Final PHD Thesis of Nirjhar Bar 2016
Final PHD Thesis of Nirjhar Bar 2016
Final PHD Thesis of Nirjhar Bar 2016
Thesis submitted to
(Formerly known as West Bengal University of Technology)
In partial fulfillment of the Degree of
Nirjhar Bar
KOLKATA - 700 064
Thesis Certificate
This is to certify that the thesis entitled “Applications of Neural
bona fide record of the research work done by him under our supervision
in the duration of five years from July 2008 to July 2013. He has
knowledge. The contents of this thesis, in full or in part, have not been
submitted to any other Institute or University for the award of any degree
or diploma.
Supervisors, Prof. Manindra Nath Biswas and Co-Supervisor Prof. Sudip Kumar Das
for their counsel and guidance during the preparation of this thesis.
I am grateful to Dr. Tarun Kanti Bandyopadhyay, Dr. Asit Baran Biswas, Mr.
Kaushik Ganguly, Dr. Bimal Das, Dr. Gargi Bhattacharya, Mr. Biswajit Singha for
their continuous encouragements and support for the preparation of this thesis, sharing
their knowledge and valuable experience with me irrespective of their busy schedule.
I wish to record my sincere thanks to God Almighty, Mr. Asish Kumar Mitra,
Mrs. Sumita Mitra, Mr. Kuntal Khanra, my parents, wife, sister, other relatives and
I also wish to thank Prof. A C Gomes, Rev. Dr. Bala Sundar Singh, Dr. Geetha
Singh, and my friends who had given me a lot of encouragements over the years.
My thanks are due to their good wishes and blessings, without which it would
have been a very difficult task for me to go ahead. I pray to God for His blessings and
Place: Kolkata
Date: 10th November, 2016 Nirjhar Bar
1) Bar, N., Bandyopadhyay, T.K., Das, S.K. and Biswas, M.N. 2010. Prediction
of pressure drop using artificial neural network for non-Newtonian liquid flow
through piping components, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering.
71 187 – 194.( ISSN: 0920 – 4105)
2) Bar, N., Das, S.K. and Biswas, M.N. 2010. Prediction of Pressure Drop Using
Artificial neural Network for Gas non-Newtonian Liquid Flow through Piping
Components, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research. 49 9423 –
9429.(ISSN: 0888 – 5885)
3) Bar, N., Biswas, A.B., Das, S.K. and Biswas, M.N. 2011. Gas-non-Newtonian
Liquid Flow through Horizontally Oriented Helical Coils – Prediction of
Frictional Pressure Drop Using ANN, Artificial Intelligent Systems and
Machine Learning 3(7) 412 – 418. (ISSN: 0974 – 9543)
4) Bar, N., Ghosh, T.K., Das, S.K. and Biswas, M.N. 2011. Air-Water Flow
through 3 mm and 4 mm Tubes – Experiment and ANN Prediction, Artificial
Intelligent Systems and Machine Learning 3(8) 531 – 537. (ISSN: 0974 –
5) Bar, N., Biswas, A.B., Das, S.K. and Biswas, M.N. Holdup Analysis for Gas-
non-Newtonian Liquid Flow through Horizontal Helical Coils – Empirical
Correlation versus ANN Prediction. AIP Conference Proceedings # 1298;
International Conference on Modeling, Optimization and Computing,
(ICMOC 2010), Eds. American Institute of Physics, New York, pp 104 – 109,
2010. (ISSN: 978 – 0 – 7354 – 0854 – 8)
6) Bar, N., Ghosh, T.K., Das, S.K. and Biswas, M.N. Prediction of Flow Pattern
in Small Diameter Tubes Using Artificial Neural Network. Ciit Conference
Proc. Catalog Number: 11 – 5 – 0006. International Conference on Advances
in Engineering and Technology, (ICAET 2011), May 27 – 28, 2011. (ISBN:
978 – 4507 – 6433 – 9) – AWARDED BEST PAPER
7) Bar, N., Das, S.K. and Biswas, M.N. Frictional Pressure Drop Using ANN for
Gas-Non-Newtonian Liquid Flow through 45° Bend. Ciit Conference Proc.
Catalog Number: 11 – 5 – 0006. International Conference on Advances in
Engineering and Technology, (ICAET 2011), May 27 – 28, 2011. (ISBN: 978
– 4507 – 6433 – 9) – AWARDED BEST PAPER
8) Bar, N., Das, S.K. and Biswas, M.N. 2013. Prediction of Frictional Pressure
Drop using Artificial Neural Network for Air-water Flow through U-Bend.
Procedia Technology 10 813 – 821. (ISSN: 2212 – 0173)
9) Bar, N., Biswas, M.N. and Das, S.K. Flow Regime Prediction using Artificial
Neural Networks for Air-Water Flow through 1–5 mm Tubes in Horizontal
Plane. Second International Conference on INformation systems Design and
Intelligent Applications – 2015, (INDIA 2015), Advances in Intelligent and
Soft Computing, Vol 339, Mandal et al(Eds): Kalyani, India, January 8 – 9,
2015. (ISBN: 978 – 81 – 322 – 2250 – 7)
Mr. Nirjhar Bar is the member of IEEE and INNS.
submitted herewith. The present studies deal with the modeling of hydrodynamics of
liquid and gas-liquid flow through pipes and piping components, bend, helical coils
and flow regime prediction using artificial neural network (ANN). The data for this
analysis is acquired from literature and thesis from earlier research works carried out
in our laboratory. The thesis clearly demonstrates the predictive ability of ANN in
Page no.
List of publication
Preface i
Contents ii
List of Figures v
List of Tables ix
Summary xii
Chapter - 1 Introduction
1 Introduction 1
Chapter - 2 Artificial neural network methodology
2.1 Introduction 14
2.2 Artificial Neural Network Architecture 15
2.2.1 Input layer 16
2.2.2 Hidden layer 16
2.2.3 Output Layer 17
2.3 Different algorithms used for training 17
2.3.1 Multilayer Perceptron 17 Backpropagation algorithm 20 Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm 22
2.3.2 Radial Basis Function (RBF) 23
2.3.3 Principal Component Analysis (PCA) 25
2.3.4 Support Vector Machine (SVM) 25
2.4 Optimization of the ANN 26
2.5 Performance of the ANN 28
Chapter - 3 Non-Newtonian liquid flow through piping components in
horizontal plane
3.1 Introduction 33
3.2 Artificial neural network architecture 34
3.3 Optimization of the ANN 34
3.4 Results and discussions 35
3.5 Conclusions 36
4.1 Introduction 51
4.2 Artificial neural network architecture 52
4.3 Optimization of the ANN 53
4.4 Results and discussions 53
4.5 Conclusion 55
Chapter - 5 Gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow through 45° bend
in horizontal plane
5.1 Introduction 81
5.2 Artificial neural network architecture 81
5.3 Optimization of the ANN 82
5.4 Results and discussions 82
5.5 Conclusion 84
Chapter - 6 Gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow through helical coils
in horizontal plane
6.1 Introduction 91
6.2 Artificial neural network architecture 91
6.3 Optimization of the ANN 92
6.4 Results and discussions 93
6.5 Conclusion 95
Chapter - 7 Prediction of flow regime for air-water flow through
small diameter tube
3.1–3.4 Variation of the minimum value of MSE with the number of nodes in
the hidden layer
3.5–3.8 Variation of the average MSE for training over 5 different runs vs the
number of epochs
3.9–3.12 Variation of the average MSE for cross-validation over 5 different runs
vs the number of epochs
3.15 Comparison of pressure drop across the gate valve for testing
3.16 Comparison of pressure drop across the globe valve for testing
3.19 Comparison of pressure drop across the gate valve for prediction
3.20 Comparison of pressure drop across the globe valve for prediction
4.6–4.10 Variation of the average MSE for training over 5 different runs vs the
number of epochs in case for four different transfer functions in the
hidden layer
4.11–4.15 Variation of the average MSE for cross-validation over 5 different runs
vs the number of epochs for four different transfer functions in the
hidden layer
4.16 Comparison of two-phase pressure drop across the horizontal pipe for
testing for four different transfer functions in the hidden layer
List of figures
4.17 Comparison of two-phase pressure drop across the elbow for testing
using four different transfer functions in the hidden layer
4.18 Comparison of two-phase pressure drop across the orifice for testing
using four different transfer functions in the hidden layer
4.19 Comparison of two-phase pressure drop across the gate valve for
testing using four different transfer functions in the hidden layer
4.20 Comparison of two-phase pressure drop across the globe valve for
testing using four different transfer functions in the hidden layer
4.21 Comparison of two-phase pressure drop across the horizontal pipe for
prediction using four different transfer functions in the hidden layer
4.24 Comparison of two-phase pressure drop across the gate valve for
prediction using four different transfer functions in the hidden layer
4.25 Comparison of two-phase pressure drop across the globe valve for
prediction using four different transfer functions in the hidden layer
5.2 Variation in the average MSE for training over 5 different runs vs the
number of epochs
5.3 Variation in the average MSE for cross-validation over 5 different runs
vs the number of epochs
6.3 Variation of the average MSE for training over 5 different runs vs the
number of epochs in case of two-phase frictional pressure drop across
the coil
6.4 Variation of the average MSE for training over 5 different runs vs the
number of epochs in case of gas holdup in the coil
6.5 Variation of the average MSE for cross-validation over 5 different runs
vs the number of epochs in case of two-phase frictional pressure drop
across the coil
6.6 Variation of the average MSE for cross-validation over 5 different runs
vs the number of epochs in case of gas holdup in the coil
6.8 Comparison of the gas holdup in the horizontal coil for testing with
four different transfer functions
6.1 Comparison of gas holdup in the horizontal coil for final prediction
7.7 Cross-validation curve for MLP network trained with BP algorithm for
all 5 samples
7.11 Cross-validation curve for RBF network trained with LM algorithm for
all 5 samples
7.13 Cross-validation curve for PCA network trained with LM algorithm for
all 5 samples
3.2 Range of different data sets for all four different systems
3.10 Comparison between experimental and ANN prediction for gate valve
4.2 Range of different data sets for all five different systems
4.11 Comparison between the experimental and ANN prediction for globe
valve for transfer function 2 with 25 processing elements in the hidden
5.6 Comparison of the ANN prediction using the best network and the
experimental data
6.2 Optimum number of processing elements used in hidden layer for four
different transfer functions
6.7 Performance of neural network with different transfer functions for the
prediction of two-phase frictional pressure drop across the helical coil
6.8 Performance of neural network with different transfer functions for the
prediction of gas holdup in the helical coil
List of tables
6.9 Comparison of the prediction using the best network and the
experimental data for pressure drop per unit length
6.10 Comparison of the prediction using the best network and the
experimental data for gas holdup
6.11 Comparison of results for the prediction of gas holdup using best
neural network and output calculated using Eq. (6.1)
The single and two-phase flow through piping components, like elbows,
orifice, gate and globe valves, bend, helical coils is more complex than the straight
pipes. The problems to determine the pressure drop is important in designing and
analyzing the machines used for hydrodynamics. The friction between the fluid and
the wall causes this pressure drop. The problem of predicting pressure drop in these
systems is much more uncertain than for the straight pipe because the mechanism of
flow is not clearly defined. At least three types of losses are possible, i.e., skin
friction, loss due to change in flow direction and the constriction of the flow path.
simple processing elements, called nodes or neurons that are capable of performing
massive parallel computations for data processing and knowledge representation. The
characteristics; the system may be nonlinear, highly parallelism, robust, faulty and
failure tolerant, learning, ability to handle large information and their capability to
algorithms that will enable ANNs to learn from past information and predict present
information. The ANN models are empirical in nature but it can provide practically
accurate solutions for phenomena that are only understood through experimental data
or field observation.
The design and operation of two-phase flow system one needs to know the
hydrodynamic parameters, i.e., pressure drop, holdup and flow regime. The
knowledge of flow pattern is essential for the prediction of pressure drop, holdup and
thermodynamic quantities like heat and mass transfer coefficients (Bell, 1988 and
Spedding and Spence, 1988). The complexity of the two-phase flow system and also
the lack of basic understanding of the underling physics of the problem, the majority
of the two-phase pressure drop and holdup analysis are suggested by using either
treatment, situation increasingly arises where the liquid characteristics are non-
parameters (pressure drop, holdup, flow regimes etc.) for non-Newtonian liquid and
Chapter - 1: This chapter deals with the importance of liquid and gas-liquid flow
through various pipes and piping components and its usefulness in the various
hydrodynamics of single and two-phase flow. This chapter also gives a brief historical
review of the studies related to artificial neural networks and its development over the
Chapter - 2: It deals with the details description and the various techniques related
to the ANNs used for this study. Two types of Multilayer Perceptrons (MLP), i.e.,
respectively, Radial Basis Function (RBF), Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and
Support Vector Machine (SVM) and their optimization techniques are discussed. The
statistical parameters, e.g. Mean Squared Error (MSE), Average Absolute Relative
test (χ²) are used for the evaluation of the performance of the ANN analysis. The
methodology of the above mentioned ANNs and the training, cross-validation, testing
and the final prediction related to these ANNs are described along with the stopping
criterions during training, the values of the various constant parameters ( α , µ , λ etc.)
Chapter - 3: This chapter deals with the prediction of pressure drop for non-
Newtonian liquid flow through piping components, namely elbow, orifice, gate valve
and globe valve. The experimental data used for the prediction is collected from the
earlier work carried out in our laboratory (Bandyopadhyay and Das, 2007). Multilayer
Perceptron (MLP) consisting of a single hidden layer is used for the prediction of the
pressure drop across the piping components and is trained with Backpropagation
layer and a linear transfer function in the output layer have been used for updating the
connection weights. This analysis reveals that during the training phase the mean
squared error (MSE) for training and cross-validation kept on decreasing over the
32000 epochs for most of the cases. This is a indicator that suggests that training was
good. To optimize the network before testing and final prediction the number of nodes
or processing elements are varied from 1 to 25. The number of nodes for which the
optimum numbers of nodes are used for further subsequent analysis. The optimum
number of nodes in the hidden layer is given by 8, 14, 9 and 20 for elbow, orifice,
gate valve and globe valve respectively. The cross-correlation coefficient value is
nearly 0.99 for each of the four cases for testing and final prediction. The low value of
Average Absolute Relative Error and Standard Deviation also prove the effectiveness
Chapter - 4: This chapter deals with the prediction of pressure drop for gas-non-
Newtonian liquid flow through horizontal pipe and piping components, namely elbow,
orifice, gate valve and globe valve. The experimental data used for the prediction is
collected from the earlier work carried out in our laboratory and the subsequent
publications (Banerjee and Das, 1998; Samanta et al., 1999; Bandyopadhyay et al.,
hidden layer and a linear transfer function in the output layer have been used for
updating the connection weights. This analysis reveals that during the training phase
the mean squared error (MSE) for training and cross-validation kept on decreasing
over the 32000 epochs for most of the cases. This is a indicator that suggests that
training was good. To optimize the network before testing and final prediction the
number of nodes or processing elements are varied from 1 to 25. The number of nodes
for which the value of MSE reaches a minimum is considered to be the optimum
number. These optimum numbers of nodes are used for further subsequent analysis.
The cross-correlation coefficient value is nearly 0.98 for each of the five cases for
testing and final prediction. Because of the closeness of the result the Chi-square (χ²)
Chapter - 5: This chapter deals with the prediction of pressure drop for gas-non-
Newtonian liquid flow through 45° bend. The experimental data used for the
prediction is collected from the earlier work by Das (1988). The proposed prediction
is done with a Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) consisting of a single hidden layer, which
functions in the hidden layer and a linear transfer function in the output layer have
been used for updating the connection weights. This analysis reveals that during the
training phase the mean squared error (MSE) for training and cross-validation kept on
decreasing over the 32000 epochs for most of the cases. The best predictive network
consists of the hyperbolic tangent transfer function with 20 processing elements in the
hidden layer.
Chapter - 6: In this chapter ANN is used to predict the two-phase frictional pressure
drop and gas holdup for gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow through different helical coils
in horizontal orientation. The experimental data used for the prediction is collected
from the earlier work carried out in our laboratory and the subsequent publications
(Biswas and Das, 2007; Biswas, 2007). The proposed prediction is done with a
in the hidden layer and a linear transfer function in the output layer have been used for
updating the connection weights. The similar procedure as mentioned in the earlier
chapters is also followed here. The best predictive network consists of the hyperbolic
tangent transfer function with 10 and 15 processing elements in the hidden layer for
Chapter - 7: This chapter deals with the prediction of the flow regime in small
diameter (1 – 5 mm) tubes for air-water flow in horizontal tubes. A data bank of 2114
data collected from different literature (Barnea et al., 1983; Triplett et al., 1999;
Coleman and Garimella, 1999; Yang and Shieh, 2001; Chen et al., 2002; Ide et al.,
2007; Venkatesan et al., 2010) and 218 data points from experiments performed in
our own laboratory. The study is conducted using 5 different ANN structures, i.e., two
and Levenberg Marquardt (LM) algorithm respectively, Radial Basis Function (RBF),
Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The total
data is randomized for five different times to create five samples to eliminate
sampling error. Then each of these five samples are analyzed (training, cross-
validation and final prediction) for all five different neural networks as mentioned
patterns. Then the output is translated from symbolic data to numeric data, i.e., into 7
columns consisting of 0 and 1, where each input row corresponding to a particular air
velocity, water velocity and tube diameter is represented in the output with 6 values of
number 0 and one value of number 1. The row having number 1 corresponds to that
flow pattern. Then each sample is analyzed with the above mentioned ANNs
separately. Finally the mean of all five samples are calculated and it has been
observed that Radial Basis Function (RBF) gives slightly better predictability than the
other ANNs.
Chapter - 8: This chapter deals with the general conclusions of the entire thesis.
