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EIA Proposed Tank farm for Storage of Petroleum products at Mer Rouge by Beta Oil Terminal Ltd



3.1 Project description

The project proponent is proposing to set up a tank farm and associated pipelines on
its premises at Mer Rouge. Upon completion, the tank farm would comprise three
tanks for the storage of petroleum products; namely Marine Gas Oil 2500ppm and
Heavy Fuel Oil of viscosity up to 380 cSt. The total storage capacity of petroleum
products amounts to 19,685m3 and remains the core business activity for the
proposed undertaking. The overall objective for the undertaking is to store petroleum
products for bunkering purposes. In the event private oil companies face a shortage
of oil stock, Beta Oil Terminal Ltd will support them in oil delivery.

Offloading and bunkering of HFO and Marine Gas Oil 2500ppm would be performed
at the New Oil jetty. A bi-directional pipeline of 250mm and length 435m would
connect the new oil jetty to the tank farm. Moreover, the proponent intends to install
a new pipeline of similar diameter and length 2.7km to connect the tank farm to Quay
D for bunkering purposes only. Each respective petroleum products will be pumped
from their tankers directly to their respective tanks.

A general site layout plan, enclosed in ANNEX 8 is being proposed pending the
availability of the detailed designs.

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EIA Proposed Tank farm for Storage of Petroleum products at Mer Rouge by Beta Oil Terminal Ltd

3.1.1 Organisation structure

Figure 9: Organisation chart for management of the proposed tank farm

3.2 Characteristics of petroleum product to be stored

3.2.1 Marine Gas Oil 2500ppm

Table 5 shows the specification of Marine Gas Oil 2500ppm that will be stored on

Table 5: Physical and chemical properties

Parameter Properties
Physical state Volatile liquid
Appearance and odour Transparent liquid, colour from

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EIA Proposed Tank farm for Storage of Petroleum products at Mer Rouge by Beta Oil Terminal Ltd

clear yellow to dark brown

Concentration 99%
Flash point 60°C
Selfignition temperature 260°C
Explosive properties Lower explosiveness limit = 0.6%
Upper explosiveness limit = 7.5%
Hazards of fire and explosion Vapours can travel long distances,
reach ignition sources and backfire
to the product. Mixtures air-
vapours are explosives if
temperatures go over the flash
Vapour pressure at 20°C 1mm Hg
Vapour density From 4 to 5 (air =1)
Density at 15°C 0.833 to 0.869
Specific gravity 0.722 to 0.770
Fusion point -18°C
Boiling point 177 a 360°C
Solubility in water and other Insoluble in water

A Material Safety Data Sheet for typical Marine Gas Oil 2500ppm is provided in

3.2.2 HFO of viscosity 380 cSt

Table 6 displays the specification of HFO which has a viscosity 380 cSt at 54ºC. A
heating coil equipment mounted in the storage rank will heat the HFO at a desired

Table 6: Heavy Fuel Oil Specification

Parameter Unit Max/Min Typical

Ash %W Max 0.10
Gross Calorific Value MJ/kg Min 42
Net Calorific Value MJ/k Min 40
Carbon Residue, Conradson %W Max 18
Flash point, PMCC C Min 60
Pour point C Max 30
Density at 15 oC kg/l Min/Max 0.991

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EIA Proposed Tank farm for Storage of Petroleum products at Mer Rouge by Beta Oil Terminal Ltd

Sodium ppm Max 100

Sulphur %W Min/max 4.5
Vanadium ppm Max 350
Viscosity, Kinematic at 54 oC cSt Min/Max 380
Water %V Max 0.50
Aluminium + Silicon ppm Max 60
Calc. Carbon Aromatic Index Max 870
Total Sediment Potential % Max 0.10
Total Sediment Existent % Max 0.10

A Material Safety Data Sheet for typical HFO 380 cSt is provided in ANNEX 9.

3.3 Storage tanks for petroleum products

Conforming to the requirements of API Standard 650, all the three tanks will be of
vertical structure and of cylindrical mild steel electric arc welded constructions. The
tanks will have fixed cone roofs with weak roof-to-shell seams and coned down floor.
Whenever there is an excess of pressure in a particular tank, the roof will lift off to
avoid a rupture of the tank shell, thus meeting the purpose. Table 7 summaries the
dimensions of the tanks:-

Table 7: Dimension of each petroleum storage tank

Diameter (m) Height (m) Capacity (m3)

HFO tank 26 14 7248
White oil tank 26 14 7248
White oil tank 22 14 5189

As shown in Table 7, there will be two big tanks of diameter 26m and a smaller tank
of diameter 22m. These dimensions take into account the site extent, the tank
spacing and the distance of the tanks from the site boundary.

