Jurnal Dermatopilosis
Jurnal Dermatopilosis
Jurnal Dermatopilosis
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1 author:
Salama A Osman
Kafrelsheikh University Egypt
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All content following this page was uploaded by Salama A Osman on 06 December 2015.
Department of Veterinary Medicine, College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Qassim University, 51452 Buraydah,
Qassim, Saudi Arabia.
Animal Medicine Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kafrelsheikh University, 33516, Kafrelsheikh-Egypt.
Received at: 25/8/2015 This study was conducted in Qassim region, central of Saudi Arabia to study the
clinical signs associated with dermatophilosis in sheep and goats with therapeutic
Accepted: 6/9/2015 trials using two treatment regimes. Diagnosis of dermatophilosis was based on the
appearance of the characteristic skin lesions on the affected animals and
demonstrating the causal organism from the lesions beneath the scabs. Clinically,
the examined diseased sheep and goats showed lesions in the form of exudative
dermatitis and formation of thick greasy scabs. These lesions were mainly observed
on the back of the infected animals. All cases were detected during November,
December and January (2013 and 2014). Treatment of the infected animals using
long acting oxytetracycline, 3 doses 3 days apart gave the same results as penicillin
plus streptomycin administered for five consecutive days. From the technical point
of view, it is recommend that long acting oxytetracycline, 3 doses 3 days apart are
less demanding than penicillin plus streptomycin for five consecutive days.
Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 61 No. 147 October
Skin scraping for parasitological examination: Bioagripharm, Germany) two times, one week apart
Deep skin scrapings were collected from the edges of for the environment.
suspected active lesions of the affected skin was
carried as described by Fowler (2010). RESULTS
Treated No. No. of cured animals at week (w) Total No. of the Cure (%)
group treated cured cases
1st (w) 2nd (w) 3rd (w) 4th (w)
First 10 1 4 2 3 10 100
Second 10 0 4 4 2 10 100
Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 61 No. 147 October
Fig. 1: Giemsa stained direct smear showing branched septated hyphae (The arrow) and zoospores of
Dermatophilus congolensis (X 1000).
2a 2b
Fig. 2a (Goat) and 2b (sheep): Cutaneous lesions: remarkable exudative dermatitis with crusty wrinkled
fissured skin lesion on head including ears (sheep) and dorsal view of goat particularly neck
Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 61 No. 147 October
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الوولكة العربية السعودية- دراسات إكلينيكية وعالجية عي داء الوجتلدات فى األغنام والواعز بالقصين
تم إجراء هذه ادرراةذب نطقة ذب اد ذام نلدططالذب اد رناذب ادةذ رراب درراةذب ادجراقذك ا لااقالاذب ادطت ا ذب نذراء ادطجتاذرا ذ ا قذلم
تم تشذيا هذها ادطذرض عذي ةراذق ا عذراض ا لااقالاذب ادططاذزة داطذرض.رادطلعز نل ضل ب إد ت اام لفلءة ن ض ةرق اد الج
ادطراضذب نتهذرر ادتهلنذل جاراذب ط ذارنب ند ذل جاراذب رهقاذب تطاذز اداذل.تزاطقل طع ادلشف عذي رجذرر ادطالذررك ادطةذنك
ادطرضاب يالل أشهرقر طنر للي تهرر ط تم ادال.ةطالب درات اشلل رئاة عا ادجزء ادياف طي ادااراقل ادط لنب
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تاتراةالااي ةراذل ادطف ذرل د اذب عذرر ادجرعذل رنلدتذلدي عذرر أاذلم- طي ادطةتاةي أةتيرام أرلةي، ت قال.عالج ادااراقل ادطراضب
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