1 Introduction
The Artificial Neural Network or ANN models which emulate human brain
and other real-world problems (Haykin, 1994; Marini, 2009; Feng and Lu, 2010; Oh
and Lee, 2010). In scientific and engineering applications the ANN methodology
yield accurate, robust, fault and failure tolerant results for both linear and nonlinear
data analysis, fault detection, prediction of polymer quality, process control etc. in a
processing characteristics; the system may be nonlinear, highly parallel, robust, fault
and failure tolerant, ability to handle large scale data and their capability to generalize
them through experimental data or field observation. The objective of ANN based
computing is to develop mathematical algorithms that will enable ANNs to learn from
past information and predict present information as accurately as possible. The basic
numerous interconnected but simple processing elements, called nodes or neurons that
Survey of literature reveals that artificial neural networks (ANN) are now
(1986) proposed the "multilayer perceptron" (MLP) and showed that it was an
application for parallel distributed processing. From the end of the 80's there has been
bioengineering, data analysis and transformation etc. (Molga, 2003, Kumar et al.,
processes, e. g., to control the product, online estimation of product quality, drying
process of food industry etc. (Montagu and Morris, 1994; Ramesh et al., 1996; Liu et
al., 2000).
Single phase and multiphase flow of fluid through piping components is a very
theoretical methods only under simple situations. For handling complex situations
extensive data generation is necessary for generating empirical correlations. The ANN
related to hydrodynamics of single and multiphase flow through pipes and piping
components, e.g., pressure drop, gas or liquid holdup, flow regimes. The model based
on ANN exhibit the input-output mapping without following any specific rule, which
decides its widespread application. ANN models can learn from examples,
incorporate large number of variables, and provide an adequate and quick response to
the new information. However, Individual relations between the input variables and
similar to a black box. Some of the advantages of neural networks are as follows:
2) The ability to learn these relationships directly from the data used is an
advantage of ANN.
3) The Advantages of MLP is that this type of network can be used to create a
model that correctly maps the input to the output using historical data so that
the model can then be used to produce the output when the output is unknown.
4) At least in some cases if not always, i.e., for prediction by the trained network
is alternative to experimentation and save a lot of time which may have been
However, ANN technique also has some disadvantages (Sando et al., 2005) like,
2) The individual relations between the input variables and the out variables are
Adhikari and Jindal (2000) used ANN approach to predict pressure drop of
Larachi et al. (2001) combined the ANN and dimensional analysis to derive
correlations for bed porosity and liquid and gas holdup in three phase fluidization.
Blanco et al. (2001) reported the applicability of ANN modeling to determine several
linear and non-linear physical properties of bitumens. Shaikh and Al-Dahhan (2003)
reported the prediction of the overall gas holdup in bubble column reactors using
artificial neural network using a databank of around 3500 experimental data collected
from the open literature. Xie et al. (2003) used ANN for the prediction of flow regime
in gas-liquid-pulp fiber slurry flow. Sablani et al. (2003) reported ANN approach to
predict the friction factor for flow of bingham plastic. Sablani and Shayya (2003)
developed ANN based non-iterative calculation of the friction factor for power law
fluids. Molga (2003) reported the two types of neural models namely a global neural
model and a hybrid neural model to a conventional CSTR reactor. Zhao et al. (2005)
reported the use of ANN to calculate the thixotropic stress of waxy crude oil. Torkar
suspension. Lahiri and Ghanta (2008) reported the use of ANN for the prediction of
ANN for the estimation of the heat transfer coefficient in liquid-solid fluidized bed.
Marini (2009) reviewed the applicability of the ANN prediction in foodstuff analysis.
Recently, Singha et al. (2014) successfully used ANN to predict percentage removal
The first article on the application of neural networks in physics was reported
by Gorman and Sejnowski (1988), where they used ANN to classify sonar returns
from two undersea targets, a metal cylinder and a similarly shaped rock. Cutts et al.
(1989) demonstrated that ANN is an important tools for pattern recognition in high-
energy Physics. Lynch et al. (2001) reviewed the existing works on neural networks
in Physics and also suggested some possible applications in Physics. They observed
that data acquisition, device control and robotics are the prime area for the use of
neural networks. In quantum mechanics first Darsey et al. (1991) and then Androsiuk
et al. (1994) used neural network to solve the Schrödinger equation to find
developed a new methodology for solving the Schrödinger equation based on the
genetic algorithm and the neural network. Müller (2003) discussed the applications of
artificial intelligence in high energy and nuclear physics. Caetano et al. (2011)
and molecular physics using ANN derived from density function theory (DFT). In the
using a two-stage feed forward neural network (Hosseini et al., 2006). Meneses et al.
(2011) proposed a method using Energy Minimization via Graph Cuts (EMvGC)
due to intensity variation of phase contrast. They concluded that EMANN performed
Artificial neural networks (ANN) have been used as analytical tools in some
cases related to fluid dynamics. Cai et al. (1994) used self Kohonen self-organizing
feature map model to classify the flow regimes of air-water two-phase horizontal flow.
Tsoukalas et al. (1997) used a neurofuzzy system to classify patterns during air-water
vertical flow. Mi et al. (1998, 2001) investigated two-phase gas-liquid flow regime in
vertical flow using neural network systems. They used signals from electrical
capacitance probes as input to the neural network for the training process of the
performed their study on the applicability of ANNs for downstream flow forecasting
in the Apure river basin (Venezuela). The study of Milano and Koumoutsakos (2002)
showed that ANN can be used to get good reconstruction and prediction capabilities
for the near wall velocity fields. Sunde et al. (2005) successfully used a MLP trained
upward flow. Trafalis et al. (2005) used MSVM models to predict the flow regimes in
vertical and horizontal two-phase flow in pipes. Their study had shown that MSVN
(2006) reported the flow regime classification using Probabilistic neural network
(PNN) and self-organized neural network (SONN) for air-water upward two-phase
flow from the signals measured from a conductivity probe during experiment. They
flow regime identification. Sharma et al. (2006) used probabilistic neural network
based Bayes-Parzen classification theory to predict flow pattern in the air-water flow
through vertical pipelines. Yunlong et al. (2008) used a method based on image multi-
feature fusion and support vector machine (SVM) to identify gas-liquid two-phase
flow regime. They observed 100% accuracy for the overall identification of the flow
regime. Bai et al. (2008) presented the input signals to a linear vector quantization
(LVQ) ANN and they were able to predict flow regime very accurately. Kuwahara et
al. (2008) successfully used radial basis function (RBF) to classify flow regimes for
pressure drops using CFD and ANN. Tambouratzis and Pázsit (2009) presented a
Reactor (BWR) two-phase flow regimes from neutron radiography images (frames) of
regression ANN for the identification of the two-phase flow that occurs in the coolant
channels of boiling water reactors and they were able to predict flow regime very
accurately. Recently Yari et al. (2014) used an artificial neural network (ANN) model
Bar and Das (2011, 2013a) successfully predicted the two-phase friction
factor for gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow through 90o, 135o and 180o bend using
hidden and output layer; they used four different transfer functions in their modeling.
Recently Bar and Das (2013b) successfully predicted flow regimes related to air-
water flow in micro channels (0.05 – 0.6 mm) using 3 different ANN structures i.e.,
algorithm and Levenberg Marquardt (LM) algorithm respectively and Support Vector
Machine (SVM) of diameters in horizontal plane. These studies prove that when we
hydrodynamic parameters using ANN. From the above study one can draw the
conclusion that artificial neural network has now become a integral part of physics.
The single and two-phase flow through piping components, like elbows,
orifice, gate and globe valves, bend, helical coils is more complex than the straight
pipes. The problems to determine the pressure drop is important in designing and
analyzing the machines used for hydrodynamics. The friction between the fluid and
the wall causes this pressure drop. The problem of predicting pressure drop in these
systems is much more uncertain than for the straight pipe because the mechanism of
flow is not clearly defined. At least three types of losses are possible, i.e., skin
friction, loss due to change in flow direction and the constriction of the flow path.
food, pharmaceutical, metallurgy and physics. For the optimization of design and
operation of two-phase flow system one needs to know the hydrodynamic parameters,
i.e., pressure drop, holdup and flow regime. Hagen (1839) was the first to determined
the pressure drop for capillary flow as sum of viscosity and kinetic energy term. The
(1841). Later it was established that the viscosity is an intrinsic property of the
material (Navier, 1823; Stokes, 1845). These theories had a huge impact in
The knowledge of flow pattern is essential for the prediction of pressure drop,
holdup and thermodynamic quantities like heat and mass transfer coefficients (Bell,
1988; Spedding and Spence, 1988). The complexity of the two-phase flow system and
also the lack of basic understanding of the underling physics of the problem, the
majority of the two-phase pressure drop and holdup analysis are suggested by using
enormous amount of literature are available in the gas-Newtonian liquid flow through
tubes and are summarized in several books (Wallis, 1969; Govier and Aziz, 1972;
Hestroni, 1982; Crowe, 2006). However, Taitel and Dukler (1976) developed
mechanistic model to predict the flow regime transition and later on other researchers
(Xiao et al., 1990; Ansari et al., 1994; Kaya et al., 1999; Zhang et al., 2003a, b)
developed comprehensive mechanistic models to determine the flow pattern and also
to compute the pressure drop and holdup for gas- liquid flow. Very little work has
been reported with two-phase gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow in comparison with the
gas-Newtonian liquid system. The literature review of Das (1988) indicated that the
Newtonian liquid flow and also it has great practical importance particularly in
transport of non-Newtonian liquid and other industrial applications. Das et al. (1989,
1992) developed empirical correlation for the prediction of frictional pressure drop
and holdup for gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow through horizontal tube. Dziubinski
(1995) developed an expression of drag ratio for two-phase pressure drop for
The flow through curved geometry is more complex than that of straight pipe,
when flow enters the curved pipe the presence of curvature generates the centrifugal
force that acts right angle to main flow and results in secondary flow. The strength of
the secondary flow depends on the curvature of the surface. The secondary flow is
superimposed on the main flow and the point of maximum velocity is moved towards
the outer wall. A literature survey indicated that numerous publications could be
found dealing with flow phenomenon and the pressure drop in single-phase flow
through piping components and helical coils (Berger and Talbot, 1983; Das, 1996
a,b). Two-phase gas-liquid flow through curved pipes is more complex in nature.
When the flow enters the curved portion, the heavier density phase is subjected to a
larger centrifugal force and causes the liquid to move away from the center of the
curvature. For helical coils this process is a continuous function of coil geometry.
However, two-phase flow in helical coils has rarely investigated. Mandal and Das
(2002, 2003) reported the extensive literature survey for gas-Newtonian liquid flow
through helical coils. The area of gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow has received
increasing attention in last few decades. The primary reason is the many industrial
applications in which the systems exhibit complex rheological behaviors. But the
through coils have limited study. Mathematical models derived from the physical
difficult as the phenomena of momentum transfer between the phases, the wall
friction, the shear at the phase interface, change of flow direction, phase separation
using empirical or semi empirical correlation. In many industrial systems like power
necessary to monitor the flow regimes during normal and also transient operation
conditions for the safety and overall performance. So the accurate prediction of the
flow regime is an important task. Techniques developed for flow regime detection are
transparent pipes (Hanafizadeh et al., 2011), while some recent methods are X-ray
capacitance tomography, flow induced vibration and ultrasound techniques (Xu and
Xu, 1998; Jana et al., 2006; Hua et al., 2010; Hernandez et al., 2011; Kreitzer et al.,
2012, 2013). However, the main two methods used by the researchers to identify two-
phase flow regimes are direct observation such as high speed photography and
signals (Jones Jr. and Zuber, 1975; Matsui, 1986; Lowe and Rezkallah, 1999; Sun et
al., 2006; Paranjape et al., 2011;). Empirical flow regime map was first developed by
Baker (1954) and later Taitel and Dukler (1976) proposed flow regime map using
superficial gas velocity and superficial liquid velocity as coordinate system. These
studies prove that when we consider fluid dynamics as a whole, the accurate
scientific method are extremely difficult for the various complexities of the type of
fluid systems and the geometry of the components. It is also clear that the knowledge
components used for the flow of fluid. So it is necessary to study the usefulness of
empirical correlation.
network is a very important analytical tool for large scale data processing and it can
to complex flow conditions, using artificial neural networks. The present thesis
and piping components, namely horizontal tube, elbow, orifice, gate valve and
globe valve.
horizontal tubes.
Chapter 1 presents the importance of liquid and gas-liquid flow through various pipes
and piping components, its usefulness along with the details literature review
focusing on the hydrodynamics of single and two-phase flow and the research
work done in this field by various researchers in the past. This chapter also
gives a brief historical review of the studies related to ANN, its application in
Analysis (PCA) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) and their optimization
techniques i.e., their overall methodology. It also gives the detail of the
Chapter 3 presents the prediction of pressure drop for non-Newtonian liquid flow
through piping components, namely elbow, orifice, gate valve and globe valve.
The low value of Average Absolute Relative Error and Standard Deviation
and with the cross-correlation coefficient value of nearly 0.99 for each of the
four cases for testing and final prediction proves the effectiveness of the
Chapter 4 presents the prediction of pressure drop for gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow
through horizontal pipe and piping components, namely elbow, orifice, gate
valve and globe valve. The low value of Average Absolute Relative Error and
0.98 for each of the five cases for testing and final prediction proves the
effectiveness of the analysis. Finally the Chi-square (χ²) test was performed to
Chapter 5 presents the prediction of pressure drop for gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow
through 45° bend. The low value of Average Absolute Relative Error and
0.98 for each of the five cases for testing and final prediction proves the
effectiveness of the analysis. Finally the Chi-square (χ²) test was performed to
Chapter 6 presents the prediction of two-phase frictional pressure drop and gas holdup
orientation. The low value of Average Absolute Relative Error and Standard
Deviation and with the cross-correlation coefficient value of nearly 0.95 for
each of the five cases for testing and final prediction proves the effectiveness
of the analysis for the prediction of two-phase frictional pressure drop. Finally
the Chi-square (χ²) test was performed to find the best result.
coefficient value was found to be nearly 0.90. To verify the accuracy of the
result for the prediction of gas holdup is copared with the empirical correlation
Chapter 7 presents the prediction of the flow regime in small diameter (1 – 5 mm)
tubes for air-water flow in horizontal tubes using 5 different ANN structures.
First the total of 2332 data are divided into five samples to eliminate sampling
error. Then each of these five samples are analyzed (training, cross-validation
and final prediction) for all five different neural networks. Finally the mean of
all five samples are calculated and it has been observed that Radial Basis
Function (RBF) gives slightly better predictability than the other networks.
2.1 Introduction
This chapter deals with the ANN methodology used for the present study. It
gives brief description of the training algorithms used and their relevant
INForm, CAD/Chem, Statistica, EasyNN, WEKA etc. with various versions are
available in the market. Some of them were tried for this study also. Chen et al. (2002)
reported their test performed on four available neural network packages namely,
concluded that all the software packages have the capacity to generate reasonably
predictive models. They also reported that the optimized neural network architecture
may vary from program to program and claimed that NeuralShell2 had given the best
predictability but the methodology for choice of training algorithm was not properly
mentioned. Hence the comparison was not proper. Plumb et al. (2005) reported their
test performed on three available neural network packages (Matlab, INForm and
algorithms. They concluded that the optimized neural network architecture may vary
from software to software but there are no significant differences in the predictive
ability of the three software packages. Neurosolution 5 was used for the analysis of all
Sola and Sevilla (1997) reported the effects of data normalization on the ANN
recently it was reported that without normalization of data also yields better results
different type of artificial neural networks when it is used for function approximation
and classification problems in the field of fluid dynamics. The function approximation
pressure drop, two-phase frictional pressure drop, gas holdup etc. for liquid and gas-
horizontally oriented helical coils and bends using backpropagation (BP) algorithm on
network is demonstrated by the prediction of flow regime in small diameter (1–5 mm)
Basis Function (RBF), Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Support Vector
Machine (SVM).
Fig. 2.1 shows the schematic diagram of an artificial neural network (ANN).
Multilayer Perceptron technique was proposed and successfully applied in the parallel
dimensional output (Lopez and Oňate, 2006). These functions are parameterized by
all the biases and synaptic weights in the neural network (Šima and Orponen, 2003). It
was observed that a multilayer perceptron with one hidden layer of sigmoid neurons
and an output layer of linear neuron provides a general framework for approximating
any function up to any desired degree of accuracy, provided sufficiently many hidden
approximation in this thesis consists of three layers. The MLP used for classification
The input layer simply accepts the data from the specific file and after
The number of hidden layers and the number of processing elements or nodes
in them vary, according to the optimization capability using any particular training
algorithm and network architecture. The synapse that connects the hidden layer to the
input layer adjusts the weights and the learning rates. It is always desired that the
different transfer functions were used for our network. These are represented below as
eβ x − e− β x
Transfer function 1: =y f= βx
( x) tanh= (2.1)
eβ x + e− β x
= β x 1 for β x > 1
Transfer function 2: = ( x) β x where
y f= (2.2)
β x = −1 for β x < −1
= β x 0 for β x < 0
Transfer function 3: = ( x) β x where
y f= (2.3)
= β x 1 for β x > 1
Transfer function 4: =y f=
( x) (2.4)
1 + e− β x
where, β is the gain and it is used to control the steepness of the transfer function. The
Since Generalized delta-rule algorithm is used for the backpropagation for this
network so a bias function is used. The number of processing elements or nodes in the
output layer may vary also according to the necessity. For all problems of function
mathematically represented as
y= f ( x)= x + b (2.5)
where, b is the bias term. It is the processing element of the output layer each of
which sums the weighted connections from the hidden layer. Thus the bias function
simply adds a fixed number to the summation of the processing elements and the
output is generated. The linear processing element is constructed with a synapse and a
bias axon. The Synapse implements a sum of products and the bias axon adds the bias.
The training process is actually a process of learning for the network. There
are three types of learning, i.e., supervised, unsupervised and reinforced learning.
