TOOLBOX II Version 5.0 Installation Manual

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TOOLBOX II Version 5.

Installation Manual

Please observe Notes and Warnings for your own safety.

Disclaimer of Liability Copyright

Although we have carefully checked the contents of this publication Copyright © Siemens AG 2011
for conformity with the hardware and software described, we cannot The reproduction, transmission or use of this document or its
guarantee complete conformity since errors cannot be excluded. contents is not permitted without express written authority.
The information provided in this manual is checked at regular Offenders will be liable for damages. All rights, including rights
intervals and any corrections that might become necessary are created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design,
included in the next releases. Any suggestions for improvement are are reserved.

Subject to change without prior notice.

Issuing date

D3E-017-1, Edition 03.2011
Installation Manual

Table of Contents

1 Contents of the consignment .......................................................................................... 4

2 Preconditions .................................................................................................................... 4

2.1 Installation............................................................................................................ 4
2.2 Software............................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Virtualization ........................................................................................................ 6
2.4 Hardware ............................................................................................................. 7

3 Installation ......................................................................................................................... 8

4 Adding or Removing TOOLBOX II Features ................................................................. 10

5 Update .............................................................................................................................. 11

5.1 Backup and restore of engineering data............................................................ 11

5.2 Remove a TOOLBOX II version 4.x inclusive database.................................... 12

6 Remove a TOOLBOX II version 5.0................................................................................ 12

7 Create a database backup.............................................................................................. 13

8 Compatibility.................................................................................................................... 13

8.1 TOOLBOX II versions ........................................................................................ 13

8.2 Antivirus scan..................................................................................................... 13

9 Configuration - server / client ........................................................................................ 14

9.1 Configuration TOOLBOX II server ..................................................................... 14

9.2 Configuration TOOLBOX II client....................................................................... 16

10 Web-Engineering............................................................................................................. 17

11 Security ............................................................................................................................ 18

D3E-017-1, Edition 03.2011
Installation Manual

1 Contents of the consignment

Included in contents of the consignment:

1 License Certificate
1 DVD TOOLBOX II version 5.0 for 32bit operating system
1 DVD TOOLBOX II version 5.0 for 64bit operating system
1 Booklet (License Agreement)
1 Booklet (Installation manual)

Optionally included in contents of the consignment:

USB dongle for CAEx plus (PLC für SICAM 1703)
USB dongle for CAEx II (PLC für SK 1703 and Ax 1703)

The installation notes in this document contain important information required to install TOOLBOX II. Read these
notes before installing the software.
1 DVD for 32bit operating system and 1 DVD for 64bit operating system is included in contents of consignment.
Choose the adequate DVD for the installation.

2 Preconditions

2.1 Installation

For the installation of the TOOLBOX II, the following preconditions are required:
• DVD or BluRay-Drive
• Windows Administrator permissions
(Read and Write permissions on the file system and the Windows Registry)
• No other or prior TOOLBOX II has to be installed when installing TOOLBOX II Version 5.0 (see chapter 3,
• NTFS file system
• A C:\-drive must exit
• Minimum 5 GB of free hard disk memory
• Minimum 2 GB installed main memory

• Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86) (automatically installed)
• Windows Installer 4.5 (automatically installed)

D3E-017-1, Edition 03.2011
Installation Manual

2.2 Software

For the operation of the TOOLBOX II, the following operating systems are supported:

Configuration Operating system 32 Bit 64 Bit CAEx II

TOOLBOX II Windows XP Professional (from SP 2) x x

Windows Vista Business (from SP 2) x x
Local and
Windows Vista Enterprise (from SP 2) x x
Server Windows Vista Ultimate (from SP 2) x x
Windows 7 Professional x x
Windows 7 Enterprise x x
Windows 7 Ultimate x x
Windows Server 2003 (from SP 2) x x
Windows 2008 Server (R1) Standard (from SP 2) x x
Windows 2008 Server (R1) Enterprise (from SP 2) x x
Windows 2008 Server (R1) Datacenter (from SP 2) x x
Windows 2008 Server (R2) Standard x
Windows 2008 Server (R2) Enterprise x
Windows 2008 Server (R2) Datacenter x

TOOLBOX II Windows Server 2003 (from SP 2) with TS x x

Windows 2008 Server (R1) Standard with TS (from SP 2) x x
Web Server
Windows 2008 Server (R1) Enterprise with TS (from SP 2) x x
Windows 2008 Server (R1) Datacenter with TS (from SP 2) x x
Windows 2008 Server (R2) Standard with RDS x
Windows 2008 Server (R2) Enterprise with RDS x
Windows 2008 Server (R2) Datacenter with RDS x

SP = Service Pack
TS = Terminal Server Mode
RDS = Remote Desktop Services

Required service pack and all current updates of Microsoft have to be installed.

