EnP Ultimate Reviewer No. 1 With Ans
EnP Ultimate Reviewer No. 1 With Ans
EnP Ultimate Reviewer No. 1 With Ans
It is the division of a community into districts or zones according to present and potential uses of
land to maximize, regulate and direct their use and development.
a. Comprehensive Development Planning
b. Zoning
B Correct
c. Land Use Planning
d. None of the above
Under the Local Government Code, reclassification of agricultural land in component cities and first
to third class municipalities shall be limited to:
a. 10%
b. 15%
a Correct
c. 20%
d. 5%
This Law provides a liberalized environment more conducive to private sector investment.
a. RA 7718 (BOT Law)
3 b. Retail Trade Liberation Act a Correct
c. Urban Development and Housing Act
d. None of the above
A contractual arrangement whereby the project proponent undertakes the financing construction of
a given infrastructure or development facility and after its completion turns it over to the government
agency or local government unit concerned, which shall pay the proponent on an agreed schedule
its total investments expanded on the project, plus a reasonable rate of return thereon.
a. Build and transfer
a Correct
b. Build own and operate
c. Build transfer and operate
d. Develop, operate and transfer
The use of scientific methods and information to define the probability and magnitude of potentially
adverse effects which can result from exposure to hazardous materials or situations.
a. Environment impact statement
b. Environment risk assessment
b Correct
c. Scoping
d. None of the above
Which of these projects require an EIS?
a. Golf courses and residential subdivisions above 10 hectares
6 b. Drugstore and backyard piggery a Correct
c. Projects under Kalakalan 20
d. All of the above
A central business district usually has a
a. High daytime population
7 b. Large concentration of office and retail activities d Correct
c. Large daily inflow and outflow of commuters
d. All of the above
If the location quotient of an industry in a region is high, it suggest that
a. The distribution of the industry in the region is very concentrated
b. The distribution of the industry in the region is dispersed
c. The distribution of the industry in the region does not deviated much from the distribution of
d Correct
other industries
d. The region has a larger share of the industry relative to other regions
Urban development tends to occur along major transportation routes because
a. Population tends to concentrate where transportation is available
9 b. Transportation facilities tend to service areas where there is population concentration c Correct
c. Both A and B
d. None of the above
The rate used to discount the future streams of estimated costs and benefits is known as
a. Social discount rate
10 b. Inflation rate a Correct
c. Financial rate of return
d. Economic internal rate of return
This represents the earning power of money invested in the project
a. Internal rate of return
11 b. Net present value a Correct
c. Annuity
d. Discounting
________ initially developed the concept of “growth pole of regions”
a. Christaller
12 b. Perroux b Correct
c. Lennoix
d. Howard
________ is a set of accounts, usually in monetary form, prepared for an economy and widely used
in the analysis of inter-industry relationships.
a. Regional accounts matrix
b. Input-output table
b Correct
c. Economic base table
d. Location quotient ratio
One of the following consists of an area of land, which is generally developed based on a
comprehensive plan, allocated for factory buildings either sold or leased for manufacturing purposes
a. Industrial estate
b. Integrated area development
a Correct
c. Industrial subdivision
d. Commercial/industrial estate
An urban area which has the following characteristics: it has strong linkage with the economy; it is
the center of the labor market; it is a major wholesale and retail trade area; it has a high level of
tertiary functions; has a good urban system; and has a population less that 250,000 is called
15 a. Growth center a Correct
b. Metropolitan area
c. Major urban center
d. Minor urban center
A consulting firm, partnership, company, corporation, or association may engage in the practice of
environmental planning in the Philippines, provided that
a. At least 75% of the entire membership of the Board of the entity shall be registered
environmental planners
b. At least 70% of the total capitalization of the entity is owned by registered environmental
d Correct
c. At least 70 of the entire membership of the Board is composed of EnP’s and 75% of the
capitalization is owned by them
d. At least 75% of the entire membership and 75% of the capitalization is owned by registered
environmental planners
The practice of environmental planning within the provisions of PD 1308 does not involve one of the
a. Site and land use planning
b. City/town planning
c Correct
c. Family planning
d. None of the above
Demography denotes the study of human population through statistical methods. This involves
primarily the measurement of the size and increase or decrease of the numbers of people. The
constituents of change in these numbers are:
20 a. Births and deaths b Correct
b. Births, deaths and migration
c. Birth, adoption, marriage, divorce, legal separation, and annulment
d. Birth, citizenship, duration of marriage and ethnic origin
Under the concept of urbanized areas as defined in the Philippine Census of Population and
Housing in 1990, central districts of municipalities and cities have a population density of at least
a. 100 persons per square kilometer
b. 250 persons per square kilometer
c Correct
c. 500 persons per square kilometer
d. 1,000 persons per square kilometer
Certain environmental factors affect population distribution at a given point in time. They are:
a. Climate
22 b. Location of water, soil, energy and mineral resources d Correct
c. Transport relationships
d. All of the above
Sex ration is defined as:
