO3)2 >10
60 1 1
20 1 1
Sodium nitrate NaNO3
60 1 1
20 1 1
Silver nitrate AgNO3
60 1 1
20 1 1
Calcium nitrate Ca(NO3)2
60 1 1
20 1
Iron nitrate Fe(NO3)3 >10
60 1
20 1
Sodium nitrite NaNO2
60 1
20 2 2
Benzene C6H6 100
60 3 3
20 1 3
60 2 3
20 1 1
Sodium benzoate C6H5COONa
60 1
20 1 1
Acetic anhydride CH3CO-O-COCH3 100
60 2
20 1 1
Borax Na2B4O7
60 1 1
20 3 3
Bromine (gas) Br2 100
60 3 3
20 3 3
Bromine (liquid) Br2 100
60 3 3
20 1 1
Potassium bromide KBr
60 1 1
20 1
Sodium bromide NaBr
60 1

6 4 | Gravity Systems – Manual

17. PE and PP chemical resistance
Compound Chemical formula Content (%) Temp. (°C) PE PP
20 1 1
Potassium trioxobromate KBrO3
60 1 1
20 2 1
Butane C4H10 100
60 2
20 1 1
Butyl alcohol C4H9OH 100
60 1 2
20 2 1
Chlorine (solution) Cl2
60 3 2
20 2 3
Chlorine (gas) Cl2 100
60 3 3
20 1 1
Potassium chlorate KClO3
60 1 1
20 1
Calcium chlorate Ca(ClO3)10
60 1
20 1 1
Sodium chlorate NaClO3
60 1
20 1 1
Ammonium chloride NH4Cl s.s.
60 1
20 1 1
Boron chloride BaCl2
60 1 1
20 1 1
Zinc chloride ZnCl2
60 1 1
20 1 1
Tin chloride SnCl2
60 1 1
20 1
Aluminium chloride AlCl3 s.s.
60 1
20 1 1
Magnesium chloride MgCl2
60 1 1
20 1 1
Copper chloride CuCl2
60 1 1
20 1 1
Nickel chloride NiCl2
60 1
20 1 1
Mercury chloride HgCl2
60 1 1
20 1 1
Potassium chloride KCl
60 1
20 1 1
Sodium chloride NaCl
60 1 1
20 3
Thionyl chloride SOCl2 100
60 3
20 1
Calcium chloride CaCl2
60 1
20 1
Iron chloride FeCl3
60 1
20 3 2
Trichloromethane ClcCH 100
60 3 3
20 2
Chloromethane CH3Cl 100
20 1 1
Potassium chromate K2CrO4
60 1 1
Tetraoxochromc acid cleaning 20 1 1
CrO3H2O >10
mixture 60 2 1
20 1 1
Potassium cyanide KCN >10
60 1
20 1 1
Mercury cyanide Hg(CN)2
60 1 1
20 1
Sodium cyanide NaCN
60 1
20 1
Silver cyanide AgCN
60 1
20 1
Hydrogen cyanide HCN 10
20 1 1
Cyclohexanol C6H11OH 100
60 2 3
20 2 2
Cyclohexanone C6H10O 100
60 2 3
20 1 3
Decalin (decahydronaphtalene) C10H18 100
60 2 3
20 1 1
Dextrin (C6H10O5)n >10
60 1 1

