Interline 955+wp+eng PDF
Interline 955+wp+eng PDF
Interline 955+wp+eng PDF
Page 1 Release Date:12-Jul-06
Ref: SM/GD
Interline 955
Working Procedures DEFG
• Any hot work or welding must be completed before surface preparation commences.
• Tanks are often subjected to hydrostatic testing and if this is carried out using salt or
brackish water then this test must be followed by fresh water washing. In these
conditions the maximum allowed total soluble salt contamination before application of
Interline 955 is 5µg cm-2. Where coatings as are used for storage of aqueous media
(e.g. distilled water) then a lower salt contamination level of 2.5µg cm-2. is
recommended to prevent premature failure due to osmotic blistering. International
Protective Coatings recommends ISO 8502, Part 6, as a suitable test procedure
HEALTH & SAFETY Interline 955 contains flammable organic solvents which can form explosive mixtures with
air and additionally may contain materials which may necessitate personal protection
against potential health hazards. A summary of the main precautions to be taken
• Attention to the dangers of explosion or fire.
• Provision of adequate ventilation (see Section F).
• Ensure that tanks and surrounding areas are flame and spark free.
• Provide painters or operatives with the correct respiratory protection.
• Ensure correct protective clothing is worn to avoid skin contact.
• The safety advice provided is applicable to the surface preparation, application of
the lining and inspection. It is not intended to be comprehensive and is a guide
based on accumulated knowledge of the hazards involved, the proposed use of
safety equipment and evolved safety procedures.
• Full details of the H&S requirements for this material are given in the Interline 955
Health & Safety Data Sheets.
General Site Requirements
Prior to any work being carried out there are a number of conditions which must be met.
a) Cleanliness
Any contaminants which may come in contact with the steel (even before surface
preparation commences) can compromise the performance of a tank lining system,
and as such all effort must be made to keep the working area clean. It is good
working practice to establish a clean area around the entrance to the tank where
clean footwear can be put on prior to entering the vessel. If clean footwear is not
readily available then disposable overshoes can be worn for short periods.
Cleanliness must be maintained throughout all stages of the application.
b) Weather Shelters
Weather shelters should be made available to cover application equipment during
mixing and application of material.
c) Power Source
Generator and sufficient fuel for entire contract to power all the equipment required for
the application, i.e. compressors, lighting etc.
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Ref: SM/GD
Interline 955
Working Procedures DEFG
d) Paint Storage Facility
Interline 955 should be stored ideally between 10ºC and 25ºC and facilities should be
made available to store the materials in the correct temperature range prior to mixing
and application.
e) Dehumidification
Surfaces to be lined must have a temperature at least 3ºC above the dew point,
immediately following blasting and priming, and during lining application, and must
also remain in this condition during curing of the lining. To achieve this requirement
heating/dehumidification may be necessary.
As a guide, relative humidity levels of 40-60% give optimum installation conditions,
although some lining applications may be carried out between 25% and 80% relative
humidity. The requirement for dehumidification is dependent on prevailing
environmental conditions and the actual lining being applied, Consult International
Protective Coatings product data sheets for recommendations.
When dehumidification is being used, provision must be made for continuous 24 hour
operation to maintain the environment at the required levels throughout the contract.
f) Ventilation
During the blast cleaning operation, ventilation is necessary to allow adequate
visibility for safe working. Flexible ventilation trunking should be used to allow
extraction of the dust immediately adjacent to where blasting is being carried out.
Ventilation should be maintained during lining application and while solvent is
released during drying of the lining. The air movement should be sufficient to prevent
the vapour concentration exceeding 10% of the Lower Explosion Limit (LEL).
Product Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) should be referred to for details of
Required Air Quantity (RAQ) to ventilate to 10% of LEL. These figures can be found
in Section 9 of the MSDS.
In order to calculate the RAQ to ventilate to 10% of LEL for 1 litre of mixed paint
(RAQM) the following method is used:
X = Mix ratio Base : Curing Agent by volume (e.g. if the mix ratio is 49:1 by
volume, the X will be 49).
B = RAQ to ventilate to 10% LEL for Base component (m3/litre).
C = RAQ to ventilate to 10% LEL for Curing Agent component (m3/litre).
X 1
RAQ M (m 3 /litre) = x B + x C
X +1 X +1
Ventilation rate required depends on the application rate of the paint in litres/hour.
If Y = Number of litres of mixed paint applied per hour
Ventilation Rate (m3/hour) = RAQM x Y
Note: Thinning of Interline 955 is not permitted.
As a guideline International Protective Coatings recommend a minimum of 2 air
changes per hour to ensure good visibility and a safe working environment.
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Ref: SM/GD
Interline 955
Working Procedures DEFG
Diameter (m) Tank Construction Minimum Air Changes/Hour
30 Floating Roof 5.7
(2m from Floor)
50 ↓ 2.0
20 2.6
Cone Roof
30 (10m High) 1.1
50 0.4
• For other tank sizes the RAQ calculation on previous page should be used.
