Practical List 2018-19 Class 11: Input/Output Python Program

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1. Write a python program to print the area of a circle of radius 3.75 meters.
2. Write a simple python program to obtain length and breadth of a rectangle and
calculate the area.
3. To obtain temperatures of 07 days and then display average temperature of the
4. Write a program to compute area of square and triangl
5. WAP to display age is greater than 18 or not
6. Write a program to compute simple interest.
7. WAP to find Person is senior citizen or not, input age
8. WAP to find which no is greater no in 3 numbers
9. WAP to check whether a number is divisible by 5 and 11 or not.
10. WAP to display Digit in text (0 to 9)
11. WAP to Check given character is vowel or not.
12. Write a python program to check whether the year is leap year or not.
13. Write a program to print roots of a quadratic equation ax2 + bx +c=0
(where a≠0).
14. Write a menu driven program to calculate:
1. Area of circle[A=πr2]
2. Area of square [A=a*a]
3. Area of rectangle[A=l*b]
15. WAP to input marks in 3 subjects,compute average and then calculate grades as
per following guidelines:
Grade Remarks MArks
A Level 4,above agency-normalized standards 80% and above
B Level 3,at agency-normalized standards 70-79%
C Level2,Below but approaching agency- normalized 60-69%
D Level 1-well below agency-normalized standards 50-59%
E Level 1- too below agency-normalized standards 40-49%
R Remedial standards 39% and below

1. WAP to display sum and average of all numbers from 1 to 20.
2. WAP to display Square and cube of all numbers from 1to 20.
3. WAP to display all even and odd numbers from 1 to 100 and their sum.
4. WAP to print the following
5. WAP to print following pattern
6. Take an integer input N from the user. Print N Fibonacci numbers. Recall that
Fibonacci series progresses as 0 1 1 2 3 5 8…
7. Take an integer input N from the user. Find Factorial of N and print it .
8. Print first 10 prime numbers.
9. Take an integer input N from the user. Print the table of N.
10. WAP to check whether the given number is palindrome or not.

String Manipulation

1. Write a loop that prints out the index of every ‘i’ in ‘Mississippi’.
2. Using endswith() and startwith() function print the character used in the start
and end of a string.
3. Write a python program to enter a string and a substring. It should then display
the number of occurrences of the given substring in the line.
4. WAP that inputs a word and prints “Yes it starts!!”if the given word starts with
5. Write a python program to print elements of a list [ ‘q’,’w’,’e’,’r’,’t’,’y’] in
separate lines along with element’s both indexes.
6. WAP to replace a character in a string.
7. Program to print whether a given character is an uppercase or a lowercase
character or a digit or any other character.
8. Write a python program to enter a string.
9. Write a python program to enter a string in smaller case and convert it into upper
10. Write a python program to replace one string with the other string.
11. Write python program to enter a string and then enter a character and check the
frequency of that character in that string.
12. Write a python program that receives the index and returns the corresponding
13. Write a python program that inputs two tuples and creates a third that contains
all elements of the first followed by all elements of the second.
1. WAP that returns the largest even number in the list of integers. If there is no even
number in input, print ”No even number”.
2. WAP that prints the sum of the even indexed elements of L, minus the sum of the
odd-indexed elements of L.
3. WAP to find the median from a given list.
4. WAP to find the mode, from a given list.
5. Write a python program that inputs a list of numbers and shifts all the zero’s to right
and all non-zero numbers to left of the list.

1. WAP to print the alternate elements of a tuple T.
2. WAP to print every 3rd element of a tuple T, raised to power 3.
3. Write a python program that inputs two tuples and creates a third that contains
all elements of the first followed by all elements of the second.
4. WAP that takes a tuple with words in “Pig Latin" and translates it back to original
5. WAP that input a number n and creates a tuple containing: n, 2n, 3n and 4n.

1. Write a program to create a phone dictionary for the students of class XI and print
their Index values.
2. WAP that users a dictionary that contains ten usernames and password. The
program should ask the user to enter their username and passwords. If user name
is not in the dictionary, the program should indicate that the person is not a valid
user of the system. IF the user name is in the dictionary, but the user does not enter
the right password, the program should say that the password is invalid. If the
password is correct, then the program should tell the user that they are now logged
into the system.
3. Create a nested dictionary that stores the marks details along with student names
and then prints the output.

1. WAP to perform insertion sort on a given lists of strings.
2. WAP to perform bubble sort on a given lists of strings.
3. WAP to perform sorting on a given list of strings,on the basis of just the first
letter of the strings. Ignore all other letters for sorting purposes.

PGT CS, KV Sidhi

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