Gravity Systems – Manual | 6 5

17. PE and PP chemical resistance
Compound Chemical formula Content (%) Temp. (°C) PE PP
20 1
Yeast >10
60 1
20 1
Potassium dichromate K2CrO4
60 1
20 1 2
Dioxolane C4H3O2 100
60 1 2
20 2 1
Carbon disulphide CS2 100
60 3 3
20 1 1
Chlorine dioxide ClO2 100
60 1 1
20 1 1
Sulphur dioxide SO2 100
60 1
20 1 1
Ethyl alcohol C2H5OH 40
60 2 1
20 2 1
Diethyl ether C2H5-O-C2H5 100
60 3 2
20 2 1
Phenol C6H5OH >10
60 2
20 3
Fluorine F2 100
60 3
20 1 1
Ammonium fluoride NH4F >10
60 1
20 1
Aluminium fluoride AlF3 s.s.
60 1
20 1 1
Potassium fluoride KF
60 1 1
20 1
Sodium fluoride NaF
60 1
20 1 1
Formaldehyde HCHO 40
60 1
20 1 2
Octyl phatalate C6H4(COOC8H17)2 100
60 2 2
CHOH 20 1 1
Glycerol 100
CH2OH 60 1 1
20 1 1
Ethylene glycol OHCH2CH2OH 100
60 1
C6H12O6 20 1 1
CH2OH 60 1 1
20 1 3
Heptane C7H16 100
60 3 3
20 1
Hydroquinone C6H4(OH)2
60 1
20 2 2
Xylene C6H4(CH3)2 100
20 1
Adipic acid COOH(CH2)4COOH s.s.
60 1
20 1
Arsenic acid H3AsO4
60 1
20 1 1
Nitric acid HNO3 25
60 1
20 2 2
Nitric acid HNO3 50
60 3 3
20 3 3
Nitric acid HNO3 75
60 3 3
20 3 3
Nitric acid HNO3 100
60 3 3
20 1 1
Benzoic acid C6H5COOH
60 1
20 1 1
Hydrobromic acid HBr 10
60 1 2
20 1 1
Boric acid H3BO3
60 1
20 1 1
Chloroacetic acid ClCH2-COOH >10
60 1
HOO CH2-C(H) 20 1 1
Citric acid
(COOH)-CH2COOH 60 1 1
20 1 1
Hydrofluoric acid HF 4
60 1
20 1 2
Hydrofluoric acid HF 60
60 2

6 6 | Gravity Systems – Manual

17. PE and PP chemical resistance
Compound Chemical formula Content (%) Temp. (°C) PE PP
20 1 1
Gluconic acid OHCH2COOH >10
60 1
20 1 1
60 1 1
20 1
Butyric acid C3H7COOH 100
20 1 1
Lactic acid CH3CH(OH)COOH 100
60 1 1
20 1 1
Formic acid HCOOH 50
60 1 1
HCOOH 20 1 1
Formic acid 98-100
CH CH 60 1 3
20 1
Nicotinic acid <=10
20 1 1
Acetic acid CH3COOH 10
60 1 1
20 1 1
Acetic acid CH3COOH 96
60 2 2
20 1 2
Oleic acid C8H17CH=CH- (CH2)7COOH 100
60 2 3
20 1
Orthophosphoric acid H3PO4 50
60 1
20 1 1
Picric acid (NO2)3C6
20 1 1
Propanoic acid CH3CH2COOH 50
60 1
20 1 1
Propanoic acid CH3CH2COOH 100
60 2
20 1
Salicylic acid C6H4OHCOOH
60 1
20 1 1
Trioxosulphuric acid H2SO3 30
60 1
20 1 1
Sulphuric acid H2SO4 10
60 1 1
20 1 1
Sulphuric acid H2SO4 50
60 1 1
20 1 2
Sulphuric acid H2SO4 98
60 3 3
20 3
Fuming sulphuric acid H2SO4 fuming
60 3
20 1 1
Hydrochloric acid HCl 10
60 1 1
20 1 1
Hydrochloric acid HCl Concentr.
60 1 2
20 1 1
Oxalic acid (COOH)2
60 1 2
20 2
Toluic acid C6H3COOH
20 1 1
Tartaric acid COOH(CHOH)2COOH >10
60 1 1
using. 20 1
conc. 60 1
20 1 1
Methyl alcohol CH3OH 100
60 1 2
20 1 1
Milk (Krowie i owcze) 100
60 1 1
60 1
20 1 1
Urea (NH2)2CH >10
60 1
20 1 1
Potassium perchlorate KClO4
60 1 1
20 1 1
Potassium permanganate KMnO4 20
60 1
20 1 1
Potassium persulphate K2S2O8 20
60 1
20 1 1
Wine vinegar see vinegar
60 1 1
20 2 2
Amyl acetate CH3COO(CH2)4CH3 100
60 3

