An impressive and consistent career growth record is every professional’s dream, a dream that most would do
anything for. Yet, many believe that achieving professional success is an impossible feat requiring complex
Machiavellian maneuvering. Contrary to popular opinion, there is no mystic mantra for achieving career success.
The strategies for achieving career growth and success combine plain old hard work, planning, and common sense.
This article examines a few such strategies.
Professional development
Learning never ends, they say. Continuously investing in professional development -- training programs,
professional associations, education, certifications, reading professional literature, and the likes -- will help you
stay abreast with the latest advancements in your field, and also a step above the competition. Set aside an annual
budget (if your employer doesn’t sponsor) for your professional development and growth.
Challenge yourself
Top professionals constantly challenge and reinvent themselves, pushing the bar to achieve more every time. If
you are able to produce 100%, try for 110%. Constantly challenge yourself to achieve more every time.
Although success doesn’t come overnight, common sense, hard work, and careful planning is what it takes to
catapult even an ordinary career to enviable heights.
20 Powerful Tips For Career Growth
Hi folks,
I found this interesting article in the net, which is worth revealing... have a look at this.....
3. Learn the skills you'll need to advance. Take advantage of on-the-job training, but don't rely
exclusively on that. Consider taking (and paying
for) skill-enhancing courses on your own.
4. Be loyal to your boss, your team, and your company. (Yes, you can be loyal without being a
5. Be patient and don't expect to be promoted without demonstrating your abilities over time.
6. View the big picture and understand your company's mission. Find ways to help them
accomplish it.
7. Save money for your company by identifying ways to boost revenues, reduce expenses, or
streamline processes.
10. Don't be afraid to say "I don't know." If you don't know something, say so; don't try to fake
it. Find the answers you need.
11. Take responsibility for your actions . If you're at fault, admit it and take the blame. If you're
wrong, apologize.
12. Never gossip . Gossip can hurt the careers of two people: the person being talked about, and
the person doing the talking.
13. Never say "That's not my job." Don't think you are above anything. Pitch in and set a good
example, especially if the job is one that nobody else wants to do. Your willingness to do so will
be noticed and appreciated!
14. Share the credit . People who share credit with others make a much better impression than
those who take all the credit themselves.
15. Ask for help when you need it . Don't let a difficult task get out of hand. When you need
help, ask for it -- before things get worse.
16. Keep your dislike to yourself . If you don't like someone, don't let it show. Never burn
bridges or offend others as you move ahead in your career.
17. Don't hold grudges . Life isn't always fair. If you were passed over for promotion, didn't get
the project you wanted, etc., let it go. Be gracious and diplomatic, focus on the future and move
on. Harboring grudges won't advance your career.
18. Be humble . When you're right, don't gloat about it. Never say "I told you so!"
19. Make others feel important. Compliment others, emphasize their strengths and contributions,
and help them whenever you can. They will enthusiastically help you in return.
20. Join associations and professional organizations (like this forum ) related to your career. In
addition to helping you learn more about your industry, this can provide invaluable networking
opportunities. (Which might come in handy if your employer isn't promoting!)
Hope you found this interesting. Let me know your comments...have a great day !!!
Anu Vaish