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EIA Proposed Tank farm for Storage of Petroleum products at Mer Rouge by Beta Oil Terminal Ltd

3.3.1 Setbacks

The tank spacing and the setbacks observed between the tanks and site boundaries
are displayed in Table 8.

Table 8: Setbacks between tanks and site boundaries

As per Inflammable Proposed setback

Liquid Regulation 1953
Distance between tank and 8m 17.7m
northern boundary
Distance between tank and
southern boundary
Distance between tank and 8m 15.1m
western boundary
Distance between adjacent 5m 13m

As tabulated above, the proposed setbacks between the tanks and the site
boundaries conform to the requirement of the Inflammable Liquid Regulation 1953
and that of NFPA. The layout plan enclosed in ANNEX 8 shows the tank spacing.

3.3.2 Secondary containment

There will be a common integrated bund wall surrounding the three tanks. The
specifications of the secondary containment structure are as follows:

Surface area of dyke 5292 m2

Dyke capacity 8000m3
Height 2100mm

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EIA Proposed Tank farm for Storage of Petroleum products at Mer Rouge by Beta Oil Terminal Ltd

3.3.3 Tank accessories

The storage tank for HFO will be painted in black so as to reduce energy
consumption since black colour is known to be a good absorbent of heat. As
for the two Marine Gas Oil 2500ppm tanks, these will be coloured by
reflectorized silver paint.

Each tank will comprise the following fittings:

- inlet
- outlet
- vents and breather valves with flame arresters
- instrumentation including electronic radar gauging devices, level indication
and high and low level alarm and trips switches
- galvanised steel stairways and handrails
- two manholes, one at ground level and one on top of the roof
- drainage
- decantation pit for drainage system
- pressure relief return
- earthing bosses
- holding down bolts
- sounding hole
- sampling valve
- spiral stairway access and platform and handrail at the top
- two spare valved connections of each nominal bore used
- foot-bridges with hand rails connecting the two adjacent pairs of tanks.
- Heating coil
- Outflow heater

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EIA Proposed Tank farm for Storage of Petroleum products at Mer Rouge by Beta Oil Terminal Ltd

3.3.4 Tank foundations

The foundation of the tanks will be based upon the Standard of API 650. Suitable for
ground conditions, the foundation will be as follows:

 A thickness of at least 450mm thoroughly consolidated hardcore

 A minimum of layer of 300mm of well compacted sand
 An ultimate 40mm layer of sand/bitumen product over the whole area

A reinforced concrete ring beam placed directly under the tank walls will support the
tank foundation.

3.3.5 Earthing and Lightning protection for tanks

In order to achieve a minimum resistance to earth of 10 ohms, the tanks will be

earthed. Provision of lightning protection will be catered for in accordance to the
subsequent standards:

 BS 7430
 BS EN 62305
 IEEE 81
 IP Model Code of Safe Practice in the Petroleum Industry Part 1: Electrical
Safety Code
 IP Model Code of Safe Practice in the Petroleum Industry Part 21: Guidelines
for the Control of Hazards Arising from Static Electricity.

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EIA Proposed Tank farm for Storage of Petroleum products at Mer Rouge by Beta Oil Terminal Ltd

3.3.6 Proposed Piping system

The conveyance of HFO and Marine Gas Oil 2500ppm from the New Oil jetty to its
dedicated storage tank will be carried out via a respective above-ground 250mm
diameter pipeline which will meet the requirements of BS EN 10216, BS EN 10217
and BS EN ISO 16812. This bi-directional pipeline will cover a distance of 435m and
will be mostly above ground, except at the road crossing part, where it will be buried.
The estimated length that will be aboveground is 410m and the length that will be
buried will be 25m.

Another pipeline of similar dimension and standards, covering a distance of 2.7km

will connect Beta Oil tank farm to Quay D. This pipeline will be above ground except
at road crossing where it will be underground. The expected lengths that would be
aboveground and buried are approximately 2.55km and 150 m respectively.