During the training process the all the weight values are adjusted so that we can
obtain the best nonlinear relationship between the input and output parameters. The
success of the ANN analysis primarily depends on the type of network chosen and
then the algorithm used to update the weight values. The most popular known type of
ANN structures are chosen for the studies presented here. A brief description of all
The MLP was first proposed by Werbos (1974) and then implemented
architecture one must keep in mind the size of the network, the complexity, the
Artificial Neural Network Methodology
training time and most importantly the capacity of generalization, i.e., ability to give
satisfactory results for data different from that used in training. To choose the proper
network architecture for MLP one need to consider the choice of the number of
hidden layers, the transfer functions used in those hidden layer and the algorithms
Presently, there are many training algorithms reported in the literature, e.g.,
Menhaj, 1994), Bees Algorithm (BA) (Pham et al., 2006) etc. As a result of the
various studies done (Chan, 1990; Karras and Perantonis, 1993; Sidani and Sidani,
1994; Alpsan et al., 1995; Hanan and Bishop, 1997) it can be concluded that the
i.e., performance of the network is not system independent. For this study we have
During the last three decades a network with single hidden layer using some
popular transfer functions like sigmoid, hyperbolic tangent etc. were used to perform
1989; Hornik et al., 1989; Barron, 1993; Bar and Das, 2011; Bar and Das, 2013a).
MLPs are structured with the above mentioned three layers: an input layer,
hidden layer(s) and an output layer. Processing elements or nodes in the input layer
of the j (where=
j 1, 2, − − −, N ) processing elements of the hidden layer. The synapse
Artificial Neural Network Methodology
that connects the hidden layer to the input layer adjusts the weights and the learning
rates. Each input signal is then being multiplied by their respective connection
weights wij . Then every processing element in the hidden layer sums its input signals.
If the output of the jth processing element in the hidden layer is h j then
h j = f nh ∑ wij xi (2.6)
j =1
where, f nh denotes the nth hidden layer transfer function. For this analysis the four
( n = 4 ) different transfer functions in the hidden layer have been used. The transfer
functions used in the form of equation are presented in Eqs. (2.1–2.4). If y is the
network output (a single output, i.e., single and two-phase pressure drop, frictional
pressure drop per unit length) of the processing element of the output layer and w j is
the connection weight corresponding to the jth hidden layer output, i.e., h j , and the
y = f out ∑ w j h j (2.7)
j =1
where, f out is the output layer transfer function. It is the linear transfer function and is
modifying the connection weights wij and w j that have been randomly chosen at the
beginning of the training to minimize the sum of the squared difference between the
desired and the network output E with each epoch. Where E is represented as:
1 2
xin − yin2 ) (2.8)
Artificial Neural Network Methodology
where, i corresponds to the ith input, n corresponds to the nth epoch during training.
The training process continues, i.e., the number of epochs are chosen such that the
network reaches a point where the modifications of the connection weights do not
of the training is reached during training. The modification process of the connection
weights is done using training algorithm. The important aspects of training algorithm
are the type of learning of the network and the speed of training process.
Fig. 2.2 represents the flowchart of typical Backpropagation process used for
earlier papers (Bar and Das, 2011, 2012a, 2013a,b). After the output is generated the
criterion function accepts the output(s) of the network and compares them with the
desired output(s). It calculates the error and passes this error to the backpropagation
components, which propagates the errors backward through the network and allows
adaptation of the weights in the hidden layer processing elements and a closed-loop
control system is thus established. The weights are adjusted using a gradient-descent-
based algorithm. Widrow et al. (1988) proposed the Generalized delta-rule algorithm
which is used for the Backpropagation. If wij (t ) is the value of connection weight in
the hidden layer then the weights are updated using the following equation during the
epoch number (t + 1) ,
∆wij (t ) = (t ) (2.9)
The above equation was modified by using a momentum term and is represented by
∆wij (t ) =−α (t ) + µ∆wij (t − 1) (2.10)
Artificial Neural Network Methodology
where, ∆wij (t ) represents the change of connection weights for the jth processing
element in the hidden layer during epoch number t with that of ith input xi . α is
and it will yield a higher change in the weight value also. This will cause the search to
oscillate on the error surface a bit more than usual, which in turn will make
convergence difficult. In contrast the smaller value of α allows the search to be slow
The value of µ helps updating the weight values in such a way that the search
escape local minima and reduce the possibility of instability (Haykin, 1994). A greater
value of µ will make sure that the search is not stuck in a local minima. On the other
hand it can also create the possibility where there is the risk of overshooting the
solution exactly similar to the case of high value of α . According to Henseler (1995)
when µ >1.0 will cause instability. Also a smaller value of µ will slow down the
The initial values of α and µ for BP algorithm are not mentioned in some of
the papers where these algorithms are successfully used (Ubeyli and Guler, 2004;
Ozkan et al., 2010; Bonakdari et al., 2011). Although in some papers the values of
above mentioned parameters are given (Karnin, 1990; Maier and Dundy, 1998;
Udelhoven and Schutt, 2000; Yildiz et al., 2002; Desai et al., 2005; Ho, 2009). From
the above literature survey it is clear that the values are randomly chosen. So it is
clear that these values are dependent on the problem it deals with. The initial values of
these constant parameters mentioned for training of BP are kept constant throughout
this analysis. A few of these values of α and µ for BP algorithm are kept common
Artificial Neural Network Methodology
for this study and the studies by Karnin (1990), Maier and Dundy (1998), Udelhoven
and Schutt (2000), Yildiz et al. (2002), Desai et al. (2005) and Ho (2009). For this
analysis gives more emphasis towards the variation of number of processing elements
in the hidden layer and transfer functions used for the individual algorithms. In the
This is a second order learning algorithm that uses the method of optimization.
If N is the number of epochs and n is the number of weights then the weight update
w (J T
J + λI ) J Te (2.11)
where, J is ( N ×1) × n Jacobian matrix and e is ( N ×1) ×1 error matrix, I is the identity
e= (2.12)
t xt − yt (2.13)
where, xt and yt are the desired output and actual output during epoch number t
The modified Jacobian matrix J (since there is only 1 output) is represented as:
Artificial Neural Network Methodology
In this algorithm the only user dependent parameter is λ , which is set only in the
beginning. It is required for the user to modify the value of λ during the training any
more. When λ is large the algorithm behaves like steepest descent and when it is
small the algorithm behaves like Gauss-Newton. In this way the Levenberg-
Marquardt algorithm combines the best features of these two algorithms but avoids
most of their limitations. In the present study this is used for the problems related to
Broomhead and Lowe (1988) were the first to use RBF network. Moody and
Darken (1989), Poggio and Girosi (1990) also used Gaussian as there transfer
function in the network used by them. RBF consists of three layers, namely an input
layer, a hidden and output layer having linear transfer function. The training process
of RBF consists of two stages, the first of which is unsupervised and the next stage is
The unsupervised learning stage determines the parameters for the basis
function. It only involves the input data. In this study k-means clustering algorithm is
used. It is used to divide the total input data into k number of subsets in such a way
that the distance between each of the cluster center and the points in there are
minimized. The basis function for the network used in this study is a Gaussian
n 2
∑ ( xi − X )
G ( xi ) = exp − i =1 (2.15)
2σ 2
where, n is the number of inputs, X is the center of each Gaussian and σ is the RBF
width parameter. This width parameter, σ value varies from one cluster to another.
∑ ∑ w G (x )
h( xi ,σ j ) = i j i (2.16)
i =1 j =1
where, N is the number of basis functions. The optimization of the width σj of the
RBF kernel parameter is done using an iterative process. The first aim of the training
basis function (Gaussian). It should be noted that central point of each cluster may not
be coinciding with any data point. Any supervised learning algorithm can be used for
algorithm is used. A hyperbolic tangent transfer function presented in Eq. (2.1) is used
as a transfer function during the supervised learning stage in the various processing
The transformation from input to hidden layer is highly nonlinear and the
hidden layer to output layer is fully linear. This linear output is given by,
F ( xi ) = w0 + ∑ wi {h( xi ,σ j )} (2.17)
i =1
and the choice of the value of k apart from the optimization of the value of the width
Artificial Neural Network Methodology
parameter. For the present study RBF analysis is used for problems of Classification,
The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was first used by Oja (1982, 1992)
and later on developed also by Sanger (1989). This analysis also involves a
(1989) is used for this analysis in the unsupervised stage. It is primarily a process of
feature extraction in the first stage then the classification of this features in the second
number of principal components can be chosen by the user according to their choice.
For the present study analysis using PCA network is used for the problem of
Classification, i.e., flow regime prediction. The basics of the method and some
modification are also discussed by other researchers (Karmer, 1991; Damiantaras and
The Support Vector Machine (SVM) was first proposed by Glucksman (1966)
and later on it was popularized later by others (Boser et al., 1992; Cortes and Vapnik,
two sets of data for classification in such a way that the difference between the two
sets are maximum, i.e., SVM orients a boundary in such a way that the distance
between the boundary and the nearest data in each set is maximum (optimal
separating surface which is equidistant from both the sets). Let us consider two
data set then the boundary on set A is considered to be passing through some points of
the set A and the similar is true for the boundary of set B. The points falling on
(defining) the boundary of A and B are known as support vectors. Once the SVs are
selected the rest of the data can be rejected and by doing so the number of training
data is reduced. For the present study analysis using SVM network is used for the
problem of Classification, i.e., flow regime prediction. The basics of the method are
also discussed by other researchers (Vapnik, 1998; Burges, 1998; Amari and Wu,
Initially the total data is randomized to prevent sampling error. Then 60% data
points are used for training, 20% for cross-validation, 10% for testing and the rest 10%
used for prediction for the problems related to function approximation. It is always
desired that the number of processing elements in the hidden layer must be kept
minimum to reduce the complexity of the network. In the hidden layer the numbers of
processing elements are optimized by varying the number 1 to 25. Similar procedure
is followed in all of our earlier paper (Bar and Das, 2011, 2012a, 2013a). When a
neural network starts to train the connection weights start to modify so that the error is
(Bar and Das, 2011, 2012a,b, 2013a,b). The stopping criterion of the training is
dependent on the value of the training and cross-validation MSE. For the problems
where at the time of training, both the training and cross-validation error kept on
decreasing all the times the minimum value of MSE for training is considered to be
optimum to chose the number of processing elements or nodes in the hidden layer. If
there is some increase in the value of cross-validation MSE then the point where the
threshold value of the MSE for cross-validation in all cases has been kept as 0.001 for
all the problems related to function approximation (pressure drop and holdup
prediction) and is 0.01 for the problems related to classification (flow regime
prediction). There are also some other stopping criterions dependent on the algorithm
For the hidden layer of Backpropagation (BP) network the value of learning
rate α is 1 and that of momentum coefficient µ is 0.7. For the output layer of BP
network the value of learning rate α is 0.1 and that of momentum coefficient µ is 0.7.
The maximum numbers of epochs used are 32000. Another stopping criterion has
been added, i.e., if there is no improvement of the value of cross-validation MSE for
numbers of epochs are 500. If for 200 epochs there is no improvement in the value of
For the training of Rradial Basis Function (RBF) network 1000 epochs for
unsupervised learning and maximum of 1000 epochs for supervised learning. The
numbers of clusters (K value) are kept 15. However training is stopped when no
learning phase have been observed. For the supervised learning Levenberg-Marquardt
algorithm has been used for updating the weights under supervised learning condition.
There are 3 principal components kept for this analysis. For training of
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) network with three principal components, 1000
epochs have been used for unsupervised learning and also 1000 epochs for supervised
validation MSE for 200 consecutive epochs during supervised learning phase. For the
For the training with Support Vector Machine (SVM) network 1000 epochs
∑ (x − y )
i =1
i i
1 N
( yi − xi )
∑ i =1 xi
The AARE and Standard Deviation are kept as small as possible for the better
∑ ( x − x)( y − y)
i i
R= i =1
=i 1 =i 1
∑ ( x − x) ∑ ( y − y )
It has also been verified that the Cross-correlation coefficient between input and
( xi − yi ) 2
χ2 = ∑ (2.22)
i =1 yi
The Chi-square test has also been performed to find the best-fit network model. The
The thesis consists of the studies on the applicability of ANN modeling as,
hidden with the Eq. (2.1) and output layer with the Eq. (2.5) as transfer
ii. Prediction of pressure drop across the pipes and piping components for
in hidden layer with the Eqs. (2.1 – 2.4) and output layer with the Eq.
iii. Prediction of pressure drop across the 45o bend for gas-non-Newtonian
Eqs. (2.1 – 2.4) and output layer with the Eq. (2.5) as transfer functions.
Artificial Neural Network Methodology
iv. Prediction of pressure drop and holdup across the helical coil in horizontal
training algorithm in hidden with the Eqs. (2.1 – 2.4) and output layer
In i where i = 1, 2, ---- n
Inputs and the corresponding outputs are
presented to the hidden later
Processing Elements vary from 1 to 25 for each Transfer Function
Output of the output layer is calculated using the following transfer functions i.e.,
Y = f ( Yo ) . If Y = y , then Y= f ( y )= y + b
o o
Weight and bias are updated and stored using the following equation
Weight update equation is
w io=
(New) w io (Old) + ∆w io
Bias update equation is
θ io (New)
= θ io (Old) + ∆θ io
Estimation of error Ei
∑ (x i
− yi )
i =1
No Ei ≤ 1 × 10-3
End Training
Fig. 2.2 Flowchart representing training of the single hidden layer backpropagation
Numerous investigations have shown that ANN can be used successfully for
correlating experimental data sets for macroscopic single and multiphase flow
characteristics. The approach proved its worth when rigorous fluid mechanics
treatment based on the solution of first principle equations is not tractable. Evaluation
and prediction of the frictional pressure drop across different piping components such
as orifices, gate and globe valves and elbows in 0.0127 m piping components for non-
Newtonian liquid flow is manifested in this chapter. The experimental data used for
the prediction is taken from the earlier work carried out in our laboratory,
Bandyopadhyay and Das (2007). The proposed approach towards the prediction is
algorithm because the function approximation is achieved with very good accuracy
using MLPs.
3.1 Introduction
The pipe fittings for valves, elbows, orifice, etc. are the essential part of any
than the straight pipes. The problems to determine the pressure drops in pipe fittings
are important in designing and analyzing the machines used for hydrodynamics. The
friction between the fluid and the fitting wall causes this pressure drop. Dissipation of
energy takes place when the flow of fluid takes place through pipes, which can be
detected by the pressure drop across the various cross-sections within the pipes. The
problem of predicting pressure drops in pipes is much more uncertain than for the
straight pipe because the mechanism of flow is not clearly defined. At least two types
of losses are possible i.e., skin friction and loss due to change in flow direction. In the
present paper application of ANN is used to predict the pressure drop in different
Non-Newtonian liquid flow through piping components in horizontal plane
piping components for the flow of non-Newtonian liquid based on the earlier
experimental work carried out in our laboratory by Bandyopadhyay and Das (2007).
Experimental data has been collected from the study conducted in our
laboratory earlier (Bandyopadhyay and Das, 2007). Table 3.1 represents the
description of the number data used for neural network analysis, and Table 3.2
Input parameters are the physical and operating variables of the system. The
physical variables include the diameter of the tube, Dt, radius of curvature of the
elbow, Reb, angle of the elbow, αeb, ratio of the valve opening to the full opening of
valve (α) in case of globe and gate valve, properties of the non-Newtonian liquid, i.e.,
flow behavior index (nʹ), consistency index (Kʹ), density (ρl), while the operating
The hyperbolic tangent function presented in Eq. (2.1) is preferred for this
problem because
1) Hyperbolic tangent function has grater slope than that of the logistic function.
2) Hyperbolic tangent function has a negative response for negative input and
positive response for a positive input on the other hand the logistic function
Initially the total data is randomized. The first 60% of data points are used for
training, the next 20% for cross-validation, the next 10% for testing and the rest used
for prediction.
In the hidden layer the numbers of nodes are optimized varying the number 1
to 25, and each case the MSE is calculated. Figs. 3.1 – 3.4 show the variation of MSE
Non-Newtonian liquid flow through piping components in horizontal plane
with the number of nodes for different systems. It is clear from the graph that at a later
stage there is an upward trend of MSE is observed. Similar trends are also observed
by Yetilmezsoy and Demirel (2008). The optimum number of node is that node where
the MSE is minimum. Table 3.3 shows the optimum number of nodes in the training
section of the ANN for different system. These optimum numbers of nodes are used
For every separate system the optimum result has been achieved using 32000
epochs for training. The cross validation is also done simultaneously. The total data
Figs. 3.5 – 3.8 represent the training curve for the four different systems
namely elbow, orifice, gate valve and globe valve respectively. Figs. 3.9 – 3.12
represent the cross-validation curve for the above mentioned four different systems.
Initially the MSE for each epoch for training and cross-validation in all four cases are
recorded for 5 different runs separately. Each run consists of 32000 epochs. Then the
average of the MSE of all the five different runs is calculated for each of the 32000
epochs for each of the four systems. The gradual decrease of the values of average
MSE in all four cases shows that the training and cross-validation in all four cases are
Figs. 3.13 – 3.16 show the comparison between the experimental to the
predicted output for testing for the above mentioned four different systems.
Figs. 3.17 – 3.20 show the comparison between the experimental to the
predicted output. This comparison proves the effectiveness of the Neural Network
Non-Newtonian liquid flow through piping components in horizontal plane
Tables 3.6 and 3.7 represent the performance of neural network for testing and
prediction. It is clear from these tables that the cross-correlation coefficient value is
more than 0.99 for each of the four cases. The low value of the average absolute
relative error (AARE) also shows the accuracy of the result in the different systems.
This result indicates that the performance of the network output is excellent.