a. The number of females divided by the number of males, times 100
23 b. The number of males divided by the number of females, times 100 b Correct
c. The number of males divided by the number of females, times 10
d. The number of females divided by the number of males, times 10
Thomas Robert Malthus was the one who first concluded that
a. The means of subsistence grew only at an arithmetic rate
b. The means of subsistence and population both grew at an arithmetic rate
c. The means of subsistence of population few at a geometric rate
d Correct
d. The means of subsistence grew only at an arithmetic rate whereas the population tended to
grow at a geometric rate
When the age and sex compositions of most populations are plotted graphically, the result is a
“population pyramid”, the broad base represents the youngest ages, and the sides gradually slope
toward a point, representing the decrease
brought about by deaths in each successive age group. The pyramid represents
25 a. A static picture because it freezes the continuous action of mortality, fertility, and migration at a a Correct
particular moment in time
b. A uniform increase in all age brackets over a period of time
c. Migration and fertility trends
d. All of the above
The law that provides for the establishment and management of National Integrated Protected
Areas System is
a. RA 8371
b. RA 7586
b Correct
c. RA 7279
d. None of the above
RA 8435 of the Agriculture and Fishery Modernization Act (AFMA) of 1997 strives to provide full and
adequate support to the sustainable development ofhighly modernized agriculture and fishery
industry in the Philippines. Under AFMA, one of the following has been de-prioritized
30 a. Identification and establishment of model farms b Correct
b. On-farm production enhancement technologies
c. Small-scale irrigation systems
d. Research, development and training facilities
Along with the Network of Protected Areas for Agriculture and Agro-Industrial Development
(NPAAAD), it provides the Physical basis for the proper planning of sustainable agriculture and
fishery development and in identification of sustainable crops, livestock and fishes that can be
economically grown and commercially developed for local and international markets without
31 creating irreversible environment and human health problems d Correct
a. The Watershed Areas
b. Comprehensive Land Use Plan
c. Integrated Area Development
d. Strategic Agriculture and Fishery Development Zone
Land use conversion is limited by reclassification ceilings under various legal issuances, e.g., Local
Government Code. Under the AFMA, only 5% of the SAFDZ areas may be converted to other uses,
while the LGC limits to
38 a. 15% of the agricultural land in highly urbanized and independent component cities a Correct
b. 10% of total arable land in any town
c. 5% of total arable land in any city
d. all of the above
The first industrial estate in the country, which became operational in 1972, was the
a. Bataan IE
39 b. Dasmariñas IE a Correct
c. Mactan IE
d. Sapang Palay IE
This is the first place where the first export processing zone in the world was established
a. Puerto Rico
40 b. India a Correct
c. Taiwan
d. Korea
This strategy aims to promote greater complementary between agriculture and industry and
between urban and rural sectors
a. Country-side agro-industrial developments
b. National Council for Integrated Area Development
a Correct
c. National agro-industrial area development
d. None of the above
This strategy refers to a situation where an industry through the flow of goodsand income stimulates
that development and growth of the industries, that are technically related to it, and determine the
prosperity of the tertiary sector or stimulates an increase of the regional income
42 a. Growth pole a Correct
b. Industrial polarization
c. Industrial decentralization
d. Industrial location
Ebnezer Howard, the most influential among the Great Thinkers in odern urban and regional
planning, wrote this famous book, first published in 1898
a. Garden Cities
b. Garden Cities of Tomorrow
d Correct
c. Tomorrow’s Cities
d. Tomorrow
Patrick Geddes, a Scot biologist who is acknowledged as the father of regional planning set forth
his ideas in his masterpiece entitled
a. Cities and Regions
b. Cities ad Evolution
b Correct
c. Cities in Evolutionary Change
d. Revolution in Cities
Kevin Lynch stresses
a. A conceptual system focusing on urban form
45 b. A communications theory approach to urban growth a Correct
c. Accessibility concepts and urban structure
d. Urban spatial structure in the frame
Albert Z. Guttenberg speculates
a. A conceptual system focusing on urban form
b. A communications theory approach to urban growth
c. Accessibility concepts and urban structure
c Correct
d. Urban spatial structure in the framework of equilibrium theory (an economic model of spatial
Based on the principle of devolution of powers to local government units, the National Government
transfers these funds to LGUs for their administrative, public order and safety operations
a. Internal Revenue Allotments
b. Budgetary Allocations
a Correct
c. Local Development Allotments
d. LGU Budgetary Allotments
Morbidity refers to
a. Death per 1,00 population
48 b. Deaths per 10,00 population d Correct
c. Deaths due to diseases
d. Incidence of disease
Because NSO age groupings do not coincide with school-going age population for primary,
intermediate, secondary and tertiary, this method is used to disaggregate school age population
within a bracket into a single year estimate:
49 a. Sprague multiplier a Correct
b. Sprengler multiplier
c. Extrapolition coefficient
d. Interpolation coefficient
Planning standards for school facilities include minimum standards for space measured in terms of
square meters per pupil (p.p.) for academic classrooms in the elementary level, the minimum
standard is
50 a. 1.20 sqm. per p.p. a Correct
b. 1.40 sqm. per p.p.
c. 1.50 sqm. per p.p.
d. 1.75 sqm. per p.p.