This mild steel conduit will run on concrete pipe support and will as well be trace
heated, insulated or clad except where pigging will be performed. Moreover, there
will be an outflow heater at the section of the pipe from the tanks connected to the
pumps. There will be provision for meters and bypasses, in addition to pressure
transmitters with alarms and pump shutdowns.

The routing of the pipelines and a pipe support layout plan are enclosed in ANNEX

 Pipeline pigging

Provision will be made for pipeline pigging following an inflow or outflow of HFO and
Marine Gas Oil 2500ppm in the tank farm. There will be provision for pig launchers
and receivers at strategic location on the pipeline. In this way, pigging can be
performed ensuring the pipeline remains empty following the transfer of HFO or
Marine Gas Oil 2500ppm. The pig which will be operated by compressed air linked to
a point on the pig launcher will also consist of a location verification function to allow
tracking of the pig in the pipeline by the operator

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EIA Proposed Tank farm for Storage of Petroleum products at Mer Rouge by Beta Oil Terminal Ltd

3.4 Petroleum products pumping station

The proposed undertaking will comprise a well-enclosed pump house of dimension

15m by 4m with proper ventilation system. The pump house will also be equipped
with the following:

(a) Two bunkering pumps for pipeline bunkers

(b) Three loading pumps for tank truck loading
(c) Two ac motors driven 600 m3/h duty HFO pumps (flow adjustable to 200m3/h)
(d) Inlet strainers
(e) Non- return and isolating valves
(f) Instrumentation
(g) Associated pipework

The design of the suction pipework system will be based on the fact that the
minimum NPSH of the system at low oil level in the tanks will be always above the
minimum NPSH allowed by the pump design. Moreover, provision of a low suction
pressure alarm and trip will be made upstream of the pumping station.

3.5 HFO heating

3.5.1 Storage tank heating coil

HFO which will be of viscosity of up to 380 cSt has to be heated before it is pumped.
As such, the HFO tank will be equipped with a heating coil of BS 3274 to meet the
desired temperature. Inside the tank, the temperature would be kept at 40ºC and
during pumping the temperature of HFO would be increased from 40ºC to 50 ºC. To
maintain the coil covered during normal operating, the heating coil and associated
temperature control nozzle will be situated below the level of the fuel outflow line.
Moreover, the nozzle for the temperature sensitive element of the temperature
controller will be positioned above and to one side of the heating coil. The heating

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EIA Proposed Tank farm for Storage of Petroleum products at Mer Rouge by Beta Oil Terminal Ltd

coil will be made of seamless stainless steel tube with a least number of joints. High-
pressure hot water heating system will be used in the heating coils.

3.5.2 Outflow heater

The tank outflow connection will consist of a suitable tank outflow heater based upon
the requirements of BS 3274. High pressure hot water will be used to heat the heater
such that fuel oil can be heated in turn to a minimum 50 ºC for subsequent pumping.
The outflow heater which will be of the non-contact type has a capacity of about 200

3.5.3 High pressure hot water boiler

During offloading, heating of HFO 380 cSt will be performed on the tanker itself
which comprises an incorporated boiler. On site, there will be an HFO fired shell type
(firetube) steam boiler, of capacity 4.5 MW, to supply hot water that will heat the
HFO for bunkering purposes. The operating pressure is approximately 10 bars. The
boiler will be capable of increasing and maintaining the temperature in the HFO tank
from 18 oC to 50 oC. As such, the steam boiler will be capable of supplying the in-line
heat exchangers, heat traced pipelines as well as the HFO storage tank heating
coils. A 0.5 oC increase per hour is recommended. Therefore, heating process will
last for 120 hours.

It is estimated that 379kg/hr of HFO will be required to fuel the boiler. Most of the
time, the boiler will be operating on HFO. Nonetheless, it will also be functioning on
diesel oil particularly for flushing prior to stoppage and start up so as avert clogging
of the fuel injection system. The diesel storage tank will be of capacity 10 tonnes
based on 1 day fuel requirement of 8.5 tonnes of diesel to heat the HFO tank. A
conduit will connect the diesel tank to the boiler house. The location of the diesel
tank is shown in the Site layout plan provided in ANNEX 8.

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EIA Proposed Tank farm for Storage of Petroleum products at Mer Rouge by Beta Oil Terminal Ltd

As for the steam boiler, it will be horizontally mounted. It will be adequately insulated
and will be provided with a removable top plate to enable easy maintenance of the
combustion chamber. The boiler will be located in a boiler house as identified in the
Site layout provided in ANNEX 8.