3.5 Conclusions
A neural network based model has been developed for the prediction of
pressure drop for non-Newtonian liquid flow through different piping components,
i.e., elbow, orifice gate valve and globe valve. A multilayer perceptron with
backpropagation algorithm has been used for this analysis. The ANN model
accurately predicts the pressure drop across the different piping components as
Piping Component: Elbow
Minimum value of MSE for training
5 10 15 20 25
Number of nodes in hidden layer
Fig. 3.1 Variation of the minimum value of MSE with the number of nodes in the
hidden layer
Piping component: Orifice
Minimum value of MSE for training
5 10 15 20 25
Number of nodes in the hidden layers
Fig. 3.2 Variation of the minimum value of MSE with the number of nodes in the
hidden layer
Non-Newtonian liquid flow through piping components in horizontal plane
Piping component: Gate valve
Minimum value of MSE for traning
5 10 15 20 25
Number of nodes in the hidden layers
Fig. 3.3 Variation of the minimum value of MSE with the number of nodes in the
hidden layer
Piping component: Globe valve
Minimum value of MSE for traning
5 10 15 20 25
Number of nodes in the hidden layer
Fig. 3.4 Variation of the minimum value of MSE with the number of nodes in the
hidden layer
Non-Newtonian liquid flow through piping components in horizontal plane
Piping component: Elbow
Average MSE for training
1 10 100 1000 10000
Number of epochs
Fig. 3.5 Variation of the average MSE for training over 5 different runs vs the number
of epochs
Piping component: Orifice
Average MSE for traning
1 10 100 1000 10000
Number of epochs
Fig. 3.6 Variation of the average MSE for training over 5 different runs vs the number
of epochs
Non-Newtonian liquid flow through piping components in horizontal plane
Piping component: Gate valve
Average MSE for training
1 10 100 1000 10000
Number of epochs
Fig. 3.7 Variation of the average MSE for training over 5 different runs vs the number
of epochs
Piping component: Globe valve
Average MSE for traning
1 10 100 1000 10000
Number of epochs
Fig. 3.8 Variation of the average MSE for training over 5 different runs vs the number
of epochs
Non-Newtonian liquid flow through piping components in horizontal plane
Piping component: Elbow
Average MSE for cross-validation
1 10 100 1000 10000
Number of epochs
Fig. 3.9 Variation of the average MSE for cross-validation over 5 different runs vs the
number of epochs
Piping component: Orifice
Average MSE for cross-validation
1 10 100 1000 10000
Number of epochs
Fig. 3.10 Variation of the average MSE for cross-validation over 5 different runs vs
the number of epochs
Non-Newtonian liquid flow through piping components in horizontal plane
Piping component: Gate valve
Average MSE for cross-validation
1 10 100 1000 10000
Number of epochs
Fig. 3.11 Variation of the average MSE for cross-validation over 5 different runs vs
the number of epochs
Piping component: Globe valve
Average MSE for cross-validation
1 10 100 1000 10000
Number of epochs
Fig. 3.12 Variation of the average MSE for cross-validation over 5 different runs vs
the number of epochs
Non-Newtonian liquid flow through piping components in horizontal plane
∆Pelbow, kPa
0.01 0.1 1 10
Pressure drop accross the elbow, experimental
∆Pelbow, kPa
Fig. 3.13 Comparison of pressure drop across the elbow for testing
Pressure drop accross the orifice, predicted
∆Porifice, kPa
0.1 1 10 100
Pressure drop accross the orifice, experimental
∆Porifice, kPa
Fig. 3.14 Comparison of pressure drop across the orifice for testing
Non-Newtonian liquid flow through piping components in horizontal plane
∆Pgate valve, kPa
0.1 1 10 100
Pressure drop accross the gate valve, experimental
∆Pgate valve, kPa
Fig. 3.15 Comparison of pressure drop across the gate valve for testing
Pressure drop accross the globe valve, predicted
∆Pglobe valve, kPa
0.1 1 10 100
Pressure drop accross the globe valve, Experimental
∆Pglobe valve, kPa
Fig. 3.16 Comparison of pressure drop across the globe valve for testing
Non-Newtonian liquid flow through piping components in horizontal plane
∆Pelbow, kPa
0.01 0.1 1 10
Pressure drop accross the elbow, experimental
∆Pelbow, kPa
Fig. 3.17 Comparison of pressure drop across the elbow for prediction
Pressure drop accross the orifice, predicted
∆Porifice, kPa
0.1 1 10 100
Pressure drop accross the orifice, experimental
∆Porifice, kPa
Fig. 3.18 Comparison of pressure drop across the orifice for prediction
Non-Newtonian liquid flow through piping components in horizontal plane
∆Pgate valve, kPa
0.1 1 10 100
Pressure drop accross the gate valve, predicted
∆Pgate valve, kPa
Fig. 3.19 Comparison of pressure drop across the gate valve for prediction
Pressure drop accross the globe valve, predicted
∆Pglobe valve, kPa
0.1 1 10 100
Pressure drop accross the globe valve, experimental
∆Pglobe valve, kPa
Fig. 3.20 Comparison of pressure drop across the globe valve for prediction
Non-Newtonian liquid flow through piping components in horizontal plane
Table 3.1 Description of the data used for neural network analysis
Data Data Data
System type considered considered considered
for cross-
for training for testing for prediction
Elbow 67 22 11 11
Orifice 37 13 6 6
Gate valve 184 62 31 30
Globe valve 198 66 33 33
Table 3.2 Range of different data sets for all four different systems
Table 3.8 Comparison between experimental and ANN prediction for elbow
Table 3.9 Comparison between experimental and ANN prediction for orifice
Pressure drop
Ratio of Concentration
Liquid flow ΔPOrifice
orifice to pipe of SCMC
rate Ql×105 (kPa)
diameter solution
(m3/s) ANN
(D0/Dt) (kg/m3) Experimental
7.10 3.3333 3.387938
0.4646 13.17 13.3333 12.97115
0.6 4.05 1.3333 1.443126
10.17 2.4000 2.393595
0.5984 13.17 5.3333 4.417875
0.8 13.17 6.2666 5.638773
Table 3.10 Comparison between experimental and ANN prediction for gate valve
1 2 3 4 5
0.4 26.58 3.133 2.749782
13.50 0.800 0.949554
1.00 19.67 1.733 1.619196
16.67 1.600 1.517764
10.17 0.533 0.761945
Table 3.11 Comparison between experimental and ANN prediction for globe valve
The ANN approach proved its worth when rigorous fluid mechanics treatment
based on the solution of first principle equations is not tractable. Evaluation and
prediction of the frictional pressure drop across different piping components such as
orifices, gate and globe valves, elbows, and horizontal pipe in 0.0127 m diameter for
gas non-Newtonian liquid flow is manifested in this chapter. The experimental data
used for the prediction is taken from the earlier work done in our laboratory, i.e.,
Bandyopadhyay (2002) and the subsequent publications, i.e., Banerjee and Das (1998),
Samanta et al., (1999) and Bandyopadhyay et al., (2000). The proposed approach
toward the prediction is done using a multilayer perceptron (MLP) with one hidden
layer and four different transfer functions, which is trained with backpropagation
4.1 Introduction
uncertain than that for straight pipes because the mechanism of the flow is not clearly
defined. At least three types of losses are superposed – skin friction, loss due to
change of flow direction and the constriction of the flow path. There are only few
to the oil, chemical, process and power generation industries. The hydrodynamics of
co-current gas-liquid flows have received extensive treatment during last few decades.
There are, however, areas which have received little attention; one of these areas is
gas-liquid flow through piping components. From the above studies it is clear that
gas-liquid flow through piping components is even more complex in nature. The gas-
Das et al. (1989). Mathematical models derived from the physical description and
Gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow through pipes and piping components in horizontal plane
as the phenomena of momentum transfer between the phases, the wall friction, the
shear at the phase interface, change of flow direction, phase separation and
pressure losses across the different piping components for gas-non-Newtonian liquid
flow have been derived by Das and his co-workers (Banerjee and Das, 1998; Samanta
experimental data. In recent years, the concept of artificial neural network (ANN) has
ANN models can learn from examples, incorporate large number of variables, and
pressure drop for 0.0127 m horizontal pipe and different piping components based on
the earlier experimental data obtained from (Bandyopadhyay, 2002, Banerjee and Das,
Experimental data has been collected from the earlier work carried out in our
laboratory (Bandyopadhyay, 2002, Banerjee and Das, 1998, Samanta et al., 1999 and
Bandyopadhyay et al., 2000). Table 4.1 represents the description of the number of
data used for Neural Network analysis, and Table 4.2 represents the range of data
Input parameters are the physical and operating variables of the system. The
physical variables include the diameter of the tube (Dt), radius of curvature of the
elbow (Reb), angle of the elbow (αeb), ratio of the valve opening to the full opening of
valve (α) in case of globe and gate valve, properties of the non-Newtonian liquid, i.e.,
Gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow through pipes and piping components in horizontal plane
flow behavior index (n'), consistency index (K'), surface tension of the liquid (σl),
density of liquid (ρl), density of gas (ρg), viscosity of gas (µg) , acceleration due to
gravity (g), while the operating variable is liquid flow rate (Ql) and gas flow rate (Qg).
The values of the physical properties of gas, i.e. density and viscosity, the tube
diameter and acceleration due to gravity are constant so it is ineffective for ANN
Four different transfer functions as given in Eqs. (2.1–2.4) are used in the
Initially the total data was randomized. The first 60% of data points are used
for training, the next 20% for cross-validation, the next 10% for testing and the rest
For every separate system the optimum result has been achieved using 32000
epochs for training. The cross validation is also done simultaneously. The total data
set has been randomized before the network is used. In the hidden layer the numbers
of processing elements are optimized varying the number 1 to 25, and each case the
MSE was calculated. Figs. 4.1 to 4.5 show the variation of MSE with the number of
processing elements for horizontal pipe, elbow, orifice, gate valve and globe valve
The optimum number of processing elements is that where the MSE is minimum.
These optimum numbers of processing elements are used for further subsequent
Figs 4.6 to 4.10 represent the training curve for the above mentioned five
different piping systems for four different transfer functions used in the hidden layer.
Gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow through pipes and piping components in horizontal plane
Figs. 4.11 to 4.15 represent the cross-validation curve for the above mentioned
five different piping systems for four different transfer functions used in the hidden
layer. Initially the MSE for each epoch for training and cross-validation in all five
cases are recorded for 5 different runs separately. Each run consists of 32000 epochs.
Then the average of the MSE of all the five different runs is calculated for each of the
32000 epochs for each of the five systems. The gradual decrease of the values of
average MSE in all five cases shows that the training was accurate.
Figs. 4.16 to 4.20 show the comparison between the experimental to the
predicted output for testing for the above mentioned five different systems
respectively for all the four different transfer functions used in the hidden layer.
Figs. 4.21 to 4.25 show the comparison between the experimental to the
predicted output for the above mentioned five different systems respectively for four
different transfer functions used in the hidden layer after optimization. This
Tables 4.5 and 4.6 represent performance of neural network for Testing and
Prediction. It is clear from these tables that the Cross Correlation Co-efficient value is
more than 0.97 for each of the five cases for four different transfer functions used in
the hidden layer. The low value of the Average Absolute Relative Error (AARE) also
shows the accuracy of the result in the different systems. This result indicates that the
Since the Cross Correlation Co-efficient value is more than 0.97 for all the
best networks, so the Chi-square (χ²) test was performed to find the best result. Table
4.6 contains the result for the Chi-square test. The Chi-square test confirms that the
best network for prediction of pressure drop for horizontal pipe is the one which has
the transfer function 3 with 25 processing elements in the hidden layer. The Chi-
Gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow through pipes and piping components in horizontal plane
square test confirms that the best network for prediction of pressure drop for elbow is
the one which has the transfer function 1 with 14 processing elements in the hidden
layer. The Chi-square test confirms that the best network for prediction of pressure
drop for orifice is the one which has the transfer function 1 with 15 processing
elements in the hidden layer. The Chi-square test confirms that the best network for
prediction of pressure drop for gate valve is the one which has the transfer function 4
with 13 processing elements in the hidden layer. The Chi-square test confirms that the
best network for prediction of pressure drop for globe valve is the one which has the
transfer function 2 with 25 processing elements in the hidden layer. Tables 4.7 to 4.11
show the comparison between the experimental to the ANN predicted output for the
above mentioned five different piping systems respectively for the optimum number
4.5 Conclusions
A neural network based model has been developed for the prediction of
pressure drop for gas non-Newtonian liquid flow through different piping components,
i. e., horizontal pipe, elbow, orifice gate valve and globe valve. A multilayer
perceptron with backpropagation algorithm has been used for this analysis with four
different transfer functions used in the hidden layer and a linear function in the output
layer. The ANN model accurately predicts the pressure drop across the horizontal
pipe and different piping components as evident from the Cross Correlation Co-
The Chi-square test confirms that the best network for prediction of pressure
drop for horizontal pipe is the one which has the transfer function 3 with 25
processing elements in the hidden layer. The Chi-square test confirms that the best
network for prediction of pressure drop for elbow is the one which has the transfer
Gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow through pipes and piping components in horizontal plane
function 1 with 14 processing elements in the hidden layer. The Chi-square test
confirms that the best network for prediction of pressure drop for orifice is the one
which has the transfer function 1 with 15 processing elements in the hidden layer. The
Chi-square test confirms that the best network for prediction of pressure drop for gate
valve is the one which has the transfer function 4 with 13 processing elements in the
hidden layer. The Chi-square test confirms that the best network for prediction of
pressure drop for globe valve is the one which has the transfer function 2 with 25
Piping component: Horizontal pipe
Transfer Function 1
Transfer Function 2
Transfer Function 3
Minimum value of MSE for training Transfer Function 4
10 20
Number of processing element in the hidden layer
Fig. 4.1 Variation of the minimum value of MSE with the number of processing elements in
the hidden layer for four different transfer functions
Piping component: Elbow
Transfer Function 1
Transfer Function 2
Transfer Function 3
Transfer Function 4
Minimum value of MSE for traning
10 20
Number of processing elements in the hidden layer
Fig. 4.2 Variation of the minimum value of MSE with the number of processing elements in
the hidden layer for four different transfer functions
Gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow through pipes and piping components in horizontal plane
Piping component: Orifice
Transfer Function 1
Transfer Function 2
Transfer Function 3
Transfer Function 4
Minimum Value of MSE for training
10 20
Number of processing element in the hidden layer
Fig. 4.3 Variation of the minimum value of MSE with the number of processing elements in
the hidden layer for four different transfer functions
Piping component: Gate valve
Transfer function 1
Transfer function 2
Transfer function 3
Transfer function 4
Minimum Value of MSE for traning
5 10 15 20 25
Number of processing elements in the hidden layer
Fig. 4.4 Variation of the minimum value of MSE with the number of processing elements in
the hidden layer for four different transfer functions
Gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow through pipes and piping components in horizontal plane
10 20
Number of processing elements in the hidden layer
Fig. 4.5 Variation of the minimum value of MSE with the number of processing elements in
the hidden layer for four different transfer functions
Piping component: Horizontal pipe
Transfer Function 1
Transfer Function 2
100 Transfer Function 3
Transfer Function 4
Average MSE for traning
1 10 100 1000 10000
Number of epochs
Fig. 4.6 Variation of the average MSE for training over 5 different runs vs the number of
epochs in case for four different transfer functions in the hidden layer
Gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow through pipes and piping components in horizontal plane
Piping component: Elbow
Transfer Function 1
Transfer Function 2
Transfer Function 3
101 Transfer Function 4
Average MSE for training
1 10 100 1000 10000
Number of epochs
Fig. 4.7 Variation of the average MSE for training over 5 different runs vs the number of
epochs in case for four different transfer functions in the hidden layer
Piping component: Orifice
Transfer Function 1
Transfer Function 2
101 Transfer Function 3
Transfer Function 4
Average MSE for traning
1 10 100 1000 10000
Number of epochs
Fig. 4.8 Variation of the average MSE for training over 5 different runs vs the number of
epochs in case for four different transfer functions in the hidden layer
Gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow through pipes and piping components in horizontal plane
Piping component: Gate valve
Transfer Function 1
Transfer Function 2
101 Transfer Function 3
Transfer Function 4
Average MSE for training
1 10 100 1000 10000
Number of epochs
Fig. 4.9 Variation of the average MSE for training over 5 different runs vs the number of
epochs in case for four different transfer functions in the hidden layer
Piping component: Globe valve
Transfer Function 1
Transfer Function 2
101 Transfer Function 3
Transfer Function 4
Average MSE for training
1 10 100 1000 10000
Number of epochs
Fig. 4.10 Variation of the average MSE for training over 5 different runs vs the number of
epochs in case for four different transfer functions in the hidden layer
Gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow through pipes and piping components in horizontal plane
Piping component: Horizontal pipe
Transfer Function 1
Transfer Function 2
Transfer Function 3
Transfer Function 4
Average MSE for cross-validation 100
1 10 100 1000 10000
Number of epochs
Fig. 4.11 Variation of the average MSE for cross-validation over 5 different runs vs the
number of epochs for four different transfer functions in hidden layer
Piping component: Elbow
Transfer Function 1
Transfer Function 2
Transfer Function 3
101 Transfer Function 4
Average MSE for cross-validation
1 10 100 1000 10000
Number of epochs
Fig. 4.12 Variation of the average MSE for cross-validation over 5 different runs vs the
number of epochs for four different transfer functions in the hidden layer
Gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow through pipes and piping components in horizontal plane