Standards for firefighting services prescribe that municipalities with 10,000 or more population but
below 50,000 should provide at least one fire truck. Adjoining municipalities, however, are allowed
to share one fire truck provided that the
distance is within prescribed limits. In such cases, the maximum travel time between municipalities.
a. 10 minutes
a Correct
b. 15 minutes
c. 20 minutes
d. 30 minutes
In the identification of needs and planning of social welfare programs and services, the planner is
expected to
a. Involve the clientele
b. Involve the national and local governments
d Correct
c. Involve the private sector
d. Involve all sectors mentioned above
The Law that authorizes the establishment and promulgation of different levels of Standards of
economic and socialized housing in urban and rural areas provided under the Subdivision and
Condominium Buyers Protective Decree and the National Building Code is
53 a. BP 220 a Correct
b. RA 7279
c. PD 957
d. PD 1216
What ratio between saleable and non-saleable portions of the subdivision is requires for projects
developed under BP 220 standards?
a. No fixed ratio
b. 70% saleable and 30% non-saleable
a Correct
c. 40% saleable and 60% non-saleable
d. Minimum of 50% open space
A single detached dwelling units is defined as a house
a. Good for one household
55 b. Intended for ownership c Correct
c. Completely surrounded be yards
d. With one or more of its sides abutting the property line
A study which all the unites in the population is called
a. Wholistic study
56 b. Phenomenological study d Correct
c. Survey
d. Census
This type of plan shows the allocation of land into broad functional classes, e.g., development
areas, conservation/preservation areas; agricultural area and forest areas.
a. Structure Plan
b. General Land Use Plan
b Correct
c. Development Plan
d. Comprehensive Plan
Agricultural land in its generic sense is synonymous with that basic land classification?
a. Timberland
b. Unclassified public forest
c. Alienable and disposable
c Correct
d. Ancestral domain
e. Critical watershed
Which of the following is not a factor in determining the suitability of land for an industrial estate?
a. Load-bearing capacity
b. Soil fertility
c. Drainage
b Correct
d. Slope
e. Location
The 1987 constitution seeks to classify all lands in the public domain into four categories. Name the
one that is not among the four.
a. Agricultural land
61 b. Mineral land d Correct
c. National park
d. Ancestral domain
e. Forest land
This is the process of appraising the feasibility, credibility and probable impacts pr consequences of
alternative schemes of development or specific environmental conditions.
a. Environmental impact assessment
b. Evaluation
b Correct
c. Diagnostic survey
d. Feasibility study
One of these plans is not required under AFMA:
a. Regional Agro-Industrial Development Plan
73 b. The SAFDZ Integrated Development Plan a Correct
c. The Agricultural and Fishery modernization Plan
d. None of the above
It is a process of predicting the likely environmental consequences of implementing a project of
undertaking and designing appropriate preventive, mitigating and enhancement measures.
a. Scoping
b. Initial environmental examination
c Correct
c. Environmental impact assessment
d. Environmental risk assessment
In transporting planning, the collection of the data is undertaken through different types of surveys.
The manual counting and classifying, by type of vehicle and direction of travel, recorder counts
extending over longer periods is called
75 a. Travel time surveys b Correct
b. Roadside surveys
c. Network inventories
d. Zoning
This is one of the methods of trips generation modeling, which is concerned with finding the best
functional relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables. This
relationship is usually assumed to linear.
76 a. Analysis of variance b Correct
b. Multiple regression
c. Category analysis
d. Situational analysis
This is a method of trip assignment which takes into account congestion on the transportation
system. It is the process of determining a pattern of traffic flow for a known set of interzonal
movements so/that the relationship between journey
time and flow on every link on the network should be in accordance with that specified for the link
a. Diversion curves
c Correct
b. All-or-nothing assignment
c. Capacity restraint
d. None of the above
These are lands that are capable of sustaining the economic productivity levels of crops/land use
over time in a given climatic region without adversely affecting the immediate and adjoining
78 a. Agricultural lands b Correct
b. Prime agricultural lands
c. Environmentally critical areas
d. Agro-industrial zones
Areas generally belonging to ICCS/IPs subject to property rights within ancestral domain
a. Indigenous areas
b. Cultural minority areas
c Correct
c. Ancestral areas
This refers to a tithe formally recognizing the rights of possession and ownership of ICC/IPs over
their ancestral domains identified in accordance with the law
a. Torrens Title
b. Indigenous People Title
d Correct
c. Land Title
d. Certificate of Ancestral Domain Title
The following operating principles are adhered to under the Indigenous People’s Right Act, except
a. Biodiversity
81 b. Career Development of IPs b Correct
c. Protection of the Environment
d. Cultural diversity and Integrity, Consensus and Peace Building and human Dignity
The rights of the IPs to cultural integrity shall include
a. Protection of indigenous culture, traditions and institutions
b. Right to establish and control educational and learning systems
c. Right to science and technology
d Correct
d. All of the above
c. None of the above
The primary government agency to implement the policies for the IPs is
a. Office of the Cultural Affairs
83 b. National Commission for the Cultural Communities d Correct
c. Commission for the Philippine Minorities
d. National Commission for Indigenous Peoples
Systems, Institutions, mechanics and technologies comprising a unique body of knowledge enclave
through time
a. Cultural practices
b. Cultural way of life
d Correct
c. Indigenous culture
d. Indigenous knowledge systems and practices
Consensus of all members of the ICCs/IPs determined in accordance with their respective
customary laws and practices, free from any external manipulation and coercion
a. Indigenous consensus
b. Rights of Indigenous people
c Correct
c. Free and informed consent
d. All of the above
RA No.8371 is also known as the
a. NIPAS Law
86 b. Conservation and Biodiversity d Correct
c. Agenda 21
d. Indigenous Peoples Rights Act (IPRA)
The National Commission on Indigenous Peoples shall protect the rights of Indigenous peoples,
except those of
a. Children and youth
b. Elders
d Correct
c. Women
d. None of the above
How many commissioners comprise the national Commission on Indigenous Peoples?
a. Five
b. Seven
c. Nine
b Correct
d. Eleven
e. Four
It consists of resource flows provided by bilateral sources and multilateral institutions with the
objective of promoting the economic development and welfare of the recipient country.
a. World bank
b. Official Development Assistance
b Correct
c. Internal Revenue Allotment
d. Development fund
This Law provides a liberalization environment more conductive to private sector investment.
a. RA 6657 and RA 7718 (BOT Law)
b. Retail Trade Liberalization Act
c. Urban Development and Housing Act
a Correct
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
A contractual arrangement whereby the public sector contracts out the building of an infrastructure
facility to a private entity such that the contractor builds the facility on a turn-key basis, assuming
cost overrun, delay and specified performance risks.
