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Tidal Heating of Moons: Outreach@astronomy - Nmsu.edu

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Tidal Heating of Moons

http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/catalog/PIA11688 http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/imagegallery


This presentation is about something familiar to us, tides, in unfamiliar

settings like moons around other planets. Ocean tides on Earth may
seem boring, but the same mechanism can cause volcanoes and
geysers on other moons and even rip apart comets.
Please feel free to email me with comments or questions. I would like
to point out NMSU’s Astronomy department webpage. If you click on
“Public Events” there is a link to Request a Visit from one of the
graduate students. Activities and talks in the past have included
careers in astronomy, studying the Sun with solar telescopes, making
comets from dry ice, a football field scale model of the solar system,
and misconceptions about astronomy. We do this for free because we
enjoy sharing astronomy … and we like to talk.

Tides on Earth


What causes ocean tides on Earth? The Moon! How does it work?
Something to do with gravity, right? The model inside our heads of how
this would work has something like a bulge of water that points toward
the Moon. That makes intuitive sense because the Moon is attracting
the water gravitationally.

Tides on Earth


However, a person standing on the Earth in this model would only

experience ONE HIGH TIDE and ONE LOW TIDE. Anyone familiar
with the ocean, bays, or harbors can tell you that there are two high and
two low tides each day. Our intuitive model doesn’t explain

Tides on Earth


Gravity depends on the mass of object and the distance they’re

separated. The greater the separation, the weaker the force of gravity.
Since moons and planets are not points (they’re big balls), this results
in tides being raised. For example, the Moon raises tides on the Earth.
One side of the Earth is closer to the Moon than the other side. The
closer side feels a stronger gravitational force than the center of the
Earth, and the further side feels a weaker gravitational force than the
center of the Earth.
The yellow arrows represent the force of gravity at three places: facing
the Moon, center of the Earth, and facing away from the Moon. The
part of the Earth at that center point feels an attraction to the Moon that
is stronger than the side that isn’t facing the moon but not as strong as
the side facing the Moon. From the point of view of the center of the
Earth, the side facing away from the Moon isn’t being pulled as much ---
so it looks like it’s being pushed away by the Moon!
These forces want to stretch the Earth to look like the blue oval. The
rocky part of the Earth isn’t very elastic, so it doesn’t stretch that much;
but the water does! The water is raised by about three feet on both
sides of the Earth because of the gravitational attraction to the Moon!
The picture shows this effect greatly exaggerated. There are two “high
tides” in this picture: one the side of the Earth closest to the Moon, and
one on the side furthest from the Moon. As the Earth rotates, different
parts of the Earth are pointed toward and away from the Moon, so
different parts of the ocean are raised in “water bulges”. How much is
the water raised? About 3 or 4 feet! 4
Tides on Earth


This animation shows the Earth being tidally distorted by the Moon
(highly exaggerated). The undistorted shape of the Earth is show as a
white circle. A red point on the Earth marks a place on the West Coast
of America. The “high tide” regions are where the water bulge of the
Earth points toward and away from the Moon. The Earth rotates, so
different regions move in and out of high tide. The inset box shows the
tide condition at the red point and also shows whether the Moon is up
or not. First, watch the animation noting when the Moon is up. Then,
watch the animation and note when high and low tide occur.
The exact time of high and low tide at any particular location, as well as
how strong they’ll be, are determined by local geography (the shape of
the bay or harbor, how steep the ground is). The other planets in the
solar system are too far away to raise tides in Earth’s water, but the
Sun is massive enough that it can raise tides even though it’s 93 million
miles away from the Earth. The tides from the Sun are weaker than the
Moon’s tides. Sometimes the Moon and Sun stretch the Earth’s water
in the same direction, resulting in an unusually high tide called a Spring
Tide. Sometimes the Moon and Sun cancel each other’s tides out,
resulting in an unusually low tide called a Neap Tide.
The Earth also raises tides on the Moon, and the Apollo astronauts
used seismographs to detect moonquakes that were caused by the
change in stretching as the Moon orbits the Earth.

Moons in the Solar System
Earth’s Mars’ Jupiter’s Saturn’s Uranus’ Neptune’s Pluto’s


There are a lot of moons in our solar system. Here are a few of the
larger ones shown to scale (with the size of the Earth as a reference).
They all look different! Some have atmospheres like Titan; many have
color differences like Iapetus, Rhea, and Ganymede; some have craters
like our Moon and Callisto.

Moons in the Solar System
Earth’s Mars’ Jupiter’s Saturn’s Uranus’ Neptune’s Pluto’s


While each moon is interesting as a little world, we’ll go through

examples of unusual activity on four moons in particular: Jupiter’s Io
and Europa, Saturn’s Enceladus, and Neptune’s Triton. The odd things
observed about these moons are like puzzle pieces or evidence of just
how powerful tidal forces can be.

Jupiter’s Moon Io


Io is Jupiter’s innermost moon. It doesn’t look like our Moon since there
are very few craters on Io. This is odd because Io is old and should
have lots of craters. An infrared picture gives us a clue about what is
happening. Infrared light is like heat detection, so those spots that look
like acne are very hot!