Piping component: Orifice
Transfer Function 1
Transfer Function 2
Transfer Function 3
101 Transfer Function 4
Average MSE for cross-validation
1 10 100 1000 10000
Number of epochs
Fig. 4.13 Variation of the average MSE for cross-validation over 5 different runs vs the
number of epochs for four different transfer functions in the hidden layer
Piping component: Gate valve
Transfer Function 1
Transfer Function 2
Transfer Function 3
101 Transfer Function 4
Average MSE for cross-validation
1 10 100 1000 10000
Number of epochs
Fig. 4.14 Variation of the average MSE for cross-validation over 5 different runs vs the
number of epochs for four different transfer functions in the hidden layer
Gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow through pipes and piping components in horizontal plane
Piping component: Globe valve
Transfer Function 1
Transfer Function 2
101 Transfer Function 3
Transfer Function 4
Average MSE for cross-validation
1 10 100 1000 10000
Number of epochs
Fig. 4.15 Variation of the average MSE for cross-validation over 5 different runs vs the
number of epochs for four different transfer functions in the hidden layer
Transfer Function 1
Two-phase pressure drop accross the horizontal pipe, predicted
Transfer Function 2
Transfer Function 3
Transfer Function 4
∆Ptp, kPa
0.1 1 10 100
Two-phase pressure drop accross the horizontal pipe, Experimental
∆Ptp, kPa
Fig. 4.16 Comparison of two-phase pressure drop across the horizontal pipe for
testing for four different transfer functions in the hidden layer
Gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow through pipes and piping components in horizontal plane
Transfer Function 1
Transfer Function 2
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Two-phase pressure drop accross the elbow, Experimental
∆Ptp, kPa
Fig. 4.17 Comparison of two-phase pressure drop across the elbow for testing using
four different transfer functions in the hidden layer
Transfer Function 1
Transfer Function 2
Transfer Function 3
Two-phase pressure drop accross the orifice, predicted
Transfer Function 4
∆Ptp, kPa
0.1 1 10 100
Two-phase pressure drop accross the orifice, Experimental
∆Ptp, kPa
Fig. 4.18 Comparison of two-phase pressure drop across the orifice for testing using
four different transfer functions in the hidden layer
Gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow through pipes and piping components in horizontal plane
Transfer Function 1
∆Ptp, kPa
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Two-phase pressure drop accross the gate valve, Experimental
∆Ptp, kPa
Fig. 4.19 Comparison of two-phase pressure drop across the gate valve for testing
using four different transfer functions in the hidden layer
Transfer Function 1
Two-phase pressure drop accross the globe valve, Predicted
Transfer Function 2
Transfer Function 3
Transfer Function 4
∆Ptp, kPa
1 10 100
Two-phase pressure drop accross the globe valve, Experimental
∆Ptp, kPa
Fig. 4.20 Comparison of two-phase pressure drop across the globe valve for testing
using four different transfer functions in the hidden layer
Gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow through pipes and piping components in horizontal plane
Transfer Function 1
∆Ptp, kPa
1 10 100
Two-phase pressure drop accross the horizontal pipe, Experimental
∆Ptp, kPa
Fig. 4.21 Comparison of two-phase pressure drop across the horizontal pipe for
prediction using four different transfer functions in the hidden layer
Transfer Function 1
Transfer Function 2
Transfer Function 3
Two-phase pressure drop accross the elbow, Predicted
Transfer Function 4
∆Ptp, kPa
0.1 1 10 100
Two-phase pressure drop accross the elbow, Experimental
∆Ptp, kpa
Fig. 4.22 Comparison of two-phase pressure drop across the elbow for prediction
using four different transfer functions in the hidden layer
Gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow through pipes and piping components in horizontal plane
Transfer Function 1
Transfer Function 2
Transfer Function 3
∆Ptp, kPa
0.1 1 10 100
Two-phase pressure drop accross the orifice, Experimental
∆Ptp, kPa
Fig. 4.23 Comparison of two-phase pressure drop across the orifice for prediction
using four different transfer functions in the hidden layer
Transfer Function 1
Transfer Function 2
Transfer Function 3
Two-phase pressure drop accross the gate valve, Predicted
Transfer Function 4
∆Ptp, kPa
0.1 1 10 100
Two-phase pressure drop accross the gate valve, Experimental
∆Ptp, kPa
Fig. 4.24 Comparison of two-phase pressure drop across the gate valve for prediction
using four different transfer functions in the hidden layer
Gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow through pipes and piping components in horizontal plane
Transfer Function 1
Transfer Function 2
Two-phase pressure drop accross the globe valve, Predicted
Transfer Function 3
Transfer Function 4
∆Ptp, kPa
0.1 1 10 100
Two-phase pressure drop accross the globe valve, Experimental
∆Ptp, kPa
Fig. 4.25 Comparison of two-phase pressure drop across the globe valve for
prediction using four different transfer functions in the hidden layer
Gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow through pipes and piping components in horizontal plane
Table 4.1 Description of the data used for neural network analysis
Table 4.2 Range of different data sets for all five different systems
Table 4.3 Performance of best neural network for training over 5 runs
Table 4.4 Performance of the neural network for cross-validation over 5 runs
Table 4.7 Comparison between the Experimental and ANN prediction in case of
Horizontal pipe for transfer function 3 with 25 processing elements in the hidden
Table 4.8 Comparison between the experimental and ANN prediction in case of
elbow for transfer function 1 with 14 processing elements in the hidden layer
Table 4.9 Comparison between the experimental and ANN prediction in case of
orifice for transfer function 1 with 15 processing elements in the hidden layer
Table 4.10 Comparison between the experimental and ANN prediction in case of gate
valve for transfer function 4 with 13 processing elements in the hidden layer
1 2 3 4 5 6
23.42 7.643 4.1333 4.830121
23.42 26.393 6.2667 6.596863
0.4 26.58 15.887 6.2667 6.608151
26.58 22.000 6.9333 7.254222
29.83 17.418 7.2000 7.914456
16.58 7.435 2.9333 3.37987
22.83 11.327 5.6000 5.607109
13.17 13.953 2.1333 2.395177
0.8 13.17 16.463 2.2667 2.563076
16.17 32.774 5.6000 4.943768
7.25 1.8428 0.5333 0.50834
9.08 10.534 1.0667 1.135182
9.08 13.837 1.3333 1.264789
14.33 14.314 2.6667 2.347889
10.58 6.698 1.0667 1.43029
0.4 13.83 20.380 3.2000 2.975331
0.875 17.00 10.420 2.8000 3.197081
7.08 17.482 1.0667 1.294154
0.6 13.5 31.239 4.4000 4.069982
29.08 23.609 8.8000 8.977579
10.17 24.443 2.6667 2.301555
0.8 16.17 30.970 4.6667 4.850897
22.25 25.458 6.0000 6.4031
0.2 14.33 9.1047 1.6000 2.029655
20.17 11.327 4.1333 4.180723
26.58 10.875 5.4667 5.984643
26.58 14.002 5.8667 6.284438
26.58 20.138 7.2000 6.89688
0.6 4.05 26.117 0.8000 0.965314
10.17 32.715 2.5333 3.147842
19.17 32.679 5.8667 6.327696
22.25 7.261 4.1333 4.394637
22.25 19.292 5.3333 5.779977
22.25 42.420 7.8667 8.639272
25.25 36.253 9.4667 9.007789
Gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow through pipes and piping components in horizontal plane
Table 4.11 Comparison between the experimental and ANN prediction for globe
valve for transfer function 2 with 25 processing elements in the hidden layer
1 2 3 4 5 6
7.08 22.099 5.3333 5.90696
0.6 16.58 10.925 20.4000 19.94119
16.58 19.556 22.1333 22.34946
16.17 10.676 20.6667 19.03051
0.8 16.17 21.352 23.2000 23.32883
19.17 9.909 27.8667 27.61462
10.83 10.274 8.5333 7.869045
14.33 20.270 16.1333 14.79409
17.58 11.516 20.6667 20.29838
21.00 13.483 27.6000 27.19692
13.83 6.485 12.5333 12.29174
13.83 31.830 16.4000 17.58474
0.4 17.00 12.652 19.2000 19.23248
17.00 19.750 21.7333 21.41444
17.00 31.813 22.5333 25.67654
0.6 13.50 25.906 16.4400 17.35056
4.05 10.948 2.0000 2.192688
4.05 19.925 2.1333 2.752232
4.05 24.291 3.2000 3.44149
7.08 2.809 3.2000 4.040541
10.17 14.527 8.6667 8.594569
16.17 13.333 20.0000 19.61771
investigated using experimental data obtained from our earlier experimental studies
on the frictional pressure drop for gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow through 45° bend.
This approach has proved its worth when rigorous fluid mechanics treatment based on
the solution of first principle equations is not tractable. The proposed approach
towards the prediction is done using a Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), which is trained
with backpropagation algorithm with the help of four different transfer functions in a
hidden layer.
5.1 Introduction
The theoretical analysis of the two-phase pressure drop across the bend is
extremely difficult because the phenomena of momentum transfer between the phases,
the wall friction, shear at the phase interface, curvature arises the centrifugal forces
pressure drop by theoretical analysis alone is not easy so the alternating correlating
method is the regression analysis. The present section deals with the applicability of
the ANN prediction for gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow through 45o bend in the
horizontal plane.
Experimental data has been collected from the earlier study by Das (1988).
Table 5.1 represents the range of data used for neural network analysis.
Input parameters are the physical and operating variables of the system. The
physical variables include the diameter of the tube (Dt), radius of curvature of the
bend (Rb), angle of the bend (θ), linear length of the bend (Lb), properties of the fluids,
i.e., flow behavior index (n'), consistency index (K'), surface tension of the liquid (σl),
density of liquid (ρl), density of gas (ρg), viscosity of gas (µg) and acceleration due to
Gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow through 45° bend in horizontal plane
gravity (g), while the operating variables are liquid flow rate (Ql) and gas flow rate
(Qg). The values of the physical properties of gas, i.e. density and viscosity, the tube
diameter, radius of curvature of the bend, angle of the bend, linear length of the bend
and acceleration due to gravity are constant so it is ineffective for ANN programming.
Four different transfer functions given in Eqs. (2.1–2.4) are used in the hidden
Initially the total data was randomized. The first 60% of data points are used
for training, the next 20% for cross-validation, the next 10% for testing and the rest
For every separate system the optimum result was achieved using 32000
epochs for training. The cross validation is also done simultaneously. The total data
set was randomized before the network is used. In the hidden layer the numbers of
processing elements are optimized varying the number 1 to 25, and each case the
MSE was calculated. Fig. 5.1 shows the variation of MSE with the number of
processing elements. The optimum number of processing elements is that where the
MSE is minimum. These optimum numbers of processing elements are used for
Table 5.2 shows the optimum number of processing elements in the training
section of the ANN with different transfer functions. These optimum numbers of
Fig. 5.2 represents the training curve for four different transfer functions used
in the hidden layer. Fig 5.3 represents the cross-validation curve for four different
transfer functions used in the hidden layer. The optimum number of processing
Gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow through 45° bend in horizontal plane
element is estimated on the basis of minimum value of MSE. Initially the MSE for
each epoch for training and cross-validation in all five cases are recorded for 5
different runs separately. Each run consists of 32000 epochs. Then the average of the
MSE of all the five different runs is calculated for each of the 32000 epochs for each
of the five systems. Table 5.3 represents the performance of the network for different
Testing was done just before the final prediction to check the effectiveness of
training using the above mentioned four networks. Table 5.4 represents the
performance of the testing. The low values of AARE and cross correlation co-
efficient (R) which is greater than 0.97 in each case indicates that the training was
good and the network can be used for final prediction. Fig 5.4 show the comparison
between the experimental to the predicted two-phase frictional pressure drop per unit
length across the 45o bend with optimum number of processing elements in the hidden
Table 5.5 represents the performance of the neural networks for final
prediction. It is clear from the table that the cross correlation co-efficient (R) value is
more than 0.98 for each of the four cases. The low value of the average absolute
relative error (AARE) also shows the accuracy of the result in the different systems.
The high value of cross correlation co-efficient (R) and the low value of chi-
square (χ²) for the transfer function 1 with 20 optimum number of processing
elements gives the most accurate prediction of the two-phase frictional pressure drop
per unit length across the bend. Fig 5.5 shows the comparison between the
experimental to the predicted two-phase frictional pressure drop per unit length across
the 45° bend with 20 processing elements in the hidden layer and transfer function
Gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow through 45° bend in horizontal plane
number 1 in a hidden layer. This comparison is also represented in the Table 5.6. This
5.5 Conclusions
A neural network based model has been developed for the prediction of two-
phase frictional pressure drop per unit length for gas non-Newtonian liquid flow
backpropagation algorithm has been used for the analysis. Four different slandered
transfer functions in a hidden layer and a linear output function has been used.
Optimization for each transfer function is carried out in all cases. The ANN model,
using a hidden layer with transfer function 1 and 20 processing elements gives better
predictability of the two-phase frictional pressure drop per unit length across the 45o
Transfer Function 1
Transfer Function 2
Transfer Function 3
Transfer Function 4
Minimum value of MSE during training
10 20
Number of processing element in the hidden layer
Fig. 5.1 Variation of the minimum value of MSE with the number of processing
elements in the hidden layer for four different transfer functions
Transfer Function 1
Transfer Function 2
Transfer Function 3
Transfer Function 4
Average MSE for traning
1 10 100 1000 10000
Number of epochs
Fig. 5.2 Variation in the average MSE for training over 5 different runs vs the number
of epochs
Gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow through 45° bend in horizontal plane
Transfer Function 1
Transfer Function 2
Transfer Function 3
100 Transfer Function 4
1 10 100 1000 10000
Number of epochs
Fig. 5.3 Variation in the average MSE for cross-validation over 5 different runs vs the
number of epochs
Two-phase frictional pressure drop per unit length accross the 45o bend,
Transfer Function 1
Transfer Function 2
Transfer Function 3
Transfer Function 4
predicted, ∆Ptp/Lb,(kpa/m)
1 10 100
Two-phase frictional pressure drop per unit length accross the 45 bend,
experimental, ∆Ptp/Lb,(kpa/m)
Two-phase frictional pressure drop per unit length accross the 45o bend,
1 10 100
Two-phase frictional pressure drop per unit length accross the 45 bend,
experimental, ∆Ptp/Lb,(kPa/m)
Fig. 5.5 Comparison of the two-phase frictional pressure drop for final prediction
Gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow through 45° bend in horizontal plane
Table 5.2 Optimum number of processing elements in hidden layer for four different
transfer functions
Table 5.3 Performance of neural network with different transfer functions for training
and cross–validation over 5 runs
Transfer Transfer Transfer Transfer
function 1 function 2 function 3 function 4
SD (σ) 0.000031 0.000033 0.000072 0.000011
MSE 0.000492 0.000579 0.000745 0.000970
SD (σ) 0.000104 0.000154 0.000076 0.000032
MSE 0.000866 0.001125 0.001136 0.001376
Gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow through 45° bend in horizontal plane
Table 5.4 Performance of neural network with four different transfer functions for
testing using optimum number of processing elements
Table 5.5 Performance of neural network with four different transfer functions for
prediction using optimum number of processing elements
Table 5.6 Comparison of the ANN prediction using the best network and the
experimental data
1 2 3 4 5
0.0001 0.000153 6.152 6.078122
0.000162 0.000147 9.741 10.38693
0.000178 0.000213 12.817 12.66347
1.00 0.000233 0.000146 15.996 16.53258
0.000233 0.000429 22.558 22.16054
0.000299 0.000186 25.635 24.93481
0.000266 0.000363 22.046 25.12663
Helical coils are extensively used in different process industries. The two-
phase flow through the coils is more complex than that of straight pipe due to
presence of centrifugal forces; the flow through coils is always developing in nature.
hydrodynamic parameter used for the designing the coil. In the present chapter the
investigated using experimental data obtained from our earlier studies on the frictional
pressure drop for gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow through helical coils in horizontal
6.1 Introduction
The ANN’s capability to predict the two-phase frictional pressure drop and
gas holdup across the coils is one of the best estimation methods with high accuracy
as evident from the previous three chapters. ANN with backpropagation algorithm has
been used to predict the gas holdup. In the present chapter application of ANN is used
to predict the two-phase frictional pressure drop and gas holdup for gas-non-
orientation based on the earlier experimental data (Biswas and Das, 2006; Biswas,
Experimental data has been collected from the earlier work carried out in our
laboratory (Biswas and Das, 2007; Biswas, 2007). Table 6.1 represents the range of
variables investigated for the prediction of both two-phase frictional pressure drop
Input parameters are the physical and operating variables of the system. The
physical variables include the diameter of the tube (Dt), diameter of the coil (Dc),
properties of the non-Newtonian liquid, i.e., flow behavior index (n'), consistency
index (K'), surface tension of the liquid (σl), density of liquid (ρl), density of gas (ρg),
viscosity of gas (µg) , acceleration due to gravity (g), while the operating variable is
liquid flow rate (Ql) and gas flow rate (Qg). The values of the physical properties of
gas, i.e. density and viscosity and acceleration due to gravity are constant so it is
Four different transfer functions given in Eqs. (2.1–2.4) are used in the hidden
Initially the total data is randomized for both two-phase frictional pressure
drop and gas holdup separately. The first 60% of data points are used for training, the
next 20% for cross-validation, the next 10% for testing and the rest used for
For every separate system the optimum result has been achieved using 32000
epochs for training. The cross validation is also done simultaneously. The total data
set has been randomized before the network is used. In the hidden layer the numbers
of processing elements are optimized varying the number 1 to 25, and each case the
MSE is calculated. Figs 6.1 and 6.2 show the variation of MSE for cross-validation
with the number of processing elements in the hidden layer for both two-phase
frictional pressure drop and gas holdup respectively. The optimum number of
processing elements is that where the MSE is minimum. These optimum numbers of
Table 6.2 shows the optimum number of processing elements in the training
section of the ANN with different transfer functions. These optimum numbers of
Figs 6.3 and 6.4 represent the training curve for the above mentioned five
different piping systems for four different transfer functions used in the hidden layer.
