Matlab: Expectation and Goals

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The MATLAB platform is optimized for solving engineering and scientific problems. The
matrix-based MATLAB language is the world's most natural way to express computational
mathematics. Built-in graphics make it easy to visualize and gain insights from data. A vast
library of prebuilt toolboxes lets you get started right away with algorithms essential to your
domain. The desktop environment invites experimentation, exploration, and discovery. These
MATLAB tools and capabilities are all rigorously tested and designed to work together.

Expectation and goals

 The goal of this course is to introduce students to the fundamental concepts of Scientific
Programming using Matlab and we will introduce the necessary mathematical concepts.
 The course will cover the syntax and semantics of Matlab including data types, control
structures, comments, variables, functions, and other abstraction mechanisms.
 Once you complete the numerical part you can learn details idea of image processing.


There are no specific prerequisites for participating in MATLAB training.

 .

Course Schedule
Module Topic Hours
Module 1 Introduction to MATLAB 1 hours
o Brief history and contemporary status of MATLAB
o Use of MATLAB for engineers Lab Session – Building a
simple user interface in Android

Module 2 Explaining the MATLAB GUI interface 4 hours

o Layout of MATLAB GUI interface
o Customizing you own layout

Module 3 Usage of MATLAB Help/ Docs/ Basics 1 hours

o Using help and doc commands
Using online documentation
o Important web links and forums to reach for help
Module 4 Variables and constants 2 hours
o Using MATLAB as a calculator
o Operator precedence
o Assigning and overwriting variables
o Naming a variable (rules and good practices)
o Predefined variables or MATLAB constants
o Reassigning MATLAB constants
o Keeping track of your work session
o Command history
o Integers (controlling the floating points)
o Relational and logical operators

Module 5 Functions (built in) 4 hours

o Introduction to concept of libraries and built in
o Trigonometric functions
o Elementary functions (floor ; round etc)
o Viewing the code of the elementary functions

Module 6 Introduction to Matrices in MATLAB 5 hours

o Creating Matrices
o Array indexing ( accessing and manipulating the
individual values)
o Adding and deleting rows and columns
o Concatenation of matrices
o Using Sub matrices
o Matrix operations (addition; subtraction;
multiplication; division)
o Built-in functions for analysing Matrices

Module 7 Scripts and functions 1

o Making folders
o Creating and executing script files
o Creating and executing function files
o Function files with multiple inputs and multiple
o Function files with
o Modular programming
Module 8 Conditional statements and Loops 1 hours
o If statements (if; if else etc)
o Switch case
o For; While loops
o Nested loops and conditional statements
o Return; break and continue keywords
Module 9 Debugging 1hours
o Importance and introduction of debugging
o Types of break points
o Working with break points
o Examining values during debugging
o Correcting and ending debugging

Module 10 Plotting in MATLAB 4 hours

o Creating and annotating simple plots from vectors
o Adding titles; axis labels and annotations (from
GUI as well as using commands)
o Specifying line styles and colours
o Types of plots (using log axes; histograms)
o Representing multiple datasets in single plots

Module 11 4 bours
o Solving Linear equations and Numerical

Module 12 o Hardware interfacing with Matlab 4 hours

Module-13 o Project 8 hour

 Matlab based sensor data display

 GUI based graphical display

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