Jupiter’s Moon Io

science-at-nasa/2007/09mar_alienvolcano/ http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap000606.html

In fact, those spots are volcanoes! There aren’t any craters on Io

because the surface is covered in lava flows and volcanic gases, just
like a new layer of snow erases footprints! The Voyager and Galileo
spacecraft saw plumes of sulfur from erupting volcanoes. A zoomed in
view (false color but shown as yellow because most of Io’s surface is
covered in sulfur) shows lava flowing from a volcano. Io is the most
volcanic body in the solar system!
While the water bulge on Earth is about 3 feet high, the land bulge on Io
is about 330 feet --- and Io is almost half the size of Earth! There are
immense tidal forces being raised on Io!

Jupiter’s Moon Europa


Europa is the next moon out from Io and it also doesn’t have many
craters. Instead, it’s smooth and covered in cracks and plates.

Europa’s Cracked Icy Surface


Europa Earth (Greenland)

These cracks highly resemble ice flows on Earth. Astronomers have

studied Europa and know that the surface is salty water ice. Since
Jupiter is 5x as far from the Sun as the Earth is, it should be very, very,
very cold ---- so water should be a solid. However, if Europa were a
solid ice ball, it should have a surface with lots of craters!
Europa has a sub-surface ocean of liquid water! The ice plates flow on
this ocean much like tectonic plates on the Earth: they collide, fold over
or under each other, and get created anew from the liquid water
beneath. Europa refreshes its surface and erases old craters. The
mystery here is that Jupiter is too far from the Sun for water to be a

Saturn’s Moon Enceladus


Saturn’s moon Enceladus resembles Europa because it is smooth

(although there are a few craters) and also has large cracks.
Enceladus is somehow refreshing its surface, but not quite as much as
Europa. Saturn is 10x further from the Sun than the Earth, so it’s even
colder than Jupiter and there is less of a reason to have liquid water!

Enceladus’ Briny Geysers http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap071013.html


The Cassini spacecraft orbits Saturn and studies it and its moons. It
found that the large cracks have geysers of salty water and ammonia.
Even if Enceladus doesn’t have a full subsurface ocean like Europa,
what could be warming the water to a liquid?

Neptune’s Moon Triton


Neptune is 19x further from the Sun than the Earth and its largest
moon, Triton, also shows ice-like cracks (middle of image) and geysers
(black plumes at the top of the image).

Tidal Heating Activity

Take about 25 minutes for the Tidal Heating Activity with elastic bands.

While we cannot recommend any name brand, this activity has been
done well with Goody “bright and bold” hair elastics for girls, especially
since they can be purchased for only a few dollars for a pack of three
sizes (of which the largest size works best).

Tidal Heating Activity
• Stretching elastic bands!
• Changing stretching = friction = heat
• Gravity stretches Moons = tidal force
• Changing tidal forces also cause heat
• Certain arrangements result in lots of

If you stretch a rubber band a lot (or bend a paper clip a lot), you can
feel it get hot. The friction of stretching the material generates heat,
and the more the stretch is varied the more heat is generated. Tidal
forces can stretch moons. Changing tidal forces can vary how they’re
stretched and, just like the elastic band, make them get hot. Certain
combinations of being closer to a planet and having other moons raise
tidal forces results in a lot of heat!

The Rings of Saturn


Tidal forces can be so strong that they rip objects apart. The activity
had you calculate this Roche Limit for Saturn. Saturn’s rings are made
of small icy particles. These particles should have clumped to form a
moon, but they couldn’t because the tidal force would pull them apart

The Rings of Saturn


The Cassini spacecraft has give us some amazing shots of Saturn. In

this one we see tiny lumpy Epimetheus in the foreground and massive
atmosphere-shrouded Titan in the background. Wait, how can a moon
exist inside Saturn’s Roch Limit? Shouldn’t it have been ripped apart?!
There is another factor to take into account: the size of the moon.
Remember how tidal force was the difference between the force of
gravity on the near and far side of a moon? The smaller an object is,
the less that difference is, and the weaker the tidal force on it. This is
moons can exist in the rings, but notice that they are very small!

The Rings of Saturn


Enceladus &
the E ring!


Notice how the moons are smaller the closer they are to Saturn.

Remember the geysers on Enceladus? The gas and ice spewed from
the cracks doesn’t fall back to the surface --- it orbits Saturn. The
geysers of Enceladus maintain Saturn’s fluffy E ring.

• Some moons are far from the Sun but are
heated somehow

• Gravity stretches moons = tidal force

• Changing tidal forces provides heat by friction

• Heated moons can have volcanoes, geysers,

and oceans!
– Tidal heating means water can be a liquid even in
places far from the Sun.
Where there’s water, there might be life!
Follow the water!

Objects can be heated by the Sun. Some moons are very far from the
Sun but are heated somehow. Gravity depends on distance, and the
closer something is the stronger the force of gravity. Tidal force is how
the side of a moon that is closer to a planet feels a stronger
gravitational force than the further side of the moon. Planets have tidal
forces on moons, moons have tidal forces on planets, and moons can
even have tidal forces on each other! The more the tidal force
changes, the more the moon stretches, and the more it heats. This
heat causes activity like volcanoes and geysers and can keep water
liquid to form oceans. This is exciting because one of the requirements
for life is water --- and tidal heating can allow liquid water to exist in
more places in the solar system! NASA’s mantra for finding signs of life
in the solar system is “follow the water”, so it would be exciting to study
active icy-watery moons like Europa!


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