Figs 6.5 and 6.6 represent the cross-validation curve for four different transfer
functions used in the hidden layer. The optimum number of processing element is
estimated on the basis of minimum value of MSE. Initially the MSE for each epoch
for training and cross-validation in all five cases are recorded for 5 different runs
separately. Each run consists of 32000 epochs. Then the average of the MSE of all the
five different runs is calculated for each of the 32000 epochs for each of the five
systems. Tables 6.3 and 6.4 represent the data for the minimum value of MSE for
training and cross-validation for both two-phase frictional pressure drop and gas
holdup respectively.
Testing was done just before the final prediction to check the effectiveness of
training using the above mentioned four networks. Tables 6.5 and 6.6 represent the
performance during testing for both two-phase frictional pressure drop and gas holdup
respectively. The low values of AARE and cross correlation co-efficient (R) which is
greater than 0.95, indicates that the training was good and the network can be used for
final prediction of frictional pressure drop. In case of gas holdup the low values has
been achieved for AARE and cross correlation co-efficient (R) which is nearly 0.90,
indicates that the training was acceptable but not as good as the prediction of the two-
phase frictional pressure drop and the network has been used for final prediction of
gas holdup. Figs 6.7 and 6.8 show the comparisons between the experimental to the
Gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow through helical coils in horizontal plane
predicted two-phase frictional pressure drop and gas holdup with optimum number of
Table 6.7 represents the performance of the neural networks for final
prediction of two-phase frictional pressure drop. It is clear from the table that the
cross correlation co-efficient (R) value is nearly 0.97 for each of the four cases for the
prediction of the two-phase frictional pressure drop. The low value of the average
absolute relative error (AARE) also shows the accuracy of the result in the different
Table 6.8 represents the performance of the neural networks for final
prediction of gas holdup. The low value of the average absolute relative error (AARE)
also shows the accuracy of the result in the different systems. It is clear from the table
that the cross correlation co-efficient (R) value is nearly 0.90 for each of the four
cases for the prediction of the two-phase frictional pressure drop which is statistically
Since the cross correlation co-efficient value is nearly same for all the analysis
so the Chi-square (χ²) test is performed to find the best result. The lowest value of the
Chi-square (χ²) confirms that the best network for prediction of two-phase frictional
pressure drop is the network with transfer function 1 with 10 processing elements in
The Chi- square (χ2) value also confirms that the best network for prediction
of gas holdup is the transfer function 1 with 15 processing elements in the hidden
layer. This result indicates that the performance of the network output is excellent
Table 6.9 represents the performance of the network and its comparison to the
experimental data for the prediction of the pressure drop per unit length across the
horizontal coil with transfer function 1 and 10 processing elements in the hidden layer.
Gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow through helical coils in horizontal plane
Table 6.10 represents the performance of the network and its comparison to the
experimental data for the prediction of the gas holdup in the horizontal coil with
To verify the accuracy of the result for the prediction of gas holdup a
−0.2155 Dt
αg = −0.8326
1 − exp −6.3029 Rel 0.4741
Re g N pl (6.1)
The variance of estimate and correlation coefficient of the above equation are
Table 6.11 shows the comparison between the experimental data with the
empirical correlation, i.e., Eq. (6.1) and the ANN predicted values. It is clear from the
table that ANN prediction is slightly better representation of the experimental data
6.5 Conclusions
Experimental data on the two-phase frictional pressure drop and gas holdup
for gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow through helical coils are collected from our earlier
hidden layer and a linear transfer function in the output layer has been used for ANN
analysis. Initially the training is carried out to optimize the number of processing
elements in the hidden layer in all four cases by estimating the minimum value of
MSE. This optimum number of processing elements in the hidden layer is used for
subsequent analysis, i.e., for testing and prediction. In all cases the statistical
Gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow through helical coils in horizontal plane
parameters like AARE, SD, MSE, R and χ² are used to examine the performance of
the network. The best ANN for the prediction of two-phase frictional pressure drop
the transfer function 1 with 10 processing elements in the hidden layer. The Chi-
square (χ2) value also confirms that the best network for prediction of gas holdup is
the transfer function 1 with 15 processing elements in the hidden layer. The ANN
prediction of gas holdup gives slightly better predictability than the empirical
Gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow through helical coils in horizontal plane
frictional pressure drop
10 20
Number of processing element in the hidden layer
Fig. 6.1 Variation of the minimum value of MSE with the number of processing
elements in the hidden layer for two-phase frictional pressure drop across the coil
Transfer Function 1
Transfer Function 2
Transfer Function 3
Minimum value of MSE for cross-validation in case of
Transfer Function 4
gas holdup
10 20
Number of processing element in the hidden layer
Fig. 6.2 Variation of the minimum value of MSE with the number of processing
elements in the hidden layer for gas holdup in the coil
Gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow through helical coils in horizontal plane
Transfer Function 1
Transfer Function 2
Transfer Function 3
1 10 100 1000 10000
Number of epochs
Fig. 6.3 Variation of the average MSE for training over 5 different runs vs the number
of epochs in case of two-phase frictional pressure drop across the coil
Transfer Function 1
Average MSE for traning in case of gas holdup in horizontal coil
Transfer Function 2
Transfer Function 3
Transfer Function 4
1 10 100 1000 10000
Number of epochs
Fig. 6.4 Variation of the average MSE for training over 5 different runs vs the number
of epochs in case of gas holdup in the coil
Gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow through helical coils in horizontal plane
Transfer Function 1
Transfer Function 2
Transfer Function 3
frictional pressure drop in horizontal coil
1 10 100 1000 10000
Number of epochs
Fig. 6.5 Variation of the average MSE for cross-validation over 5 different runs vs the
number of epochs in case of two-phase frictional pressure drop across the coil
Transfer Function 1
Transfer Function 2
Transfer Function 3
Average MSE for cross-validation in case of gas hold up in
Transfer Function 4
horizontal coil
1 10 100 1000 10000
Number of epochs
Fig. 6.6 Variation of the average MSE for cross-validation over 5 different runs vs the
number of epochs in case of gas holdup in the coil
Gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow through helical coils in horizontal plane
Transfer Function 1
Transfer Function 2
1 10 100
Two-phase frictional pressure drop accross the horizontal coil
experimental, ∆PHorizontal coil, kPa
Fig. 6.7 Comparison of two-phase frictional pressure drop across the horizontal coil
for testing with four different transfer functions
Transfer Function 1
Transfer Function 2
Transfer Function 3
Gas hold up in the horizontal coil, predicted
Transfer Function 4
0.01 0.1 1 10
Gas holdup in the horizontal coil, experimental
Fig. 6.8 Comparison of the gas holdup in the horizontal coil for testing with four
different transfer functions
Gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow through helical coils in horizontal plane
Transfer Function 1
1 10 100
Two-phase frictional pressure drop accross the horizontal coil
experimental, ∆PHorizontal coil, kPa
Fig. 6.9 Comparison of two-phase frictional pressure drop across the horizontal coil
for final prediction
Transfer Function: 1
Numbar of hidden layer processing elements: 15
Gas holdup in the horizontal coil, predicted
0.01 0.1 1 10
Gas holdup in the horizontal coil, experimental
Fig. 6.10 Comparison of gas holdup in the horizontal coil for final prediction
Gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow through helical coils in horizontal plane
Table 6.1 Range of different variables investigated for horizontal helical coils
Table 6.2 Optimum number of processing elements used in hidden layer for four
different transfer functions
Optimum number of
Transfer function in
processing elements
hidden layer
ΔPftc/L αg
Transfer function 1 15 10
Transfer function 2 19 19
Transfer function 3 24 22
Transfer function 4 14 10
Gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow through helical coils in horizontal plane
Table 6.3 Performance of neural network with four different transfer functions for
training and cross-validation over 5 runs for two-phase frictional pressure drop
Table 6.4 Performance of neural network with four different transfer functions for
training and cross-validation over 5 runs for gas holdup
Table 6.5 Performance of neural network with different transfer functions for two-
phase frictional pressure drop during testing
Table 6.6 Performance of neural network with different transfer functions for two-
phase gas holdup during testing
Table 6.7 Performance of neural network with different transfer functions for the
prediction of two-phase frictional pressure drop across the helical coil
Table 6.8 Performance of neural network with different transfer functions for the
prediction of gas holdup in the helical coil
Table 6.9 Comparison of the prediction using the best network and the experimental
data for pressure drop per unit length
Two-phase frictional
Tube Coil Liquid Gas flow pressure drop per unit
Diameter Diameter flow rate rate length of the coil, ΔPtp/L
Dt Dc Ql Qg kPa/m
solution 3
m m m /s m3/s ANN
(kg/m3) Experimental
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
6.75E-05 4.55E-05 20.0003 17.11244
6.75E-05 0.00002 17.4953 17.22868
4.75E-05 0.000138 19.1219 18.92184
0.00904 6.75E-05 0.000075 21.8309 19.6315
0.2633 0.000055 0.000131 21.7778 19.00992
0.00006 4.32E-05 19.5469 19.88434
0.2 0.000075 0.000043 23.4244 19.88572
0.0001 8.63E-05 7.8527 7.570498
0.0001 0.000139 8.6984 8.036368
0.0001 6.42E-05 8.0225 8.485858
0.0001 0.00012 9.4601 8.507354
0.000133 0.000171 4.8798 5.03982
0.0118 0.2177
0.000133 0.000267 5.6205 5.856673
4.75E-05 5.21E-05 12.3263 16.93229
0.00904 4.75E-05 0.000174 17.4953 16.52792
0.2633 4.25E-05 0.000221 22.7392 18.40749
0.000117 0.000101 9.7374 7.666817
0.0096 0.2158
0.000117 0.000139 10.8247 8.32775
6.67E-05 0.000214 8.1616 8.739294
0.0096 0.2657 0.000117 9.15E-05 10.6658 8.501113
0.0001 0.000167 10.573 8.792647
0.0001 0.000156 4.4252 5.663768
0.1776 0.000167 6.01E-05 4.3598 4.580421
0.0002 0.000233 7.5206 6.352849
0.0001 3.89E-05 3.0063 4.510643
0.2177 0.000167 0.000242 7.5157 6.257399
0.000167 0.000252 7.6246 6.295989
0.000102 0.000273 8.2921 7.591236
0.000121 1.72E-05 6.2934 5.050896
4.75E-05 0.000154 30.1774 26.47533
0.6 0.00904 0.1732 6.75E-05 0.000045 32.5177 28.41164
0.000075 0.000012 30.7932 28.89526
Gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow through helical coils in horizontal plane
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
6.75E-05 3.75E-05 20.3582 16.96682
0.000055 6.42E-05 16.2229 17.16951
4.25E-05 0.000255 19.7062 18.62569
0.00904 6.75E-05 6.85E-05 22.8401 19.64527
0.2633 6.75E-05 7.19E-05 22.9463 19.64611
0.000055 0.000101 19.0157 19.62539
0.00006 0.000113 21.0341 19.59966
0.0001 2.48E-05 5.2097 5.7776
0.000117 6.49E-05 8.4976 6.790514
0.000117 0.0001 9.7132 8.221755
0.0001 8.44E-05 7.4178 7.806595
0.0001 0.000518 5.2971 6.004758
0.000133 0.000101 3.7058 5.16314
0.000133 0.000237 4.8394 6.15517
0.000133 0.000326 5.6895 6.42475
0.000167 7.83E-05 4.665 4.931507
0.0118 0.0002 0.000226 7.477 6.099578
6.67E-05 0.000204 5.664 6.323518
0.0001 3.15E-05 2.9627 4.584911
0.000133 0.000155 5.3155 5.978301
0.0002 0.0001 7.0582 5.448566
0.268 8.52E-05 1.89E-05 3.6734 4.931798
4.25E-05 0.000148 27.7139 27.18926
0.000075 3.24E-05 30.1774 28.21439
0.00904 4.75E-05 4.04E-05 14.2348 16.93185
4.25E-05 0.000139 16.8989 18.02505
0.2633 4.25E-05 3.54E-05 12.6417 19.14337
4.75E-05 7.42E-05 16.413 19.34961
0.000055 6.37E-05 17.2629 19.30143
0.000055 8.65E-05 19.1751 19.39887
0.00904 0.2633
0.000055 0.000105 19.6 19.45696
0.00006 9.89E-05 21.0341 19.44067
0.000075 1.61E-05 18.1658 19.0119
0.8 0.0001 0.000152 8.5208 10.32356
0.1757 0.000117 3.12E-05 7.0157 6.433031
0.000117 0.00013 10.1416 9.616772
0.0001 0.00013 8.6984 9.885412
0.000117 0.000141 10.873 10.20156
0.2657 8.34E-05 0.000065 6.9791 8.521074
0.1776 0.0001 0.000512 5.4061 5.720164
0.00005 0.000124 5.359 5.455639
0.000167 0.000168 6.3176 5.946173
8.52E-05 6.97E-05 4.6728 5.408167
0.268 8.52E-05 0.000036 4.1056 4.720887
0.000121 0.000137 8.2111 7.726494
Gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow through helical coils in horizontal plane
Table 6.10 Comparison of the prediction using the best network and the experimental
data for gas holdup
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
4.25E-05 4.32E-05 0.569 0.524635
4.25E-05 9.01E-05 0.679 0.661019
0.2134 0.000055 3.81E-05 0.471 0.505612
0.000055 0.000105 0.704 0.691303
0.00006 0.000039 0.571 0.509028
4.75E-05 0.000088 0.48 0.439095
4.25E-05 0.000156 0.592 0.553482
0.2633 4.25E-05 0.000255 0.654 0.604615
0.000055 0.00017 0.562 0.566292
0.000075 6.09E-05 0.347 0.361368
0.0001 0.000115 0.59 0.499135
0.0096 0.000117 0.000448 0.46 0.457069
0.2657 0.000117 6.07E-05 0.264 0.334598
0.0001 0.000273 0.704 0.611553
0.1776 0.0002 0.000132 0.407 0.46088
0.0118 0.0002 0.000226 0.485 0.571823
8.52E-05 0.000378 0.711 0.641024
0.000102 0.000046 0.3 0.259296
4.75E-05 6.56E-05 0.639 0.607206
4.25E-05 9.43E-05 0.663 0.676619
0.1732 6.75E-05 4.92E-05 0.53 0.557105
6.75E-05 4.94E-05 0.542 0.557764
0.8 0.00904 0.00006 0.000049 0.583 0.556445
4.75E-05 0.000125 0.719 0.741818
0.2134 0.000055 4.16E-05 0.548 0.525475
0.00006 4.22E-05 0.571 0.527817
0.2633 4.75E-05 0.000063 0.451 0.406064
6.75E-05 5.76E-05 0.347 0.389003
0.00904 0.2633
0.00006 9.89E-05 0.482 0.497864
0.000117 0.000117 0.434 0.470408
0.0096 0.0001 6.06E-05 0.344 0.335503
0.2158 0.0001 1.83E-05 0.1 0.17013
0.0001 0.000317 0.722 0.600452
0.000133 0.00004 0.266 0.138706
0.000133 0.000374 0.675 0.654255
0.000167 0.000193 0.475 0.470498
0.0001 0.000235 0.665 0.712248
0.000133 3.02E-05 0.29 0.250217
0.0118 0.2177 0.000133 0.000161 0.553 0.626388
0.000167 0.000225 0.658 0.703022
0.0002 7.12E-05 0.39 0.411924
0.268 8.52E-05 6.97E-05 0.319 0.295814
8.55E-05 0.000525 0.754 0.624617
0.268 0.000121 0.000032 0.18 0.19242
0.000121 0.000089 0.28 0.172305
Gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow through helical coils in horizontal plane
Table 6.11 Comparison of results for the prediction of gas holdup using best neural
network and output calculated using Eq. (6.1)
Measurement Best neural
from Eq.
Type network
AARE 0.121936 0.140263
SD (σ) 0.141958 0.156954
MSE 0.004746 4.185085
CCC (R) 0.921583 0.894101
flow regimes in air-water flow through 1 mm to 5 mm tubes are presented. 218 data
points are based on the experimental investigation in 3 mm and 4 mm tubes and 2114
data points from various experimental results from the published literature for air-
water two-phase flow in small diameter tubes have been used. Five different well
known artificial neural network models have been used to predict the flow regime.
The ANN model based Radial Basis Function gives the slightly better predictability
7.1 Introduction
petrochemical industries, nuclear industries and many other heat transfer equipment
with phase change. In the two-phase gas-liquid flow the hydrodynamics, heat transfer
and mass transfer characteristics are largely influenced by the flow regimes. In many
industrial systems like power generation, nuclear reactors, petroleum and biochemical
processing systems, it is necessary to monitor the flow regimes during normal and
also transient operation conditions for the safety and overall performance. So the
extensively in the past (Suo and Griffith, 1964; Barnea et al., 1983; Barajas and
Panton, 1993; Fukano and Kariyasaki, 1993; Mishima et al. 1995; Mishima and
Hibiki, 1996; Triplett et al., 1999; Coleman and Garimella, 1999; Yang and Shieh,
2001; Zhao and Bi, 2001; Chen et al., 2002; Ide et al., 2007; Venkatesan et al., 2010).