92 a. Build and transfer c Correct
b. Build own and operate
c. Build transfer and operate
d. develop, operate and transfer
The use of scientific methods and information to define the probability and
magnitude of potentially adverse effects which can result from exposure to hazardous materials or
93 a. Environmental impact statement b Correct
b. Environmental risk assessment
c. Scoping
d. None of the above
Those persons who may be significantly affected by the project or undertaking are called
a. Indigenous people
94 b. Stakeholders b Correct
c. Squatters
d. Proponent
Which of these projects requires an EIS?
a. Golf courses and residential subdivisions above 10 hectares
95 b. Drugstores and backyard piggery a Correct
c. Projects under Kalakalan 20
d. All of the above
Those suffering from restriction or lack of ability to perform an activity in the manner or within the
range considered normal for a human being as a result of mental, physical or sensory impairment.
a. Physically challenged
b. Impaired
c Correct
c. Disabled
d. Disadvantaged
Ebenezer Howard is regarded as the most influential among the Great Thinkers in modern urban
and regional planning. His famous book, first published in 1898, was titled:
a. Garden Cities
b. Garden Cities of Tomorrow
b Correct
c. Tomorrow’s Cities
d. Tomorrow
Ebenezer Howard’s ideas were adopted by the British Governments in the enactment of the New
Towns Act of 1947. The new towns concept, according to historians, has been illustrated by Howard
on a paper napkin. This famous diagram consists of:
a. One Magnet
b. Two Magnets
c Correct
c. Three Magnets
d. Four Magnets
e. Five magnets
Ebenezer Howard envisioned a new town deliberately outside normal commuter range of the old
city. It would fairly small. Its population size shall be:
a. Ten thousand
b. Twenty thousand
c Correct
c. Twenty-two thousand
d. Thirty thousand
The first new town built following Ebenezer Howard’s idea is known as:
a. Letchworth
100 b. Soltaire a Correct
c. Strenage
d. Welwyn
The counterpart of Geddes in the University States is Lewis Mumford. Hiss treatise is entitled:
a. Culture and Cities
b. Cities and Culture
c. The Cities of Culture
e Correct
d. The Culture of Cities
e. The Culture of the Cities
The advocates of the systems view planning does not include one of the following:
a. G. Wilson
b. George Chadwick
c. J.B. McLoughlin
e Correct
d. Stuart Chapin
e. Andreas faludi
What does reviews Comprehensive Land Use Plans (CLUPs) of component cities and
103 b. PLUC b Correct
d. None of the above
e. All of the above
What law lays down the mandates and functions of the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board?
a. EO 949
116 b. EO 90 b Correct
c. PD 933
d. PD 957
A local legal measure which embodies regulations affecting land use is:
a. Comprehensive Land Use Plan
117 b. Zoning Ordinance b Correct
c. Cadastral Survey
d. tax Declaration
A special locational clearance which grants a property owner relief from certain provisions of the
zoning ordinance where, because of the particular physical surrounding, shape or topographical
conditions of the property, compliance with height, area, bulk, setback and/or density would result in
particular hardship upon the owner is called:
a. Certified of Non-Conformance
c Correct
b. Exception
c. Variance
d. None of the above
A device which grants a property owner relief from certain provisions of a Zoning ordinance where,
because of the specific use would result n a particular hardship to the owner.
a. Variance
b. Certificate of Non- Conformance
c Correct
c. Exception
d. Development
This refers to all barangays or portion/s of which comprise the poblacion and other built-up areas
including the urbanizable land in and adjacent to said areas and whereat least 50% of the
population area engaged in non-agricultural activities:
120 a. Central business district b Correct
b. Urban area
c. City center
d. Suburban area
The process of arranging activities and plans among different interest or planning groups for the
purpose of systemizing, harmonizing and facilitating operations is called:
a. Public hearing
b. Consultation
c Correct
c. Coordination
d. Scooping
The process of obtaining technical advice or opinion which may not be followed is called.
a. Consultation
122 b. Coordination a Correct
c. Public hearing
d. Citizen participation
The agency that implements the laws, rules and regulations that support policies of Government
with regard to optimizing the use of land as a resource is:
b. DAR
c Correct
What is zoning?
a. It is the designation of species areas of a community as functional and uses of land may be
allowed or regulated on accordance with the development plan.
b. It is a tool to implement the development plan
a Correct
c. It is a means of redistributing land acquisition and disposition
d. None of the above
What are the tools for plan implementation?
a. Zoning ordinance, taxation and eminent domain
126 b. Zoning, subdivision and building ordinance c Correct
c. Zoning ordinance, local investment
d. Urban land reform
What higher level plans guides Local Government Units (LGUs) in preparing their own
comprehensive land use plans (CLUPs)?