For the use of TOOLBOX II the following preconditions are required:

• User permissions of the group "User" under Microsoft Windows

• Installed TCP/IP
• Required Windows Regional Options:
─ 'Dot' for decimal separating character and 'comma' for the thousands separating character must be different.
─ No 'single inverted comma' may be used as separating character.
• Use of Windows Fonts in normal size (96 DPI)
• Microsoft Internet Explorer from Version 6.0
• To play online help movies and read related documentation these applications are required:
─ Installed current Microsoft Windows Mediaplayer (
─ Installed current Adobe Acrobat Reader (

D3E-017-1, Edition 03.2011
Installation Manual

The toolset CAEx II can be installed only under Windows XP and Windows Server 2003, because all other operating systems do
not support DOS full screen mode (see table above).
Current information to CAEx II for operation in MS Windows 7:
• TOOLBOX II online help, see chapter „CAEx II | Operation of CAEx II in MS Windows 7“
• Siemens Homepage under Automation, Controls, Protection & Electrical | Automation,
Controls & Protection for Power Transmission and Distribution | Substation Automation | TOOLBOX II in area Downloads
• The installation manual TBII_CAEXII_WIN7_BHB_ENG.pdf is located in root directory of the installation DVD.

2.3 Virtualization

The TOOLBOX II version 5.0 can be virtualized with the following host/guest configuration in an environement of
VMware Inc. (

virtual host operating system guest operating system and

configuration TOOLBOX II license

TOOLBOX II Windows XP Professional (from SP 3) Windows XP Professional (from SP 3)

32 bit 32 bit
or Windows 7 Professional
32/64 bit
Windows 7 Professional
32/64 bit TBII_EMII
TBII_OPMII (optionally)
TBII_PSRII (optionally)
TBII_CAEx_plus (optionally)
TBII_LIVEUPDATE (optionally)

(optionally only with Windows XP Professional)
see hint CAEx II above!

TOOLBOX II VMware ESX 4.1 Windows 2008 Server (R2)

64 bit 64 bit
TBII_LIVEUPDATE (optionally)

TOOLBOX II VMware ESX 4.1 Windows 2008 Server (R2) with RDS
64 bit 64 bit
web sever
TBII_WEB_CAEx_plus (optionally)
TBII_LIVEUPDATE (optionally)

The minimum requirements for the operation of the VMware Guest with regard to processor capacity (performance), main
memory and hard disc memory are like in the table hardware requirements in chapter 2.4, Hardware described.

D3E-017-1, Edition 03.2011
Installation Manual

2.4 Hardware

The hardware requirements differ depending on the operation of the TOOLBOX II.
Thereby it is to distinguish, whether the TOOLBOX II is operated on a local PC or on a client/server configuration.
In addition, it should be pointed out, that with the memory configuration of the PC, the memory requirements and
also the hard disk space of the operating system and all applications running parallel to the TOOLBOX II (e.g.
Microsoft Access, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Outlook etc.) and/or memory usage of onboard graphic adapters have
to be considered.

System RAM Disk CPU

(main memory) (GB)

Core 2 Duo minimum

PC 2 GB 40
2,0 GHz requirement

Core i5
Notebook 4 GB 160
2 x 2,4 GHz

Core i5 recommended
Workstation 8 GB 320
4 x 3,1 GHz requirement

2 x 250 XEON
Server 16 GB
(RAID) 4 x 2,6 GHz

CAEx plus (PLC for SICAM 1703)
For CAEx plus a dongle for USB is required. Therefore a free USB slot is necessary.

CAEx II (PLC for SK 1703 und Ax 1703)
For the operation of CAEx II, a PC with EGA graphics resolution is absolutely necessary. Whether CAEx II operates fault-free on
a PC can be checked with a test program. This test program is located on the Siemens Homepage under Automation, Controls, Protection & Electrical | Automation, Controls & Protection for Power
Transmission and Distribution | Substation Automation | TOOLBOX II in area downloads.
For CAEx II a dongle for USB is required. Therefore a free USB slot is necessary.

D3E-017-1, Edition 03.2011
Installation Manual

3 Installation

For the installation of TOOLBOX II Version 5.0 Windows Administrator permissions are required and no other
TOOLBOX II version has to be installed on host.

A detailed description of all preconditions can be found in chapter 2, Preconditions.
To change from an older TOOLBOX II version (3.11 or/and 4.x) to TOOLBOX II version 5.0 see chapter 5, Update.