Definitions of flow regimes are generally based on the description and graphical
which probably varies for different viewer particularly in the transition from one flow
etc. for flow regime identification. Jones and Zuber (1975) measured void fraction
fluctuations by a linearized X-ray void measurement system and the data used to
calculate the probability density function (PDF) of fluctuations in void fraction that
had helped to identify the main three flow regimes, i.e., bubbly, slug and annular
the flow regimes (Yang and Shieh, 2001; Chen et al., 2002; Ide et al., 2007;
Venkatesan et al., 2010; Akbar et al., 2003; Damianides and Westwater, 1988;
Ghiaasiaan and Abdel-Khalik, 2001; Lowe and Rezkallah, 1999; Rezkallah, 1996;
Serizawa and Feng, 2001; Zhao and Rezkallah, 1993). However, these two
techniques, i.e., the volumetric void fraction and pressure fluctuations were dependent
on each other and/or vary with the test location. Some researchers also proposed
mechanistic models for each transition separately in the flow regimes as these
researchers proposed different equations to identify the same transition and most of
these are associated with the air-water flow through pipelines of different diameters
and inclinations (vertical, horizontal and inclined). Early work on the empirical flow
regime map developed by Baker (1954) and other researchers (Mandhane et al., 1974;
Taitel and Dukler, 1976; Weisman et al., 1979) had attempted to develop a
generalized flow regime map. Taitel and Dukler (1976) proposed a flow regime map
containing predominant four flow regimes namely, stratified, intermittent, bubble and
annular with superficial gas velocity and superficial liquid velocity as co-ordinates
and also proposed physical based criteria for the transition from one regime to the
Prediction of flow regimes for air-water flow through small diameter tube
next. Taitel (1990) proposed a unified model for predicting the flow regime
transitions in channels of any orientation based on simple physical criteria using well
known two-phase dimensionless group, Froude number (Fr), the parameter T which
They also developed the regime transition criteria which had reflected the distinction
between surface tension driven flow regimes, such as bubble and intermittent flow
and the shear force driven flow regimes, such as stratified and annular flow. The
models contained very little empiricism so it could be applied to most of fluids and be
extrapolated to conditions other than air-water and steam-water flow and almost all
diameter pipelines. Fukano et al. (1989) studied the flow patterns in capillary tubes
for air-water flow with diameters ranging from 1.0 to 4.9 mm and compared the maps
with the Mandhane et al. (1974) flow regime map. They identified the flow pattern
but did not provide any flow pattern transition lines. Coleman and Garimella (1999)
pointed out after analyzing the experimental data from literature for the flow pattern
that Mandhane et al. (1974) could not predict the flow regime transitions for small
diameter tubes, also the theoretical prediction of Taitel and Dukler (1976) and the
correlations presented by Weisman et al. (1979) were not applicable for small
diameter tubes.
Suo and Griffith (1964) showed the elongated bubble flow pattern in capillary
tubes with diameters ranging from 1.0 to 1.6 mm. They identified and attempted to
correlate the transition lines from elongated bubble to annular and bubbly flow by
using the average volumetric flow of the liquid and gas phases and the velocity of the
bubbles. Barnea et al. (1983) visually observed the two-phase flow patterns in small
horizontal tubes with diameters ranging from 4.0 to 12 mm and classified these flow
patterns according to the four major regimes, i.e., dispersed, annular, intermittent and
Prediction of flow regimes for air-water flow through small diameter tube
stratified. They also observed that all transitions except the stratified to non-stratified
transition were satisfactorily described by the Taitel and Dukler (1976) model.
Damianides and Westwater (1988) investigated air-water flow pattern for horizontal
glass tubes of inner diamater in the range 1.0 to 5.0 mm. They observed that there
were pronounced effect on the flow regime transition with the diameter. Taitel and
Dukler (1976) model predicted for the dispersed bubble-intermittent boundary and
annular-intermittent boundary but not for stratified flow. They also observed that the
surface tension was a very important variable for small diameter tubes but less for
large tubes. Fukano and Kariyasaki (1993) investigated air-water flow through
horizontal and vertical tubes with inner diameter vary from 1.00 to 9.00 mm. The
transition boundaries of their results agreed well with the experimental data obtained
by various researchers (Barajas and Panton, 1993; Triplett et al., 1999; Mishima et al.,
1993). The stratified flow pattern was not observed by the investigators. Triplett et al.
(1999) studied air-water flow through 1.1 and 1.45 mm diameter tubes. Their
observation was consistent with the results of Fukano and Kariyasaki (1993) and
Daminanides and Westwater (1988). They concluded that the surface tension is
patterns in tube with diameter 1.3 to 5.5 mm. Yang and Shieh (2001) studied the flow
pattern of air-water and R-134a refrigerant in tubes with inner diameter from 1.0 to
3.0 mm. They observed six flow regimes, bubble, plug, slug, wavy stratified,
dispersed and annular flow in their studies. However, the transitions for the refrigerant
R-134a were very sharp and clear than the air-water flow. They also observed that
their results agreed well with those by Damianides and Westwater (1988) and
concluded that the surface tension force be an important parameter for flow pattern
determination. Hassan et al. (2005) investigated air-water flow through 800 µm, 1.0
Prediction of flow regimes for air-water flow through small diameter tube
mm and 3 mm diameter glass tubes and observed the surface tension dominated flow.
Ide et al. (2007) investigated air-water flow through capillary tubes with diameter 1.0
to 4.9 mm. They observed bubble, intermittent and annular flow regime in the
capillaries. Lee and Lee (2008) studied air-water and air-methanol flow through glass
tubes of 1.46 mm and 1.8 mm diameter, teflon tube of 1.59 mm diameter and
polyurethane tube of 2 mm diameter and observed plug, slug, annular and stratified
flow regime. Venkatesan et al. (2010) investigated air-water flow through 0.6 to 3.4
mm diameter glass tubes. They visualized the flow pattern by using high speed
camera and presented flow pattern maps for each tubes. They observed unique flow
patterns for different tube diameter and confirmed the diameter effect on the flow
The present study deals with the creation of data bank from the data collected
from the flow regime studies conducted by various researchers including our own
related to air-water flow and the prediction of the flow patterns using 5 different ANN
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) in circular tubes of diameters ranging from 1–5
mm in horizontal plane.
The data are collected from the experimental investigation and also from the
literature (Barnea et al., 1983; Triplett et al., 1999; Coleman and Garimella, 1999;
Yang and Shieh, 2001; Chen et al., 2002; Ide et al., 2007; Venkatesan et al., 2010) to
predict the different flow regimes for air-water gas-liquid flow through small diameter
tubes. The other experimental data are collected from literatures and total 2332 data
Prediction of flow regimes for air-water flow through small diameter tube
points are used for ANN prediction. The input parameters and their ranges are given
of 98.3 m/s;
maximum of 0.005 m.
Table 7.1 summarizes the data used for ANN studies. Table 7.1 consists of the 15
different types of flow regimes presented by the various authors. The ANN analysis
with 15 outputs can increase the complexity i.e., very long duration of training time is
Annular flow regime (A), Slug-Annular flow regime (SA) and Wavy Annular
flow regime (WA) as described by various authors in their individual papers are taken
The Bubble or Bubbly flow regime (B), Dispersed Bubbly flow regime (DB or
DiB) and Bubble-train Slug flow regime (BTS) as described by various authors in
their individual papers are taken as Bubbly flow regime (B) for this study.
Intermittent flow regime (I), Slug flow regime (Sl), Plug flow regime (P) and
individual papers are taken as Intermittent flow regime (I) for this study.
Stratified Wavy flow regime (SW) and Stratified Smooth flow regime (SS) as
described by various authors in their individual papers are taken as Stratified flow
The Churn flow regime (C), Dispersed flow regime (Di) and Wavy flow
regime (W) are left as these are without any change for this study.
Therefore, for this study the 15 types of flow regimes are modified to 7 to
reduce the complexity, i.e., duration of training for the ANN analysis.
In general, researchers used either normalized data or raw data for ANN
analysis. From our previous experience (Bar and Das 2011, 2012a,b, 2013a,b) here
only the raw data is used for ANN analysis. The total data is first randomized for five
different samples to eliminate sampling error. Then each of these five samples is
analyzed (training, cross-validation and final prediction) for all five different neural
to 7 different flow patterns. Then the output is translated from symbolic data to
numeric data, i.e., into 7 columns consisting of 0 and 1, where each input row
represented in the output with 6 values of number 0 and one value of number 1. The
For the comparison of the performance of the ANN prediction the followings
are considered,
5) MLPs, RBF and PCA are having only one hidden layer
7) The number of processing elements are varied from 1–25 only for all
9) Only one computer with same architecture is used for all analysis
The total data is first randomized for five different samples to eliminate
sampling error. Then each of these five samples is analyzed (training, cross-validation
and final prediction) for all five different neural networks, i.e., two Multilayer
to 7 different flow patterns. Then the output is translated from symbolic data to
numeric data, i.e., into 7 columns consisting of 0 and 1, where each input row
represented in the output with 6 values of number 0 and one value of number 1. The
Intel DP55KG Motherboard (1333 MHz), 16 GB of DDR3 RAM (1333 MHz), ATI
The total of 2332 data points have been used for ANN analysis. Out of this
1981 data points are used for training, 234 data points for cross-validation and 117
data for final prediction. Figs. 7.1–7.5 represent the data used for training, cross-
layer. Table 7.2 present the minimum value of MSE for cross-validation for the 5
different networks. From the values of MSE in Table 7.2 it is clear that the desired
value of minimum MSE, i.e., 0.01 for cross-validation, which is also another criterion
to stop training has never been reached throughout the training and cross-validation
process by any network. The network with the particular number of processing
elements in the single hidden layer recorded the minimum value of cross-validation
MSE is further used for the final prediction. This is the procedure that was followed
Table 7.3 presents the optimum number of processing elements in the hidden
layer for Multilayer Perceptrons, Radial Basis Function and Principal Component
of 32000 epochs are used. For the hidden layer of BP network the value of learning
rate α is 1 and that of momentum coefficient µ is 0.7. For the output layer of BP
network the value of learning rate α is 0.1 and that of momentum coefficient µ is 0.7.
minutes to a maximum of 18 hours 32 minutes to train the five samples using MLP
network trained with BP algorithm. The 1st column of Tables 7.2 and 7.3 present the
Fig. 7.6 is the comparison between the minimum value of MSE for cross-
validation and the number of processing elements in the hidden layer for all the five
samples of the MLP network where the weights are updated using Backpropagation
Fig. 7.7 is the cross-validation curve for all the five samples of the MLP
network where the weights are updated using Backpropagation algorithm during
which the cross-validation MSE reaches its minimum value for all 5 samples.
epochs have been used. For the network with LM algorithm the initial value of λ is
100 consecutive epochs is observed. The numbers of processing elements are varied
12 hours 7 minutes to train the five samples using MLP network trained with LM
Fig. 7.8 presents the comparison between the minimum value of MSE for
cross-validation and the number of processing elements in the hidden layer for all the
five samples of the MLP network where the weights are updated using Levenberg-
Marquardt algorithm. The 2nd column of Tables 7.2 and 7.3 present the minimum
elements respectively.
Fig. 7.9 present the cross-validation curve for all the five samples of the MLP
network where the weights are updated using Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm during
which the cross-validation MSE reached its minimum value for all 5 samples.
Prediction of flow regimes for air-water flow through small diameter tube
For the training of RBF network, 1000 epochs are set for unsupervised
learning and maximum of 1000 epochs for supervised learning. The numbers of
clusters (k value) are kept 15. However, training is stopped when no improvement in
cross-validation MSE for 100 consecutive epochs during supervised learning phase
maximum of 89 hours 19 minutes to train the five samples using RBF network. The
3rd column of Tables 7.2 and 7.3 present the minimum value of cross-validation MSE
Fig. 7.10 presents the comparison between the minimum value of MSE for
cross-validation and the number of processing elements in the hidden layer for all the
five samples of the RBF network where the weights are updated using Levenberg-
Marquardt algorithm.
Fig. 7.11 presents the cross-validation curve for all the five samples for RBF
network where the weights are updated using Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm during
which the cross-validation MSE reaches its minimum value for all 5 samples at the
There are 3 principal components kept for this analysis. For training of PCA
network with three principal components, 1000 epochs have been used for
unsupervised learning and also 1000 epochs for supervised learning. However,
consecutive epochs during supervised learning phase. For the supervised learning LM
algorithm is used for updating the weights. It takes a minimum of 21 hours 57 minutes
Prediction of flow regimes for air-water flow through small diameter tube
to a maximum of 31 hours 15 minutes to train the five samples using PCA network.
The 4th column of Tables 7.2 and 7.3 present the minimum value of cross-validation
Fig. 7.12 presents the comparison between the minimum value of MSE for
cross-validation and the number of processing elements in the hidden layer for all the
five samples of the PCA network where the weights are updated using Levenberg-
Marquardt algorithm.
Fig. 7.13 presents the cross-validation curve for all the five samples for PCA
network where the weights are updated using Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm during
which the cross-validation MSE reaches its minimum value for all 5 samples at the
For the training with SVM network 1000 epochs are used. However, training
train the five samples using SVM network. Fig. 7.14 presents the cross-validation
curve for all the five samples for SVM network where the weights are updated using
Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. The training for all the five curves overlap each
other as evident from the curve. The gradual decrease shows that training is good.
Near the end of the training, the upward bend of the curves and its abrupt end shows
100 epochs. The gradual decrease in the value of average MSE over 5 runs proved the
Table 7.4 shows the performance of the five different ANNs to predict the
flow patterns. Table 7.5 shows the comparison of the experimental to the predicted
output for the analysis done with the sample 3 using PCA network. The last column of
Table 7.5 shows that the network has predicted 106 data correctly. Similar types of
procedures are followed for the evaluation of the output of the other analysis and the
results are depicted in Table 7.4. The final predicted flow pattern result is identified to
be the number closest to 1. The predicted flow patterns are compared with the
2) Some data points that lay on the boundary lines of the different flow regimes
From the mean calculated in Table 7.4, it is clear that the Radial Basis Function gives
slightly better predictability over the other networks. But the time may be a factor as it
is clearly seen that for the prediction using PCA network time is approximately 3
times lesser than that of the training with RBF network, which is an advantage where
7.5 Conclusions
to identify the different flow regimes depicted in the literature have been collected.