3.6 Godown

The proposed project also comprises the construction of a godown for the storage of
equipment such oil spill recovery tools. The construction of the godown will be
performed in accordance with the following requirements:

(a) The proposed store will be a concrete building equipped with either a well-fitted
metal sliding door or a metal door with opening outwards of not less than one-eighth
inch thick, carried on an angle-iron frame and set on an iron door frame. The door
will have an all-round over-lap of not less than two inches and shall be fitted with a
substantial lock

(b) The window frames will be made of metal and fitted with glass panes or metal

(c) Proper ventilation system will be provided depending the capacity of storage of
the godown.

The position of the store will not impede the escape of any person from the premises
in the event of a fire outbreak. Only authorized persons will have access to the store.

3.7 Infrastructures

3.7.1 Site offices & Amenities

The tank farm would be operated by an operating team. Therefore besides the
construction of the storage tanks and the fuel pump house, the proponent intends to

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EIA Proposed Tank farm for Storage of Petroleum products at Mer Rouge by Beta Oil Terminal Ltd

construct a godown, an electrical room, office building, steam boiler house, as well
as a security guard house which will be equipped with toilet facilities and a kitchen.
There will also be provision for a fire pump house.

The building will be made of structural concrete, rendered on the outside and
fairfaced on the inside, with blockwork infill which will be rendered on both sides.
Galvanised painted steel doors will be equipped with locks. Window frames and
ventilation louvers will be made of anodized aluminium.

Building services include wall mounted air conditioning units that shall be provided in
the security guard house, electrical room and office building. The proponent would
comply with all the requirements of occupational safety and health conditions. The
welfare of the workers on this tank farm will be maintained. The proponent would
cause the installation of toilet and shower units together with extract fans and water
heaters. There would be a supply of potable water via storage facilities. Table 9
shows the surface area of the amenities:-

Table 9: Minimum surface area of the amenities

Infrastructures Floor area (m2)

Office building 38.4
Security room 9
Godown 72
Product pump house 60
Fire water pump house 48
Electrical room 25

3.7.2 Access stairways and walkways

The design of the stairways and walkways will be based upon BS EN 14015. Each
tank will be provided with a spiral stairway access and platform and handrail at the
top. Moreover, each adjacent pair of tanks will be linked by a foot bridges with hand

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EIA Proposed Tank farm for Storage of Petroleum products at Mer Rouge by Beta Oil Terminal Ltd

3.7.3 Security

As a result of its sensitive nature, adequate security services will be catered for the
undertaking. Modern and reliable technologies would be used as means of security
for the tank farm. The periphery of the site will be enclosed by a security wall topped
with barbed wire. There will be a check post at the main entrance whereby a
security guard will control the access to and from the tank farm. Additionally, a CCTV
system would be installed to record movements.

3.7.4 Water storage facility

Water would be mainly used for firefighting and for domestic purposes. The
proponent will provide sufficient water flow for not less than 1 hour in case of a fire
outbreak. The water requirements have been estimated as shown below:

In the event of a fire outbreak from one tank;


Diameter of proposed tank = 26m

Height of tank = 14m


Roof area = π r2 = 530m2

Surface area= 2 π r h = 1143 m2

Total area of half = (530/2) +(1143/2) = 836.7 m2

Cooling water

Cooling water is required for the tanks adjacent to the tank on fire to prevent spread
of fire from tank to tank (Fire protection measures are further detailed in chapter 6).

Rate of application of cooling water to half of the tank facing the fire= 2kg/min/m2
(According to IP Code)

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Total cooling water required for half tank = 100.4m3/h


Flow rate of cooling water for two tanks = 4 * 100.4 = 401.6 m3/h
The NFPA requires that an allowance of 113m3/h of water should be provided to
cater for hose stream demand.

The required total flow rate of cooling water = 401.6 + 113 =514.6 m3/h
The required fire water storage for one hour = 520 m3

However, the proponent will provide for a dedicated water pipeline and above ground
water reservoir of 785 m3 to abate any fire outbreak. The piping network would be
linked to a fire fighting water pump house that would boost the water jet to be used
for fire abatement with enough pressure when in operation. Water supply will be met
via the Central Water Authority network distribution.