a. National Physical Framework Plans and Medium-Term Development Plans
127 b. Regional Physical Framework Plans and Regional Development Plans c Correct
c. Provincial Physical Framework and Provincial Development Plans
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
A consulting firm, partnership, company, corporation, or association may engage on the practice of
environmental planning in the Philippines, provided that:
a. At least 75% of the entire membership of the Board of the entity shall be registered
environmental planners
b. At least 70% of the total capitalization of the entity is owned by registered environmental
d Correct
c. At least 70% of the entire membership of the Board is composed of ENPs and 75% of the
capitalization is owned by them
d. At least 75% of the entire membership and 75% of the capitalization is owned by registered
environmental planners
This law provides for the establishment and management of National Integrated Protection Areas
a. RA 8371
b. RA 7586
b Correct
c. RA 7279
d. None of the above
RA 8435 or the Agriculture and Fishery Modernization Act (AFMA) of 1997 strives to provide full
and adequate support to the sustainable development of a highlt modernized agriculture and fishery
industry in the Philippines. Under AFMA, one of the following has been d-prioritized
138 a. Identification and establishment of model farm b Correct
b. On-farm production enhancement technologies
c. Small-scale irrigation systems
d. Research, development and training facilities
Along with the Network of Protected Areas for Agriculture and Agro-Industrial Development
(NPAAAD), it provides the physical basis for the proper planning of sustainable agriculture and
fishery development and in the identification of suitable crops, livestock for local and international
markets without creating irreversible environmental and human health problems.
a. The watershed areas
d Correct
b. Comprehensive Land Use Plan
c. Integrated Area Development
d. Strategic Agriculture and Fishery Development Zone
Land use conversion is limited by reclassification ceiling under various legal issuances, e.g. Local
Government Code. Under the AFMA, only 5% of the SAFDZ areas may be converted to other uses,
while the LGC limits to:
140 a. 15% of total arable lands on chartered cities and 1st class Municipalities a Correct
b. 10% of total arable lands in any town
c. 5% of total arable land in any city
d. All of the above
The 1987 Constitution seeks to classify all lands in the public domain onti four categories. Name pf
the one that is not among four
a. Agricultural land
141 b. Mineral land d Correct
c. National park
d. Ancestral domain
e. Forest land
Based on the principle of devolution of powers to local government units, the National Government
transfers these funds to LGUs for their administrative, public order and safety operations
a. International Revenue Allotments
b. Budgetary Allocation
a Correct
c. Local Development Allotment
d. LGU Budgetary Allotment
As provided for in the Water Code and the HLURB zoning guidelines, the required easement in
urban areas from the banks of rivers/streams, seas and lakes is:
a. 3 meters
b. 20 meters
a Correct
c. 40 meters
d. 100 meters
Variances and exemptions from the land use plan/zoning map are secured from the:
a. Zoning Administrator/Officer
144 b. Municipal Mayor d Correct
c. Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator (MPDC)
d. Local Zoning Board of Adjustments and Appeals (LZBAA)
A kind of ad-hoc zoning that allows a small piece of land to deviate from the approved zone of the
area for certain reason is called:
a. Spot zoning
b. Flexible zoning
a Correct
c. Euclidean zoning
d. large lot zoning
Any amendment to the provisions of the zoning ordinance for component cities and municipalities
can only take effect approval and authentication by the:
a. Sangguniang Panlalawigan
a Correct
c. Local Zoning Review Committee
d. local Zoning Board of Adjustment and Appeals (LZBAA)
Alarm over increasing world population may be traced to Thomas Malthus’ theory that states
a. Population grows geometrically while food supply grows arithmetically
147 b. Population grows arithmetically while food supply grows geometrically a Correct
c. Population and food grows geometrically
d. Population and food grows arithmetically
Many industries want to locate near urban cities because they want to be
a. Close to large market
148 b. Close to a major transportation hub d Correct
c. Avail of urban services and facilities
d. All of the above
In many metropolitan centers in the developing world, the largest component of urban growth
population is
a. Birth
b. In-migration
b Correct
c. Increased territorial jurisdiction
d. None of the above
In the Philippines, the total urban population is expected to become
a. Larger than the total rural population
153 b. Equal and will stabilized at the level of the rural population a Correct
c. Maintain its ratio with rural population
d. Decline until it equals rural population
Historically, in contrast to Thomas Malthus theory
a. Population has grown faster than food supply
154 b. Population has grown slower than food supply b Correct
c. Population and food supply have grown at approximately the same pace
d. Population and food supply have not grown
Metro Manila is considered a primate city because
a. It is the largest urban city of the country
155 b. It contains the country’s primary central business district c Correct
c. It has a very large population compared to all the urban centers of the country
d. It is a metropolitan center
Population growth is usually measured as a function of
a. The number of deaths, birth and fertility
156 b. The number of deaths, births, and out-migrants d Correct
c. The number of deaths, births and in-migrants
d. the number of deaths, births and net migrants
In central business districts, the highest land values are usually the areas where
a. Zoning is for commercial land use
157 b. Density is highest c Correct
c. Both A and B
d. None of the above
A Lorenz Curve can give a graphical indications of how
a. An industry’s output has grown in a region
158 b. An industry’s forward and backward linkages have expanded in a region c Correct
c. An industry is distributed in a region
d. An industry’s exports compares with its imports in a region
If the location quotient in a region is high, it suggests that
a. The distribution of the industry in the region is very concentrated
b. The distribution of the industry in the region is dispersed
c. The distribution of the industry in the region does not deviate much from the distribution of
d Correct
other industries
d. the region has a larger share of the industry relative to other regions
The Export Base theory argues that
a. The economic growth of a region is dependent on the growth of its export sector
b. Regional exports should not exceed regional imports
c. The ratio between regional exports and regional imports is the basis for determining economic
a Correct
d. Regional exports should equal regional imports
An urban area becomes a central business district because this is an area where
161 a. Infrastructure is most concentrated b Correct
b. Economic
_________ initially developed the concept of “growth pole” of regions
a. Christaller
162 b. Perroux b Correct
c. Lennoix
d. Howard
What is the main foundation of the theory of growth pole of regions?