Gravity Systems – Manual | 6 7

17. PE and PP chemical resistance
Compound Chemical formula Content (%) Temp. (°C) PE PP
20 1 2
Ethyl acetate CH3COOC2H5 100
60 3 3
20 1 1
Silver acetate CH3COOAg
60 1 1
20 1
Oil and grease
60 2
20 1
Mineral oils
60 2
20 1
Sodium orthophosphate Na3PO4
60 1
20 1
Potassium orthophospahate K3PO4
60 1
20 2
Ozone O3 100
60 3
20 1 1
Perhydrol H2O2 30
60 1 2
20 1
Perhydrol H2O2 90
60 3
20 1 2
Pyridine C5H5N 100
60 2
20 1
60 1
20 1
Potassium oxochlorate KClO >10
60 2
20 1 1
Sodium oxochlorate NaClO 5
60 1 1
20 1
Calcium oxochlorate Ca(ClO)2 4H2O <10
60 1
20 1 1
Mercury Hg 100
60 1 1
20 1 1
Ammonium sulphate (NH4)2SO4 s.s.
60 1 1
20 1 1
Barium sulphate BaSO4
60 1
20 1 1
Zinc sulphate ZnSO4
60 1 1
20 1
Aluminium sulphate Al2SO4 s.s.
60 1
20 1 1
Copper sulphate CuSO4
60 1 1
20 1 1
Nickel sulphate NiSO4
60 1 1
20 1 1
Potassium sulphate K2SO4
60 1
20 1 1
Sodium sulphate Na2SO4
60 1 1
20 1
Calcium sulphate CaSO4
60 1
20 1
Iron sulphate Fe2(SO4)3
60 1
20 1
Ammonium sulphide (NH4)2S >10
60 1
20 1
Barium sulphide BaS >10
60 1
20 1
Potassium sulphide K2S >10
60 1
20 2
Calcium sulphide CaS <10
60 2
20 1 1
Sodium sulphate Na2SO3
60 1
20 1 1
Hydrogen sulphide (gas) H2S 100
60 1
20 1
Tannic acid C14H10O9 >10
20 2 3
Carbon tetrachloride CCl4 100
60 3 3
20 1 1
Oxygen O2 100
60 2
20 1
Zinc oxide ZnO
60 1

6 8 | Gravity Systems – Manual

17. PE and PP chemical resistance
Compound Chemical formula Content (%) Temp. (°C) PE PP
20 1
Carbon monoxide CO 100
60 1
20 2 2
Toluene C6H5-CH3 100
60 3 3
20 1
Antimony trioxide SbCl3 90
60 1
20 1
Phosphorus trioxide PCl3 100
60 2
20 3
Trichlorethylene Cl2C=CHCl 100
60 3
20 1 1
Triethanolamine N(CH2CH2OH)3 >10
60 2
20 3
Sulphur trioxide SO3 100
60 3
20 1 1
Barium carbonate BaCO3
60 1 1
20 1
Zinc carbonate ZnCO3
60 1
20 1 1
Magnesium carbonate MgCO3
60 1 1
20 1 1
Potassium carbonate K2CO3
60 1
20 1 1
Sodium carbonate Na2CO3
60 1 1
20 1 1
Calcium carbonate CaCO3
60 1 1
Wines and spirits (commercial 20 1 1
concentrations) 60 1 1
20 1 1
Water H2O
60 1 1
Aqua regia 20 3 3
HCl + HNO3 3/1
(nitrohydrochloric acid) 60 3 3
20 1 1
Hydrogen H2 100
60 1
Sodium hydrogen-(ortho) 20 1
phosphate 60 1
20 1
Potassium hydrogensulphate KHSO4
60 1
20 1
Potassium bisulphite KHSO3 >10
60 1
20 1 1
Sodium bisulphite NaHSO3 >10
60 1
20 1 1
Barium hydroxide Ba(OH)3
60 1 1
20 1
Magnesium hydroxide Mg(OH)2
60 1
20 1
Potassium hydrogencarbonate KHCO3
60 1
20 1 1
Sodium hydroxide NaOH >10
60 1 1
20 1 1
Sodium hydroxide NaOH 40
60 1 1
20 1 1
Potassium hydroxide KOH 10
60 2
20 1
Potassium hydroxide KOH >10
60 1
20 1 1
Calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2
60 1 1
20 1 1
Sodium hydrogencarbonate NaHCO3
60 1 1
norm. 20 1
Photographic developer
conc. 60 1
20 1
Potassium ferricyanide K3Fe(CN)6
60 1
20 1
Potassium ferrocyanide K2Fe(CN)6
60 1
20 1
Sodium ferricyanide N3Fe(CN)6
60 1
20 1
Sodium ferrocyanide N4Fe(CN)6
60 1

Gravity Systems – Manual | 6 9


7 0 | Gravity Systems – Manual

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