API 62 - Section 9

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9.1 System Design

The insulation system shall be designed to:

a) not fail under the specified or calculated static and dynamic loads;

b) maintain product boil-off at or below the specified limit at the specified climatic conditions;

c) maintain components (such as those of an outer tank) at or above their minimum design temperature;

d) minimize condensation and icing;

e) prevent soil freezing (in combination with the tank foundation heating system for foundations on grade);

f) prevent ingress of moisture (in combination with other tank components);

g) be purged (loose fill and blanket insulation) during commissioning and decommissioning.

9.2 General Requirements

9.2.1 Tests of materials are required to ensure that their properties (thermal conductivity, strength, density, etc.) are
adequate. See 9.8 for specifications.

9.2.2 A detailed testing, installation and inspection plan shall be submitted by the Tank System Contractor to the

9.2.3 Insulation shall be protected, particularly from moisture, during shipment, storage, installation, tank hydrotest
and while in service.

9.2.4 For liquid oxygen tanks, insulation shall be noncombustible.

9.3 Load Bearing Bottom and Thermal Corner Protection (TCP) Insulation

9.3.1 System Design

The insulation shall be designed for static and dynamic compressive and shear loads. These loads include weight,
earthquake, and tank movement due to commissioning and decommissioning and filling and emptying.

9.3.2 Materials

Permitted materials for bottom and TCP insulation include brittle materials (cellular glass), materials subject to creep
but with closed cells (polyvinyl chloride, etc.) and, for ring beams, high load bearing materials. For concrete ring
beams, refer to ACI 376.

9.3.3 Detailed Design Structural design of insulation shall be based on allowable stress or limit state design. For limit state design,
follow EN 14620–4 Annex C.


Copyright American Petroleum Institute

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9-2 API STANDARD 625 For brittle materials the minimum safety factors based on fully effective interleaving materials are as follows.

a) Normal Operation—3.0 relative to nominal compressive strength.

b) Hydrotest—2.25 relative to nominal compressive strength.

c) OBE Earthquake—1.25 relative to lower specification limit compressive strength.

d) SSE Earthquake—1.0 relative to lower specification limit compressive strength. For brittle materials with open surface cells, an interleaving material shall be applied to develop the
compressive strength of the material. System tests shall have established the effectiveness of the material used and
the bearing capacity shall be reduced by that effectiveness. Interleaving materials other than asphalt Type III or IV
shall be tested or shall have been previously tested to include the following.

a) Blocks shall be selected from the same production run.

b) Halves of a minimum of ten blocks shall be used for the control tests and the other halves for the interleaving

c) Control tests shall be per ASTM C240 to duplicate the tests basis of the material manufacturer.

d) Tests with the interleaving material shall be per ASTM C240 except for sample preparation.

e) Each compressive strength grade shall be tested separately. For materials subject to creep, the permissible load shall be established in accordance with EN 14620-4,
Section The thermal design of the ring beam and any underlying insulation shall prevent temperatures from going
below the minimum design temperature of the bottom or liner under the ring beam.

9.3.4 Installation Insulation joints shall be staggered with minimum gaps. Insulation shall be installed over a leveling layer of concrete or sand and topped with a layer of concrete,
sand, or other material. Sand, if used, shall be clean, free flowing, non-plastic, free of organic matter, have a maximum chloride
content of 500 ppm, and no greater than 5 % shall pass a number 200 sieve. Sand, if used, shall also have a maximum installed moisture content of 5 % by weight (measured
immediately prior to covering with insulation or bottom plate). For brittle insulation materials, an interleaving material shall be applied between layers, above the top layer
and below the bottom layer. The interleaving material shall be butted and not lapped except that the interleaving
material above the top layer may be lapped.

Copyright American Petroleum Institute

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9.4 External Wall and Roof Insulation

9.4.1 System Design

External wall and roof insulation systems include rigid insulation covered by a weatherproofing and vapor barrier or by
sealed jacketing that acts as a vapor barrier.

9.4.2 Materials Insulation weatherproofing or jacketing shall be chosen to resist site conditions such as marine or polluted
atmospheres. Exposed weatherproofing shall have a flame spread index not greater than 25. Jacketing covering the shell insulation shall be metal.

9.4.3 Detailed Design Weatherproofing or jacketing shall be attached to resist wind and dislodgement by fire hose streams. The attachment of the insulation and vapor barrier shall be designed to accommodate the dimensional
changes of the tank. Steel tanks (except stainless steel) shall be painted or coated prior to insulating.

9.5 Internal Wall Insulation

9.5.1 System Design Internal wall insulation systems include:

a) loose fill (e.g. perlite) in the annular space;

b) insulation applied to the outer surface of the inner wall or the inner surface of the outer wall, or both. The two system types above may also be used between double dome roofs.

9.5.2 Design, Installation and Testing of Loose Fill Insulation Control of perlite pressure shall be as follows. For metallic inner tanks, a compaction control system shall be installed to limit pressure on the inner tank
due to filling/emptying and commissioning/decommissioning.

Comment: A compaction control system typically consists of a resilient blanket on the inner tank wall. If resilient blanket is not installed (e.g. liquid oxygen tanks), the inner tank shall be designed for the
uncontrolled perlite pressure. The Purchaser shall specify the number of commissioning/decommissioning cycles.
The Tank System Contractor shall demonstrate by calculations or tests that the design pressure is conservative. The method of supporting and attaching any blanket insulation to prevent failure due to loose fill drag friction
shall be submitted by the Tank System Contractor to the Purchaser. The outer layer shall have a high tensile facing or
be covered with glass cloth or another material.


Copyright American Petroleum Institute

Provided by IHS under license with API Licensee=Chevron Corporate Wide/1000001100
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9-4 API STANDARD 625 Loose fill shall be compacted to the specified density by vibration during installation. A loose fill volume above the annular space extending to the outer roof shall be provided. This volume shall
not be less than 4 % of the loose fill volume in the annular space. A partition shall be provided on suspended deck
designs unless loose fill is also used on the suspended deck. Loose fill filling nozzles shall be provided so that loose fill may be added in service. This also applies to loose
fill between double dome roofs. Tests shall be conducted during production and installation of the material (see 9.2.1 and 9.2.2).

9.5.3 Design of Sprayed-on Insulation Attached to the Walls Insulation shall not disbond from the wall on contact with spilled product. The insulation attachment shall be designed to accommodate the tank movements.

9.6 Suspended Deck Insulation

9.6.1 If loose fill is used, deck seams shall be sealed.

9.6.2 For products and atmospheric conditions where condensation can occur in the space above the deck, the
insulation shall be designed so that it cannot be affected by the condensation.

9.7 Penetration and Internal Piping Insulation

9.7.1 Roof nozzle connections containing internal cold vapor or liquid process piping shall be provided with thermal
distance pieces where required to hold the roof to near ambient temperature at the point of penetration. Insulation
shall be provided between the thermal distance pieces and the cold line.

9.7.2 Cold vapor or liquid process piping between the roof and a suspended deck shall be insulated.

9.8 Specifications for Insulation

9.8.1 The following ASTM specifications shall be used in the supply and testing of insulation.

a) For cellular glass: C165, C177, C240, and C552.

b) For perlite: C549.

Comment: Information on perlite is available at www.perlite.org.

c) For resilient glass fiber blanket, C764.

9.8.2 Specifications for insulation materials subject to creep, e.g. polyvinyl chloride, shall be proposed by the Tank
System Contractor and approved by the Purchaser.

Copyright American Petroleum Institute

Provided by IHS under license with API Licensee=Chevron Corporate Wide/1000001100
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 08/26/2010 08:59:56 MDT

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