Insert the TOOLBOX II Installation-DVD in the drive (32 or 64 bit for used operating system, see chapter 2.2,
Software). The TOOLBOX II setup program will guide you through the installation. The installation installer starts
automatically after inserting the TOOLBOX II DVD. If you have disabled this function on your computer, start the
setup program with the MS Windows Explorer by double-clicking on the SETUP.EXE in the root directory of your
DVD drive.
Follow the instructions on the screen in order to install the TOOLBOX II.

Read and accept all license conditions of installation wizard and enter user name and organization.

D3E-017-1, Edition 03.2011
Installation Manual

You can choose between the following two types of installation:

• Standard
Installation of a local TOOLBOX II with the packages EM II, PSR II, OPM II and CAEx plus.
• User-defined
Select the packages and tools to be installed (EM II, PSR II, OPM II, CAEx plus, CAEx II, Live Update). Select a
multi-site license and/or a server-configuration for the installation optionally.

CAEx II can be installed only in Microsoft Windows XP and Microsoft Windows 2003 Server (see chapter 2.2, Software).

In the following dialog, please enter the necessary activation keys.

D3E-017-1, Edition 03.2011
Installation Manual

Please choose a language to install TOOLBOX II. All desktop Icons are installed in this language and cannot be
changed later. During working with TOOLBOX II the current language can be changed with the toolset TOOLBOX II
preset to another language (german or english).

Click Install to start the installation. Depending on the installed components, a reboot of the system might be
required and will be initiated by the setup.

Start TOOLBOX II from the Start menu. Choose Start > Siemens Energy > TOOLBOX II and the adequate tool.

4 Adding or Removing TOOLBOX II Features

You have the possibility of subsequently adding or removing individual tools (e.g. CAEx plus). To do this, choose
the following method:

Adding or Removing of TOOLBOX II features is only possible with Windows Administrator permissions. The local data base has
to be preset.

1. Select in control panel the entry program and functions (Windows 7) and/or software (Windows XP). Select
the entry TOOLBOX II and click on the button or pop up menu CHANGE.
2. Choose in the following dialog the option CHANGE and click on NEXT
3. Activate or deactivate individual tools and click on NEXT
4. Enter the necessary activation key and click on NEXT

The TOOLBOX II Installation executes the changes performed.

D3E-017-1, Edition 03.2011
Installation Manual

5 Update

A direct update of an installed TOOLBOX II version to TOOLBOX II version 5.0 is not possible.
This chapter describes only an update of TOOLBOX II version 4.x. Engineering data of TOOLBOX II version 3.11 Service Pack 6
has to be imported in TOOLBOX II version 4.x at first.

The following steps are necessary to update from an older TOOLBOX II version to TOOLBOX II version 5.0:

1. Backup all engineering data with Data Distribution Center

(see chapter 5.1, Backup and restore of engineering data)
2. Remove installed TOOLBOX II 4.x version inclusive database
(see chapter 5.2, Remove a TOOLBOX II version 4.x inclusive database).
3. Installation of TOOLBOX II version 5.0
(see chapter 3, Installation)
4. Restore of engineering data with Data Distribution Center
(see chapter 5.1, Backup and restore of engineering data)

5.1 Backup and restore of engineering data

Please do not forget to backup all engineering data with Data Distribution Center before updating TOOLBOX II.

To backup engineering data these two possibilities exist:

• Backup all engineering data per customer with standard function "Export“ of Data Distribution Center in menu
"Action" (*.001 file)
• Backup all engineering data of the whole database with special function “Export engineering data“ of Data
Distribution Center (see menu "Tools“).

These function is only available in TOOLBOX II version 4.10 SP3 Hotfix 14 and stores all engineering data of
current TOOLBOX II (local database) to an existing empty directory.

Hint: Hotfix is located in root directory of installation DVD (4_10_0003_14.EXE).

In TOOLBOX II version 5.0 a new function "Import engineering data“ is available in Data Distribution Center.
After an new installation of TOOLBOX II version 4.10 please use this function to restore all engineering data
saved as described above.

• Befor restoring there have to be no engineering data in the data base.
• The local data base has to be preset.
• Do not export or import engineering data in a remote desktop session.
• Windows Administrator permissions are required.

D3E-017-1, Edition 03.2011
Installation Manual

5.2 Remove a TOOLBOX II version 4.x inclusive database

Befor removing it is recommended to create a backup of the installation pc and/or the whole data base of the consisting
TOOLBOX II Version 4.x (see chapter 7, Create a database backup).
All TOOLBOX II data are removed unrecoverable.