a. Concept of leading industries
163 b. Concept of polarization d Correct
c. Concept of spread effects
d. All of the above
What does the concept of leading industries mean in the growth pole theory?
a. Manufacturing sector
164 b. Propulsive industries b Correct
c. Comparative sector
d. Agricultural sector
What is the LQ ratio that would indicate an export or basic activity in a region?
a. LQ>1
165 b. LQ=1 a Correct
c LQ<1
d. LQ=0
In economic base studies, economic activities are generally classified into three (3) activities,
a. Basic, non-basic, retail
b. Basic, non-basic, mixed
b Correct
c. Basic, intermediate, retail
d. Basic, sectoral, ntermediate
The most frequently used unit of measure for computing the LQ of an economy is
a. Basic, non-basic, retail
167 b. Basic, non-basic, mixed b Correct
c. Basic, intermediate, retail
d. Basic, sectoral, intermediate
The most frequently used unit of measure for computing the LQ of an economy is
a. Employment
168 b. Income a Correct
c. Sales
d. Production
______ is a set of accounts, usually in monetary from, prepared for an economy and widely used in
the analysis of inter-industry relationships.
a. Regional accounts matrix
b. Input-output table
b Correct
c. Economic base table
d. Location quotient ratio
A tool of analysis developed as an effective way of choosing between alternative planning options
by ensuring the optimum allocation of available resources and maximum welfare to the community
a. Cost-benefit analysis
b. Linear programming
a Correct
c. Shift-share analysis
d. Sensitivity analysis
The portion of the feasibility study (FS) that determines the project’s net contribution to the national
economy and social welfare is
a. Economic study
b. Demand analysis
a Correct
c. Financial analysis
d. Technical evaluation
The standard distance of a commercial activity from an education center should be
a. 15 minutes by public transport
172 b. 15 minutes by private transport a Correct
c. 30 minutes minimum travel time by public transport
d. 60 minutes travel time by public transport
represents the earning power of money invested in the project
a. Internal rate of return
173 b. Net present value a Correct
c. Annuity
d. Discounting
The process of finding the present value of future amount is called
a. Discounting
174 b. Acid test a Correct
c. Payback
d. Return of investment
The best measure of the project’s economic worthiness and its adaptation as a basis for project
acceptability is
a. Net present value
b. Discounted rate
a Correct
The hurdle rated used by NEDA is
a. 15%
176 b. 18% a Correct
c. 12%
d. 20%
Patterned after the Batem/Johore/Singapore growth triangle, another growth triangle in Southeast
Asia is being considered which involves
a. Mindanao/Sulawesi/Sabah-Sarawak
b. Mindanao/Sarawak/Borneo
a Correct
c. Zaboanga/Sulawesi/Sabah
d. Zamboanga/Sabah/Sarawak
This concept refers to the necessary combination of agricultural, industrial and institutional activities
in ways that are mutually reinforcing- fostering of small regional towns which are attractive enough
with regards to services, housing
and cultural/social amenities to stabilized the population and industries closely tied to agricultural
178 production a Correct
a. Integrated area development
b. Agro-industrial development
c. Regional development
d. Rural development
Based on the principle of devolution of powers to local government units, the National Government
transfers these funds to LGUs for their administrative, public order and safety operations
a. Internal Revenue Allotments (IRA)
b. Budgetary Allocations (BA)
a Correct
c. Local Development Allotments (LDA)
d. LGU Budgetary Allotments (LBA)
An urban area which has the following characteristics: It has a strong linkage with economy; it is the
center of the labor market; it is a major wholesale and retail trade area; it has a high level of tertiary
functions; has a good urban system; and has a population less that 250,000 is called
180 a. Growth center a Correct
b. Metropolitan area
c. Major urban area
d. Minor urban area
This concept refers to a situation where an industry through the flow of goods and incomes
stimulates the development and growth of the industries, that are technically related to it, and
determines the prosperity of the tertiary sector or stimulates an increase of the regional income
183 a. Growth pole a Correct
b. Industrial polarization
c. Industrial decentralization
d. Industrial location
Complementing industrial estates, these area are being established in order to accelerate
industrialization in the regions through small ad medium enterprises and people’s industrial
184 a. Regional industrial centers a Correct
b. Core industries center
c. Industrial corridors
d. Industrial diffusion
This strategy aims to promote greater complementarity between agriculture and industry and
between urban and rural sectors
185 a. Countryside agro-industrial development a Correct
b. National council for integrated area development
c. Nationwide agro-industrial area development
Specific physical planning standards followed in the design and construction of industrial estates on
the Philippines are generally based on
a. National Building Code
b. Architectural Graphic Standards
a Correct
c. Physical Planning Code
d. BP 344
These are free ports where export trade is the exclusive activity
a. Free trade zones
187 b. Free trade areas a Correct
c. Industrial estates
d. Export processing zones
The rate used to discount the future streams of estimated costs and benefits is known as
a. Social discount rate
188 b. Inflation rate a Correct
c. Financial rate of return
d. Economic internal rate of return
Urban development tends to occur along major transportation routes because
a. Population tends to concentrate where transportation is available
189 b. Transportation facilities tend to services areas where there is a population concentration a Correct
c. Both A and B
d. None of the above
Land use changes in large and development cities is largely a function of
a. Government and land use and zoning policies
190 b. Existing and expected land values b Correct
c. Demand for housing
d. Foreign investments
The most efficient type of hierarchy of settlements is one wherein
a. There is no single, dominant urban center
191 b. All settlements are equal in size d Correct