• To minimise dry-spray formation caused by excessive air movement the ventilation
level may be reduced during application – paint application rate should then be
adjusted to ensure 10% of Lower Explosion Limit is maintained.
• Ventilation should also be used during the curing period to maintain the correct
climatic conditions for the coating. If in doubt consult International Protective
• As with all processes, the ventilation equipment must be intrinsically safe during
operation. Abrasive dust and solvent vapour should not be reintroduced to the
tank. A positive pressure greater than normal atmospheric should be maintained
inside the tank. Provision should be made for 24 hour surveillance of ventilation
g) Heating
Interline 955 must only be installed when steel temperatures are above the minimum
temperature indicated on the Interline 955 product data sheets.
If heating is necessary to satisfy the lining specification, it should be by means of a
heat exchange system incorporated into the dehumidified air supply, i.e. air admitted
to the tank should not pass directly through a combustion chamber. Provision should
be made for 24 hour surveillance of heating equipment.
h) Lighting
Lighting during blasting and lining installation must be intrinsically safe and provide
suitable illumination for all work. Ideally, lighting should be by powerful spotlights with
background lighting on at all times in the interest of safety. Powerful, hand-held
spotlights should be provided for inspection work.
STEELWORK To provide a surface which will ensure optimum lining performance, preparation is
PREPARATION required to remove surfaces which have a sharp edge. These include, but are not limited
to, plate edges, weld spatter, plate laminations, weld undercuts, or gas cut surfaces.
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Ref: SM/GD
Interline 955
Working Procedures DEFG
INSTALLATION OF • Prior to the application of the Interline 955 system, it is recommended that precoated
STRIKER PLATES striker plates are installed under any tank equipment that could cause mechanical
damage to the lining system, namely column roof supports, floating roof legs, roof
drainage systems or internal pipework.
• Installation of these striker plates is done before the general surface preparation to
minimise the contamination from the roof during the jacking operation to install the
• Striker plates are to be made from appropriate gauge plate and be of sufficient size as
to fit existing plates. If striker plates do not exist, the plates shall be of sufficient size to
extend 15cm (6 inches) in all directions from the roof support base.
• The new plates shall be blasted on both sides to Sa2½ ISO 8501-1:1988 or SSPC
SP10. These plates shall be primed on both sides with the specified Interline primer
masking off a 5cm (2 inches) area on all sides at the leading edge on top. The top
surface of the plate should be coated with the full Interline 955 system as originally
The completed plate is ready for installation to the tank bottom.
• Raise the support column to allow installation of precoated striker plate. When the
support column has been raised, apply an even coat of an appropriate Interline caulk
to the bottom side of the precoated plate and to the prepared area underneath the
support on the tank floor. Centre the plate under the support column and lower the
jack. Remove excess caulk.
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Ref: SM/GD
Interline 955
Working Procedures DEFG
• Abrasive used for blasting should be dry and free from dirt, oil, grease or contamination
and have content of water soluble matter not exceeding 0.05%.
• The abrasive must be capable of producing the standard of cleanliness and surface
profile specified.
• For tank lining a sharp angular profile is required, consult individual product data
sheets for minimum required profile. This can be achieved by hard angular abrasive of
particle size 1.0-1.5mm(0.04-0.06 inches) using an efficient blast cleaning technique.
Procedures to be adopted by the contractor for blast cleaning should be agreed with
International Protective Coatings.
• Iron or steel abrasives are not recommended for in-situ open blasting. This is to
prevent corrosion occurring at sites where spent abrasive is deposited and not fully
Automatic Floor Blasting
• Automatic blasting using centrifugal wheel machines is recommended for floor blasting.
The abrasive selected must be from blended shot and angular abrasive to achieve the
specified profile and standard.
• Before initial blast inspection, the bulk of the spent abrasive should be removed. Any
substandard areas should be identified and repaired. All marking paint, chalk etc.,
must be removed after rectification.
• Following inspection of the blast profile and standard, remaining traces of abrasive and
dust should be removed from all areas. Industrial vacuum cleaners fitted with brushes
should be used – sweeping alone is not acceptable. Blowing down with compressed
air is not recommended due to the potential of contamination.
• Cleaning should be carried out on any area on which debris or dust can collect, to
avoid contaminating surfaces to be coated including scaffolding, underside of lowered
floating roofs, support columns etc.
• The steelwork for lining application should be rechecked after the final cleaning
process is finished.
HOLDING PRIMERS • Linings should always be applied to blasted surfaces with a visual appearance in
accordance with the specified standard.
• Under practical conditions, a holding primer may be used to aid the blasting
programme. Holding primers must be compatible with the lining system and applied at
the specified film thickness to avoid introducing a weakness into the system.
• If practical, normally in small vessels only or in larger tanks where small areas will be
blasted and then coated after a short period, the blast standard may be maintained by
use of dehumidification only. If maintaining standard by this method the standard must
meet the requirements stipulated in the individual product data sheets.