The directory C:\SAT inclusive all sub directories is also removed completely.

The following steps are necessary to remove TOOLBOX II version 4.x inclusive database.

1. Click on the Windows START-Symbol and then in the context menu on SETTINGS and CONTROL
2. Click on the symbol ADD OR REMOVE PROGRAMS, select the entry TOOLBOX II and click on the button
or context menu CHANGE.
3. Mark REMOVE and click on NEXT.
4. Confirm the inquiry to delete the local database with YES and click on NEXT.
5. Confirm the additional security inquiry to remove the entire TOOLBOX II and the local database with YES
and click on NEXT.
6. The removal of the TOOLBOX II with the deletion of the local database is started with the button REMOVE.

6 Remove a TOOLBOX II version 5.0

Please do not forget to backup all engineering data with Data Distribution Center before updating TOOLBOX II.

The following steps are necessary to remove TOOLBOX II version 5.0.

1. Click on the Windows START-Symbol and then in the context menu on SETTINGS and CONTROL
2. Select in control panel - according Windows version - the entry to uninstall programs, select the entry
TOOLBOX II and click on the button or context menu CHANGE.
3. Mark REMOVE and click on NEXT.
4. Confirm the additional security inquiry to remove the entire TOOLBOX II and the local database with YES
and click on NEXT.
5. The removal of the TOOLBOX II with the deletion of the local database is started with the button REMOVE.

D3E-017-1, Edition 03.2011
Installation Manual

7 Create a database backup

Use to back up the whole database the command TBIIDBBACKUP with a backup directory (from TOOLBOX II
version 4.x). Start the command TBIIDBBACKUP with DOS Command Prompt in the root directory of TOOLBOX II
Installation DVD.


Restore of a database

For restoring a database backup please contact the Siemens E D E A Customer Support Center

Tel.: +49 180/524 70 00

Fax: +49 180/524 24 71


8 Compatibility

8.1 TOOLBOX II versions

The engineering and consequently the acquisition and modeling of the plant data represent high value capital
From this consideration it naturally follows, that existing engineering data of the existing TOOLBOX II version 4.x
(backup/export files) can continue to be used and can be imported into the new TOOLBOX II version 5.0.
Backup/Export-Files, that have been created with version 5.0 cannot be imported into earlier versions
(< TOOLBOX II version 5.0).

When importing backups of earlier versions (< TOOLBOX II version 5.0) existing function diagram data of CAEx plus are
automatically converted to the new version of TOOLBOX II version 5.0.
Depending on the scope of the engineering data, this procedure can take some time.

8.2 Antivirus scan

The TOOLBOX II is compatible with most antivirus programs.

We recommend Trend Micro Office Scan.

D3E-017-1, Edition 03.2011
Installation Manual

9 Configuration - server / client

It is possible to operate a TOOLBOX II Installation as server (database). Thereby the following conditions must be
fulfilled on the server and client.

9.1 Configuration TOOLBOX II server

The following preconditions are necessary on the server:

1. Version of the TOOLBOX II Installation

Ensure, that the same TOOLBOX II Version is installed on the server and client.

2. Network connection from the server via TCP/IP to the clients

Verify the network connection with the following DOS-command:
PING <Hostname of the client > | <IP-Address> e.g. PING
You determine the hostname on the client with the DOS-command HOSTNAME or the
IP-Address with the DOS-command IPCONFIG.

3. ORACLE configuration:
With a standard installation, the correct Oracle configuration is set automatically during the installation.
The database is stored in installation path (<\TOOLBOX_II_INSTALLDIR\>).
In the directory of the TOOLBOX II installation drive
<\TOOLBOX_II_INSTALLDIR>\DB\ORA11R2_CL\NETWORK\ADMIN among other things there is the
With problems, ensure that in this configuration file for ORACLE the hostname of the server is entered
correctly. You can open and edit this file with the Windows NOTEPAD.


(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = <HOSTNAME> oder <IP-Adresse>)(PORT = 1522))


D3E-017-1, Edition 03.2011
Installation Manual

4. Drive for CAEx II engineering data

Create a directory \TBIIDATA and enable this for other users in the network under the name 'TBIIDATA'
(network resource). Assign the network resource 'TBIIDATA' a free drive letter.
You need this drive for plant data that are not stored in the database (CAEx II).
In the customers and system technique wizard, this drive letter must be specified as CAEx II drive (changes
are possible in the plant management).