c. All settlements are distributed equally in space
d. None of the above
Often, a hierarchy of settlements is characterized by the presence of
a. A few large cities, some medium-sized cities, and many small settlements
192 b. Only medium-sized and small settlements a Correct
c. Equally-sized large cities in every region
d. Only one large city and many smell settlements
The larger the population of a city, the more likely its economy allows for
a. More specialization
193 b. Increased self-sufficiency a Correct
c. Environmental protection
d. Higher demand for indigenous products
As a region urbanizes and expand economically, the dominant economic activities become those
from the
a. Mining and other extractive activities
b. Manufacturing sector
c Correct
c. Services sector
d. None of the above
One of the following consists of an area pf land. Which is generally developed based on a
comprehensive plan, allocated for factory buildings either sold or leased for manufacturing purposes
a. Industrial estate
b. Integrated area development
a Correct
c. Industrial subdivision
d. Commercial/industrial estate
This type of industrial estate intends to advance, improve or increase the level of industrial activity
in the area, particularly lagging regions
a. Developmental
b. Promotional
a Correct
c. Relocational
d. Private
This type of industrial estate refers to those established for developing new industries
a. Promotional
197 b. Developmental a Correct
c. Relocational
d. Private
This type of industrial estate is one where the functions of one type of industry are subdivided into
smaller specialized units to provide parts or components to the main industrial manufacturing unit
a. Ancillary
b. Composite
a Correct
c. Specialized
d. Promotional
This type of industrial estate is usually large and built for heavy industry
a. Coastal
199 b. Rural a Correct
c. Specialized
d. Inland
This type of industrial estate is generally built for assembly and processing types of industries
a. Inland
200 b. Coastal a Correct
c. Specialized
d. Rural
The first estate in the country which became operational in 1972, was the
a. Bataan IE
201 b. Dasmariñas IE a Correct
c. Mactan IE
d. Sapang Palay IE
Industrial density refers to
a. Number of manufacturing employees per gross industrially used hectarage
202 b. Number of manufacturing employees per net industrially used hectarage a Correct
c. Number of industries per gross land hectarage
d. Number of industries per net land hectrage
The slope range that is prescribed as production land use is
a. 0-18%
203 b. Above 50% a Correct
c. 16-50%
d. 0-8%
The elevation reserved for protection land use is
a. Above 500
204 b. Above 100 d Correct
c. Above 2,000
d. Above 1,000 mtrs.
Under the 1998 Evolutionary Soil Classification System, the classification level depicted in the
Bureau of Soils and Water Management is the
a. Soil order
b. Soil type
d Correct
c. Soil great group
d. Soil series
A Philippine climatic type characterized by rainfall evenly distributed throughout the years refers to:
a. Type III
206 b. Type II c Correct
c. Type IV
d. Type I
The Philippine forest type that is adapted to growing in steep slopes and in places with a distinct
wet and dry season is the
a. Pine/saleng
b. Diptrocarp
c Correct
c. Molave/molawin
d. Mangrove
The aw requiring LGUs to prepare their comprehensive, multi-sectoral development plan initiated by
their development councils and approved by their Sanggunians is:
a. PD 399
b. Executive Order No. 72
c Correct
c. RA 7160
d. PD 1517
The law regulating the practice of environmental planning is
a. PD 1308
209 b. PD 1517 a Correct
c. PD 957
d. None of the above
The Law proclaiming of land certain areas and types of projects as environmentally critical and
within the scope of the EIS system
a. PD 1586
b. Proclamation No. 2146
a Correct
c. PD 1152
c. DAO 96-37
Reclassification of land in highly urbanized areas, after conducting public hearing for the purpose,
shall be limited to
a. 10%
b. 15%
a Correct
c. 20%
d. 25%
A local legal measure which embodies regulations affecting the land use is
a. Comprehensive Land Use Plan
212 b. Zoning Ordinance b Correct
c. Cadastral Survey
d. tax Declaration
A special locational clearance which grants a property owners relief from certain provisions of the
zoning ordinance where, because of the particular physical surrounding, shape or topographical
conditions of the property, compliance with height, area bulk, setback and/or density would result in
a particular hardship to the owner
a. Certificate of Non-Conformance
c Correct
b. Exception
c. Variance
d. None of the above
A device which grants a property owner relief from certain provisions of a Zoning ordinance where,
because of the specific use would result in a particular hardship to the owner
a. Variance
b. Certificate of Non-Conformance
c Correct
c. Exception
d. Development
This refers to all barangays or portion/s of which comprise the poblacion and other built-up areas
including the urbanizable land in and adjacent to said areas and whereat least 50% of the
population area engaged in non-agricultural activities:
215 a. Central business district b Correct
b. Urban area
c. City center
d. Suburban area
Cities with a minimum population of 200,000 inhabitants as certified by the National Statistics Office
and with latest annual income of at least P 50,000,000 based on 1996 constant prices as certified
by the City Treasurer are called
216 a. Independent component cities c Correct
b. regional centers
c. Highly urbanized cities
d. Component cities
Urbanized began around 4,000 B.C. in the area known as the
a. Fertile Crescent
217 b. Mediterranean a Correct
c. Babylon
d. Asia
The primary factor/s in the location of cities during the Bronze Age along the Indus Valley is/are:
a. Transport
b. Agriculture
c. Defense
e Correct
d. None of the three
e. All of the above
Republic Act 9003, otherwise known as the National Ecological Solid Waste Management Program
seeks to:
a. Promote public health and environment protection
b. Encourage greater private sector participation while retaining the primary enforcement and
232 responsibility with the LGUs e Correct
c. mandates all LGUs to divert at least 25% of all solid wastes from disposal facilities through
reuse, recycling, composting and other resource recovery activities
d. A and C only.