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Ref: SM/GD
Interline 955
Working Procedures DEFG
STRIPE COATING • Stripe coating is an essential part of good working practice, and as such should form
part of any lining specification. The number and sequence of stripe coats are
highlighted in the recommended technical specification.
• Stripe coats are applied to areas where it is difficult to get the required coverage,
including but not limited to:-
¾ Plate edges
¾ Welds
¾ Pipes
¾ Ladders
¾ Difficult access areas
• Stripe coats are normally applied to a specified film thickness range via a combination
of narrow angle airless spray and brush methods. Overcoating intervals for the stripe
coats should be strictly adhered to as per the individual product data sheet.
LINING APPLICATION This material is suitable for application through normal airless spray equipment only.
Brush or roller may be used for touch-up or for application to difficult access areas only.
Available air pressure and capacity of spray equipment should be at least 5.0kg cm-2 and
7.0m3 per minute (70 p.s.i. and 250 c.f.m.).
Airless spray equipment should be in good working order. Pump ratios of 45:1 or greater
should be used as a minimum. Output pressures and tip sizes as stipulated on the
product data sheets should be used. Where possible Teflon seals should be fitted to the
airless spray unit.
It is recommended that 10mm (3/8”) nylon lined fluid hose is used for pumping this material
to maintain sufficient volume of product and gun pressure. A short whip end of 6mm
diameter (¼”) (maximum 1m length) may be added to the paint line and a suitable swivel
connected to the line and paint gun to ensure ease of application.
Interline 955 should be applied in accordance with specification sheets.
Interline 955 is a specialised coating system and as such special attention should be take
to the application of the material.
Mixing Procedure
(a) For Material Below 25ºC
No retarder is required at these temperatures. Using a suitable mechanical stirrer
incorporate approximately half of the initiator (TEA150) for 2 minutes. Add the
remainder and mix until uniform. Allow to stand for approximately 3 minutes until
any foaming subsides.
(b) For Material Between 25ºC and 35ºC
One unit of retarder (retarder) should be used at this temperature range. Fully
incorporate the retarder into the base component using mechanical stirrer. This
material must be added before the initiator (allow to stand for approximately 15
minutes). Add the initiator as described in (a) above.
(c) For Material above 35ºC
Material should be refrigerated to below 25°C.
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Ref: SM/GD
Interline 955
Working Procedures DEFG
Spray Procedure
Prime the pump, before application of the paint, by flushing thoroughly with GTA853
(minimum 2 litres depending on set up). Begin pumping the mixed material and discard
the first litre before commencing spray. Once spraying is underway regular flushing (once
every 2-3 hours) is recommended using GTA853 to prevent build up of curing material.
Cleaning Procedure
Thoroughly flush the airless spray unit with GTA853. It is recommended that this is
circulated through the equipment for ~15 minutes to ensure all glass flake is removed.
INSPECTION On completion of installation, the final coating should be inspected using a suitable non-
destructive magnetic gauge to verify the average total applied system thickness.
The coating system should be free of pinholes and other defects. A final inspection
should be carried out using a high frequency spark type Holiday Detector. The instrument
shall be set at 100 volts per 25µm (1 mil) thickness.
REPAIR Any holidays discovered should be repaired. Consult International Protective Coatings for
suitable repair procedure.
POST-CURING Post-cure of Interline 955 is possible and the following procedure must be followed:-
• Allow to cure for a minimum of 12 hours.
• Raise the temperature within the vessel to between 60ºC and 80ºC (not more than
100ºC) using dry heat.
• Maintain this temperature for between 6 and 8 hours.
CURING In order for any lining to perform as expected, sufficient cure time must be allowed before
placing into service. The length of time required is dependent on the coatings intended,
in-service use, substrate temperature, and relative humidity. Consult International
Protective Coatings for details.
The recommended temperature and humidity as specified on individual product data and
system sheets must be maintained over a 24 hour basis throughout the cure cycle. As a
guideline, a minimum temperature of 10ºC should be maintained for a minimum of 7 days.
This value will change depending upon the material to be stored and International
Protective Coatings should be consulted.
The information given in this sheet is not intended to be exhaustive and any person using the product for any purpose other than that specifically recommended in this sheet without first
obtaining written confirmation from us as to the suitability of the product for the intended purpose does so at his own risk. Any warranty, if given, or specific Terms & Conditions of Sale are
contained in International’s Terms & Conditions of Sale, a copy of which can be obtained on request. Whilst we endeavor to ensure that all advice we give about the product (whether in
this sheet or otherwise) is correct we have no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate or the many factors affecting the use and application of the product. Therefore,
unless we specifically agree in writing to do so, we do not accept any liability whatsoever or howsoever arising for the performance of the product or for any loss or damage (other than
death or personal injury resulting from our negligence) arising out of the use of the product. The information contained in this sheet is liable to modification from time to time in the light of
experience and our policy of continuous product development.
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Ref: SM/GD