5. Security Settings (Firewall)

Ensure, that with firewall installed and activated, the server does not block the Oracle PORT 1522, so that
the access to the server database can take place.
Ensure, that by enabling network resources on the server, the TCP-Ports 139 and 445 are not blocked.

TOOLBOX II – Client 1

TOOLBOX II – Client 2




A simple TOOLBOX II client / server operation (1 client and 1 server) can also be realized without server-license.

D3E-017-1, Edition 03.2011
Installation Manual

9.2 Configuration TOOLBOX II client

The user must preset the server database on the TOOLBOX II client in the tool presets TOOLBOX II.


The following preconditions are necessary on the client:

1. Version of the TOOLBOX II installation

Ensure, that the same TOOLBOX II version is installed on the server and client.

2. Network connection from the client via TCP/IP to the server

Verify the network connection with the following DOS-command:
PING <Hostname of the server > | <IP-Address> e.g. PING
You determine the hostname on the server with the DOS-command HOSTNAME or the
IP-Address with the DOS-command IPCONFIG.

3. ORACLE database connection from client to server

Verify the Oracle database connection from the client to the server with the following DOS-command:
TNSPING <Name of the database-server > | <IP-Address> e.g. TNSPING or TNSPING TBII
With problems, check the file TNSNAMES.ORA described in the following point.

4. ORACLE configuration on the client

The database is stored in installation path (<\TOOLBOX_II_INSTALLDIR\>).
In the directory of the TOOLBOX II installation drive
<\TOOLBOX_II_INSTALLDIR>\DB\ORA11R2_CL\NETWORK\ADMIN, among other things there is the
Replace the entry COMPUTERNAME_SERVER with the hostname or the IP-address of the Server. You
can open and edit this file with Windows NOTEPAD.



5. Drive for CAEx II engineering data

In the customers and system technique wizard, as CAEx II drive, that drive letter must be specified which is
linked with the enabling of the engineering data on the server (changes are possible in the plant

D3E-017-1, Edition 03.2011
Installation Manual

10 Web-Engineering

It is possible to operate the TOOLBOX II with the Remote-Desktop-Connection. Thereby the remote desktop clients
work with a central terminal-server, on which the TOOLBOX II is installed.

On the client, no TOOLBOX II installation is necessary. The function can be used from Microsoft standard
application Remote-Desktop-Connection (All Programs | Accessories | Communications).

As server, a Windows server with Remote Desktop Services (Windows 7) or Terminal Server Mode (Windows
XP) has to be installed (see supported operating systems chapter 2.2, Software).

On this server a TOOLBOX II installation is then performed with additional server and web-server license. A
detailed description of the configuration of the web-server and the client can be found in the
Online Help (chapter


LAN/ /


Server & Web-Server

Web-Engineering with CAEx plus requires in addition a special CAEx plus web-server license. This also includes a special
CAEx plus web dongle.

D3E-017-1, Edition 03.2011
Installation Manual

11 Security

In the following chapter, all necessary security settings - TCP Ports – are described for the operation of the
TOOLBOX II in combination with a Software-Firewall or Hardware-Firewall respectively.

The following scenarios are to distinguish:

• TOOLBOX II client / server - Operation
• Communication TOOLBOX II – 250 SCALA
• Remote operation of a TOOLBOX II computer with SICAM 1703 and Ax 1703 automation units
• TOOLBOX II web-server with web CAEx plus dongle
• File enabling

Firewall Port Direction Source-IP Target-IP

Configuration (optional)

TB II – peer server TCP 1521 incoming TB II client TB II peer server

TCP 1522 ab
TB II 4.0

TB II – 250 TCP 1721 incoming TB II client 250 SCALA PC


TB II – 250 TCP 2131 incoming TB II client 250 SCALA PC

(start OPM from 250) outgoing

TB II – 1703 TCP 2001 incoming TB II client SICAM 1703

e.g. ET0x Ax 1703

File Sharing TCP 139 incoming TB II client TB II server

TCP 445

TB II (web) server TCP 3047 incoming TB II client TB II (web) server

with CAEx plus UDP 3047 outgoing
web dongle

Parameter loader 20000 incoming TB II client TM 1703 mic

TM 1703 mic outgoing

Firmware loader 20001 Incoming PC client TM 1703 mic

TM 1703 mic outgoing

A detailed description of the configuration of the server and the client can be found in the Online Help (chapter
General – Security Settings).

Current information can be found on our homepage under Automation, Controls,
Protection & Electrical | Automation, Controls & Protection for Power Transmission and Distribution | Substation Automation |
TOOLBOX II in area downloads.

D3E-017-1, Edition 03.2011

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