Histopathological Study of Endometritis of The Cows: Abstracts

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AL-Qadisiya Journal of Vet.Med.Sci. Vol./9 No.

/1 2010

Histopathological Study of Endometritis of the cows

A. Gh. Rhyaf
Coll.Vet. Med./ Unive. of AL-Qadisiya
The present study was designed to investigate histopathological changes of endometritis
in cows. 32 specimens of uteri of normal cows were collected from AL-Diwanyia slaughter
house during 3 muonths twice weekly. All these specimens were cut and prepared for
histopathological sections , then stained with haematoxyline and eosin stain and it examined
under light microscope, the result showed hyperplasia of epithelial layer of uterus , sever
infiltration of inflammatory cells ,atrophy of uterine glands with hemorrhage and serous
edema in the uterine tissue in some cases.
The goal of reproductive inflammation of endometrial lining of
management in dairy cows is to have cow uterus, most inflammatory lesion of uterus
become pregnant in an efficient manner are infectious in origin and result either
and at profitable interval calving from ascending infection by organism that
(1,2).Although there are many causes of normally inhibits the lower genital tract or
reproduction inefficiency in dairy cows infectious agents introduced in to the
particularly management factors such as uterine cavity during mating, artificial
lack of estrus detection intensity, insemination , or post partum(10).There
traditional veterinary practice has focused are two forms of endometritis acute and
on post partum uterine disease.(3,4).The chronic form (11) :
peri-and early post partum in dairy cows is *Acute endometritis: is a short term of
form a reproductive perspective very inflammation of endometerium caused by
important(5) . Also during the reproductive infection , characterized by infiltration
life of female, uterus is exposed to the risk with polymorph nuclear leukocyte (PMNs)
of infection particularly at the time of in sub-epithelial zone of stratum
breeding and following parturition when compactum. (12).
various micro-organisms are carried from * Chronic endometritis: It is characterized
the posterior part of the genetalia or from by predominantly lymphocytic infiltration
environment in the uterine cavity (6). This some time with presence of plasma cell
micro-organism such as Escherichia and ,Macrophage ,eosinophils or mast cells
Trichomonas spp.. causing clinical disease (13).
and infertility During sexual intercourse The aim :
and after parturition(7).Retention of fetal Because of great importance of
membranes in cows often leads to increase endometritis in economic condition and for
of growth of bacteria and progress of local shut alight on this disease this study was
intra uterine inflammation almost 100% of done.
case (8,9).The term endometritis refer to
Materials and Methods
This study conducted about 3 months veterinary medicine collage of Al-
.we collected about 32 specimens which Qadisiya university for preparation of
taken from weak ,big old cows from AL- microscopic slides, all formalin fixed
Diwanya slaughter house ,the specimens specimens were dehydrated ,embedded in
taken from difference areas of uterus(body paraffin wax and sectioned on microtome
,cervix ,horns).All these uteri examined at thickness 5Mm.by microtome
grossly and then 1-2cm3 species from uteri (jung,4291,west Germany) and stained by
were taken and kept in 10% neutral haematoxylin and eosin (HE) stain (14)
buffered formalin about(7-14 days) for and then all microscopic slides are
fixation. Then the specimens sent in to the examined under light microscope.
laboratory of anatomy and histology in
AL-Qadisiya Journal of Vet.Med.Sci. Vol./9 No./1 2010

Macroscopic changes : cells in sub epithelial layer (specially
All uteri which taken from weak cows netrophiles and macrophages) Figure(1)
were examined macroscopically. The uteri and Figure(2).Atrophy of endometrial
characterized by thick wall congestion, glands and also there are sever infiltration
swallow and it contain serous exudate. of inflammatory cells Figure(3) and
Macroscopic changes: Figure(6) .some uteri in metaestrus phase
All the microscopic slides of uteri were showed sever hemorrhage with serous
examined under light microscope we exudates (edema fluids) Figure(4) and
observed,There is hyperplasia of uterus Figure(5).
epithelium and infiltration of inflammatory

Fig.(1): Histological section Uterus of cow: showed hyperplasia of epithelial lining cells of
endometrium (arrow) and infiltration of inflammatory cells in sub epithelial layer. 50X H&E

Fig.(2): Histological section Uterus of cow: showed hyperplasia of epithelium (arrow) and
infiltration of inflammatory cells (neutrophil and lymphocyte) (double arrow).100X H&E.
AL-Qadisiya Journal of Vet.Med.Sci. Vol./9 No./1 2010

Fig. (3): Histological section Uterus of cow: There are atrophy of endometrial glands
,infiltration of inflammatory cells in sub epithelial layer and presence of edema in uterine
tissue (arrows). 50X H&E.

Figure(4) Histological section Uterus of cow : There is sever hemorrhage in the uterine tissue
(arrow) with scattered inflammatory cells (double arrow).50X H&E.
AL-Qadisiya Journal of Vet.Med.Sci. Vol./9 No./1 2010

Fig.(5) Histological section Uterus of cow : There is sever hemorrhage in the uterine tissue
(arrow) with scattered inflammatory cells.100X H&E.

Fig.(6)Histological section Uterus of cow : There is few hemorrhage (arrows) with presence
of edema in uterine tissue.50X H&E.

The present study demonstrated that dilation of blood vessels referred to
the macroscopic and microscopic changes presence of uterine inflammation.
related with endometritis in cows. Grossly, Microscopic examination, we note there is
the uteri appeared thick wall, congestion, hyperplasia in epithelial layer of uterus due
swelling and it contain serous exudates. to sever infiltration of inflammatory cells
This agreed with (15), He suggest that any and this agreed with (16). He side that the
thickening in uterine wall and excessive infiltration of neutrophiles and
AL-Qadisiya Journal of Vet.Med.Sci. Vol./9 No./1 2010

lymphocytes in the lamina propria ,dense were absent or less than normal which
infiltration of lymphocytes and plasma agreed with (18), he showed in
cells resulting in hyperplasia of stratum endometritis there is atrophy of
compactum in uterine layers.Also from our endometrial glands and reduce in diameter
result there are hemorrhage in the uterine and secretary activity.The uterine tissue
tissue due to presence of inflammatory contains serous exudate (edema) which
response which resulting in dilatation of appeared due to inflammatory response
blood vessels and emerge of RBCs out the and this result agreed with (18), he
vessels into the tissues and this agreed showed that hyperemia, edema, and focal
with (17), He showed that there is mild hemorrhage, which occurred in sub clinical
amount of cellular debris and hemorrhage endometritis in repeat breeder cows.
in case of endometritis. Uterine glands
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