Basis Function, Support Vector Machine and Principal Component Analysis network
have been used to predict the flow pattern. The Radial Basis Function gave slightly
Prediction of flow regimes for air-water flow through small diameter tube
better predictability over the other networks if time is not considered an important
Prediction of flow regimes for air-water flow through small diameter tube
Diameter (m)
1E-3 10
1 y (m
Sup 0.1 it
cial eloc
1 V
velo 0.1 ater
city al
(m/ 10 rfici
s) pe
100 0.01 Su
Diameter (m)
1E-3 10
1 y (m
Sup 0.1 cit
erfi elo
cial 1 V
velo 0.1 ater
(m/ 10 ial
s) erfic
100 0.01 Su
Diameter (m)
1E-3 10
1 y (m
Sup 0.1 cit
erfi elo
cial 1 V
velo 0.1 ater
(m/ 10 ial
s) erfic
100 0.01 Su
Diameter (m)
1E-3 10
1 y (m
Sup 0.1 it
cial eloc
1 V
velo 0.1 ater
city al
(m/ 10 rfici
s) pe
100 0.01 Su
Diameter (m)
1E-3 10
1 y (m
Sup 0.1 it
cial eloc
1 V
velo 0.1 ater
city al
(m/ 10 rfici
s) pe
100 0.01 Su
Network: Multilayer Perceptron
Algorithm: Backpropagation
Sample 1
Sample 2
Sample 3
Sample 4
Sample 5
Minimum value of MSE for cross-validation
5 10 15 20 25
Number of processing elements in hidden layer
Minimum value of MSE for cross-validation
Network: Multilayer Perceptron
Algorithm: Levenberg-Marquardt
Sample 1
Sample 2
Sample 3
Sample 4
Sample 5
Minimum value of MSE for cross-validation
5 10 15 20 25
Number of processing elements in hidden layer
Average MSE for cross-validation
1 10 100
Number of epochs
Network: Radial Basis Function
Algorithm: Levenberg-Marquardt
Sample 1
Sample 2
Sample 3
Sample 4
Sample 5
Minimum value of MSE for cross-validation
5 10 15 20 25
Number of processing elements in hidden layer
Average MSE for cross-validation
Network: Principal Component Analysis
Algorithm: Levenberg-Marquardt
Sample 1
Sample 2
Sample 3
Sample 4
Sample 5
Minimum value of MSE for cross-validation
5 10 15 20 25
Number of processing elements in hidden layer
Average MSE for cross-validation
Figure 7.13 Cross-validation curve for PCA network trained with LM algorithm for
all 5 samples
Prediction of flow regimes for air-water flow through small diameter tube
Network: Support Vector Machine
3.5x10-1 Sample 1
Sample 2
3x10-1 Sample 3
Sample 4
Sample 5
Average MSE for crossvalidation
1 10 100 1000
Number of epochs
Figure 7.14 Cross-validation curve for SVM network for all 5 samples
Prediction of flow regimes for air-water flow through small diameter tube
Table 7.1. Description of data collected from literature for Air-Water flow
Table 7.2. Minimum value of MSE for cross-validation reached during training for
all 5 different ANNs
Table 7.3 Optimum number of processing elements in the hidden layer during
training for 4 different ANNs
Sample MLP
Number BP LM
1 24 25 20 25
2 23 21 22 24
3 25 20 23 22
4 24 18 24 24
5 24 20 23 25
0.455 0.366 0.414 0.0234 0.00803 1
0.0034 0.001 0.0049 0.001 0.002 2
2.27 6.2 0.7 0.648 54.1 3
0 0 0 0 0
4 Wavy
0 0 0 0 0 5 Stratified
0 0 0 0 0 6 Dispersed
0 0 0 0 1 7 Annular
1 1 1 1 0 8 Intermittent
0 0 0 0 0 9 Churn
Experimental output
0 0 0 0 0 10 Bubbly
11 Wavy
5 different ANN used
117 data for Prediction
Number of data predicted accurately
Table 7.5 Comparison of ANN predictions with experimental flow regime data for
Table 7.4 Comparison of ANN predictions with experimental flow regime data with
0.169 0.86 1.46 0.0602 0.0144 6.1 0.383 0.811 6.1 0.404 1.2 1
0.001 0.003 0.001 0.00145 0.002 0.0011 0.002 0.0026 0.0011 0.001 0.003 2
2.1 32.1 1.55 0.243 5.56 0.995 0.164 0.582 0.402 1.36 15.6 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 6
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7
1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 8
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 10
-0.05519 -0.05543 -0.05236 -0.05544 0.260565 -0.05405 -0.05547 -0.0555 -0.04296 -0.05396 -0.0319 11
-0.03046 -0.05556 0.003306 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05512 -0.05556 0.006418 -0.05556 12
-0.05556 0.342755 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05553 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05555 -0.05556 -0.05556 1.015296 13
-0.04976 0.290272 -0.05556 -0.05554 0.168903 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05554 -0.05556 -0.05551 0.072564 14
0.984979 -0.05556 0.369951 0.939087 0.148632 0.469522 1.050066 0.84248 -0.05534 0.886509 -0.05555 15
-0.05555 -0.05099 -0.02704 -0.05556 0.102766 0.007179 -0.05521 -0.0554 0.004972 -0.05552 -0.03409 16
Prediction of flow regimes for air-water flow through small diameter tube
-0.05556 -0.05556 0.736892 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.04485 -0.05556 -0.05555 1.055475 -0.05556 -0.05556 17
Correct Wrong Correct Correct Wrong Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct 18
0.368 1.31 0.46 0.0815 4.94 0.426 2.3 1.84 0.0307 0.316 0.348 1
0.0012 0.002 0.003 0.0011 0.0013 0.001 0.004 0.0026 0.0034 0.0026 0.00145 2
0.61 9.39 7.2 1.78 5.94 0.286 10.56 0.523 1.82 0.26 53.4 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5
0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 6
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 7
1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 8
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 10
-0.05465 0.02219 0.017201 -0.05462 -0.04966 0.011756 -0.05556 -0.05553 -0.03411 -0.05551 -0.05556 11
-0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05545 -0.0498 -0.05556 -0.02594 -0.05556 -0.05511 -0.05554 -0.05536 -0.05556 12
-0.05556 0.765994 -0.04327 -0.05556 1.052468 -0.05556 1.054638 -0.055 -0.02899 -0.05556 -0.05556 13
-0.05556 -0.05381 0.302141 -0.02229 -0.05556 -0.0555 -0.05528 -0.05556 -0.00064 -0.05533 1.055523 14
0.863355 -0.05514 0.443665 1.054484 0.061507 1.04517 -0.05555 0.664873 0.717556 0.974111 -0.05556 15
-0.05556 -0.05502 -0.05538 -0.05464 -0.05556 -0.05484 -0.05525 -0.0553 -0.05299 -0.05553 -0.05111 16
Prediction of flow regimes for air-water flow through small diameter tube
-0.05556 1.055517 -0.05556 -0.05556 0.419432 -0.05556 -0.05556 0.510334 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05556 17
Correct Wrong Correct Correct Wrong Correct Correct Wrong Correct Correct Correct 18
7.17 0.0624 2.11 0.0602 0.42 0.0298 0.405 0.268 0.211 1.72 0.0737 1
0.0026 0.001 0.0026 0.00145 0.004 0.0017 0.003 0.0011 0.0049 0.001 0.002 2
2.95 1.12 7.89 15.4 3.76 18.3 0.0386 1.49 1.22 0.655 0.15 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6
0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 7
0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 8
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 9
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10
-0.05555 -0.05249 -0.02987 -0.04228 -0.05556 0.015058 -0.05529 -0.05465 -0.05556 -0.00444 -0.05543 11
-0.05556 -0.01627 -0.04273 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05555 -0.0431 -0.05556 -0.04755 -0.05556 12
0.959034 -0.05556 0.068475 -0.05556 -0.05555 -0.05555 -0.05541 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05547 -0.05556 13
-0.05556 -0.03576 -0.05555 1.055556 -0.05074 1.055556 -0.05556 -0.05529 0.355902 -0.05556 -0.05555 14
-0.05556 0.855545 -0.055 -0.05556 1.005602 -0.05556 1.030407 1.054869 1.046145 0.040205 1.05039 15
-0.05556 -0.05555 -0.05242 0.033854 -0.04532 -0.05555 -0.05556 -0.05482 -0.0555 0.665016 -0.051 16
Prediction of flow regimes for air-water flow through small diameter tube
0.90426 -0.05556 0.953015 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05552 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05556 0.027973 -0.05556 17
Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct 18
0.404 2.41 3.05 1.84 0.438 0.627 0.0164 0.0159 0.898 0.0306 0.184 1
0.001 0.0026 0.001 0.0034 0.00175 0.0034 0.003 0.004 0.002 0.002 0.0012 2
-0.05556 -0.05556 0.893455 1.055556 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05556 0.197452 -0.05555 -0.05556 17
Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Wrong Wrong Correct Correct 18
0.27 4.03 2.36 2.81 0.481 0.75 0.226 0.41 0.24 2.7 0.0627 1
0.0011 0.0011 0.0026 0.00145 0.0012 0.004 0.002 0.002 0.0017 0.004 0.0034 2
0.773 0.394 3.96 0.853 15.2 0.56 5.36 27.7 15.2 18.52 1.51 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 6
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 7
1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 8
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9
0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10
-0.05095 -0.04177 -0.05095 -0.05553 -0.04188 -0.05556 -0.01087 -0.05555 -0.05018 -0.05556 -0.05118 11
-0.03163 -0.05555 0.108865 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05556 12
-0.05556 -0.05556 -0.02779 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05552 -0.0554 -0.05556 -0.05555 1.055385 -0.0175 13
-0.05554 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05556 1.055227 -0.05556 0.298658 1.049813 1.055556 -0.05511 -0.00852 14
1.049594 0.147148 -0.00461 0.924745 -0.05556 1.046516 0.714566 -0.05556 -0.05545 -0.05556 0.993105 15
-0.05421 -0.05001 -0.05322 -0.05537 -0.05556 -0.05535 -0.03235 -0.05556 -0.05555 -0.05556 -0.05407 16
Prediction of flow regimes for air-water flow through small diameter tube
-0.05556 1.015162 0.614567 0.026388 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05334 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05556 17
Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct 18
5.41 1.06 0.698 0.0237 0.481 0.187 0.403 0.612 0.364 2.02 0.0779 1
0.00175 0.0026 0.00145 0.001 0.0012 0.0034 0.0013 0.0011 0.0012 0.003 0.0026 2
1.28 5.23 3.02 41.3 6.12 0.301 2.95 0.0917 12.2 10.9 5.23 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 6
0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 7
0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 8
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10
-0.05556 -0.04264 -0.05259 -0.02192 -0.02989 -0.05506 -0.05385 0.025738 -0.03336 -0.00741 -0.03876 11
-0.05556 -0.03337 -0.05556 -0.05549 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.01246 -0.05556 -0.05555 0.016917 12
-0.04623 -0.02516 -0.05555 -0.05548 -0.05556 -0.01033 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05556 1.051999 -0.05555 13
-0.05556 -0.02217 -0.05555 0.901264 0.271959 -0.05527 -0.05555 -0.05556 1.055397 -0.05555 0.780626 14
0.255182 -0.0318 0.639807 -0.05556 -0.05555 1.0473 1.025309 0.540054 -0.05556 -0.05555 0.162313 15
-0.05556 0.031992 -0.03388 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05544 -0.05454 -0.01298 -0.05556 -0.05401 -0.0512 16
Prediction of flow regimes for air-water flow through small diameter tube
0.090607 0.935942 -0.05486 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05525 -0.05556 -0.05553 -0.05556 17
Wrong Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct 18
0.348 1.23 0.521 1.43 0.105 0.0204 0.00396 1.44 0.943 0.86 0.213 1
0.00145 0.00145 0.00145 0.001 0.0024 0.002 0.004 0.001 0.0034 0.001 0.001 2
0.469 2.53 0.0423 7 4.3 0.66 4.02 3.61 0.76 42.8 1.26 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 6
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 7
1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 8
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 10
-0.05549 -0.05449 -0.05544 -0.03482 -0.04753 -0.05477 -0.05497 -0.05434 -0.05549 -0.05556 -0.05381 11
-0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.03047 -0.05465 -0.05556 1.001979 -0.0272 -0.05547 -0.05556 -0.01307 12
-0.05556 -0.05555 -0.05556 -0.00723 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.0553 -0.04577 1.055496 -0.05556 13
-0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05547 1.01561 -0.0555 0.093439 -0.05556 -0.05544 -0.05553 -0.05454 14
1.001494 0.825138 0.801744 0.701498 0.52225 1.038655 -0.04006 0.94669 0.088088 -0.05556 0.908248 15
-0.05555 0.018661 -0.05555 -0.03033 -0.00364 -0.04114 -0.02809 -0.03315 -0.05535 -0.05556 -0.05555 16
Prediction of flow regimes for air-water flow through small diameter tube
-0.05556 0.016728 -0.05556 0.207733 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05554 0.075364 1.030037 -0.05556 -0.05556 17
Correct Correct Wrong Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct 18
0.6 0.226 0.63 0.402 1.29 0.521 0.182 1.22 0.404 3.3 0.507 1
0.0034 0.002 0.001 0.0026 0.002 0.00145 0.0012 0.0011 0.001 0.0011 0.0026 2
6.15 0.513 0.456 29.5 13.7 7.07 6.12 0.107 7.88 6.4 9.21 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 6
1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 7
0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 8
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 9
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 10
-0.05376 -0.05539 0.020944 -0.05555 -0.02999 -0.02311 -0.03619 0.04127 -0.04132 -0.02252 -0.0433 11
-0.05522 -0.05556 -0.02978 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.02052 -0.04222 -0.02553 -0.04958 12
-0.05551 -0.05556 -0.05537 -0.05556 1.002468 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05553 -0.05556 -0.05555 13
1.049074 -0.05555 -0.05555 1.055555 -0.03016 0.41048 1.045099 -0.05556 0.464479 -0.05556 0.823185 14
-0.0531 1.051292 0.844081 -0.05556 -0.05554 0.146438 -0.05554 0.226413 0.746332 -0.05554 -0.02208 15
-0.02995 -0.05356 0.009983 -0.05346 -0.05552 -0.02474 -0.05556 -0.01112 -0.05554 1.053684 -0.05264 16
Prediction of flow regimes for air-water flow through small diameter tube
0.008354 -0.05556 -0.05534 -0.05556 1.055526 -0.05556 -0.05556 0.89285 -0.05556 -0.05555 -0.05556 17
Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Wrong Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct 18
0.742 0.0306 1.9 0.206 0.42 0.0608 2.5 1.91 0.22 0.0395 1.24 1
0.0017 0.0012 0.0024 0.0011 0.004 0.00145 0.003 0.004 0.00175 0.0026 0.0034 2
3.04 1.82 0.0841 72.8 10.54 0.0822 16.7 0.0398 25.7 0.523 1.51 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 6
0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 7
1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 8
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 10
-0.0498 -0.05479 -0.05553 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05542 -0.02383 -0.05556 -0.05552 -0.05528 -0.05549 11
-0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05006 -0.04356 12
-0.05549 -0.05556 -0.05551 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05556 1.055549 0.17014 -0.05556 -0.05556 0.028049 13
-0.05432 -0.05372 -0.05556 1.055555 0.990807 -0.05555 -0.05556 -0.05556 1.055556 -0.05283 -0.05553 14
0.144656 0.941631 0.491399 -0.05556 0.053191 0.883437 -0.05556 0.017105 -0.05556 0.837489 -0.05486 15
-0.05373 -0.05556 -0.05525 -0.05556 -0.03146 -0.05556 -0.05554 -0.0549 -0.05555 -0.05547 -0.05161 16
Prediction of flow regimes for air-water flow through small diameter tube
0.011914 -0.05556 0.799618 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05556 0.83579 -0.05556 -0.05556 1.055556 17
Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct 18
0.0162 1.96 0.00643 0.75 0.0608 0.545 0.742 0.691 0.46 1.23 0.0307 1
0.002 0.0024 0.004 0.004 0.00145 0.002 0.0017 0.00145 0.003 0.0013 0.0034 2
39.8 0.136 15.5 23.87 0.721 1.09 0.61 1.61 8.3 5.94 1.05 3
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 7
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 8
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10
0.791795 -0.05553 -0.04631 -0.05556 -0.05542 -0.05511 -0.05545 -0.05525 0.022917 -0.01619 -0.04558 11
-0.05556 -0.05556 1.054653 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05552 -0.05556 -0.05555 12
-0.05556 -0.05549 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05555 -0.05554 -0.05555 -0.0412 -0.05521 -0.00433 13
1.055556 -0.05556 0.252785 1.05278 -0.05516 -0.05555 -0.05556 -0.05556 0.405202 -0.05556 -0.05051 14
-0.05556 0.558549 -0.05556 -0.05556 0.976561 1.042185 0.842404 0.908248 0.291249 0.708032 0.956654 15
-0.05555 -0.05533 -0.0085 -0.05549 -0.05555 -0.05506 -0.05551 -0.05419 -0.05531 0.124366 -0.05481 16
Prediction of flow regimes for air-water flow through small diameter tube
-0.05555 0.750003 -0.05554 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.05556 -0.04947 -0.05537 -0.05556 -0.02688 -0.05556 17
Wrong Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct 18
0.907 0.0329 1
0.00145 0.0024 2
9.02 0.0891 3
0 0 4
0 0 5
0 0 6
0 0 7
0 1 8
1 0 9
0 0 10
0.01713 -0.05543 11
-0.05556 -0.05553 12
-0.05533 -0.05556 13
-0.05549 -0.05157 14
0.007539 0.899729 15
1.001559 -0.05419 16
Prediction of flow regimes for air-water flow through small diameter tube
0.009911 -0.05556 17
Correct Correct 18
piping components, bend, helical coils and flow regime prediction using artificial
neural network (ANN) have been reported. The data for this analysis is acquired from
literature and thesis from earlier research works are carried out in our laboratory. The
i. Prediction of pressure drop across the piping components is made for non-
hidden and output layer with the Eq. (2.1) as transfer function. The best
result has been obtained using number of nodes in the hidden layer as 8,
14, 9 and 20 for elbow, orifice, gate valve and globe valve respectively.
ii. Prediction of pressure drop across the pipes and piping components is
algorithm in hidden and output layer with the Eqs. (2.1 – 2.4) as transfer
functions. The best result has been obtained using transfer function and
iii. Prediction of pressure drop across the 45o bend is made for gas-non-
and output layer with the Eqs. (2.1 – 2.4) as transfer functions. The best
result has been obtained using transfer function 1, Eq. (2.1) and the
iv. Prediction of pressure drop and holdup across the helical coil in horizontal
Eqs. (2.1 – 2.4) as transfer functions. The best result has been obtained
using transfer function and number of nodes in the hidden layer as,
v. Prediction of flow regimes are made for air-water flow through small
hidden and output layer with the Eq. (2.1) as transfer functions. The
Radial Basis Function gives slightly better predictability over the other
Hence, it is clear that the predictive ability of ANN in the field of fluid dynamics
used for design and optimum operating conditions for such systems.
D diameter, m
E error
e error matrix
F function, dimensionless
L length, m
Npl ( )
liquid property group µeff4 g / ρlσ l3 dimensionless
o orifice
t epoch number
U, V velocity (m s-1)
w connection weight
x experimental value
y predicted value
Greek letters
α ratio of the valve opening to the full opening of the valve, dimensionless
β gain, dimensionless
µ viscosity, Ns/m2
ρ density, kg/m3
b bend
c coil
f frictional
g gaseous state
l liquid state
t tube
eb elbow
eff effective
tp two-phase
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1) Bar, N. and Das, S.K. 2011. Comparative study of friction factor by prediction
of frictional pressure drop per unit length using empirical correlation and
ANN for gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow through 180° circular bend,
International Review of Chemical Engineering 3(6) 628 – 643. (ISSN: 2035 –
2) Bar, N. and Das, S.K. 2012. Gas-non-Newtonian Liquid Flow Through
Horizontal Pipe – Gas Holdup and Pressure Drop Prediction using Multilayer
Perceptron, American Journal of Fluid Dynamics, 2(3) 7 – 16. (ISSN: 2168 –
3) Bar, N. and Das, S.K. 2013. Frictional Pressure Drop for Gas-Non-Newtonian
Liquid Flow through 90° and 135° circular bend: Prediction Using Empirical
Correlation and ANN, International Journal of Fluid Mechanic Research
39(5) 416 – 437. (ISSN: 1064 – 2277)
4) Singha, B., Bar, N. and Das, S.K. 2014. The use of artificial neural networks
(ANN) for modeling of adsorption of Cr(VI) ions, Desalination and Water
Treatment, 52(1-3) 415 – 425. (ISSN: 1944 – 3986)
5) Bar, N. and Das, S.K. Gas Holdup and Frictional Pressure Drop Prediction in
Vertical Pipes for Gas-non-Newtonian Flow Using ANN. 2nd International
Conference on Process Engineering and Advanced Materials, (ICPEAM
2012), Malaysia, June 12 – 14, 2012. (ISBN: 978 – 983 – 2271 – 81 – 9)
6) Bar, N., and Das, S.K. 2013. Prediction of Flow Regime for Air-Water Flow
in Circular Micro Channels using ANN. Procedia Technology 10 242 – 252.
(ISSN: 2212 – 0173)
7) Bar, N., and Das, S.K. 2014. Modeling of Gas Holdup and Frictional Pressure
Drop Using ANN for Gas-non-Newtonian Flow in Vertical Pipes. Advanced
Materials Research 917 244 – 256. (ISSN: 1662 – 8985)
8) Mitra, T., Singha, B., Bar, N. and Das, S.K. 2014. Removal of Pb(II) ions
from aqueous solution using water hyacinth root by fixed-bed column and
ANN modeling. Journal of Hazardous Materials 273 94 – 103. (ISSN: 0304 –
9) Das, B., Ganguly, U.P., Bar, N. and Das, S.K. 2015. Holdup prediction in
inverse fluidization using non-Newtonian pseudoplastic liquids: Empirical
Correlation and ANN modeling. Powder Technology 273(C) 83 – 90. (ISSN:
0032 – 5910)
Apart from the above papers there are 4 more papers (oral/poster) presented in
national conferences and 2 paper where I was an author had been presented in
national conferences by others.