3.8 Wastewater disposal

Wastewater generated from toilet facilities would be disposed into a septic tank and
leaching field. The specifications of the disposal facilities are summarized in Table
10 and their proposed designs are enclosed in ANNEX 11.

Table 10: Specification of septic tank and leaching field

Septic tank with seal water system

Internal Dimensions 4.2m x1.4mx1.5m
Min no. of compartments 3
Min diameter of vent pipe 75mm

Total surface area of leaching field 54m3

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EIA Proposed Tank farm for Storage of Petroleum products at Mer Rouge by Beta Oil Terminal Ltd

No. of trenches 3
Length of 1 trench 15m

3.9 Electrical

Electrical accessories to be installed will be according to norms. MCC panels and

switch gears will be fixed in different electrical room. In the event of a power
interruption, a stand-by generator will be used.

As means of control measures, each petroleum storage tank will be equipped with
an automatic tank gauging system and an overfill devise. The control system will be
situated in the office building control room.

3.9.1 Power supply

The promoter will liaise with the CEB for the obtention of a suitable three-phase
power supply connection. This power line will be connected to a new LV switchboard
situated in an electrical room for the operation of fuel pumps, fire water pumps and
site lighting. Cable duct banks will be the means for electrical distribution around the
site. Directly buried cables will be used where unavoidable.

A 22kV switchgear, HT metering, two power transformers 22/0.4 kV and protective

equipment will be provided to connect the tank farm to the CEB 22 kV power
distribution line.

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EIA Proposed Tank farm for Storage of Petroleum products at Mer Rouge by Beta Oil Terminal Ltd

3.9.2 Site lighting

Incandescent electric tube enclosed in an outer flame proof fitting will be used for
lighting. Areas that will be accessed for operation and maintenance will be provided
with suitable lighting. The lighting in other areas shall be designed so that sufficient
light is available for the CCTV system to operate correctly. The lighting provided for
the CCTV system shall be operated by suitable photoelectric switches.

3.10 Control and instrumentation

3.10.1 Control and remote monitoring of alarms and trips

The new fuel oil pumps will be operated manually by means of local control switches.
A duty/standby selector switch will be provided on the LV switchboard. Moreover, an
indication and alarm panel shall be provided in the control / electrical room. It will
display all of the readings and alarms from the tank instruments.

The following measurements and alarms shall be provided as a minimum:

 high level alarm

 low level alarm
 low level trip (of supply pumps)
 level indicator of the ultra sonic sounding device design

3.10.2 CCTV

A complete CCTV system will be provided so that the tank farm can be visually
monitored from the office building. However, a CCTV monitoring screen will also be
provided in the control / electrical room.

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EIA Proposed Tank farm for Storage of Petroleum products at Mer Rouge by Beta Oil Terminal Ltd

3.10.3 Access to site

The project site is located within the Port Area. There are two main routes leading to
the Port. The site could be accessed by the tarred road adjacent to MPA office that
leads to Fort Georges and Indian Oil depot. The Site location plan enclosed in
ANNEX 1 shows the access road to the site.

3.10.4 Storm water drain

Storm water from the bund, will be channeled by a separate drainage system to a
sump situated within the bund itself. From there, it will be canalized to an oil-water
separator. The treated water will be canalized towards a soak away pit of diameter
2m and depth 2m. The location of the soak pit and details are provided in the layout
plan showing septic tank, leaching field and boiler house enclosed in ANNEX 11.

3.11 Proposed schedule for project implementation

As soon as all the relevant clearance and permits have been obtained, Beta Oil
Terminal Ltd will proceed with the implementation of the project. A general planning
has been made on the salient tasks that would be undertaken to reach the desired
goal. These include the study, design and permits stages. The proponent would not
commence any activity before the receipt of permits and licenses.

The matrix in Table 11 gives a glimpse of the salient milestones in the project

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EIA Proposed Tank farm for Storage of Petroleum products at Mer Rouge by Beta Oil Terminal Ltd

Table 11: Project implementation plan

Sr No. Short description Proposed start Planned completion

date date
1 Design of tank farm April 2013 August 2013
2 Preparation and submission of June 2013 August 2013
EIA report
3 Receipt of EIA licence - November 2013
4 Permits and clearances November 2013 January 2014
5 Selection of contractors, November 2013 December 2013
negotiation and Award of contract
for works
6 Construction work and January 2014 February 2015
commissioning of work
7 Operation March 2015

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