E. All of the above
Under RA 9003, LGUs are required to divert at least 25% of their solid wastes from existing
disposal facilities within a period of:
a. 10 years
b. 2 years
c Correct
c. 5 years
d. 1 year
At the national level, RA 9003 mandates the creation of National Solid Waste Management
Commission under the office of:
a. President
a Correct
The National Solid Waste Management Framework shall be formulated and shall include the
a. Analysis and evaluate of the current state, trends, projections of solid waste management on
the national, provincial, ad municipal levels
b. Identification of critical solid waste facilities
c. Characteristics and conditions of collection, storage, processing, disposal, operating methods,
f Correct
techniques and practices are conducted, taking into account the nature of the waste
d. Proposed sites for sanitary land fill
e. All of the above
f. A and C only
It refers to the discipline associated with the control of generations, storage, collection, transfer and
transport, processing and disposal of solid wastes in a manner that is in accord with the best
principles of public health, economies, engineering, conservation, aesthetics, and other
environmental considerations and
236 which is also responsive to public attitudes d Correct
a. Environmental Impact Assessment
b. Development Planning
c. Waste Segregation
d. Solid Waste Management
The Local Government Solid Management Plan shall include, but not limited to the following
a. City or Municipal profile
b. Waste characterization
c. Collection and transfer
e Correct
d. Source reduction
e. All of the above
f. B and D only
Article 2, Sec 21 of RA9003 provides for the mandatory segregation of solid wastes. Specifically,
the LGUs shall promulgate regulations, requiring the owner or person in charge of premises
238 a. Five residential units c Correct
b. Six residential units
c. Six or more residential units
d. At least ten residential units
The following are the minimum criteria siting of sanitary land fills
a. The site selected must be consistent with the overall land use plan of the LGU
b. The site must be accessible from major roadways or thoroughfares
c. the site should have adequate quantity of earth cover material that is easily handled and
d. The site must be large enough to accommodate the community’s wastes for a period of ten
f Correct
(10) years during which the people must internalize the value of environmentally sound and
sustainable solid waste disposal
e. All of the above
f. All except D
Guidelines for identification of common solid waste management problems and are appropriate for
clustered solid waste management services shall be based on the following:
a. Preference of political leaders
b. Size and location of areas which should be included
c. Volume of solid waste which should be generated
d. Available means of cording local government planning between and among LGUs and for the
g Correct
integrated of such with the national plan
e. Possible life span of the disposal facilities
f. A to E
g. B to E
The LGU shall impose fees in amounts sufficient to pay the cost preparing, Adopting, and
implementing a solid waste management plan. Such fees shall be based on the following minimum
a. Type of solid waste
241 b. Amount/volume of solid waste f Correct
c. Distance of transfer station to the waste management facility
d. Capacity to pay
e. A, B, C, D
f. A to C
Areas with high biodiversity value which shall be closed to all human activity except for scientific
studies and/or ceremonial or religious use by indigenous communities
a. Restoration Zone
b. Habitat Management Zone
d Correct
c. Bypass Zone
d. Strict Protection Zone
Each establishment protected area shall be administered by:
a. Office of the Mayor
243 b. Sanggunian Bayan d Correct
c. Planning Officer
d. Protested Area Management Board
This is an organizational process for determining systematically and objectively the relevance,
efficiency, effectiveness and impact of activities in the light of their objectives
a. Planning
b. Project Identification
d Correct
c. Resource Generation
d. Evaluation
This is undertaken at full development, i.e. some years after project completion when full project
benefits and impact are expected to have been realized.
a. Terminal Evaluation
b. On-going Evaluation
c Correct
c. Ex-post Evaluation
d. Pre-Evaluation
The M&E strategy should carefully examine
a. The contents, i.e. the date and indicators used
246 b. The format d Correct
c. The frequency of existing reports
d. All of the above
A project with negative NPV means;
a. Benefit cost ration is higher that 1
b. Present value of benefits is higher than present value of roots
c. IRR is higher than prevailing interest rate
d Correct
d. discount rate used is higher that IRR
e. none of the above
When projecting market demand for a project, which of the following combination of techniques is
not advisable:
a. Survey/planning standards
248 b. Market testing/time series analysis c Correct
c. Experts’ opinion/census
d. Statistical demand analysis/time series analysis
e. None of the above
This indicate the number of years it would take to recoup the investments in he project
a. payback period
b. retention period
c. return on investment
a Correct
d. profit margin
e. none of the above
Money is more valuable now that tomorrow not because of
a. uncertainty of risk
b. income opportunities now
c. better prospects in the future
d Correct
d. present consumption
e. none of the above